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A new kind of big moneA tournament!


6-Round Swiss November 25-27
at PHILADELPHIA CENTRE HOTEL, site of the biggest open tournament
ever held in the USA (1978 World Open).

New Prize Format Booster Section (under 7775 or unrated) each

have early fees under $30 with, of course, much
How big will the prizes be in the new style
smaller prize funds expected.
1983 Continental Open? It is up to you, the
players! We are hopeful of having one of the No Unrated may win over $2000 in Group 3,
largest prize funds in chess history, but only $1600 in Group 4, $1200 in Group 5, $800 in
your support can make this a real_ity. Croup 6, $600 in Group 7, or $400 in Group 8.
Players whose USCF class-letters show a former
We are not in a position to risk guaranteeing
rating 101 or more points above grouP max-
tens of thousands of dollars in the first year of
imum (Groups 2, 4, 6,8) or 151 or more points
this new format, but with $120 per player
above (Groups 3,5,7) may not win over $700
awarded in the Open Section, $100 in Groups
in these groups.
2-'7, and $80 in Croup 8, it will not require a
huge entry in your section to have gigantic Philadelphia Centre Hotel
prizes! The hotel, formerly the Philadelphia
The Open Section also has a minimum Sheraton, has proven an extremely popular
$3,000 guarantee for its top 6 places, awarding tournament site for many years. The five largest
60 Grand Prix Points. This section should be in- World Opens ever were held there in 1977-80
credibly strong, as lower groups for under 2300 and 1982, with the 1978 event drawing 1,063
and under 2150 are likely to lure most Experts players to establish a record for American tour-
and low Masters away naments which still stands. Sleeping room rates
opportunity for those who- producing a unique
prefer to play "up" are a bargain: $32 single, $38 twin, $42 foc 3,
for experience. Your chances for FIDE-ratable $44 for 4. These special chess rates are just a
performance should also be good in this section little over half the hotel's regular rates, and are
(games vs. FIDE-rated players will be sent in for hard to match at any major hotel in the coun-
FIDE rating if you play at least four). try. (Send reservations directly to the hotel; ask
Also unique is Group 2, the first big-money for the chess rates).
event ever for Onder 2300. Masters rated under The Philadelphia Centre is located adjacent to
2300 have had little chance to win large prizes the Greyhound bus terminal and Philadelphia
in past major opens
- if you
pass up this opportunity!
are one, don't
FIDE-ratable results
Suburban train station. Good and inexpensive
food is available 24 hours a day within a few
are also possible in this section, though less blocks, and parking is only about $2 per day on
likely than in the Open. Saturday and Sunday (about $6 Friday).
Group 3 (under 2750 or unrated), Group 4 See Tournament Life in this issue for entry
(under 2000 or unrated), Group 5 (under 1850 fees, schedule, and other details. For early ad-
or unrated), Group 6 (under 1700 or unrated), vance entry fee (minimum fee), mail entry by
Group 7 (under 1550 or unrated), and Group I Oct 15; from 10/16 through 77174 fee is higher,
(under 1400 or unrated) round out the novel for- but still less than at the door. Do not expect a
mat, with each group 150 points apart from the reply to your mailed entry (if for any reason you
next. Prizes in the first seven groups will be need a reply, enclose self-addressed postcard).
distributed 5O7" of prize fund 7st,207" 2nd, Send your entry now! If you like the excite-
707" 3rd,87" 4th,6% 5th,6% 6th. ment of opens with huge prizes and wish there
For players who can't afford $1O0-plus entry were more, please help us establish this event
fees, we offer two other sections. The Amateur as a new annual big-money tournament.
Section (under 2075 or unrated) and the
ss Life
11 NOVEMBER 1983
Page 15

A report on the events leading up to the two Soviet
t:i[hl 15 *. lo
players' forfeit losses in the world championship
Up lo l9 semifinals.


Eithr rd ro
There's something in it for you every time you sign up
a new USCF member. And for truly dedicated souls,

there's even more.


Humberto Cruz brings us up to date on the doings of a
grandmaster whose love affair spans half a century.

What can they do? How much do they cost? Some
Page 53 answers to the most frequently asked questions about
chess-playing computers.


It took undefeated scores for Walter Browne, Larry
Christiansen, and Roman Dzindzichashvili to win the
U.S. Championship. Jeremy Silman reports.

On the Cover
Among them they own nine U.S. Championship titles:
Larry Christiansen (standing, left) is a two-time champ, ACROSSTHEBOARD 6
Roman Dzindzichashvili is enjoying his first visit to the ABCsOFCHESS. . . 7
winner's circle, ald Walter Browne (seated) signals a
big six. Story, page 52. (Photo by Ian Scott Forbes') LETTERS 8
REVIEWS... ..27
Ches Life, formerly Chess Life & Review, is published monthly by the Uoited
States Cbess Federition, 186 Route 9W, New Windsor, NY 12550. Ches Life &
neview and Ches Seview remain the Propeny of the USCF Second-class postage ..
sions to Cte$riFe , 186 Route 9W, New Windsor, NY 12550' Return postage must
ed if theY are to LARRYEVANSONCHESS... ....74
materials. The
not necessarilY WHAT'STHEBESTMOVE? ......77
States. ISSN 0197'26OX
d in tbe United



ia6 ROUTE 9W. NEW W|NDSOR, NY 12ss0. (914) 562-83s0

Th€ United States Che$ FederatioD, a registered Dot.for-profit corpora-
tiotr, works to:
. educate and instrucl ils members and the public about cbess;
. broadeD and develop ches as art dd recreation;
. promote chess as a signficant element o[ cu]ture in Anerica
Membership is open to everyoDe For membership informatiotr, see the
annouDcement on this page

President: Timothy P Redman, 6923 N. Wayne Ave, Apt 34,
Chicago, IL 60626 Vice-President: George Cunninghm, 4 Glenwood
St , OroDo, ME U473 Secretily: Robert A. Kilch, P.O Box 2290, Ren-
toD, WA 98056 Treasurer: Myron A Lieberma, 14,44 W Siil St,
Tempe, AZ 85281 Menber-al-large: L Thad Rogers, 3055 General
Lee Road, Macon, GA 31204 Member-at-Large: Harold Winslon, 1450
E 55th Place, #830-5, Chicago, lL 60637 Member-al'Iarge: Jerry
Hanken,2012 Yosemite, Apt 1, Los Argeles, CA 90041

Administrative Staff
Execulive Dire.tor: Dr Gerard J Dullea Assciate Director: Al
Lawrence Technical Director: Randall Hough Membership Seruices
Manager: Judith Misrer Assistatrt Poslal Chess Dheclor: Jom
DuBois Purchasing Agent: Debbie Stevens Assistatrt Purchasing
Agent: Linda Legenos
Chess Life
Editor: Frank Elley Technical Adviser: Artlur Bisguier. Production
Coordinalor: Bonnie Cordaro Arl Direlor: Bruce Heim Edilorial
Assistant: Jo Arne Fatherly Advertising Matrager: Irmgad Russek
Chess Life Contributing Editors
Pal Benko, Alex Dunne, Lary Evans, Larry D Evans, Svetoar Gligorjc,
Julio fuplan, George Koltanowski, Jack Peters, Timothy P Redman,
Ken Rogo[I, Andy Soltis, Bernard Zuckerman Consultitrg Edilo]:
Bruce Pandolfini

Armed Forces: George Mirijanian. Bylaws: Philip Coolidge Club
Deyelopment: RaDdall Sieberl Computers: David Welsh Btbics:
Walter Buehl Finance; Fred Cramer Grats: Leroy Dubeck Hall of
Fame: Dale Brandreth Life Membership: Fred Cramer Masler Af-
fairs: lacl< Pelers Membership Drive: Richard Verber aod Fred
Gruenberg MembershipiPublicity: Leo Sims, Nominations: Helen
Hinshaw. Philalelyl Woodrow Harris Poslal Chess: John Dragonetti
Ratiogs: Larry Kaufman Regioos atrd States: Helen Warren
Rulebook Revisionr Michael Zaote Scholotic Harry Sabine
S€niors: Miner Patton. TD CeiificatioDr tra Lee Riddle TournaD€nt
Appeals: Ben Nethercot Tounametrt Conflictsr Patrick Long Tour'
nameDl lnvilations: Dave Love Women's Chess: Alha Markowski

The person listed first is the senior regional vice,president The RVPs'
terms of office end in lhe year [ollowing their 0ames
Region I (New Englandf: David Rice, New Hampshire {19841; C
Stuart Laughlin, Maine ll985l; Bonnie Gilman, New Hampshire (1986)
Region Il {Eastern}: E Steven Doyle, New Jercy (19841; cene Anis,
New Jersey (1984j; Alan Benjamin, New York 119851; Marlin Merado,
New York (19861. Re8iotr III {Mid-Atlanticf: Bob Dudley, Pemsyl,
vaDia {1984); Helen Hinshaw, Vnginia {19841; Robert Holcomb, Mary.
land (19851; Joe Ohler, Penmylvania (19861 Regiotr IV {Southeastern}:
Stephen Schneider, Ceorgia 11984); Larry Storch, norida {19851; Gary
Kubach, Georgia 119861 Region V lGreat lakesf: Roger Blaine, Ohio
(1984f; V.E Vanderburg, Michigan 11985); Dennis Miller, lndiana
(19861. Region VI lNorth Centrall: Richard Litrden, Mimesota (19851;
Gerald Mortimer, South Dakota {19861 Region VII {Centrall: Richard
Verber, tllinois (19841; Walter Brown, Illinois {1985); Carl Dum, Iowa
(1986). Region VIII lMid-Southli Peyton Crouder, Mississippi {1984);
James Rachels, Alabama {19851 Region IX (Rocky Mountain-Plains):
Randall Siebert, Colorado 11984); (evin Nyb€rg, KanMs 119861 ReBion
X lsoutbwestern): Lynne Babcock, Texas ll984l; Art Riley, Texas
(1985) Region Xl lPacificl: Arthur Drucker, CaJifornia (19841; Michael
Goodall, Calilornia 119841; Ramona Gordon, California 11985]; Ben
Nether@t, California (1986) Region XII {Norlhveslernl: lkrl Schoff-
stoll, OreSon (19841; Clark Harnon, WashingtoD (1986)



Hitor's Note: USCF President Tim Redtnan Stephen Jones, Don Richardson, John Ry- both players had listed Rotterdam.
was assisted in writing this report by h, kowski, and Ralph Slottow| who deserve June 4. I sent welcoming cables to the
Schultu, who is an at-large member of the or:r deepest thanks for putting in the con- presidents of the Swiss and Soviet chess
World Ches Federation's Executive Council. siderable time and money it took to rnake federations. The Sovias did not respond.
theirs the best of the three bids. JrurrieZZ. Campo rejected the Dutch pro
he forfeit by Gary Kasparov in his When the bids were revealed, it was ob- test, pointing out that the Swiss federation
world championship semifinal in vious that the choice would be between Rot- had already accepted and that Korchnoi had
Pasadena was a profouad disap terdam and Pasadena (Ias Palmas's pro recon-firmed that acceptance on June 8.
pointrnent for chess fans everywhere
- and posed prize fund was far short of the others). June 28. The New YorkTimes amrounced
especially for U.S. chessplayers, who had The Rotterdam and Pasadena bids were the formal protest by the Soviets oVer the
been eagerly awaiting their fust chance in rough-ly comparable, but the WCG sweet- choices of Abu Dhabi and Pasadena.
nearly a decade to see world championship ened their proposal with a substantial dona- June 29.I cabled Sevastianov (president
chess. tion to FIDE's Commission for Assistance to of the Soviet federation) about the protest
But the Soviet Chess Federation refused to Chess Developing Countries. announced by The Times. Again, no re
take part in the Pasadena match. The rea- Kasparov listed tas Pdmas as his first sponse.
sons they gave- a lack of security at the choice, Rotterdam as his second. Korchnoi Campomanes responded to the Sovia
playng site and the restrictions placed on listed only Rotterdam. protest. In a strongly worded statement, he
Soviet citizens who travel in the United Since only Kasparov had a second choice, called attention to the purpose of FIDE, "the
States - were, ofcourse, onlyofficial excus. Campo looked at the other factors. In doing diffusion and developmeni of chess among
es for reasons that we still cannot fathom. so, he acted well within his authority as all the nations of the world." And he
FIDE president. Rule 7.3, regarding the sel- warned: "The regulations do provide ap
I won't engage in idle speculation. But it is
my feeling that the forfeited match in Pasa-
ection of sites, states: "Between the annual propriate consequences for the non-
meetings the President will decide. . . . appearance of a participant on the sched-
dena and the related forfeit in Abu Dhabi,
where Soviet representative Vassily
rvllhen choosing the venue, the conditions, uled date." (If a player does not appear
the propaganda effects, the climate, and the within one how of the start of the fust game,
Smyslov failed to show up for his match
wishes of the participants shall be taken into the entire match is forfeited.)
with Zoltan Ribi - is just the first skirmish
consideration." rWhile regulations for the Although Carrrpo acknowledged the con-
in a war betureen the Soviet federation and
World Chess Federation IFIDE) President world championship match give first priori- tributions of the Soviet federation, he added
Florencio Campomanes. We got caught in ty to the players' wishes in the choice of the that it has "in the past been accustomed to
venue, this condition is placed last in the getting its own way by browbeating the
the crossfire. The next battle is scheduled
section on the candidates' president's distinguished predecessors. " He
for early October, when the FIDE Congress
- an important reaffirmed his initial decision.
meets in Manila. We'll keep you posted.
One thing r certain. \A/hatever the Viewed under these criteria, the Pasadena J"ly 1. Deciding that the most practical
Soviets' reasons for refusing to show up in bid was clearly the best, especially for the course was to remain optimistic, I telexed
Pasadena, our relationship with them re- frst two factors named. Campo also chose Sevastianov again asking for travel plans of
mains sound. As I write this in mid-August, Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emlates as the Kasparov group. Again, no response.
the Soviet team has arrived to take part in the site for the Ribli-Smyslov match, since it (I should add here that while this was go
the World Youth Team in Chicago. was the only bid that fully met FIDE regula- ing on I was in regular touch by telex with
Even this non-match was not without tions. the Soviet federation regarding the partici-
benefits, however. For several days chess
The choices were in keeping with pation of two U.S. GMs, Ron Henley and
Campo's overall promotional design for Robert Byrne, in Soviet tournaments, and
was in the national spotlight. The NBC
world chess. Europe, already the site for all their responses were always very prompt.)
Nightly News even ran a segment on us,
of the quarterfinal matches, was the prob- July 12. Things seemed to look up. In an
and millions of TV viewers were shown a
able site for the finals and the world cham- iaterview in the Soviet newq)aper Komso-
copy of the Chess Life cover that arurounced
pionship match as well. By deciding to both molskaya havda, World Champion Anatoly
the match.
maintain the integrity of FIDE as a truly Karpov, calling for an end to the dispute
This report certainly can't substitute for
worldwide organization and maximize over the site, predicted that Kasparov wou-ld
the games and analysis we were all looking
chess publicity outside of Europe, Carnpo be his closest competitor.
forward to, but I know you'll be interested
acted wisely. July 12. Campomanes flew to Moscow at
in some of the events leading up the forfeit.
June 2. The Swiss federation accepted Sovi6t expense. The Sovias brought up
Background. Three cities bid for the Campo's decision on behalf of Korchnoi. problems security arrangements
match: Ias Palrnas, Spain; Rotterdam, the (The Hungarian federation accepted on be- and travel restrictions.
Netherlands; and Pasadena. The Pasadena half of Ribli on June 13.) The Royal Dutch July la. Byron Morton of the State
bid was presented by the Western Chess
chess federation lodged a protest about Department the rules for travel
Group, five individuals (Hal Bogner, Pasadena with FIDE, based on the fact that PLEI\SETURNTOPAGE 73


This major piece'can be your
best friend
- rt you know how to treat it right. fiT

or the novice, no piece is more other Rook to safety. In position E, both Rooks (or a Queen and Rook) on the
difficult to handle properly than the however, 1. Re1 + doesn't work because file. Doubled Rooks support each other
Rook. Beginners often fail to bring Black gets out of check with a counter- both in attack and defense. Their com-
their Rooks into play during the course of a attack on the checking Rook (1. ... Kf2), still bined power can prevent the other side
from occupying the same file with Rooks.
- aad suffer dire consequences be-
cause of it.
leaving both Rooks vulnerable.
Generally, Rooks should be placed on And the lead Rook, supported by his ally,
Failing to castle is certainly one reason what we call open or half-open files. An maybe able to breakinto the enemy camp.
why a Rook never sees action. Also, one open file has no pawns on it; a half-open In position I below, 'vllhite's doubled Rooks
needs a little experience to appreciate the file contains pawns of only one color. prevent Black from contesting the c-file.
need to find and create the open files that Rooks use these files as doorways into a White is ready to invade with 1. Rc7.
It's usually easier to double on a file if
provide Rooks with gateways into the thick
of it.
position - sometimes right into the
enemy's living room. In position F below, your Rook is unopposed (or if you occupy
Although not as powerful as the Queen, White will want to place his Rook on the the file first). But even when both sides
the Rook is stronger than any other piece. half-open b-file, and Black will want to have one Rook on
Like the Queen, it is powerful enough to shift his Rook to the half-open c-file. a file, there still are
demand respect from the enemy King, When there are no open or half-open ways to double. In
because it can often threaten to mate or im- files, you should plan to make pawn ex- position J, White
prison a poorly protected monarch. And, changes that will free files for your Rook. can seize the c-file
unlike the Bishop or Knight, a lone Rook You generally have two choices. First, you by 1. Rg6!. Black
can force checkmate in cooperation with can search for files with advanced pawns has no good op-
its King. Positions A and B below show two that might be exchanged. Or, look for files tions. If he ex-
q"ical mates with a Rook. with pawns that can be pushed forward changes (1.
Rooks are unique among your pieces and exchanged. If Rxg6), White's recapture 12. txg6l produces
because they do not necessarily have your Rooks are al- a dangerous supported passed pawn. If
greater mobility from the center. No mat- ready on the likely Black does nothiag, White will double next
ter where it sits on an otherwise empty files, fine. If not, move with 2. Rtgl.
board, a Rook plan to get them A major goal of controlling a file is to
commands four- there as soon as ultimately scoot a Rook down to the
teen squares. In possible. In posi- seventh rank, where it maytrap the enemy
position C, the tion G, White Kirlg and thus form the first strand in a
Rooks on a1 and could open up mating net. Also, your pponent often has
d4 have the same the e-file for his Rook by advancing his some pawns still resting on their original
the Rooks with
Replace pawn to e5 and exchangiag it on f6.
Sometimes a Rook is brought to an open
- sitting ducks forour Rook.
Even when you can't win m--erial, your
another other or half-open file so that it may be trans- invading Rook will often force the enemy's
piece, and the one on d4 will have greater ferred elsewhere. This is particularly pieces (especially his Rooks) into passivity,
scope. effective when the for they will be tied down defending un-
Rooks are long-range pieces that often Rook seizes the protected pieces or pawns. In position K
can be more effective from far away than open file with a below, 1. Rb7 wins a pawn.
from up close. At a distance, they can at- gain of time. In Finally, though doubled Rooks can be
tack without as much fear of being position H, White powerful on a file, imagine what they can
counterattacked as they would have when can play 1. Rb1!. If do in tandem on
fighting at close Black then defends the seventh rank.
quarters. In posi- his b-pawn, he has It almost always
tion D, for exam- no adequate an- produces material
ple, White wants swer to 2. Rb3, threatening Rh3 or Rg3. gain, not to men-
to save his Rooks, One way to stop a Rook from using an tion strong mating
which have been open file is to oppose it with one of your possibilities. In
forked by Black's own. Thus, neither side's Rooks can move position L, White
Bishop. White can freely along the file because of the pos- can mate in three:
save his Rooks by sibility of capture by the enemy Rook. 1. Rg7+ Kh8 2. Rh7+ Kg8 3. Rdg7, mate.
first checking at d1 and then moving the Therefore, having a Rook on a file is no To find out what Rooks can do through
guaraltee you control that file. castling, see our July 1983 article "Ag-
Consulting Editor Bruce Pandolfini, a prominent New But you can strengthen your grip on a file gressive Safety," or send a stamped, self-
Yorh chess teacher, always treats his Roohs with
respect, by doubling your Rooks; that is, by placing addressedenvelopeforacopy. !D

Editor's Note: This resrynse to Allen Kauf' support that pros need. tions.
man's letter in the October issue lpage fl ar- To create a spectator class, one needs: (1) Most of the things we've done have been
ived too late to be included in that issue. people who understand the rules, (2) heros aimed at attracting new tournament
(pros with distinctive personalities or players. Have we deliberately, honestly,
Arnold Denker Replies regional ties), and (3) an atmosphere that and respectfully tried to reach people as
I find myself in complete agreement brings them together, recognizing the con- spectators of our sport?
with my good friend Allen Kaufman. I tributions of each. Chess is classy. We can offer business a
believe we both share the same goals for Chess is used in movies, mysteries, and positive marketing association. But we
American Chess. My one point of depar- management texts. Many people already have to make it easy for people to be fans,
ture is that the amount of money spent on know and love the game. and we have to honor them as fans.
\ those three matches was totally dispropor- We have the heroes, too. Our grand- Creating GMs - even a world champion
tionate to the budget. When that happens, masters include priests and prodigies, - will not solve the problem. We had our
other things may suffer. gentlemen and bums. The stories (the chance during the Fischer Boom. People
I too look forward to the day we can fund yoghurt code, the x-rayed chair, offering came to us as spectators. We called them
many more projects. But until that day, I God odds of move and pawn) are as impor- patzers and pushed them right back out the
think we should set our priorities and try to tant to the fans as technical triumphs. door. We will never hold those people, no
budget accordingly' That brings us to atmosphere. The matter how many booms we have, until
Arnord Denker membership drive is good, but it doesn't we find a way for someone who never gets
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida solve the problem. We don't needmore tour' a rating to make a legitimate, respected
nqment players, We don't even need more contribution to American chess.
Blueprint for the Future members. We need a way for spectators to Jamie Calvin
Messrs. Denker and Seirawan (August, contribute, financially and otherwise, to Clarkston, Georgia
page 6) summarized a longstanding debate: the support of the tournament players. If
Should we make our top priority the sup- we made that our priority for two years, Correction
port of existing stars, or scholastics to we'd begin to get the resources we need. In a letter to the editor fromJohl Lang of
create the stars of tomorrow? Both deserve And all that it requires is a change in at- Fort Pierce, Florida (October, page 8), we
support, and our resources are limited. titude, not a major redirection of funds. inadvertently omitted a word that changed
However, both overlook our major prob- For example, we should encourage the meaning of his letter. The italic word
lem: that stubborn lack of resources. master exhibitions at business-section indicates the omission: "It would appear
No sport can attract young hopefuls or sup- restaurants at lunch time. Stir up a little that our executive director understalds
port professionals unless it is capable of at- regionalism l "Four local chess wizards are this, as he calls it "a very telling point'' that
tracting and holding a spectator class. going to New York to do battle with players the membership seems and does care little
It is the spectators who provide the from around the world at. . . ."). Develop about top-level chess - at least in regards
money, the press coverage, and the moral support kits on press and business rela- to supporting it with USCF funds." €

Prizes for Everyone!

Q ign up a new member (or someone^who h.asn't been I y.r, I want to do my part for the 1983 Membership Drive.
I and getchessDollarstoryoul el-
imember for twoyears) L -^^ Please
torrs - J4 for every adult -"-t., iu-."igi"op ^i iloJJ iz I I I cm't find anyone to sponsor right now, so bere's $20. see that a U.S Chess member
foreveryyouthmembero-r-senior,memberyousignupal.Sl0 I ship goes to someone who couldn't afford one otherwise
rw^,, en'also.donate
lYou ..--'"t"^ d^n^tF a
e t20 n. tlo
r).1 or 3lo membership still 8et
membershio and still set I -I cani afford $20 right now, so here's $10 for a youth membership for a deserving youngster.
tllT I
,", purchase
.,..r,"." ofnf II pi"ur"
rlease enter a lctrecK one) u
otre) ! Regular lozu' tr Ytuth {$10, for those l7 or younger} ! Senior
You ?:l'"-:],,, n^r,rc toward L
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can appty your rnw,r.r any
.qrli;;'i from u.S. chess, or you mayrideem them
"ri.r, lcheik ^e8ular {$20}
($ 10, for those 65 or older] membership for
t for the- spicial premiums Iisted below. You can cash your |I
I Chess Doltars in immediately, or sve them up for bigger I
I items. lust npke sure you've signed up everyone you can by |
r Dpcemher 31. t983. when we stop giving out the Chess I Nlfrle ILASTJ"IIDDLE-EIRSI
I Dottur". I

II 'Premiums
for Individuals
:- ---:- ---i"., I ADDRESS
For 4 Chess Dollars: a key case, cloth patch, or pen with a
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6s. Chess MembershiP Drive T'shirl with our I CITY STATE ZIP ECharge my:
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I For 25 adult members: a doren club special sets, a dozen SEND MY CHESS DOLI,ARS TO:
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186 Route 9W . New Windsor, NY 12550 ' 19141s62-8350 I| ' I
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I plenty of copies of this hmdy coupon - J
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In some games, your success depends
on how fast you talk, not how fast you move.

eople who don't know the moves Chicago (Year unknown| Q-Qsch KxP 38. Q-Q8 R-KNI 39.
or hardly anything else about Ruy Lopez P-K8/IrIch!, White resigns
-chess have at least leamed two
- Allies Pillsbury Without Words
things: You're not supposed to talk when t. P-K4 P-K4 2. N-KB3 N-QB3 3.
In consultation, the whole is usually
the players are thinking, and you're cer- B-Ns N-83 4. P-Q,4 NI<KP?! 5. P-Qs
tainly not supposed to help them think by greater than the sum of the Parts, as
N-Q3 6. N-83 P-Ks 7' N-N5NxB8. NxN
suggesting what they should do. One is a
Pillsbury learned here. It's quite a different
N-K4 9. NXKP P-QR3
violation of etiquette; the other, of the story with tandem chess, a similar social
Here the Chicago Five take the presump-
game in which the teammates alternate
rules. tuous step of sacrfficing two pieces for a
But these two proscriptions apply mainly moves silently - without communicating
speculative attack against the finest U.S.
to the super-serious world of tournament tactician of the day. with one another. In tandem, the strongest
play. There's another world out there 10. B-Ns!? P-KB3 11. NxQBPch QxN team is the one that thinks alike: Bobby
where talking and suggesting moves is 12. NxPch! PxN 13' BxP R-KNI 14. Fischer and a Class D player would prob-
ably lose to two Class A players - because
sometimes condoned - and sometimes Q-RSch N-N3 15. 04
even encouraged. The immediate 15. QxP allows 15. ... Bobby's partner wouldn't know how to
follow up his moves.
This is social chess, the casual Iifestyle of Q-R4ch and 16. ... qxQP, protecting the And even when players of comparable
skittles and kibitzing that used to thrive in Rook.
chess clubs before the center of activity 15....K-8216. QxPch BN2 17. QR- strength play in tandem, they may not
and attention shifted to tournament sites. haveiomparable styles. "It was terrible,"
By "casual'' we usually mean no clocks, no
Lubosh Kavalek recalled recently of a
prizes, and no rating points. Yet, some tandem experience. "I was playing along
social games are priceless and, in fact, most
with Ulf Andersson [the top Swedish
grandmaster]. I would make an attacking
of the great games of the nineteenth cen-
move and - you know how he PlaYs -
tury were "casual".
and some when it was his turn he would move the
Of course, clubs still survive - same piece back."
thrive -today, but the most social form of
But in consultation the teammates argue
social chess is virtually forgotton: the con-
out their differences until they decide on a
sultation game. Consultation chess is a
move. Of course, the presence of a clearly
game of talking and teamwork, in which
stronger player on a team will help narrow
two or more players come to conclusions
the differences. I can imagine how young
about what move to play. They argue, ana-
lyze, and calculate together, temporarily Hans Kmoch felt, playing amidst three
world-class players on the side withJose
abandoning the fervent individualism that -
Capablanca against Max Euwe and Hun-
so often has embodied the game's greatest 18. R-K8!
That's the type of move Pillsbury was in a game
-just lost to a
players. Yet, even the greatest have joined
in these brahstorming sessions. more used to playing than having to defend
against. After 18. ... RxR,
rvVhitemateswith astings, and
Emanuel Lasker, when he was world
10. QxB, and after 18. ... KxR 19. QxRch Euwe would win the world championship
,.champion, once teamed up with one of his
rivals, U.S. Champion Harry Nel- N-B1, there is a deadlY Rook check' in a few months, so the Cuban had a strong
world cham-
son Pillsbury, to face a former Pillsbury misses some defensive resources desire to win the game. If Capablanca felt
pion, Wilhelm Steinitz, consulting with in the following complications, but he still confident about a move, would Kmoch,'
another world-class player, Mikhail ends up with three minor pieces and a then a promising Austrian master (and
Tchigorin. That was played, apparently, Rook for the Queen he must surrender. Iater chief annotator of. Chess Reviewl
during the free time of an international 18. ... N-Bl 19. Q-RSch!? KxB 20. KR- disagree?
tournament - as was the case at Nurem- K1 R-R1? 21. Q-B3ch K-N3 22. B/8-K7
Radio Revival
berg in 1896, when Pillsbury teamed up QxR 23. RxQ B-B3 24' Q-N3ch K-R3
with Joseph Blackbume, Britain's best, to 25. Q-B4ch! &N4 26. Q2<Pch N-N3 27. Consultation chess had almost died out
take on Steinitz and Emanuel Schiffers for R-KB7 R-Kl 28. P-I(BA B-r<2 29. Q-87 when the BBC brought it back irr the late
B-KNS 30. P-Q6!B-K3 31. RxBNxR32. 1950s as one of the most popular features
a ten-pound stake.
won both times - but not PxN K-N3 of a iveekly radio chess show. Teams of
alone agdinst five con- Usually, the Queen is outgunned in this two or three masters would discuss their
when he games in separate rooms, each equipped
sulting Chicago University amateurs: kind of endgame, but here White's pawns
make their presence felt. The finish is cute. with a microphone. The home audience
Contributing Editor Andy Soltig ciress columnist for 33. Q-Ks! K-BZ 34. P-Bs BXRP? 35. enjoyed the rare treat of being able to hear
the New York Post, placed seventh in the 1983 U.S. P-B6 R-KN1 36. PQN3 R-N3 37. players, usually British masters but also in-
Championship all by himvlf.
cluding some top foreigners, think through The position, commonly seen with Q-Q2 tegrity of Black's Kingside and leaves him
a game. and without ... P-KR3 and BR4, was all the with nowhere to castle. Yet, Black can lift
In one memorable matchup, Fischer and rage at the time. Because of the slight extra his Rooks into activity very easily, and his
Leonard Barden nursed a small but solid weakening of his Kingside on move 7, pieces protect one another very well.
edge in a Rook-and-Bishop endgame into Black can't retreat his Knight to 02 now t4.B-l(2 N-Q2 15. O-ON-84 16. Q-83
"adjoumment" against Jonathan Penrose because of 12. ... N-Q2 13. NxP! PxN? B-Qz17. R-N6?!
and P.H. Clarke. In a subsequent broad- 14. Q-N6, mate. At the time this game was The Rook really isn't doing much here,
cast, Euwe adjudicated it a draw and ex- played, Black usually played 12. ... N-Q4 but it's hard to find an active plan.
plained why. And in a third broadcast, 13. NxN PxN and got crushed in the mid-
Euwe was called on to defend his ruling in dlegame. r7.... R-Bl 18. K-R1R-KNI 19. R-Ql
the face of listeners' analytical challenges. 12. ... P-KN4!? 13. PxN PxB R.N4!20. BB4 R.K4
Here's an example of enterprising radio Since Black is ready to take the initiative
piay, featuring a theoretical novelty in a with ... Q-R4 and ... P-N4, White goes off
hofly debated opening variation: the deep end, in a misguided attempt to ex-
ploit the apparent weakness at Q6.
21. Q-B4? QxN 22. QxR QxB 23.
L,ondon 1964 R-Q6!? N-Ks! 24. QxN BxR 25. N-85
Sicilian Defense B-B1.l26. Q-Kr P-R6, White resigns
Svetozar Gligoric MikhailTd
JonathanPenrose HarryGolombek Next month, the most remarkable con-
t. P-K4 P-QB4 2. N-KB3 P-Q3 3. sultation game ever played: ten topranked
P-Q4 PxP 4. NxP N-KB3 5. N-QB3 Soviet GMs - amongthe ffieen or so best
P-QR3 6. B-KNs P-K3 7. P-B4 P-R3 8. players in the world at the time - square
eR4 Q-N3 9. Q-Q3 QxP 10. R-QNI off in a wild clash of calculation and in-
Q-R6 11. P-K5 PxP t2.PxP This remarkable idea sacrifices the in- tricatepositionalmaneuver. tD


ing first with Christiansen at event was the fifth-Place finish
l0vz. of the Chinese team wlth 25Vz
The winners had plenty of points. Among the Chinese
Christiansen, Korchnoi Win competition - over 800 PlaYers
showed up, making this the
team's key victories were wins
over both U.S. teams.
Pasadena's Record-setting Open largest U.S. Open in history.
See the accompanying story
The U.S. B team also scored
25Y2, bul placed sixth on tie-
for important news from the break. Argentina was seventh
,Tt ne 1983 U.S. Open was drew only two of the next annual Board of Delegates with 25.
I *on by two players who eleven games td score 10%.
meeting. A full tournament A full report with games will
weren't even sure they wanted Viktor Korchnoi, who had report with games will follow. follow.
to play in the first place. tarry some spare time after his oPPo-
Christiansen, somewhat wind- nent in the world chamPion-
ed from winning a share of the
U.S. Championship a few
ship semifinals failed to show Host Chauvenet
St. PauI to
up (see page 6 for a full rePortf,
Retains Tifle
weeks earlier, took a half-point
bye for the first round. But he
decided he might as well play
too. He drew three games, shar- Junior Open of Silver Tl ussell Chauvenet
hessplayers under age
.5L spring, Maryland, has re-
\-z twenty-one can compete
tained his title at the second
Changes Affect Grand Prix. for $ 1,000 in prizes, plus dozens
U.S. Championship for the
of trophies, at this year's U.S.
Tournament [ife, Tirne Lirnits Junior Open. The thirty-
seventh annual event is sched-
Deaf. Chauvenel scorcd 3Yz-Vz
at the event held in June at
Gallaudet College in Washing-
C everal actions taken by USCF's and uled for November 5-6 at the
ton, D.C.
D fot.y Board, which met at the ena, Inn Expo Center in St. Paul, Rod Macdonald, also of Silver
have special interest for tournament I ated Minnesota.
Spring, placed second on tie-
with U.S. Chess will receive a det the The winner also receives an
break over Dale Nichols of Illi-
changes, and a similiar article will appear in the Bits & Pieces invitation to the 1984 U.S.
nois. Both scored 3 points.
section of the November rating supplement- Junior Championship. Chauvenet will represent the
Here is an outline of major changes for organizers who might This year's event will feature
United States at the world
have missed these announcements. Those who need further in- a unique three-section format: championship for the deaf,
formation should write or call U.S. Chess at 186 Route 9W, New one section for all players, one scheduled for May 27 to}une9
Windsor, NY 12550; (914)562-8350. for those under age sixteen, and next year at Gallaudet.
o Non-Grand Prix events may stead of candidate master. one for those under thirteen.
for Grand Prix For further information, con-
receive two full
Touma- o Except
tact U.S. Chess at 186 Route
ment Life Announcements.
(For the last few months,
events, sudden-death time
controls can be used in the 9W, New Windsor, NY 12550; Botvinrrik Will
events that qualified for two second playing session if the
(e14)526-8350. ts
TLAs received an abbrevi- first control provided at
ated TLA the first month.) Ieast 40 moves and 90
. Tournament Life will list minutes per player.
events from the fifteenth of
one month to the fourteenth
o Sudden-death time controls
may be used in the first ses-
Soviet Team TJ ormer world
.F uitnrlt
Botvinnik is
of the second following
month. (For examPle, the
sion of scholastic events for
grades twelve and under.
Wins Easily scheduled to attend the fourth
World Computer Champion-
January 1984 issue will list
events from December 15 to
o Organizers who do not want
computers in their events At Chicago ship October 22-25 in New
York City. Since retiring from
should request the code lTl he World Youth Team
February 14; PreviouslY, the active chess play more thal a
"NC" for their TLAs. Other-
January issue would have wise, properly registered
l. Championship in Chicago decade ago, Botvinnik has
listed January and FebruarY seemed like a replay of last become one of the Soviet
computers may plaY if theY
events.) year's Olympics in Lucerne. Union's chief authorities on
. are entered in advance with
The Soviet team easily out- computer chess.
the director's consent.
.In distalced the rest of the world's The event, sponsored by the
1984, only individual for
will best squads, winning many of Association Computing
TLA. They will instead be prizes of $100 or greater
their matches 3-l or 3Yz-Vz. Machinery, will feature top
assessed a minimum rating count toward Grand Prix The Soviets, led by GM Artur computer programs from
fee, to be Paid with the eligibility. (For examPle, a Yusupov on top board, scored across the world. Among them
rating rePot't. prize fund of $125 for first, 34 points of a possible 44.T\ed will be the defending cham-
o The class system of describ- $100 second, and $75 third for a distant second were teams pion, Belle, from the United
ing rating ranges was rern- would not be eligible be- from West Germany and Ice- States.
stated (for examPle, PlaYers cause the total of the in- land, both with 28. Germany Admission to the tournament
rated 1800-1999 will 'be dividual prizes of $100 or placed second on tiebreak. at the Sheraton Centre Hotel is
called class A instead of greater is less than the $250
The U.S. team was just out of $10 a day. Those wanting more
category I), and the term ex- minimum. See page 67 for
other Grand Prix details.) €
medal contention at fourth information may contact Pro-
pert will now be used in- place with 26Vz points. fessor Monroe Newborn at the
One of the big surprises of the School of Computer Science,
McGill University, Montreal, Hired as a consultant during
Quebec, Canada, H3A 2K6; the summer of 7982, Dr. Ber-
lsr4l392-8274. tD nard Schmidt prepared a cur-
riculum guide outlining a three-
tiered program for the magnet
schools. The three-semester
course of study spans from how
Shirazi, Ivanov the men move to an analysis of
the socalled Soviet School of
Pull Away In chess. Schmidt published the
guide in a forty-three-page
Grand Prix booklet entitled How to Teach
Chess in the Public Schools: A
Course Outline. [Fditor's note : See
f rand Prix leaders Kamran
page 27 for a review of this
\I Shirazi and Igor Ivanov
enjoy a comfortable lead over
the rest of the Grand Prix field. During the 1982-83 aca-
Shirazi leads Ivanov by about demic year, ten elementary and
16 points and is ahead of the two middle schools offered
Linda Legenos (leftl and Marion Hoffman at work at U.S. Chess. chess as an eighteen-week elec-
third-place contender by nearly
40 points. tive; classes met for forty-five
But Ivanov himself enjoyed a goods and services comhg and eighty-one players, whjle an rn- minutes twice a week.
nearly staggering lead in the gomg. vitational elementary tourna- These courses had to earn
early going, onlyto see the ever- Assistant Purchasing Agent ment attracted sixty-five very their own way through student
active Shirazi overtake him a Linda [,egenos keeps track of young contestants. Enloe High demand, which Yancey helped
few months ago. the supplies it takes to fuel an School, located in Raleigh, the to cultivate by giving simulta-
And comparatively new faces office of thirty full-time county seat and state capital, neous exhibitions at area
employees everything from won the 1983 Southem Nation- schools and hotels. The local
in the Grand Prix race such as -
small items like pencils on up to al Scholastics in Atlanta. media covered these events,
Vincent McCambridge in third
and Elliott Winslow in fourth printed forms, office equip This is only part of a general giving chess a good deal of com-
seem determined to stay in the
ment, and the like. She works rise in chess activity in schools munity visibility. His efforts
thick of the fighting. directly with Purchasing Agent throughout North Carolila. A bore fruit; over 400 students
Debbie Stevens (profiled in the record L42 students partici- enrolled in the chess courses.
The following scores reflect
results from most events in late
May issue). pated in the 1983 state scholas. With the initial year behind
More often than not, book- tic championship, held in him, Yancey has clear ideas
1. KamrmShirzi 107.51
keeper Marion Hoffman can be Raleigh for the sixth time in the about what makes a strong
2.Igorlvmov. ..... 91.81 seen working furiously at her last eight years. Hudson Middle scholastic program. Among
3. VincentMcCambridge . 68.61 adding machine. Marion keeps School finished thirteenth in them:
4 ElliottWinslow 63.76 busy posthg entries in the the NationalJunior High Cham- o Each school needs an in-
5. NickdeFimim . 63.45
6. LeonidBass . .. .. 63.20 books and making sure all ac- pionships. Interschool matches terested sponsor and a suppor-
7 IarryChristimm . 60.87 countsarekeptstraight. € have grown much more com- tive principal.
8. MiguelQuinteros ........ 56.35 mon. o Regular local and scholas-
9 BorisKogm . .. 5450 The chess courses and the tic tournaments provide vital
10. JmesTajm 5370
11. DmitryGurevich 43.50 level of activity, however, experience, recognition, and
12. Jmes Rizzitmo 43 33 make Wake the focus of atten- reinforcement.
13. Jan Smejkal 41.43 tion. Esco Yancey, a rated ex- . Strong leadership is
14. RichadCostigm ... ..
15 MaximDlugy
4l 17
..36.33 North Carolina pert and vice principal of Car-
roll Middle School, believed
necessary to coordinate chess
activities within the school
16 JoeBradford.... ., 3408
17. SergeyKudria ..
18 PeterBiyiass
. .. . 33.16
Project Enjoys that a chess curriculum needed system and the community,
to replace the loose scholastic and among the pupils.
19. VitalyZaltsmm
20 MichaelBrooks .... ..
.. 33.03
Huge Success league if the game were to be- Schmidt adds that teachers
21. AsHoffmm 31.09
come a permanent part of the should participate in rated
22. lolnCvdo. .. .. 27.33 Wake schools. events and the club. He notes
23. DmDurhm . 27.03 Yancey saw his chance when the need to expose students to
24. LubomirFtacnil<. .
25 BorisBelopols\ .. 25.83
26.00 p oth flags hang at the ends new superintendent Walter chess theory and literature as
I-D of the minute hands. Marks announced that the they develop.
Trembling fingers make hur- system would establish magnet Learning of this magnet pro-
ried moves followed by check schools, which offer special gram, Dr. Fred Parton, prin-
marks on the scoresheets. The programs, including elective cipal of Averasboro Elementary
tournament director hovers courses. Yancey convinced in suburban Garner, wished to
nearby in case a dispute erupts. Marks that chess had educa- provide chess for his students.
People Power: A familiar sight, except that the tional value in developing Soon after he called for players
analpical and research skills,
Keeping Count players are high school students
and the TD, Scott Simpson, is providing insight into competi-
over the intercom, he had
chess club with forty
thirteen years old. tion, and teaching remedial members.
f ast but not Ieast
The scene is Wake County, reading skills painlessly. He The group meets in the
I , files of U.S. Chess North Carolina, where the argued that the work habits and library for thirty minutes before
members are two women who 53,000-student school system sense of purpose a student can school and during lunch. The
keep tabs on the supplies that added chess to its curriculum in leam from a serious interest youngsters can also check out
help run the office and the the fall of 1982. This spring, the such as chess will carry over sets to take home.
money it takes to keep the Wake County Scholastics drew into academics. Convinced of the game's
he learned to play chess. He
value since it demands active age the kids, whose interest can
brought a set back, and I
participation, Parton finds that easily waver, and remind them
learned from just watching my
chess improves concentration that "this is chess. That's why older brother play."
among restless underachievers.
Disruptive pupils behave better
we're here. It's good. Don't be
ashamed of it."
ArnoldDenker His interest in chess, Denker
said, did not really hurt his
in order to preserve their chess
Adult members need to pro-
vide examples of dedicition to
An Enduring school work. "I always found
schoolrelatively easy. . . . I did
Partor: appreciates the strong
parental support his experi-
improvement. Once the stu- [-ove of Chess get into trouble once. I used to
dent program within a club cut physical training, and I had
ment has received and points starts to develop, Schmidt says,
to make up in my senior year of
out that chess, since it is inex- "it generates a kind of internal t sixty-nine, Arnold high school three physical train-
pensive, can be easily subsi- force," that encourages more ing classes. They were nice
Denker must still play
dized by the PTA. kids to come. enough to Iet me take them."
Once the schools interest and The former U.S. champion, Attending New York Univer-
The same seems true for the
instruct youth in chess, the Wake County schools. Yancey one of the nation's strongest sity as a language major, he
local club must be ready to sees murny more participants in players in the 1930s and 4Os, won the intercollegiate chess
receive them, according to the curriculum next year. He doesn't play tournament chess championship. "Iwas already
Schmidt, who laid the founda- notes that many students who too often nowadays - only a the equivalent of a master," he
tion by encouraging young took chess in elementary school few dozen games a year. said. From then on he con-
players. For several years, the But the fascination of the
request Martin and Ligon Mid- tinued to play chess, lecturing,
Raleigh Chess CIub has pro- dle Schools so that they can Royal Game remains as strong teaching, giving exhibitions.
vided classes during the sum- continue in the program. as ever for Denker, a happy-go- Chess brought Denker in
mertime. The teachers, often contact with the greatest
Parton hopes to introduce his lucky player who still searches
strong high school players, use
first- and second-graders to the for the brilliancy as much as he players in the world.
their own games to illustrate
basic priaciples and popular game. He wants more searches for the win. When he was only fourteen,
openlngs. elementary-school-only tour- The den in his beach con- Denker, in consultation with
naments next year. dominium apartment in Fort another player, Irving Kandel,
Even more important is the played against Alexander
And some people still believe Lauderdale, Florida, has been
atmosphere within the club. An
g converted into a chess room of Alekhine in a simultaaeous ex-
active Ieader needs to encour- it can't happen here. sorts. A Honduran mahogany hibition. The pair held the
chess table, once used in the recently crowned world cham-
New York Athletic CIub, sits by pion to a draw.
the window, always ready for a "We offered him a draw. We
8ame. were a pawn ahead, and he ac-
There Denker goes over cepted right away. After that,
every published game he can naturally you are inspired."
get his hands on, from both "I'll tell you what memory
American and European maga- this man had," he said of
zines. "Beautiful game! " he will Alekhine. "I played him twelve
write in the margir when some- months later at the Hungarian
thing truly catches his imagina- Chess Club in Manhattan, and
tion. he said 'Oh, you again.' He
Denker's involvement with recognized me."
chess extends beyond the In the early 1930s, Denker,
board. He helped organize and Alekhine, and Arthur Dake,
raised money for many of the another American player, used
last few Florida high school to play ten-second chess until
championships. ("I love watch- three, four in the morning,
ing the kids play," he says). He "and Alekhine used to love it,
c tried - but failed - to persuade even though we used to beat the
e the Iocal Tourist Development pants off him, because at ten-

