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Principle of Inheritance and Variation
Linkage and Crossing over 17/12/2018

1. Some genomic representation of skin colour are given below

(i) AA bb CC
(ii) AA bb cc
(iii) AA BB CC
(iv) aa bb cc
Which of the option is correct for showing the darkness of colour of the skin in
decreasing order
(a) i → iv → ii → iii
(b) iii → ii → i → iv
(c) iii → i → ii → iv
(d) i → iii → ii → iv
2. The gene interaction when one gene masks the effect
(a) Complementary gene action
(b) Supplementary gene action
(c) Duplicate gene action
(d) Epistasis
3. Human skin colour is controlled by several gene pairs. Left us assume here that there
are just three gene pairs on different chromosomes and that for each pair there are two
alleles – an incompletely dominant one that codes for melanin deposition. If a very dark
skinned person marries a very light skinned woman, what will be the chance that their
offspring will have dark skin
(a) 0
(b) 1/4
(c) 5/8
(d) 9/64
4. The phenotypic ratio obtained in quantitative inheritance of a dihybrid cross is
(a) 1 : 2 : 1
(b) 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 1
(c) 1 : 6 : 15 : 20 : 15 : 6 : 1
(d) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1

5. Coupling and repulsion are the two faces of
(a) Crossing over
(b) Linkage
(c) Chiasmata
(d) Mutation
6. Linked gene are separated by
(a) Pleotropy
(b) Epistasis
(c) Continuous variation
(d) Crossing over
7. Which of the following animal was selected by Morgan for studying linkage
(a) Apis indica
(b) Agrobacterium tumafaciens
(c) Drosophila melanogaster
(d) E. Coli
8. In morgan`s experiments linkage, the percentage of white eyed, miniature winged
recombinants in F2 generation is
(a) 1.3
(b) 37.2
(c) 62.8
(d) 73.2
9. Two genes R and Y are located very close on the chromosomal linkage map of maize
plant. When RYY and rryy genotypes are hybridized, the F2 segregation will show
(a) Higher number of the recombinant types
(b) Segregation in the expected 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio
(c) Segregation in 3 : 1 ratio
(d) Higher number of the parental types
10. The number of linkage group in E. coli / is /are
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 5
11. Crossing –over occurs in the
(a) Leptotene stage
(b) Pachytene stage
(c) Anaphase stage
(d) Diakinesis stage

12. Mendal observed that some characters did not assort independently. Later researches
found it to be due to
(a) Crossing –over
(b) Linkage
(c) Dominance of one trait over the other
(d) Amitosis
13. Recombination is involved in the process of
(a) Synapsis
(b) Chiasmata
(c) Transformation
(d) Crossing over
14. The scientists who have given the theory of linkage are
(a) Morgan and Castal
(b) Beadle and Tatum
(c) Watson and Crick
(d) Bateson and Punnet
15. Which of the following is the most suitable medium for culture of Drosophila
(a) Ripe banana
(b) Cow dung
(c) Moist bread
(d) Agar agar
16. Crossing over in diploid organism is responsible for
(a) Dominance of genes
(b) Linkage between genes
(c) Segregation of alleles (genes)
(d) Recombination of linked allele (genes)
17. Linkage was first observed in
(a) Field pea
(b) Sweet pea
(c) Pea
(d) Grass pea
18. What is the unit of crossing over
(a) Cistron
(b) Muton
(c) Recon
(d) None of the above

19. Number of linkage group in Pisum sativum is
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 9
20. What will be the number of linkage groups in a cell having 2n = 20
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) Zero
(d) 20

1. Ans.(c) iii → i → ii → iv
2. Ans.(d) Epistasis
3. Ans.(a) 0
4. Ans.(b) 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 1
5. Ans.(b) Linkage
6. Ans.(d) Crossing over
7. Ans.(c) Drosophila melanogaster
8. Ans.(b) 37.2
9. Ans.(d) Higher number of the parental types
10. Ans.(c) 1
11. Ans.(b) Pachytene stage
12. Ans.(b) Linkage
13. Ans.(d) Crossing over
14. Ans.(a) Morgan and Castal
15. Ans.(a) Ripe banana
16. Ans.(d) Recombination of linked allele (genes)
17. Ans.(b) Sweet pea
18. Ans.(c) Recon
19. Ans.(c) 7
20. Ans.(b) 10

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