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Task 3 - Electromagnetic waves in guided media

Individual work format

Student name
Group xx
Identification number


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería
Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas
2021 16-01
Exercises development

Answers: (write with your own words)
1. What do you understand by transmission line?

An electric transmission line is a set of conductors or cables

That transmit blocks of energy from a production center to
A consumer center. Conductors are supported on high structures (towers
or poles) that separate them the necessary distance from the land,
buildings and any other objects. The height of these structures ensures
that the flow of electricity through conductors is continuous and ensures
that interference will not occur with any other element present in the


Transmission lines are generally classified as balanced or unbalanced.

With balanced two-wire lines, both conductors carry a current; one driver
carries the signal and the other is the return.

This type of transmission is called signal transmission, and the other is

return. This type of transmission is called differential or balanced signal

The signal propagating along the cable is measured as the potential

difference between the two cables. Currents that flow in opposite
directions through a balanced pair of cables are called metallic circuit
current. Currents that flow in the same directions are called longitudinal
currents. A balanced pair of cables has the advantage that most noise
interference (common mode voltage) is induced equally in both cables,
producing longitudinal currents that cancel out on loads.

Either wire pair can operate in balanced mode as long as neither wire is
potential grounded. This includes coaxial cable that has two center
conductors and a metal jacket.
The metal jacket is generally grounded to prevent static interference by
penetrating the center conductors. With an unbalanced transmission line,
one wire is at ground potential, while the other wire is at signal potential.

This type of transmission is called an unbalanced or single-ended signal

transmission. With the transmission of an unbalanced signal, the ground
wire can also be the reference to other wires that carry signals.

2. Define the following electrical parameters of transmission lines:

a. Input impedance 𝑍𝑖𝑛.
The input impedance of an electrical network is the equivalent impedance
"seen" by an energy source connected to that network. If the source
outputs a known value of voltage or current, such impedance can be
calculated using Ohm's law. The input impedance is the Thévenin
equivalent circuit of an electrical network, modeled by a combination of
RL (resistance-inductance) or RC (resistance-capacitance), with
equivalent values that would result in the same response as that of the
network. It is also called Z11 in terms of Z-parameters. Roughly, the
exact definition depends on the particular field of stud
b. Stationary wave ratio 𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅.
Standing waves are a major problem when looking at transmission /
power lines, and the standing wave ratio or more commonly the standing
voltage wave ratio, VSWR is as a measure of the level of standing waves
in a feeder.
Standing waves represent power that is not accepted by the load
and reflected along the feeder or transmission line.
Although standing waves and VSWR are very important, VSWR theory
and calculations can often mask a view of what is actually happening.
Fortunately, it is possible to get a good overview of the subject, without
going too deep into VSWR theory
c. Physical length 𝐿 and electrical length 𝓁.
Electric length is a unit of measurement used in the study of electric
power transmission lines. This quantity is normally designated with the
letter θ.
It is defined as the product between the wave's phase constant and the
distance at which they are separated from the load. So:

Developing this formula:
θ = β · d = (2π / λ) · d = 2π · d / λ) · d = 2π · d / λ) · d = 2π · d / λ
Which expresses the distance to the load as a function of the
This parameter is frequency dependent: the load appears to be "farther"
(in electrical length) as the distance increases. This is because more
spatial periods of the wave (wavelengths) have to be traversed.
In telecommunications and electrical engineering, electrical length (or
phase duration) refers to the length of an electrical conductor in terms of
the phase shift introduced by transmission through that conductor at
some frequency.
3. What is the purpose of Smith's Letter in the study of the
propagation of waves?
The Smith chart is a graphical tool used to relate a complex reflection
coefficient to a complex impedance. ... For example, you can determine
the input impedance to a transmission line by giving its electrical length
and its load impedance.

Application exercises:
For the development of the following exercises, note that ¿ corresponds to the
group number and CCC to the last 3 digits of the identification number.
1. A coaxial line has the following characteristics:
Geometric parameters: a=0.1 mm b=10 mm t=( 58+10)μm
Conductor properties: (conductivity) σ c =4.3 x 10 Sm/m

Properties of the insulator: σ d=1 x 10 Sm/m ϵ r=2.3 μr =1


Applied signal frequency: f =424 KHz

a. Calculate the electrical parameters R L C G.
b. Using the distributed model, calculate the propagation parameters 𝛼, 𝛽, 𝛾
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑍0.
c. Calculate the propagation velocity 𝑉𝑝, the wavelength and the
attenuation 𝛼𝑑𝐵/𝐾𝑚
Interpretation: According to the concepts explored, explain the meaning
of the value obtained for 𝑉𝑝, 𝜆 and 𝛼𝑑𝐵/𝐾𝑚

To determine the type of frequency, I find the depth of penetration of the

wave into the conductor
a. Calculate the electrical parameters R L C G.
δ p=
√ πf σ c µ 0
π=µr µ 0


µ0=4 πx 10−7 H /m Free space permeability

δ p= ¿=0.0003727 m
4 πx 10−7 H
√ π ( 424 x 10 ) Hz ¿= 4.3 x 10
( m
)( m )
δ p=37.2 µm

Verificacion of calculations
Now I perform the corresponding calculations of R, L C, G fort the high

1 1 1
R= ( )
2 π σc δ p a b

1 1 1
R= −6
4.3 x 10 Sm ( −3
0.1 x 10
m 10 x 10−3
=10.049 Ω/m
m )
(37.2 x 10−6 m)

