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Park, Jinyoung (Chris)

English Teacher

English 202

27 April 2020

PO-Writing 4B

1. Write out lyrics that fulfill the category for the Poetic Device.  Specify what kind of poetic

device you have chosen.

1. And she's buying a stairway to Heaven/Symbol

2. Your stairway to heaven lies on the whispering wind/Personification

2. Explain the poetic device and how it adds meaning to the song.

1. ‘Stair to heaven’ is a symbol of the thing that is not binded by property. However, the

lady who wants to guy with gold shows the arrogance of human.

2. The whispering is the thing that only human can do, but the songwriter used

personification to the wind. It develop the mood that wind is trying to inform her the stairway to

heaven is near her.

3. Illustrate what the poetic device stands for.

1. The arrogance of human

2. The stairway is not to be bought.

4. Write a brief description of the image you have drawn.

1. A women with a bag that is full of money and hustling to find the salvation.

2. A stairway to heaven that is above her but that she cannot see.

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