Iz Council to put up $100,000 to second chess he was not our

hold the 1983 U.S. Open in equal.
E south Florida. "On one occasion - I could
o Finally awarded the grand- never forget it - he had been
master title by the World Che'ss losing to Arthur Dake quite late,
Federation in 1981, Denker has and he lost this particular game
National Champs Share Aspis Prize carried on his love aJfair with
chess for half a century.
and was angry and challenged
Dake to a match.
Two talented young chessplayers shared the 1983 Laura E. Aspis ."I started to play at about "Now, this is the funniest
Prize for achievement in chess. Thirteen-year-old Marco Robert of twelve, and by the time I was thing in the world, the world
New York City and eleven-year-old Ilya Gurevich of Worcester, fifteen I played a pretty nice lit- champion challenging a total
Massachusetts, received the award at a recent ceremony in New tle game. I was introduced to nonentity to a match."
York. Robert was the national elementary champion in 1982 and the game by my eldest brother. (Dake was actually a fairly
the national junior high co-champ in 1983. Gurevich is the 1983 na- He was studying medicine in strong player who once defeat-
tional elementary champion. The two young players (shown above Munich, and in his spare time ed Alekhine in a tournament
with their parents, Robert on the left) each received a trophy and game in 1932 and scored well in
$5OO. The prize are donated by Dr. Samuel Aspis (center) of Humberto Cruz of tnuderhill, Florida,
irregularly held national events,
Cleveland, Ohio, in memory of his late wife. The prize is awarded is a USCF member and, a bureau editor of
each year to the highest-rated U.S. player under age thirteen as of the Fort Laud.erdale News and Sun- but he chose not to become a
December 31. Sentinel chess professional because of
the poor financial rewards.)
Shortly before turning
twenty-three, Denker married
hispresent wife, Nina, and con-
tinued to play chess all over the
world. He won the U.S. Cham-
pionship in l9M and held the xE
title through 1946. In between, z
Richard Denker, first of three o
children, was born. &
Soon, Denker had to choose z
between playing chess full time
or supporting a family. He took o
a steady job with a friend who o
was a commodities broker.
"I always loved the game. Grandrnaster Arnold Denker at home in Fort Lauderdale.
One of the biggest hardships
that I had was to give up chess chess is such a marvelous
for business. I tried every discipline that it should be
taught in the schools. Chess
which way to make a living (at
chess). I tried everything, but teaches cause and effect better Denker's Favorite Game
when you have a family it is a than anything else. You don't
Ithough Arnold Denker Dutch Defense
pretty selfish thing. My wife have to wait ten years to see the
doesn't remember his
wanted a house. Our kids were result of a blunder. You see it Denker H. Feit
of first game, he remembers his
sleeping in bunks in a small before you walk out the
first senbus game. "It was in L.P-Q4 P-KB4 2. N-KB3
New York City apartment. room.
the high school lunchroom. I P-K3 3. P-KN3 P-QN3 4.
"I feel very strongly," he says "Chess teaches you that
saw some boys playing, and I B-N2 B-N2 5. O-O N-KB3 6.
now, "that before anybody perhaps the first thought that
challenged them to a game. I
enters chess as a profession he comes into your head is not the
P-B/.B-K2 7. N-B3 P-Q3 8.
managed to lose ice cream P-Qs!P-K4
should very seriously consider best thought, that you ought to
the fact he is going to have to say to yourself, 'Now wait a
money every day. After 8. ... PxP 9. N-Q4,
"At that time I think I was White has positional superi
sacrifice income. In those days minute; let me sit on my hands about thirteen. Shortly after- ority.
it was worse - but even today, for a moment and analyze mY
very few are able to make it- response. "' wards, I got my money back 9. N-KNsl B-QB1 rO.
There is room for maybe four or Denker believes that many
with interest, because I P.K4
became the captain of my Opening lines.
five." U.S. players today seem unable
high school team in two rO. ... O-O rl. P-B4 KPxP,
Now retired, Denker still or are unwilling to put forth the
effort and dedication necessaDr
years." 12. BxP PxP 13. QNxP
plays a few dozen tournament That was at Theodore
to bring back the world title NxN 14. BxN
games a year, including both Roosevelt High School in New
Bobby Fischer wrested from The sacrifices begin.
big-name tourneys and smaller York. Denker was only fifteen
the Russians n 1972. 14.... BxN 15. Q-Rs RxB!
events in Fort Lauderdale.
when he played the game he 16. QxPch K-82 L7. B-N6ch
"I enjoy it very much," he "The Russians have more of a
considers his most memora-
said. "And you get out of prac- will to win, it seems to me. In K-B3 18. RxRchll
ble, more thrilling than his
tice. At my age, to keep in their society, chess is a very im-
twenty-five-move victory Frankly, I think that,
shape, you have to play more portant thing.
over Reuben Fine that helped
without this move, Black
than the younger player. You "At the present time, I do not could have recovered. After
believe we have anyone who him win the 7944 U.S. Cham-
have to, you know, to stay in 18. PxR B-KR3, the KB-file is
good form." His best effort in can seriously challenge the Rus- closed.
The 1929 game - the first
1983 was a victory over GM sians. I know this sounds awful,
in his book My Best Chess
18. ... BxR 19. Q-R4ch
Miguel Quinteros in the but the truth of the matter is
Games 1929-1976 (an en-
B-N4 20. Q-K4!t
$100,000 New York Open. that we have many talented Threatening 21. R-Blch.
Still, he finds twogames-a- players, but they don't have the
larged 1981 reprint of the
20. ... B-K6ch 21. K-Rl
7947 ongtnal, If You Must Play
day schedules very tiring and same dedication.
Chess) was played against a
better suited to younger "tarry Christiansen is a very heavily favored player, H. . To stop 21. R-B1ch.
players. But he still travels to talented player, but in order to
chess tournaments, teaches, accomplish his goal it requires "This was thrilling, " White plays it anyway,
plays simultaneous exhibitions dedication. And by dedication I because 22 ...8xR23. Q-BSch
Denker said, "because I still
at local schools and shopping mean that you cannot be the K-K2 24. Q-B7, mate.
can't understand how I could
malls, and tirelessly promotes playboy of the Western world
have played so well. At the
22. ... K-N4 23. B-R7!!,
the game. and at the same time devote Black resigns
time, he (Feit) wastheodds-on
"We (he and his wife) have yourself to chess and give it
your best.
favorite to win the in- This is all forced; that's the
been all over the world, except " 'beautiful part. White threat-
the Orient," he said. "We love "Yasser Seirawan is a very
The game, a twenty-three- ens both 24. Q-R4, mate, and
to travel, and there is a good player, a very solid player,
mover that won a brilliancy 23. ... BxR 24. Q-N6, mate -
chessplayer in every city. Chess but I don't see the willingness
is an international fraternity. on his part to make the sacrifice
prize, showed Denlier's both pure mates, with every
of time and energy and limit his
tremendous combinative White piece playing a part.
You speak the same lan'guage
That's what I like about it -
outside activities. Without that skill, a talent nurtured despite
sacrifice, I see no hope of the any formal study or training. it's as pretty as can be. It's
Denker is a strong believer in pure.
the educational value of chess: world championship returning Denker provides the notes: $
"My own opinion is that to the United States. " tD
this move in home analYsis, cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6
waiting for a chance to sPring it 6. Bg5 eG 7. f4 Qb6 8. Qd2
promising attacking idea. on the unsuspecting KasParov. Qxb2 9. Rb1 Qa3 10. f5 Nc6
I(asparov 6. e4 b5 7. eS}aG 8. Bh4 g5
9. Nxg5 hxg5 10. Bxg5 NbdT
It takes a strong character to re-
bound from such a shock. One
11. fxe6 fxe6 L2. Nxc6 bxc6
13. BeZ BeZ 14. O-O O-O 15.
Shines At 11. exf6 BbZ 12. g3!?
This has become the most
must fight the feeling that the
opponent has already worked
Khl Ra7 16. Qe3 Rd7 17. e5
dxeS 18. Bd3 Qxc3 19.
popular variation of the Anti- out everything in the calm of BxhT+ NxhT 20. Qxc3 Bxg5
Meran. The game is wildlY un- his study. 2L. QxeS Rxfl+ 22. Rxfl
balanced, offering PlentY of 23.b3 c3 24. Nxc3! Rd8 23. Qc7 Bd7 24. R;dt
BYJACK PETERS chances for imaginative PlaY. Kasparov passes the test' Nf8 25. Qa5 Bf6 26. Qxa6 e5
rfl he Spartakiad is a sort of Interested readers will find With his now-famiJiar Piece 27. QaZ e4 28. Kg1 Bg5 29.
I Soviet OlymPics. Teams more detailed analYsis in sac, he maintails the initiative. Qc5 Bh6 3o. 94 Bf4 31. Rfl
Leonid Shamkovich's article in 24. ...bxc3 25. Rxc3 + Kb8 g5 32. Rxf4Ne633.QeZ gxI4
from each of the Soviet rePub-
the December, 1982, issue of Not 25. ... Kd8? because of 26. 34. 95 Bc8 35. 96 Rdl + 36.
lics compete in a wide varietY of
sports. Chess Life. Qcz Qb8 27.RcL. Kf2 e3+ 37. Kf3 Nd4+ 38.
The latest Spartakiad, the 12. ... c5 13. d5 Qb6 26. QcZ Bd6 27. BxaT+ Kxf4 Rf1 + 39. Ke4 Ne6 4O.
seventh in the series, finished in The tempting 13. ... Nb6 was KbZ 28. b4 Nc6?! Kxe3 c5 41. QltT + I(fB 42.
Moscow in July. For the fifth handled by 14. dxe6! Bxhl 15' Both 28. ... Ra8 29. Ra5 Qd7 Qh8 +, Black resigns.
time, chess was one of the e7 QxdL+ 16. Rxdl a6 17. h4 30. Bb6 Raxa5 31. bxaS Nc6 and
events. Bh6 18. f4 in PolugaevskY- 28. ... Ra8 29. Rca3 Nc6 aPPear Sicilian Defense
Over the Past two Years, Torre (Moscow 1981f. White's satisfactory for Black. Will we Anatoly Tamas
literally tens of thousands of imposing pawn chain sPlits see 28. ... Ra8 in a sequel? Karpov Georgadze
chessplayers entered qualifYing Black's forces and seems to give 29. Be3 Be5 l. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4
tournaments to determine the White enough compensation Against 29. ... Rc8, KasParov cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6
line-ups of six men and two for the Rook. suggests 30. Rb1 Rc7 31' Rc5 6. Be2 e5 7. Nb3 Be7 8. O-O
t4.Bgz o-o-o 15. o-o b4 16. Qd3 32. bSl Bxc5 33. bxc6+ O-O 9. Be3 Qc7 10. Qd2 Re8
women for each team.
U.S. chess fans are mostlY Na4 Qb5 17. a3 Nb8 Kxc6 34. Qa4+r. Kd6 35. ll. a4 b6 L2. Bf3 Be6 13. Nc1
concerned with the toP-board The consistent continuation. Bxc5+, when (I) 35. ... Rdxc5 Nc6 14. Nd5 Bxd5 15. exd5
Black will win White's last 36. Rd1 gives'vltrhite a winning Na5 16. b3 Rec8 17. Ra2 Nb7
clashes between leading grand-
center palvn, so White stakes endgame and both (II) 35. ... 18. Rd1 Nc5 19' QetQbZ 20-
masters. rdy'hile the Soviet Chess
Federation was embroiled in its everything on a direct attack Kxc5 36. QM+ Kc6 37. Rcl + 93 Qd7 2t.B{2}a622. a5b5
against Black's exposed King. Kd7 38. Qe7+ and (III) 35. ..' 23. Bxc5 Rxcl24. Nd3 Rcc8
dispute with the World Chess
18. axM cxb4 19. Be3 Rcxc5 36. Rb6+ lead to mate. 25. Nb4 Re8 26. Nc6 Bf8 27.
Federation over the candidates'
matches, Gary KasParov was Bxd5 20. Bxd5 Rxd5 2l.Qe2 3O. Rxc6! Bxal 31. Rc7+ QeZ e4 28. c4bxc4 29.QxcA
holding down first board for the Nc6 22. Rfcl Kb8 32. Ba7+ Ka8 33. Be3 Qf5 30. Re2 h5 31. Rdel
team from Azerbatlan. All this has been played Threatening 34. Qa2+. Qxd5 32. Qxd5 Nxd5 33.
Here is his most exciting before. The story goes that, 33. ... Kb8 34. BaZ + Ka8 Bxe4 Nc7 34. Ne7 + RxeT 35.
gmne, a wild battle against after Kasparov won an im- 35. BcS Bxa8 Rxe2 36. Rxe2 NxaS
former world chamPion Mik- pressive game against Genaadi Still trying for the tull Point! 37. F'lcz, Black resigns
hail Tal, who rePresented Lat- Timoschenko inthe 1981 Soviet 35. ... Kb8 36. RxfT
vla. Championship with 22. '.. Na5 Now the threat is 37. Bd6+. Sicilian Defense
23. b3 c3 24. Nxc3! bxc3 25' 36. ... BeS Oleg Leonid
Slav Defense Rxc3+ Kd7 26. Qc2 Bd6 27- Tal ooints out that 36. ... Bbz Romanishin Yudasin
Kasparov Td Rc1 Qb7 28.U. QxM 29' Rbl and 36. ... Bc3 are also possible. l. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. 93 96
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 eG 3. Nf3 d5 Qg4 30. BxaT e5 31. Oa2, some 37.BaZ + Ka8 38. Be3 4.BCzBgZ 5. d3 do 6. Nh3
4. Nc3 c6 5. Bg5 advocates of the Slav Defense Not 38. Qa2? because of 38. ... Nf6 7. O-O Bg4 8. f3 Bxh3 9.
The AntiMeran Gambit, a doubted the soundness of Rd1+ 39. Kg2 Qc6+ 40. f3 Ra1 Bxh3 O-O 10. f4 Ne8 11. f5
sharp variation popularized bY White's attack. TheY Primed 4t. Qfz Qcr. Nc7 12. Nd5 Nxd5 13' exdS
38. ... Rd7 Ne5 14. c3 Qb6 l5.R]l2 c4 L6.
former world chamPion Mik- Josef Dorfman with the "im-
hail Botvinnik. provement" 30. ... Be5. TWo It's Black's turn to scorn d4 Nd3 17. R:e2 Nxcl 18.
5. ... dxc4 rounds later, he suffered the repetition. Qxcl Bf6 19. Qh6 BgZ 2O.
Accepting the gambit' Theory same fate as Timoschenko 39. Qa2+ Kb8 4O. Ba7+ Qd2Bf6 2t.Bg2 g5 22.Re4
when Kasparov reeled off 31. Kc8 Kh8 23. RaetQcZ 24. Qe2 b5
claims that the quieter line 5. ...
Rc5 Rxc5 32. Bxc5 Nc6 33. The position clarifies, at last. 25. Qhs Rae8 26. a3 a5 27.
h6 6. Bxf6 Qrxl6 7. e3 is accePt-
Qd3+ Kc8 34. Rd1! Nb8 35. If 4A. ...1<b7 4t. Qxe6 Rhd8 42. Rgaba 28.8e4Qb629.h4
able for Black, but in a meeting
Rc1 Qa4 36. Bd6+. Later in the Bc5, Black has some hoPe of bxc3 30. bxc3 Qb2 31. hxgS
between these same PlaYers in
the Moscow Interzonal in 1982, same toumament, GM EvgenY picking off White's pawns with Qxc3 32. Rh4 Qxel+ 33.
Sveshnikov, one of the inven- his extra Rook. Kg2, Black resigns.
Kasparov cho se 6. Bh4l? dxc4 7 .
e4 95 8. Bg3 b5 9. Be2Bb7 10. e5 tors of the move 22. ... NaS, 41. Qxe6 QdS 42. Qa6+
QbZ 43. Qc4+ Qc7, draw
Ruy Lopez
Nds 11. h4, with declined Kasparov's challenge
plications. The game ended in a to repeat the variation. Ludmila
22.... Ne5 Sicilian Defense Kulikova Pyarnpuu
draw after White missed a
A year and a half later, Tal L. Elizbar 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. BbS
Intemational Master Jack Peters \ )ites rewrites the ending to the story. oll Ubilava aG 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 6.
on i nte rnoltonal eve n ts.
re gularly Undoubtedly he had PrePared L. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 O-O Be7 7. Re1 b5 8. Bb3 d6


9. Bds BbZ 10. Nxd4 Nxd5 Qd2 Be7 11. b3 o-O 12. Bbz 32. QxhT Bh6 33. a3 dS 34.
Przpiorka Mernorial
11. Nxc6 Bxc6 L2. exd5 Bb7 Qc7 13. Radl RdS 14. a3 Nc6 Poland 1983 Qd3 Qd2 35. Qfs Kb6 36.
13. a4b4l4.Rle4 a5 15. Bg5 15. f4 b5 16. Kh1 Bb7 17. Qf6 + Kc5 37. Qe7 +, draw
Nbl bxa3 Sicilian Defense
f6 16. Bxf6 gxf6 17. Qh5+ Qe3 b4 18. 19.
Kd7 18. Qf5 + Ke8 19. Qh5 + Nxa3 d5 20. Qg3 Bf8 21. e5 Stefan Ryszard Przpiorka Memorial
Poland 1983
KdZ 20. Nd2 c6 21. Rael Re8 Ne7 22. Bd3 Rac8 23. Qh3 Kindermann Skrobek
NfS 24. Nbr 96 25. Nd2 Qb6 t. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 Sicilian Defense
22. QfS + Kc7 23. QxhT Kd7
24. Nf3 cxd5 25. R4e3 Rc8 26. Bxfs exfl 27. M3 Rxc2 cxd4 4. Nxd4 e6 5. Nc3 Nf6 Wodzimierz
26. Nd4 Rc4 27. Qf.S +, Black 28.8d4Qc629. Qh4 Re8 30. 6. Ndb5 d6 7. Bf.4 e5 8. Bg5 Kindermann Schmidt
resigns e6 fxe6 31. Ne5 Qc7 32. Nxg6 a6 9. Na3 b5 10. Bxf6 gxf6 l. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4
Bg7 33. Ne5 Qe7 34. Qg3 11. Nds f5 12. Bd3 Be6 13. cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 a6
Sicilian Defense Rec8 35. Rfel R8c7 36. Nf3 Qh5 Rg8 L4. f.4 Rxg2 15. 6. BeZ d6 7. O-O Nf6 8. Be3
Nona Kh8 37. BxgT+ QxgT 38. o-o-O Nd4 16. c3 Qa5 17. Kbl Be7 9. f4 O-O 10. a4 QcZ tl.
Khalafian Gaprindashvili Nd4 Qxg3 39. hxg3 R2c3 4O. Bxd5 18. exd5 b4 19. Nc4 Khr Bd7 12. Nb3 b6 13. Bf3
L. e4 cS 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Nxe6 Rc8 4l.I(hZ Rxb3 42. Rxb2+ 20.Kxbz bxc3+ 21. Rab8 14. Qe2 NaS 15. Nd2
cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 Nd4 Rb6 43. Nxfs Rf8 44. Kal Qa4 22. 8xc4 23. Bc8 16. Bf2 NdZ 17. e5 dxeS
6. Be3 e5 7. Nb3 Be6 8. f3 Nd4 RgS 45. Re7 RgZ 46. Rb7 Qxd5 24. Rhbl c2 25. 18. fxe5 Qxe5 19. Be4 Qc7 Rdel Rh6+ 47. Kgl Rhg6 Rb8+ Rxb826.Rxb8+ Kd7 20.Bg3 e5 21. Nd5 QdB22.
Nd5 Bxd5 12. exdS Nb6 13. 48. f5 Rb6 49. R7e6 Rxe6 50. 27. Bxf:c+ Kc7 28. Rc8+ Nf3 BdO 23. Bh,4 Qe8 24.
Bxb6 Qxb6 14. a5 Qb7 15. fxe6 Rg8 51. e7 Re8 52. Nfs KbZ 29. Rxc2 Nxc2+ 30. Ng5 h6 25. Nh7 QeG 26.
Bc4 Be7 16. Ra4 Rb8 17. Bc6 53. Nd6 Rg8 54. e8=Q Bxc2 Qd4+ 31. Kbl Qxf4 Rad1, Blackresigns tD
Qd3 Qa7 18. Bxa6 O-O 19. Bxe8 55. Nxe8 Rxg3 56. Nf6,
Bc4e420.Qd4QdZ 2L.Ra2 Black resigns
exI3 22. gxf3 Qh3 23. Nd2
Nd7 24. Kdl Ne5 25. aGBgS Two Knights Defense
26.B,e2 Q}r6 27. aZ Ra8 28. opponents put it, "He was a
Qxb4 Be3 29. Ne4 BxaT 30.
Dolmatov Zyatdinov Ivanov Turns class above everyone else."
Qxd6 Qf4 31. Ra3 Rad8 32. I e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Only his game against Eric
Qb4 Rxds+ 33. Rd3 Nxd3 Nf6 4. Ng5 d5 5. exdS NaS 6. Up the Heat Schiller, orgarizer of this year's
34. cxd3 Rxd3 + 35. Kc2 Rd4 World Youth Team Champion-
36. Qc3 Rxe4, White resigns
Btr5 + c6 7. dxc6 bxc6 8. Be2
hG 9. Nh3 Bd6 10. d4 e4 Lr. In Chicago ship in Chicago, seemed to re-
quire more than basic tech-
Nf4 Qc7 12. g3 O-O 13. c4 95
Nimzo-Indian Defense t4.Ng2 Bh3 15. O-O Rad8 16. nique from Ivanov. Even David
[,ev Be3 Nh7 17. Nd2 f5 18. c5 Sprenkle, who had kept pace
Georgadze Polugaevsky BeZ 19. b4 Nb7 20. f4 Nf6
'l\T o doubt manv of the 328 for the first four rounds by slic-
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 eG 3. Nc3 21. Bc4+ I(h8 22. Nb3 Ng4 l\ pluy"rt who' converged ing through his fellow 2300
BM 4. Nf3 c5 5. 93 cxd4 6. 23. Qe2 a5 24. a4 axb/. 25. a5 on Chicago's Palmer House players, fell victim to Ivanov's
Nxd4 O-o 7. Bg2 d5 8. Qb3 Ra8 26. a6 Nd8 27.Bd2Qd7 July 22-24 to play in the 1983 relentless technique in the final
Bxc3+ 9. bxc3 e5 1O. Nb5 28. Bxb4 B.fG 29. Radl Rb8 U.S. Class Championships did round.
dxc4 11. Qa3 Nc6 12. Be3 30. Bc3 Ne6 31. d5 Nxc5 32. so hoping to escape the record But the story of the 1983 U.S.
Be6 13. Rd1 Qb8 14. o-O Rd8 July heat that has plagued the Class is more than that of Igor
Bxf6+ RxfO 33. fxgS hxg5
15. Qc5 Rxdl 16. Rxdl a6 34. Nd4 cxdS 35. Rxfs Rxfs Midwest. Ivanov's obtrusive mastery. It
17. Nd6 Nd7 18. Qa3 QcZ 19.
36. a7 Ra8 37. Nxfs Qxfs 38. But once hside, they found is also the story of Chicago
Qa4 NaS 2O. NxbT NxbT 21. Rxds Qf6 39. Qfl Qb6 40. no respite. That wasn't the air- master Morris Giles. Giles, the
Qc6 Qxc6 22. Bxc6 Rb8 23. Qal+ Kh7 at. Qd4 Qbt+ conditioning's fault - it twentieth-ranked player in the
BxdT Rd8 24. Ba4 Rxdl+ 42.Bft Rf843. Rd7+ NxdT worked with unobtrusive per- tournament and its lowest-rated
25. Bxdl KfB26.BclKe7 27. 44. QxdT+ Kg6 45. Qd6+ fection. Instead, it was Cana- master at 2207, scored 4lz-Vz to
Ba3 + Kd7 28. Bc2 gG 29. f3 Rf6, White resigns dian International Master Igor take undivided second place.
Kc6 3O. Kf2 Nc5 31. Kel f5 Ivanov's torrid play that made Giles' result owed little to
32. BcL Kds 33. Bg5 e4 34. luck, since he convincingly
Kd2 exf3 35. exf3 Bd7 36. Team Tournament defeated both second-ranked
Sweden 1983
BdlBa437. Be2 Nd3 38. Bfr Leonid Kaushansky l24l3l and
Bc6 39. Ke3 Ncl 40. Be7 Nd3 Sicilian Defense third-ranked Jonathan Yedida
41. Bf8 h5 42. h4 Bd7 43. Thomas l,ars-Ake -,/a
(23911 in successive rounds. He
Bh6 Bc6 44. Bf4 Nc5 45. 94 Ernst Schneider .,oo secured his prize with a fine
Na4 46. gxhs gxhs 47.Kdz l. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 positional win over thirteenth-
NcS 48. Bg5 Nd3 49. Ke3 Kc5 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 d6 ranked Y a\ Kav atsky 1227 51.
5O. Be2 Be8 51. f4 BfZ 52. 6. Bg5 eG 7. QdZ Nxd4 8. Giles' result is a sign of a
Bf3 a5 53. Bb7 Be6 54.BeZ + Qxd4 Bd7 9. O-o-o Qa5 10. f4 welcome return to form for a
Kb5 55. Kd4 Ncl 56. Bf3 Bc6 11. Bxf6 gxf6 12. Nds player who has been inactive
Nxa2 57. Bxh5 Ncl 58. exdS 13. exd5 Bd7 14. Qxf6 for the better part of a decade.
Be8+ Ka6 59. Ke3, Black Rg8 15. Bc4 BeZ 16. Rhel Igor Ivanov
When he first gained his mas-
resigns Qd8 17. Qxd6 Kf8 18. Qh6+ things hot for the other fifty- ter's title as a teenager in
Rg7 19. d6 Bf6 20. Bd3 Bg4 seven players in the combined l97l-72, Giles was thought of
Sicilian Defense 21. Bbs Bxdl 22. Re8+ Master-Expert Section. as one of Chicago's most prom-
Anatoly Mark Qxe8 23. BxeS RxeS 24. Ivanov's perfect 5-0 score ising young players.
Karlrov Taimiinov Qxf6 Bga 25. fS BxfS 26. perfectly reflected his domi- But after enterhg college,
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 Q><f5 Rxg2 27. b3 Rel + 28. nance. As one ofhis disgruntled Giles gradually drifted away
cxd4 4. Nxd4 e6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Kb2 Rd1 29. Qc8+ Kg7 30. from tournament chess, not
Be2 NgeT 7. O-O Nxd4 8. QxbT Rxh2 31. QxaT Rxd6 National Master John Tomas of playing again until the summer
Qxd4 Nc6 9. Qd3 Nb4 10. 32. Al +, Black resigns Chicago writes frequently for ChessLife. of 1982. Although his play was

followed by Nf4, breaking oPen tournament was slightlY larger 34. Rb8 Nd635. Bd4 Nc8 36.
still that of a master, his long
Iayoff had obviouslY cost him in the center. (probably due to this Year's Be5, Black resigns
teims of sharpness and consis- 18. ... Qc6 19. Qf3! heat) and somewhat stronger
with Vitaly Zaltsman, Boris Gruenfeld Defense
tency, and it took him a full 'White can still go wrong! Mike
After 19. e6 tue6 20. Nf4 Rd6 Kogan, and l,eonid Bass, this Angelo
year of regular tournament Sandrin Ferguson
practice to get it back. wai the more enjoyable of the
- After a two events. 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 96 3' Nc3 d5
Yeal. of uPs and 4. Nf3 BgZ 5. e3 o4 6- H2
In fact, it was one of the best-
downs, Giles aPPears to be
rounding into his best form: for the Exchange. run national tournaments I Nc6 7. Rcl Re8 8. cxdS Nxd5
have ever attended, in sPite of 9. Nxd5 Qxd5 1o. BP4 Qd6
witness his convincing demoli- re. ... QC6 11. NgS e612. Qf3 Qe7 13.
Not 19. ...Qd7, when 20. e6! the fact that Verber was direct-
tion of recent U.S. Junior Par- Ne4 Bd7 14. O-O RacS 15.
ticipant Jon Yedidia. fxe62l. Qffs wins. ing the U.S. ChamPionshiP
wfule the tournament took Nc5'e5 16. d5 e4 17. dxc6
place. Verber's detailed instruc- exf3 18. cxdT QgS 19. 93 Qf5
French Defense This is a blunder, but even tions helped Chief Tournament 2O. Rfel b6 Zt. s4 og4 22.
Giles Yedidia after the better 20. ... BeZ 21. Director Mike Zacate and his dxc8=Q Rxc8 23. Nd3 Rd8
1. e4 e6 2. d4 dS 3. Nc3 Rxds Rxds 22. Qxdl, Black is Bill Wilkinson of 24. Bc3 Re8 25. Nf4 95 26.
Bb4 4. e5 Qd7 simpty a pawn down since 22. Nd5 Rxe4 27. Rxe4 Qxe4 28.
This is David Bronstein's ... Qxhs? is met bY 23. Qc6+, Rel Qxc4 29. Re8+ Bf8 30.
idea; Black aims to exchange his winning outright. Ne7, mate !D
"bad" QB. Its major devotees
include Tigran Petrosian,
Yasser Seirawan, and Ulf basically on schedule.
5. Bd2 b6 6. Nh3 Queen's Gambit Declined
Efim Geller once defeated Ivanov Schiller
Anatoly KarPov with 6. Nf3, 1. d4 d5 2. c4 eG 3. Nf3 c5
but this move aims to accelerate 4. cxd5 exd5 5. 93 Nc6 6. Bg2
White's Kingside PlaY. Nf6 7. O{ Be7 8. dxcS Bxc5
6. ... Bf8?! 9. Bg5 d4 rO' Nbd2 o-O 11.
This move is not necessarilY Rc1Be7 12. Nb3 h6 13. Bf4
badinitself, but6. ... Nc6!, win- 21. Nf6+ !
ning a temPo bY attacking This thematic move either A theoretical noveltY.
White's d-pawn, is more ac- wins the Queen or mates. Black
14. Qxd3?!
curate. However, in that case could resign now, but . . .
Better perhaPs is 14. exd3!.
Black would have to develoP 21....9rt622.exf6+ Q& 14. ... Qxd3 15. exd3 NM
his Bishop to b7, and it soon lf 22. ... Be7, then 23.Rxe7+
16. Rc7! Nfds 17. RxeT NxeT
becomes obvious that he wants Kf9 ZL. Rxd5! mates quicklY.
23. QxlS Be7 24. Rtre4 18. Bd6 Nbc6 19. Rel Be6
to play it to a5 regardless of the 20. Nfd4 RfdS 21. BxeT
consequences. dtre425. Rel Bd6 26.Rxe/.+
rdlla 27. Qgs Bf4 28. Qg7,
Nxd4 22. Bxd8 Nxb3?
7.Nf4Ba6? : Better is 22. ...Rxd8!.
Black could still get aPlaYable mate
23. Be7 Nd4 24. Bc5 Nc6
game by 7. ... Nc6 and ..- Bb7. zs.b/.Rda26. b5Nd427.b6
8. Bxa6 Nxa6 9. O-0 Ne7 Four players tied for third axb6 28. Bxb6 Rd7 29. a4
10. Nhs! through fifth Prizes at 4'l'. Nc2 3O. Rc1 Nd4 31. Rc8+
The threats of Nf6+ and David Sprenkle, Juan MinaYa l<h7 32. a5 Nf5 33. Be4 96
NxgT+ paralYze Black's game. of Colombia (who lost onlY to
After 10. ... 0-0-0, Black begins Sprenkle while defeating
to miss his White-squared Klushansky), Michael Wind of
Bishop immediatelY, because the Netherlands (who Iost onlY
grandfathered in, there was . . .