R=10.0 mΩ/m

Verificacion of calculations
2 π σd
ln ⁡( ba )
1 x 10−10 Sm
2π ( m )
=1.36 x 1010−10 Sm/m
10 mm
0.1 mm( )

µ0 b

a ()
4 πx 10−7 H /m 10 mm

0.1 mm ( )
2 x 10−7 H 10 mm
L= ( m
∈ )(
0.1 mm )
=0.000000921 H /m
L=921nH /m

Verificacion of calculations

2 πϵ


ε 0=ϵ r ε 0

ϵ r=2.3

ϵ 0=8.8542 x 10−12 C2 / N m2

2 π (2.3)(8.8542 x 10−12 C2 / N m2)

C= =2.63893 pF /m
10 mm
¿ (
0.1 mm )
C=2.638 pF/m
Verificacion of calculations
a. Using the distributed model, calculate the propagation parameters
α , β , γ ∧Z 0 .

424 KHZ
To calculate the propagation parameters, it is necessary to define the model

ωC=2 π (244 x 103 Hz)(2.638 x 10−12 F /m)=0.0000702 Sm/m

ωC=7.02 x 10−5 Sm/m≫G

G is despiced.

ωL=2 π ( 424 x 10 3 Hz)(921 x 10−9 H /m)=2.45 Ω/ m≫ G

Verificacion of calculations
R is despised, therefore we will work with the LC model with losses

Z 0=
√ C

921 x 10−9 H /m
Z 0=
√ 2 6 . 38 x 10−12 F /m
=186.84 Ω

2 Z0

10.0Ω /m
a= =0.0267 Np /m
2(186.84 Ω)

a=267 µNp /m

β=ω √ LC

β=2 π (424 x 103 Hz) √ 921 x 10−0 H /m(26 . 38 x 10−12 F /m)=0.0131 rad /m

y= jβ
y=0+ j 0.0131

Verificacion of calculations

C.Calculate the propagation velocity V p, the wavelength λ and the

attenuation α dB / Km.

The propagation velocity in the line.

V p=

2 π (424 x 103 rad /seg)

V p= =203364165.667 km/seg
0.0131rad /m

V p=207154.72


λ= =439.6 m
0.0131rad /m

Attenuation in dB.

1 Neper =8.6858 dB

a=267 µNp /m

a dB /km=(−8.6858 dB)(267 x 10−6 Np/m)=0.002319 dB/m

Verificacion of calculations
Figure 1: Geometrical parameters in coaxial line.
Attention, for the calculations:
1. Replace your values (with units) in the equation.
2. Perform the operation on a virtual scientific calculator. *
3. Paste the calculator image into the report.
4. Write the answer with your units.
If the image is not included, the exercise rating is 0 points.
* You can use
Interpretation: According to the concepts explored, explain the meaning
of the value obtained for V p, λ and α dB / Km.

2. A Z o=75 Ω lossless transmission line has a Z L =35− j75 Ω. If it is ¿ m long and

the wavelength is CCC mm, Calculate:
a. Input impedance Z¿ .
b. Reflection coefficient Γ (magnitude and phase).
c. VSWR.

Figure 2: Graphic representation of the transmission line.

Attention, for the calculations:

1. Replace your values (with units) in the equation.
2. Perform the operation on a virtual scientific calculator. *
3. Paste the calculator image into the report.
4. Write the answer with your units.
If the image is not included, the exercise rating is 0 points.
* You can use
Interpretation: According to the concepts explored, explain the meaning
of the value obtained for Z¿ , Γ and VSWR.
3. Bearing in mind that Smith's letter is used to determine parameters of the
transmission lines, use the "Smith 4.1" software to check the results
obtained in point 2.
a. Input impedance Z¿ .

Z =Z
( λ )
Z L + j Z 0 tan
¿ 0

Z + j Z tan (
λ )
0 L L


Z =75 Ω
( 35− j 75 Ω ) + j ( 75 Ω ) tan ⁡
424 x 10 −3
m )
58 m

75 Ω+ j(35− j 75 Ω) tan ⁡
( 424 x210ᴨ −3
58 m
Z¿ =50.42− j 99.01

Verificamos of calculations.

b.Reflection coefficient Γ .
Z L −Z 0
Z L +Z 0

35− j 75−75 −40−75

Γ= =
35− j75+75 110−75

Γ =0.069− j 0.635=0.638(−83.8° )

Verificamos of calculations.


VSWR=1+ ¿ Γ ∨ ¿ ¿
1−¿ Γ ∨¿ ¿

1+ 0.638 1.638
VSWR= = =4.525
1−0.638 0.362

Verificamos of calculations.
3. Bearing in mind that Smith's letter is used to determine
parameters of the transmission lines, use the "Smith 4.1" software to
check the results obtained in point 2.

a. Input impedance 𝑍𝑖𝑛.

b. Reflection coefficient Γ.

c. VSWR.

Application example


Video link



Reference 1:

Examples of reference formats:

Physical book.
Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the book. (pp. xx-xx). City,
Country: Editorial.

Chapter of a physical book.

Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. Title of
the book (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial.

Surname, A. (Year). Title of the book. (pp. xx-xx). Country: Editorial.
Retrieved from http: // ...

Chapter of an electronic book.

Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. Title of
the book (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial. Retrieved from http: // ...

Internet video.
Surname, N. (Year). Title of the video Video server [Video]. Retrieved from
http: // ...

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