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1. The fourier's law of heat transfer by conduction is expresses as

a) Q=KA (dt/dx) b)-KA (dt/dx) c) Q=KA(dx/dt) d) -KA (dx/dt)
2. The heat transfer is constant when
a) Temperature remains constant with time
b) Temperature decrease with time
c) Temperature increases with time
d) None
3. The thermal conductivity is expressed as
a)W/mk b)W/m2k c)W/hmK d)W/hm2 K
4. Heat transfer from higher temperature to low temperature takes place according to
a) Fourier law b) First law of thermodynamics
c) Second law of thermodynamics d) Zeros law of thermodynamics
5. Heat transfer in liquids and gases is due to
a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d) None
6. A satellite is space exchanges heat with the surroundings by
a) Conduction b) Convection c) Radiation d)
NoneType equation here.
7. Stefan-Boltzmann’s law is expressed as
a)Q=𝝈𝑨𝑻𝟒 b) Q= 𝜎𝐴𝑇 3 c) Q= 𝜎𝐴 d) Q= 𝜎𝑇 4
8. The quantity of heat radiation is dependent on
a) Area of the body b) Shape of the body c) Temperature of the body d) All the above
9. Steady state heat flow means
a) Negligible flow of heat b) No difference of temperature between the bodies
c) Constant heat flow rate independent of time
d) Uniform rate in temperature rise of a body
10. All the three modes of heat transmission are involved in
a) Melting of ice b) Cooling of small metal casting in a quenching bath
c) Heat flow through the walls of a refrigerator
d) Automobile engine equipped with a thermo-siphon cooling system
11. Most unsteady heat flow occurs
a) walls of refrigerator b) annealing of castings c) walls of furnace
d) through lagged pipes carrying steam
12. Most metals are good conductor of heat because of
a) energy transport due to molecular vibration
b) migration of neutrons from hot end to cold end c) lattice defects such as dislocations
d) presence of free electrons and frequent collision of atoms
13 .Heat conduction in gases is due to
a) motion of electrons b) elastic impact of molecules
c) mixing motion of different layers of gas d) electromagnetic waves
14. With decrease in temperature the thermal conductivity of non-metallic amorphous solids
a) decreases b) increases c) constant d) unpredictable
15. Heat is closely related with
a) energy b) entropy c) enthalpy d) temperature

16. Which of the following is not necessary condition for fourier 's conduction heat equation.
a) Steady state b) One dimension heat flow
c) Constant value of thermal conductivity d) Uniform temperatures at the wall surfaces
17. The essential condition for the transfer of heat from one body to another is
a) both bodies must be in physical contact
b) Heat content of one body must be more than that of the other
c) one of the bodies must have high value of thermal conductivity
d) there must exist a temperature difference between the
18) Cork is a good insulator because
A) it is flexible and can be cast in to rolls b) it can be powdered
c) it is porous d) its density is low
19. All of the following are units of thermal conductivity except
a) kcal/m-hr-'c b) kJ/m-hr-K c) W/m-s-K d) cal/cm-s-'c
20. The least value of conductivity from the below
a) rubber b) air c) water d) plastic e)glass
1.Which has the highest thermal conductivity from the below
a) Water b) melting ice c) solid ice d) steam
2 .A composite slab has two layers of different materials with thermal conductivity kl and
k2.If each layer has same thickness the equivalent thermal conductivity of the slab would
be like
a)klk2 b)kl+k2 c)(kl+k2)/(klk2) d)(2klk2)/(kl+k2)
3. Three metal walls of same wall thickness and cross-sectional area have thermal
conductivities k,2k and 3k respectively, for the same heat transfers ,the temperature drops
across the wall will be in the ratio
a) 1:2:3 b) 3:2:l c)l:l:l d) infinity
4 .A furnace is made of a brick wall of thickness 0.5m and conductivity .75W/mK.For the
same heat loss and temperature drop what should be the thickness of diatomite earth of
thermal conductivity 0.15W/mK?
