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living organisms does it shows?

(a) Movement (b)

CGM Response to stimuli (c) Growth (d) Locomotion.
TUTORIALS 10. A group of similar organisms which can freely
VENUE: ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN PRY. SCHOOL. interbreed to produce a fertile offspring is called?
IGAN ROAD, AGO-IWOYE. (a) Community (b) Species (c) Genus (d) Phylum.
TIME: 20 MINUTES 11. Who is considered as the father of taxonomy?
(a) Aristotle (b) Linnaeus (c) Earnst Haeckel (d)
1. The main difference between human cheek cells 12. What is tautonym? (a) These are the repeated
and onion peel cells is? (a) Presence of cell wall in sequences (b) It is a name of fish (c) Identical name
onion peel cells (b) Presence of mitochondria in of genus and species (d) It is a name of the genus.
onion peel cells (c) Absence of endoplasmic
13. If two organisms belong to the same phylum,
reticulum in cheek cells (d) Absence of the plasma
they must also be in the same? (a) Class (b) Species
membrane in cheek cells. (c) Family (d) Kingdom
2. The Cell theory is not applicable to (a) Fungi (b)
14. Rattus rattus is (a) Tautonym (b) Autonym (c)
Algae (c) Virus (d) Microbes
Synonym (d) Homonym.
3. The fluid-like substance inside the cell membrane
15. Phylogeny means?(a) Structural similarities (b)
in which all cell organelles are floating is? (a)
Evolutionary relationship (c) Histological
Cytoplasm (b) Tonoplasm (c) Karyoplasm (d) Cell
relationship (d) Functional similarities
16. Digestive Enzymes are Present in? (a) Ribosome
4. Which of the following cell organelles is expected
(b) Lysosomes (c) Liposomes (d)n Mitochondria.
in a bacterium? (a) Nucleus (b) Endoplasmic
reticulum (c) Cell membrane (d) Golgi apparatus.
17. Ribosomes helps in (a) Photosynthesis (b)
Protein synthesis (c) Lipid Synthesis (d) Respiration.
5. Virus are conditional living things. (a) Strongly
agree (b) Agree (c) Strongly disagree (d) Disagree.
18. The sedimentation constant of ribosome in
prokaryotes is generally 70S. Its breaks up into two
6. In terms of basic cell structure, what do an
subunits whose sedimentation constants are (a)
elephant and mango tree have in common? (a)
50S and 20S (b) 40S and 30S (c) 60S and 10S (d) 50S
They are both eukaryotes (b) They both have
and 30S.
nucleus (c) They both have mitochondria (d) All of
the above.
19. The main difference between animal and plant
cell is that (a) Animal cell lack rigid cell wall (b)
7. Homo sapiens is the scientific name of Human
Animal cells have vacuoles (c) Plant cell lack rigid
beings. These two names refer to which groups? (a)
cell wall (d) Plant cells have small vacuoles.
Homo - Genus sapiens – Species (b) Homo - species
sapiens – Genus (c) Homo - Class sapiens – Order (d)
20. A cell without a cell wall is termed as (a)
Homo - Order sapiens – Class.
Tonoplast (b) Protoplast (c) Symplast (d) Apoplast.
8. What is the correct order of the groups in a
21. Photosynthesis occurs in (a) Chloroplast (b)
hierarchy used by Carolus Linnaeus? (a) Kingdom -
Golgi body (c) Endoplasmic reticulum (d) Nucleus.
Class - Phylum - Family - Genus - Species – Order (b)
Kingdom - Phylum - Class - Order - Family - Genus –
22. What is the by-product of photosynthesis? (a)
Species (c) Kingdom - Order - Phylum - Family -
Oxygen (b) Carbon Dioxide (c) Glucose (d)
Genus - Species – Class (d) Kingdom - Class - Phylum
- Family - Species - Order – Species.
23. Which of the following enzyme is used to cut
9. When Mimosa pudica is touched, it leaves
DNA molecule in rDNA technology. (a) ligase (b)
automatically folds up. Which characteristics of
phosphatase (c) ribonuclease (d) restriction
24. Restriction enzymes are also called (a) biological 35. Which of the following defines the given
scissors (b) molecular shovels (c) molecular knives statement – “Any relationship between organisms
(d) all of these of different species in which one organism is
inhibited or destroyed while the other organism
25. Which of the following statements are true remains unaffected”? (a) Neutralism (b) Mutualism
regarding rDNA technology (a) rDNA technology is (c) Commensalism (d) Amensalism.
used to obtain large number of copies of specific
DNA fragments (b) rDNA technology is used to 36. Which of the following is correct according to an
obtain large quantities of the protein produced by exclusion principle? (a) Both the organism
the concerned gene (c) rDNA technology is used to competing for the resource exist (b) The organism
integrate gene of interest into chromosomes where with slowest growth rate will displace the other (c)
it expresses itself (d) all of these. The organism with fastest growth rate will displace
the other (d) Both organisms will equally survive.
26. The DNA molecule to which the gene of insert is
integrated for cloning is called (a) carrier (b) 37. Symbiosis and mutualism are same. (a) Agree
transformer (c) vector (d) none of these. (b) Strongly Disagree (c) Disagree (d) Strongly
27. The mechanism of intake of DNA fragments
from the surrounding medium by a cell is called (a) 38. Lichens are (a) A fungal-Bacterial association (b)
transformation (b) transduction (c) both a and b (d) A fungal-yeast association (c) A Bacterial-yeast
conjugation. association (d) A fungal-algal association.

