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● Majority vote required for a plan change/implementation

● Meeting time Monday/Tuesday at 2:30pm
● Task distribution is done voluntarily
● Let people finish speaking before responding
● Take turns doing food runs
● Respond to emails/group chats
● Can be amended by majority vote


We, the Sustainability Squad, have reached consensus on the following list of rules as well as
systems for maintaining them:

Article I. - Meetings & Procedures

Section I. We will meet at 2:30 PM on Mondays that we do not have BUS 590, and Tuesdays at
2:30 PM directly following MKT 522, if necessary. A majority, 4 people, is necessary in order to
set a meeting at one or both of the times.
Section II. Everyone agrees to conduct themselves in a respectful and positive manner at all
times. It is important to: be on time and prepared for each meeting, let others finish speaking
before responding, listen to all different viewpoints and opinions, and encourage each group
member’s participation.
Section III. When making decisions to move forward with a plan or changing an existing one, it
will be done by group consensus or if necessary a majority vote.
Section IV. We recognize the importance of being available and responsive through phone
and/or email. Additionally, we will use GroupMe and Google Docs to ensure effective team
communication and collaboration.

Article II. - Task Distribution

Section I. Assigning responsibilities will be done very flexibly and mostly voluntarily. If
necessary, we will “draw straws” for larger or more difficult projects that may be time consuming
and/or difficult. If simpler, we will divide up the responsibilities into pairs and work collectively to
achieve the goal.

Article III. - Amendments

Section I. Amendments are to be proposed in a written statement and be brought forward by

any member of the group. If there is a second member that desires to enact the amendment it
will be called to a vote immediately following the proposal. A majority, 4 people, is needed to
pass the proposed amendment. If successful, the amendment will go into effect immediately.

We, the undersigned hereby agree to abide by these rules. We will bring up for discussion in our
group and perceived violation of our rules. If dissatisfaction or problems persist, we agree to
pursue dispute resolution processes as specified above or as determined by the course

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