a)0.05m b)0.1m c)0.2m d)0.5m
5. Two walls of same thickness and cross sectional area have thermal conductivities in the
ratio 1:2.If the same temperature difference is maintained across the wall faces the ratio of
the heat flow Q1/Q2 will be
a) 1/2 b)l c)2 d)4
6. The average thermal conductivities of water and air conform to the ratio
a) 5:1 b)15:l c)25:l d)50:l
7. The temperature variation with time in the lumped parameter model is
a) exponential b) sinusoidal c) cubic d) linear
8. The number is generally associated with natural convection heat transfer
a) prandtl b) weber c) nusselt d) grashoff
9. A substance above critical temperature exists as
a) Liquid b )solid c) gas d) wet vapour
10 what happens when the thickness of insulation on a pipe exceeds the critical value?
a) Decrease in heat flow b) increase in heat flow c) constant d) none
11 .fins are provided on heat transferring surface in order to increase
a) heat transfer area b) heat transfer coefficient c) temperature gradient d)
mechanical strength of the equipment
12 The temperature at the tip will be minimum when the rod is
a)aluminum b)steel c) copper d)silver
13 Critical thickness of insulation for spheres is given by
a)k/h b)k/4(phi)h c)h/2k d)2k/h
14. Critical radius of insulation
a) heat loss decrease with addition of insulation
b) heat loss increases with addition of insulation
c) decrease in heat flux d) none
15. Three fins of equal length and diameter but made of aluminum, brass and cast iron are
heated to 200'c at one end. If the fins dissipate heat to the surroundings air at 25'c the
temperature at the free end will be least in case of
a)aluminum fin b) brass fin c)cast iron fin d)none
16. Consider the following data inside heat transfer coefficient =25W/mA2K
outside heat transfer coefficient=25W/mA2K
Thermal conductivity of bricks?(15cm thick)=0.15W/mK the
overall transfer coefficient will be then closer to
a) inverse of heat transfer coefficient b) heat transfer coefficient
b) thermal conductivity of bricks
d) Heat transfer coefficient based on thermal conductivity of bricks alone
17.A steam pipe is to be lined with two layers of insulating materials of different thermal
conductivities, for less heat transfer
a) the better insulating must be put inside
b) the better insulation must be put outside
c) any of the two insulations may be placed inside or outside
d) the temperature of steam must be taken into account
18. While deciding as to which insulation is put is the temperature distribution (t-ta)/(to-ta) for a fin
with insulated tip is given by a) exp(-mx) b) [exp(mx)+exp(-mx)]/2 c) [cosh m(l-x)] /cosh ml
d) cosh m (1-x) +cos h ml
19. a fin protrudes from a surface which is held at temperature higher than that of its
environments. The heat transferred away from the fin is
a) Heat escaping from the tip of the fin b) heat conducted along the fin
c) Convective heat transfer from the fin surface d) none
20. Fin efficiency is defined as the ratio of the heat transferred across the fin surface to the
theatrical heat transfer across am equal area held at
a) Temperature of fin end b) constant temperature equal to that of base
c) Average temperature of fin d )none
1. In transient heat conduction, the two significant dimensions parameters are
a) Reynolds number and print number
b) Biot number and Fourier number
c) Reynolds number and biota number
d) Fourier number and Reynolds number
2. The dimensionless number is relevant in transient heat conduction
a)Fourier number b)Grashoff number c)prandtl number d)Reynolds number
3. Which of the following dimensionless number gives an indication of the ratio of internal
(conduction) resistance to the surface (convection) resistance?
