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 A classic pre-dinner drink. Sometimes referred to as a
“Manhattan Dry”.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
2 parts whiskey (Canadian or bourbon preferred)
1 part dry vermouth
4 dashes Angostura bitters
 Glass:Martini
 Preparation:Stir the ingredients and strain into the glass.
 Garnish:Cocktail cherry.
 Variant: serve on ice in a low ball glass. Split the part dry vermouth
into 0.5 parts dry and sweet vermouth each to create a “Manhattan

 This is a variant of the “Slow Comfortable Screw” (see our Vodka Cocktail Recipe
Guide ), where the vodka and gin is not added.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
1 part Southern Comfort
Orange juice
 Glass:Lowball
 Preparation:Shake the ingredients with and strain into the glass.
 Garnish: Banana slice. This brings out the fruity aroma of the Southern Comfort.
 Southern Comfort is an orange and peach flavoured whiskey from the USA. Also a very
versatile mixed drinks ingredient.


 Ingredients:
Ice cubes ice
2 parts whiskey (Canadian preferred)
1 part lime juice
0.5 parts sugar syrup or a teaspoon of fine sugar
 Glass:Low ball
 Preparation:Shake the ingredients and strain into the ice-filled glass.
 Garnish:Usually none

 Great old classic. The sugar goes well with the whisky.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
2 parts bourbon
Cube of sugar or a 0.25 part sugar syrup
2 dashed Angostura bitters
Soda water
 Glass:Lowball
 Preparation:Stir the bourbon and bitters with a few ice cubes and the sugar. Add just
enough soda water to dissolve the sugar. Add more ice if required.
 Garnish: Orange slice and/or lemon twist and cocktail cherry.
 Vary the bourbon with Scotch whiskey to make a “Scotch Old Fashioned”.


 There is a belief that you will be cured by “the hair of the dog that bit you”. It’s often
used in relation to hangovers i.e. take more alcohol to sooth a hangover. This drink is
indeed a good cure for hangovers as far as the “hair of the dog” is good for you. See our
Hangover Cures Guide for more.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
2 parts whisky (Scotch preferred)
2 parts cream or full cream milk
3 teaspoons honey
 Glass:Martini
 Preparation:Shake the ingredients and strain into the glass.

 A popular pre-dinner drink.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
4 parts whiskey (bourbon preferred)
3 parts lemon juice
1.5 parts sugar syrup
1 dash egg white (optional)
 Glass:Lowball
 Preparation:Shake the ingredients with and strain into the glass.
 Garnish: Orange slice and cocktail cherry.

 This is an international drink invented in Canada. It’s original French name is “Trois
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
2 parts whiskey (Canadian preferred)
1 part Dubonnet (vermouth also works)
1 part triple sec
 Glass:Lowball
 Preparation:Shake the ingredients and strain into the glass.
 Garnish: Orange slice or serve ungarnished.

 Professional bartenders will lead you to believe that you cannot make this cocktail with
something else than real Scotch whiskey. But, then, you know better than that.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
2 parts whiskey (Scotch preferred)
2 parts sweet vermouth (you can also try red vermouth)
2 dashed Angostura bitters
 Glass:Lowball
 Preparation:Stir the ingredients in the glass.
 Garnish: Twist of orange.
 A perfect drink for St. Andrew’s Day (30 November).

 We recommend you make this one strong.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
2 or 3 parts whiskey (Irish preferred)
Tonic water
 Glass:Highball
 Preparation:Pour the whiskey over ice in the glass and top up with tonic water.
 Garnish: Lemon peel.

 A popular after dinner drink.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
1 part whisky
1 part Amaretto
A teaspoon of sugar syrup
 Glass:Lowball
 Preparation:Pour the ingredients into the ice-filled glass and stir gently.
 Garnish:Serve ungarnished
 Replace the whisky with vodka to create a “God Mother”.

 A sour sharp whisky cocktail.
 Ingredients:
Ice cubes
2 parts whisky
2 parts triple sec
lemon juice
 Glass:Martini
 Preparation:Shake the ingredients and stain into the glass.
 Garnish:Serve ungarnished or with a slice of orange

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