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>>FAQ and lowkey crash course


>What is the Law of Attraction?

It talks about how certain thought patterns eventually bring an equivalent reality.
A person with a bright outlook on life will have favorable circumstances and
someone drowning in negativity will meet unfortunate events.

In practical terms (and this is the point of interest for this kind of threads) you
can intentionally evoke the effect by properly imagining ("visualize") events,
which will lead to them happening ("materialize") in your life.

>How do I visualize?
-1st person point of view.
-Feel the relevant emotional and physical sensations.
-Realtime, present tense, as if you already have it (in other words, never put a "I
want to" or "I will").
-Visualizing looking back at the past when you got it, and still have it (eg
talking about friends about how you lost weight or got that job) similarly works.
-DON'T attribute importance to the event.
-Always work with affirmations/positive events instead of negations ("I keep my
job" instead of "I don't lose my job", "I pass with flying colors" instead of "I
don't drop out", etc). LoA skips the "No" part and goes to what you focus on, this
is why many calamities manifest.
-Continue until it "clicks" inside yourself.
-Do this activity every so often.
-That said, it should NOT feel like a chore, let alone one that you dislike, as it
will screw up the balance.

>What is importance?
Goes on the lines of an inflated sense of "I am have an important quality/do
important work" if attributed to yourself, or “such and such means an awful lot to
me” or “it is really important to me to do such and such” if attributed to other
things. This creates a lot of potential.

>What is potential?
Something that upset the balance if there is too much of it.

>What balance?
An opposing force that counteracts ("balances") your extreme desires. As result,
things can backfire and even push you farther away from the goal from where you
originally were.

>And how can I eliminate importance and avoid all that?

-Paradoxical as it sounds, visualize your *failure* (this is an one-time activity).
Show yourself that it's not the end of the world if you fail.
-Have a safety net (eg "If I somehow fail, it's okay because I have XYZ are
-Visualize things as if they are already part of you (never things in the future),
as you can't desire something you already have (such as the clothes you're already
wearing right now).
-ACTIONS, steps you manually do to actually accomplish, reduce potential.

See it just like going to buy the newspaper at the newstand. You do the walking
there. It's a very everyday thing, chances of failing are so low you might as
pretend it's "already" yours. If you somehow fail, life still goes on.

>When is the best time and place to visualize?

Anytime you can give yourself a decent amount of time to relax (meditate), up to an
including before sleep.

>What I can and can't/shouldn't manifest?

Pretty much anything is fair game but Zeland makes an exception for money. Money is
a finicky thing and shouldn't be a goal or even a means towards a goal, but an
attribute that naturally present itself when you reach the goal/in the road towards
the goal.

>What about love?

If you're working with an specific person there's a caveat: your desires might
conflict with their's, but there's a trick for that. You find a common ground with
them (maybe it won't be necessarily love-related), and from there something can

>"I visualized and didn't work"

-Check the basic steps (1st person PoV, emotional response, detachment, etc)
-Give it some time. The more of a change from your current life the visualization
is, the more it will take before it manifests. LoA works better with things that
are already "a step away from you".
-Check if there is a mental block ("I need to work my ass off to get famous", "I
wasn't born for all those expensive things", "I need to be hot to get a gf", etc)
that prevents you from manifesting what you want or makes you ignore/avoid the
opportunities for them to happen.

>What if LoA is a sham?

LoA is only a label we gave to the abstract concept of how our minds can affect our
reality. Coincidences, dumb lucks, natural occurences, LoA can be attributed to
many things.

There is no need to believe in that concept, in fact there's no need to have a deep
understanding of it even if you *do* follow the visualization exercises.

The exercises require a certain attitude that gives people a more relaxed approach
to life, so even if you don't think they genuinely manifest things into reality,
you might find some value on that?

>How can I make visualization more effective?

DO ACTIONS. Work on your skills, talk with people, go to places, etc. You will
encounter opportunities to make you want a reality.

>How to tell the difference between visualizing and daydreaming?

Daydream will often be 3rd person PoV and not have enough of an emotional/physical

You want to be the actor/actress in the play, not one of the audience members.

>Can I use dreams (lucid or otherwise) for manifesting purposes?

No. Anything you "manifest" while asleep will be limited to dreams; as far as the
universe is concerned, you already got what you wanted (in your dreams), no need to
do further work (in the real world). That said, you can use the scenarios you
experience in dreams to make yourself more familiar and comfortable with the same
scenarios for when you visualize/materialize them IRL.

>Should I visualize just once or daily?

Keeping it up daily. That said, remember to not make it feel like a chore or else
it'll build potential instead.

>How to deal with barrage of negative thoughts? Trying to feel happy all the time
is draining
First try to take a breath. Try to find the silver lining on things. React with

At first it's hard, but over time it becomes simpler.

>What is Ho'oponopono?
A small technique to let go of your guilt. It should help you if you have self-
worth issues or limiting beliefs. Simply repeat this aloud a few times:

I’m Sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

Whatever needs cleansing will come to mind as you say it.

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