a) Fourier number b)biot number c)mussel number d)Stanton number
4. Lumped parameter analysis for transient heat conduction is essentially valid for
A)Bi<0.1 b)Bi<0.5 C) Bi<10 d) Bi->infinity
Where Bi is the non dimensional biot number
5. In the non-dimensional biot number, the characteristic length is the ration of
a) Volume of solid to its surface area b) Surface area to volume of solid
c) Surface area to perimeter of solid d) Perimeter to surface area of solid
6. The temperature distribution during transient heat conduction in a solid does not depend upon
a) Location of point within the solid b) biota number h/k c) Print number
d) Fourier number
7. Heisler charts are used to determine the transient heat flow rate and temperature distribution
a) Solids possess infinitely large thermal conductivity
b) Internal conduction resistance is small and the convective resistance is large
c) Internal conduction resistance is large and the convective resistance is small
d) Both conduction and convection resistance are almost of equal importance
8. The temperature distribution at a certain instant of time in a concrete slab during curing is given
Where x is in cm and T is in Kelvin
The rate of change of temperature with time would be
a)0.0009K/s b) 0.0045K/S c)-0.0012K/s d)-0.0018K/s
Assume the thermal diffusivity to be 0.003cmA2
9. Is the transmission of heat by molecular collision
A) Conduction b) convection c) radiation d) none
10. Cork is a good insulator because it is
A) Semiconductor b) metal c) porous d) none
11 The thermal conductivity of ice is nearly times the thermal conductivity of water
a)l b)2 c)3 d)4
12Non isotropic thermal conductivity is exhibited in case of
a) Asbestos b) copper c) zinc d) wood
13 Fins are usually provided to a heat exchanger surface in order to augment heat transfer
a) Increasing the surface area b) Decreasing the surface area
c) Surface area has not effect d) Can not be determined
14. For a cylindrical rod with uniformly distributed heat sources the thermal gradient dated at half
the radius location will be of surface
A) 1/4 b)l/2 c)2 d)4
15. Transient conduction means
a) Very little heat transfer b) Heat transfer for a short time
c) Heat transfer with a very small temperature difference
d) Conduction when the temperature at a point varies with time
16. Least value of print number can be expressed in case of
a) Water b) liquid metals c) salt solution d) sugar solution
17 The emissive power of a body depends on
A) Physical nature b) nature of body c) temperature of body d) all the
18. The wavelength for maximum emissive power is given by
A) kickoff s law b) stefanboltzman law c) Fourier law d) wien law
19."All bodies above absolute zero temperature emit radiation". This statement is based a)
Stefan s law b) planks law c) provost theory d) wiens s law
20,.methods is used for find the thermal conductivity of rubber
a) Searle b) lee's disc c) cylindrical shell d) laby an hercus
1. Heat transfer by radiation is encountered least in
a)boiler furnace b)insulated steam pip c)electric bulb d)nuclear reactor
2.A perfectly black body absorbs all the incident radiation
a) allows all the icident radiation to pass through it
b) reflects all the incident light d) none
3. for a perfect black body
a) absorptivity=l , reflectivity=0 transmissivity=0
b )absorptivity=0 ,reflectivity= 1 transmissivity=0
c) Absorptivity reflectivity transmissivity=l
d) absorptive + transmissivity=l,reflectivity=0
4.For absolutely white or specular body
a) absorptivity^ , reflectivity=0 transmissivity=0
b) absorptivity=0 ,reflectivity= 1 transmissivity=0
c) absorptivity reflectivity transmissivity=l
d) absorptivity + transmissivity=l,reflectivity=:0
5.For a transparent body
a) absorptivity=l , reflectivity=0 transmissivity=0
b) absorptivity=0 ,reflectivity= 1 transmissivity=0
c) absorptivity reflectivity transmissivity=l
d) absorptivity + transmissivity=l,refiectivity=0
6. For a opaque body
a) absorptivity=l , reflectivity=0 transmissivity=0
b) absorptivity=0 ,reflectivity= 1 transmissivity=0
c) absorptivity reflectivity transmissivity=l
d) absorptivity + transmissivity=l,reflectivity=0
7.A diathermananous bosy
a) shines as a result of incident radiation
b) gets heated up as a result of absorption of ncident radiation
c) allows all the incident radiation to pass through it
d) partly absorbs and partly reflects the incident radiation
8.Solar radiation is mainly scattered or transmitted but not absorbed by the atmosphere this
characterstic manifests because
a) atmosphere has very low absorpivity b) solar radiation is very intense
c) most of solar radiation is scattered and little remains for absorption d) none
9.gases have poor
a) absorptivity b) reflectivity c) transmissivity d) none
10.The ratio of emmisive power of body to the total emissive power of a blackbody at the same
