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Name: Epifania Alexia

Nim: AAA 117 001

The Reasons Why I Want To Be A Teacher

Every human must have their own dream. They will ask with their self "What
do I want to be when I grown up?". It is very hard question for everyone, so Am I. It
is so confusing question, at 5 years old maybe when someone asked me, i will answer
a doctor. My answer will always different every year because I am not really know
what I want. At the age of seventeen, finally I found what I really want to be in the
future. The answer is a teacher. Three major reason why I want to be a teacher are
enjoying spend time with children, having to improve the quality of education, and
being a long life learner.

The first reason why I want to be a teacher is enjoying spend time with children.
Being a teacher require me to always stay close with children, and I do not mind with
that. Because I love children. They make me feel younger. Their laughter, mischief,
and imagination will fulfill my life with happiness. Each day will be exciting for a
teacher because the teacher always surrounded with the children.

The second reason is having to improve the quality of education. I think a teacher
is the person who effect the quality of education in this country. If I am a teacher, I
will motivate my students to keep on learning, so they become a strong generation
which help the future of this country. I will implant what I have learnt and my
experienced over the years to my students no matter their race or religion. By giving
the students the best education, the teacher will contribute to the development of this
country in the future.

The last reason why I want to be a teacher is being a long life learner. I think I
will never have a better understanding about a material than when I want to teach
about it. Teaching suppose the teacher to adapt with the ever changing world. The
way students communicate with other also have change in this world. A Teacher will
face different students with different interesting question everyday, as a result the
teacher should comprehend deeper and read more about the material that the student
curious about. They have to know more and learn more to sharpen their skill that can
help them to teach their student.

In conclusion, to be a teacher, is what i want to be in the future. Enjoying spend

time with children, having to improve a quality of education and being a long life
learner are three reasons which make me want to be a teacher. If I am a teacher, I will
give my best effort to my student. Because I have three reasons why I choose this

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