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Pre task - Recognition

Individual work

Oscar Emilio Cubillos Torres

Group 203058_57

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería
Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas
Solution of the questions

Solve the following questions:
1. What is an electromagnetic wave?

Electromagnetic waves are those that are formed by electric fields and
magnetic fields, traveling at the speed of light, these waves are
perpendicular to each other, it must be taken into account that when an
electromagnetic wave propagates, the electric field produces a field
magnetic and the magnetic field produces an electric field.

2. What are the parameters in an electromagnetic wave?

Its parameters are:

• The amplitude is the maximum height that the wave reaches.

• The wavelength is the distance or width of each wave, it can also be

said that it is the distance between each crest or each valley of the wave.

• The frequency (amount of vibrations in less time) is the number of

cycles it performs in one second.

• The Period is the cycle that a wave performs, that is, the time in which
a particular one performs a vibration.

• The crest that is the highest point of the wave.

• The valley that is the lowest point of the wave.

3. What is electrical permittivity ε and magnetic permeability μ of a medium?

The electrical allowance is shaded with ε and it is one that helps us to see how
an electric field affects and is affected by a medium, that is, it is the tendency
of a material to polarize before the appearance of an electric field and the
magnetic permeability μ is the ability of materials to magnetize and thus
increase the density or magnetic efflux capacity.
4. From the following wave equation:

2π ^
E y ( x , t )= A sen ( wt−kx ) ^j = A sen 2 πft−
λ )
x j=C1 sen ( C 2 x 103 t−C 3 x ) ^j

Where C 1 , C2 and C 3correspond to the last 3 digits of your identification.

C 1=3
C 2=6
C 3=3

W is the angular frequency

K is the wave number
λ the wavelength

Notice that in the equation:


w=2 πf =C 2 x 10 3

k= =C 3
2π ^
E y ( x , t )= A sen ( wt−kx ) ^j = A sen 2 πft−
λ ) 3
x j=3 sen ( 6 x 10 t−3 x ) ^j


Parameter Variables and unit Description

It is the highest
a. Amplitude A . C 1=3, then A=3V /m value of the wave
C 2=¿6, then The frequency
(amount of
w vibrations in less
b. Frequency f 2π time) is the
6 x 103 number of cycles it
¿ =0.954 k Hz
2 π rad performs in one
c. Wavelength λ 2π is the distance or
λ= =2.09 m
3 width of each
wave, it can also
be said that it is
the distance
between each
crest or each
valley of the wave

V p= ( 0.954 KHz )( 2.09 m ) speed at which the

d. Propagation speed V p=f λ disturbance moves
V p=1997.6 m/ seg
through the

It is understood as
the amount of

e. Wave number k K= vibrations of the
2.09 m
wave for each
¿ 3000056 rad /m meter

w=2 π∗f

w=2 π∗0.954 k Hz
Measurement of
f. Angular frequency w
rad the speed of
w=6999.4 rotation of a body.

is the direction in
The travel direction is in
g. Travel direction ( x , y or z ) which the wave
It is the oscillation
h. Polarization direction (i^ , ^j
The polarization is in j direction of the
or k)

Angular frequency. (2019, August 20). EcuRed,. Accessed 20:25, September
6, 2020 at

Surname, N. (Year).
Electronics course.- Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics. [Video].
Retrieved from http: // ...

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