a)absorptivity b) reflectivity c) transmissivity d) emmisivity
11. Which of the following heat flow situations pertains to free or natural convection?
a) Cooling of billets in atmosphere b) Cooling of I.C engines
c) Flow of water inside the condenser tubes d) All the above
12. ______number has a significant role in forced convection
a)Mach b) Reynolds c) Prandtl d) Peclet
13. In convective heat transfer, the Nusselt number
a) Represents the ratio of viscous to inertia force
b) Signifies the velocity gradient at the surface
c) Is the ratio of molecular momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
d) Is the ratio of conduction to convection resistance
14. Nusselt number, for forced convection, is a function of____________ and
a) Reynold, Prandtl b) Prandtl, Grashoff c) Reynolds, Grashoff d) None of the above
15. In case of laminar flow over a plate, the convection heat transfer coefficient
a) Decreases with increase in free stream velocity b) Increases with distance
c) Increases if a higher viscosity fluid is used d) Increases if a denser fluid is used
16. The temperature gradient in the fluid flowing over a heated plate will be.
a) Zero at the top of the thermal boundary layer b) Very steep at the
c) Zero at the surface plate d) Positive at the surface
17. The ratio of hydro dynamic to thermal boundary layer thickness
a) Varies as one-third power of Prandtl number
b) Varies as two-third power of Stanton number
c) Varies as four-fifth power of Nussetl number d) Varies as the root of Prandtl number.
18. When Prandtl number is equal to _________ the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary and
thermal boundary layers are identical.
a) 0.2 b) 1 c) 15 d)30
19. For a free convection, Nusselt number is a function of
a) Prandtl and Grashoff number b) Reynolds and Grashoff number
c) Reynolds number only d) Reynolds and Prandtl number
20. For the natural convection heat transfer, Nusselt number is a function of
a) Prandtl and Grashoff number b) Reynolds and Grashoff number
c) Reynolds and Prandtl number d) Stanton number and Peclet number
1. The temperature gradient in the fluid flowing over a heated plate will be.
a) Zero at the top of the thermal boundary layer b) Very steep at the surface
c) Zero at the surface plate d) Positive at the surface
2. The ratio of hydro dynamic to thermal boundary layer thickness
a) Varies as one-third power of Prandtl number b) Varies as two-third power of Stanton number c)
Varies as four-fifth power of Nussetl number d) Varies as the root of Prandtl number.
3. When Prandtl number is equal to _________ the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary and
thermal boundary layers are identical.
a) 0.2 b) 1 c)15 d)30
4. For a free convection, Nusselt number is a function of
a) Prandtl and Grashoff number b) Reynolds and Grashoff number
c) Reynolds number only d) Reynolds and Prandtl number
5. For the natural convection heat transfer, Nusselt number is a function of
a) Prandtl and Grashoff number b) Reynolds and Grashoff number
c) Reynolds and Prandtl number d) Stanton number and Peclet number.
