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1. Name the life processes carried out in all living beings.

2. Mention the cell organelle where the photosynthetic pigments are located?
3. Name the biological catalyst. Mention its role.
4. Define the term photosynthesis.
5. What is meant by nutrition?
6. What are stomata? Where do you find them?
5. There is no specific organ for taking in food, exchange of gases or removal of waste in single celled
organisms. Why? Give reasons.
6. What do you mean by digestion?
7. Define the term excretion and osmoregulation. Name the excretory organ of the following- amoeba
and earthworm.
8. What is the source of energy in living organisms?
9. Which type of energy is used by living organisms?
10. Why energy is required by an organism even during sleep?
11. List out the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
12. Differentiate movement and locomotion.
13. Define the term sensitivity.
14. List and explain the various types’ nutrition.
15. Differentiate respiration and breathing.
16. Name the chemicals used in starch test.
17. Name a parasitic plant and animals.
1. Name the tissue, which transports soluble products of photosynthesis in a plant? 2. How do autographs
obtain Co2 and N2 to make their food?
3. Biological reactions in our body depend on the presence of biocatalysts. What is the name given to
these biocatalysts?
4. What is the mode of nutrition in fungi? 5. Name the site of photosynthesis?
6. Where do plants get each of the raw materials for photosynthesis?
7. Give the currently accepted equation of photosynthesis.
8. The stomata open during night only and closed during the day in desert plants. Give reason for it?
9. Draw the diagram of CS of a leaf and label.
1.chloroplast,2 guard cell3.lower epidermis,4 upper epidermis 5. Xylem 6.phloem
10. Mention the type of nutrition seen in green plants, cuscuta, man.
11. Enumerate the main events during photosynthesis.
12. Opening and closing of stomata is regulated by guard cells. Justify this statement with suitable
13. Draw a neat labeled diagram of; cross section of a leaf, stomata open and closed.
14. Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants. list four factors which influence this process.
15. List two differences between holozoic nutrition and saprophytic nutrition. Give two example of each
of these two types of nutrition.
16. Name the process by which plant make food.
17. Give the energy transformation that takes place in the process of photosynthesis.
18. Which substance is used to remove the chlorophyll from the green leaf during photosynthesis?
19. What is chlorophyll?
20. What is the source of oxygen in the process of photosynthesis/
21. Define photolysis. 22. Define light reaction 23. Define dark reaction .
24. Where does the light reaction occur in the chloroplast.
25. Where does the dark reaction occur in the chloroplast.
26. How does respiration occur in the leaves.
Describe the following experiments;
27. Light is necessary for photosynthesis
28. Co2 is necessary for photosynthesis
29. Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis.
30. What is use of alcohol in starch test?
31. Describe the process of starch test.
32. How does water affect the rate of photosynthesis?
33. What is the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis?
34. How does respiration occur in the leaves?
35. List out the functions of guard cells.
1. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food? 2. What is the role of acid in our stomach?
3. State the function of digestive enzymes.
4. Locomotary structures are used for feeding also. Name the organisms which use the following
structures; i. pseudopodia ii.cilia.
5. Saliva contains an enzyme. Name it and give its function>
6. Locate the place of your body where peristalitic movements occur/what are it meant for?
7. What is the function of pepsin? 8. Why is it necessary to create an acidic medium in the stomach
region? 9. Give the longest part of alimentary canal?
10. What provides an alkaline medium for the pancreatic enzymes to act?
11. Name the part of the alimentary canal where there is complete digestion of carbohydrates protein
and fats take place.
12. Name the protein digesting enzyme, which acts in an ; a acidic medium . b. alkaline medium.
13. What are villi/give its function.
14. What is the function of large intestine? 15. Name the organisms which show parasitic nutrition.
16. Write any two functions of pancreas. 17. How does absorption takes place in small intestine of the
human beings? 18. Name the gland that secretes amylase. What is the action of amylase on food/
19. What is the role of HCl in protein digestion?
20. Bile juice does not contain any digestive enzymes, yet it is essential for digestion, why so? Explain.
21. Name the two proteases in pancreatic juice. What are their specific roles?
22. What do you mean by digestion? 23. What does the gastric juice? Give their role.
24. Draw the diagrams only to show the various stages of nutrition in amoeba.
25. Distinguish between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic nutrition.
26. Write the function of the following in digestion process.; bile, bicarbonate secreted by duodenal wall,
pancreatic amylase.
27. Draw a diagram of human alimentary canal starting from stomach and ending at anus, label any six
28. Where does digestion start in the alimentary canal? Explain in detail how does it occur there?
29. Mention the role of the following organs present in the buccal cavity in the digestion of food. Teeth,
tongue, salivary gland.
30. Small intestine is longer in herbivores than in carnivores. Is there any reason? if there is, give the
31. What is the secretion of the pancreas called? What are its contents? Give their functions.
32. Explain the role of bile salts in the digestion of fat. 33. How is the small intestine designed to
absorb digested food?
34. What is the name of tiny projection on the inner surface of small intestine which helps in absorbing
the digested food?
35. Which is the largest gland in the human body?
1. Define; Respiration and breathing.
