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By: Joshua A. Adeno

I. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the class, 90% of the students will be able to:
a. State the story of the poem entitled “God said I made a Man”;
b. Discover through Philippine literature the used to work cooperatively and responsibly in
today’s global village; EN7LT-IV- a- 6:
c. Construct a poem with a theme: Gratitude to their Creator.

II. Subject Matter

a. Title: God said I made a Man
b. Reference: textbook, English Learners Materials Grade 7
c. Materials: Visual aids, rubrics
d. Values integration: collaboration and responsibility

III. Procedure: Instructional Sequence (4A’s Method)

A. Preliminaries
 Prayer
 Cleanliness
 Attendance
 Review: Relating Past to Present
B. Activity (Vocabulary Check)
On the board, the words like “spun” and “ fountainhead” will be posted. Use the
dictionary to define the word which will be found in the poem to be read.
Create a sentence out of the words.
C. Analysis
After the students read the poem, they will be grouped into 5, answering the
given questions. Answers will be written in the manila paper.
 What is the poem all about?
 What attributes of God are being described in the poem?
 How did God react to the ingratitude of His creation?

D. Abstraction
1. How do you feel when you read the ingratitude of the man?
2. Did you experience being a ingratitude?
3. How do you feel when someone is ungrateful over your goodness?
E. Application (Create me your Poem)
in a whole sheet of paper, by pair, create a poem consisting of 3-4 stanzas having the
theme “thank you My Creator”

IV. Assessment
1. What is the title of the poem?
2. Who is the author of the poem?
3. What the meaning is of spun?
4. What is the meaning of fountainhead?
5. What is the meaning of regal?
6-10. What values you have learned on our topic for today?

V. Assignment

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