6. Which of the following heat flow situations pertains to free or natural convection?
a) Cooling of billets in atmosphere b) Cooling of I.C engines
c) Flow of water inside the condenser tubes d) All the above
7. ______number has a significant role in forced convection
a) Mach b) Reynolds c) Prandtl d) Peclet
8. In convective heat transfer, the Nusselt number
a) Represents the ratio of viscous to inertia force
b) Signifies the velocity gradient at the surface
c) Is the ratio of molecular momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity
d) Is the ratio of conduction to convection resistance
9. Nusselt number, for forced convection, is a function of____________ and ___________ number.
a) Reynold, Prandtl b) Prandtl, Grashoff c) Reynolds, Grashoff d) None of the above
10. In case of laminar flow over a plate, the convection heat transfer coefficient
a) Decreases with increase in free stream velocity b) Increases with distance
c) Increases if a higher viscosity fluid is used d) Increases if a denser fluid is use
11. Heat transfer by radiation is encountered least in
a) Boiler furnace b) Insulated steam pipe c) Electric bulb d) Nuclear reactor
12. A perfect black body
a) Absorbs all the incident radiation b) Allows all the incident radiation to pass through it
c) Reflects all the incident radiation d) Has its surface coated with lamp black or graphite
13. A diathermanous body
a) Shines as a result of incident radiation
b) Gets heated up as a result of absorption of incident radiation
c) Allows all the incident radiation to pass through it
d) Partly absorbs and partly reflects the incident radiation
14. A body which partly absorbs and which partly reflects but does not allow any radiation to pass
through it is called
a) Diathermanous b) Opaque c) Grey d) Specular
15. Choose the false statement
a) Snow is nearly black to thermal radiation
b) Absorption of radiation occurs in a very thin layer of material near the surface
c) transmissivity varies with wavelength of incident radiation
d) Most of the engineering materials have rough surfaces, and these rough syrfaces give regular
(specular) reflections
16.The steam condenser in a thermal power plant is a heat exchanger of the type
a) Direct contact b) Regenerator c) Recuperator d) None of the above
17.. The normal automobile radiator is a heat exchanger of the type
a) Direct contact b) Parallel flow c) Counter flow d) Cross flow
18.. Choose the correct statement with respect to a counter flow heat exchanger
a) Both fluids at inlet are in their coldest state b) Both fluids at outlet are in their hottest state
c) Both fluids at inlet are in their hottest state d) One fluid is hot and the other is cold at their
19. In a double pipe parallel flow heat exchanger, there occurs condensation of saturated steam
the inner tube. Subsequently, the entrance and exit connections of the cooling medium are
interchanged. The ratio of steam condensation
a) Will increase b) Will decrease c) Will remain unchanged
d) May increase or decrease depending upon saturated temperature of steam and inlet
of cooling medium
20. The requirement of transfer of large amount of heat is usually met by
e) a) Increasing the length of the tube b) Decreasing the diameter of the tube
f) c) Increasing the number of tubes d) Having multiple tube or shell passes

1. The convective coefficients for boiling and condensation usually lie in the range
a) 50-500 W/m2K b) 200-2500 W/mTK c) 300-5000 W/m2K d) 2500-10000 W/m2K
2. Drop wise condensation usually occurs on
a) Glazed surface b) Smooth surface c) Oily surface d) Coated surface
3. Saturated steam is allowed to condense over a vertical flat surface and the condensate film flows
down the surface. The local coefficient of heat transfer for condensation
a) Remains constant at all heights of the surface
b) Decreases with increasing distance from the top of the surface
c) Increases with increasing thickness of condensate film
d) Increases with increasing temperature differential between the surface and vapour
4. In condensation over a vertical surface, the value of convection coefficient varies as
a)k°'25 b)k033 c)k075 d)k-°5
5. Which of the following is a wrong statement in the context of convective heat
coefficient in laminar film condensation?
The neat transfer coefficient varies as
a) l/2 power of density of fluid b) -1/2 power of dynamic viscosity
c) A power of enthalpy of evaporation d) -1/4 power of acceleration due to gravity
6. Mark the wrong statement with respect to laminar film condensation on a vertical plate
a) The rate of condensation heat transfer is maximum at the upper edge of the plate and
progressively decreases as the lower edge is approached.
b) At a definite point on the heat transfer surface, the film coefficient is directly proportional to
thermal conductivity and inversely proportional to thickness of film at the point.
c) The average heat transfer coefficient is two-third of the local heat transfer
coefficient at the
lower edge of the plate.
d) The film thickness increases as the fourth root of the distance down the upper edge.
