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Writing an extra episode

Use one of the descriptions of sea creatures below to help you write an extra episode in
the story.
This episode should describe Kara and Felix discovering the creature.

A popular food fish, it is silvery-(15ft); weight:
530kg (1180lb). Family Xiphiidae; species Xiphias, dark purple, or blue. Marine fish
found worldwide in temperate and tropical seas.Its
long, flattened upper jaw, in the shape of a sword,
is one-third of its length and used to strike at prey.
Length: to 4.5m


Extremely flat-bodied cartilaginous marine fish,
related to the shark. The pectoral fins of most
rays are developed into broad, flat, winglike
appendages, attached all along the sides of the
head; the animal swims by rippling movements
of these wings. Most rays have slender whiplike
tails. on the underside. The eyes and spiracles are
located on top of the head, the mouth and the gill
slits on the underside.
Many rays are bottom dwellers, lying like rugs on the seafloor; others inhabit the
upper waters. Bottom-dwelling The eyes and spiracles are located on top of the head,
the mouth and the gill slits Rays feed on a variety of smaller animals; the heavy,
rounded teeth of most species are adapted to crushing the shells of snails and clams. 

Kara and Felix went to swim underwater. Shafts of sunlight
filter through the water, reaching into deep deep blue. The sea
floor is a changing pattern of swaying seaweed and shifting
sand. Purple jewel anemones line the narrow crevices. Small
silver sand eels flit between the rippling strands of seaweed. A
silver river of tiny fish thread through the kelp, each fish no
longer than my thumb. Kara also saw various Rays present in
the water. Their eyes and spiracles were located on top of the
head, the mouth and the gill slits on the underside. Rays were
feeding on a variety of smaller animals; the heavy, rounded
teeth of these species were adapted to crushing the shells of
snail. Kara remembered that her mom told her that many rays
are bottom dwellers, lying like rugs on the seafloor; others
inhabit the upper waters. Kara went closer to the rays and was
about to touch them that it went away from her.
Kara also saw a Marine fish which is
usually found worldwide in temperate and tropical seas.
Kara’s mother told her that a Marine fish’s long, flattened
upper jaw, in the shape of a sword, is one-third of its length
and is used to strike at prey. This swimming was enough for
today and, Kara and Felix saw a lot underwater. They knew it
was time of dawn so they changed their swimming suits. After
that entire swim Kara and Felix were feeling cooled so they
wrapped coats around themselves and decided to go home.

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