2. What do mean by aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
3. Define the term; fermentation.
4. Name the membranes covering the lungs.
5. Name the functional unit of lungs
6 How is thoracic cavity separated from abdominal cavity?
7. Why do the walls of trachea not collapse when there is less air in it?
8. In which form o2 is carried to the tissues/
9. in what form co2 moves out of the blood?
10. What happens to the rate of breathing during vigorous exercise and why?
11. Why is respiration essential for life/
12. How does respiration occur in the stem of the plant?
13. How does respiration occur in the leaves?
14. Explain the mechanism of gaseous exchange between tissues and blood?
15. State the function of epiglottis?
16. What happens to the co2 which gets collected in human tissues?
17. Why is cigarette smoking injuries to health?
18. Give reasons for the following;
a. the glottis is guarded by epiglottis
b. the lung alveoli covered with blood capillaries
c .the wall of trachea is supported by cartilage rings.
19. Draw and label the parts of the human respiratory system.
20. State the role of the following in the human respiratory system.
a. nasal cavity,
b diaphragm,
c. alveoli.
D. lung
e. trachea.
21 . Differentiate the process of inspiration and expiration.
22. Name the two ways in which glucose is oxidized to provide energy in various organisms?
23. What advantage over aquatic organisms does a terrestrial organism have with regard to obtaining
oxygen for respiration?
24. What is your body temperature?
25. List the end products of ;
a. aerobic respiration
b. anaerobic respiration..
26. Why is diffusion insufficient to meet the o2 requirements of large multicellular organisms like
27. Where exactly the exchange of gases takes place in the lungs?
28. Name the respiratory pigments in man where do you find them?
29. Why do we say that the photosynthesis is an anabolic process and respiration is a catabolic process/
30. What role is played by yeast in conversion of cane sugar to ethanol?
31. Write one feature, which is common to each of the following pairs of terms/organs;
a. Glycogen and starch
b. chlorophyll and haemoglobin
c. gills and lungs.
32. What would be the consequences of deficiency of haemoglobin in our bodies?
33.Give the characteristic features of respiratory organs for the efficient gas exchange/
34. A student takes some fruit juices or sugar solution and adds some yeast with a one hole rubber cork.
He then fits the cork with a bent glass tube and tips the free end of the glass tube into a test tube
containing freshly prepared lime water
Answer the following;
a. What change is observed in lime water?
b. Name and explain the process taking place.
c. Write the products formed..
35. List 4 conditions required for efficient gas exchange in an organism?
36. How are lungs designed in human beings to maximize the exchange of gases?
1. What is transpiration?
2. Define circulatory system
3. Name the components of circulatory system
4. What is the volume of blood in a healthy man?
5. Name the respiratory pigment that takes part in transportation of oxygen in humans.
6. What is the life span of RBC?
7. What is the function of blood platelets?
8. What is blood clotting?
9. Mention the time required for blood clotting
10. List the components of blood
11. What are called police force of the body?
12. What makes RBCs red?
13. What is the size of human heart
14. Name the valves at auriculoventricular apertures.
15. Name the blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood to lungs and heart.
16. Name the various components of lymphatic system
17. Define double circulation
18. Name the animal having single circulation
19. Name the system responsible for transportation of materials in human beings.
20. Define translocation.
21. Define transpiration
22. Name the constituent cells of xylem
23. Name the constituents of phloem
24. What is the function of xylem?
25. What is the function of phloem?
26. What is blood?
27. What is lymph?
28. Define artery
29. What is vein?
30. Name the chamber of the human heart.
31. Define pulse
32. What is heart beat?
33. Name the instrument used for listing heart beats.
34. Name the instrument used for measuring blood pressure.
35. What is normal blood pressure?
36. What are formed elements?
37. Name the substance released by rupturing blood platelets.
38. Why is vitamin K essential for blood clotting?
39. What are capillaries?
40. What is pericardium?
41. Enumerate the functions of transportation.
42. Enumerate the various modes of transportation
43. Write a note on blood plasma
44. Write notes on RBC
45. Write notes on WBC
46. Enumerate the functions of blood
47. How does blood clotting occur?
48. Distinguish an artery from a vein
49. Distinguish blood from lymph
50. Tabulate differences between xylem and phloem
51. Describe the structure and functioning of heart with the help of a diagram
52. Briefly the process of transport of water and minerals in plants
53. Draw a labeled diagram of internal structure of human heart.


1. Define excretion
2. What are metabolic waste products?
3. Name the parts of excretory system
4. Name the structural and functional units of kidney.
5. What is Glomerular Filtrate?
6. Define ultrafiltration
7. What is glomerulus
8. Name the components of a bowman’s capsule
9. Name the structure which stores urine temporarily
10. What is ureter?
11. What is artificial kidney?
12. Define afferent and efferent arterioles
13. What is dialysis?
14. Name the waste product of plants which is used as medicine
15. Why is urine yellow in colour
16. Where is urine stored in the body?
17. What is osmoregulation?
18. Give the composition of urine
19. Enumerate functions of kidney
20. Enumerate the various products inhuman beings.
21. Briefly describe the working of artificial kidney
22. Describe the mechanism of urine formation.
23. How is amoeba able to dispose of its waste products?
24. Describe the various components of urinary system of man
25. Explain the structure of nephron with the help of a labeled diagram.

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