7. Milk spills over when it is boiled in an open vessel. The boiling of milk at this instant is referred
to as
a) Interface evaporation "b) Sub-cooled boiling c) Film boiling
d) Saturated nucleate boiling
8. With increase in excess temperature, the heat flux in boiling
a) Increases continuously b) Decreases and then increases
c) Decreases, then increases and again decreases d) Increases, then decreases and again
9. The excess temperature range 50 C < AT < 200 C is indicative of the region of
a) Interface evaporation b) Nuclear boiling c) Partial film boiling d) Stable film boiling
10. Lei den-frost effect is associated with
a) Evaporation of a solution
b) Boiling of liquid on a hot surface
c) Exchange of heat between two fluids
d) Condensation of vapor on a cold surface
11. Heat flux increases with temperature excess beyond the Leiden-frost point due to
a) Occurance of sub cooled boiling
b) Promotion of nucleate boiling
c) Radiation effect becomes predominant
d) Vapor space becomes large
12. In nucleate pool boiling, the heat flux depends on
a) Material of the surface only
b) Material and roughness of the surface
c) Liquid properties, material and condition of the surface
d) Liquid properties, material and condition of the surface
13. Identify the wrong statement with respect to boiling heat transfer?
a) Boiling occurs when a heated surface is exposed to a liquid and maintained at a
lower than the saturation temperature of the liquid
b) The steam boilers employing natural convection have steam raised through pool boiling.
c) Then nucleation boiling is characterized by the formation of bubbles at the nucleation sites
the resulting liquid agitation
d) Leiden-frost effect refers to the phenomenon of stable film boiling

14. Which of the following parameters affect the burnt out heat flux in the nucleate boiling region?
1. Heat of vaporization 2. Temperature difference 3. Density of vapor
4. Density of liquid 5. Surface tension at the vapor liquid interface
Mark the correct answer from the codes indicated below:
a) 1,2,3,&5 b)l,3,4&5 c)l,2,3&4 d)l,3&5
15. Consider the following statements regarding nucleate boiling:
1. The temperature of the surface is greater than the saturation temperature of the liquid
2. Bubbles are created by the expansion of entrapped gas oil vapor at small cavities in the
3. The temperature is greater than that in the film boiling
4. The heat transfer from the surface to the liquid is greater than that in the film
Which of the following statements are correct?
a )l , 2 &4 b )l & 3 c)l,2&3 d) 2,3 & 4
16. Inspite of large heat transfer coefficients in boiling liquids, fins are used advantageously when
the entire surface is exposed to
a) Film boiling b) Transition boiling c) Nucleate boiling d) All modes of boiling
17. All of the following statements are correct except
a) In sub cooled boiling, the temperature of the heating surface is more than the boiling point of
b) Nucleate boiling gets promoted on a smooth surface
c) There occurs transition from nucleate to film boiling at burn out point on the boiling curve
d) Film boiling region is usually avoided in commercial equipment
18. Pick the odd one out
a) Open feed water heaters b) Jet condensers c) De-super heater d) Surface condenser
19. When bubbles formed on a submerged hot surface get absorbed in the mass of liquid, the
process of boiling is known as _________boiling.
