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2.Being healthy
3.A good job
4.Good friends
6.Having fun

Ruth is a lot older than a typical Dj.She likes going to clubs.
Fraser is a lot younger than a typical millionaire.He likes
making jam.

She is in her 70s.She has silver hair and bright-red
lipstick.They think that she is cool.

Page 15

His company is SuperJam.He started his company when he
was 16.His charity organizes tea parties for old people with
live music and dancing.

Grammar spot
1.The tenses used are the Present simple and the Present
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Ruth;’m doing,’s planning,is..making,’m having.
Fraser;is growing,’m writhing,’re trying.

2.He makes a lot of money and he has his own company refer
to all time.
She’s making another single and she’s having a good time
refer to now.

Have got
Ruth;I’ve got,they’ve got
Fraser;I’ve got
Have got is more informal and more spoken.

Ruth Flowers
1.What does Ruth do?
-She’s a DJ.
2.Where does she work?
-She works in clubs in Europe.
3.How many children does she have?
-She has one son,and she also has a grandson.
4.What sort of music does she like?
-She likes Queen and the Rolling Stones,and she also likes
electro and dance music.
5.Why does she like young people so much?
-Because they’re so energetic and enthusiastic.
6.What shes doing at the moment?
-She’s planning another European tour,and she’s making a
new single.

Fraser Doherty
1.What does Fraser do?
-He has his own company that makes jam.
2.How much does he earn?
-He earns more than his parents.
3.How many jars of jam does he make every year?
-He makes half a million jars a year.
4.Whose recipe does he use?
-His grandmother’s.It’s a secret recipe.
5.What’s he writhing?
-He’s writhing a cookbook.
6.What’s he trying to do?
-He’s trying to get into the American market.

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Have and have got are usually possible with little or no
difference of meaning.
I have a sister - I have got a sister.
Got forms of have are informal, and are most common in the
present.Do is not used in questions and negatives with got.

Note that have and have not are only used in the present
simple. In the past tense, only had is used.Had not is not

"Have you got" is more common in British English than "Do
you have", but "Do you have" is much more common in
American English than "Have you got"!
The two are used for the same purpose,however,”Have you got”
is somewhat less formal and is popular in American English.

Have you got any pets?

-Yes,I have.
Have you got a bike?
-No,I haven’t.
Have you got a laptop?
-Yes,I have.
Have you got a camera?
-Yes,I have.
Have you got an Ipod?
-Yes,I do.
Have you got a credit card?
-Yes,I have.
Have you got any brothers or sisters?
-Yes,I do.
Has the teacher have a big bag?
-No,she hasn’t.
Have your parents got a holiday home?
-Yes,they have.
1.What time is it?I don’t know.Sorry.
2.I’m thirsty.I need a drink.
3.I love your bag.Where did you get it?
4.I think Thomas is stupied.
I don’t agree.I think he’s very clever.
5.Her English isn’t very good.I don’t understand her.
6.He’s very rich.He owns a house in Mayfair.
7.You look sad.What’s the matter?
8.Sorry I forgot your birthday!Don’t worry.It doesn’t matter.
9.I’m 74 years old.
I don’t believe you!You don’t look a day over 60!
10.I don’t understand learn by heart.What does it mean?

1.Angela lives with her parents.
2.Where do you go on holiday?
3.She doesn’t work here anymore.
4.He’s at the bus stop.He’s waiting for a bus.
5.I like black coffee.
6.I haven’t got a phone.

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1.Play games on my PlayStation.
2.Go out with my friends.
3.Download music and films.
4.Send emails and texts.

1.Shop for clothes online.

2.Have a lie-in.
3.Relax in front of the TV.
4.Meet friends for a drink.

1.Listen to music.
2.Go out for a meal.
3.Get a takeaway pizza.
4.Do nothing.

1.Read magazines.
2.Chat to friends online.
3.Go to the gym.
4.Watch a football match live on TV.


I like listening to music while drawing.

I love relax in front of tv watching my fav serial.


1.I like shopping in the High Street,but mainly I shop online.

2.When a hear a band I like,I download their music from the
3.I listen to music on my Ipod when I go jogging.
4.I spend hours chatting to friends online,even though I’m
with them all day at school.
5.Sometimes I like to chill out at home and do nothing.
6.I’m always so tired after work I just want to relax in front of
the TV.
7.On Saturdays,I have a lie-in,and don’t get up till midday.
8.Do you want to cook tonight,or shall we get a takeaway
9.It’s Pete’s birthday tonight,so we’re going out for a
meal.Indian,i think.
10.I like keeping fit.I go to the gym three times a week.

listening music,relax in front of the TV,get a takeaway
pizza,shop for clothes online.


I wake up, make coffee, grab some ice cubes and since this is
a perfect day I’m just gonna throw in that I have exactly
enough ice cubes, the tray doesn’t break when I bend it, and it
doesn’t spill when I refill it. I take my coffee to my room,
where my dog lays asleep, calmy, gently wagging her tail
when I walk in.I scroll through Insta as I drink my coffee. I
text my friends to let them know I’m up.
Page 18
1.What does happiness depends on?
-Your happiness depends on how you see yourself,what you
want from life,and how well you get on with other people.
2.What do you need to know about yourself?
-You need to know what sort of person you are,and what
makes you happy.
3.How can you learn to be happier?
-You can be learn to change the way you think and behave,to
make yourself happier.

1.Your enjoyment of life.
2.Happiness with yourself.
3.Your health.
4.Your relationship.

My highest score is in the first one.
52-About average.

1.$25,000 per year is all we need to make us happy
- not true at all.
2.Buying things doesn’t make us happy.
-about 50/50.
3.Experiences such as holidays and living abroad do make us
4.Be happy with what you have.Stop wanting what you
haven’t got.
-mainly true.
5.Enjoy what you’re doing.
Page 20

I live in a big house,a have a lot of neighbours,I know all of
them,they are so nice to me and my family.

always says hello,doesn’t make too much noise,invites me to
parties,feel at home in my house,sometimes comes round for

Page 21

1.What a beautiful day is today!
-Yes,beautiful,isn’t it!
2.Are you having a good time in London?
-Yes,I am.It’s a very interesting city.
3.Have a good weekend!
-Thanks!Same to you.
4.Did you have a nice weekend?
-Yes,i did.It was really good.
5.What are you doing tonight?
-Nothing special.
6.How’s your mother these days?
-She’s OK,thanks.
7.Did you watch the football last night?
-No,i didn’t.I missed it.
8.I like your shoes.
-Thank you!
9.If you have a problem,just ask me.
-Thank you very much.

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