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Sarah Banholzer

March 24, 2020

PUSD Grading System During School Dismissal

With PUSD’s recent move to online learning due to the district-wide school dismissal, there have
been many rumors about the format of grades during this online learning period of time.

For now, it seems that PUSD will continue with grades as usual during the school dismissal until
notified otherwise.

“In terms of students receiving grades, we are carefully considering the best options for our
students. The CDE has not yet determined the course of action as we await input from UCs and
CSUs. We believe it is in the best interest of our students to consider all variables and ensure that
we move forward in a manner that is in alignment with the expectations of colleges and
universities. We will keep you informed as decisions pertaining to assigning grades are made,”
said ​Ken Rocha​, PUSD Director of Secondary Education.

Although the current protocol of receiving grades will remain the same for now, the fact that
many surrounding school districts are dealing with students’ grades during online learning in
different ways, leads us to wonder if PUSD will adopt different grading policies in the near

At Dublin Unified, students are required to continue with school work, but they will not receive
any grades for the work done during school dismissal.

“None of our work is graded, it’s all just formative, but we’re still expected to do it. I think
teachers are posting them [grades online], but making them worth [that take up] 0% of our
grade,” said ​Susu Badhuri (23’)​, Dublin High student.

This is the same for San Ramon Valley. SRV is postponing all grades until April 14, the
expected date to return back to in-person school. However, all students are still completing
assigned classwork during the dismissal.

“The next two weeks are just ‘optional online learning’ but after spring break we might get
graded work,” said one Dougherty Valley student.

In the case of Livermore Unified, up until the week of their Spring Break, teachers are not
allowed to give grades for work. All classwork assigned to students is technically optional during
the school dismissal.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, schools in the Fremont Unified School District, along with
Acalanes High School in Lafayette, are continuing with grades as usual, just as PUSD is.

“It’s very unorganized and a little confusing. However, we are still doing grades with all the
work, tests, and assignments being online,” said ​Devon Christensen (22’)​, an Acalanes High

The elimination of grades during the school dismissal may cause a reaction from more than just
the students. Many parents argued against the end of grades for their students during this
unprecedented time.

“I definitely think students should be graded because I would want my kids to maintain as much
normalcy as possible during such a crazy time in our lives. I think it’s the responsible thing to do,
and though it may be difficult for some families to maintain regular school schedules, it’s
important to keep the same schedule and expectations that would exist during regular school
times, for the students’ sake. I especially don’t want my kid or any other students to fall behind
the rest of the country and even the world because of a virus that we can protect ourselves from,”
said Amador parent, ​Sajal Sahay​.

Although the state of PUSD’s grading system could change in an instant, many students are
applauding the district for allowing grades to be received during online learning.

“I am very grateful to be receiving grades while we are on this break because I have been very
stressed about what will happen to my grades and how this will affect my GPA. The fact that
teachers are being awesome and staying on top of it makes me feel way better, said ​Madison
Charbonneau (21’)​.

With the possible end to grades during this online learning period, it raises the question of how it
will affect the morale and effort level of Pleasanton students? As for now, we can expect grades
to continue as usual until further notice by the school district.

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