a) Film boiling b) Pool boiling c) Nucleate boiling d) None of the above
20. High heat transfer rate is in
a) Film boiling b) Nucleate boiling c) Both in film and nucleate boiling
d) In simple convection


1. The steam condenser in a thermal power plant is a heat exchanger of the type
a) Direct contact b) Regenerator c) Recuperator d) None of the above
2. The normal automobile radiator is a heat exchanger of the type
a) Direct contact b) Parallel flow c) Counter flow d) Cross flow
3. Choose the correct statement with respect to a counter flow heat exchanger
a) Both fluids at inlet are in their coldest state b) Both fluids at outlet are in their hottest state
c) Both fluids at inlet are in their hottest state d) One fluid is hot and the other is cold at their
4. In a double pipe parallel flow heat exchanger, there occurs condensation of saturated steam over
the inner tube. Subsequently, the entrance and exit connections of the cooling medium are
interchanged. The ratio of steam condensation
a) Will increase b) Will decrease c) Will remain unchanged
d) May increase or decrease depending upon saturated temperature of steam and inlet temperature
of cooling medium
5. The requirement of transfer of large amount of heat is usually met by
a) Increasing the length of the tube b) Decreasing the diameter of the tube
c) Increasing the number of tubes d) Having multiple tube or shell passes
6. The shell of a tubular heat exchanger is provided with expansion bellows to
a) Facilitate increase in length of boiler shell b) Impart structural strength to
c) Account for uneven expansion of shell and tube bundles d) Reduce the pressure drop
7. In a heat exchanger with one fluid evaporating or condensing, the surface area required is least in
a) Parallel flow b) Counter flow c) Cross flow d) Same in all the above
8. For evaporators and condensers, for the given conditions. The logarithmic mean temperature
difference for parallel flow is _______ that for counter flow
a) Equal to b) Smaller than c) Greater than d) Any one of the above
9. In a counter flow heat exchanger, cold fluid enters at 30 C and leaves at 50 c, where as the hot
fluid enters at 150 c and leaves at 130 Cathie mean temperature difference for this case
a)20C b)80C c)100C d) Indeterminate
10. A designer chooses the values of fluid flow rates and specific heats in such a manner that heat
capacities of two fluids are equal. In the counter flow heat exchanger arrangement the hot fluid
enters at 100 and leaves at 60 C. If the cold fluid drabs a temperature, between the two fluids will
a)20C b)60C c) 80 C d) Indeterminate
11. Consider the following statements:
In a shell and tube exchanger baffles are provided on the shell side to
1. Prevent the stagnation of shell side fluid
2. Improve heat transfer
3. Provide support for tubes
4. Prevent fouling of tubes
Which of these statements are
a)l&2 b)2&3 c)l ,2&3 d )l ,2,3&4
12. Multi pass heat exchangers are used to
a) Reduce the pressure drop b) Get a compact unit
c) Obtain high heat transfer coefficient unit
d) Facilitate very large temperature drop through the tube wall
13. Which of the following terms is not associated with heat exchangers?
a) Fouling b) Me Adam's correction factor c) NTU d) Capacity ratio
14. How does heat transfer take place in regenerator type heat exchanger?
a) By generation of heat again and again b) By indirect transfer
c) By direct mixing of hot and cold fluids
d) By flow of hot and cold fluids alternately over a surface
15. A correction of LMTD is necessary in case of ________ heat exchanger.
a) Cross flow b) Counter flow c) Counter current d) All of the above
16. With regard to 'Fouling factor' which of the following statements is correct?
a) It is used when a liquid exchanges heat with a gas
b) It is used only in the case of Newtonian fluids
c) It is dimensionless d) It is virtually a factor of safety in heat exchanger design
17. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the corrosive liquid is normally passed through
a) Tube side b) Shell side c) Either of the above d) None of the above

18. What do 1-2 heat exchangers mean?

a) Two tubes of hot fluid pass through one tube of cold fluid
b) Single pass on tube side and double pass on shell side
c) Single pass on shell side and double pass on tube side d) None if the above
19. Why are baffles provided in heat exchangers?
a) To reduce heat transfer rate b) To increase heat transfer rate c) To remove di
d) To reduce vibrations
20. Compared to parallel flow heat exchanger LMTD in case of counter flow heat exchanger will
be .