11. a4 produces a strong attack. to Kaushansky), and ExPert-

what else?
White s advantage is based prize winner Erik Karklins,
uoon the fact that he is effec- father of two-time U.S. Cham- Five Tie The "else" is the Memorial
Day Classic. In onlY three
ti'vely playing a middlegame pionship particiPant AndY
while Black is still trying to Karklins. At Memorial years, chess doYenne Lina
brumette has raised this event
develop his pieces in the oPen- Karklins reached the 4.Point
ing. plateau by defeating two 2300 Day Classic to the pinnacle of West Coast
literally so for those of
10. ... c5 11. Ne2 Nf5 12. c3 players in succession, the last
us who climbed the HollYwood
Nb813. Neg3 Nc6 being nineteen-year-old Illinois
State Champion Al Chow. BYJOHN HILLERY hill to the luxurious Sheraton
If 13. ... Nxg3 14. hxg3 Nc6, Universal Hotel.
then 15. Bg5 Ne7 16. M! leaves Chow, fresh from winning the hen the USCF created Despite substantial losses in
Black hardly anY better off. Michigan Futurity, develoPed a the title of American the first few years, Lina, RalPh
14. Nxfs exfS 15. dxcS strong attack but missed a cou- in 1980, the require-
Classic Slottow, and the Chess Set
bxcS 16. Bg5! ple of clear wins in an horren- ments were set high. Few tour- Educational Trust Persevered.
Now Black's King is doomed dous time scramble and lost naments could exPect to dra.w In its first year as an officiallY
to spend the rest of the game in when he fell into an unexPected 4O0 or more plaYers three Years baptized Classic, the fourth an-
the center since this move mating net. running. After the World OPen, nual event drew 457 PIaYers,
prevents his last hoPe - block- This was the second U.S.
the American OPen, and the and seems assured of a Perma-
ins the e-file with ... Nd8-e6. Class that organizer Richard Iate Paul Masson had been nent niche on the tournament
io. ... Nas 12. Bxd8 RxdS Verber had sponsored in circuit.
18. Rel Chicago in less than a Year' John Hillery is a national master from
Five players qlimbed to the
ril[hite's idea is to plaY e$e6, Although the October L982 Los Angeles.


top in the battle for the $24,000 however, Black is assured of Black must stop Rf7. mune (29. ... Bxe5 30. d6+ or
prize fund. At SYz-lz were some measure of counterPlaY. 26.Qfs! 29. ... Rxe5 30. Qxe5, with the
Grandmasters Jim Tarjan, 12. d5!? The hasty 26. g5? Nh5 walks same idea).
Larry Christiansen, and Miguel Clearly the sharpest move, into troublesome counterplay. 30. Bf4!
though perhaps not the most ac- 26. ... Re8! By driving the Rook from its
Quinteros, International aggressive station, White is able
Master Kamran Shirazi, and curate. Interesting is 12. dxcS, Not 26. ... Kh8, which loses to
National Master Dan Durham. since it includes the nastY traP 27. 95 NhS 28. A4 Ng3 29. to consolidate his material ad-
Christiansen has the distinc- 12. ...Bxc5?1.13. Nxg6 hxg6 (13. Qh4+. vantage. Instead, 30. Qc8+
tion of tying for first in three of ... Qxdl leads to a bad ending) 27. g5Re3! would lead to nothing after 30.
the four MDCs. He was nosed 14. BxfT + KxfZ 15. Qb3 + Ke8 Grupe finds the most tena- ... Qe8! (30. ... Ne8?!1. Qe6+ !)
out in 1982 by tourneY winner 16. Re1 + Be7 17. Bf4, when cious defense. 31. Qxe8+ Nxe8, when Black
Igor Ivanov, but this year Larry Black lacks a playable defense' 28. gxf6 Nxf6 holds easily.
d-rew with Igor to leave the 12. ...Bda B. f.4 30. ... Re4
Canadian IM in the pack at 5- 1, The only consistent followuP. Clearly forced.
tied with Nick deFirmian (Tar- 13. ... a6 14. a4Nf.d7?! 31. b3!
jan's victim), Vincent McCam- Better was 14. ... ReS, when Putting Black in a unique
bridge (loser to Quinteros), and White's best try for an advan- form of Moves in-
tage is 15. Nf3. All other tries
volving King, Rook, BishoP,
a host of lesser lights (see ac-
companying list). Durham fall flat. For example, 15. Re1 Knight, or pawn lose on the
recovered from an early draw NbdT 16. NxdT is clearlY too spot, leaving only Queen
by upsetting IM AnthonY SaidY slow. Black's 14. Nfd?! was in moves. Of the available Queen
in the final round. the right spirit, but it fails to moves, only 31. ... Qc7,3L. ...
Among the unusual and at- combat White's imPressive Qd8, and 31. ... Qf8 are remote-
tractive features of the MDC space advantage. 29. BeS\ OeZl ly playable. In each case,
has been the awarding of bril- 15. Nxg6 Of courselhe BishoP is im- however, the answer 32. Bg5
liancy/ s, an at- ends all resistance. Grupe, in
Of course, 15. NxdZ NxdT is
tempt, monster silly because 16. f5 is more than
serious time pressure,
tournaments, to reward qualitY blunders.
adequately answered bY 16. ...
as well as quantity. This Year's
31. ... Re1 32. Bxd6 Rxfl +
Qh4. 33. Kxfl Qxd6, Blackresigns
prize games were judged by the 15. ... hxg6 16. Ne4
Ins Angeles Ttmes' chess colum- The Knight is headed for the
nist, IM Jack Peters. fine attacking square 95, where
A{ter the following game,
Winner Larry Christiansen it can eye Black's vulnerable Tarjan admitted that his
sacrifice was overly optimistic,
provides the notes to this game: points at h7, f7, Nd e6.
16. ... Nf6 but the practical problems
First Brilliancy Prize proved too great for deFirmian
Best under the circum-
Queen's Gambit stances. to solve at the board.
Accepted 17. NgS Re8
Christiansen * HansGrupe Hoping to trade Knights with
Second Brilliancy Prize
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e3 King's I ian Attack
... Ne4.
This was regarded as 18. qd3! Tarjan deFirmian
harmless until Walter Browne Weaker is 18. Qf3? Qa5!
r. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. 93 b5
obtained a slight edge with it 18. ... NbdT 19. Bd2 Rb8
4. Bg5 Bb7 5. Bg2 c5 6. c3
against Tigran Petrosian in the 2O. a5 QcZ 2l.Bc3 Qb6 7. Nbd2 cxd4 8. cxd4
1982 Las Palmas Interzonal. BeZ 9. O-O Nc6 lO. e3 h6 11.
Plaming the decisive attack-
The real merit of this move is hg thrust f4-f5. Black's threat to
Bxf6 Bxf6 12. Ne4 Be7 13.
that it avoids the earlY ... Bg4 Rc1 d6 14. d5 Nd8 15. Nd4
the f-pawn is meanhgless on Bxd5
systems. account of d5-d6.
3. ... e5 21....Re7
The prescribed move to Black has no constructive
equalize. move.
4. Bxc5 exd4 5. exd4 Nf6 6. 22. f5
Nf3 Be7 7. O-O O-O 8' Nc3 Bg4 I also considered 22. RadT
Browne-Petrosian continued RbeS 23. Ne6 Qc8 24. gi,which
8. ... NbdT 9. Bd3 c6 10. Re1 looked devastating, but I finallY
Nb6 11. Bg5, with a slight edge decided upon the more direct
for White. text move.
9. h3 Bhs 22....N}r7
Here 9. ... Bxf3 is safer, The countermeasure 22. NeS
though White has some pres- loses material to 23. Bxe5 Rxe5 16. Nfs Bxe4 17. Bxe4 d5
sure thanks to his Bishop pair. 24.Nf3, with double attack on
18. Bxd5 exdS 19. Qxd5 Rb8
tO. 94! the Rook and the g-pawn. 20. Rfdl Bf62t. Qd7+ Kf8
Forcing Black's Bishop into a 23. NxfT! 22. Nd6 Kg8 23. RdS aG 24.
very uncomfortable predica- Not very convincing is 23. h4 KbZ 25. QfS+ Kg8 26.
ment. NxhT KxhT 24. fxg6+ tug6, Rcdl Nc6 27.Ne4BeZ 28.h5
10. ... 8g6 11. Ne5 c5. when the Black King is surPris- 8f829. Rd7 Ne7 30. Qf4 Rb7
Henley-Dlugy (New York ingly safe. The sacrifice, on the 31. Rd8 KbZ 32. Rrd6 Qc7
1983) continued 11. ... c6? 12.f4 other hand, leads to a tremen- 33. QxfZ Nds 34. Qf5 + 96
b5 13. Bb3 M 14. f5, with a dous attack. 35. Qxg6, mate
crushing game for 'vVhite. By 23. ...RxfZ 24.fxg6 Rxfl +
reacting swiftly in the center, 25. Rxfl Nhf6 The following is not a spec-


it is a well-
tacular game, but 16. h3 Ne5 17. fxeS Rxf3 18. Modern Defense 96 19. Qh3 Rc6 2O. Rdfl Re6
played one, with an origilal exd6 Qxg3 19. Bfl Rxfl+ Mathieu Tohey 21. Nf4 Ra6 22. Nf3 Bxa3 23.
20. Kxfl Rf8+ 21. Kgr Rf2, bxa3 Rxe3 24.KdZ Rxc3 25.
strategic idea, 16. ... a5. r. e4 962. d4BgZ 3. Nc3 d6
Black resigns Ne2 Rcxa3 26. OEZ QaS + 27.
4. Be3 c5 5. dxc5 Qa5 6. Qd2
Third Brilliancy Prize dxcS 7. Nds Qd8 8. O-O-O e6
Kdl Ra1+ 28. Ncl Qc3 29.
King's Indian The pressure of the last round 9. Bg5 Qxg5 10. Nc7+ Kf8
+ 30. Ke2 Rxc2 +
Qf2 Rxcl
Cyrusl,akdawala Shirazi tells even on lhe most exPeri 11. Qxg5 Bh6 12. Rd8+ Kg7
31. Nd2 Qd3+, White
r. d4 Nf6 2. c4 96 3. Nc3 enced players. In thd next 13. Ne8+ Kf8 14. Nf6+ Kg7
BgZ 4. e4 d6 5. f3 O-O 6. Bg5 game, White's sixteenth move
is certainly not bad, but 16. e5 +
15. Nh5, mate And in our final game,
c5 7. d5 h6 8. Be3 e6 9. Qd2 White's combination is not
exd5 10. cxdS Kh7 11. Nge2 would have led to speedy mate
The fifty-nine players in the C quite sound alter 26. ... exf5
bG 12. Ng3 Ba6 13. Bxa6 - and probably to a brilliancy by Ronald
section were led -
27. Rel+ Be4, he probably had
Nxa6 14. O-ONc7 l5.a4Qd7 prize as well.
Holm and Martin Whalley, no more than a draw but the
16. Rabl a5 17. Qd3 Rfb8 5%-% and $600 each. Jimmy final Rook sacrifice is well con-
18. h3 b5 19. axb5 Nxb5 20. Sicilian Defense Quon andJohn Muehle topped ceived.
Hancul2339 Shearl.lzlz4 the seventy-tweplayer Novice
Not only GMs compete in l. e4 cS 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 d6 section lSYr-Yrl, but as theY Second Prize
such events. The biggest win- were both unrated the first
ner turned out to be expert
4. Nf3 96 S.Bc4BgZ 6. O-O e6
prize went to Dominic Wallace
7. d3 a6 8. a4 NgeT 9. Qel McHugh Goldberg
Daniel Gollub, who upset two
O-O 10. f5 exfS?! 11. Qh4 at 5-1.
L. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4
strong masters on the final day Lest we forget, two more
to score 5-1 and win the $1200 QcZ 12. Bh6 Ne5 13. NgS cxd4 4. Nxd4 a6 5. Nc3 96 6.
Nxc4 14. BxgZ l{xg7 15. rizes remained to
rtnder-2200 prize. His oPPo- for players under Be3 Nf6 7. f3 NbdT 8.Qd2
nents seemed unable to coPe QxhT+ Kf6 16. Qh6 Rg8 17. Bg7 9. Bh6 O-O 10. O-O-O
dxc4 Be6 18. Nh7+ Ke5 19. 2000.
with his aggressive and uncom- Qc7 ll. h4 eG 12. Bd3 Ne5
promising style.
Qf4+, Black resigns First Prize 13. BxgT Nxd3+ 14. Qxd3
Stonewall Attack llxgT 15. 94 b5 16. a3Bb7 17.
Tchigorin Defense In the ninety-four-player B Rowland-Smith Rossello Kbr
h5 d5 18. exdS Qf4 + 19.
Fries Gollub section, Ken Tomkins, David 1. d4 d5 2. a3 Nf6 3. Bg5 e6 Nxd5 2O. hxg6 Nxc3+ 21.
1. d4 d5 2' c4 Nc6 3. Nf3 Portwood, and Gilbert Mathieu 4. Nd2 Be7 5. e3 O-O 6. Bd3 Qxc3 Kxg6 22.Qd3 + Kf623.
Bg4 4. Nc3 e6 5. Ne5 Nxe5 6. tied for first with 5Vz-t/2, wtn- Nd7 7. f4 b6 8. Qf3 Bb7 9. Ne2 Qc7 24. Rh6+ Ke7 25.
dxe5 d4 7. Qa4+ c6 8. Ne4 ning $716.66 each. Ne2 Rc8 10. 94 c5 11. c3 c4 Nd4 Rad8 26. Nf5 + Ke8 27.
Bf5 9. Ng3 896 1o. e4 fG rt- In this game, Black is, of L2. Bc2 Re8 13. h4 Nf8 14. Ng7+ Ke7 28. Nfs + Ke8 29.
exf6 Nxf6 12. Bd3 Bd6 13. f4 course, lost after 9. Bg5, but the O-O-O b5 15. Bxf6 Bxf6 16. Nd6+ Ke7 30. Rxe6+ Kxe6
O-O 14. o-O Ng4 15. Rf3 Qh4 finish is nice. 95 Be7 17. fS exf:c 18. Qxfs PLEASE TURi\J TO PAGE 73

Speclal Rules:

A Special
----lS"\-- Postal Tournament for Computer Owners! -The human player is captain of a team, consisting of
himself and one or more computers The human makes
_____r_:e9, the final decision on what move to send
="\gl'- -The captain may consuJt chess books and computers.
but not other humans!

HlMPflL Lq8]
each move (sundays and other postal
-2day time limit for
holidays not counted)
- Computer" algebraic notation will be accepted (For
example. "g8-f6" would be an acceptable alternative to
"Nf6 ")
The U.S. Computer-Assisted Chess Championship (non-rated) -Commercially available chess computer
(microcomputers) will be the only non-human team
Play chess by mail with your computer as a partner! members allowed No research computer models
-All class prizes awarded based on human's postal rating
$5,(X)0 Prize Fund Guaranteed at time of entry
-All contestants will receive a compJete set of rules
Slx overall prlzes: lst $1,000 and Championship Trophy,
2nd: $600, 3rd: $400,4th: $300, 5th: $250,6th: $200 |----.---.|
. S I enclose for sections in COMPAL I 983 at -
Three cash prizes ln each class (for established usCF postal players only): I 0 0O per section
I am (check one) E already a postalile, E a newcomer to
A, B, C, D: lst: $200, 2nd: $150, 3rd: $100 - approximate strength): Class
postal chess (if so, circle
A BC D See page 20 for explanation of categories
Three newcomers' prizes (open to all players new to USCF postal play):
lst 5200,2nd: $150, 3rd: $100 USCF I D No

Rounds of play: Preliminary, Semifinal, and Finals. contestants who score

alz oi better in Preliminary rounds will advance to semifinals'
Entry Fee: $10.00 ' Sectlons Now Forming! ADDRESS

Entrles must be postmarked no later than December l, 1983


Sponsored by -
U.S. Chess Federation, 186 Route 9W, New Wlndsor, NY 12550 o (914) ,62'8?10
(ln N.Y.,OuTSIDE C0NTINEI{TAI U.S. - Call (516) 221.3000)


I.f.IT.I[RRIE5 IHE Rll !
Published independently
Editor -Dr. Enrique Irazoqui


/ k ,@'fr.


. 5olr er problems up to mate-in-8- . VERIFICATION of pieces and
PROGNAMilE FEAIURES: moves and in infinite mate-search up po5itionr at any time during a game.
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50 move repetition rule, dran'by optimum analysis and best play play with 3 Kings, set up pawns on
insufficient material, stalemate, . Strong random selector offers ride row I or 8, etc )

check and mate

variet-v of pla-v . lN REFEREE Mode 2 human players
. Accepts and executes paun . can play on the CONSTELLATION,
Computing can be interrupted at anl'
promotions to a Queen and n hile the legality o[ their moves is
% underpromotions to a Rook, Bishop
%% or Knight
. frtenrire opening book contains EASE OF OPERAIIOX
BACK and other features are
more than 3,000 half moves. Book . Reliable SENSOR TECHNOLOCY IECHXI(AL TEAIURES:
openings o[ your choice can be offers true ease oI play . Interchangeable PROCRAMME
entered in MULTI MOVE Mode. . You can choose betueen 8 levels of MODULES provide for future
. Can look up to 24 half moves difficulty to match your skill, and programme exchange
ahead, ensuring superb middle and gradually move up as 1,ou improve . PORTABLE plays appror. 20 hours
end game. for club plal,ers 2 Ievels offer n'ith one set of batteries or with
o Can force a mate with tournament time conlrols adaptor (both not included)
King and Queen against King . HINT MODE sugge5t moves or . Battery-low indicator
King and 2 Rooks against King. indicates all moves legally possible in
King and 1 Rook against King. your pre5ent situation. A great . Performance of six 1.5 C-Type
King and 2 Bishops against King tutoring feature for players of any Alkaline Batteries (not included).
Excellent in pawn end games. cal ibre ! e Adaptor available separately.

Xew progromnlng tcchnlqucs provldc brllllont onolyllc strcnglh

ond new dlnenslons ln boord porltlms.
Introducing . . .2 NEW Top-of-the-lile
The Elite A,/S Challenger combines the elegance of high-
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ful blending of European art and American technology has
created Fidelit5,/s most remarkable chess playrng opponent.
tuTE R/s
o Fifteen selectable levels: 8 preset time controls (Al through
A8) and 7 additional leuels (Bl-Infinite level; B2{ountDoum
o Promotes Paums to all legal pieces, and also considers these
Time for blitz games; B3-User Selectable Time Control; 84-
promotions for both sides while thinking about its mqre.
Fixed Depth Interactive Search; B5-Fixed Depth NonJnter-
o Player Mode lets Challenger@ referee a game between truo
active Search; B6-Problem Solving l-evel; B7-Fixed Time human players by checking for illegal mqres, keeping track
of time, and printing moves if a printer is used.
o Single Shot Mode allorvs Challenger@ (when it is used as a
o While thinking, it can display the move it is considering
refereein Player Mode) to suggest a move and then resume
making, its current depth of search, and the score of the
positiorr. refereeing.
o If allorued, it will resign in hopeless positions.
. Can suggest a more for you to make and shoru what it thinks
o Stonger Paum endgame algorithm.
will be the continuing line of play if pu make the suggested o Dynamic reevaluation of Knight/Bishop value as game
o Selectable book openings and Book Practice Mode allow
r Improved algorithm for attacking the enemy King and
sfudy of its opening book repertoire.
o Thke-back feature allows you to take back more than 35 defending its oum.
o Solves Mate-in-Seven and announces stalemate, draw by o Full size chess board has an automatic response plagng
the S0-move rule, and draw by three-fold repetition. surface, consisting of switches acfuated \r magnets in
o Thinks on the opponent's time for faster response. the bases of full size chess pieces.
o Plug-in modular capability.
o Built-in Chess Clock.
e Tone and/or voice capability in either English, Ger -
man, French, or Spanish.
Hand-crafted nutwood housing with inlaid top. 1ffi%
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Optional Printer. Size:19" x 18" x L%" hidh.

ide Chess Challengers by FIDELITY
The SUPER '9" CHESS CHALLENGER@ represents the
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The SUPER "9" has an advanced chess playing program
and a faster,2MHz clockspeed. PLUS:
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. Can suggest a move for you to make and show what it
moves, and is available
Spanish. thinks will be the continuing line of play if you make the
. Fidelity's popular CB9 Book Opening program is built in. suggested move.
. Selectable Book Openings and Book Practice Mode allow
. Fifteen selectable levels of play: Eight pre-set time controls
study of its Opening Book Repertoire.
and seven additional levels (infinite time, count down time
for blitz games, user selectable time, fixed-depth iterative . Thke-back feature allows you to take back more than 35
search, fixed-depth non-iterative search, problem solving half-moves.
level, and fixed-time search). . Solves mate-in-seven and announces stalemate, draw by
. While thinking, it can display the move it is considering the 50-move rule, and draw by three-fold repetition.
making, its current depth of search, and the score of the . Thinks on the opponent's time for faster response.
. Promotes pawns to all legal pieces, and also considers
these promotions for both sides while thinking about its
. Monitor mode lets Challenger referee a game between two
human players by checking for illegal moves, keeping
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. Chess clock tells time remaining for each player, or tells
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. If allowed, it will resign in hopeless positions.
Features include impact resistant housing, Sensory
playing surface, large Yz-inch LED Display.100% so-
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strength and human
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2951 Merrick Road, Bellmore, New York I 17l0 U.S.A.
All Major Credit Cards accepted.
Manual Details World Schmidt offers a series of guidelines to a
scholastic curriculum. lEditor's note: See
Of Correspondence Play page 13 for ri look at the successful scholastic
program for which this outline was written.)
A.S.P,C.'S Guide to Correspondence Chess, edited by will find it perfect;
Maurice Carter; All Seruice Postal Chess Club 1981; g pages,
F'ew readers or users
Do index; descriptive notation; paperback costs 53 75 (order mostwill find it very useful. That's the
from Wa]t Sedlmayer, 45 Curtis Place, Fredonia, NY 14O63) way it is with other people's course
BY ALEX DUNNE outlines.
'This curriculum spans chess from the
rl-t he history of international corre- moves of the pieces to a consideration of
I spondence chess is almost unknown ' 'the Soviet School of Chess. " Obviously, it
in the United States. This book takes a step cannot be a cookbook that tells the teacher
toward erasing some of that ignorance. what to say in every situation. Instead, it
There are famous names unrecognized by suggests topics and an order of presenting
most chessplayers: Vladimir Zagorovsky, them to the progressing student.
Cecil Purdy, Jorn Sloth, Mario Napolitano, It is up to the teacher to know something
and Walter Muir. There are, of course, about openings, tactics, sportsmanship,
more familiar names: Alberic O'Kelly de- pawn structures, and all the other topics.
Galway, Hans Berliner, Vladimir Ragosin, For those who need help or good examples,
Lothar Schmidt, and Paul Keres. All are Schmidt. provides a useful bibliography,
correspondence players. and even suggestions about particularly
Some of their history and games can be useful pages or master g.unes.
found here, as well as articles on courtesy The material is divided into eighteen
by mail, techniques of correspondence, Iessons in each of three sections - begin-
"if-moves," the mechanics of record keep- ner, intermediate, and advanced. Although
ing, choice of openings, arrd how to pursue some of the behavioral objectives sound
a world championship title. lofty ("the class will study the middle-
This book provides an introduction to in- game"), the actual plans are modest
ternational postal chess; at $3.75, it is a enough so that the students can expect con-
bargail for the serious correspondence siderable success.
player. The book is relatively free from The idea is to vary the nature of the
typographical errors; an English teacher Iessons to increase the student's awareness
might object to the punctuation, but this is of the totality of a chess game, despite the
a minor point. Diagrams are set up for al- convenience of segmented presentation.
gebrarc, but all games are in descriptive This idea is frequently reinforced by
notation. recommendations for studying master
One weakness is a lack of explanation of games.
the International Correspondence Chess In brief, this pamphlet does exactly what
Federation's structure to give postalites a it promises: It presents an outline for
better understanding of this FIDE-recog- teaching chess. Experienced teachers may
rized orgarization. A list of correspon- wish to vary the sequence of presentation,
dence grandmasters and international as in any textbook, but any chess teacher
masters would also be a welcome addition. will find How to Teach Chess a valuable
This is a compendium of many authors, tool. e
and this gives the book variety. As a cor-
respondence player, I highly recommend it
to any player who is thinking of venturing
into intemational correspondence play.
Contributing Fditor Alex Dunne wites a monthly col- l&C a 0
umn on cone$pond.ene chx,

Teacher's Text Provides

Valuable Course Outline
How to Tech Chess in the Public Schools: A Cour*
Outline, by Dr, Bernard Schmidt; privately printed 1982; 48
pages; booklet lists for $6 IUSCF
to membersl
etalognumber C9O7SP; $5.40
mhd to the delights and complexities of
any subject. ln How to Teach Chess,
Dr. Gerry Dullea, USCF's executive director, is a
fomer profesr of En9lish


In search of the perfect chess-playing compqnion ' ' '

1983 CornPuter
Buying Guide

cated - and more amazitg - than the last' When you play those two, you adjust your own
That's good, of course, because it means a wider style
style accordinglY. .
/ rL avvvrsrorl
selectiJn, better quality, and more reasonable It's the same with chess computers' All com-
nuters are fierce at tactics, but some are more
ierocio,rs tactically than others Some show a

moves the program can look at' he more moves rl
u progrr- ioo[t at, the. better its chances of
find- :
of them will:
o Plav bv standard intemational ruLes Don't ine alood one. Also simPle enough'
"grtih. t*o factors combined' can produce an
Urgh. n-ty machines didn't recognize such
enonnous number of variables. Consider:
A top-notch program running at a slow speed
-u, u"truily hive-worse results than a mediocre

tion in a game.

ice considering the money you spend' As a

general rule, the -ot. expensive the machine' program as the award-winning Woodpusher
the more frills You can exPect' doetn't guarantee that the new model
ku]' thut
The Strength Factor will be as strong as the old.
program simply '
But it is possiSle to improve
Though strength is not the only factor you
' - that is, by ;
should ionsider when buying a chess computer'
h the program is ;
understanding what determines a machine's instructions can ,
chess ability- will help you evaluate other
features as well. be processed more quickly than they were ,

bef&e. Same program, same processor speed,

but better plaY.
A machine may also play noticeably different
at various playing levels. Some machines per-
form compirativd better at tournament speeds
than at blitz chess

machines in tournaments. One unlucky result -

machines can have them just as humans do -
could be disastrous for a product' The few com-

Cohpa(t unl b gmd for tr.veh6

Creal Cam€ Machine llisl 3149 95) is prfteser

trnil l5'/\c oFnj I (uilcnt or Ior u5e wilh program cadridges: Cruenfeld
gsl is op€ninB hli Morphy 1169 951
middlegame; CaPbianra t!lm9s)
Sle;trilz lll99 951 conbin6 bes( elemen15 oI.ll
lhrer 5€e lerl for funher commenls

lcvcls ls sc. lo Mailer (ailrid8e lLled here conlains progam
and procesr t*e lexrl Pluis inlo any of lhre€
(.) auio-rcspnse boards: tsorler (l2xl2 melal
z [!ONA RCI I urill; Ambassdor {l5xl5 inlaid wood unil, lisl
30 min av l, t4mli Monarch 12lxZl ;nlaid wmd uni(l
plus infinilc,

Recommended tor &ginne6 and raring da*s D

CIIAI I HN(lEH b and &low Unlik€ olh€r sensory unils, hotes
are itrdicalcd on an LCD di5play

Eighl 15 scc lo AIs forbeginneB aDd ralin8 clar*s D and

CTIAI I IN(;T'R 8 3 min av , plus below Brishl red and vhile version called Poppy
infinilel av,il,hl. tor.hildr.n
Twor B@li
OFnings I liisl by 3 told
t781, Bmt One ol lhe besl *ller5 0nly lack ol tournament
CI{AI I ENCIR 9 oFninBs llllist .lock leeps il from b€ing a top ol lhe iine
ll20l; can aho machine Play€r musl use "psilion verify' if h€
ure.ailridSes strsP€cls machine har undrrpromoled

Elile A/S,Presti8r

EiBhl 15 ser lo
New lhL season Mu.h iile Challenger 9, bul a
lillle ilron8er wilh many exlrar much
expanded oFninB b@k, analysis le!el, counl
O dovn" mode for blilz rhess Top of lhe line
model Can use oplional prinler lli5t tlq;l
z has infinil€,

(, EiShl ls sec lo
J ti[€ Chall€nger 9, bul eilh mo.e fiills, ru.h as
lrl .lock, voi(€, slurdy wood base Has 64 Cr€ar
Games programmed in Can us€ oplional prinler
has infinile. tlisl tl95l
fighr l5 r. ro
& New lhis season Finelr .rafled inlaid wd
board and carled wmd fopof lhe linr
EI ITg Ais mdel, similar l0 lhe Preslise in plar and
oplions Can rs€ optlonal prinl€r llisl t1951
has infinile,

MIN I Recommended lor tarelers and children

SENSORY Advanred cailridse lse€ al letll has s;r k\els ol
ChAI I ENCER play, alloBs lake barl of lro halfmo\es

Top or lhe line mod€l Finelv ffaft€d inlaid wd

hard and raned wmd pierer Firsl ma(hine lo
beal a raled Experl in lournamenl play Can u*

vo tchi rhc ori8inal roice ma.hirc no longer among

CIL\l I UN(;l,B

Top ol lhr line model Unil lLled t ponable but

plugs lnto optional inlaid wmd auto r€sponsr
board Sub*quenl reEiotrs lhus srne a5
updaring carrridges ro hard No lotrBrr
a\ailahie as il€phislo lll is planned for fall

zz Grc.r for .hildren. as machine mov€s ile oun

(l ki N l).11lS I FIR picces trsint magn€rs under lhe board


EILCI'IIvI' CIII]SS Handh€ld unil dcsigned for lra\eiers

Top o{ lhc Iinc model Oplional aulo rcsFnse

board silh opdaling carlridgc.vailable llist
t2501 Can plal up lo l2 games simullaneousll

ffn rhrcr

nrctr8rh llir
Plalcr murl usc "posilion rerily it hr susFcls
machin€ has underpromoled

slrie of plar
llLl t2E ca(hl
panies that have ventured into rated play have Game System and the three Conchess units $491; and President Chess (!ist $270).
done so at great risk. probably qualify too, but testing of their chess But, of course, what'sjust around the corner
USCF is now exploring ideas for a rating agen- ibilities has not been as complete as it has been can be as exciting as what's already available-
cy to scientifically test and rate commercial pro- for other models. Fidelity's Challenger 9 misses
only due to the lack of a tournament clock, and wiPed out this com-
grams. But lacking the necessary scientific data,
the Fidelity Champion Sensory, though not now semblY line in APril
the best we can do currently is give general of needed computer
recommendations. lSee related story.) a bestseller, is also still among the best.
Al1 the othermachines listed on the Buyer's chips thwarted plans for a faster version of the
What About Updateability? Guide Chart have admirable uses as well - Great Game Machine processor (to be called
machine don't overlook them. For travelers, the Fidelity Mega 4f . But optimism prevails, and among op
In the early days, you bought a chess
Mini Sensory and SciSys Executive Chess are tioni now being considered are the Mega 4 and a
;ii'i:ff:T; both entertaining and inexpensive. Applied Con- st
But over the
years, manufacturers have found ways for you ced
a spe dges with Your
to take advantage of improvements without
your shelling out for a completely new unit. Prest are tantalizing:

Each manufacturer seems to have approached Blitz dings, the Tar-

the problem a little differentlY. for children of all ages. rasch, and the Sici.lian. Prestige owners will be
For its top machine, Applied Concepts placed And for all but the most picky, the beautiful able to
the program in interchangeable cartridges. You wood auto-response boards Fidelity's Prestige though
buy the Great Game Machine (the processor) and Elite A,/S, Mephisto's Electronic Sensory plug-in
and atry specialized progr.rm cartridges (for Board, and the Conchess units - are the ulti- factory.
opening, middlegame, or endgamef you want. mate coffeetable comPanions.
the chart,
Fidelity Electronics builds both processor and
program into a On the Horizon of the ar-
Our Buying Guide Chart lists every current to III will
wide range of
the programs o model we were able to test. There are other be available in three forms: as a small program
products on the market that you should be cartridge that owners of Mephisto II can pop into
these cartridges add more variations to the stan-
aware of: their existing unit; as a full unit like the Mephisto
dard openings that a machine can draw from,
but others also add more playing ability. Fidelity From Novag: The Constellation (list $199), II that can be plugged into Mephisto's auto-
said to be very strong tactically and at speed response board; or built into an auto-sensory
may also make updates available to buyers who
chess. An experimental version, playing at the unit that will be available in wood or plastic. The
return their machines to the factory.
new product will contain many new features, in-
Two manufacturers have combined the proc-
(list $118f; cluding a library of "attacking motifs" to mak-e
essor and program into a single module that in
I Sensor (list the neir unit moreaggressive. tD
turn plugs into an auto-response board. Thus,
with the Mephisto and Conchess systems, you
keep your board and buy updated modules that
could feature improvements in the program, the
processor, or both. Mephisto has taken this a
itep further by making the plug-in module a self-
Ihe Scientffic Method needed, because machines play differently
contained portable unit as well. fchess is a pool from which a ETlat can
drink and an elephant may bathe, then the
The Bottom Line testing of chess comPuters maY be a
You can save yourself a lot of fmstration by limitless ocean. One of the most dedicated and
answering one basic question: Do you want a respected authorities to tread these vast waters is
chess machine because (11 you want to have Dr. Enrique Irazoqui, editor of Computer Chess
into a won endgame. "And after a computer is
some fun; or (2) you want to use it to improve Digest.
I-razoqui has earned admiration from all out of its opening book," he explains, "it doesn't
your chess.
corners of the chess comPuter world. Nearly understand a thing about the position." An ex-
If you want to have fun and you're rated 1400
every firm sends its top models off to him for ample: When a machine plays the King's Gam-
or below, then most any machine priced at $150
testing and comment. bit as White, it comes out of its book a pawn
or up should suit you. In fact, you'll probably
Irazoqui makes it quite clear that he is con- down and immediately decides it's losing. "It
wani to steer clear of the top models, which
might not let you win too often. If you get an in- cerned with testing only the top models - will panic and try to repeat moves, looking for a
machines that show the most chess ability. draw, instead of playing the romantic fire of at-
expensive model that you can beat frequently,
Irazoqui's rigorous testing methods virtually dic- tacking game you usually get in the King's Gam-
then learn to play it at odds of a piece or two. It's
tate this approach. He conducts round-robin bit."
more fun than you think'
tournaments using only the top four or five But he also sees strengths in many of today's
If you want to irnprove, go for the best - or at
models, but each machine must play twenty products. The Mephisto, he believes, is the best
least the best you can afford. But don't kid it the transition from opening book to middle-
yourself. A top machine won't transform you in- games against each opponent - ten at touma-
io a master if you simply play skittles with it ment speeds and ten at blitz speeds. The large
ard by number of games, Irazoqui believes, lends T'it:t1:
statistical accuracy to his tests. machine,
etable. When new products arrive, they are put into a plays a very "humanlike" game.
new tournament with the top two or three Four machines are now inside Irazoqui's inner
00 and up who machines from the previous event. circle: Fidelity's Prestige and Elite A,/S; the
es willprobably Irazoqui is also a watchdog. He buys shelf Mephisto; and Novag's Constellation. "As far as
models of every machine he tests to compare the I'm concemed," kazoqui says, "those are the
find the top machines more to their liking,
only four machines worth considering for the
1500 or so model sent by the manufacturer with the model
sold to the public. Over the years, he's found serious player." Irazoqui also notes that
,iXl',ffI; some discrepancies. [n one case, Irazoqui said he Fidelity's Supei 9 would also be included if it
found four different versions of one machine. weren't so similar to the Elite A,/S in pro-
favor at times. grarnmmg.
And in some cases the discrepancies were
significant: One version solved a mate problem But irazoqui, like any scientist who always
in forty seconds; another took seventeen sees new adventures on the horizon, is quick to
minutes. qualify his comments. While these four
After several years of work, Irazoqui says he machines are taking his time now, he looks
a toumament clock, and a variety of playing
now believes machine versus machine testing eagerly to promised updates from Mephisto and
levels. Machines that fit the biII: Fidelity's Super
"is noi the final solution." He now believes Applied as possible entries in his next tourna-
9, Prestige, and Elite A./S; the Mephisto II; and -
the ftiSys Mark V. Applied Concqrt's Great thorough tests with human players are now ment. F.E.


for 'E
You've found them. Just look insidel

What's Inside?
Oui 1983 Fall Catalog lncludes every item cunently in
_ stock Our I 3 feature pages highlight some of our finest
chess books and equipment The Complete Price List (pages
39-43) gives ordering information and prices for all.items.
lf you have questions about any item in the catalog, iust
call or wrjte and we'll be happy to help you. This catalog
reflects the latest price changes, so be sure to use it as your
guide when ordering

NEW!: ln the feature pages, look for items added since the
1982 fall caalog by watching for the word NEW!"

G: New items are highlighted on the price list with this


Members' Specbl: Look for these money+avers through-

out lhe catalog
"-*,'*r;!uiffi Fast UPS Delivery!
Please supply a street address so we can ship via United
Parcel Seruice. which now serves all 48 contiguous states
€r nr^-r add:
lf you order totals:
to s9 99 . $205
b. Sl000to$2499 $2 8'
52, 00 to S49 99 53 55
Sr0 00 to S74 99 . 5395
$7, 00 to S99 99 s4 8'
S100 00 to S249 99 $i lo
52 50 00 and over Free

Forelgn orders: Canada and Mexico: inciude 25%

Pours of order for shipping. Other countries: add 75%
for chess If no street address is provided to us, allow G8 weeks for
det may take up to four months for sea-
ma apse ofthese predicted times, an in-
qui may help locate a difficultY.

When Your Order Arrives

Please check your order immediately. Compare the
ber of packages sent with the number that arrived. I
unusuai event that you receive incorrect or defective
ip Seruices Depart-
name and address
upper right of the

be made within a week of your receiving the package.
If you receive a chess set with defective or damaged
pieces, it is not necessary to return the entire set. Simply
speclfy set. color and pieces. and we will replace them.

Product and Price Changes

On the cover Publishers and manufacturers often change prices, de-
raeive a product
signs and packaging. You may, therelore,
A- US6t Druelc's Solld Wood B@d @d
US{ lrdy's Fffih wood S€t The linst that differs somewhat from the catalog description. Prices
in playing equipment See page 3t are subiect to change without notlce lf not fully satisfied,
B. Cr6 L{s. The besl of chss iust return the item to us
C. "t724lH Ofud tmtclopdb of ctw BackOrders and Discontinued ltems
GM 11485-lffil. Tfu comprehensive coll<-
tion of early games lf we are out of an jtem you order but expecl more, we
D. Uggoolo (or U99oO30 wfth leather will ship it to you as soon as it arrives You will find a "B" (for
pouchl. Drueke's woodjramed foldlnc mag- BackOrder) on your packing list. lf we do not expect more
nelic traveler See Page 47 of an item, we'll send you a credit or relund. You wiil find a
E. The lxrmtt all ol ches' every c;x ''D" ([or Discontinued; on your packing lisl
monthsl See page 34
F- US26 clls Medals. Se Page 43 How to Order
c. O247TP HN to Plar the Ftwh Defew. Your U S Chess staff is always happy to serve you Simply
A Batsford beauly See Page 45 use the handy order blank and enveiope in this caialog, or
use your own envelope to
mail your order to: U.S. Chess,
H. C929MP-Tte oltltulRulq ol CJw-
186 Rt 9w, Newburgh, N.Y. 12550.
l. M422SH. Tla Mded clw Wlle- CM
Enclose a check or money order [or the conecl amount
Shamkovich s unbeatable explanations ol how
brillianl combG are made
(Be sure lo include shipping charges - se Fast UPS
Delivery!" above.) Please specify the conect order numbers.
l. U9459 Fldclhy SeMry chalerger 9.
The chss computer with the m6t brains for For FaSt, Personal Servlce
the buck See page 36
K. o227w M46d Cl6 owilttgs. Con-
prehensive, uptodate See page 37

L USC-I MasGr Ourtz chs Clak. our

best and newsl See page 33
M. USgl U.S. Chs B€ftBKkb Save time by phoning in your order with your VISA or
MasterCard Iustcall usbetween 8 am and 4 pm Eastern
N. U957 Gallant Vlnyl Rollup B€rd.
time. Monday through Frlday: l9l4l162-8110
toumament players choice See page 47
For your convenience, b€ sure to have the catalog
numbers of the items you want and your charge card handy
betore you call
[r.S. Chess Presents Otrr Best Clock!
MA'TER ouARrz@
The new USCF Master Ouartz has a
traditional analog face that's easy to read and
easy to set! Made for the U.S. Chess
Federation by a famous name in elecffonic
timekeeping, Master Ouartz is the finest
timepiece U.S. Chess has to offer. In fact, we
guarantee it free from manufacturer's defects
for a t'ull qurl

Electronic accuracy with a traditional clock face! It's your move!

Buttons expose high-visibility white
The solidly built USCF Master Ouartz has a large, clear clock face and red
stems that stand out against black
flag (yes, fhis electronic dock has a flag!). Master Ouartz sets or resets quickly background. From acrrs tlw taumament
just move its hands forward or backward, without fear of damaging the
- hall you'\l see when it's your move!
precision mechanism. And there's no mainspring to overwind.
Ouartz electronic timing divides each second into over 32,000 equal
parts lt's the ultimate in splitcecond accuracy with no humming or tick-
- Battery Checkl
ing. One standard nR battery provides over a year of continuous running! A push of the button and you're
x confident that Master Ouartz's batlery is
Measures 7t/a', 4t/e,, x 2t/a..
well charged for your game!
Order USC-I
List: 580.00 Members: $59.50
Battery lncJuded

Traditional Favorites
USC-33. Used by more tournament and biitz chess
players than any other cJock lt's dependable, durable,
and comes with a 60-day warranty Light-brown plastic
case is a handy size
Cerman craftsmanship at a popular price
Measures 6il x 3t x ))/2il
List S42 00 Members 5:17.00

USC-37. Elegant hardwood case and precision USC-29. The Jerger's qualjty construction and
timekeeping! beautiful blond wood case have made it a worldwide
Long the finest mechanical clock in the USCF line, favorite for years The large, easy-to-read laces tilt
Alpha has easy-to-read faces, smooth start-stop opera- backward slightJy for optimum visibility 90-day war-
tion, and an amazing ability to take a speed-chess ranty
pounding Measures
Now the hardwood case has been made even more at- List Sr7 00 Members S5l.0O
tractive lt's a Jighter shade, with darker wood edgings
that provide a handsome contrast 60day warranty
Measures 6%" x lY"" , 1V '.
List 564 00 Members 556.O0 THE BLITZ CLOCK
USC-32. An ideal clock for speed-chess players A
complete revolution o[ the single hand takes only
twenty minutes, and the flag is elevated only during
the last minute or so Your time - and your
opponent's - is very easy to see BHB reliability, and
metal bultons too 60-day warranty
Measures 6il x 3il x 1t/2il
List S42 00 Members 537.00


BHB SPECTAL CLOCK USC-2t. Sturdy plastic case with exceptionally attrac-
USC-34. Same as USC-33 BHB Tournament Standard. tive brushed-metal faceplate Dependable and quiet
but with a special flag that points to a 4-minute scale works, large faces and flags. and smooth metal but-
Great for speed chess 6Gday warranty tons 90-day warranty
Measures 6il x 3il x lt/2il Measures SYrt * 3t7^il x lt/tt:
List S43 00 Members $3E.00 List S49 00 Members S44.OO

The best of chess every six months:

Up,to,date analysis is iust the beginning'

Become an exPert Get much more

Get the best new games
on what you PlaY! than iust games!
every six months!
The lnformant's famous Rabar But the new lnformants offer lots
lnformants are published every six
classification of opening systems more than great, current games ar-
months with a selection of the
has become the worldwide stan- ranged by openings.
finest, current master games
lnformant 34 alone contains 745 dard. Complete games are ar' They give you uP-to-date informa-
games! ranged by opening and subvaria- tion about international events, in-
tion so you can find exactlY
- cluding crosstables. They give you
You get COMPLETE games -
what you want! the FIDE rating list, showing You
played and annotated bY the
And with all75 lnformants You can how your favorites rank. And Infor-
world's best, using clear,
trace the evolution of Your keY wwnts give You sPecial sections on
economical symbols. AII games
openings from 1966 to the Present. the best master endgames and
are in figurine algebraic notation
combinations of the last six
(FAN) -the universal language of Instead of merelY memorizing
chess. opening variations, really know why
the masters play what theY PlaY The lnformants give you all of chess
- not just a Piece of it!

U S Open ChamPion
CN,l Arlhur Bisguier

Grandmasters know the value

', of lnformants - and
recommend them to PlaYers
who want to improve.

