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You Don’t Have To Leave!

The 5 Siren Island Coaching Steps

Jane Took To Get Jim’s Commitment

Rori Raye
The 5 Steps Jane Used To Get Jim’s
Remember the article? How Jane loved Jim but couldn’t get to
the “next step” in their relationship?

Jane loved a man named Jim, who was really happy with the way things
“Leave things the way they are…” was his message…only things were
going nowhere for Jane.

If you’re in a situation anywhere near like Jane’s, you’ve probably

endured that same advice Jane got from her friends (and even a
They all told her to “give up” and “leave him” – except for the
friends (and therapist!) who told her to “be super nice and just go
along with him until he makes up his mind….”

Only thing is – I know that you, like Jane, don’t WANT to “go.”
And no woman should have to feel miserable with the way things “are.”
The 5 Steps
With the help of Rori Raye coaches on Siren Island, Jane used
these 5 steps to help turn her relationship with Jim around.

1. Jane stopped trying to choose either the “leave-or-stay”

direction to go in.

She stopped seeing her situation with Jim in "black and white, either/or
- or as requiring ANY kind of "choice"!
Siren Island coaches taught Jane another way of being with Jim, giving
her a clear set of instructions to create a whole new dynamic with him.
Instead of feeling trapped in the little "box" of either walking away or
trying to accept whatever crumbs Jim threw her, jane was learned the
Siren concept of "Warmth" and "Distance.”
She stopped seeing her situation with Jim in "black and white, either/or
- or as requiring ANY kind of "choice."
Siren Island coaches taught her how to build out emotional,
psychological and actual "Distance" from Jim - where she now
began the baby-steps of inspiring herself to feel stronger and
happier "outside" of Jim in a way that made him want to get
closer to her.
And they taught her (and walked her through - every day!) the words,
body language and actions that helped Jane stay completely open and
WARM to Jim - NO MATTER WHAT - whenever he DID come close.
This meant: No matter what was going on, no matter what Jim said or
did, she would "unzip" her heart, feel all her feelings - anger, joy, love,
fear, all of it - and stay open to him.
Now she had a plan, plus support from Siren Island, every day.

2. She stopped trying to TEACH Jim how to be a better man.

Instead, she focused on how SHE was feeling.
Jane thought she “knew” how she was feeling: frustrated, in love, angry,
sad, worried, scared – AND, in actuality, Jane only “thought” those feelings.
She wasn’t actually “feeling” ANY of them!
Every time the thought of an intense feeling like anger or pain began to come up,
she fought it down.
She hid her sad behind her angry, she hid her angry behind a smile.
She wanted to be “above” all those icky feelings, so she was basically
“trying” all the time to be “cool” when she was really turning herself into a
She was so focused on the “problem” of bringing Jim in closer and getting
his commitment, she couldn’t stoop the anxiety from eating at her, and
couldn’t stop how it was having the reverse effect on Jim.
To start the “feeling” process, Jane began, with the help of Siren Island coaches,
to catch herself "closing down" around the things Jim said or did.
She learned how to stay open to him - no matter what was happening, and
no matter how she was feeling.
She discovered that she HAD no "inner space" of her own. No place inside
herself where she could “plant herself” around Jim.
And with no place to “plant” herself, Jane discovered that she had no way to find
any of her feelings except the anxiety!
And she was creating more and more frustration and anxiety just knowing that
the anxiety was doing her no good.
3. So, Jane learned to go INTO her feelings instead of trying to
run from them.
She learned how to find and stay planted in her very own "space," where she
could open her mind, heart and body to Jim instead of going after HIS mind, heart
and body.
Instead of going back and forth - like the "pacing" she’d been mentally
doing to either try to change Jim and her situation, or leave them – she
began experiencing the new feeling of not trying to “fix” her feelings.
For the first time, she had a new experience of not “judging” and assessing
herself, Jim and her situation.
She was beginning to “Fall In Love With It” – with herself, her feelings (even the
unpleasant ones) and with Jim’s moods, actions, words – everything she’d been
running from and frustrated by.
Now, after learning the Rori Raye “Third Way” and getting personally coached on
Siren Island how to "work" the Third Way in her own unique style - she began to
sink into herself instead of always wanting to sink into Jim.

As she began to Fall In Love with everything going on - even her

terrible-feeling fear and rage - Jane began to trust herself more and
Soon, even when she felt so scared or angry she was shaking!, she began to
radiate a kind of serene self-confidence she’d had no idea she possessed.

4. Now, the Siren Island coaches taught Jane how to “speak”

what she was feeling.
Even more: she learned to speak right away, at the moment she started feeling
And now, she had words to use that expressed her feelings without ever even
implying that Jim was ever wrong or at fault.
Instead, Jane learned to communicate and share her OWN “Feeling State."
Once she began getting used to this new way of “being” and speaking, she
lost interest in looking for a solution to things, or a cause for things, or even
seeing anything as a "problem" to begin with.
This new way of seeing her situation lightened her emotional load.
She started feeling lighter inside, more capable and confident, and started
noticing that Jim was noticing these small “shifts” happening inside and outside
He’d stopped running from HER!

5. Now, instead of trying to "talk" Jim into getting closer and

more committed to her – the Siren Island coaches taught Jane
how to simply "Settle Him In."
As Jane began to step back and trust herself, Jim began to move in closer.
Knowing (because the coaches on Siren Island were always in touch with her) that
when Jim moved in closer she would likely feel even more frightened at the new
high-stakes level of their relationship - Jane simply stayed with her "Steps."
So gracefully it didn’t even seem like “trying” anymore, Jane found herself
becoming the "cool girl," without ever losing her new-found warmth.
She opened up drawers and closet space for Jim, and to her shock, he never
said a word about it. He just put his clothes in the drawer and the closet.
She took her overnight bag out and stood by the door whenever Jim
decided he’d head out to “his place” – and he just took her with him.
After a while, he just stopped trying to separate himself from Jane, because he
was feeling so much happier when he was WITH her!
The great thing about Siren Island is that it works with you, giving you new ideas,
new Tools, new ways to go as your situation and circumstances continually
As you begin to radiate a brand new, appealing “vibe,” all the men around you –
especially the one you’re in closest contact with – will change.
His emotional response to you will change.
And the Siren Island coaches will be able to continually upgrade and shift how
you’re reacting, what you’re saying and doing, and keeping you supported and
sane – no matter what’s going on in your life.
If you’re just getting back into the dating “game,”
…if you’re suffering from a break up and don’t want to date at all,
…if you’re in love and feel deeply committed to a man who isn’t doing the
job for you,
…if you’re married and not getting your needs met –
Siren Island coaches and I can help you.
And, they can help you as you shift from one circumstance and situation to

If you’d like to be walked through a “solve” for YOUR love situation

by Rori Raye coaches - and even Rori herself, try out Siren Island for
a full 7 days. Only $1, and then just $33 each month you’re on The
Sign up now and start changing your relationship.
You can end your subscription at any time - there’s no commitment –
and yet, we know you’ll find the coaching and support on Siren Island
Once you lock in your subscription, you can
stay on the Island for $33/month no matter
how much the price gets raised. Go here to
try out Siren-Island->

See you on The Island!

Love, Rori

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