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Fig. 9. SEM micrograph of collected fines, which are

flake-like and indicative of delamination wear.

erate fines generation at the next die.

Wire-to-wire contact. It is quite common to have wire-to-
wire contact, particularly in cone-type drawing machines.
Fines may develop due to adhesive wear when wires moving
in different directions impact each other. If this cross-over
contact is too severe the likelihood of torsional wire breaks,
kinks or twisting is accelerated. The tendency for cross-over
is magnified because of insufficient back tension or misalign-

Techniques for analyzing fines Fig. 10. Slivers in copper caused by rod and drawing
issues; a) Rod-related sliver; b) cross-section near
There are numerous methods for analyzing fines, which can sliver showing cracks forming due to embedded
provide the needed insight on means to reduce their forma- oxides; and c) Sliver in enameled copper wire caused
tion. The categories discussed herein are as follows. by wire drawing. No oxides are present. X240.
Wire and rod surface examination. Wire and rod surfaces
can be analyzed by optical microscopy, scanning electron
microscopy (SEM) and metallography. The outer surface con-
tains information on how fines have been liberated from the
metal surface. Figs. 2, 5-8 and 15 show illustrations of the var- vent, such as n-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP). After the fines are
ious fines generation mechanisms observed through wire sur- cleaned and dried, their particle size distribution can be deter-
face and subsurface observations. Most dramatically, Fig. 8 mined. There are expensive instruments that determine parti-
shows a fine in the process of separation via delamination cle-size distributions automatically on near spherical particles.
wear. Observing the fines generation mechanism process on However, fines are more often flake-like or slivers, and can-
the wire fosters an understanding of how to reduce fines. Rod not be diagnosed in the automated systems.
surfaces can also be examined after twist testing, since twist- The best particle size determination method for fines is
ing exposes existing subsurface damage. Replica technique inexpensive but time-consuming. It employs a series of
has been used to observe wire surfaces in low-depth of field sieves, typically ranging from 2,000 to 38 microns pore size,
optical microscopes14-15. If the wires are not cleaned before which are used to collect fines of a specific size. The collect-
making a replica, some of the fines that adhere to the wire will ed fines are then weighed. A particle size histogram is created
become embedded in the translucent replica material. This by calculating the percentage of the total fines weight that
allows the viewing of the fines simultaneous with observation remained in each sieve. The histogram reveals the predomi-
of the wire surface, as shown in Fig. 16. nant fines generation mechanism(s) in operation. For exam-
Examination of fines collected from filtration systems. Large ple, delamination wear particles will be, by far, the largest.
samples of fines can be readily obtained from the filtration Through this method Patel and Chia7 found that fines from
systems. These fines should be ultrasonically cleaned in a sol- tungsten carbide dies were much coarser than particles from

OCTOBER 2009 | 73

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