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Step 4 - to analyze the waves behavior in guided mediums and radiation

Individual work

Diana Maria Garzón Henao
Group 204058 A_ 614
Identification 1017163464

Omar Leonardo Leyton


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2019 16-04


In this work, you will find basic questions about transmission media, practical exercises where
the knowledge acquired about transmission lines, RLCG parameters, models of calculations of
the variables developed in other works and the use of software for calculation will be tested.
from the same.

Questions: (write with your own words)

1. What do you understand by transmission line? Mention some types.

They are systems formed by 2 conductors separated by an insulator, by which

an electromagnetic signal is sent.

The types of transmission lines are: Balanced, unbalanced, bipolar, parallel and
coaxial plate lines.

2. What is a bounded transmission line?

In a bounded medium, the signals are confined to the medium and do not leave
it (except for smaller leakage amounts). A pair of wires, coaxial cable,
waveguide, and optical-fiber cable are examples of bounded media.

3. Define the following electrical parameters of transmission lines:

a. Input impedance Z¿ .
Impedance equivalent to a two-terminal impedance network when all its
independent voltage and current sources are canceled.

b. Stationary wave ratio VSWR .

the geometric ratio between the maximum value and the minimum value
of the voltage amplitude observed in an electric standing wave condition
as it would be along a transmission line.

c. Physical length L and electrical length 𝓁.

The electrical length is defined as the product between the phase constant
of the wave and the distance at which they are separated from the load.
This parameter depends on the frequency: it seems that the load "is
further" (in electrical length) when the distance increases. This is because
you have to go through more spatial periods of the wave (wavelengths).

the physical length is the space that the line must travel

4. What is the purpose of Smith's Letter in the study of the propagation of waves?

Smith's letter is a graphical tool used to relate a complex reflection coefficient to

a complex impedance. It can be used for a variety of uses, including impedance
determination, impedance adaptation, noise optimization, stability and others.

Application exercises:

1. A coaxial line has the following characteristics:

Geometric parameters: a=0.35 mm b=30 mm t=( ¿+10) μm
Conductor properties: (conductivity) σ c =5.8 x 10 Sm/m
Properties of the insulator: σ d=1 x 10 Sm/m ϵ r=2.25 μr =1

Applied signal frequency: f =CCC KHz.

GG=35, CCC=101
a. Calculate the electrical parameters R L C G.
a=0.35 mm b=30 mm t=( 35+10 ) μm=45 μm, σ c =5.8 x 107 Sm/m, σ d=1 x 10−16 Sm/m ϵ r=2.25
μr =1 , f =CCC KHz=101 KHz
the depth of penetration of the wave in the conductor:

1 1
δ p= = 3 7
=4 πx 10−7
√ πf σ c μ0 √ π (101 x 10 )(5.8 x 10 )(4 πx 10 )

δ p=210 μm

a> δ p >t

it is a medium frequency resistor.

1 a2 1
R= ( + )
π σc R DC 2 bt

R DC 2
R AC ¿ ¿

we assume that the coaxial wiring inside is copper, therefore the temperature
coefficient (∝¿ is: 3,9x10-3
R DC 2
R AC ¿ ¿

5.8 πx 107 (
( 0,35 x 103 )
+ 3
2 ( 30 x 10 ) ( 45 x 10−6 ) )
= 0,069 mΩ/m

2π σd 2 πx 10−16
G= = =1,41 x 10−16 Sm/m
ln ( ba ) ( )
μ0 b 4 πx 10−7 30
4π [ ( )]
1+2 ln

1+2 ln
[ ( )]
=990 x 10−9

L=990 nH /m

1 x 10−9
2 πε
2 π (2,25) ( 36 π )=28,08 x 10−12
b 30
ln( )

C=28,08 pF/m
b. Using the distributed model, calculate the propagation parameters α , β , γ ∧Z 0 .

we define the model as:

ωC=2 π∗101 x 10 3∗28,08 x 10−12=1,78 x 10−5 Sm/m

ωC ≫G , we despise G

ωL=2 π∗101 x 103∗990 x 10−9=0,628 mΩ/m

ωL ≅ R , we not despise R

Therefore, the model will be RLC

γ = √ jωC ( R+ jωL)=√ ( 1,78 x 10−5 j ) (0,069+0,628 j)

¿ 1,83 x 10−4 +33,5 x 10− 4 j=¿ 33,54 x 10−4 <86,8 °>¿

α =0,183 NP /km
β=3,35 rad /km

R+ jωL 0,069+ j 0,628

Z 0=
√ jωC
√ j 1,78 x 10−5
=136,48−14,2 j
Z 0=137,21←5,93 °>¿

c. Calculate the propagation velocity V p, the wavelength λ and the attenuation

α dB / Km.
ω 2 π∗101 x 103
V p= = =0,189=¿ 189000 km/s
β 3,35
2π 2π
λ= = =1,875 km
β 3,35
α dB / Km=−8,68 α=−8,68 ( 0,183 )=−1,58 dB /km

2. A 𝑍𝑜=50Ω lossless transmission line has a 𝑍𝐿=45−𝑗75Ω. If it is 𝐺𝐺 𝑚 long and

the wavelength is 𝐶𝐶𝐶 𝑚𝑚. Find and probe with the smith chart:

CCC=101mm, GG=35m
a. Input impedance 𝑍𝑖𝑛.
Z¿ =Z 0 ¿

Z¿ =50 ¿

Z¿ =25,46←56,76 ° >¿

b. Reflection coefficient Γ (magnitude and phase).

Z −Z 0 ( 45+ j 75 )−50
Γ= L = =0,35+ 0,51 j
Z L +Z 0 ( 45+ j 75 ) +50
Γ =0,618←55,54 ° >¿

d. VSWR.
VSWR=1+ ¿ Γ ∨ ¿ ¿
1−¿ Γ ∨¿= =4,23 ¿

3. Bearing in mind that Smith's letter is used to determine parameters of the

transmission lines, use the "Smith 4.1" software found in the practical learning
environment to check the results obtained in point 2.

a. Input impedance 𝑍𝑖𝑛.

Z¿ =25,46←56,76 ° >¿

b. Reflection coefficient Γ.
Γ =0,618←55,54 ° >¿

c. VSWR.
d. Find an electrical length 𝓁 where the input impedance 𝑍𝑖𝑛 is real.



Conclusion 1: This work lends itself to real-life applications.

Conclusion 2: The use of Smith 4.1 software is very important because it avoids the
realization of external calculations, but they are also necessary to know and develop.


Paz, A. (2013). Electromagnetismo para ingeniería electrónica Campos y ondas. (pp.

181-344). Cali, Colombia. Editorial Ignacio Murguelito Pontificia Universidad

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