Order Org?P'_- (add in the volume number: Ol
Members: $16.20 '41
VoL l-35 List: $ 18.00
Members' SPecidt Until Dec. I or until quantities last:
Any 3 to same address: $t4.25 each

bttmnant 35 Available Now! Trace the evolution of your favorite

openings and replay the key games of your
favorite players.
rs*i The Richness of Wood
Three of our finest products
combine elegantly to make a
den or living room chess comer
you'll be proud to show your
friends for years to come.
rrr+ Members' Special lr,,
Buy a lardy set, an Alpha
clock, and any Drueke
board advertised on this
page - and sbbrct $2O
from the total price.
This is your chance to
give or get a complete
Alpha Clock wooden chess outfit for
Elegant hardwood case and precision
Christmas - and save S20
Long the finest mechanical clock in the on already low members'
USCF line, Alpha has easy-toread faces, prices!
Drueke Table smooth start€top operation, and an amaz-
ing ability to take a speed<hess pounding
The natural beauty of
The ultimate chess table. Solid walnut pro wood - no chess equip
Now the hardwood case has been made
vides strength and great looks at a perfect
even more attractive. It's a lighter shade,
ment is more satiSfying to
playing height of 28 inches. 2Zq-inch inlaid use and own.
with darker wood edgings tlrat provide a
squares are walnut and white birch. 6inch
side border for clock and captured men,
handsome contast. OFFER GOOD UNTIL
plus a drawer big enough to hoJd pieces, Lis[ 564.00 Members: 556.00 DECEMBER I - provided
clock. and more! der USC-37 quandties hst.
List $260.00 Members: S234.0O
Order U9766
Wood Set
Deluxe Table (not pictured) -
same as
by Lardy of France
above, but has a 6inch border all the way Time-honored Staunton design and the
around its 3Ginch by 3Ginch top natural beauty of wood Hand-rubbed buff
List 5325.00 Members: 5292.rO and brown pieces are weighted and felted,
with wide base for stability. Toumament size
Order US-265
- 3%-inch King.
for the Nice
Chosen as the exclusive set
Ollrnpiad now popular worldwide
List S42 0O Members: S3t.0O
der U98

Solid Wood Boards

by Drueke
A toumament-size board of elegant
walnut and white birch by the famous name
in wooden chess equipment. Framed by a
beautiful walnut border, these solid-wood
Drueke boards are the finest we stock. Two
toumament sizes available.
2", 21" overall
LisL 560 00 Members: $53.00
Onder US63
2%" squue,23" overall
List: $72.00 Members: $63.75
der U964
The chess par[ners who never complain, even at 3 a.m.

to9$t Super Sensory 9 !r9'$l\ Mini Sensory Challenger -t"tt

Elite Auto sensory A great new autoresponse machine from Fidelity Perfect for novices. the Mini Sensory is the low-
Th rhe Elite A/s
Faster. 2MHZ clock speed, voice repeat of all moves,
com craftsmanshiP
built-in opening book program of 381 lines, I 5 selec-
I car-
with Beautiful full-
table levels oi play. take-back feature and much
s you
size ndcrafted and - aPtor
inlaid l5 selectable levels, selettable book openings more! Measures lO%'t x I lt/z't x 31/a't .
move take-back feature. voice capability, built-in clock Order US'470
Order US-53
Solves mates-in-seven, recognizes draw by three-fold List S2 t0 00 Members 5215.00
Members S49.fl)
List 560 00
repetition, plus much more.
Pl"yt ttong five-minute or tournament game and
looki great onyour coffee table! Measures Sensory Challenger 6 Mini Cartridges
19'xl1ilxlt/til Fidelity s Sensory 6 has a sensory board and plays Ootionat cartr'ldges fol the Mini help you per-
Order US-471 like a strong novice Great for the beginner! Measures sonalize you, machine. The Advanced (US-463) catr
List 5450 00 Members S3E5.O0 l4/4il x lot/sil x2tht, rridse features stronger play. expanded opening
Order US'456 booi. and the ability to take back moves and receive
List Sl 1r.00 Members S 95.00 reat Games
The Prestige great master
The Limited Edition Prestige by Fidelity Electronics You want to
is the state of the art for commercially available chess- Book OPen-
playing computers Not only is it the highest USCF- An easY and
rated machine, at 1870, but its spectacular wooden fun way to learn new openings
case, sensory board, and beautiful wooden pieces are
US-463. The Advanced.
a joy to behold, or to use When these magnificent
machines are gone. there will be no more a U.S. Chess rating o[ List S39 0O Members 531.00
nd cosls less than anY
Order US'469 ing strength. tt is a self-
Members US-464. 30 Great Games'
ListSl29500 S
[it in a compartment in- List S39 00 Members $33.00
es, or You can use the
AC adaptor (included). Cartridges to increase i[s US-465. 62 Book OPenlngs.
chine. strength are available now. (See below.) Measures r-isr S39 00 Members $33.00
ted at ll% x l0% x2Yr"
chess Order US-459
ListSl9500 Members S165.75
ss. ac-
curate tactical ability Measures \3tt x 1)t41t x3tt
Order US'43 Members'special
List S375 00 Members S32O.O0 Untll Dec. I lf quaitltles iast: NE.{{\
only $149.95! Computer Chess
By David A Welsh, Chairman of USCF Computer
Chess Committee
Y ftled 1772. No Pieces to
disPlaY. You can keY in
move the Pieces on the
display. This terrific machine wiJl accept draws,
Opening Cartridges for Challenger 9.
analvze with vou, move on demand comment, or play
US-46O. Contains 8.160 book opening moves. 381
a t 2'-board slmull lts special "selective search pro- ti-*r io ,n uu"tree depth of 30 piy I I,430 positions! as.they do
ates unnecessary calculatigns and allows it $66'fi)
Approximately 240 pages
quickly and accurately A tough endgame List s78 oo Members
$g'l' Order GW642WP
too. AC adaptor included. Measures to an List$l l-9' Members$10'75
13v2il xlolt xlr/Att US-472. Contains 16,100 moves, 1.345 lines
order u*loo average depth of 20 ply 26,900 positions!
List $ ! 20 OO Members SI O5.OO For complete llstlng of computer boks, se page 39'

pages 28-30, in thls lssue'

For more detalls, be sure to see the ChessLiie Computer Buylng Gulde,
lmproving Your Chess
By Fred Reinfeld
Reinfeld shows you, as the subride suggests, "The
Nine Bad Moves and How to Avoid Them" - and how
lo beat an opponent who makes them Ehormously in-
DN, 128 pages Faber 1954, 1970
order Nll9RP

How Not to Play Chess

By E A Znosko-Borovsky
A classic treatmenl of the errors made by beginners
and masters allke, designed to help the novice
recognize mistakes and avoid them
DN, I I9 pages, 37 diagrams, self-testing quiz Dover
reprint l96l
The Pleasures of Learning Chess Learn Chess (Teacher's Book) order cw634ZP
By Fairfield W Hoban ByE PennElLittlewood
The witty lucid exPlana Thjs attractive text book provides a logical, step-by-
of the Roy s of colorful step introduction of everything from the rules o[ chess Chess the Easy Way
sonalities. Former C/iess to fundamental principles of openings, endings and By Reuben Flne
editor Fairfield Hoban's rich storehouse of chess lore middlegames The question-and-answer lormat. A generation of American chessplayers have grown
results in an instructive inlroductory book thar will games and fragments quickly lead the beginner to the up on this greal basic [ext. T rinciples of chess are
capt e readers and make learning chess fun An- heart of the matter clearly organized and lucidly cribed. A remarkable
nota games and an appendix ol U.S. Chess and AN. I I4 pages, diagrams RHM Press t980 value
world Chess Federation rules are a nice bonus Order NI24PP DN, 183 pages Simon & Schuster 1942, reprinted
DN, 120 pages, complete index Van Nostrand List: S7 9, Members: $7. | 5 197 t
Reinhold t 974
order Nlo6FP
Order Nl loHP $4.95
List 57 95 Members 57. I 5

Simple Checkmates Simple Chess Tactics How to Play the Chess OPenings
By A J Cillam By A i Cillam By Eugene Znosko-Borovsky
433 ways for White to checkmate in one or two This companion volume to Gillam's other books The famous teacher treats many openings brielly,
moves, conveniently divided into thematic ideas looks not only at checkmates, but also at basic tactics locusing on the main ideas and a few traps rather than
(mates by certain pieces. plns, discovered checks, for winning material The 438 examples should lots of variations. An excellent introduction to the
etc.). Excellent for sharpening lhe beginner's eyesight. sharpen any beginner's game mysteries of the opening
AN, l28pages TwoContinents 1978 AN, 128 pages Two Continents 1978 DN, 147 pages Dover reprint l97l
Order NlolGP Order Nl02GP order o4o3ZP
s 1.95 $ r.95 s2.50

Batsford Chess Openings NE\il!

All New and Complete
By GM Gary Kasparov and GM RaY Keene -
Specialty opening books are
carry your entire library wlth Yo
tender Cary Kasparov and CM R
a portable opening book that is complete and up-to-
Kasparov's original ideas - which have helped him
beat the world's best - make [his book a must
From American Chess Promotions
FAN. 346 pages Batsford 1983
Order O227KP \r9'l{\ Members: S16.95
Fighting Chess: My Games and Career
$9'{l\ By Cary Kasparov
Sicilian: ... e6 and ... d6 SYstems Fightinq Chess is your chance to get an inside look at
By Gary Kasparov and Aleksander Nikitin how the world's most exciting chess master views
What happens when the most dynamic young grand- chess 64 o[ his games, complete through his can-
master (Kasparov) writes about Black's most dynamic didates'crush o[ Beliavsky (ELO 2615!) lncluded in
opening scheme against l. e4? Plentyl 29 chapters these notes are Fascinating insights into how Kasparov
covering virtually every idea behind this fascinating forms his plan o[ attack and his willingness to play a
ot iust Pages ns, move for "psychological reasons " Also, such tidbits
ntains recomm bY as: Clancing al the ECo one may discover " or "l
both tried and as was unaware lhat in the pages of lnlormdtor 33
luation of the To reveal just how much even world class grandmasters
make things even better, Kasparov's collaborator in rely on books too!
this masterpiece is none other than Aleksander Most importantly, these excellent notes will affect
Nikitin, the renowned Soviet trainer, a master not only how you Jook at your own positlons You cannot fail to
o[ chess, but a master teacher too profit from playing over [hese games Bonus material
This is sure to become t/is classic work on the Sicilian includes crosstables, photos, ECO opening index, a
Scheveningen. PJayers who use this system will want player/game index, as well as biographical inlorma-
this book. Players who play l. e4 will need it to tion
survive! FAN, 144 pages, 9 photos, 96 diagrams Balsford
FAN, 224 pages, 240 diagrams Batsford l98l I 983
Order O273KP Order T7O7KP
Llst: S179, Members: Sl6.l5 List: S109, Members: S9.85


Give them or gfab them winning lines! and know the

From the days when playing for a win was the only
honorable way. Zagorovsky, a former world cor- The Modern Chess Sacrifice
respondence champion, surveys the Ponziani, Scotch. By GM Leonid Shamkovich Play the King's Gambit \{gsJ\
Scotch Cambit, Three Knights. Hungarian Defense, Volumes I E II
Ciuoco Piano, Evans Cambit, and Two Knights De[ense By Yakov Estrin and I B Claskov
FAN, 124 pages, 120 diagrams, Batsford 1982 . e4 e5 2. f4) is the standard bY
Order O3O7ZP w gs are measured Estrin and
ListSl3 50 Members Sl2.l5 G this fascinating opening is alive'
well, and very effective today-
The Sicilian Wing Gambit he thoroughly annotates the completed ganes'
O333EP. Klng's Gamblt Accepted, Volume l.
By lohn F Hurt NEttt' 1f," p".f".i middlegame text for gambiteers! (Also AN, 173 piges, indexes of illustrative games and
(l see descriPtion on Page 44.)
The Wing Cambit against the Sicilian e4 ci 2. b4!?)
DN, 22, Pages, manY diagrams, index
variations. Pergamon Press 1982
remains an exciting and unexplored alternative to Llst$13.9t MembersSl2.5o
Order M422SH
List S 9 95 Members S E.95
O?}4EP. Klng's Gamblt Dedlned, volume Il.
AN, l3l piges, indexes of illustrative games and
Members'SPecid variations Pergamon Press 1982
Until Dec. I if quantities last: List Sl I 9t Members $10.7t

Thinkers'Press I983 Only $ 7.50

Order O272HP The King's Gambit
List S 7 00 Membcrs S 6.25
By GM Victor Korchnoi and Vladimir Zak
Gambits -.r,r CM Korchnoi teams with Boris Spassky's trainer to
3fi) King's Gambit tVtiniaturesn"rlr gy Yakov Estrin NE"'
anilyze and explain the opening that declares total war
By Bill Wall delight! The author. a on Btack from move two ( I. P-K4, P-K4, 2 P-KB4) Covers
mPion, scrutinizes the accepted variations thoroughly (104 pages): surveys
A collection of stamming and bamming from amateur
winning ideas. A leas declined lines (10 Pages)
Iustrations and examPles! DN, I l6 pages, diagrams, Chess Digest l97t
deligh AN. 9l pages. diagrams. games index. Chess Enter-
der Oll'KH
prises 1982 Members Sl2.5O
These ListSl3 95
-on order .,2EEP
AN, s 5.oo
order o323$rP Morra,Smith Gambit
S 2.9,
The Budapest Defense By CM lanos Flesch
Spanish (Ruy loPez): Marshall By Staker. Glasscoe t' Stayart rehensive study of
By T.D Harding Startle your opponents with this long-debated gambit cd 3. c3).
(t. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5l?1. The authors have compiled.most White to put op-
of the previously known lines, making it invaluable for if you're a Sicilian
- who play either side. you!
AU, l> pages, 43 diagrams, indexes, Thinkers Press ndexes of players
I 980 and variations. Batsford I 98 I
oder o264sP Order O2I4FP
s i.oo List S l6 9, Members S I 5.25

Od€r O378HH
ListSl595 Mcmberc$ 8.45 Spanish:Schliemann(fanisch) -.c$l\ Aftacks and Counterattacks ln the
GM Leonid Shamkovich and Eric Schiller \\e''
Benko Gambtt an
By Barry'Spiro
From Chess Digest to
onary ldeas," this slim
The Benko is a dynamic. fighting defense to I PO4 Nf
ard livelier chess. No
n iust a master's exciting
andful of PoPular oPen-
FAI.i. 150 pages. diagrams, indexes Batsford/Ameri- rngs.
can Chess Promotions I 983 AN. 23 pages, 3l diagrams. Thinkers Press 1982


Mer O,30SP
Members SI3.4t
List S 8 95 MembersS ListSI49,
Complete Listing of U.S. Chess lnventory U$90O10 Folding Magnetic Set Pieces %,, high Board opens to 6%,,
x 6%r, Llmlted supply s1900 $r7.o0
These five yellow pages list all items in stock. A a? marks U99OO30 Same as above, but comes in a handy learher pouch s23 00 st9.50
items new to USCF inventory since the 1982 Fall catalog. US-1433 Cavalielo l\,,lagnetic Chess Set King 2%,' Folding board
wiih I14,,squares sroo0 s 9.00
Although items have been separated into basic categories, US-76 Pocketchess Set 3', x l%,, Magnetic s r.95
some items, especially books. may not fit precisely into a-single US.StOP Magnetic Chess Set Board 7h,, square Pieces Z /, hjgh sr000 s 9.oo
category. Please check all possible sections when looking for a U$59OP PeC Chess Set Board 7%/i square Pieces %" high s 800 s 7.oo
particular item. Abbreviations: "P" after the catalog number in-
dicates paperback, "H" hardcover, "L" pamphlet. DN indicates CHESS BOARDS
descriptive notation, AN algebraic, FAN figurine algebraic.
Be sure to see feature pages of this catalog for pictures and Llst Mem.
descriptions of the finest books and equipment in this list. Cat. No. Prlce Prlce
US-57 The Callant Vinyl Boatd 2%" dark green A beige squares
AN on two sides Each $ 400 s 3.50
I 2 or more to oneaddress each s 2.95
G US-tZB Slightly Blemished Callant Vinyl Board 2t ,,dark green &
beige squares AN on two sides Each s r.95
I 2 forthe price ol I0 s19.50
us6 Folding Linen Board Creen & buff 2 14ir squares Llmlted
supply. Sl4 00 s I
I 2 or more to one address each s 12.00
CHESS COMPUTERS us-54 Mahagony/Maple Board I " border 2// squares s4r 00 s40.00
u955 Rosewood/Oak Board l " border Squares approximately
Llst Mem. 2%" lmay vaty l/s'i due to machine{itting) s4i 00 s40.00
Cat. No. Prlce Prlce us-63 Solid W@d Board White birch E walnut 2 I /, overall 2,,
Squares s60 00 $51.00
U953 lVini'Sensory Chess Challenger 8 I 60 00 s 49.00
us44 Solid Wood Board White birch 6 walnut 23 " overall 2 ,4 ,/
U$l0O Scisys Mark V
[? US-2rO Conchess:Ambassador Llmltedsupply 5)9995 5179.9'
sq uares s72 00 s6r.7,
E; US-43 Champion Chess Challenger s375 00 sr20.oo
US-lOl Inlaid Wood Board Walnut t
maple veneer 2,, squares s42 00 sr6.oo
U9225 Inlaid Wood Board Walnut E maple veneer 2 ]Z ,, squares s52 00 s45.oo
U$4t6 Sensory Challenger 6 srio0 s 95.00
U9765 Drueke Chess Table Walnut & white birch 2%,, squares
U94t9 Sensory Challenger 9 st9t oo sl65.7t Top measures with 6" border all the way
U9460 Opening Cartridge I for Challenger 9 (CB9) s 78 00 s 66.00 around 28" hiCh 5325 0O 5292.50
US-472 Open ng Cartridge I I for Cha lenger 9 ICB I 6)
i I s 20 00
r sr05.oo U$766 Drueke Chess Table Same as U976t but top measures
U9463 The Advanced Cartridge for Mini-Sensory s 3900 s 30"x23i',allowing6nborderontwosides S26000
U9464 30 Creat Game Cartridge for Mini-Sensory s 3900 s ,3.00 U93Ol5 Masonite Board Creen F' 6utf 2', squares 18,'overall
US-i165 62 Book Openings Cartridge for Mini-Sensory 5 39 00 S 33.00
Each . s900 s8.00
I 2 or more to one address each s 6.7'
U9469 The Prestige Llmlted Edltlon sl29i 00 sltoo.00 us-ror 7 Masonite Board Maple t walnut 2,'squares lS,,overall
a? U947O Super Sensory 9 s2i0 00 t.00
$2 l Heavier than U9301 t Each s l0 00 s 9.o0
(? U9471 Elile Auto Sensory s4r0 00 s3r5.00 l2 or more looneaddress each s 7.65
u$46 Paper Tournament Boards Creen & buff 22,, squares
2OVa" overall AN on border s .50
CHESS CLOCKS u$47 PaperTournament Boards Creen & buff 2lA // squares AN
on each square Not for tournament use, but useful for
Llst Mem.
teaching s .50
Cat. No. Prlce Prlce
G USC.I USCF N4aster Ouartz Clck s8000 s59.50
USC-25 ,erger Chess Champion Clock s4900 s44.OO
USC-29 lerger Wood Clock 57 00
s s5 t.o0
usc-32 Blirz clock s42 00 s?7.@
USC-r3 BHB Tournament Standard Clock s42 00 st7.oo cat. No. #',* fi::
USC-34 BHB Special Chess Clock s43 00 s38.00
USC-37 Alpha Chess Clock s64 00 s56.q) US-278 Keene: The New Caro Two 60-min tapes, plus booklel
AN sl3 00 sll.75
U*279 Coodman:BashingTheBenko 90min DN s 900 s 8.50
CHESS SETS U9280 Nunn:BasicldeasintheBenoni 90min DN 5r000 s 9.50
US-282 Caiferty: Alekhine s DeFense 90 mjn DN sro00 s
Llst Mem. U$283 Slean: How to Win from Defense 90 min AN s 900 s
CaL No, Prlce Prlce
US-E French Wood Set Ljght pieces in natural color dark pieces
U$26t Hooper: Rook & Pawn Endings for the Practical Player 90
in deep brown stain No lacquer KinE13A,,: base lhl
min P)us booklet AN sro00 s 9.50
Each s4r 00 slt.oo U9286 Plaskett: The Sicilian Scheveningen 90 min Plus booklet
6 or more to one address each $2E.OO
AN 00
sro s 9.50
I 2 or more to one address. each s25.50 US2E7 Plaskett: The Sicilian Taimanov Two Lapes: one 90-min
US.l49l Cavaliep Deluxe Chess Set lvory & black King 4/; base one 60-min AN st3 r0 st2-2,
I r/"" Each s2t 1, sr9.50 US-288 L4ednis: King E Pawn Two 90 min tapes, plus booklets
6 or more to one address, each s t7.50 AN s22 90 S20.60
I 2 or more to one address. each s r US-269 N4ednis: Oueen & Pawn Endgames One 90 min tape plus
c? Us,-12L Drueke weighted analysis set and board- 2tr,, King Set booklet AN st I 9' slo.7t
comes in leather pouchl sr500 $r3.50 US-290 lvtednis: Rook & Pawn End€ames Two 90 min tapes plus
U935 Players Choice Set Ebony & maple linish King 3t/2,,:6ase booklets AN s22 90 S20.60
l%,, lncardboardbox Each s20 00 s l8.oo U9296 Averbakh: l\,,linor Piece Endgames Two tapes plus two
s22 90
6 or more to one address. each s t 7.00 booklets 520.60
I 2 or more to one address, each sl6.00
US-35H Double Weighted Players Choice Set Ebony & maple
U*297 Averbakh: Rook and N.4inor Piece EndCames Two taDes
plus two booklets s22 90 520.60
finish King 314ii; base I %i, ln cardboard box Each s25 00 $22.50
6 or more to one address, price s2r.50
| 2 or more to one address, price s20.50
US-36 Players Choice Set Ebony & maple finish King 3t4,,: base
l%,r In wood box with slidingcover Each $24 00 s2r.50
6 or more [o one address. each . s20.50
I 2 or more to one address each $r9.50
US.l425X Club Special Set in cardboard box with black & red paper-
covered board Black [, white pieces King 3% i, Each sro 00 $ 9.00 COMPUTER BOOKS
I 2 or more to one address, each s 7.50
Ugl42t Club Special Black E white pieces King 3%,i t2 cotton-
bagged sets percarton No boards Mem.
AfFiliate price
$90 00
s70.oo cat. No. #i Prlce
US636 Special Combination of U936 Players Choice set and a GW628HP Harding: The Chess Compuler Book FAN 2 I 5 pages S I 0 95 s
U966 Folding Linen Board Llmtted supply. Each s39 00 s3r.25 GW6TOKP Kaplan: How to Cet the Most from Your Chess Computer.
6 or more to one address. each s'l.25 5995 58.95
I 2 or more to one address, each s30.25 GW642WPWelsh:ComputerChess Approx 24Opages 95
Sl I St0.75

d=New H=hardos P=
Llst Men
Cat. No. Price Hce 60
T74lAP Alekhine l0TCreatChessBattles AN 2t6pages s t0 s15.7,
s 995 s E.95 GA
T7O6BH Bisguier:AmericanChessN'4asters DN 291 pages
T?478P Botvinnik: Candidate s l\,4atches I 974 FAN I 60 pages s 900 s t.m a

T72}BP Botvinnik: Fifteen Cames Their Stories AN 72 pages

€, s 49' C

T7O8BP Bronstein: Zurich lnlernational Chess Tournamenl l9'3
DN 349 Pages s 600 s t.l(} (
T7l2CP I98lS Championship AN l26pages
s 5m
Christiansen: (
[? T8l4DP Devide: william Slelnitz Selected Chess Cames DN 203 (
s ,.to
'f7l6EP Edge: The Exploits €. Triumphs in Europe of Paul Morphy (
203 Pages
s ,.00
T8l5EH Euwe:BobbyFischer,TheCreatest? DN 202pages s 99t s 7-20 (
(? T7?IEP Euwe: From My Chess Cames DN 232 pages
s 4.m
T722EP Evans: Chess World Championship 1972: Fischer vs G'
DN 261 Pages
SPasskY 5 395 S
T6o2GP Colombek: Capablancas 100 Best Cames oi Chess DN 69t s 6.25
2 I 7 Pages 5 a

C93OHP Hammond: C I S Purdy DN 362 pages sr7 95 sl6-(D

s 795 s (
FOR THE NOVICE T72lHH Hochberg TltleChess DN 229pages
st r 95 sl0.7t
T726NP Karpov: My BesLCames AN 322 pages
Kasparov: Fighting Chess FAN I 44 pages s l0 9t s 9.45 I
Llst Mem. T7O7KP
Prlce Prlce E?I
Cat. No. T727KP Keene: Korchnoi vs Karpov t 97E World Chess Champion-
ship DN l59Pages s 295
NtO3CH Capablanca: Chess Fundamentals DN 245 pages Llmlted
suPPlY 512 95 s 9.95
TTOtKP Keene: Massacre in Merano FAN I 22 pages s 995 S 6.95 I

NtO3CP Capablanca;ChessFundamentals DN 245pages s 6 9t 5 6.2' T725KP Keres: Crandmaster of Chess DN t74 pages s 1.95

NIO4CP Chernev: An lnvitation to Chess DN 288 pages s 595 s ,.?5 T8l2KH Korchnoi:Korchnoi s400BestCames FAN 264pages sl2 9t sl l.6t I

NIO6FP Fine:ChesstheEas!/Way DN l83pages 5 4.95 T724LH Levy: oxtord s Encyclopedia oF Chess Volume I FAN 527
s69 00
NIOIGP AN l2Spages
Cillam: SimpleCheckmates s t.95 pages

AN 128 pages s r.95 T72OMP Ny'arfia: The AnnoLated Open l98l uS Open AN 90 I
NIO2GP Cillam: SimpleChessTactics
pages S ,r.9,
NIOTGP Crefe:ProgressingThroughChess AN I l3 pages S 600 s ,.40
s 5.oo
s 795 $ 7.15 t3 02l9MP Marfia: '82 U S Open St Paul, Minn AN 83 pages
G NIIOHP Hoban:Pleasuresof LearningChess DN l20pages
(? .17?'PP Parr: Viktors Pupols AN 78 Pages s 650 s t.t' Gl
Nl24PP Penn t Littlewood: Learn Chess (Teachers Book) AN I l4 s 600 s 5.l()
pages s 795 s 7.r5 T785RP Reti: l\,4asters o[the Chessboard DN 436 pages Gj
s 895 $ 8.O0 T798RP Rubinstein: Rubinsleins Chess Masterpieces DN 192 (?
NIO9PP Povah:ChessTraining AN lT6pages s 3.9t
s pages
s 69t 6.25
N2O3RH Reinfeld: Chess for Children DN 72 pages
T73OSP Sergeanti N4orphy s Cames of Chess DN 349 pages s 600 s 5.40
NllSRP Reinfeld:TheCompleteChessplayer DN 292paCes $ 695 s 6.25
$ 4.50 [? T7)2SH Smyslov: l2SSelectedCames AN 249paCes : s1995 sl7.9t
NllgRP Relnfeld: lmprovingYourChess DN l2Spages
T78OTP Tal: LifeandCamesof l",4ikhailTal DN 521 pages st295 sll.6t
NIOSSP Savage: An lntroduction to Chess - The Creative Came 90
AN I96Pages s 595 s 5.35 iTElI.PT"l, Montreal I 979: Tournamenr of Stars AN 204 pages 5r I 510.70

N l22SH Sullivani Programmed lntroduction to the Came of Chess C957WP Winter: World Chess Champions AN I84 paCes sr I 95 sl0.7t
AN 206 Pages s 6It 5 6.2'
Nl llWP Walker:ChessOpeningsforluniors AN I64pages s 995 s 8.95

M42tZP ZnoskqBorovsky; The Middlegame in Chess DN 235

pages s 3.50

GW634ZP ZnoskcBorovsky: HowNottoPlayChess DN I l9pages t 2.25

O4O3ZP ZnoskqBorovsky: How to Play the Chess OpeninCs DN

I 47 pages s2.50


Llst Mem.
Cat. No. Prlce Prlce
GW6OlAPAbrahams:TechniqueinChess DN 216 pages s 3.oo
GW62rBP Bloss: Rate YourOwn Chess DN 206 pages s 79r s
GW624CP ColLins: N4axims of Chess 276 pages
s 595 s r.75
GW6O3EP Euwe: Chess iMaster vs Chess Amateur DN 308 pages
s 69t s 6-25
GW626EP Euwe: Development of Chess Style DN I 52 pages
GW6OSEP Euwe:ludgmenland PlanninginChess DN l90pages s r95 $ 515
Gw6lgEP Euwe: The Logical Approach lo Chess DN 2 I 7 pages s 4.50
GW6O6EP Euwe: The Road to Chess Mastery DN 273 pages s 695 s 6.2' Llst Mem.
GW6O4HP Hort: The Best lMove AN 234 pages s 95
l0 s 9.85 Cat. No. Prlce Prlce

GW63tKP Karpov: Chess Kaleidoscope AN 168 pages s 9e5 s 8.9t Or97P Volumes l-35 FAN s1800 s16.20
s 995 s 8.95 Org2lP FAN s 2-m
GW6'SKP Keene:CoodMoveCuide AN l4l pages lnFormant: Classification of ChessOpenings

GW6l IKP Kmoch: Pawn PowerinChess DN 304 pages s 695 s 6.25 C956lP Informant Aid s 2.00
CW6IOKP Kotov: Play Like a Crandmaster FAN 22 I pages sr 3 95 sr2.50 Order lnformants by giving the catalog number, followed by a dash and then the volume
GW6l2KP Kotov: Think Likea Crandmaster DN 200pages st 3 95 $12.50 number Example: to receive Volume 32, order catalog number O393P-32

GW6lSKP Kotov: Train LikeA Grandmaster FAN 124 pages st3 95 sl2.t0 volume 35 now avallable!
GW6O9LP Lasker: Co[mon Sense in Chess DN. I39 pages $ 2.50
C}49LP Lasker: Lasker's Manual of Chess DN 349 pages s 550 s t.00 OPENINGS
GW6SlMPMason: The Principlesof Chess DN 336 pages s 4.50
GI{/637MH Mednis: King Power in Chess DN 3t7 pages sr4 95 sr3.45 Llst Mem.
Cat. No. Prlce Prlce
G GW6l3MPMednis: From the Opening into the Endgame AN I t I
sr09t s 9.E5 02!6AP Adams:schliemann/laenischCambit FAN l20pages $ 89i E.oo
GW6l4NP Praxis DN 364 pages
Nimzovich: Chess s 5.oo 02llAP Assaic:OpeningPreparatidn AN I6l pages s 695 s E.oo
5 895 s 6.00 O2O2BP Barden:RuyLopez DN lT0pages s 625 $ 5.60
C946NP Nimzovich: My System DN 372 pages
5r2 00 s 10.75 O29OBP Basman: Play the St George AN I 22 pages s 995 s 8.95
GW6OTPP Polugaevsky: Crandmaster Preparation AN 240 pages
T789RP Reshevsky: Artof Postional Play DN 336 pages s 79t s O27OBP Bellin: Oueen's Pawn: Veresov System FAN 89 pages sr2It sll.65
GW6tTRP Reti: Modern ldeasinChess DN I8l pages s 3.00 O2OIBP Botvinnik:TheCruenleldDefense AN 371 pages 5t29' Sll.65
GW629SP Soltis: Catalog of Chess NIislakes DN 2 I 3 pages s 59t s r.35 OT4OCP Cafferty: A Complete Defense to I d4 Recommends
sil to.70 Oueen sCambitAccepted AN 144 pages sro 80 s 9.70
GW64OSP Suetin: Three Steps to Chess Nlastery AN I 92 pages 90 s
5t09t $ 9.Et O233CP Cafrerty: A Complete Defense to I P-K4 Recommends
GW63,TP Timman: The Arl of Chess Analysis FAN 2 I 6 pages
Petroff s Defense DN 149 Pages s 995 $ 8.9t
GW6}4LP ZnoskGBorovsky: How Nol to PIay Chess DN I I 9 pages 5 2.2'
d = New H= hardsE P= papcrbtk 1-=pnmphet
Of,l :.&.iOr. not O* el = aigebrak rctado,, FAN = ngurlre algebralc ndatl'on
O2O7CP Chernev:WinningChessTraps DN 306pages s 59r s r.l5
t? O328EP Estrin:Cambits AN 9l Pages s 5.oo
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Cat. No,
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Llst Mem.
Prlce Prlce
Cat. No.
C929MP Morrisonr Official Rules of Chess I 22 pages s 39' s 2.oo DIAGRAMS
UglO N,4idget Scorebook. Spiral bound. 3/'?// x 6lls/'' Sheets for 40
gam;s, 60 moves per sheel. 214" square diagram blank on Llst Mem.
sheet Each s t.oo cat. No. Prlc€ Prlce
I2 or more to one address, each s .E5
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s ,.9,
US-12 Swiss Pairing Cards. 3" x 5". Available in blue yellow' US-41 Piece Prinlers Open and closed printers (six of each) for
gold. green. ian &white (onecolorper pack)' Pack of 100 s 2.40
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U9l6 Sealed Move Envelope l%" x 6// Cummed flap Pack of Us-59 Chess Transfer Symbols No diagram blanks inciuded
t0 s r.65 s 500
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players t 8 rounds per sheet. Shir x I l Same colors as
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US-20 Official Score Sheets Duplicate wi[h carbonless copies
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to I I Pads to

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Pack of 250
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US-22 OflicialscorePad l00sheetsperpad,ruledfor60moves U9934 Copyaido Transfers lournalist Sel Black €' white pieces
s75 lncludes t0 diagram blanks
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one oad .
3 to I I Pads to one address each s70 U99?5 Copyaid@ TransFers Tournament Set Black & red pieces
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s65 lncludes 50 diagram blanks
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ed Refiliable s 650 s 6.00
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order 2 packs) s 1.7,
Spiral Bound Scorebook 5' x 8' 50 pages Each 6 t.25
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Llst Mem. Llst Mem.
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2 )' s 2.oo
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Three $
one dozen (4 oleach) . s42.qt U92l Chess Knights
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Magnetic Demonstration Board (shipped by UPS or truck U$2E ChessNecktie Oreen&rust Each
3 or more to one address each
s 4.oo
only. No orders to APO FPO or outside 48 contiguous s ,.00
states) s95.OO , or more to one address each
US-39 Commemoralive FIDE Poster (Price includes shipping)
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only lo USCF membersl s 3.oo
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FOR POSTAL PLAY US.6O UStF toeo T-Shirt WhiLe with navy trim f' lettering s 6.00
Specify Small. Large or X-tirge
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X-targe s 6.00
U99(x)lO Folding Magnetic Set Pi*es % " high Board opens to 67 " s 5.50
x 6%" Llmltcd suPPlY sr9 00 sl7.o0 US-91 Belt Buckle Anlique brass
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d U99fil3o Same as above, but comes in a handy leaLher pouch
US-27, Poslal Chess Album : s e00 s E.(x) ''lron-on Decals Capablanca is in full color resL are black
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Us276 Six Sets of Extra Pieces for U92 7 5.
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From brutat to beautiful ,- know the knockout moves!


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TWo iust off the press from Batsford!
format and
these two
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Equipment for your every chess need. l



Players' Choice Set

Autlrentic Staunton proportions make this attrac- US-35. Same set in cardboard box
FROM GERMAIVY tive Drueke set a popular choice of tournament play- List: S20 00 Members Sl8.(X)
Old world craftsmanship is easy to see in these love- ers The felted, weighted pieces (3hl' King. I %" base) 6 or more to one address, each S17.fl)
ly boards. The squares arc 7tA ". and the I /' border in- have ebony and maple finishes: the hi-impact, satin- 12 or more to one address, each Sl6.fll
cludes a fine inlay that sets off the playing area. Two finish plastic will not harm tables or boards Sturdy
styles: wood box has sliding cover US-35H. Extra-heavy pieces in cardboard box
Order U$36 List S2, 00 Members S22.tO
List S24 00 Members S21.50 6 or more to one address, each S2l.tO
Mahogany and Maple. Perfect for tournament use
because the reddish-brown dark squares show the 6 or more to one address, each $20.50 12 or more to one address, each S2O.5O
black pieces clearly 12 or more to one address, each $19.50
Order US'54 See tardy Wood Set on page :r5.
List 545 00 Members S4O.(X)

Rosewood and Oak. For those who prefer spec-

tacular wood grains and a striking appearance
Order US-55
List 545 00 Members

Cavalier Deluxe Set Cavalier Magnetic Chess Set

Made to USCF's own exacting specifications, these Finally. a magnetized miniset that's both attractive
beautifully weighted, felted and finished pieces have a and easy to use! Lovely pieces are the Ull4gl
graceful. modern appearance and well-balanced feel Cavalier set ln miniature King measures 2t4ttand
True Staunton proportions, ivory and black Twice the squares about ll{/t Folding board The whole box
weight of comparabJe sets sold in department stores weighs only I 4 oz Terrific for tournament analysis or
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Order US-I491 Order U$I433
Lisrs2l75 Members$t9.5o Listslooo Members $9.(E
6 or nore to one address, each 517.50
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Beautiful boards are handmade in the United States
lnlaid 2// squares of black walnut and maple veneer,
with inlaid border Hand-rubbed oil finish, with green
felt backing
Order U9l0l
List $42 00 Members S36.(X)

Same board with 2%" squares

Order US-22t
List St2 00 Memb€rs S45.(x)
The Pouch Traveler $6'$l\ Vinyl Chess Set Bag
This Drueke weighted mini-set has a 2Z:" King that s A great convenience when carrying set and clock to
USCF Gift Certificate a perfect match for the folding, green and buff board s a chess tournament, club, friend s house, beach, etc
176" squares Set fits into a beautiful, gray suede Soft leatherette bag with double top hem and two
The perfect Cfrristnos Gfilil knotted drawstrings. Roomy 9il x 12il
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us-l S5 Certificate $ 5.q) Order U$9fl)30 Order US-{4
u92 S l0 Certificate $to.00 List: S23 00 Members: Sl9.tO Each $1.71


Easy,Tote Demo Board

metal board
Order US-85
List: s6o oo s52'oo

Members' Special:
Whlle quantitles last: Only 547.50!

Magnetic Demonstration Board

This light-gauge
full set of magneti
packing or carryin
table or other flat
metal rear stand. Squares are
h small border; is 32 " square;
and Pieces have dull finish to
e green and ivorY Pieces red
The Gallant Vinyl Board J uP or collaPse ln any way'
An inexpensive. fabric-backed, vinyl board that can (weight: l6 lbs.) Can be sent only to a street address
be rolled up or folded and still lay down flat, smooth for UPS or olher truck delivery No orders to APO,
and wrinklejree for your game The 2%tt squares are FPO or any point outside the 48 contiguous states
dark green and belge (See page 43 for Photo)
Order US-57 Order US-50
List 54 00 Members 53.50 s9t.o0
l2 or more to one address, each 52.95
Club Special Set
Magnetic Move Sign Pooular tournament-size set (3 % " King) of practically
indestructible solid black and white plastic with green-
Creat for magnetic demo-board, this 4/ x 7" sign is
: flocked bottoms Perfect economy set for clubs,
lmprinted with White moves" on one side and Black
schools. etc Comes in cotton bags
moves on the other.
Order US-74 Order US-I425
List St ,0 Members S4.O0 List Sgo/Dozen Members S7o/Dozen

US-1425X. Singte set with paper<overed board in a

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Looseleaf Scorebook ListSl000 Members S9.oo
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US-303 Pack o[ 50 refills (minimum order two

Players Chess Annuals I, ll E lll st.75
A new series from the publishe rs of Plarlers Chess News
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ticles, and hundreds of games arranged in lnformant Spiral-Bound Scorebook
classification! Each page of this handy coat-pocket-size' ,O-page
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iournment or to record
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Volume ll, covers first halt of I 982 5 or more to one address, each Sl.l0 Folding Linen Board
Order O292PP Non-glare board was specially designed to eliminate
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Volume tll, covers last half of 1982 Toutnament-size 2t/att grcen and buff squares.
Order 0293PP Order US-66
Midget Scorebook
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proven effective in other educational efforts, taperecorded chess lessons now allow the student to listen
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The Elements of Chess Strategy
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Order US-E7 ListSl000 Members 5 9.5O Order US-285
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By Michael Stean A thoughtful view of counterattack Order US-278 the mosl common and important endgames. i--ts-.6
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Order U92E3 -l
cassette comes with a booklet outllning the dts.-:=;*:q
List: S 9 00 Members: S E.50 and illustrating key points AN
The Sicilian Scheveningen By GM Edmar Mednis
Bv lim Plaskett. The young British star dissecls this
Alekhine's Defense pofular defense of top players. A fine introduction. US-288. Klng & Pawn. Two go-minute ca:se:=
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Order US2E2 Listr Sll9t Members:slc75
List S I0 00 Members S 9.50 US-290. Rook E Pawn. Two go-minute cas=.-
The Sicilian Taimanov List: S22 90 Memb€rs: s2O-
Bv lim Plaskett. Combines solidity and dctive winning
Bashing the Benko chances. A line often played by World Champion Anato-
By GM Yurl Averbakh
By David Coodman White's resources against Black's ly Karpov 2 lapes: I is 90 minutes, the other 60 US-296. Minor Pls€. -...J,Ir. Two:a.:f,::
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intimidating gambit 90 minutes, DN
Order Us-279 Order US-287 US-297. Rook E Mlnor Pleces .r'$l\ Two id-.-
List: $ 9 00 Members: S 8.50 List: Sl3 50 Members: S12.25 List: S22 90 Members s20i

,-zlP coDE CHESS ,-

Have fun and sharpen your analytical skills by playing postal chess. Here's the recommended equipment

Official Score Pad Diagram Stamper

Designed especialJy for recordlng scores when a This handy rubber stamp makes a 2 % "-square bE:
copy is not required I 00 sheets per pad, ruled for 60 rhat has endless uses. Dark squares are cross-hatcfe:
moves so pieces stand out. An ideal way to quickly create =
Order US-22 diagram for study, adiournment or adjudications l:t'
pad not included
Pad, each 75(
Order US-40
Copyaid@ ChessprlntsrM Sr.9i
These transfer symbols eliminate the mess and bother
of stamps and inkpads. Rubbing with a pen or pencil
Diagram Pad
transferi the symbol onto a diagram blank. Each set Pad of lO0 21A't-squarc diagrams is greal For recor:-
contains enough symbols for about 50 diagrams and ing positions May be used with our chess-pie-.
includes diagram blanks with adhesive backs printer or trans[er system
Order US-31 I
Postal Chess Album U5-934. Chess lournallst Set. The black and Per Pad 75c
white pieces produce sharp, professional, camera-
Six chessboards with t/'-square playing field are
ready diagrams. 54.95
Piece Printers
US-935. Chess Tournamcnt Set. The red and
gned for use with ou:
black p for Problemis
diagram (theY fit the 5 I Postal Chess Mo;=
Mailing bag has an ad rs are quicker tha:
flat with scorecard on facing Page ded for reproductie
attachin ok.
order US-275 Because the while pieces are outlines and the blacq
List S9 00 Memb€rs S8.0o
US-9r6. Extra-Large Set. Same as the U9934 pieces are solid. you need only one inkpad (not includ-
US-276. Pleces.sixsetsofextrapieces S2.q) journalist set, but pieces are larger (% " high) ed)
54.95 Order US-41
US-277. Scorecards. Pack o[ six extra scorecards s9.6{t
(minimum order two Packs) each 20( Folding Magnetic Set
Quality Staunton magnetic set with metal board is
Move Mailing Cards built into a solid walnut case with metal hinges Com-
pact for travel Excellent for analysis Pieces are %/' Correspondence Chess
This special card for sending moves to postal oppo- high; board opens to 6)/qtt x 6%t' By Hanon Russell
nents helps avoid mistakes. Each card has a
l7al'-square diagram blank with space for address on
Order US9OO|0 A collection of entertaining games - many an-

one side, and a ruled box on the other for current and ListSl900 Members Sl7.O0 notated. by the players themselves - from great cor-
previous moves, with extra space for comments. "if respondence tournaments. A must for every postalire
moves," greetings, etc. Comes in packs of 100. (Mini- Same as above, but wlth handy, protective leather and all connoisseurs of fine chess
mum order two packs) pouch 192 pages. t28 diagrams Thinkers' Press 1980
Order US-35 I Order US9O03O Order GW627RP
Pack, each $2.50 List S23 00 Members st 9.5o List: s9 50 Members: SE.r0

postal players: Be sure to see Cfress Encgclopedias, page 74, andlntoflnant's, page 49.


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Encyclopedia of Chess Openings
The Encyclopedia of Chess openings (ECO) lives up to its ti-
tle lt's a mlni-chess library of five volumes that provides you
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ECO contributors and writers are superclass grandmasters
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Written and annotated in figurine algebraic - the universal
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Published in Yugoslavla under the auspices of the World
Chess Federation (FIDE)

Volumel. Allopeningsfrom I e4e6and I e4e5 Revised

Order O209EH
Lisr: s3, 00 Members: 53l.5O
Volume l. Same as above, but in paperback
Order O209EP
List: s30 00 Members: S27.(X)
Volume ll. All
Black responses to I e4 not given in
Volume I 400 pages, I975
Order 03l9EH
List: 52 5 00 Members: S22.50
Volume lll. All openings beginnlng I d4 dt, plus the
Gruenfeld Defense 404 pages. 1976
Order 0354EH Encyclopedia of Chess Encyclopedia of Chess
List: S2, 00 Members: S22.5O Middlegames: Endings, Volume I
Volume lV. All openings beginning I d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 and Combinations lnvaluable for endgame study!
ld4Nf62 c4 96, with d7-d' 466 pages, I 978 By Krogius, Livshitz t Taimanov This the first of a proiected five-
Order O363EH The writers of ECO and lnfomant volume series - is the definitive
Lisr: s30 00 Members: S27.00 have done jt again! More com- text on King-and-Pawn endings
prehensive and better organized No less rhan l6l0 Positions [rom
volume V. Openings not covered in previous volumes, in- master practice and endgame
cluding the English, Reti. Dutch, Benoni, Benko Gambjt, than any other book on combina-
tions The Enqdopedia of Chess Mid- studies are coded and classified
Larsen's Opening, etc The reader can thus quicklY check
dlegames: Combinations is the single
Order O382EH out the specific type of position he's interested in
most important tool you can use to recognize,
List: S30 00 Members: $ A must for the player or teacher
classify, and implement the strategy and tactics of
combination Our first order sold out Don't miss it FAN, 384 pages, indexes From the producers of
Members'special this time around! ECo and the lnformants
Buy all flve hardback ECO's and save $30 off llst! Order M4O7KH order E526EH
List: Sl 45 00 Members: Sl I5.O0 List 52 5 00 Members S22.50 List 528 00 Members $25.0O

Win Hke A Grandmaster!