28. Gene cloning refers to the (a) production of 39. Which one is the correct interaction sign for
large number of copies of the gene being cloned (b) Amensalism? (a) +/+ (b) 0/0 (c) 0/+ (d) 0/-
production of asexual progeny from a single
individual or a cell (c) both a and b (d) none of these. 40. Alleles are (a) Alternate forms of genes (b)
Linked genes (c) Chromosomes that have crossed
29. Which of the following enzyme is used to join over (d) Homologous chromosomes.
bits of DNA? (a) ligase (b) primase (c) DNA
polymerase (d) endonuclease. 41. The genotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross is (a)
1:2:1 (b) 3:1 (c) 2:1:1 (d) 9:3:3:1
30. The sites of DNA where restriction enzyme act
are generally (a) palindromic (b) tandem repeats (c) 42. Biogeochemical cycles are also known as (a)
CG rich regions (d) TATA boxes. material cycling (b)gaseous cycle (c) sedimentary
cycling (d) none of the above.
31. The most effective treatment for genetic
disorder in the present times is (a) gene mapping 43. Conversion of nitrates to nitrogen is called (a)
(b) genetic counselling (c) gene therapy (d) cloning. Ammonification (b) Nitrification (c) Nitrogen
fixation (d) Denitrification.
32. The first hormone produced artificially by
culturing bacteria is (a) insulin (b) adrenaline (c) 44. Conversion of ammonia to nitrite and then to
thyroxine (d) testosterone. nitrates is called (a) Ammonification (b)
Denitrification (c) Assimilation (d) Nitrification.
33. Construction of recombinant DNA involves (a)
cleaving and joining of DNA segments with 45. The process of genetic information flowing from
endonuclease (b) cleaving DNA segments with DNA to RNA to proteins is called (a) gene annealing
endonuclease and rejoining with ligase (c) cleaving (b) gene mutation (c) gene expression (d) gene
and rejoining DNA segments with ligase (d) cleaving therapy.
DNA segments with ligase and rejoining with

34. Which of the following defines the given

statement – “An association between two
organisms in which one benefits and the other
derives neither benefit nor harm”? (a) Neutralism
(b) Mutualism (c) Commensalism (d) Amensalism.

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