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Design Philosophy for Cooling chambers

Submitted by
Alok Meena


In this paper, I would like to investigate the design philosophy that motivates the construction of zero
energy cooling chambers for low income rural households

Firstly, I would examine the place this product has in the design worldview
articulated as "the house is a machine to live". Specifically, I will examine the
role of household machinery like electric refrigerators in the manner we
considered homes and look at the cooling chamber as an alternative. Secondly,
at the structural level, I will want to explore the general paradigm of
decentralised system and how the cooling chamber furthers help us to promote
of the decentralization. Third, I want to capture the basic idea of zero energy by
looking at its history and examining how it is different or similar to the more
general approach of sustainable design.Fourth, from an industrial design
perspective , I want to see to what extent we can look at the proposed design of
Zero energy cooling chamber as an art/craft /industrial object.
Concept given by Heideggers , he defines the two technical term Present-at-Hand and Ready-
to-Hand are technical terms . Present-At-Hand refers to theoretical understanding of things/
objects . It's the organisation of the world from where enginnering starts. Ready-To-Hand
refers practical connection with things/ objects. Idea behind these term to connect it with
cooling chamber comes into my mind to help the villagers. Rural people have Ready-to-Hand
idea for cooling pot which means people already have Ready-to-Hand idea about cooling
chamber. Being inspired fron the Ready-to-Hand idea, engineers want to design the cooling
chamber this giving the Present-At-Hand perspective . Present-at-Hand Idea to make design
better, efficient, reliable and economical to peoples.

This case study ( cooling chamber) help us to make other understand the difference between
Ready-to-Hand and Present-at-Hand Idea .

As we all know india is the world largest producer of many fruits and vegetables. In India there
are large numbers of small farmers who work on their agricultural land to grow vegetables for
their daily need .
Sometimes there is large production of some vegetables and fruits which is much high than the
need, so the small farmers were not able to sell their vegetables and fruits in the market at the
proper price , some of the farmers get loss and sometimes they come from far places to the
market to sell them in the market due to excessive availability. Also, some farmers throw their
vegetables in the garbage or feed it them to animals near the mandis.
Taking this problem into the account on the behalf of small farmers small cold chambers were
prepared, so that small farmers can preserve and store their vegetables and fruit for longer
duration .
Small farmers cant afford the cold house and large cooling chamber because their cost of
installation is too much high and till right now some of the village dont have electricity and
they cant afford that price.
So ZERO ENERGY CONCEPT is the best way to resolve their problem.

Is the house a machine for living? Nowadays , house is not equivalent to empty house , it is
equivalent to house and household machinery. Earlier house are treated as empty house with
no external machinery people have alternative way for machine works.This shift of house into
house + household machinery is the paradigm shift in the present scenario.

Mathematical representation House= House+ Household Machinery

House ≠ Empty House

We have technical solution by analysing our solution again we are looking for the different
problems which are been solved by this zero energy solutions? The household machinery are
totally dependent on the electrical power system. The power system ( electrical supply of
energy ) is centralised system and we are handicupped over it totally especially in urban
areas.For the refrigeration system electricity is required which cost regularly and other
problems like voltage fluctuations.powet grid failure die to some reasons naturally too can
damage the our refrigerator. Zero Energy Cooling Chamber help us to decentralised which is the
technical paradigm of decentralisation.

Compare to extent different technologies depend on the centralised system? Here we critised
the Centralised system!! But it's good to have centralised system in some place for making
distribution efficient and for high productivity . The theme of Centralised v/s Decentralised
system is the constrained features of our Technical Design.

What do you understand by the word ZERO Energy? It doesn't violates the First law of
thermodynamics and Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy. Is the word zero energy a
Market Tag ?

Role of production and product design of the cooling chamber. On which principal the cooling
chamber works and what are essential commodities required to build it up and how it functions
and design of cooling chamber?


1. Vigyan, J Krishi."Zero Energy Cool Chamber, Low Cost Storage Structure for Vegetables and
Fruits in Churachandpur District of Manipur"ResearchGate,January

2.Kaushlendra, K. "Impact report on construction of Pusa Zero Energy Cool Chamber for
farmers"Changemakers, 30 May 2012 ,

3. Prof. Susanta, K Roy."On-Farm Storage Technology Can Save Energy And Raise Farm Income"
UCANR Web ,8 April 2009 ,

4. General Information on EnergyPedia. Evaporative cooling chamber,

5. General Information on IARI, Low Cost Storage TechnologyFor Presevention Of Horticulture

Produce And Food Grains ,

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