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you increase
your understanding of chess and score more points

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A superb, practical guide to iudgment and planning. The opening chapter on analy
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analysis" and "cand
Ot'her excellent ch itional iudgment, planning, the ending, and what a
player can and shou es it all with a friendly, anecdotal style' An incredi-
ble learning tooll
DN, 200 pages, index Batsford I 97 t

Order GW6l2KP
LisrSl3 95 Members S12.50

Play Like a Grandmaster

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carries on where Tfink Like A crandmaster leaves of I written ror those who are serious
about getting good But the clarity of Kotov's style makes his book a valuable resource
for all players
FAN 22l pages, 2I7 diagrams, index o[ players Batsford I978
Order GW6lOKP
ListSl3 9t Members S I 2.50

Traln Like a Grandmaster

By Alexander Kotov
Save Sl off mem6ers' Prlce This final volume in Kotov's trilogy describes the training methods used by top Sovjet
on each book! GMs Biographical sketches and illustrative games add interest and practlcal examples to
Buy all three for onlY $34.50. this unique book
FAN, 124 pages,87 diagrams index of players Balsford l98l
Order GW6l8KP
List$13 95 Members S I 2.50

Endgame Knowledge = Points!
the chief difference betrveen amateurs and masters shows in the endgame! These books - some of our h$ -
will help you bridge that gap.
Members,Special: Order any two books on this page and take $t off your total order

Six Hundred Endings

By Lajos Portisch E Balazs SarkozY Encyclopedia of Chess Endings
The 600 positions systematically illustrate important Volume I $\
endsame orincioles. focusing on instructive real-life lnvaluable for endgame study! The definitive tex: : -
situJtions iarher'than on endgame gems All players Kjng-and-Pawn endings. See page 49 of this cata :i
should be entertained and rewarded by a careful for details
study o[ this book. Order E526EH
oN, rqS pp., 600 diagrams, index o[ players and List: 528 00 Members:525.@
analysts Pergamon Press l98l
Order E524PH
ListrSl6TS Members: S15.00
Endgame Artlllery
(Clueen and Rook Endings)
Basic Chess Endings By Alex Angos
By Reuben Fine
One of the lew books dealing with [he heavy pie:-
A tribute ro the complexity of the endgame and to in the ending. A delightful, instructive volume.
one man's monumental eftort Despjte various errors AN. t09 pages, diagrams, index of players. Thin<:-:
it remains the most comprehensive one-volume end- Press I 982
game text in lhe English language. A basic reference Order E530AP
book for everv serious Player. I-ist: S 9 95 Members: S 6.91
DN, t7 I pages, 607 diagrams. McKay reprint 1969'
Order E504FP
Practical Rook Endings List $9 95 Members $E.95 Comprehensive Chess Endings $9{''
By Edmar Mednis (Blshop endings and Knight endings)
This slim volume is packed with practical advice that By Y Averbakh and V Checkover
will help you find the draws and wins that the grand- Practical Chess Endings The fjrst volume of what is surely to b€cori:
masters do in these common but difficult endings. A By Paul Keres classic series The Soviet endgame specialists c.ea- .

readable, no-nonsense treatment by an acknowledged One of the great endgame texts, thematically divid- explain the ideas Hundreds of cJear diagrams
endgame teacher. ed into the pieces involved. Without pretending to be AN,2l3 pages, diagrams. index Pergamon l9E:
eN, zt pages,44 diagrams. index Chess Enterprises encyclopedic, PCE offers essential guidance for the Order O277AH
I 982 oractical olaver. List: s24 9i Members: S22.4i
order E527MP ' ott. zoi piges. 333 diagrams. RHM Ieprint of 1974
s4.oo translation by lohn Littlewood
Order E5l IKP Rook Endings
!0 9, Members S9.E5
Endgame Preparation S
By C Levenfish and V SmYslov
By John Speelman The two great Soviet CMs have written lhe book :-
This incisive text will help you bring home many How to Play the Chess Endings Rook endings - the most common type of endga::
ooints. The grandmasler's lucid and entertaining in- Timeless and invaluable
By E A Znosko-BorovskY
DN, 224 pages, diagrams, index Batsford Rep: -:
rtrucLion focuses on practical endings culled largely in
from CM games The careful reader is virtually ng
guaranteed to be rewarded with improved results in Order EIO9LP
in- t-isr: s13 95 Memb€rs: Sl2.5t
this vital part of the game. in-
FAN, 177 pages, 280 diagrams. indexes Batsford
Order E5losP See also cassettes, Page 49
List: St39, Members: S 12.50 Ordet E 25ZP
s 4.o0

U.S. Chess Federafion

186 Route 9W
New Windsor, f{Y 12550
Introducing: Thefirst
complete Dutuhused
opening informution system
lmprint Capablanca and Elsevier have joined forces to A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE OPENING
provide the chess world with the ultimate strategic opening (tmprint Capablanca)
information. They are supporting worldwide grandmaster 1983 Editions
know how with electronic chess data processing techniques in This widely acclaimed lertical' series is published since
the unique INTERNATIONAL CHESS DATABASE- I 980. lt has been recognized by a growing number of serious
This powerful combination provides the chess world of today players, who want to study a particular opening in depth, as
with highly functional publications: an important annual analytical tool. The new 1983 editions
- edited and annotated by Soltis and Keene - include:
English Opening (300 pages - 1800 games), Sicilian Defense
NEW IN CHESS (Elsevier) (400 pages - 3000 games), King's Indian, Queen's Indian,
1970 - 1982 Double Kings Pawn, French and Karokahn and All other
Keybook Answers to E4 (all 200 pages - 1000 games).
A completely new series of trorizontal' yearbooks (to be Published this month
publistred from next spring), covering the complete opening o Sicilian Defense - price: S 24.95
repertoire, will be based on this "Encyclopaedic Analysis of o All other titles - price: S 19.95
Current Opening Theory". From Fischer to Karpov, all the
relevant variations gathered and annotated by the famous NEW IN CHESS MAGAZINE
Yu goslavian Informator Te am (Matanovic, Taimanov, Gufeld,
An internationally acclaimed editorial team (supervised by
Parma, Milic, BoZic and Molerovie).
Keene, Matanovic and Timman) searches the Database for new
Published this month
trends in opening variations, grandmaster tactics, selected
o Deluxe Edition (900 pages - 1500 games in one bound games, and analyses and comments current developments in
volume) SPECIAL INTRODUCTION PRICE: $ 33.00 the chess community.
o Also available in two paperbacks: A SPECIAL, FREE INTRODUCTION ISSUE (40 pages) IS
a. l.e4(350pages)-price: $ 15.00 AVAILABLE THIS MONTH. PLEASE USE THE COUPON
b. l.d4 l.c4 l.aB(540pages)-price: $ 21.50



% Name

-, ffi Address


* " o',n," ouoon t o'n'
t n te rnation$fl'"T
ti Hit";;''. .

In Search of Dreams
more than a little success. Rated fourth il high point being a first place tie at the Nerr-
BYJEREMY SILMAN the nation when the tournament began, York Open. An international master since
Nick has decided that it's time he obtained 1980, he is well known for seeking out ex-
ourteen players sat huddled over
a GM title. tremely complex positions in which anv-
chess boards in quiet Thiel College
6. Roman Dzindzichashvili: "Dzin- thing can happen.
in Greenville, Pennsylvania. A
lO. Anatoly Lein: A grandmaster since
befuddled passerby was surprised to hear dz|" came to the United States from Soviet
Georgia by way of Israel. His greatest suc- 1968, he was the most seasoned competitor
that this was the 1983 U.S. Chess Cham-
cesses were in 1978, when he won the in the field. As a Soviet player, [,ein sor
Hastings International a point ahead of the championships of the Russian Republic
Amidst the lack of luxuries, however,
former World Champion Tigran Petrosian, and Moscow. A hard man to beat, Anatols
were men who did everything possible to
and in 1980, when he won the Lone Pine plays solid openings and avoids an-'-
make the players more comfortable' Ivan
tournament. Though rated ninth in the na- theoretical battles.
Romanenko, a professor of music and a 11. Kamran Shirazi: Kamran earnec
rated Expert, made his home available for tion at the time, he was considered one of
the favorites to take first. Known for his his international master title in 1978 r,r'hile
parties and catered to the individual needs
laziness, he is an extremely strong player competing for Iran. One of the most suc-
of each player. cessful swiss-system players in the Unitec
Tournament Director Richard Verber when he makes up his mind to try.
contacted various newspapers and news
7. Drnitry Gurevich: A Soviet States, he has tied for first place in the thrre

services all over the country, and his emigrant, Dmitry had just had his finest Iargest money tournaments of the year: t-he
efforts were instrumental in the tremen- result by winning first place in the $100,000 New York Open, the $24,Xn
dous coverage this tournament got. Heraldica-Ruslan International in New Memorial Day Classic, and the $57,mr
As for the fourteen plaYers who had York City. This victory gave him his final World Open. Shirazi is an extremeiv
"norm" toward the grandmaster title. The dangerous player who feels at home in
assembled in Greenville . . . each one
title should be awarded to him this fall. bizarre tactical situations.
hoped for a result that dreams are made of:
l. Walter Browne: Browne, an interna- 8. Boris Kogan: This Soviet emigrant is 12. Andrew Soltis: Andy is famous tor
tional grandmaster since 1970, won the known for his solid positional play. He is his many fine books on the game. Unfor-
U.S. Championship outright n 197 4, 1975, also well known for his teaching skills. He tunately, his full-time job with the Nai
and 7977. He tied for first in 1980 and has been an international master since York Post doesn't leave him much time to
1981. Rated among the world's top dozen 1981. devote to playing chess. A grandmaster
players in the mid-1970s, Walter is known 9. Sergey Kudrin: Sergey is a Soviet since 1980, Soltis tied for first in the 1982
as an intense competitor. He is also a fine emigrant who has been having a successful U.S. Open.
poker and backgammon player. year with many tournament victories, the 13.James Tarjan: A grandmaster since
2. Lev Alburt: Alburt defected from the
Soviet Union to the United States in 1979.
A grandmaster sil'cel977, [,ev holds a doc-
torate in physics and natural philosophy.
3. Joel Benjarnin: Joel won the U.S.
Junior Championship in 1980 and 1982,
and tied for first in 1983. The youngest
player in the tournament at age nineteen,
he earned his international master title in
1980. Joel is a history major at Yale.
4. larry Christiansen: A grandmaster
since 1977, he tied for first place at the 1980
U.S. Championship (also held in Green-
ville). His most notable tournament result
is a tie for first with World Champion
Anatoly Karpov in the 1981 grandmaster
tournament in Linares, Spain. Larry is also
a well-known chess writer and is currently
editor of lhe Players Chess News.
5. Nick deFirmian: Nick was awarded
the iaternational master title in 1979. With
first prizes at the U.S. Open, World Open,
and American Open, he has experienced

Jeremy Silman, a USCF senior master from Berheley,

Catifomia, is an actire chessplayer and. witer.

and deFirmian had left his group in the
dust with a fine 7lz tally.
Round 13: Tension, quite naturallY,
was high, and it was a perfect time for the
air conditioner to break down. A1l the sets
were picked up and carted down to the
cafeteria for the final-round excitement -
a bit too much excitement for the spec-
x tators it seems, as they became quite noisy'
All this affected Browne, who offered
Benjamin a quick draw - a good waY to
,i avoid the noise! Indeed, Joel quickly got
o the worse position after refusing' Only a
o mistake by Watter allowed Benjamin to
eventually get the draw that was his for the
Participants in the 1983 U.S. Champion: Front, l-r: Lev Alburt, Roman Dzindichashvili, taking earlier.
; Larry Christiansen, and Walter Browne. In back, l-r: Sergey Kudrin, Drnitry Gurevich, Christiansen also tried to win against de-
I assistartt TD Walter Brown (behind Gurevich), Joel Benjamin, chief TD Richard Verber Firmian, but he almost got much less. In
(behind Benjamin), Anatoly Lein, Kamran Shirazi, Andy Soltis, Boris Kogan, Jay White- the end, Larry was fortunate to get a per-
head, Nick deFirmian,John Fedorowicz (who came as a second to Tarjanf ,JimTarjan, and petual check.
Craig Crenshaw (who donated several garne prizesf . All this left the pressure on Dzindzi, who
had to wirl if he wanted a tie for first. It is
Lein in round 1, but he overpressed and very much to his credit that he accom-
1976, he was the nation's toprated player
plished this task against a rejuvenated Tar-
at the time. His long string of domestic and ended up losing. Desperate to make this
international successes made him a pre- loss up,'he overplayed another good posi- Jan.
The race was over, and the local chess
tournament favorite. An extremely hard tion against Gurevich for O-2. Considering
fanatics breathed a sad sigh. No more all-
worker, Jim always seeks the best move in Jim's natural shock and depression, his night blitz sessions between Dztndzi and
a position, often finding himself in time losses in future rounds are easier to under-
pressure as a result. stand and have little to do with this fine Shirazi. No more macho Ping-Pong
player's chess abilities. matches between Whitehead and Ben-
14.Jay Whitehead: Jay was the winner jamin. No longer would Ta{an, Chris-
of the 1981 Junior Championship. A pro- Rounds 4-6: At the end of six rounds,
Dzndzi had the sole lead with 5 points. tiansen, and deFirmian rush to their
fessional backgammon player, this young favorite pubs, drink their fill, and have
man of twenty-one has a tremendous Christiansen and Browne were a breath
behind with 4Yz. Former leaders Gurevich Fedorowicz carry them back to the dorms
talent for chess that has never fully and pour them into their beds. . ' '
blossomed. and Benjamin fell off the pace and were no
Thus the players can be divided into Ionger serious contenders. Thus it was now
three groups: a race among three people. whitehead, What It Was All About
The Soviets: Lein, Alburt, Kogan, Dzind- who started with 0-3, had llz but was not Iong after event is over, we still have the
zi, Gurevich, and Kudrin. to lose another game for the rest of the games to remember:
The Californians; Tarjan, Browne, Chris- event. He was very nervous at the start,
tiansen, deFirmian, Whitehead, and and as he gained confidence his point total Nimzovich Attack
Shnazi. fattened. Dzindzichashvili Alburt
The New Yorhers: Benjamia and Soltis. At the start, deFirmian had said he just 1. Nf3 Nf6 2.b3 d5 3.BbzBg4 4. e3
I often refer to this tournament as a wanted to avoid last place. He had only an e6 5. h3 Bh5!?
match between the Soviet Union and even score after round 6, but he was A game between Vassily Smyslov and
California! The accompanying table will preparing a major drive. Vladimir Savon (Petropolis 1973) saw
show how this "match" turned out. Rounds 7-9: Christiansen had taken a Black gain equality after 5. ... Bxf3 6. Qxf3
clear lead withT-Z.Dindzi followed with BeZ 7. 93 (MaxEuwe notesthat 7. d4and8.
6%, and Browne was waiting for a hot Bd3 may be stronger) 7. ... c5 8. Bg2 Nc6 9.
Rounds 1-3: Gurevich and Benjamin finish with 6. After them was a group of 0-0 0-0 10. d3 Nd7 11. Qe2 Bf6.
surprised everyone by jumping into the players with 5: deFirmian, Gurevich, Ben- 6. d3 NbdT?!
lead with 3-0 scores. Dzindzi, Browne, and jamin, Alburt, and Soltis. It is hard to call such a natural move
Christiansen were on their heels with Rounds lO-L2: After twelve rounds, dubious, but it is the beginning of a very
2y2-y2. The real surprise was Tarjan's Browne had caught up with Christiansen passive campaign by Black. Much more ac-
miserable 0-3! Jim stood better against to share the lead with 8%. Dzindzi had 8, tive is 6. ... c5, with the idea of posting a
Knight on the more active c6 square. To
stop this, White would have to declare his
CALIFORNIA VS. THE SOVIET UNION intentions by 7. C4BC6 8. Ne5, which gives
Dzindzi Gurevich Alburt Lein Kudrin
him very little after 8. ... Nbd7 9. Nxg6
hxg6 10. Bg2 Qb6 (Korchnoi-Mecking:
Christiansen L/2 ,
August 1974).
Browne 7. Nbd2 c6 8. Be2 a5 9. a3 h6 10. O-O
DeFirmian th YzO Bg6
Black's play seems illogical. He has
Whitehead 0 YzI playe.d ... Bc8-g4-h5-g6 when he could have
Shirazi V2 I played the Bishop to this diagonal right
away by ... Bfs. Still, Black's position is
solid, with only a few weak spots.
Total 3Y2 I IV2
Ll. c4 Be7
TOTALS: California, 2O.5; Soviet Union, 15.5. More active was 11. ... Bd6, with an
eventual ... e6-e5 to follow.

12.Bc3 This does not offer White any hopes for by surprise. I always felt that he was jok-
This prepares to expand on the Queen- an advantage. Before the game, Jay was ing, but it seems that Benjamin took him
side by b3-M. White has a slight advan- prepared to play 7. Ngf3 Bg7 8. 0-0 0-0 9. literallyl
tage. Re1, followed by 10. Rb1, 11. b3, etc., with Actually, the sacrifice is a brave but
12. ... O-O 13. b4 dxc4 L4. dxc4 axtl/. perhaps a slight edge. Unfortunately, logical decision. White will be on the
15. axb4 Qb6 16. Qb3 Rfc8 when he sat down to play he forgot defensive for a long time now, and defen-
Black intends to swap everything off on everything about this line and came up sive moves are hard to find when each tick
the a-file and play for a draw by ... Qd8, ... with the inferior game continuation. of the clock is leading you closer to obliv-
Rxa1, and ... Ra8. Trading minor pieces by 7. ... BgZ 8. Bbz o-o 9. Ngf3 e5 1o. ion. Note that the poor position of the
16. ... Ne4 17. Nxe4 Bxe4 18. Nd2 Bh7 19. dxe6 Knight on h5 makes life difficult for Black:
Forced; otherwise, Black would con- 16. ... Qa5 17. Bc3 Qc7 18. Bxg6!.
c5 (or 19. e4, as suggested by John Grefe)
and 20. Nc4 favors White. tinue with ... Nhs and ... f7-f5, with a 17. gxl4 Rxf4 18. Rfel
17. Rfdl Rxal strong Kingside attack. Probably best in light of 18. Be2 d4! L9-
First 17. ... Qd8 andonlythen 18. ... Rxal 10. ... fxe6 11. e5 M? Nxe5 20. Nxe5 Qg5+.
seems more sensible. After the game,Jay thought that 11. Qc2 18. ... Qf8
18. Rxal QdS 19. Ra7 Ra8 20.Qa2 would have given him a good position. Is After the game, both players felt 18. .--
Of course, 2o.Rxbn Qc8 must be avoid- this really true? After ll. UZ d5 12. Bd3, Qe7 was more accurate, but it is not so
ed. Black has a couple of choices: (I) he could clear. For example, 'vVhite could try 19. Bf1
20. ... RxaT 21. QxaT Qc8?! go wrong with 12. ... dxe4? 13. Nxe4 Nd5 Rcf8 20. B9 gS l2o. ... Bh6l?l 2L. Ba3l g4
White's Queen should not be tolerated. 14. BxgT Nb4 15. Qc3 Qxd3 16. Qxd3 22. Bxc1l Nxc5 23. Qxc5 Qxc5 24. Rxcs
Much better was 21. ... Qb8. Nxd3+ L7. Kd2, when White would in- gxfl3 25. Bh3, with 26. Rc7 to follow. This
22. Nb3 Ne4 23. Be1 c5? deed be better; but (II) more logical is 12. ... does not seem very tempting for Black, so
Black's game goes to the dogs after this. Nc6 13. a3 113. Qxc5 dxe4), when Black perhaps 18. ... Qf8 is best after all.
Here,23.... Qb8 was still more sensible. should prefer either the simple 13. ... Qb6 le. Qd1
24. bS Nd6 25. Bc3 f6 26. Nfdz BfZ (threatening 14. ... c4l or even 13. ... Rb8 to Both 19. Bf1!? Rxf3 20. Nxf3 Qxf3 2t-
27.Bf3Bd8 the violent 73. ... c4l? 14. bxc4 dxe4 15. BgZQf4 and 19. BeZl?Rg4+ zo.KhtQ{4
Intending to answer 28. Na5? with 28. ... Bxe4! (15. Nxe4? Nxe4 16. Bxe4 QaS+ 77. Iead to unclear positions.
Bb6, when White's Queen would blush. Nd2 Bxb2 18. Qxb2 Rb8, with more than 19. ... Bh6 20. h3 Rf7 Zr'QeZQeZ 22.
28.BaS BeZ enough for the sacrificed pawn) 15. ... Rc2?!
Black would lose after 28. ...b629.8c6!. Nxe4 16. Nxe4 Rf4 17. Nfd2, which seems A much better test of Black's sacrifice
29. Bb6 e5 30. Na5! to favor White. was22. Nf1!, when22.... Rcf8 l22....Bxcl
Guards the c-pawn and puts the touch of 11.... Nhs?! 23. Bxcl favors White) 23. N1M, followed
death to the Black parrn on b7. The Knight ends up in a poor position by Rc2 and Bc1, Ieaves Black hard-pressed
30. ... Nxb6 31. Qxb6 Qf8 afterthis. Veryinterestingwas 11. ... Nd5!? to jusify himseH.
The more "active" 31. ... Bd8 32. Qxd6 12. Ne4! (12. 93 Ndb and 13. ... d5 is fine 22. ...Rcf8 23.Nhz??
Bxa5 would lose to 33. Nb3 Bb4 34. Bds for Black) 12. ... Nf4 13. Nxd6 [on 13. 93, The situation would remain obscure
Bxd5 35. Qxd5+ Kh8 36. b6, when Black then 13. ... d5! is obscure, although Black after 23. Rfl. Now Black has a forced win.
can't prevent White from playing Qd6-c7 does have a chance to go wrong with either 23. ... Rxfz! 24. W2 Rxfz 25.l<frz
lor Qf7-c71. (I) 13. ... Bb7 t4. Nxd6lNg2+ 15. Kf1 Bxf3 Qh4+ 26. Ke2 Qxh3 27. Nhf3 d428.
32. NxbT Nxc4 33. Nxc4 Bxc4 34. 16. Bxe6+ Kh8 17. Nf7+, whichwinsfor Rf1Og4
White, or (II) 15. ... Ne3 + 16. fxe3 Bxf3 17. Materially, the situation is not so bad for
Black cannot halt the further advance of Bxe6+ Kh8 18. Nf7+ Rxf719. Qxd8+ Rf8 White: two Rooks and a piece versus a
White's passed b-pawn. 20. odz, which leaves Black with insuffi- Queen and three pawns. But White's King
34. ... Kh8 35. bO Bf7 36. NaS Bd6 37. cient compensation for the material] 13. ... is exposed, his pieces are pinned and inef-
Bd5 Be8 38. Qc8 c4 Nxg2+ L4.Kfl Nf4 {14. ... Nh4 15. Nxc8 fective, and his e-pawn will fall. All this
Pathetic, but there is nothing to be done. favors White), with an extremely unclear spells certain doom.
39. Nxc4, Black resigns position. 29.Nc4Bf4 30. Rfz Bg3 31. Rfl Bxe5
A rude reply on White's part! And a well- Also simple and good was 11. ... Ng4, 32. Ncd2 B,f433. Rgl Qh5 34.Be4Bxe4
played game by Dzirdz| although Black's when 12. h3 Nh6, followed by 13. ... d5, 35. Nxe4 d3 + !, White resigns
play was uninspired. gives Black a great game. Since 36. Kxd3 is met by 36.
Benko Gambit
12. Qc2 d5 13. Bd3 Nd7 Qd5+. t9
Now 13. ... Nf4 is met by 14. Bf1 and 15.
Whitehead Benjamin g3.
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. Nd2 14. 93 Bb7 15. O-O Rc8 16. Racl
This quiet move was rather popular dur-
ing the first half of this tournament
Nf4!!? DeFirmian's
(especially in the numerous blitz sessions
held after the rounds). White intends to ig-
nore Black's sacrifice and to simply build
up his position in the center. Black should
equalize without too much trouble though, ARTH BISG ER
and White switched to 4. cxbS in the sec- nternational Master Nick deFirmian
ond half (and scored very well). had one of his best results ever at this
4. ... d6
Black could also try to prevent rvltrhite
year's U.S. Championship
- a result
made 3ll the more impressive by the fact
from playing &-e4 by 4. ... QaS, but this that he gained entry as an alternate.
would be met by 5. e4 anyway! After 5. ... As the tournament began, few spectators
Nxe46. b4lAM7. Rb1 Qc3 8. Rb3 Qd49. would have thought that deFirmian would
Nxe4 Qxe4+ 10. Re3, White would have A great surp fare so well. In the first five rounds he
excellent compensation for the sacrificed Crowley once
material. on the rim of Grandmaster Arlhur Bisguier, a former U.S. Cham'
leap into the game and take one's opponent pion himself, is technical advivr to Chess Life.
5. e4 bxc4 6. Bxc4 967.b3?l


Qxa4 31. Bc5 Re4 32.8e7 Qc4 33. Re3 been played as early as move 5, illustrates
h4 + 34. Kg4 Rg1 + 35. Qxgl Rxf4 + 36. the complete inadequacy of Black's
KgS Rf5 +, White resigns strategy in this game.
DeFirmian's victory is all the more com- 19. Nxf6+ Nxf6 20. Rxe6 fxe6 21.
mendable since it came at the expense of a Ne7 +
& player who usually fares well in compli- Black's weak pawn structure and
o cated positirons. DeFirmian's crisp, alert precariously placed King guarantee that
play made the win look deceptively easy. White will win material.
I 21. ... QxeT 22. Bxg6 e5 23. Rel e4
E Alekhine's Defense 24. BxI6 gxf6 25. Qxhs Bg7 26. Re3 f5
o deFirrnian Shirazi 27.8xf5Qf628. Rg3 Kf8 29. Rg5 Qxd4
T 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nf3 3O. Be6 KeZ 31. Qf7+ Kd6 32. RxgZ
Nxe4 5. d4 Nf6 Kc5 33. QeZ + Kc4 34. Rg3 Qxb2 35.
Nick deFirmian
Black runs without being pushed. The Bxd5 + Kxds 36. Rg5 +, Black resigns
managed only 2 points, but in round 6 he idea is to play a closed position in which After 36. ... Kc4 or 36. ... Kd4, then 37.
began his drive to the top and never lost a White's advantage of a tempo is not likely QcS is mate. This game was played with
game after that. In fact, he could have tied to be felt. This policy has the disadvantage such Fischerlike simplicity and efficiency
for third with Larry Christiansen had he of ceding White a spatial advaatage. that even Shirazi's legendary resourceful-
won their mutual game in the last round - 6. Bd3 Bg4 7. Nbd2 Be7 8. h3 Bh5 9. ness was not enough.
which almost happened when Christian- Nfl O-O 1O. Ng3 896 11. O-O a5 12. Nh4
sen, pressing for a win, was lucky to get a Re8 13. Nhfs Bf8 L4. Qf3 c6 15. h4 h5 Sicilian Defense
draw against deFirmian's accurate 16. Bg5 deFirmian Ta.i*
defense. \fhite's play has been sirnple and effec- l.
e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4
Chess writers these days love to contrast tive. White's Knight at f5 and now this pin Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 6. Bg5 Nc6 7. Bxf6 gxf6 8.
on Black's KN pose severe problems for Bc4 Qb6 9. Nde2 Bg7 to. O-O O-O 11.
deFirmian's "California Cool" image at the
Shirazi. In this variation, Black usually Bb3 f5 12. Ng3 fxe4 13. Ncxe4 Na5 14.
board with the often wild and harrowing
positions he plays for. Nick may well be m:rneuvers his QN via a6 and c7 to e6 or Rel Nxb3 15. axb3 Bxb2 16. R,a4BgZ
d5. But here this would lose: 16. ... Na6 17. 17. Nhs Be5 18. Qd3 f5 19. NgS Qc6 2o.
tired of hearing such pleasaltries by now,
but he'll have to expect a certain amount of Nh6+, when Black can take his choice be- Rc4 Qe8 21. Rh4 AG 22. f4 BdZ 23.
it if he keeps playing games like these: tween the bad 17.... gxh6 18. Bxf6 or the Rh3 Kh8 24.fxei Qxg5 25. e6 Bc6 26.
even worse choices of 1.7. ... Kh7 18. NxfZ Qd4+ R:f627. Nf4Rg828. Rh5Og429.
Queen's Indian Defense or 17. ... Kh8 18. Bxg6. Re3 Be4 3O. Reh3 Rg7 31. R3h4 Qf3
Gurevich deFirmian 16. ... NbdT 17. Ne4 Re6 18. Rael d5 32. RxhT+ RxhT 33. RxhT+, Black
1. Nf3 c5 2. c4 NfO 3. Nc3 e6 4. 93 b6 This advaace, because it could have resigns tD
5.Bg2Bb7 6. O-O Nc6 7.b3Be7 8. Bbz
O-O 9. d4 Nxd4 10. Nxd4 Bxg2ll.Kxg2
cxd4 12. Qxd4 QcZ 13. Radl d6
Black has arrived at a currently popular
formation known as the "hippopotamus."
Browne Annotates
His constricted, but sound, position entices Sicilian Defense A serious alternative is 6. ... Nc6.
White to advance his pawns (particularly Kudrin Browne 7. Bc4l?
on the Kingside) precipitously. Black plans l. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Most unusual. Kudrin hopes to lure me
to counter such optirnism on White's part Nf6 5. Nc3 a6 out of the book, but this only transposes
with a judiciously timed break in the Hardly a surprise. I've been emplol'rng into a line of the Najdorf in which a2-a4 is
center. In this game, Black's strategy the Najdorf variation for fourteen years! too time-consuming.
works perfectly against zrn overly aggres- 6. a4l? 7. ... Nc6
sive Gurevich. But this is definitely not Kudrin! He Here 7. ... QcTl deserved attention, to
14. f4 almost always plays 6. 93 e5 7. Nde2, a find out where White's Bishop will live and
This is the filst symptom of an overly solid line that promises little. thus possibly removing rWhite's option of
optimistic outlook. 6. ... e6 Bd3 later. One might also consider 7. ...
14. ... a615. a4 RfdS 16. Rf3 d5 BeTl?.
This is the typical reaction in this varia- 8. O-O Be7
tion to the f2-f4 advance by White. And not 8. ... Nxe4? 9. Nxe4 d5 10. Nxc6
17. cxd5 exdS 18. b4Qb7 19.g4a5 bxc6 11. Bd3 dxe4 12. Bxe4, with a
This nicely calculated counterthrust ex- superior position for White. The similar 7.
poses the seamy side of \Atrhite's position. ... Nxe4 was also minutely better for
2O. g5 axb/. 21. gxf6Bcs White.
The imaginative idea behind 19. ... a5 9. Be3 O-O rO. Khl?!
was to make this awischenzug possible. More precise is 10. f4.
22.QeS bxc3 23. Bxc3 96 rO. ... Re8! ll.Baz
And now Black's King is high and drY, After 11. f4? dsl 12. exd5 exd5, Black is
while rvltrhite's position begins to spring better because he controls the e-fiIe, while
leaks. the pawn at f4 leaves gaping holes at e4 and
24.Kg3 d4 94
This wins the Exchange and effectively o
11.'... Nb4!?
seals the victory. rvVhite must capture this Rather than play the solid 7L. ... d5 12.
pawn since a Bishop retreat is met by 25. ... exd5 exdS 13. h3, Black prefers to steer
Rd5, when the White Queen is trapped (26. play into more turbulent waters.
Qe4 RgS + ).
IE 12. Bb3 e5 13. Nde2
25.Bxd4 Rd5 26. Qe3 QdZ 27.Bxc5 Six-time U.S. Champion Not 13. Nf5?, because 13. ... Bxfs L4. exfl
Rxdl 28. Bxb6 Re8 29. Qfz h5 30. h3 Walter Browne Qd7! 15. Qf3 Qc6 (or 15. ... d5) favors


Black. And 13. Nf3!? Be6 is unclear. 30. Qd3 KgZ 31. b5 axb5 32.Qxbih4 5. ...g6
13. ... Be6 14. Nds! White trades off the weak b-pawn at the After 5. ... axb5 6. Bxb5 QaS+ 7. Nc3
Best, because 14. Bxe6 fxe6 15. Bg5 d5 is high price of decentralizing his Queen. Ne4 8. Bd2! Nxd2 9. Qxd2 96 10. Nge2,
fine for Black; in this line, 15. f4 is better, 33. Ne2 Qe4! White completes his development smooth-
but Black has various ways of playing, and In addition to attacking two pawns, this ly and has an extra pawn.
he can accept doubled pawns readily since threatens ...12-h3! 6. Nc3 BgZ 7. Nf3 O-O 8. a4
the Ifuight at b4 exerts excellent pressure 34. Ngl Qxe3 35. h3 Qe4 36. a6 White is waiting for Black to take on b5,
onA. Or 36. Rdl Nh5 37. Nf3 Rxf3 +, winning. while Black waits for White to move the
14.... Nbxd5 36. ... bxa6 37. Qxa6 Qxd5 38. Qa4 , Bishopl
Forced. Otherwise, this Knight may sud- Qe4 39. Qb3 d5 40. Nf3 Nh5 41. Rel 8. ... d6
denly become stranded. Rxf3!, White resigns In the previous round, Benjamin was
15. exdS BfS A classic struggle! crushed by Tarjan after 8. ... Bb7?! 9. Ra3
This prepares ... Nd7 and ... Bg5. e6 10. dxe6 fxe6 11. Qd6!:
16. a5! As the eleventh round got under way, 9. Ra3 NbdT?!
Christiansen had a half-point lead, and Although 9. ... e6 is sharper, after 10. Bc4
Preparing Ba4 and Bb6.
Dzindir and I were tied for second. Thus, axb5 11. Nxb5 exd5 12. Bxd5 Nxd5 13-
16. ... Nd7 17. Ba4 Rf8
the following game was almost a must-win
Unfortunately, White wins on 17. ...
considering I'd have two Blacks in my last
Qxd5 Ra6 14. 0-0 Be6 15. Qd3 d5 16. Oc2,
Bg5? 18. Ng3 Bxe3 (or 18. ... 896 19. Bxg5) White is slightly better. In the last roun4
two games. Little did Alburt realize that against Whitehead, Alburt tried 9. ... axbS!?
Bxe3 19. Nxf5 Bc5 2O.Bxd7 QxdT 2l.Qga. this opening was once called the Browne-
18. b4 10. Bxb5 Ba6 11. Qd3?! Bxb5 12. Nxb5 Na6
Benko Gambit!
18. c4?l Rc8 19. b3 Nc5, Black has 13. Bd2 QcS!. The idea of ... Qf5 seems fine
an edge. Benko Gambit for Black.
18. ... Rc8 19. Bb3 Bg5! Browne Alburt 10. e4 axbS
This gets rid of the Bishop, which direct- 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxbS a6 Improving, it seems, on 10. ... Qcnl ll-
ly supports a cZ-cLc1 advance (Black's 5. e3 BeZ axb112. Nxb5 Qb8 13. Qc2Ba6l4.O4
greatest danger); it also allows Black's Back in the good old days when I played Rc8 15. Bd2 Ne8 16. Rb3, when White had
Queen to come to the Kingside for this gambit, White usually took on a6 and a superior position in Razuvaev-
counterplay. played Nc3 or g2-g3 {which I don't recom- Tukmakov ( 1977 Soviet Championshipl.
20.Qd2?l mend, because White's Bishop will be bad- 11. Bxb5 BaG 12. Qe2! Bxb5 13.
Probably 20. BxgS Qxgl 21. c4 was bet- lyposted on g2). White's 5. e3 is considered Nxb5 Ne8!
ter, but Black has no problems with either best by current theory. Black only loses time with 13. ... Nb6?
21. ... W or the more normal 21. ... Nf6.
2O. ... Bxe3 21. fxe3 %5 22. c4 Nf6
23. Ng3 BgG 24. Racl?
rvllhite still hopes for c4-c5, but in prepar-
ing for it he neglects the Kingside. During
Ihiel's Comrnitment to Chess
the game, I thought 24. Rf3 was essential;
after the further 24. ... h5 25. Rafl, it sJeremy Silman notes in the intro- Richard Verber and Marcy Soltis, who
seemed that on lll 25. ... h4, then 26. Nxfs duction to his story, people are covered the event for the Associated Pressf
isn't easy to refute, but (II) 25. ... Ne4l 26. immediately curious when they resulted in tremendous coverage, includ-
Nxe4 Bxe4 27. Prg3 Qh6 produces a posi- hear the U.S. Championship was played at ing articles in the national newspaper USA
tion that Kudrin didn't like in analysis, Thiel college in Greenville, Pennsylvania. Today and a spot on the NBC morning
although 28. h4! is very unclear. The simplest explanation is the best: They news.
24....h5! asked. The summer's record heat made Thiel's
Could Kudrin have underestimated this Nearly all national tournaments are job unenviable, but as always they did
thematic advance, with the threat of ... awarded to those who put in the best their best to make the players as comforta-
h5-h4, ... Be4, and ... Ng4? "bid." These bids describe the proposed ble as circumstances allowed.
25.8c2! playing site and outline the extent of the Thiel was an appropriate host, because it
Necessary to halt Black's Kingside local sponsor's obligations of time and was one of the first colleges to introduce
pressure, while at the same time hoping for money. Because the sponsor splits any chess into its curriculum. The annual
25. ... e4? 26. Bb3 h4 27. NeZ h3 28. Nf4 profit with USCF, money-making events course is held during a one-month interim
lufl + 29. Qxg2, when Black is in trouble. Iike the U.S. Open are the most popular. session between Thiel's fall and spring
25. ... Rxc4! 26. Bxg6 Rxcl27. BxfT+ The U.S. Championship is one of the semesters. Under the guidance of Ivan
RxfZ 28. Qxcl 96! least sought-after events, because the spon- Rorhanenko, a USCF expert and professor
It appears that White won his par,rm back sor has little hope of making money (even of music at Thiel, the course has produced
and should be reasonably OK. But his during a zonalyear, when interest is high). dozens of talented players since it was
Knight is terribly placed, while its Black Those who sponsor the event in the "off started in 1972.
counterpart is ideally posted to eye the years" do it because they want to bring Thanks are due to the Thiel organizers
d-pawn and the juicy 94 and e4 squares. themselves a little prestige - and, of for their concern and good work. Worthy
Black's Queen is better posted. All in all, course, because they want to make a of special note are Romanenko, Forbes,
White's position is critical. valuable contribution to U.S. chess. and Dr. Stanford Stenson, head of Thiel's
29. Qc2? Thiel College's offer to run the 1983 Lifelong Learning Center (the official spon-
Hoping for 29. ... Kg7 30. Ne4 Nxe4 31. event was welcome indeed, because Thiel sor) and many others too numerous to
RxfT+ K:d7 32. Qxe4, but on 32. ... Qf5!, had done a superb job with the champion- mentionhere. Frank Elley
White would'be lucky to draw the King- ship in 1981. Their renewed interest this
and-pawn ending. year was a sure sign that they cared about
29....Oe4! the event and would do their best to make BULLETINS AVAII,ABLE
This all-purpose move threatens Nxd5, it succeed. Complete U.S. championship bulletins are
stops Ne4, eyes the b-pawn for later, and And that they did. This year the hard available for $7 from U.S. Chess, 186 Route
stops Qc8 + ! What more could you ask work of Thiel personnel such as Publicity 9W,.New Windsor, NY 12550.
from one move? Director Scott Forbes (with an assist by TD


14. a5 l[bd7 15. Bdz. But 13. ... Q1a5+ 14. ... Nb5 35. Nb6 Qxe4 36. R;xe4 Pia7 37.
Bd2 Qa6 was possible. Rbel should also win for White.
14. O-O Nc7 35. d6!
If Black carl trade off the strong Knight Alburt thought he was better, but he
on b5, he can hope for counterplay on the overlooked this move. What an optimist!
b-file. Even more important, 15. Bg5, 35. ... e6
usually a strong move in this tlpe of ,posi- White wins after either 35. ... exd6 36.
tion, fails to 15. ... Nxb5 16. axb5 Rxa3 17. Nxd6 Rxd6 37. Qe7+ or 35. ... Rf7? 36.
bxa3 f6! 18. Bd2 Qa8 19. Qd3 Qaa20. Rbl Ne5.
Nb6, when White can't improve his posi- 36. Rfl!
tion while Black threatens ... f4-f5!. Black has no real counterplay, and
Strangely, my opponent thought this posi- trading Rooks ensures White's win.
tion favorable for White, even though he . 36. ... A3 37. Rfcl QM 38. Rfl
plays this opening all the time. Of course, Gaining time on the clock!
after 15. ... Na6?1, then 16. Nxd6! f6 17. Nc4 38. ... Qc3 39. Rxfs gxf5 z1O. Qes +
fxgS 18. Nxg5 is tremendous. Kf7?
15. b3! Better tries were 40. ... Kg8 and 40. ...
This is a rather strangeJooking move, Kh6.
since I naturally don't want to block the 41. Qxc5
QR from transferring to the Kingside. But The sealed move. Most people would
its main function is to support the a-pawn resign, but Lev is a stubborn customer. Two-time U.S. Champion
from behind while securing vital squares 41. ... Ne2 + Larry Christiansen
on the b-file. If 41. ... Ke8, then42. Rd1!Ne2+ 43.Kfl
15. ... Nxb5 16. Qxb5 Ra7?! wins. I expected the devilish 41. ... I<f6, ly aids White by trading off his "bad"
Probably better was 16. ... Rb8, since Lev since 42. Ne5? looks pretty if Black Bishop.
intended to play for ... f4-f5 and leave the cooperates wllh 42.... Qxc5 43. NxdT+,
11. Bxc3 c5
other Rook on f8. but after 42. ... Nf3+!!, it is White who is Black hopes to obtain counterplay in the
17.Bdz Qa8 18. Rel extremely embarrassed since 43. Kh1 Qxe5
Preventing ... f4-f5. wins for Black! Of course, after 47. ...Kf6, 12. dxcS bxc5
18. ... Rb7 19. Qc4 Nb6 White can win wlth 42 . Qe5 + Kg6 43 . Rd 1 .
Jan Timman opted for this against
Black could try 19. ... f5?1, followed by 42.Kfl Ng3+ 43. hxg3Qd3 + 44.Kf2 Korchroi in their Hilvesum match. Lig-
either 20. Ng5 Bh6 21. exIl RxfS 22. Qh4 Qc2+ 45. Ke3 Qe4+ terink chose instead 12. .. Bxc5, which
Bxg5 23. Bxg5 Nf6! or 20. exf5 M6 27. Qe4 White wins after either 45. ... Qc3+ 46. allowed White to build a formidable at-
Rxf5. Black doesn't accomplish anything in Kf4or 45.... Qxbl 46. Ne5+ Kg7 47.Nxd7 tacking platform after 13.,0-0 Bb7 14. Qe2
the next few moves, while White slowly (the Queen is protected!). dxc4 15. Be4! Bxe4 16. Qxe4 Qds 17. Qg4
improves his position. 46. I(d2 Qxg2 + 47. Kc3 Rb7 48. Qe3 0-0 18. Radl Qb7 19. Ng5!?, when'v\trhite
2O.Qc2R;a7?!21. a5 Nd7 Qa2 49. Rb2 Qal 50. Qd2 Ke8 51. Qe3 dominated the board. Timman's move is
After 21. ... Nc8? 22. M, Black' s Knight Kd7 52. b4. Blackresigns !9 more accurate.
can't jump into c5 after the exchange of
Here 13. cxd5 has nothing to offer after
22. Bc3! QbZ 23. BxgT KxgZ 24. Ndz!
13. ... Qxd5 14. Bxa6 Qxdl + ! (14. ... Nxa6
Not 24. Qc3+ Kg8 25. Nd2, because 25.
...QMl would give Black serious counter-
Christiansen 15. Qez 0-0 is also reasonable) 15. Rxdl
Nxa6. Black's Knight aims for d5.
24. ... f6 25. f4!
Once the Knight arrives at c4, a break
Annotates 13. ... Bb7 14. 04
White must take the pressure on the
h1-a8 diagonal into account, but the alter-
with e4-e5 will be most desirable. Also, Queen's Indian Defense native of castling long (played by Korchnoi
White will avoid exchanging Knights, Christiansen Browne against Timman) presents Black with more
which would only help Black. 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 eG 3. Nf3 b6 4. 93BaG hazardous attacking chances.
25. ... Nb8 26. Nc4 Na6 27. Qc3 Nc7! This is considered more active than 4. ... t4- ... d4
It appeared that the pesky Knight was Bb7. This looks untimely. In the post-mortem
headed for b4 , btft after 27 . ... Nb4 28. Raal 5. b3 analysis, I felt 14. ... Qd7 was more active,
and Rad1, with an eventual e4-e5, there Both 5. Nbd2 and 5. Qa4 are equally intending to bear down on the long diago-
could only be one result. I was short of good options. nal with ... Qc6, White's best reply is 15.
time, and Lev's 27.... Nc7! forced me to 5. ... Bb4+ cxdSl Qxd5 16.Kg2, with Rad1, Rfel, and
consider new threats. The idea behind this check is to block the Be4 to follow.
28. Raal Nb5 29. Qd3 Nd4 3O. Rabl White Queen's protection of the d-pawn, 15. Bd2 0-O 16. h4!
Unfortunately, 30. U? doesn't work thereby inhibiting the push d,l-dS when White launches a secure post on 95 to
because of 30. ... QxM 31. Rebl Qc3!. the occasion arises. A worthy alternative prepare for a Kingside blitz, while at the
30. ... Qb4? here is 5. ... d5 6. Bg2 dxc4l? 7. Ne5 Bb4+ same time holding b2 open for the Knight
Better was 30. ... Qb5l; then White could 8. Kf1. or King.
go wrong with 31. M?! Rfc8, and even 6. Bdz Be7 7. Nc3 16. ... Nd7 17. Rael
though 31. Re3 is better, I'd still have to Direct and to the point. White plays for Solid, yet a bit passive- Instead, 17. Ng5!
contend with Nf4 when I played a later space advantage. I played this with success was more active, as 17. ... Bxg5 18. hxg5
eLe5. against Gert Ligterink in the 1982 Lucerne (18.'Bxg5 is not as aggressive) leaves White
31. e5! dxe5 32. fxe5 Rd7 Olyrnpics. with superb attacking opportunities along
Here 32. ... fxe5 33. I&e5 only helps 7....cG the h-file after the follow-up f2-f4 andl(Jt2.
White. Not 7. ...d5?!, because 8. cxdS exd5 is White's 17. Rael takes el awav from the
33. exf6+ Rxf6 34. Qe4! Rf5 good for White. Knight as well.
White wins alter 34.... Nxb3? 35. Nb6! 8. e4 d5 9. e5 Ne4 10. Bd3 Nxc3 n....Qtc718. Be4?!
Qxe436. Rxe4Nd2 37. Nxd7. Similarly, 34. Not 10. ... Nxd2? lL.Qxd2, which actual- Here again, 18. NgS was better, offering
fair attacking chances. The move selected
USCF's Best! reduces White' s possibilities.

