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Experimental Report 5



Class: TT KTYS 01 Verification of the instructors

Group: 4
Name: Phùng Đức Anh
ID: 20176967

I. Experiment Motivation
Evaluate both qualitative and quantitative results of transmitting and receiving microwave.

II. Experimental Results

1. Investigation of straight-line propagation of microwaves

When the receiver is align with the rail, the volt-meter shows the maximum value.
When the receiver move far from the rail, the value of volt-meter decreases.
 Microwave propagates best in straight line.

2. Investigation of penetration of microwaves

When a dry electrical insulator is put between transmitter and receiver, the volt-meter
slightly decrease
● Microwave can penetrate through the dry absorption plate.
● Not all of the microwave will penetrate through the dry absorption plate, a part of them will
be absorbed by the absorption plate.

3. Investigation of screening and absorption of microwaves

When a reflection plate (electrical conductor) is put between transmitter and receiver, the volt-
meter shows a value that very small compared to the value when the absorb plate is absent. In this
case, the volt-meter show a value approximate 0 (0.01).
 Most of microwave will not go through the reflection plate.

4. Investigation of reflection of microwaves

When the arrow is the bisector of 2 rails (the reflector angle is equal to the incidence angle), the
volt-meter shows maximum value.
 Microwave reflects best when perpendicular bisector of the reflection plate is the bisector
of an angle created by the transmitter and receiver.

5. Investigation of refraction of microwaves

 When the angle created by 2 rails is 27o , the volt-meter shows the maximum value.
 Microwave refracts best with angle of 27o

6. Investigation of diffraction of microwaves

When the single slit plane is put in the rail, the value on the volt metter increase
When the plate í between the probe and the transmitter, the value on the volt meter í
approximate 0. When the probe is moved on the horizontal plane, the value slightly increase
Microwaves has diffraction properties.

7. Investigation of interference of microwaves

 When the probe is moved parallel to the plate, the value on the volt meter is oscillating.
Conclusion: Microwave has property of interference.

8. Investigation of polarization of microwaves

When the grating is aligned horizontally, the value on the volt meter is slightly decreasing
When the grating is aligned vertically, the value on the volt meter is approx. zero
When the grating is aligned at 45 o, the value on the volt meter is higher than vertical case,
but lower than horizontal case
 When we put a polarization grating between transmitter and receiver, the microwave will
be polarized. Because the vertical wave is electric wave, and the receiver’s signal we
receiver is Voltage.

9. Determining wavelength of standing waves

x1 (mm) x2 (mm) x = x1 - x2
1 145 167 22
2 388 410 22
3 295 315 20
4 75 96 21
5 325 346 21

x́= ∑ x =21(mm)
5 i=1 i

∆ x=
√ ∑ ( x ¿¿ i− x́ )2

λ́=1× x=1 ×2 1=21(mm)


∆ λ=∆ x =1(mm)


λ= λ́ ± ∆ λ=21± 1(mm)

Frequency of the microwave:

c 3 ×10 8 9
f= = =14.33 ×10 ( Hz )
λ 21× 10−3

∆ λ 2 ∆c 2
∆ f = f́
√( λ́)( )
=0.68× 109 ( Hz)

f =f ± ∆ f =(14.3 ±0.68) ×109 ( Hz )

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