a) Less b) Same c) More d) Unpredictable


1. Radiation heat transfer is characterized by

a) Energy transport as a result of bulk fluid motion
b) Thermal energy transfer as vibrational energy in the lattice structure of the material
c) Movement of discrete packets of energy as electro magnetic waves
d) Circulation of fluid motion by buoyancy effects
2. Which of the following statement is not true in the context of thermal radiations?
a) Thermal radiations are electro magnetic waves
b) Thermal radiations travel in free space with a velocity 3* 108 m/s
c) All bodies emit thermal radiations at all temperatures
d) Thermal radiations are not reflected fr4om a mirror

3. Thermal radiations occur in the portion of electro magnetic spectrum between the wave lengths
a) 10"2 to 10"8 micron b) 10"1 to 10"2 micron c) 0.1 to 102 micron
d) 10 micron
4. The sun with a effective surface temperature of 560 K emits most of its radiation in the
spectrum of frequency range
a) 0.1 to 4 micron b) 1 to 10 micron c) 0.01 to 0.1 micron d) At all the wavelengths

5. Solar radiation is mainly scattered or transmitted but not absorbed by the atmosphere. This
characteristic manifests because
a) Solar radiation is mainly in the visible spectrum for which the atmosphere has low
b) Solar radiation is very intense
c) Most of solar radiation is scattered and little remains for absorption
d) Atmosphere air has a very small density
6. Heat transfer by radiation is encountered least in
a) Boiler furnace b) Insulated steam pipe c) Electric bulb d) Nuclear reactor
7. A perfect black body
a) Absorbs all the incident radiation b) Allows all the incident radiation to pass through it
c) Reflects all the incident radiation d) Has its surface coated with lamp black or graphite
8. A diathermanous body
e) Shines as a result of incident radiation
f) Gets heated up as a result of absorption of incident radiation
g) Allows all the incident radiation to pass through it
h) Partly absorbs and partly reflects the incident radiation
9. A body which partly absorbs and which partly reflects but does not allow any radiation to pass
through it is called
a) Diathermanous b) Opaque c) Grey d) Specular
10. Choose the false statement
g) Snow is nearly black to thermal radiation
h) Absorption of radiation occurs in a very thin layer of material near the surface
i) transmissivity varies with wavelength of incident radiation
j) Most of the engineering materials have rough surfaces, and these rough syrfaces give
(specular) reflections
11. Gases have poor
a) Absorptivity b) Reflectivity c) Transmitivity d) Absoptivity as well as
12. For an ideal reflector, the energy distribution at higher temperatures is at
a) Shorter wavelength b) Longer wavelength
c) Remains same at all wavelengths d) Depends upon factors other than wavelength
13. With an increase in wavelength, the monochromatic emissive power of a black body a) Increases
b) Decreases c) Increases, reaches a maximum and then decreases d) Decreases, reaches a
minimum and then decreases
14. Absoptivity of a body is equal to its emissivity
a) For a polished body b) Under thermal equilibrium condition
c) At one particular temperature d) At shorter wavelengths
15. The ratio of total emissive power of body to the total emissive power of a black body at the
same temperature is called
a) Absorptivity b) Transmitivity c) Reflectivity d) Emissivity
16. The ratio of the emissive power to that of the black body at the same temperature i.e.,
emissivity is constant for all wavelengths. Such a body is called
a) White b) Transparent c) Gray d) Diathermanous
17. A surface for which emissivity is constant at all the temperatures and through out the entire
range of wavelength is called
a) Opaque b) Gray c) Specular d) Diathermanous
18. For a gray surface
a) Emissivity is constant b) Absroptivity equals Reflectivity
c) Emissivity equals transmitivity d) Reflectivity equals emissivity
19. The law governing the distribution of radiant energy over wavelength for a black body at fixed
temperature is referred
a) Planks'law b) Wien's law c) Kirrchoff law d) Lambert's law
20. The emissivity is likely to be higher in case of
a) Rubber b) Paper c) Carbon d) Iron oxide

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