Master Ouartz 18. ... Rfe8 19. Qd3 Nf8 20. Bg5 Bxe4
21. Rxe4 a5
Black doesn't procrastinate in seeking
Queenside play.
22.Bxe7 RxeT 23. a4 Rb8 24.Nd2
Better was 24. ... fsl.
25.h5 h6 26. f.4 Qb6
Black intends to snake his Queen into c3
to harass White's pawn formation. But
White's space advantage on the Kingside

Complete Fall Catalog gives him a significant edge.

Saving e4 for the Knight. Now Black
Featured in this issue! must act or get swept away by the on-
coming wave on the Kingside.
27. ... f5!
The Kingdom is saved. This hinders

Get_Wise, Modernizel, White's attack effectively. The altemative

27. ... QM followed by doubling on the
d-file and an eventual ... Qc3, is too slorv-
Are you overlooking two ol the winningest hypermodern opening 28.R.gzl
systems known? lf you knowthe Benoni (l d4 Nf6), and the Beti (l Nf3 Not 28. exf6?, since 28. ... gxf6 opens up
d5), you are plugged inlo dynamic modern chess theory at the highest the g-file to Black's advantage.
lournament level Now lhe Troy Line brings you the latest and best
quality soll-bound books on these extremely powerful openings The 28. ... QM 29. Rf3 Rd8 3o. 94 Qc3 31.
frrst text, "The Benoni For The Tournament Player" is wratlen by Dr Qfr!
John Nunn, currently Britain's highest rated player and the British Not 31. Qxc3? dxc3 32. Rxc3, because 32.
Champion in 1980 He describes in very readable style the excellent ... Rd4 gives Black the initiative.
chances lor Black, and the intimidating quality of tactical play avail-
able, especially against an opponent not familiar with hypermodern 3t. ... QcZ??
strategy A gross mistake. Proper is 31. ... d3
The "B6ti Openlng," by Russian lnternational Master Viacheslav although White can proceed with 32. Rfg3
Osnos, is a marvelous treatise on the successful revolution in with a potent Kingside offensive.
flexible opening play for White popularized by Richard Reti, the
famous Czech Grandmaster The scope it affords lor creative play has 32. Rfg3??
ensured its continuing popularity As always, The Troy Llne brings you the White fails to capita.lize on Black's las
best titles at the best prices The ' Benoni' lists for $13 95, but your mail move. With 32. Rd3!, rvllhite entombs
order price is just $12 Similarly, the "R6ti" lists for $11 95, but it's yours
through Troy for only $10
Black's Queen. The threat of Nf3 pushes
Order direct: The Troy Line, Dept. B/R, 3829 Easl Spoedway Black's Queen out of the action, forcing 32.
85716. Checks or money orders only, payable to
Blvd., Tucson, AZ ... Qb2 (or 32. ... Oa2l, but now White can
Allan Troy. Same day service with money orders, checks take 2 apply overwhelming pressure with 33.
weeks. California residents add 6% sales tax. Ne4 Qa3 34. Nd6. However, even after 32.
RIg3?, Black faces serious problems.
THE TROY LINE 32. ... d3 33. Qf3 Rd4 34. Khz
A preventive measure to guard the King
from sneaky checks.
34. ... Qc1 35. gxfs exf5 36. Qc6! Qer
Series l-ll
(lntermediate) (f#:'"l:ly YASSER SEIRAIITIAN

Yasser, an international Grand Not 36. ...Rxf4?, when 37. Qf6 wins in-
Master, has an indepth strategical stantly, while 36. ... Ne6 37. Qxe6 leads to
knowledge of the game of chess. mate.
These 'Flash Tactics' cards will 37. Qf6??
give you quick insight into that
Each set contains 40 flash cards The simple 37. Qxh6! RddT (37. ... Ne6
knowledge, helping to strengthen
with complete instruclions. your skills to a competitive 38. Qf6) 38. Qc6 decides the issue.
championship level. 37. ... RddT 38. Qxfs kI7 39. Oga
Kh8! 40. Rf3 Rd4 4t. QS3
Each set (intermediate or advanced) is $9.95. Add $1.50 postage and handling per set. Otherwise, rWhite falls under difficulties
Washington state residents add sales tax.
of his own.
Please make checks or money orders payable to:
Eldoro Distributors,384'l North Frace, Tacoma, Washington 98407
41. ... Qxg3+ 42. l{xg3!, draw
Allffi 46 reoks lor delivery. Here,42. Rgxg3 could create some sticky


problems for 'White after 42. ... Rfs! 43.
Rxd3 Rfxf4l 44. Rxd4 Rxd4, when White
has a difficult time trying to protect his
Two New, Important
pawns. Bttt 42. Kxg3! results in a Medcan
standoff alter 42.... Rf5 43. Rh2 Ne6 44.
Books from Batsford
Rh4; White lacks breathing room, but See them on page 45
Black remains a pawn down with no points in the
of entry.

Old Indian Defense
{ us@p,'fr.pss
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 dG 3. Nc3 NbdZ 4. e4
e5 5. d5 BeZ 6. Be3 O-O 7. f3 cG 8. Qd2
a6 9. Bd3 cxd5 10. cxdS
Black's play has removed the sting from Complete Fall Catalog
White's formation. Perhaps White should
have tried 5. Nf3 instead of closing the
center, but then Black could transpose into
a King's Indian and thereby steer away
from the Saemisch, Averbakh, and
1O. ... Nc5 11. Bc2 a5l
Soltis secures c5 as an outpost for the
Knight. But not 11. ... b5?, when 12. b4

NcdT 13. a4 is advantageous for White. Botteries & 9O-doy
12.Nge2 a4! 13. O-O Now Only limited worronty
Black gets sufficient counterplay for the
pawn after 13. Bxc5 dxcS 14. Bxa4 e4.
13. ... Qa5 14. Nc1
AJter 14. Rabl, Black can now reply with '
$59.95 postpoid,
74. ...b5, followed by ... b5-M, with equal
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A positionally unsound move that Mechonicol
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Kf8, with at best a minimal edge for White. $e.e5
21. Ng3 Bd7 22.KfzKI8 23.h4?!
Better was 23. a3l, to stamP out anY
Queenside activity for Black.
23. ... Ne8?!
Black's best chance was 23. ... a3! 24.
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30. ... Bc7 31. Bd4 96 32.R'}rZ Bb8 33. MosterCord/Viso users coll213-794-0308, or moil your MC/Viso #, money order, or
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After ten years of play,three top
postal players decide to share the loot.

Readers are invited to submit their best postal games, Also playable is 10. ... N-Q2. White can contain the Black pawn mass,
with or without annotation. Send them to Alex Dunie,
c/o'Chess L1fe, 186 Route 9W, New Windsor, NY
11. N-B3 and his KRP becomes golden.
1255O. Senil over-the-board games to Grandmaster If rvVhite tries to strengthen his center 22, P.KM P-N4 23. P.KR4 P-N5 24.
Larry Evans [ve Inrry Evans on Ches elsewhere in this with 11. P-l<H., he must weather a strong PxP NxP 25. QXQP
issue). Games cannot be retumed, and pernnal replies
Black attack after 11. ...VQz 12. N-B3 With this capture, Black can safely
are not possible.
0-0-0 13. Q-Q3 PxP 14. QXBP P-Qs 15. resign. He has no play against the White
Q-B4 N-Q4 (Vasiukov-Krasnov: USSR King and no defense to the passed RP.
he 1973 Golden Ihights playoffs 1e601. 25. ... P-R4 26. B-K3 NxB 27. PxN
ended in a three-way tie, the fust 11. .:. NxP 12. B-KB/. QxP 13. R-Nr 28. R-Blch K-Qt 29. B-B2 P-Rs
time a playoff has failed to produce NxN!? 30. P-R5 P-R6 31. R-Kl Q-B7 32. P-R6,
an individual winner. Five finalists were \Alhite pursues his attack logically the
-than Black resigns
tied for first at the end of regular play: R.A. centralized Knight is worth more White took full advantage of Black's in-
Cayford, George KraussJr., William Mail- White's passive Rook, but does White have consistent play. Students of the French
lard, Dennis Monaco, and Scott Wicker. enough for the Exchange? should search for improvements for Black
The playoffs produced yet another tie (at 13.... QxRch 14. B-Br R-Bl 15. B-Q3 on moves 19,20, and2L.
6-2) between the first three mentioned B-Qz L6. K-K2 O-O-O
players, and all three agreed to be co- Black must allow the BP to go. White is Notes and Queries
champions rather than go through yet threatening 17. B-KR6 QxR 18. BxR, and r On the intemational scene, E. Sayin of
another playoff. Black is in a pickle.
the United States has scored LZYz-Llz to
17. NxP RxN 18. QxR N-B3 win a master-level tournament over Erik
Game of the Month The opening battle has produced a posi- Osbun (also of the United States), who
Regular readers of this column will tion difficult to evaluate. \Alhite has certain rcored l2-2. Sayia thus qualifies for the
recogntze the names of Cayford lthe 1972 advantages: two Bishops and passed King- next round in world championship com-
Golden I{nights champion} and Maillard side pawns, whereas Black has his center petition.
(whose international play has been noted). pawn mass and safer King. rWhite's next . Ray Reithel of Rochester, New York,
Krauss, fifty-one, is rethed from the Air move does much to clarify his advantage. has sent in some of his views from his ex-
Force; he is married and has three perience playmg in the seventh chess
daughters and four grandchildren. And as
Olynpics. Our team in that event was the
this game illustrates, he is an accurate and only U.S. squad to reach the finals, and
deadly co-champion. Ray has valuable advice (and a sample of
1973 Golden Knights Playoffs his play at the end of the column):
French Defense First of all, don't mderestimate the Europem
Krauss/1636 Wickerl14@. correspondence chessplayer. The correspon-
t.P-K4P-K3 2.P-Q4P-Q4 3. N-QB3 dence chess Olympics dates back to 1935
(Hungary was the first wimerf. European
B-Ns4. P-Ks P-Q845. P-QR3 BxNch6. players have had a lot of experience over the
PxB N-K2 7. Q-N4 years, especially in lage ten- to sixteen-man
The French Defense, with its variety of tournments, md they are excellent theoreti-
cians. They are well versed in the latest opening
positional and tactical motifs, has long
19. R-Ql twists.
been a fighting game. Here, \AIhite elects to With the exception of the U.S. Cor-
sidestep the more positional 7. P-QR4 in By safeguarding his King and centraliz- respondence Chess Championship [m umbrella
favor of hand-tohand combat. ing his Rook, White forsakes an immediate event for members of the nation's top postal
7. ... Q-BZ 8. QXNP R-Nl 9. QxP PxP pawn race to Queen, but he also empha- organiations], Americm players are used to
sizes the awkward position of Black's four- to six-ma tournaments. Americans,
10. K-Ql typically, are a gregarious people with many
This continuation, long ago recommend- Queen. Now 19. ... N-K4? 20.Q-B6 NxB 21. outside interests md hobbies besides chess;
ed by Max Euwe, leads to murky complica- QxRch! KxQ22. B-NSch would lead to an most don't have the time needed to do m ade-
quate job in a lage fifteen-mm, top{evel cor-
tions. It is, however, rvVhite's major con- easily won endgame for White.
19. ... Q-R7 20. K-81 N-K4 21. Q-B6 respondence tounment.
tinuation besides 10. N-K2.
10.... QN-B3 N-B3?! As Ray also notes, "The U.S. Postal Serv-
The KP is immune: 10. ... QXKP?! 11. This obvious loss of tempo gives White a ice (in spite of its many shortcomings) is
N-83 Q-B3 12. PxP leaves White with the decisive advantage. In such double-edged still one of the best systems in the world."
advantage, according to Borislav Ivkov. positions, time is of the essence. Apparent- He says the delay in writing to Europe was
ly, Black feared2l.... NxB22. PxN, when just long enough for him to forget varia-
Alex Dunne, a USCF nationol master from Sayre, the open QB-file and diagonal KR2-QN8 tions worked out earlier. He sums every-
Pa., has been an avid correspondence player for many
years. would make Black's King nervous. Now thing up with a list of thouglts including:

-Avoid the temptation of using "if" Give Chess for Christmas
moves to save postage and time udess
there is an obvious move or forced reply.
USCF will help qou give chess for a Aear -
and matlbe for alifetime -
to someone 0n Ulur shopping list. Our gift package includes'.
-Barring mistakes, exacting analysis with o A year's membership in USCF, including a year of Chess Life
an ultimate goal of perfection is needed in
o A tournament size chess set (US-142r), boxed with a cardboard board
order to wirz.
and simplified rules of chess
-Search for improvements in
published o A good beginner's book chosen from our stock (or you can request that
opening analysis. Sound novelties are the we choose a more advanced book),
key to correspondence chess victories! o A gift card from us (or we'l! send it to you to inscribe)
-Strategy is the rule over tactics.
level correspondence players rarely make Price: For recipients 17 and under: $21, for adults: $29. Bank card
the tlpe of mistakes that allow games to be orders may be made by calling: (914) 562-8350. All orders shipped
decided by a tactical maneuver. Proper free.
strategical approaches will allow one to Ofler expires December 31, 1983
cash in on small advantages without losing
U.S. Chess Federation, 186 Route 9W, New Windsor, NY 12550
the thread of the game.
o T.A. Dunst (of 1. N-QB3, Dunst's
Opening, fame) has won the Correspon-
dence Chess League of America's 7977
Grand National tournament with a score of
seventeen wins and one draw. Dunst sends
in a win from round 2, which can be found
at the end of this column. ROSEWOOD €,
o Richard Aiken of Grand Junction,
Colorado, reports he has just finished the
1978 Golden Knights with an 18-0 score.
This fine result moves him into a tie with
Walter Mi-lbratz. There are several other
finals sections yet to be finished.
Richard said he started to play postal
chess to learn openings better for over-the-
board tournaments. But now, ten years
later, he prefers postal chess to OTB and
only rarely bothers going to a "real" tour- 33/t" King. Heavily Weighted o Handcarved
. Felted o Well-balanced o Knights in One
Richard modestly alludes to the luck it Piece o ln Handcarved Rosewood Box $ss
Also in
t4kes to finish three Golden Knights sec- New Yorkers add sales tax.
tions\ndefeated. Historians might recall Two Weeks delivery. Checks,
that the second Golden Knights champion Master Charge, VISA accepted.
{1946) was also named Richard Aiken. We
look forward to an interesting playoff. THE VILLAGE CHESS SHOP
o Tennessee's Kent Meadows won his 230 Thompson St. Open 7 Days
state's 1980 title. Jack Smith, who is in NewYork, N.Y. 10012 212-475-9580 Noon-Midnight
strong contention for second place, reports
onthe 4-2 victory of Memphis's Pillsbury
Chess Club over Nashville's Music City
Chess Club. The match, which lasted two HEARD A GOOI' OPEITIIIG LITTE TATELY?
years, is in the tradition of correspondence
matches between chess clubs. Are there We have middle games and endings too. In fact a whole gamut of chess topics is available for you on
other clubs that have such matches?
cassette tape. The material is presented in a form very time efficient to use. Listening lets you
o Theron Huntley of Conneaut, Ohio, concentrate on the board (not back and forth from a book) resulting in faster comprehension, greater
was concerned about what happens, for retention and improved performance in your game.
example, in a seven-player tournament
when one of the players drops out and ST. GEORGE'S OPEiIING M Basman 4xC90 5?2SO

resigns to everybody at once. Does the first

ATEKHIT{E'S DEFENSE B Cafierty c90 s 8.00
player to report gain more points than the NIMZO{NDI,AN, LENINCRAD c90 s 8.oo
others? The USCF, when it is clear that an stctUAN ctosE zxcw sr1.z5
opponent is quitting or resigning all his SICIII,AN TI,AMANOV c60,c90 s10.00
games at once, rates them all against the THE GROB MEETS ITS c90 s 8.00
same rating so that players geographically BASIC IDEAS IN THE c90 s 8.00
closer to New York (and therefore first to 3€4 lN THE ENGLISH c90 s 8.00
claim) have no advaatage over their A REPERTOIRE R)R THE 1d4 2xC90 S11.2S
WORKING WITH A c80 s 750
counterparts in California. PIECE AND PAWI{ INTERPI.AY c60,c90 s10.00
. Barry Spiro of Parsippany, NewJersey, POSTAT CHESS c90 $ 8.00
suggests that, to speed up games, if-moves
Many more titles are available, send a SASE for our catalog. Ordering info: Postage and handling add 5%
should be required for the first twenty allow 3-4
of order, $ 1 minimum. Colorado residents add 4. I % sales tax. Payment by personal check
moves. Readers are hvited to comment on
weeks for delivery: Postal Money Order
immediate shipment. P.O. Box 7504, Boulder, Colorado
this topic by sending letters, games, and 8030G7504.
items of interest to the address at the top of
this column.



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Tr-E AUTFbR FoR 1sr rN THE U.S, opEN, You Retlttr nr
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3 clE$ PhotogEphie
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ost likely the title of this arti-

cle will cause some surPrise.
How, after all, can a Bishop ever
be a match for the most powerful piece on INTERNATIONAL
the board? Alone, of course, the Bishop
doesn't stand a chance against a Queen, POSTAL
but sometimes a little help
- even if it con-
sists of only a few pawns can make all CHESS
the difference.
Let's take a look at this curious
s Queen in
rson played
ust rewards in the fight, since it must guard against the
for his imaginative sacrifices. Both games possibility of a perpetual check. For more information about in-
were played in two different 1983 tour- 3. ... Qb/.? ternational postal chess, write
naments at New York City's ever-active Black tries to keep his Queen active, but ICCF-U.S. Secretary, Robert A.
Chess Center. in this case that leads to his downfall. He Karch, P.O. Box 2290, Renton,
Asa Hoffmann-Michael Wilder can't fight back on the dark squares, be- wA 98056.
cause he is going to be challenged by the
dark-squared Bishop. Post-mortem analy-
sis revealed the right defense: 3. ... Qb3 (or
S. ... Qe8l 4. d7 Q4.8! {keeping an eye on
az . . .l5. Kg1Qb8 {. . . THE COLLE SYSTEM
Kfl, and only now will 1Oth Edition
for the perpetual check bv lntornatlonal Master
options, such as 5. 94
$ against this defense is dubious. One of the most popular opening texts of
all time in a newly revised and expanded edi'
4. dZ Qld6 5. Be3! Kh7 tion. The lamous self'study lessons ap'
{ Nor does 5. ...Qc7 help because of 6. oroach now has analytical material and il'
d8=Q+ ! Qxd8 7.8f4. iustrative games added. Only $5.50.
For your Porsonal autograPhed copy, sond
White to move 6. Bf4 Qd3 7. d8=Q check or monoy order tol
Also good was 7. b8=Q. In either case,
Itis a tense moment. 'vVhite, with three GEORGE KOLTANOWSKI
Black runs out of checks. 1200 Goush St., APt. O'3
passed pawns for the Exchange, seems to 7....Qe2+ 8. Kh3 Qe6+ 9. 94 San Franclsco, Calil. 94109
have the better position, but how can he And White won. (California residents add 6% sales tax.)
convert his advantage into a win? The
t pawns' progress has been halted, and one Mutual Zugzwang!
of them is just about to fall. Although 1. This setting is quite similar. Although
Be3 looks promising, l. ... Rxa4 2. b7l down an Exchange, rvVhite has two pawns
Ra2+ ! 3. Bd2t? l3.Bf2? QxbT 4. d7 RfiZ+l and adequate positional compensation.
3. ... Qbs! creates sufficient counterplay for A. Hoffmann-E. Scheer CLOCK
Black. Therefore. . .
1. Qxe4 Rxa4 2. Qxa4ll? REPAIRS
This valiant effort to gai:r the full point is
best under the circumstances.
2....QlKa43.b7 If you need your
This unusual position deserves a chess clock repaired
diagram. Although White's Queen sacri-
fice has helped his pawns break through by an expert, write to:
the blockade, the issue has not yet been
decided. Black can still stop ihe pawns, and
the Bishop has no easy way to get involved
J. Pratt
40 Valley View Terrace
Editor Pal Benko, an international
d eight-time {J.5. Open champion, is a
White to move Mount Kisco, NY 10549
analYst and Problemist.

But how can White realize his adval-
Be sure to see it! tage? The tempting 1. Bf3 Qxe6 2. N5
Qet+ S. KcZQA+!P....Qx12+? 4.
Complete [J.S. Chess Fall Catalog Qf5+ 5. Kaz
leads only to
QcB 6. Qf7, andWhite wins)
perPetual check.
Page 3l-50 in this issue! 1. Qd6!? Qb8! 2. c5 Rd8
Black defends well. Bad now is 3-Qen
Qf4+, ard after 3. Qxb8 Rxb8 4. Bb3 Rc8,
the win is questionable.

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Receive a second
set at no charge.

At this point, Black, probably irr fT."

trouble ana *rint<ing the game is lost
anyway, made some hard-teexplain moves-
8. ... fs?? 9. gfrs ga
Maybe he was playrng for'stalemate, not
desigr chas set . Antique iinish. 6ne noticing that after 10. fxga QxeT the b-pawn
head.' feltedUie, treavity weighterd- Attmdively
gift-boxed in a hinged. bcechwood case' can still move.
10. f6 Qg6+ ll.Ka2, Black resigns
It's too bad Black became so desperate,
because desprte the gloomy Iook of the dia-
b.oi"" of t-o
"lro grammed position, Black still had a move: 8'
2./4" KiIrg
... b6!.
3Vr" Kirrg Please add $2 *ripping and handling for each s€t ordered' Obviously, the Queen cannot move ran-
DL Ente4rises PO. Box ll34 . East Greenwich, RI O2818 domly because of the terrible Bf7. The same
goesfbr 8. ... b5? 9. axbS Qxb5 10. Bf7, when
Black runs out of checks after 10. '.. Qd3+
(or 10. ... Qfl+ ) 1
Kc1!Qe8 l0.Kd2

CompHlS-{^ Chess King a chance to

Therefore, after 8. ... b6!,
make a waitiry move, because Black is in
he details rules and zugswang. But the search for that waiting
regulations. EightY-nine
caiefullv annotated move soon reveals that 'White is in zug-
the computer chess games
expert. Author David
from maior events ln
1982 are included
Welsh is a chess exPert
and is chairman of the which helP the PlaYer
understand the
United States Chess
Federation ComPuter characteristics of the
Chess Committee. The
two tempo moves, on d7 and c6. The same
book gives an overview is true for the Bishop, on d1 and c2. It is
isa is
mutual zugswang! One possibility 1.
er Bc4!? Qxa4 2. b3 Qe8, and there are others
vs. humans" and an as well. But the win is very unclear.
extensive aPPendix I'11leave it to the readers to soive this one!

. 180 pages/PaPerl6 x9l$1.7-95 Positional Draw

Auailable through bettet bookstores or from: In the previous examples, the defending
uch side had two distinct disadvantages. His
King could not help hold up the pawns, and
Wm. C. Brown Publishers I 2460 Kerper Blvd' / Dubuque'
IA 52001




1984 U.S. OPen
August 1984'Fr. Worth, Texas

and would
Bids oD these tourDaments are past deadline
sidered immediatelY

'84US JuoiorOPen

=--Nov r
. g MB B R1 - D ECEMBER 3

Paid Adrerlisemenl
ir'Ji'ir""Yn-.',can Inte.collegial" 1"."T,c^*^"::1:l;
optional) from ume scbool' li?,'"Lf;
"t";:?:".?il';^':"::;.1r'..-.i"iwoi""'t.',trti;lli",f*f cur€'tly
-- , l:11-,,-"1:::-"'.'.,"',,
,*:ff fl,1Hlf
,l,:flii li"Hili i,ii,i',ii1,
. - ,.-r: ^---,." .bb "niv Lt,rr,ll members of a leam nust come f rom

ruu: cu & rropn)
koPhy Lu top q2'yr'
to ,uv college ild top smail @rEbc luru!'r-"--J
r, **" -; io.
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raling iategory; Doilo
"-.^rr r.
enroll rr^nhips lo
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prlrs redistribuled iI less than-55 teans iD
::#ll;;T'ffiai;;l altemate. Yrl4s redistribured
^.u". r^ t.n hnards and aieinate.
Poid Adrerlisemenl
[iffi;;;il:i.; li:if-
[iffi;;;fifi 1," p.m , no,
Rd' 7, r0'5,
z, ro's r0'5' e HR: $43 per room'
ro 5' ro's,
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available oo $.ll*"Tliii'3i1,
request at
on r( address below EDt:
Posla;e Daid resenalion cards are avallable
23R4 Worcester, MA 01609. (617)
vpr-nnv 23M'
WPI Chess Club W-Pl'Box
i#;63 i;i;c sets and cleks NS NC'
x;i1",:i'xlt;*:,:11",i:1f"".'"i,:if.HB::-:sx'fi Buem Park' cA e0621' take
i:fi :'# ;i;'M;;"ii.Gi" 1' t9 li'd'^v:.9f'.l"Jj,'ili::,:::l
;:,tY Hl * i; ;'H.-t.Juv rzir+, ls'o'*ts places Trophies ro top.20
site $i Gold Brlow vat'
to lst ;;#;,
fi::i"t 5 fii".1*l a*ti to zod
;i.?::d iJi{s il i;p-rirem'tua'ns
$g.l1l" 1i' ::"* q:*'[.',1.
'iT#',;dffi;;;iin*t' *ltt b9-a1vudei. li :'"'v" l"*i:ip::
i11llil*l'l'"*rl',1-:"[:\::'","i#i]}."1,*}:3;ff 9s,:'Sitili
52s-rr34. Mahe
528'1234. Make
. for DisneYland
dsor, I'IY 12550

Paid Advertisement

1983 Hartford OPen

$3,225 Guaranteed
OCTOBER 29-30 4-Round Swiss TL 4OlrOO
At the East Hartford Holiday Inn, 363 Boberts St''
East Hartford, CT 06108' Exit 58 off I-84'
In Two Sections:
PRIZES (OPen section), '
1st $650, zna Osbo, 3rd $200, +itt Stoo 1tl $75

uia., zzoo, lst $250, ztairoo, 3rd $100 Und d $50

Under 2000: 1st $250, 2nd $100, 3rd $100
OPen $31, Amateur $28, if received by 10/26; $4 more at site'


g-l} a.m. Saturday 11-4, Sunday 1-3' For special rates call: (203)
October 29,
Nick Stevens, 19 Oakwood Dr', Windham' CT 06280'
Limited Smohing o BinE sets' boards & clocks'
20 Grand Pr}. Points Available


by 11/2 $$ lb/4per cat): 75-50, under 1500/Unr 35, under 1400 30, under NOVS-6,12-13. NewYork
1300 25; trophy to top 2, top l(-8 Booster, open to under 1200/Unr, 6'55, l5th Annual New York City Championship. 8-SS, 30i90,
40/1 EI: $t0 by lliz $$ (b/4 per call: lrophy to lop 2, under 1100, under 6l-69 W 14 St , New York 3 sections: Open, open to all BFi
Chess Center,
1000, ljnr, K-3 All, EF: $5 more at site Reg 6-7:15 p r w/7:45 meeting 11/4 tmt $35 of each EF returned in prizes with 40%
$44 mai]ed by 10/31, $50 al
Open & ReseNe, 9-9:30 a m w/9:45 meeting ll/5 for Booster, Rds 8, 10-5, lsl, 20% 2nd, llqi 3:/d,20% to 1sl uDder 2400, 10% to 2nd under 2400
9'4, Open & ReseNe, l0 1:30-5, 9-12:30-4 Booster /u -pt bye rds I or 2 if re- Guaranteed minimum prizes to top 3 440-220-110 Expert, open to under
quested w/entry Bring sets, clocks, pencils 50% ofI EF it paying full member- 2200 or unrated EF: $41 mailed by l()i 31, $45 at tmt $30 of each EF returned
ship as new player SACA req $5, under 19 $3, Additional prizes, including in prizes with 40% lst,20 znd, l0% 3rd, 20% lo lst under 2000, l0% to 2nd
upset prize each rd , if entries warrant TB: Median, Solkoff, Cumulative Ent: under 2000. Booster, open to under 1800 or unrated. EF: $40 mailed by
(inc SACA & USCF duesl: SACA, 38 W Prince Rd, No 26, Tucson, AZ 10/31, $45 al tml. S30 of each EF returned in prizes wilh 40% Ist, 20% 20d,
85705 {602) 887'8805 for info, inc nearby motels NS NC fiqi 3td, 20% to lsl'under 1600. I0% to zna under 1600. All, Re8. ends
Grand Prix Poinls Available: 5 10:30 a m , Rds l1-4:30 each day l,4'pt byes available 1st 6 rds {linit 4 byes

Nevada per player) HR: contact Hotel Seville, Colliogwood, or Chelsea; McBurney,
Sloane, or Vanderbilt YMCA Estimated ratin8s used at TD's discretioo
The $$ IO,OOO Las Vegas Holiday Classic. 6'55, 45/150,
Games vs FTDE players sent to FIDE fo. rating if you face 4 or more Ent:
Holiday lnn Center Strip across from Caesr's Palace, Las Vegas, NV. $$
Contin€ntal Cbess Assn , 450 Prospect Ave , Mt Vernon, NY 10553 NS NC
10,000 G.4 sections: Open. EF: $55 it by Il/1. ti
Grand Prix Points Available: l5
under 2300 250, under 2200 800-400-200-100-100. Amateur, opeD to under
2000. EF: i55 if by 11i1. $S 800-400-200-100'100, under 1800
NOV 7-DEC 19 New York
800-400'200-100-100. Reserve, open to under 1600. EF: $49 by l$ lt/l
600 300-150'75-75, under 1400 400-200-100'50 50 Unr., open to Dew &
Nassau CC Championship. Levitlown Hatl, Levittown Pkwy,
EF: All, Etr $10 more at Hicksville, NY 11801 4 sections Championship, 6'55, 45/2, open to
Unr. players only.
over 2099, jrs. under 19 & over 1899, former masters, FIDE rated or scoring 2
site. $loa brilliancypri Rds. l2'7, l0'5, 10-5
pts. in Nassu Semi'Finals EF: i40 in advance; s9 o[f to those who played in
%-pt. bye available for e. HR: $39'3945-51,
at leasl t other 1983 advertised Monday Nassau CC event or i4 off lo lhose
resirve'early. SpecialI available; reBister in
advance using major 2-4265, outside CA who played in at
least I
other 1983 Nassu CC €veot $$C:
400-300-200-150'125100-75-50-50-50; kophy to 1st. Section will be FIDE
1-800-421'5159. E0l: Pa I Segundo, CA 90245.
rated! Amateur, 7-SS, 45i90, open to under 2100/Unr EF: i26 in advance
lnfoi {2t31 645'8398 LS C
Grand Prix Points Available:50 $S lbllzlt 96-?2-4836-24 Booster, 7'SS, 45/90, oPen to under 1800/Unr
EF: $21 in advance $5 lb/15): 8G60-50-40-30-20 Novice, open lo under
NOV 4-6 Wisconsin 1500/Unr Ef: $16 in advance $$ (b/15): under 1500 65 35, Unr 65-35 All,
. 5-SS, Ramada lnn, Hwy. I-90 EP: g4 more at site $l Nassu CC memb req ljp to 3 Vr'pt byes permitled
341. t$ 2175G.2
sections: except in last 2 rds Reg 7-7:30 p m, Rds 7:30 each Mooday excepl 12112
$25 if rec'd by I 1/2,
$32 at site. reserved for adjournments in Championship seclioD only Enl: Harold Stenzel,
lsl &
Dame engraved on Martz 31 Rose Lane, New Hyde Pilk, NY t1040 LS
CuD. Res. 6 7:15 D.m 15 a.m. Sal, Rds. choice of lst rd. Fri at 8 Grand Prix Points Available: 30
o.ri. or Sar at to i.m.1 ily wilh eniry. olheruise paired as Sal. rd l,
;lher rds. 3-8, l0-4. R pen lo beloh 1800 50/2. EF: 520 if rec d by NOV rr-12 California
1983 $2OOO Orange County Championship. 5SS, 45/2,
Labale's Chess Cenlre, 3011 W Ball Rd, Anaheim, 2 miles So of Knott's Ber-
ryfarm $$ all prizes G 3 sections: Open, EF: 129 $$ 400-250-100, under
2200 200-100; trophy to lst, top U2200 Reserve, open to under 2000 EFi
$24 $$250-125-75, uoder 1800 125; trophy to lst, top Ut800 Novice, EF:
$19 t$ 200-100, under 1500 75; kophies to top U1600, U1400 All, EF $6
more a[ site Trophies to Open Champ, top CM, Cat l, ll, IIl, IV Reg
t0-10:30 a m, Rds l1'3:30-8, 12-5:30 Ent: Western Chess, Box 334, Garden
Grove, CA 92641 %-pt bye avail rds t, 2 or 3 lnfo: 1714) 220-0660 NS
Grand Prix Points Available: 20 NC
Crand Prix Points Available: 15
NOV 5-6 Connecticul
Crescent Metro-BSU Open No. 1. 5'SS, 40/90, Univ of New NOV I r-13 Florida
Haven Student Center, 300Orange Ave, WEst Haven, CT06516 EF: $13, if Crown County ior College, 101 West State
rec'd by 11/2; $16 at site $3 less with UNH lD, IM's $5 $tG: 150'75-25, FL.
St., Jacksonville, open to 1700 & above. $5
under 1900, under 1600 50-25 Reg 8:30'9:30 a m, Rds 10-2:30-7, 9:30'2 (b/35): 400-250-100-5 below, 50/2. $$ lb/30):
Bnt: Anthony Jones, 12 Frances Ave, Hamden, CT 06514 LS C 300-150'75'50, 1400-l each 50. Both, EF: $30 il
Grand Prix Points Available: 5 rec'd by lliS; site ST, others states OK. Reg 6-7 p n , Rds. 7:30,
$5 more at
10'2, 9-l Eni: Ed Butler, 711 Valley Forge Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32208. NS
N()V 5-6 Massachusetts
16th Central New England Fall Open. 4'SS, rd I 40/90, rds Grand Prix Points Available: 5

NOV 12-13 Michigan

Hibernation Weekend. 4-SS,20/30, SD/15, North Kent Mall Com'

361,1551 NS NC
Grand Prix Points Available: 5

NOV 12-13 Maryland

Reg. 8:30-9:30 a.m., Rds. 10'2:30, 10-3. HR: Thunderbird Motor Lod8e (ri8hl U.S. Air Ctassic. 4-SS, Student Union Bldg, Unjv of MD, College
neit to Copperfields), 299 Lunenburg St., Rt 2A, FitchburS, MA 01420- (6171 Park, MD 20742.2 sections: Open, 4012. BF: i25, if rec'd by 11/2; t30 at
342-600L\i7-31. Reserve ASAP & mention chess tmt. Ent: George Mirija- site. BWI membs $20. $$G 555: 300'150-75-30, special brilliancy prize for
l nian, 46 Beacon St, Fitchburg, tuIA 01420 (6171 345-5011 No phone entries; best game: round kip air fare to DisneyworJd in Orlando. Amateur,
inquiries onty Cks payable to Montachusett Chess Assn or MOCA LS NC 40/100. EE: $20, if rec'd by 11/2; $25 at site. BWI membs. $15. $$G 455:
Grand Prix Points Available: 20 250-125-60-20, brilliancy prize lor best Same: round trip air fare to
NOV 5-6 California Disneyworld. Bolh, Sf, olher states OK. Re8. 9 tl
a.m., Rds. ll:30-4:30.
North County Fall Open. 5-SS, rds 1-3 40/90, rds 4'5 4{/100, l2:30-5:10. HR: $35-40; Holiday lnn, Jessup, MD, interseclion of Rl. I & | 75;
NCR Cafeteria in Rancho Bernardo, 16550 W Bernardo Dr , San Diego, CA lransporlalion to and from tmt. site will be provided. lsl rd. bye on request
I 92tz? E'F. $26, it rec'd by l1/2; $30 at site tt (b/50, top 3 G): 300-150-100, lnlo: ?61.2232. Ent: BWI Chess Club, P.O. Box 4475, Ballimore, MD 2 I 223

I Cand Master 9560, Cat I 90'55, II 85-50, III 70'45, Mbelow/Unr 6040
Reg 9'9:30 a m, Rds 10-2-6, 10-3 Ent: Michael Nagaran, 17360 Caminito
Grand Prix Points Availabte: 10

Canasto, San Diego, CA 92127 NS NC

Grand Prir Points Available: l0 NOV 12-13 Texas
NOV 5-6 Connecticut Corpus Christi OPen. La oujnta Motor Ino, 6225 S.
5-SS, 50/2,
PadrJlsland Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78412 EF: 518, if rec'd by ll/t; $20 at
sth Annual Fairfield Fall Open. +SS, 30i90, Fairfield CC,
site. $$G 600:250-100'50, B, C, D, E/Unr. each 50 Re8 8:309 a.m., RDs.
Senior Citizen's Center, Oldfield School, 100 Mona Terrace {off Old Field
9:30-2:30'7:30, 9-2 HR: $31-35, request commercial rates Ent: Chess, P O
Rd.), Fairtield, CT 06430. EF: $15, to Fairfield
Bor 8997, Corpus Christi, TX 78413 NS NC
CC membs. $$G 500: 125-75'60, to 599, uDder
Grand Prix Poiots Available: 5
9:30'10i15 t/z'pt-bye
1400/Unr. each 60. Reg.
avail. in rds. t or 2. Bnt: Peter CT 06606. NOV 12-13 PennsYlvania
Cks payable to Fairtield CC. NS. NC. Red Rose Fall Grand Prix. 4'SS, 40/100, Coca'Cola Conmunity
Crand Prix Pts Available: 5 Room, 1428 Manheim Pike, Lan6sler, PA (Rt 72, just N of Rt 301 Et': $16,

