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Daelson: Good day to you all. If we are already complete, we can now start the meeting.

welcome Ms. Cristine Reyes, one of the huge sponsors of our organization.
Cristine: This is an awaited meeting. I am glad to be here.
Daelson: At the same time, we have in our midst is one of the successful engineer in the
country/our auditor of MIT-ST, Mr. Morgan Bacsal.
Morgan: Thank you for having me.
Daelson: Unfortunately, my personal adviser, Ms. Alecsis Corby, would not be here because
she is not feeling well this morning.
Reviewing Past Business
Daelson: Let’s begin our meeting. Our aim is to choose what will be our summer outing this end
of term. First, we should go over the reports of our last meeting, which was held on June 7,
Beginning the Meeting
Joseph: Good day sir, before we review the reports of our last meeting. Let’s hear the
suggestions of the board on what would they like to do for our summer outing. We have divided
the board to suggest various places for our summer outing.
Discussing Items
Cristine: In my opinion, summer outing would be best if go out of town and enjoy the beach
where we can really feel the summer heat and the relaxing splashes of the sea to the sand.
Joseph: I agree with Cristine, we can more appreciate nature if we go have fun on a beach.
Morgan: However, if we set our summer outing on a pool area or a pool party, we would be
much safer rather than going to a beach.
Cristine: A pool party is very common nowadays, we should enjoy summer like the old times.
Stephanie: But the millennials are not good outdoors and at bringing back the old times. We
should coop up with them and have a pool party instead.
Cristine: I beg to disagree with Ms. Stephanie’s assertion. I think millennials like adventures, so
going to a beach is more fun than having a pool party.
Nicole: I’m confused. Could you tell me again?
Cristine: I just said that we should go to a beach instead of having a pool party.
Morgan: Sorry this is as clear as mud to me. What exactly do you mean?
Cristine: Well, we, millennials, like to have adventures, thrill, or something fun to do. In a pool
party, all you can do is swim around and drink. However, in a beach, you can do kayak, banana
boating, zipline, etc.
Joseph: Is there anything else you want to add, Stephanie?
Stephanie: I have the same view with Cristine. I completely agree with her.
Joseph: So, if there is nothing else we need to add, let's move on to my presentation. (Joseph
presents his ppt presentation)
Nicole: I suggest that we should group into 2 groups and discuss the ideas that Joseph
Finishing the Meeting
Daelson: Regrettably, we do not have enough time. We will continue this discussion in our next

Joseph: Before we end this meeting, let’s summarize the ideas we all discussed:

 go out of town and enjoy the beach where we can really feel the summer heat and the
relaxing splashes of the sea to the sand.
 appreciate nature if we go have fun on a beach.
 Pool party is much safer
 A pool party is common, we should enjoy summer like the old times
 We should coop up with millennials and have a pool party instead.
Daelson: Thank you very much Joseph. Is there Any Other Business? If there’s none, Our next
meeting will be tomorrow, same time and place. Is that OK for everyone?
Everyone: Yes. There’s no problem.
Daelson: Excellent. Before ending the meeting, I’d like to thank Ms. Cristine Reyes for coming
to our meeting.
Cristine: The pleasure was mine. I had a great time.
Daelson: Well then, the meeting is closed.

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