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Sherwin A. Allaga

November 11, 2017

Teachers who develop useful assessments, provide corrective instruction, and give students

second chances to demonstrate success can improve their instruction and help students learn according to

Thomas R. Guskey.

Classroom assessment is integral part of teaching. It enable teachers to use information about the

student’s knowledge, understanding and skills that serves as foundation in providing feedback to students

for them to enhance or improve.

In usual classroom settings, the common assessments

to guide improvements in student learning are the quizzes,

tests, writing assignments, and other assessments that

teachers usually administer on their class instructions.

Teaching science grade one level with

30 diverse learners at the particular time is quite challenging

in part of teachers. The nature of young learners and their

learning behavior differs with each other. At this state teacher

must have well defined teaching plan with appropriate

activities suited to their learning necessities.

Although my vocational education cannot correlates to the teaching profession I am undergoing

nowadays but my experiences and services is long enough to understand things inside the circumference

of teaching-learning environment. Teaching at Kitpichai Wittaya

Saraburi School since 2013 my days of staying in school throughout

these years developed me holistically and made me understands how

crucial making learning is to the pupils. And everything inside the four

corners of my classroom is a continuous process. It is endless and

limitless learning and discovering thing beyond expectations.

Truly best assessment cannot only be relied from textbooks or

any teaching tools. The real assessment comes from the pupil and

teacher themselves. Teacher is the facilitator of learning. He knows

how to put himself to the shoes of his students. As mentor of the 21 st century learners, I should also be a

21st teacher for them. The activity depends accordingly to their performances. In new trend of teaching,

70% to 30% is a shared tasked for pupils and teachers. Learners have a maximum participation while

achieving the learning goals and the teacher will only the source of all the appropriate learning activities

directed to them

Much assessment occurs during classroom interactions between teacher and learners. The quality

of questions asked by the teacher and learners, the depth of answers supplied by learners, the quality of

class discussions and the detailed observations made by the teacher for every learner to work with will

provide evidence of learning including shallow or deep understanding and misconceptions.

With the use of designed assessment tools it helps me to create assessment strategies to determine

where particular concentration of learning and what knowledge, skills and concepts the learner has

mastered and what may have been misunderstood or not yet mastered.
In assessing my learners with regards to formative tool, I used a range of tools and guidelines

available to assist the process of creating effective both formal assessment tasks (e.g. tests, projects,

presentations) and informal assessments (e.g. observation, discussion, questioning) to assess where

learners are at in their progress along the learning instruction.

Often times aside from written test, projects and assignments, I used role plays and simulation. I

process each accomplishment while leading them to understanding the concept and purpose of what they

are performing. I modified my assessment depending to the learning domain and the context of my

teaching. In my most teaching sessions, I prefer to have collaborative activities with differentiated

instruction among pupils. I observed that they best learned when teamwork among peers is occurs in

accordance to their group capability of learning. And to rate their performances I referred to use rubrics as

standard of specifying their learning

accomplishments. If I find no obvious problems with

the item or criterion, then they must turn my attention

to teaching strategies and methods. When as many as

half of my students in a class answer a clear question

incorrectly or fail to meet a particular criterion, it's

obviously not my students learning problem—

admittedly it's about teaching problem. This would be

the reason for me to modify my assessment tools.

For those learners with learning difficulty in some areas I spent time for intervention classes. The

best classroom assessments also serve as meaningful sources of information for us teachers; it helps us

recognize what we had taught well and what we need to work on.

Classroom assessments that serve as meaningful sources of information don't surprise students.

Instead, these assessments reflect the concepts and skills I am going to emphasized in class, along with
the criteria for judging students' performance.Teachers facilitate learning by providing students with

important feedback on their learning progress and by helping them to identify learning problems (Bloom,

Madaus, & Hastings, 1981; Stiggins, 2002).

It is a long way process in order to attain the longing goal for learning. It truly requires patience

in part for most teachers and they must be pessimistic to the perspective goal. It is how tough teaching

profession becomes. It develops learning of the pupils and also enhanced skills in part of teachers. We

both learned each day of what we are doing together. It is a shared learning and shared achievements.


From The Educator's Field Guide. Copyright © 2011 by Corwin. All Rights Reserved.

Wiggins, G. (1998). Educative assessment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Whiting, B., Van Burgh, J. W., & Render, G. F. (1995). Mastery learning in the classroom. Paper

presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.


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