Pennsylvania under 18 $12, in advance; $20 & $15 at site; tl

off to PSCF members $$
24th Gateway Open. rds 1'3 45/90, rds 4-5 50i2, Pittsburgh
lbl27, top 4 Gl: 130'60'40'30, 1700'1899, 1500-1699, 1300'1499 each 35,
under 1300, Unr each 25; more per enlrjes. Reg 9:45'10:15 a m, Rds.
CC, 5604 Solway Sl, 15217 2 sectioDs: Open, $$G: 150'100'50, t 100-50;
10:30'4, t0'3:30 Ent (cks payable to Red Rose CC): Alan R Gilbert, 22
trophy to lst. Amateur, ope0 to under 1800. $$G: 100'50-25, III 50-25,
Pilgrim Dr , Lancaster, PA 17603. l7l7l 872-7179. LS NC
MViUnr 50-25; tropby to lst. Both, EFr $20 IPCC mem. $161. Reg.9'9:45 Grand Prix Points Available: 5
a m, Rds 10'2'6, l0-3 TD: Bobby Dudtey C
Grand Prix Points Available: 5 NOV r2-r3 Califotnia
Nov 5-6 ohio Players Chess News November Open. 4-SS,40/2, P]ayers
Ramada InD loff l-801, Chesi News, 1710 Silverlake Blvd., Los Argeles, CA 90026 EF: $27.50 if
if rec'd by l1/4; t30 al rec'd by 11/10; $32 50 at site f$G 500: 300-150-50, cla$ prizes per entries
gg/below,1699/below, ReB 9-9:30 a m, Rds l0-3, l0'3 Ent: address above LS. C
2. Reg. 8:30-9:30 a.m., Graod Prix Points Available: t0
Rds 10-2:30'7, 10-3 HR: t35 for any number iD room, $5 lor extra bed Ent:
Thomas Horyal, 820 Afton Ave, B@rdman, OH 44512 1216) 782'5313 NS Nov l7-2o utah
NC Utah Open. 6-55, 40/2, Univ. of UT, Union Bldg., SLC, UT. EF: $15, ir.
Crand Prix Points Available: l5 $10, Unr. $6, if rec'd by 1l/14; $5 more at site. ST. 15, other stales OK. $$


An American Classic
{750 bi70, lop 3 gtd.}: 150-75'2s, Cat. I 75'40, ll 75'30,
III 75'30, lViV 75-30,
iJnr. 50 20: iroolies lo lsl, toD each class, under 14, woman Reg 6 T p m, NoV 24-27 Califotnia
Rds. 7:30, 7, ld-4, 8:30 3:30. Enl: Roberl Tanner, 1473 S. 300 E No. l. SLC, 19th Annual American Open. 8'SS,45/135, LA Airyort Hilton
UT 84115 LS C Hotel, 5711 W. Century Blvd., Los Aogeles, CA 90045. $$ 12,599G. 2 sec-
Grand Prix Poinls Available: 5 tions: Open, EF: $43 if rec'd by I l/21; $47 al sile 7:30-9:30 p m. I li 23; t50
at sile I l/24; Grandnaslers and Intemlional Masters play free if advance let-
ter ol intent 250,
Expea 1000-500 o lst
plaie winnerin EF:

irs, O/r/U*. $ tl23)

NOV26-27 Colorado
$45 & $40 at D/B
US Air Fm
1983 Colorado Springs Open. 4'SS, 30/90,
Academy, Arnold Hall Ballr@m, USAFA, 80M1. 2 seclions:
adv. $f {b/50, top 3G}: 25G15G100, U2050, 1900 each 100
lo uDder 1?50/Unr. EF: tlz adv. t5 lb/50, toP 2G): 10G50, U
Unr. trch 40-25. All, Unr. & Youth pay %'price EF.
5540? l6t2l 822-2243. NS. C.
ST tr8, t2 tmt., youth yr'price, other states OK. Re8.
Grmd Prix Points Available: 15
9:30-3. Ent: CSCA, c/o R. Siebert, 2939 MariDe St.,
NOV 18-20 MarYland r303t 444{754 NS NC.
Grand Prix'Points Avaitable: 10

NOV26-27 Tennm
904()6 NS C 24th Annual Mid-South OPen. 5-SS, 40/100, Rodeway ID
Grand Prix Points Available: 80 MediEl Center,889 UDion, Memphis, TN 38104. t$ 4,t,00G.2 sctioE
Open, 5lG: 800-400'300, CM, Cat. I each 20G100. Reserve, op€o lo
NOV1S-ZZ Texas un-der 1800 or Unr. tic:500-30G200, Cat. lll, lvibelow @ch 2m'100, Ur-
Cekeysville, MD 21030. LS NC.
Grand Prir Points Available: 5

NOV r9-2O Florida

lli2l; $45 later. ST $5, jrs. i4. l4'pt. bye available in rds. I & 2. HR: i35-38,
neotion tml. Re8. 9'1130 a.m., Ras. l'7, l0'4, 9'3 Ent: Dallm Chess Club,
1112 GEhaD Aw.. Dallas. TX 75223. NS. NC. DEC 3-4 Maasachu*tl!
Grand Prir Points Available: 20 Ham Nelson Pillsburv Memorial. &SS, 45i2, Ammb
culturai & EducatioEal Center, 47 Nichols Ave., Watertown, MA 02173 1614
NOV25-27 Florida
St, Tallahassee, fL 32304 NS NC 6th Miami CC Thanksgving Classic. 6'55, Ramada lnn,
Grand Prir Points Alailable: l0 16805 NW l2th Aw:, Miani, FL 33169. , sections: Open, 40/2. EF: 140 i0
advance, i45 at site. t$G:450'225'1ffi, Erp., A, B each 75. 1699/below,
Nov r9-2o Georgia
45/2. EF: t20 in advilce; t25 at sile. $tG:2{x}100'50. Both, Reg. ll'12:30
1983 In NB, at l'85,
a.n., Rds. l-7, ll-5, 9'3. HR: Ramada lru, i3+36. EtrL Miili
CC, c/o Jay
Atlanta' 45 llh3;122 al
Lewis, 8205 SW t3th Ct., N. Lauderdale, EL 33068 C.
site. sT b/ cM, cat, I,
Grand Prix Poinls Available: 15
Il/below at o under 1600

NOV 25-27 PennsYlvania

ford, MA 02746 1{17-996'1357. Cks. payable to MACA NS. C'

Graod Prix Points Available: 10

Maypop Lane, D€catur. GA 30035. NS. NC. DEC3-4 Ohio

Grand Prix Points Available: 5 sth Anrual Parma Open. 5'SS, 36/90, German Central Orgmiza
tioD, 7863 York Rd., Pilma, OH 44130 i$ t,000 G.'2 sclioN; Open, EP:
NOv l9-2o PennsYlvania $18, if rec'd by lli26; t23 at site $t 125'100{5'35, under 2100, 2000, lglX)
Chaturanga Chess Club Championships. 4SS, 30/75, Loller each 50-25 Reserye, EF: ll5, it rec'd by 11i26; t20 at sjte l,
Bldg., S. York Rd., Hatboro. EF: 522,b\ tlllz,025 al d@r IPSCF less 62 in 100.65-40-20, under 1600, 1400, 1200 each 40'20, top Unr 30'15 RB.
advince, Chal. CC membs. less t2 at d@r or in advauce). $lG 250: 8:3G9:30 a m., Rds 10'3'8, 10-3:30 TD and Ent:.John Vehre, 431 Winlhrop
125-75-25-15-lq additioml and class prizes baxd on entries; trophy to top Dr, Apt 61, Findlay, OH 45840. Ioio: Bill Nappi 12161 23&6599 NS NC-
C.C.C. member. Reg. erds 10:30 a.m., Rds. ll'3, 10:30'2:30. TD: Ira Lee Rid'
Grmd Prix Poirts Available: 5

dle, 400 Newtowr Rd., Warminster, PA 18974. (2151 67+9049. NS. NC.
Grand Prix Points Available: 5 DEC 3-4 New York
NY I)ecember Open. 4'SS, 30/90, Chess Cenler, 5l'59 W 14 St , NY
NOV 19-20 Rhode Island 3 sections: Open, opeo to all. Etr: over 2299 $26, 2100'2299 t21, others t16
mailed by ll/28, all $4 more at tnt. $!G:300'l4t)-60, clock to top Bxperl,
A/Utrr. Booster, opeD to uDder 1800 or UDr. EF: t20 l$: 30% of EFs tsl,
1296 2nd, 8% 3rd, l09t to top C/below Novice, open to under 1400 or Un.
Ef: tlo t$ 40ft of EFs lst, 20% znd All, Reg ends 10:30 a E, Rds. lt-4:30
each day, except ll:30-3:30 in Novice '/z-pt byes available rds 1'2. Ent: Con-
liDental Ches, 450 Prosp€cl Ave, Mt Vernon, NY 10553 NS Nc
. [F: $18, if rec'd by lli 16. i$ ls0'90-60'40. Grand Prix Points Available: l0
1600 or Unr. EF: $16, if rec'd by ll/16. t$
DECg-lt Nevada
n to under 1350 or Unr. EF: $14, if rec'd by
EF: t6 more at site. Unr. may not win first prize UNLV Gran Prlx V. 5-SS, 50/2, Room 133, Carlson Teacher Eduq'
tion Bldg, Univ. ofNV, LasVegas, NV 89154. EF: $15, itrec'd by 127; $20al
in bottom 2 sections. Re8. 8:30'9:30 an., Rds. t0:?O-4, 10-3:30. HR: send
in6 Gilbert Gosselin, 17 Kennev St., New Bed- site. !5G 450: 130-70-50, Cat. I, II, lll, IV/Unr. each 50. Re8. 5:30'6:45 p.m.,
SASE for directions & Ent:
5600. 2'7:30,ll'4130, opn to
Rds 7, 11-4, l1-4 tlR: t20-35 Ent: Dr Edwild J Kelly, 3500 Haverford
ford, MA 02?46 16171 996-1357- LS. NC.
Crand Prix Points Available: l0
under mailed bY 10/15, t110 at
Ave, Lro Vegas, NV 89121. NS. NC.
tnt. $ Prizes with509t rd, t0% Grand Prix Points Available: 5
NOV 19-20 Ohio 4th, 5 n over $400. Reg .2'7130,

Chula Vista, CA 92010 C

961,5302 NS C
Grand Prix Points Available: 15
Grand Prix Points Available: 5
DEC fo-tl Texas
NOV 19-20 Houston Open Iv. &SS, 4512, Menorial Plaza Holiday Inn, 2100
San Antonio Texas Tune-Up. 5-SS,45i2, Br@dway Plaa Holel, Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77007 17]131 869'8261. EF: t20, if rec'd in ad'
Itll ntonio, TX 7820 vaoc€: t25 at site. $tG: 175-75, Cat I, II, IlUbelow each 50 Reg 9 a m , Bds.
ll/18 $t (b/40, top 3 l0-3, 10'3. tlR: t29 95 4 in roomi special rates for chess tmt Bnti Houston
N/Vi a.m., Rds.9:3Gl Chess Studio, 815 lackson HIJJ, Houston, TX 77007 NS NC
Mike San Antonio, TX Grmd Prix Points Available: 5
Grand Prix Points Available: 5
DEC lo-lf Massachuoetls
NOV 22-DEC 20 New York Arthur Roberts Memotial Tourmment. 4SS, 50/2, Holy

Anatoly Karpov Open. 5'SS, 30i90, Chess CEnter, 6l-69 W. 14 St.,

NY. EF: ov€r 2099 $20, otlers $15. $!G: 150'70-30, clock to top A, B, C, D/E, Grand Prix Points Available: 60
Unr if 3 or more in clas Re8.6:30 Rds 7 each Tues yrpt byes
available lst 3 rds No mail entries NS NC A Heritage Event
Grand Prix Points Available:5 NoV 25-27 Michigan
' 25th Motor City Open. GSS, 4O/2, E. Dekoit Rec. Bldg.' Yrblk. E.
NOV 24-27 Wisconsin
of Gratiot on 9/r Mi6, E. bekoit, MI. EF: $23, iJ rec'd by lU20; $25 at site.
Wi[iam Mutz MeDorial North Central Olrcn. 7-SS, 45i2,
sT. $i (b/110, lst G): 450-200{00-100-85'85-8$85'85, U2000, 1800, 1600,
Park Basl tlotel, 916 Bast State St., Milwaukee, WI EF: $28, iI rec'd by 11/19;
1400 each 80'50'50, Unr.30'30, out'of'state lst in each M, E, A, B, C, D, U0r.
t35 at site. ST ll,other states ON tlc 2000: 550-300-m0'150; 1800 in clas
each $20 bonus Reg. 9-10 a.m, Rds 10'3:30, 9-3:30, 9-3:30.
yrpt bye Worcester and HR available upon request with SASB to above address C
Drizes in 100 Dt. iDleNals, biclass , Rds. 8,
available in rd t Ent: H Gaba, zlTzlDeqtiadre, Hazel Park, Ml 48030
Grud Prix Points Available: 5
it-2, tt-2, to+. Ent: wiscoosi! c chillon,
DEC lo-ll Pennsylvania
WI 53014. Yrpt. bye avail. in rds. LS. NC. r313t 543-1762 NS. NC.
Grand Prix Poinls Available: 5 Pitt Panther Swiss. 4SS, 50/2, Concourse Dhing Ars, Uni! o[ Pitl-
Crand Prix

NOV 5-6. North Counly FalI Open. Grand Prix listing rec'd by 1l/2; tl2 al site. $$ 30 per quad. RE8. 8-9 a-m., Rlt l0 ]:30- I 111,
sburgh (Schenley Hall), Pittsbu8h, PA 15260. 2 seclios: See
Twin Counties Chess Club, P.O Box t004, Murpbysboro, tL 62966 LS NC'
Ooin 60-50, U2200, U2000 @ch 50 Reserve, open
tlni", 00 6G50, U1600, U1400 each 50 Both, Reg 9-9:45 NOV l1-12. 1983 $2OOO Orange County Champion- DerrY Behm
N Neville No 58, Pittsburgh, ship. Grand Prix listing NOV 5, Illiana Fun VII:
a.m., Rds 104, 104 Ent: Tom Martimk, 320 See
Appreciation. +SS,
PA 15213
NOV f 1-13. Pacific Coast Intercollegiate. 4-SS, 45/2, Tin 61846. 2 sections: OpeD,
Grand Prix Points Available: 5
per entries. Scholastic,
DEc 17-1a NewYork per entries. Both, Reg. 8
32nd Chess Center Open. 4-SS, 30/90, Chess Ceoter,6l'69 W 14 207 N. Third, Georgetown
St., NY. EF: over 2299 $20,2lOO'2299 515, others 510. t$G: 150'7$30. Reg.
ends 10:30 a m., Bds. 1l-4:30 each day. l4'pt. byes available rds. l-2. l,lo nail
NOV f2. Check$ and Double Checks. Two [-day eveDts,
4'SS, 40i1, Chicago Ches Center, 2666 N Halsted, ChjcaSo, lL 60614
entries NS NC
312-929-7OlO EF: each date $10 i[ rec'd in advance; $12 at site $$ {135 b/20,
Grand Prix Points Available: 5
3 per classl:45'30, B, C, D/E/Unr. each 20 Re8.9'9:45 am, Rds
DEC 17-18 California 10-12:30'3'5:30 Enl: address above LS C
San lose State Unlversity Fall '43. 4SS, 45/2, SJSU ud/or NOV f 2-13, Players Chess News November Open. See

busineis clasrooms, glh St. between San Carlos and Sd Grand Prix listing
Femando Sls., San NOv 12. Springfietd Hawest Open. 4'SS;30/1, Washington
Park Pavjlion, N. o{ intersection of Park Ave. & So. Grand Ave. W., Spr
NOV I l. itizens Bldg ,
ingfield, IL 62703. EF: 59, SCC 17, SCA $8, both $6. $$ {210 b/30): 75 35 25,
405 S. Sa E 5' it rec'd bY
Cat. I, U, IIl, lV/V, VI each 15. Reg.8:15-8:45 a.m., Rds.9-12:15'3:t5-6:15.
ll/11; $l s Prires- bmd
Ent: Thomas fuedler, 2lM South Fourth St, Sprinfleld, IL 62703 NC
o, iotri. -l ss Club, Box
1036, Arcadia, CA 91106 NS NC NOV f9. Buenas No Chess. Two l'day events,4-SS,30/1 Sat.,
l9t9 40/l Sun., Chicago Chess Cenler, 2666 N Halsted, Chicago, IL 60614. EF:
NOV 20. Class B each date $t0 if rec'd in advance; tlz at site. $$ {200 b/30, bi4 per classl:
by l2l12: $5 more ther@fier. Reg. 8:30-9:30 a.m., Rds l0:15-3, l0-3 Ent: W. Artesia Blvd., Carson, 1250
50-30, Cat I, tl, III, lV/V/Unr each 30 Reg 9'9:45 a m , Rds
Fiancisco Sierra, 663 Bucher Ave., Smta Clara, CA 95051. LS NC. b/25, topB Gtd.): 100 & tr Re8
10-12:30'3'5:30 LS C (3121 929-7010
Grand Prix Poinls Available: 20 9 a.m.,'Rds. lb-l-4'?:30. , Los
Angeles, CA 90003. LS NC Rockford
DEC 26-JAN 8, DEC 26-JAN 2 New York
if rec'd by
2nd Ainual CCA Winter International and NOV 24-27. lgth Annual American Open. See Grand
ies for lst
Amateur. 30/100, Chess CeDter, 6l-69 W. 14 St , New York 2 sections: Prix listing available.
Internat l2l3l, ll3, ll5.
lM oorms, available. EF: it
DEC 1O-l l. San Diego Open. See Grand Prix listing
mailed by free, American
NOV f9. Peoria Cash Novice. 4-SS,30/45, Bradley U Std Ck
IMs t45 wi ed over 2295 or
FMs t95 with clock & set, otheMise $115; others Sl35 with clock & set,
DEC 17-1a. SanJose State Univ. Fall'83. See Grand Prix Cafeteria, 901 N Elmwood, Peoria, lL 61606 Limited to under 1500 EIl 65,
listing. jr.$4, if rec'd by lli 18; tl more al sile $$G 60: 30 to lst, 30 allocated
othemise $155. All EF $15 more after 12117. $$G: 1000'500-250-t25'75-50; all
b/rating distribution o[ entries. Reg. 8-8:45 a.m., Rds 9-ll-1:30'4. Enl: Bill
DEC 27.29. National HS Individual Wilkinson, 905 N. Rebecq Pl., Peoria, lL 61606 13091 673'9455 NS. NC,
Championships. See National Events listiDg
NOV 19-20. ChicagoLawn ChessAssn. XXXVII&XX-
COLORADO XVIll. Two l-day eveols, 4'SS, 40i1, 3302 West 63rd St., Chicago, IL
60629. EF: $6. Trophies to lop 3. Reg.9-9:45 a.m., Rds. 10-12:30'3'5:30. Ent:
to under 2000 or Unr , ?-SS, 12126-1/2 with off day 12i 31 EF: t35 ruiled by
lzi 17, $40 at tmt $$ 25 of each Etr returned with lst 35%, 2nd l5%, 3rd l0%,
NOV 2-3O. Wednesday Night Tournament. 5-SS, 40/90, Chicago LawD Ches Asn., 3302 West 63rd. St., ChicaSo, lL 60629. NS. C.
Denver Ches Club, 1290 Williams St., Denver, CO 80218 (3031 322'0l68 EF:
under 1800 lst 20%, Zrd l0%, u0der 1600 lst 10%- Reg ends 5:30 p m
$12, 56 tor DCC membs tS per entries ReB 7:30-8 p m, Rds 7:30 each NOV 19-20. Old Fashion Swiss. 5-SS, 40/100, Che$ Mates
12126, Rds.6:3 under 1600 limit 3
Wed NS NC Ltd, 517 Dempster Ave, EvaDston, lL 60201 Limited to 36 players EF: $18,
byes). Both: HR: contact Hotel
i[ rec'd by 11/15; $20 at site ST 57, jr t5, other states OK $tG 480:
Seville or Coll YMCA. Ent: Con'
100-75'25, Cat l, Il, IIl, lV/V ach 50-20, Unr chess bmks Reg. 9'9:45 a m ,
tinental Chess 10553. N5 NC.
Gmnd Prix Points Available: 40
Rds. I0-l:30-5, 1l'4 Ent: address above, ATTN: Old Fashion Swiss NS NC

DBC31-JAN I TenDessee NOV 26. Chess-tize Your Opponent. Two I'day events,
7th Fai;field Glade Open. 5-SS, 50/2, Fairtield Glade Resort, 4'SS, 40i Chicago Chess Center,2666 N Halshd, Chiego, IL 60614 13121
Peavine Rd., Crosville, TN. stc: 2,500 3 sections: Olren, EF: 525 i[ rec'd 929'7010 EF: each date il0 if rec'd in advatrce; $12 at site $$ {b/20, 3/classJ:
by 12126. ttG: 500-200-100, CM, l/below 200'100-50; lrcphies to lst, lop CM, 45-30, B, C, D/E/Unr. each 20 Reg 9'9:45 a m, Rds 10-12:30'3'5:30 Ent: ad'
Iibelow. Amateur, open to below 1800. BF: t20, if rec'd by l2l25. llG: dress above LS C.
200'75'50, ill/below 150-75-50; tropbies to lst, top Ill/below. Novice, oPen
DEC 3. Illiana Fun VIII: Goodby 83. Georgetown, IL Con'
tact: l2l7l 662-8279.

(3031 4.44,67s4 LS NC DEC 4. Mt. Vernon Holiday Open. Mt Vemon, [L, Contact:
NOV 7-28. Mooday Night Tournament. 4.SS, 40i90,
Denver Chess Club, 1290 Willians St , Denver, CO 80218 1303) 322{t68 EF: DEC lo-ll. Chicago Lawn Chess Assn. XXXIX & XL.
16151 484-9s93 or (615) 48+4878. LS. C. $10, DCC membs $5 t$ per eDkies Reg 7:30-8 p m, Rds 7:30 each Mon Chicago, IL Contact: NiA
Grand Prir Points Available: 15 NS, NC

NoV 26.-27. 1983 Colorado Springs Open' See Grand

Prix listing

CONNECTICUT NOV 12-f 3, The Omega Glory. 5-SS, 50/2, Indiam Univ Pur'

TJI\IITED STATES NOV 5-6. 5th Annual Fairfield Fall Open.

Prix listing
See Grand
due Univ at Indiaapolis, 1300 W Michigan, Iudiaoapolis, IN 46201. EF:
ll2, it rcc' d by lli ll; tl3 al site tt {485 b/501: 125'75'35, bp At l, 2, 3, 4
each 50, top Cat. 5, UDr. each trophy. Reg. 8-8:45 a.m., Rds. 9-2-7, 9-2 Ent:
Daryl Lakes, 105 N Grant, Indianapolis, lN 46201. NS C
NOVEMBERl_DECEMBER3l NOV 5-6. Crescent Metro-BSU Open No. l. See Grand
Prix listing. NOV f2-f3. l9E3 Mldwestern Scholastics. Arsenal Tech
High Schmt, 150t) East Michigan Sl., Indiampolis, lN 46201. 3 secliotrs:
ALITBAMA DEC 3. 60th Exit Open. Neu Haven, CT CoDlacL 467-5396
High School, 6-55,40/1, open to grades l2lbelow. $$G: 100 lo lop teami
trophies lo lop l0 ildividuals, lop 5 teams, top Cat.2, 3,4, 5, 6, Utr. ltoP 4
DEC 4. 5rsr Fairfield CC Sectional. Fairfield, CT Cootact:
scores make t@m score), all nusl attend $me school. Rds. 9-12:3047:30,
NOV 12. Class Tornado. 4-SS, 40/1, Apollo room of Holiday [on, N/A- 9-12:30.Junior High, 6-55, 40i1, open to g/below. t$G: 100 top top
38t0 Univ Dr, Huntsville, AL $$ 465G 4 sections: CM, EF: tlg tt Srades
tean; trophies to top 10 individuals, top 5 teams, top Cat. 3, 4, 5, 6, Ur. Rds.
10G50 Cat. I, EF: tl7 $i 80'40 Cat. II, EF: $15. $$ 70'35 Cat.
FLORIDA 9-l2i31-4-7i30,9-12:30, Elementary, {11/12 onlyl +SS, 30/30, oPen to
III/Unr., EF: $13. $$ 60'30. All, Re8.8-9 a.m,, Rds.9'12'2:30'5 CST. Ent:
to top t@m; trophies to top l0 players, top 5 teams,
Huntsville Chess Club, c/o Richad Capp, 1216 E Clinlon Ave., Hunlsville,
AL 35801 12051 533-044t LS NC NOV ll-13. Crown County Open, See Grand Prix listing em. playeB may play in JHS section on Sunday for
All, EF: $7, it rec'd by ll/8; 010 at site. Reg. 7-8:30
NOV 19-20. 1983 Tallahassee ChamPionship. See
a.m. HR: Rodeway East; $32 per room up to 4, 1800-228-m00, ask for chess
ARKANSAS Grad Prix listing rates. Eot: LeoMrd Wallace, 710 SuDet Blvd., Greenwood, tN 46142. Infol
(3171 888-2670 NS NC
NOV 12-13. Roger Q. Martin Memorial. 5-SS, 45i2, NoV 25-27. 6th Miami CC Thanksgiving Classic. See

UALB,33rd & Uoiv, Studenl Union Bldg., Little Rock,AR 72205 EF: t20. $$ Grand Prix listing NOV f 9. Andy's November Tomado. 4SS, 30i30, Holiday
1565 b/401: 150'75, Cat. l, ll, III each 75, Cat lV/V/Unr' 75'40 (ii 9 playerel. Inn, I-70 East at Shadeland Ave exit 89, lndianapolis, IN 46219 Ef: tlo l$
iteg.8:t5-9 a.m.. Rds.9:30-2 7,9-2. Eol: Chuck Niggel,2l3 So Valmar, Little GEORGIA (240 b/401: top each quarter of wallcha( Sets 60 Reg 8-8:45 am, Rds
Rock, AR 72205 LS NC 9,11.1,3 NS NC

NOV 19-20. 1983 Georgia Open. See Crand Prix listhg NOV l9-2O. Kentucklam Open. 5'SS, 50/2, Indiana Univ
ARIZ()NA SE, Preside0t Suite, Grmtlire Rd, New Albany, IN 47150 EF: i10, if rec'd
IDAH() by 10i30; tl2 at site. !i
{370 bi40f: 140-70, Cat. t, II, III, N/V/VI/Unr. each
NOV 4-6, SACA Championshlps. See Grand Prix listing 40. Reg. 8:30-9:30 a.m., Rds. l0'2i30'7, 9:30'2. Ent: Raymond Woodward, 155
NOV 11-12. Coast to Coct OPen. 4'SS,45/90, Manwaring E Main St, New Albany, IN 47150 NC
CALIFORNIA ceoler 230, Rick coll bY ll/l;
s4 at
site. $l (b/15, in gift 00 20'10; plus NOV 26-27. Indiana Claos Championshtp. 5'SS, 50/2,
trophies. Reg.5'6 p.m. -31. %'pt. bye Pt. Wayne CeDtral Library, 600 Webster St., Ft. WayDe, lN 6 sectioDs:
NOV 1-29. PlayersChess NewsWeeklyTues. Nighter in ist rd. Ent: Donnel NS. NC- 2OOO/up, ISOO-20OO, 1600-1800, 1400-1600, l2OO'l4OO,
No. 6. 4'SS, 40/2, Players Chess News, l7l0 Silverlake Blvd., Los Argeles, l2oo/belowunr. All, EF: $15, if rec'd by ll/24; ,18 at site ST. t$
CA 90026. EF: $10, it rec'd by 10/30; $15 at site $$ per enhies Reg 6:30 TLLINOIS {900 bi60, l0 per sctionl: 100'50 each sectioD; trophies to
lN players in each
p.m, Rds. 7 each Tues Ent: address above LS C sectiotr. Prire money adjusled to 0umber of enlrilts in each &ction ReS.
NOV4-6. The $IO,OOOLasVegasHolidaY Classic. See NOV 5. 3rd Annual Southern IL Quads. 3'RR, 40/80, The 8:30'9:30 a.m., RDs. 10-2'7, 9-2. Etrt: Robert l. Rice, [R No. 1, Box 9,
Grand Prix listing Lutherao Studilt Ceoter, 700 S UniversitY, Cnbondale, IL 62901 EF: $10, if Decatur. IN 46733 LS NC


NOV 26-27. Westem Missourl Open. tSS, {o/lm, h-

fJ.S. AIR CLASSIC deperdence Masonic TeEple, 120 S Plqrut, Independence, MO 54050
tl3, iI rec'd by 11/23; $15 at sile. Ur. fiee with purchase oI USCF mmb.
1420 bi60l: r2G60, A, B, C, Dluu each 60. Beg. 8:30-9:30 a.D.,


l}-2i30-?, l0-2i30 EoL JiD Nicks, 1406 W. 4lst St , KaDss Cily, MO 61UL

Nov. 12-13 o College Pork, Md. NOV


30/m, Room 352, Sct

PRIZES: ScieDce , iI rec'd by ll/17; lE at sL
Masl€rs t4. t$G 200: l0&5G25, bd
under I 8'9 a.n., Rds. 9:3G2-7,92
Open: 300-150-75-30 Under 1950: 250-125-@-20 HR: t2t4o EDt: William H, McBr@o, 2321 Raymood Ave, Mi$oula Il
"Special Brilliancy Prize: Round Trip Air Fare
59802 NS. C

for two to Orlando Fla. (Disneyworld) DEC 15, 22, 29. Itt Winter Open. Miswula, MT. CotrE
Open: $25.00 by ll/2/83 ($30.00 at site)
Amateur: $20.00 by ll/2/83 ($25.00 at site) I\IBBRASKA
US Airline Discount airfare for tournament DEC f o. Mid-America Scholastlc Imt. Litrcoln, NB. Ca
Send Entries to: BWI Chess Club tad,1402l. 477-2861.

P.O. Box 4475, Baltimore, MD 21223 NEVAI'A

Complele Detoils, see Grand Prk Section
NOV +6. The i lo,ofi! Ias Vegar Hollday Claeslc. Sc
Cnd Prix l.isling.
DEC 3. Andy'6 l)eembet Tomado. 4SS, 30/30, ltoliday
lon East, I-70 at Shadelild Ave. erit 89, Indiuapolis, IN 46219. BF: tl0. lt
MASSACIIUSETTS NOV 5-6, Golden West Scholastics. &SS, 40/90, Holiday tr
gets 60 Reg &8:45 a.o., Rds. Certerstrip, tas Vegas, lW lacro$ ftom Cwrs Palaftl. 3 sectiou lIS.
1210 b/401: top 0[ @ch quartil of wallchart
9-ll-l-3 Ns Nc. NOV 5-6. l6th Cmtral NB Fall O1rcn. See Graod Prir JHS & Elem. AIl, EE: 18, if by ll/l; tl2 at site. Tropbies to top l0 tc
lisliDg. ind lop l0 iodividuals acb scl- Reg. &9 a.8., Rds. lG2-6 each date. hlo c
HR & irilsport tioD 25242.65, oulside CA l-80G421-5159. Ent: Paci6c CtE
I()'wA NOV 6.
Berkshire County Quads. 3-RR, 40/1, Daltoo CoE- 323h Richmond. El Seguodo, Ca 90245. loto: l2l3) 645-8398. NS. NC.
muDity Hous, 400 MaiD St., Rt 8 So., Dallon, MA 01226. BF: 15 lo ll0 tt
A Heritage Evena lst each quad.{c8. 9-9:45 a.m., nds. 10-1"1. BtrL Milk Thompstr, ll3 Bd- DEC 9-f 1. UNLV Gran Prix V. See Grand Prix listing.
NOV 26-27. 26th ThanftcgivlDg 2olgo. eSS, 20/30, wild Ave., Pitlsfield, M,q 0U0l LS. NC.
Chmbqlain Mfg Cafcteda, Ealt 1th & EtthEr 12.5 ni. No. Jcl.2l8 & 63,4
NOV 22, 29DEC 6. Framingham Autum Oclagoral. NEW IBRSEY
blocls E. of 631, Walerlm, IA 50703. BP: t8. tt ll50 b/30). REg lGll a n.,
Rds. ll:30-2-4:30, 9:30-12-2:30 Ent: Aubrey C Smith, 216 Bcrtch, Waierlm, 3-SS in 8-player sctiotrs, 40/90, 20/45, SD/30, Amerim Legion Hall, ll
rA 50702 IS NC. Beech St , Fruinghm, MA 01701 BF: 112,Frubghan CC nembs t7. l$ NOV 6. lst Sun Be5t WesterD Iu, f,L I
190 b/241: m-10 each sectiotr. Reg. 7-7:30 p-8., RDs. 7:30 4ch date. EDt: Wa' t8
& 1287, Bdisotr. EF: taying for osh. hic
NOV 26-27. Thankcgiving Tourney. 5'SS, 40/90, Marycrest ren Pinches, ll5 Bay State Rd., Boston, MA 02215. {614 353-1889. LS. NC. trophy or lt2-Zlbased ods 10:15 88., n&
ColleSe Nursing Bldg., 1607-W 12 Sl., Davenport, IA 5281N. EF: tls. t$ 1335 1030:l:3M:30. Bnt:al 8-5524. See NoD-na.d

b/35, 6 p€r cla$,: 125-70, A, B, C, D/EiUor. @ch 35. Re8. E-9:45 a.m., Rds. DEC 3-4. Harry Nelcon Pillsbury Memorial. See G!ild Beginners section C.
tu2-6, t0-2.8D1 at sit€ LS NC Prix listing. NOV 7-DEC 5 lsctlon 3, Nov. 14, 2lf. 2nd Annul
Dumont Chesc Matec Champlonship-Preliminria
DEC f O-f l. Arthur Roberts Mqorlal lournamert. Dunont HS Cafeteria, New MilJord Ave , Dumotrl, NJ. 3 sections: Section
See Grand Prix. listirg l, 5-SS, 40/80, open to170 bove. BF: 13
by lliz. Trophiea to top3, 5 P,n" R&.
NOV l9-2o. Wichita Class Championshipc. 4'SS, 40/2, DEC ff. Three Player Scholastic Team. Worcester, MA ?:45 each Mon. Section er details a
KS Newnatr College, Adm Bldg., 3100 Mccomict Ave., Wichita, KS 67213, Contact: {614 996-1357. above. Section 3, &SS, : $2 bY tlD-
EF: tls, if rec'd by ll/17; $20 at sile. ST t5, otber states OK. $l {610 bi60l: prias per eotries. Rl'
Expert/above I 1065, A 100'50, B 9tI55, Cibelow 80-50 Re8. 8:30'9:30 a.m., DEC f7. Framirgham Saturday Swiss No. l. Fram- . $5, under l8/ovs 65
Rd!. 10.3:30, lG3:30. Dorns: 58-12. Door prizes. Ent: TD Henry Jeonings, ingham, MA. Conhcl {6171 35U889. pts, io Section 2, lc i!
707 S Lightner, Wichita, KS 67218 %-pt, bye available rds- I'3 A 1(5 Tour W. Milx, 307 Websts
evenl. NS, NC DEC 26-30. 1983 Pan-American Intercollegiate Dr, New Milford, N] 07646 l20U 251'4017 NS, NC
Ieam Championship. See Natiooal Bvents listbg
KENTUCTY NOV 12. Superheavyweight Swiss
MICHIGAN County Vocational School, Rt. 40 & lgh Ave., Mays
$10, if rec'd by ll/5; t12 at site. tt{150b/251: 6t35
NeV 5. U.K. Fall Open. +SS, 40/1, 20/30, SD/30, Presidents
3. Hiberoation Weekend.
Room 2t4, Univ. of KY Conm. CC, Studenl Cenler, Lqinglotr, KY 40506. NOy f 2-f See Grard Pri! listing 25. ReB. until 9:50 a.8., Rds. 10-l-47. E0t: Jay Mc
NJ 08240 (609) 927-1233 C
EP: tl0, iI rec'd by 10/29; t12 at site 5l {340 b/40, S/clas): 120-80, I, II, III,
lV/Vlibelow ach 28. Reg 8-9:30 a m, Rds. lGl'4-7. Etrt: Rob Delnis, U.K NOv 25-27, 25th Motor Clty Open. See Grand Prix listing
Comm CC, P.0. Box 973, Univ Station, Leringlon, KY 40506 NS. C.
NOV f 2. Toms River quad. 3-RR, 40/80, Dover TownshiP RE-
DEC f O. Jingle Bear'6 Mlnl-Swlss, Grud Rapids, Ml. Con- BId8., Whitesville Rd., Toms River, NJ 08753. EF: i7. Trophy to lst; +qud
victories (July-Dec) ems 3'yr. USCF nemb. Reg. til 9:50 a.m., Rds l0'l-1-
NOV 12, State-Am 1983. 4-SS, N1r,20130, SD/30, Presideots lact: N/A
Room 214, Univ of KY Conm CC, Studerl Center, l€xingtotr, KY 40506
Limited lo faculty, sludeDts, md staff o[ any KY colle86. Ef: 120 per +man
MII\INESOTA NOV f3. Bayonne Promotional. 4-SS, 40/1, 20i30, SD/30,
team, iI rec'd by llil;$28 at site. ICAK 15 $$ (b/5 leamsl: 50; traveliDg wall Bayome Chess Club, 597 Broadway, Bayonne, NJ 07002. EF: free. Tropbia
trophy f,eg 8-9:30 a m, Rds. l0'l-4-7 Ent: Rob Dennis, Pres, ICAK, P 0 toiop 3, uoder 1600 & 1400. Re8.9:30'10 a.m., Rds. 10'12:30'3-5:30, NC.
Box 973, Univ StatioD, LexingoD, KY 40505 NS NC
NOv 5-6. 1983 U.S.Junior Open Championship. See
nltARYTIIND National Events listing

NOV 1a-2O. TheXXthAnnualMinneapolisOpen. See

NOV 6. Baltimore Open Quad. 3-RR, 0/80, Hillcrest Rec.
Grild Prix listinS
Center, Fredqick at S. RollinS Rd., Catonsville, MD 21228. EF: 56' P ad'
vance; f8 at site. MCAI t4, uder 18 t2. wimer has cboice of trophy or $15 NC
books or 2 free etrtries iD series; 3-0 wi[Der has choice o[ free eDtry to 1983 MISSOURI s-ss, 3011,
Baltimore Open or 1.yr. USCr membership. Re8. 9:30-10:15 a.m,, Rds $10, if rec'd
l0:30-2:3D6:,0. Ent: MCAI, 3518 Counleigh Dr, Baltinore, MD 21207 LS. under 2lm,
NOV 5-6. Ice's Summit Open. 5-SS, 40i2, Besl Weslern Sum-
5, ll'3. BDt
mit Inn, Chipnu Rd & 50 Hiway, Lee's Summit, MO €,4053. Ef: $17, if
NOV f 2-f 3. U.S. Air Classic. See Grand Prix listing rec'd by ll/l;
$20 at site. $t 1600 b/50): 175'100-75, A 6G30, B 60-30, C 40,

D/E/Unr 30 Reg. 8-9 a.m, Rds 9:30-l:30{:30, 10-2:30 HR: $30-34 Ent:
NOV 14-DEC 12. l21h Annual RJCC-CC FaIl Lee's Summit Chess Club, P.O Bor 164, Lee's Summit, MO 64063 C NOV27. odTom
Swis6. 4'SS, 40/100, 6125 Montrose Rd , Rockville, MD 20852 2 sclions: Jeffe
Hall, 5l 19; t9 d
Over 16OO, Under 1600. Both, El: $5. ST, otherstatesOK. Trophy NOV f2-13. St. Louis Amateur Championship. Busch othe
site. sr, o scord
prizes Rds.7:30 pm each Mon Info: Steve Nathm,8 Midline Rd, Memorial Center, St Louis UDiv, 20 North Grad Blvd, St Louis, MO
fug. 9-10 er Ave.,

Gaithersburg, MD 20878 l30U 953'7332 NC 63103 2 sectioG: Premier, 4-SS, 30/80 EF: tl6 by nail, ll8 by phone; Westwmd, NJ 07675. LS. NC
$20 at site. $t 1230 b/251: ll0, Candidate Mdier 70, Cat, I 50; ChmPion is
NOV 18-20. 24th Annual Baltlmore Open Chess seded into St- Louis District Champiooship Re8 9:3G9:45 a.n., Rds l0'3, NOV 27. Atlantic County Quads. 3-RR, 40/80, Atlmtic Cou'
Championship. See Gratrd Prix listing. lG3 Amateur, 5-SS, 30i70, open to below 1800 EF: t6 by mail, t8 by ty vo@lional Sch@|, Rl.40 & lglh Ave., Mays Lmding, NJ 08330 EF: t9 tl
phooe, i10 at site. lst, top Cat. lII, NIVIVI, Uu. ach engraved wood Jerger; 2'0to lst each qud. Rog. until 9:50 a.m., Ras 10'l:30-4:30. EDt: at site. Itr-
NOV f 9. LCCC 3rd Saturday Qud. No.46' Laurel, MD SLCF T-shirls to 20d-3rd. Re8.8:30'9 a,o., Rds.9:3G2-6:30, ll'3:30. Both, fo/mps, call Jay McKeen (6091 927'1233 C
CoDtact: 725'6206. ST $4 HR: Mite for list. Ent: St Louis Chess Foundation, c/o Robert P Sul'
tet, lr , 2412 Caverhill Dr , St Louis, MO 63136 {3111 867-2151. NS. C DEC f O. Toms Rivet Quad' Toms River, NJ Contact: {201)
NOV 19. LCCC 3rd Saturday Qud. No.46' 3-RR,40/90, 8E]-2578.,
MoDtgonery St. Center, 900 Mootgomery Sl., Lauel, MD 2070?. EF: 18, NOV 19,19a3 St. LoulcJunior
Open. 4'SS, 20/30,20/30,
LCCC nenbs. !7. Trophy or rl5 to lsi each qgad.; 3{ tcore wi6 t4 Prici SD/30, Busch Memorial Cetrter, St. Louis Univ., 20 Norlh GraDd Blvd., St. NElv YORK
entry. Re8. 10-10:45a.;., Rds. ll-3-7. EDt: tcie, P.O. Box I13, Laurel, MD Louis, MO 63103 3 sectiotrs: ChampionshiP, open to Srads 7-12.
20707 LS. C. OCT 17-31. Nassau Semi-Finals. lor details, see page 66.
DEC 4. Maryland Wlnter Tomado. Catonwille, MD Con-
lact: 655-3180. NOV r, 2, 3,7,8,9,10,
14, 15, 16',17,21,22,21J,28,
29, 30. WeekniEht OpeDs. 17 epilate tmts. - @ch 2-SS, 30/30,
DEC 17. L.C.C.C 3rd Sat. quad. No. 47. Laurel, MD Cotr- 6l-69 W. 14, NY. EF : M6ter tl5, Bxpert $12, A ,9, others t6. tt 2/3 EF lst;
tac{ 72*5206 29G4156 NS. NC lo-miD playotf of 2-0 lies. Reg 6:45 p.m, Rds 7-8:30 NS. NC


