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Planer – is designed to surface

boards to thickness and to smooth
rough-cut lumber. It will not
straighten a warped board. The
cutting head is mounted above the
table, so only the top of a board is

Jointer - is a machine used to true

up stock. That is you can straighten,
smooth, square up, and size boards.
Stock should be processed in this way
before beginning any project in order
to ensure good result
Table saw – is used for ripping
boards to width and crosscutting
them to length. Most tables saw have
a fixed, horizontal table and a blade
that can be raised, lowered, and set
at an angle.

Radial-arm saw - is ideal for

crosscutting operations. While it can
also be used for ripping, it is better to
use the table saw for that operation.
The table saw is also better suited for
long crosscuts. To cut a 4’ x 8’ panel
into two 4’ x 4’ pieces on a radial-arm
saw, you need to make a multiple
cuts. On a table saw, you can do it in
one cut.
Band saw – even though it is used
mostly for cutting curve, circles and
irregular shapes, it can also be used
for all types of straight cutting.
Other advantages :
i) it can cut a variety of
materials – wood, plastics,
metal and panel stock
ii) it can make long, sweeping
curves much more
accurately than any
iii) it has a large depth of cut
that makes it perfect for
resawing and cutting
duplicate parts.

Mitre saw – can cut two angled

surfaces at the same time (a
compound angle). That is, a mitre
can be cut across the face of a board,
and at the same time a bevel can be
cut on the end.
Drill press – it is used primarily for
drilling holes of various diameter and
depths and at various angles. Holes
can be drilled accurately and with
great consistency. With proper
speeds, the drill press can also be
used for mortising and sanding.
Appropriate accessories and jigs or
setups are needed to perform these

Router – has a vertical shaft into

which a cutting tool called a bit is
fastened. The shafts turn very rapidly
to make cuts in wood. Different types
of cuts can be made depending on
the type of bit used. Typically the
router is used to cut dadoes, rabbets,
and grooves. However, it can also
perform joinery, mortising, planning,
and shaping processes as well.
Sanders – power sanders save time
and effort by reducing the amount of
hand – or finish-sanding needed to
complete a project. They can be used
to follow up every type of cutting and
finishing operation. End grain, face
grain, edges, curve and irregular
shapes can be sanded using
stationary power sanders.

Lathe – with a wood lathe, the work

piece is shaped by a process called
turning – a cutting operation in which
the work piece is revolved against a
single-edged tool. While the lathe
does have many important industrial
uses, you will find that you can use it
to make a variety of turned parts in
the shop.

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