NOV 4. Friday Quad. 3.RR, 30i30, Che$ Center, 6l'69 W. 14,
nemb6 ,12, U. of R Undergmdual€s tl0. tlc: 100 to lst, more per entries DE,C 26-2a. lgth Annual Greater NY Junlor Htgh
Reg 9-10 a.m., Rds 10L4, lGl. (7161 342'3689 NS NC School Championship. New York, NY Cootact: N/A.
NY. EF: $10.5$ Z lst each sectioD. Reg.6:45 p.n., Rds.7'8:30'10. NC. NS.
NOV 20.Sunday Open. 3'SS, 30/1, Ches Center, 6l'69 W. 14, DEC 26-JAN 2. 2nd Annual CCA Winter Interna-
NOV 5. 3rd Manhattan Childrer Chess School Cbam- I,[Y. 2 *ctio0s: Open, Urder-l8o0/Unr' Ef: $15. SS b/10 each tional and Amateur. See Grand Prix listing.
School,620 Ft. 60-20-20 Reg. 10:15 a.n., Rds 10:30'2'5:30. NS. NC.
if rec'd by 10/30;
DEC 29-30. lgth Annual Greate. NY Elementary
. Reg. 9'9:45 a.m., NOV 20. Sunday Quad. 3-BR, 30/30, Chess C€oter, 61-69ry'tl. 14,
Schol Chmpionehip. New York, NY. CoDtact N/A
. NC. NY. EF: !10 $i 24 lst aach sec. Reg. 4:45 p m., Rds. 5-7-8:30. NS. NC

NOV 5. 2od Cortland Fall Tomado, &SS, 40/1, Cortlard

NOV 20. 6th NY Under-l3 Open. 5'SS, 30/30, Che$ Ceot€r, N()RIII CAR()LINA
61-69 W. 14 St., I,IY. Op€o' to all born after lll20l70. EFt t9.50 miled by
Holiday Im, Clinton Ave. & River St., Cortlad, l.IY 13045 EF: 513.50, youth
ll/14, tl2 at tEt.Eree entry ifjoiriog USCF for lust time. Trophies to top 5,
$11.50, if rec'd by 1l/4; $1.50 more at site. Carpmls with 3 or more players
lst urder 1200, under 1000, Unr. Reg. €nds 9:30 a.m., Rds. 10'11:30-1'2:304.
NOV 12. Ram XVIII.
3-SS, 40/90 30/1, G/30, CaroliDa Union,
deduct $2 from EF's. $$ lt95 b/26| RBg 9{0 a.n, 8ds. 10:10'1'3:4t6:30. UNC'CH, Hwy.54 Susines, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 EF: $5, ifrec'd by 1l/8;
Ent: CootioeDtal Ch6s AssD,450 Prospect Ave., Mt. Vemon, NY 10553. NS.
Eotr John D'Addario, 35 Greobush St , Cortland, l{Y 13M5. {6071 753'0614
56 at site ST $6, jr
t4 5t {25 b/81: 25 lst each section. Reg. 9-9:45 a.n , Rds
LS. NC 10'2-6 Ent: Robert Sin8letary, 3712 Dade St , Raleigh, NC 27612 NS. NC
NOV 20. Game Room Fuo Quad 7.
3'RR, 40/80, Game
NOV 19. Raleigh Chess ClubOpen I.3-SS, 40/90, 30i1,
NOV 5. Saturday Quads. 3-RR, 6l-69 W. 14, I'IY. EF: $10. il24 Room, 2130 Broadway & 74fh St , NYC 10023. EF: $10 in advance; 512 al site
SDi30, NCSU Student Union, Cates Ave , Raleigh, NC 27650. EF: t5, if rec'd
lst each sec.3 sepuate tmts:3O/t, Rds. 11:3&3'6:30.3O/3O, Rds. $$ 30 to lst each quad. Rds. 10-1:30-5 LS. NC
3o/3o, Rds. 6-8-9:30. Re8. 15 nin. before rd. l. NS. NC. by ll/15; t6 at site. ST 16, jr. 14. l$ (38 b/8): 25-13 Re8. 9'9:45 a.m., Rds.
NOV iO. Sportsmil's Quad 11.
3-RR, 40i1, Game Roon, 10-2'6. Enti Robert Silgletary, 20 Old East, UNC'CH, Chapel HiJl, NC 27514.
NOV 5. Rochester Quads No. 1O. 3'RR, 30i45, Psychology 2130 Broadway & 74th St., NYC 10023. EF: t6 iD advance; $7 at site l$l le$
303, Univ. of Rochesler, R@hester, l'IY 14627. EF: $8, CCCR mwmbs, t7, U. to jrs., womenl. Trophy or i6 credit to lst 4ch quad. Rds. 10'1:30-4. LS. NC.
o[ R. uodergraduates 55. t$ per entries. Beg 9-10 a.D., Rds. 10-l-4. {716)
342-3689. NS C. NOV 22-DEC 2O, Anatoly Karpov Open. See Grmd Prix
NOV 5-6. November Rating Toumameot.
5'SS, 40i90, NOV 3, rO-DEC r, 8. 1983 Parkway Chess Club Fall
Jaue Keeler Bmm, U B. Amlerst Campus, Amherst, l.IY 14261 EF: tl0,
jr. & NOV 25. Friday Quad. &RR, 30i30, Chess Center, 6l-69 W. 14, Open. 40/$, College HillTown Hall, lE05 Larch St., Cincinmti, OH
Uff. t8, if rec'd by lli4; !12 & $10 at site.tlc 300: 100'50, Cat l, U, l,IY. EF: tl0. 5$ 24 lst ach sectioD. Re8. 6:45 p o., Rds. 7'8130'10. NC, NS. 45224. EF: 5?.50, if rec'd by 10/28; t8 at site. t2.50 less for Pukway CC
Ill/below each 50. Reg. 9-9:45 a.m, Rds. lG2-6, ll'3. Bnt: Darryl R. Hart- membs $$ (85 blzlli 50-25-10, more per entries. Reg G6:45 P m , Rds. 7:30
man, 233 Behm Rd, West Falls, NY 14170 NS. NC NOV 25-27. lgth Anrual Greater NY HS Champlon' each date. E0[ Kenneth A Ziemak, 4603 Northfield Rd, Ciocinnati, OH
shtp. 8-SS, 30/t, Che$ Center, 6l-69 W. 14 St , Nw York Open to all HS 4s242. NC
NOV 5-6, I 2-l 3. lsth Annual NYC Champiorohip. & pr€-HS studeds atteDding school witlh 75 niles oI Mmhattar. EF: 112.50
See Graod Prix listing mailed by l1/t9, il5 at tnt Fre€ eDtry itjoidng USCF lor first time. Trophies NOV 5-6. Young6toun Fall Claseic, See Grand Prix listing.
to lop 3, lst A, B, C, D, E, top 3 Unr, top 5 teaos of 4 CCA free entry pri4s
NOV 6.
Sunday Open. 3'SS, 30i1, Chw Center, 6l{9 W. 14, lvalid only for Z'day or loqer tmts to which player brings clock & stl: lst NOV 12-13. Plum City Swiss. 5-SS, 50/2, Clevelatrd State
NY.2 sctiotrs: Open, Under-18oo/Unr. EF: $15. $t b/10 eacb player 6 morlhs, 2n{ 4 oooths, 3rd 3 moDths, 4th 2 months, lst team each 2 Univ., Main Claw@o BIdg, Room 329, Clevelad, OH 44115. Ef: t10, if
60-2G20. Reg. 10:15 a.D., Rds. 10:30'2'5:30. NS. NC, EoDlhs, 2trd t@ sch I month, Playersjoinbg USCF for lst tine who score rec'd by ll/4; ils al site tt 1500 b/60): 200-100'50, cat I 40-20, Il 30-20, III
3 or more pts w:n I year Chess Life Reg ends 9:30 a m., Ms. 10'l:30-5, 20, IV/V/Unr, 20; my be bcreared ilo notice Reg 7i3G9:30 a.m , Rds
lGl:3Gs, 10-2 EnL Co0tioe0tal Chess Assn , 450 Prosp€ct Ave,, Mt. Vertrotr, 10'3-8, l0'3. Etrh Leo Mm, 1277-A Hibbard Dr , Stow, OH 44224 LS NC.
NOV 6, Game Rom Fun Quad 6' 3-RR, 40/80, Gme Room,
NY 10553 NS NC
2130 Broadway & 741-h St., l,ryC 10023. BF: lto iD advance; 112 at site 3t 30 NOV f 9-2o. Ohlo Metrolplis O1ren Grand Prlx. See
to lst each quad Rds. l0-l:30-5. LS. NC. NOV 26. Saturday Quads. 3-RR, 61-69 W 14, NY. EF: tlo Grand Prix listing
ll24 lst each sc
3 separate tmts: 3O/1, Rds ll:30'3{:30 3O/3O, Bds.
NOV 6. Sportsma 40i l, Gue R@m,2130 12-2-3:30 3o/3O, Rds. 6-8-9:30. Reg 15 min before rd. l. NS NC. NOV l9-2O. Rodeway to Mate Oper II. tSS, 40/2,
Broadway & 74th St., t7 al site |tl ls
to.irs., Rodeway Inn, Glemprings Dr ll'275 & Rt 4J, Sprilgdale, OH 45246 EF: $20,
womuj. Trophy or t6 cre . lGl:3(H. LS. NC.
NOV 27. Sunday Open, 3-SS, 30/1, Che$ CeDter, 6l{9 W 14, jr $15, if rec'd by lt,l2; t5 nore at site; ll ofI to PCC aDd OCA, other state5
l.IY.2 *ctions: Open, Under-18oo/Unr. EF: tl5. S$ b/10 ach OK. tt 1375 b/301: 125-75, A, B, C, D/E each 40, up*t l5 Reg 8-9:15 a m,
NOV 6. Sunday Quad. 3'RR, 30i30, Che$ Ceoter, 6l-69 W 14,
60-20-m Reg. 10:15 a.n., Rds. 10:30-2-5:30. NS. NC Rds. 10-3-8, 10'3:30 HR: t28, mentiotr chess tEt, Etrt: Ke0neth ziemak,4603
NY EF: ll0 $t 24 lst @ch sec Re8 4:45 p.8., Rds. 5-7-8:30. NS NC. Northfield Rd , CiDcinDati, 0H 45242. LS. C.
NOV 27. Sunday Quad. 3'RR, 3080, Che$ Cetrter, 5l{9 W 14,
NOV 7-DEC 19. NsFu CC Chmplooship' See Grmd UY. BF: 510. t0 24 lst each rc Reg. 4:45 p.m., Rds 5'7-8:30 NS NC. NOY 25-27. Kellner Memorial Ope4. 5-SS, 45/2, Rmatla
Prix listing Inn, 175 exit 127, Lina, OH 45805. EF: t22 if rec'd by ll/24; i25 at site. $,
NOV 27. Studlo Novembs Quad. 3'RR, 40190, Studio o[ 11225 bi60l: 25G150, 2099-1900, 1899-1700 ach 150, 1699'1500, 1499'1300,
NOV r1. Friday Quad. 3-RR, 30/30, Ches Center, 6l-69 W. 14, Bridge & Gmes, 1639 Eastem Pkwy., . EF: t6. n
Ur -1299 each 10G50-25. Re8 G8 p Pri, 8:30-9:30 a m. Sat, Rds I lopt l,
l,IY. EF: $10 tS 24 lst qch sectiotr. Re8.6:45 pD., Rds.7-8:30't0. NC. NS. Trophy to winn€r of eacb quad. ReB. 9-9 Studio of lG3-8, l0-3. HR: luada Im, 125 up to 4. ST Ert: Julio Tones, 650 N. Nix'
Bridge & Games, 1639 Eastm Pkwy., S C. ou Ave, Lima, OH 45805. TD: jobn Vehr€. NS. C.
NOV f2. North Tonawanda November Open. 4-SS,
40/1, North Tomwilda CC, 33 Spruce St , N ToBwanda, l,IY l4lm EF: 15, NOV 3O-DEC 2a. Wed Eve Swiss 7. 5-SS, 45/2, Gane Rooro, DEC 3-4. sth Annual Parma Open, See Grand Prix listiog.
iI rec'd by ll/9; t7 at site; jrs. & Uu. i2 lss Trophy to lst, top I, II, Il, 2130 Broadway, l{YC 10023. EF: tl6 h advece; $l at site ilc 250: 100-50,
IV/U[. [eg. 9'9:45 an., Rds. 10'l-4-7. Ent: Glen Hudrcn, 640 91sl St,,
Cat I, ll, III, Unr each 25; S5 credit to lst; tlophy or t3 credit to top I, II, DEC 30-JAN 2. Cleveland City Champion. Cleveland,
Nheara Faf, NY 14304 NS NC IIt, Unr. Rds 7 qch Wed. LS NC. OH. Conhct: N/4.

NOV 12. Onondaga County Class Championship. NOV 3O-DEC 28, Forest Hill6 Swiss No. 5' 5'SS, 25/1,
4'SS, 25130, Pine Grove JHS, Frenont Rd, E Syracuse, NY. 4 rections: Temple Imiah CC, 75' Gratd Central Pkwy , Forest Hills, NY Ef: $12, OKLAHOMA
Open, Under 18OO, Under 16OO, Under 13oo {open ooly to TICC nembs. $10 io advance; 13 more at site. $lG: 125-50, I, II, Ill/below
studentsl. EE: $7, in adv@ce; $10 at site. Tropbies to toP l/3 of @ch section, each 25 if 4 in class, if ovet 41, Zad25, [5 each clms above. Reg. 7 p.n , Rds
top under 1400. Reg. 7:3G9 a.n., Rds.9:30-ll:30'2-4:30. Etrl Joe Ball, ES'M 7:30 each Wed Ent: Albert Millet, 77-14 ll3th St, Forest Hllls, NY 11375
Chess Club, Pine Grove, E. Syracu*, I,IY 13116. InIo: (3151 656'8024 C. NC. Paid Advertisenent
DEC 3-4. New York December OPen. See Grmd Prix OCT 22-2". Oklahoma Team Championship.
NOV 12. Saturday Quads. 14, l.IY EF:
3-RR, 61-69 W tlo listing 5.SS, 50/2, qudity Inn Central, 112 N. Eastem Ave. and I-40,
$t24 lst Ech rec 3 sparate tmts: 3O/1, Rds 1l:30'3'6:30, 3O/3O, Rds
Oklahoma City, OK 7311?. EF: $17, if rec'd by l0/20; 020 at site. ST,
12.2-3130 3Ol3O, Rds,6'8-9:30 Reg lSmin beforerd NS.NC. I DEC 4, 3rd Cortland December Open. Cortland, I.IY Con' otber states OK $S 1540 b/a0l: lst team 360, znd team 180, more per
tact: (607) 7s3-0614 entries; trophies to ea. memb. oI winninS team. Re8. 8:30'9:30 a.m.,
NOV 12, Bayshore- Rds. 10-2-6:30, 9'2 HR: t29.50'37.50; call 800'228-5151 for reserua-
Brightwaters Library, I Souib DEC 4. Sportsman's Quad 12. New York, NY Contact: N/A tions Ent: B G Dennison, Jr, 449 W Silvermeadow, Midwest City,
tions: Open, 45/90. EP: $20. 0K 73110 NS. NC
utrder 1800,40/1. EF: t15. DEC 4. Game Room Fun Quad 8. New York, NY. Contact:
Novice, opeo to under 1500, 30/30. EF: $10. $t {90 b/10}: 65'25 Rds.
l0:30-12:3Gi:30 All, Reg 9-9:30 a.m. NS NC
DEC 4. 4th Manhattan Children Chesc School Cham- NOV 12-f 3. loth Ponca City Open. 5-SS, 50i2, Security
NOV 12-13. Schenectady Cheso Club Open No' pionship. New York, NY CoDtact 928-5042 Bank, 2nd & Grad, Poo@ City, OK 74601 EF: t10 in adv , tt4 at sjte. ST $4,
I1IY 12305. EF:
other states OK Trophies to 1sl each class, plus prires per etrtri€s. Reg.
las*s A, B, C,
DEC 10. Bayshore-Brlghtwatets Quad. Brightwaters, NY 8:30'9:30 a m, Rds 10-2:30-7, 9'2 Ent: Harold Ball, Rt. 1, Box 31, Ponca
City, OK 74601 NC.
iiSiTii's: Contact: N/A.

DEC 10. ES-M Chriclmas Open. E. Syracuse, NY CoDtact: DEC l-4. Oklahoma State Class Championship I.
NOV 13. Sunday OPen. 3'SS, 30/1, Ches Cetrter, 6l{9 W. 14,
{3r51 656-8024
Sand Springs, OK Conlact: N/A
NY.2 ections: Open, Under-18oo/Utrr. EF: tls. l$ b/10 each
60-20-20. Reg t0:15 a.m., Rds. 10:30'2-5:30. NS NC DEC lO. Onondaga County Scholastic Chess Cham- DEC 10-1f. Oklahoma State Class Championship Il.
ptonship. E. Syracure, IIY Cotrtact: (315) 65ts802,4 Sand Springs, OK. Cotrtact: NiA
NOV f 3. Sunday Quad, s-RR, 30/30, Che$ Center, 6l-69 W. 14,
NY EF: $10. l$ z lst each sec. Re8. 4:45 p.m, Rds 5-7-8:30 NS. NC DEC fo-fl. sth Chess Center Under-23oo. New York, DEC I f . OKC December Open. Oklahoma City, OK Contact:
NY Contact: N/A N/A
NOV f8. Friday 3-RR, 30i30, Chess Center,61i9 W t4,
NY. Ef: $10. $i 24 lst each section Re8.6:45 p,m., Rds 7-8:30-10 NC. NS DEC 1o-lr. 8th Annual Greater NY Primary School
Championship. New York, NY Contact: N/A OREGTON
NOV 19. Saturday Quads. 3'RR, 6l-59 W 14, tIY. EF: tlo
$$24 lst
each sec 3 separate tnts: 3O/1, Rds. ll:30-3{:30 3O/3O, Rds DEC 17-fa. 32nd Chesc Center Open. See Grand Prix
NOV 6. Ptld. Chess Club Nov, Quads. 3-RR, 50/110, 2806
12-2-3:30 3Ol3O, Rds. 6-8'9:30. Reg. 15 min belore rd. l. NS, NC. listing iI not mem. ot Ptld. CC ST t3, WA
SE Powell, Portland, OR. EF: $8, 12 more
NOV r9-2O. 4th Chess Center Under.23OO. 4SS, 30/90, DBC 18. Game Room Fun Quad 9. New York, NY. Contact: & BCCF accepted $tG 24 to lst per quad Re8 9-9:30 a.m , Rds 10'2'6 NS
6l-69 W 14, NY 2 sctions: Under-23oo/Unr., EF: $30 tl 40% ofEFs NiA NC
lst, 20% 2nd, 15% to top uDder 2100. UDder-19OO/UDr., EF: t20 tt
3096 of EPs lst, 15% 2nd, 15% to top uoder 1700 All, Reg eDds 10:30 a m., DEC f8. Sportsman's Quad 13. New York, l,IY Contact: NOV 6, 13, 20, 27. Plld, Chess Club Ladders. Ladder,
Rds. 114:30 each day. %'pt. byes available rds. t'2. No nail etrtries. NS N/A 40i2. Info: Joha Howell, 232-7027 NS NC

NOV 19-20. Rochester November Open.5-SS; 30i45, DEC 18. Studio Decercber Quad. ScheDectady, l.IY. Cotrtact: NOV 26-27. NW Thmksgiving Open. See Grand Prix
Psychology 303, Utriv of Rocbester, Rochester, NY 14627. EFi tl3, CCCR {sl8) 345-3773


DEC f 7, 31.

PEI\INSILVANIA Satrirday Swiro. H@sto!, TX. Contact: l7l3l

NOV 5-6. 24th Gateway Open. See cEnd Prir listiDg. DEC f 8, Novice Tournament. Houslon, TX Cootact: (7131
NOV 5-6. Wilk6-Barre MaeteE/Exlrcrts No. 2. 4SS,
4012, Wilhe College, Slark kamirg Cmter, S. River St, Wilkes,Bane, PA DBC 24. Round Robin. Dallas, TX. Contaci: N,A
Chess Life accepts cla$ified advertishg in ther categories: Activitfol
18703. Open lo playetr ll/l; , if r€c'd by i25 at
site. tl
1280 b/l6l: IZI priru bcrea*d per en- For Sale, Instnction, Miscellaneous, Perrcnals, Swices, Toummols. ODt
lries. [e8. ]9:45 a.8., Bane CC, c/o Terry D. neatly typed @py is rccepted Abslulely no tel€pbone ordcrs. Advertis
Paneha, l(-23 Beech Sr. PA 18704. NS. NO musl provide a *mple of heir product or Etalog Rates (;rcr word): one isc,
NOV r7-2O. Utai Ope.. SeeGrand Prixlisting. lli 3 coMtive is$6, 90 cetrts; 6 coNcutive isu.s, 85 ents, 9 c
NOV f2-f 3. Bed Roe Fall Grud Prix. See Gmd Prix wculive isues, E0 cmts; 12 @Dscutive i$[es, 75 cols. For USCF affili.tE
tisting. advertisitrE toullments or club nedbgs: 70 ceDts; Do other discout5. Pd
VINCInI|A office boH count as lwo wtrds. t€lephotre numbss ro one. ZIP codc is frc.
NOV r92O. Chatuanga Chess Club Championshlp. Atr advcrti*mml musl contah a minimum of lifteen words and be acm
S€e Grild Prix listirg paticd by fun Fyn€nt. All submissiom de subject lo USCF advotising
NOV 13, Arlington CC Nov. (!uads, 3-Rn, 10/80, SMck Bar
policy. For a copy o[ the regulations and a shedule ol deadlines, sod.
NOV 25-27. l6thAnnual Continental Open. SeeGrmd of Geqge Mam Uoiv-, Metro Campus, 3401 N fairfar Di, Arl'Dgton, VA
22201.1703l,5244t[[.8F: t8, utrdq l8 or ov€r 6,{ 54, it rec'd by tl/11; ll0 & stamped, *lf-addres*d eDvelope lo: Chess LiIe Classifieds, lE5 Rflt€ 9W,
Prix lisling.
tS al site tl
20 to lst each qud. Reg.9:lt9:45 a.n., Rds l0l4. Ent: tul- New lithdsor, NY 12550
ingtotr CC, cio Don Sinpstr, 2007 WyonhS Ave., NW., Wohinglo4 DC
DEC fO. PSCF Germantown YMCA No. 25. 2mfD.ll202l.332.4440 NC. ACTIVITfES
Philadelphia, PA Contact: l2l5l 67LgM9
NOV f9-2o. Boggess Mererial Scholastic. GSS, 40/t, French Quilter chs - MasterJude Acqs ptays all challe[8€rs daily
DEC lO. Univ. QuadsI. Piltsburgh, PA Cotrlaclil4l2l68l-7590 Critzer EIem School, Bobwhite Blvd., Puhski, VA 24301 4 sctims: Sr. at the Gilebo resta{ratrt, l0l8 De€tu, New OrleaDs, LA 70115
HS, op€tr to grades 10-12 EF: t6 by ll/ll.
Trophies to top 5 tqns lof
4/morel, lop 7 hdividuals, top Unr JHS, open to grades 7-9 EP: t5 by i IOOO Guarilteed Prize fuod! Boter CCLA's 75lh Anoiverury U-5.
DEC lo-11. Pitt Panther Swiss, See Grand Prix lisling.
lllll Trophies to top 5 t6ms {of 4inorel, top 7 individmls, top Unr Opn Conespondeace Championship Join Lhe oldesulilgcst 100% o-
Elementary, op€n to grades 4-6. EF: t4, if rec'd by ll/ll. Trophies to top respondenc€ ches club in North Anerica, with open/class, individuaul@,
DEC lf. Univ, Quads II. Pitlsbur$, PA Conlacl: l4l2l 5 t@s lof 4/more), lop 7 i0dividuals, lop Uu Primary, lll/19 onlyl, domestidirtermtioul ev€trts. S€od t2000 to CCLA, Depl. G.N., Bor 363.
68r-7580. 5-SS open to grsd€s K-3. Ef: t3, iI rec'd by lli 11. Trophies to top 3 teams lo{
De€tur, IL 62525 IncluQes year's sub*riplion to award winning Ches Cr'
4/norel, lop 5 individuals Ail, Ef 13 more at site Re8. 69 p.m. 11/16 or
respondent Encle USCF poslal or olb rating
7:30-8:15 am. ll/19, Rds $12-3-7, &12:m lK-3, 9 and ASAPI HR: Red
RHODE fSLAND Carpet Inn, Pulaski, y A 24301 l.703J. 980-2230; Iree sleephg bag amom. iI re-
Transcendental Ches is l-be world's mmt advmced postal club: 8cd
quested by llill.
Etr[ Lany Wealherhglq, 87 Mt. View Dr., Dublin, VA
game-fom, best ratinS system, best problen cortesl, highmt qsb palools.
NOV 19-20. l9th SE New England Open. See Graod Prix 24084. NS. NC
and tro dues TC/lawence 1502, 1655A Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, NY ll2l0.
DEC 3-4. VA lntercollegiate Team Championship,
Richmond, VA Conlact: {8Ml 3591694
DEC 6, 13, 20,27-IAN 3. VCU Tuesday Nights, New
Year. VA Conlacl: Free Catalog Disounts oD books, mmputers, clmks, sels, bwds
NOV 5-6.
Music City Fall Open 1983, 5-SS, 50/2, llilroo
Bichmord, 1801) 359-1594
y@r Ch€$ Hou*, P.O Box 12424, Katrss City, KS 66lla
Airport lnn, Ooe Inlermtioml Plaa, Nashville, TN 37217 EFi t20, rcc'd I 913,299,3976.
by lul;125 at site ST t4 tt
{360 b/351: 10G60-{0, Cat. I, lll, [, wlscoNsrN
IV/below/Uu. each 40. Reg. 8'9 a.m., Rds. 9,U-2-7, y2. EDt: Music City $2 {bills OK} to BriGh Ches MaSeioe, 9 Milkel St., St Leonads.
Ches Assn., c/o Pete! Labde, 2609 Sailboal Ct., Nashville, TN 37217 NS.
NC. NOV 4-6. 5th Janesville Anniverury Open. See Grand
Sus*x, England TN38 ODQ will bring you a smple 1983 copy of Europe's
Prix listing Ieading chs magazine

NOV 26-27. 24th Annual Mid-South Open. See Grard NOV 24-27. William Martz Memorial North Ceatral $69 Unbelievablel Hard carved bone and fine wood chess sels 5 ind
Prix listing Open. See Grand Prix listing. Khg No two alike! lncludes wooden box bord Write for free inlormation or
send $69 plus 14.95 P & H to A-D Enlerprise, P O,Eo\ 27273, f,l Paw, fi
DEC 3-4. 1983 Crossville Schola6tics. Crosville, TN Con. 79926
tact: (6151 48+9593 ot 48+4878
Symbolic chess, plus color .. Chess by Color {patentedf. Send SASE for
1. 7th Fairfield Glade Open. See Grand Prir
FOREIGN EVENTS posterii0tu InlS, P.O. Box 262, Newbury, OH 44065

Reality inspector ExcitinS nystery reveals chess secrets, incr@ses wim-

NOV 5-6. Landotuhl November Open. 5-SS, 50/2, Bldg in8 pouerl S4.20 John Cuis, 56 Westgate, SaD Francirco, Ca 94127.
3809, LaDdsluhl Post, APO, NY 10980 Linited to lirsl 40 players. EF: t7 $i
per eotrjes. Reg, 8-8:45 a.m , Rds. 9-2'7, 9-2 Ent: Sgt Bob Shearer, U.S Army
Free internatioMl bulletins list! 1983 U S. Championship, $3 50. Walter
Browne, 8 Pilm$us Rd , Berkeley, Ca 94708
NOVEs. 3 Rd. Swies. 3-SS,45/90, Dallas CC, cElun Ave., lll2 Biostat Acl, EUR, APO, NY 09180 2223-7258. NC
DallrotTx 75223. EF: $15, Dallas CC membs. $10. $! per entries. Reg. 8 9 Knowledgeable chess fans and clubs have used MD chess equipmeot
a.m, Ent: Dallas CC, address above NC, DEC 3. December Saturday Swiss. 3-SS, 50/2, BldB. 3809, since 1947 Ask RFD, 823 NW 52 St, Dept A. Seattle. WA 98107
Landsluhl Post, APO 09180 open lo fust 40 players, EF: 15 i5 per entries
Reg. 8-8:45 a m, Rds 9-2-7. Eot: Sgt. Bob Shearer, U S tuny Biostat Act,
NOV 5-6. Midland Knight Spetal. 5-SS, 45/2, Holiday Inn EUB, APO NY 09180. 2223.72s8.NC
Jerger. lndisputably one of the world's finest clocks Lower priced at
RFD Distribulors, 823 NW 52 St, Dept A, S@ttle, WA 98107
West, 3904 West Wall, Midlod, TX 79701 EF: !20, iI rec'd by l0l26t $25 al
sile $$ 1550 b/30): 150, Cat- I, ll, III each 100, lV/bdow, Uu. each 50. Reg DEC 4. December Sunday Quad. 3'RR, 50i2, Bldg 3809, Great Game Machine - Gruenfeld, Morphy, Capablanca, Odin Best of-
8'8:45 a.m,, Rds. 9:15-2-7, 8:30-l HR: special rates for chess playere. Etrl: Lildstuhl Post, APO 09180 Open to firsl 40 players EF: ,5 $$ per enlies fer Reb Orrell, 145 Sanford, Catonsville, MD lln\ l30l) ?W6882
Midland CC, lAtto: Robert Montgomeryl, Box 4951, Midland, TX 79704 NS. Reg 8-8:45 a m, Rds 9-2'7. EDt: Sg Bob Shearer, U S tuny Biostat Act,
NC EUR, APO NY 09180. 2223-7258 NC Cantrell's Chess Bmks ofler you: Games of Mikhail Tal - 1960-66 &
1967-73 - Thoms-hc.$500 eacb; Ganes of Lajos Portisch - Vanus
NOV 12. November Knights.3-SS,45/2, Laquinta Motor DEC 31-JAN r. 1984 New Year's Open. s0/2, BldB.
5-SS, hc.r6 00 Include 85 ceots postage Catalog upoD request. V/MC Send renit.
I30, Ft. Wonh, TX 76108. EF: $10 $$ per entries Reg 8-9 a.m,
Hotel, 7888 3809, kndstuhl Post, APO l,IY 09180 EF: $7 Opetr to firsl 40 players $$ per
tance to: Cantrell's Ches Books, 4040 67lh Ave, Pinellas Pak, FL 33565
Rds 9:3G2-7 EnL Greater Ft Worl-b CC, P O Box 26113, Ft Wonh, TX enlries Reg. 8-8:45 a m , Rds 9-2-7, y2 Ent: Sgt Bob Shearer, U S Army
76116 NS NC Biostat Act, EUR, APO l.IY 09180 2223-7258 NC While supply lasts Reg. t4000 Cyberchess 12000; Reg S300
Cyberater $l 00 & freight. Koby's, 110 Palafox, Penscola, FL 32501
NOV r2-13. Corpus Christi Open. See Grand Prix listing

NOV f9-2O. Red River Open. 5-SS,45i2, Wichita Falls Ac-
tivities Center, loth &l0diana Ave , Wicbita Falls, TX 76301 EF: i30, if rec'd
NON-RATED International GrildDaster Samuel Reshevsky is avajlable for
by llil8; 135 at site ST, other states OK, ti 1900 b/35, 4iclasl: 225-125, Cat
I, ll, III, IV each 125, V/Unr 50. Reg 8-9:15 am, Rds 9:30-l:15-6, 8:3t}l BEGINNIERS' simultaneous exhibitions, analysis, curespondence gmes and private lessons
at reasonable rates CoDtact him at 5 Hadassah Lane, Spring Valley, NY
Ent: Chas E Davis, Suite 305, First National Bldg, Wichita Falls, TX 76301
NS. NC. TOURNAMENTS 10977 Telephone: 9l+356.2947

Grandmaster Lrcnid Srhamkovich is available for lessons and

NOV l9-2O. San Antonio TX Tune-up. See Grand Prix
sioultaneous exhibitioD$ Ioterested parties should contact him at 37-14 Par-
listing. Thes toumaments are open to all players rated under 1200 or unrated USCF
mns Blvd, #2D, Flushing, NY 11354 l2l2l 762-5204
membenhips (regular or full youth, ifapplicable) are awaded by lhe sposor-
NOV 25-27. Applied Concepts Texas Open. See Grmd ing aJfiliale to all players scorfu8 3 or more points who have never been USCF
Alburt, lntemtional Grandmasler, firsl bmrd of 1980 U.S Olympic
Prix listing members.
teaD, Europeatr Cup chanpion Special syslem lgroups oI positlons) develops
abilities Corsultations, lextures, siDuls, advertising $100/hr.512 E.
DEC 3. Sat. Night Quad. Houston, TX l7l3l 880'3260 desired
83rd St No 3D, New York, NY 10028; (2121 7948706
NOV 6 {NJl: Gardetr State Utrated Swiss 4'SS, 60/G, Best Western
Edimn Inn, Rt. I & I'287, Edison. EF: i8. Prires: Trophy lo USCF men;
DEC 3-4. Golden Triangle Chess Championship. USCF mem to oon-mem Re&. eDds 9:50 a m , Rds 10-12-2-4 8nt: at sile
Orange, TX Conlacl: (4091 78G1468. SERVICES

DEC 4. Sunday Cheapo. Housto!,

NOV 20 lNY,:Gane Room Non-Rated Beghners Toumment #6. &SS,
TX Contacl: l7l3l 88G3260. 4o/1, Gane Room, 2130 Broaduay at 74th St , NYC 10023 EF: 18, jr,, wooeD Chess clocks repaied All makes and models, W. J Elliott, 17844 slh
$7, uoder 13 $5 iI paid in advmce; all [2 more al site Trophy lo lst place. Ave,, N- E., Seattle, WA 98155-
DEC 6, f 3, 20, 27. MasaerlCandidate Masters Tour- Reg: eds l0 AM, Rds: 10:30-12:30-2:30-4:30 Enl: address above LS.
nament. Houston, TX. Conlacl: l7l3) 880.3260.
DEC 18 (NY):Game Room Non-Rated Begimers Tournament #7 +SS, WANTED
DEC f O. 3 Rd. Swi66. Dallas, TX Cortacl: N/A 40/1, Game 8oon, 2130 Broadway at 74th St , NYC 10023 EF: $8, jr , woDen
$7, under 13 55 if paid in advace; all t2 more at site Trophy to lst place Chess sets rymted. Antique-unique. Samuel Bronsteir, 900 Valley Rd ,

DEC l0-ll. Houston Open IV. See Grand Prix listing Reg: eods l0 Atvl, Rds: 10:30-12:30-2:30-4:30 Ent: address above. LS Philadelphia, PA t9tz6 lzt'l 22+0319.


on gd terms with the Soviets. IN THE ARENA
ACROSS THE BOARD July 27. Arriving in Pasadena, I found a CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 well-rested and trimmed-down Viktor
Korchnoi. All members of the Western 31. Qfs + KeZ 32. QeS +, Black resigns
within the United by Soviet officials
and diplomatic personnel. He foresaw no Chess Group were busy arrangingthe hun-
dreds of last-minute details. Although they The toumament was ably directed bY
problems with security arrangements. Em-
phasizing that restrictions did not apply to had protesGd the one-week postlrcnement, Ben Nethercot, Phil Chase, and Art
they were using the extra time to good ad- Drucker. The indefatigable Lina Grumette
private Soviet citizens, he promised to moni-
tor any visa applications filed in Moscow. vantage. Press coverage in the L.A. area, is already planning the 5th Annual Me-
morialDayClassic. Willyoubethere? lD
July 15. I cabled Sevastianov with the under the capable hands of Lina Grumette,
news from our State Department. No re- was excellent.
' The State Department reported that no
Campo called to brief me on his meeting
with the Sovias. He had stood his ground
visa applications had been filed in Moscow
for the Kasparov party. But they had re-
Spraggett Triumphs
but had indicated a willingpess to postpone ceived applications for a party of ten Soviets
the match one week. for the World Youth Team Championship
July 17. The Soviet federation confirmed in Chicago. espite the early announcement of the
its protest, but offered a compromise: JuIy 29-30. At the Madrid meeting, the intended participation of grand-
Smyslov would play in Abu Dhabi if Campo Soviet representative, Dr. Nikolai Krogius,
lashed out at Camponvnes. He said Campo
masters - or perhaps because of it? - the
would change his decision about Pasadena. 1983 Quebec Open attracted only 358
It was thus clear that their principal opposi- manes made arbitrary decisions, paid little players in four sections, far below last
tion was to Pasadena, though their objec- or no attention to the players' preferences year's list of over 500.
tions before then had been based on claims on location, failed to communicate with Among the stellar players were the
that Campo had misinterpreted FIDE both the Soviet Chess Federation and the Canadian champion, Intemational Master
regulations. players involved, and that when he did Igor Ivanov, IM Kevin Spraggett of Mon-
July f8. Campo called to inform me of communicate he did so in a tactless and de- treal, GMs Stefan Djuric and Borislav
the Soviet offer. He said he would reject it, meamng rnanner. Ivkov of Yugoslavia, and IM Daniel Roos
and he asked if we could get Korchnoi to No mention of security problems was of France. There were entries from the
make a statement. We discussed security ar- made at the meeting. Krogius referred to United States and all across Canada.
rangements (guaranteed by Mayor [,oretta statements of support by GMsJan Timman Spraggett was first with seven points,
Glickman of Pasadena) and State Depart- of the Netherlands and Miguel Najdorf of winning his first six games and drawing the
ment regulations. Campo made light of Argentina, and he indicated that the Soviets last two. He earned $1,200. Djuric placed
those Soviet protests. At the same time he had the support of over sixty FIDE nations second with 6Yzpoints. Sevenplayers were
was listening to complaints about security on this issue. He conceded that the FIDE tied for third place with 6 - Brett Camp-
and travel restrictions in Moscow, Soviet regu-lations made some mention of presi- bell, Sylvail Barbeau, Denis Pineault,
swimmers were breaking records at UCLA. dential authority on choosing venue, but he Ivkov, Roos, Dave Ross, and Ivanov.
way argued that this authority was not absolute
Jufy 19. Crttpo gave the Russians a
to save face by announcing a one-week and that it had to be exercised in a responsi- English Opening
ble way.
postponement of the matches.
Vadim Kuznetsov of the Soviet consulate Campomanes was no less harsh, address-
Spraggett Barbeau
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. 93 c6 4. Nf3 e4
in Washington called to read me a Tass ing all of Krogius's points in a frank, effec-
5. Nd4 d5 6. cxdS Qb6 7. Nb3 cxdS 8.
report of a meeting irl Moscow that included tive, and sometimes brutal manner. He said
Bg2 Nc6 9. O-O Bfs 10. d3 Rd8 tL.Bf4
Karpov, Kasparov, Smyslov, Sevastianov, every action he tooknot only compliedwith
RdZ L2. Rcl Qa6 13. Bg5 896 14. Bh3
and Marat Gramov, the new chairman of FIDE regulations but were in the best in- Rd8 15. Bxf6 gxf6 16. dxe4 dxe4 17.
the powerful Committee for Physical terests of the pliayers, organizers, and chess Nds Qxa2 18. Nc7 + Ke7 L9. QcZ Qa4
Culture and Sports. They had reaffirmed the in general. He reminded the Soviets of the 2O. Qc5+ Rd6 21. Nb5 Qb4 22. Nxd6
Soviet protest of Campomanes' decision. difficulty in communicating with the Soviet
Qxc5 23. Nxc5, Black resigns
Kuznetsov emphasized that the Soviet's Chess Federation due to recent restrictions Black is a Rook down after (I) 23. ... Kxd6
quarrel was with Crrtpo, not the United on direct-dial telephone. He pointed out that 24. NxbT + , and now either 24. ... Kc7 25.
States or USCF. on short notice and at great inconvenience Na5 or 24. ... Kd4 25. Rfdl + i or lIIl 23. ..'
Kuznetsov's call made it seem this protest he traveled to Moscow. Campo reminded b6 24. Nce4, threatening both 25. Nf5 and
had full government backing. It was even the Soviets that he had already delayed the 25. Rxc6 (the counterattackZ4.... Nd4 falls
possible that the protest was being match by one week, at great inconvenience neatly to 25. Rc7 + Kd8'26. Rd7, mate).
engineered by the government, at a higher to the organ2ers, and had convened an
level than the Soviet Chess Federation. emergency meeting of the Executive Coun- King's Indian Defense
Morton at the State Department assured cil solely to consider the Soviet complaint. Djuric SPraggett
me that visas for the Soviet group could be The Executive Council voted 7-1 ofthose
d4 Nf6 2. c4 gG 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6
moved along very quickly. present (8-2 counthg directed proxies) to
5. Nf3 O-o 6. BeZ eS 7. d5 NbdT 8. Qc2
support Campo's decision.
Jrrly 22. Campo called an emergency a5 9. Bg5 h6 10. Be3 Nc5 11. Nd2 Bg4
meeting of FIDE's Executive Council forJu- The Council did believe, however, that
12. f3 Bd7 L3. 94 cG 14. h4 cxd5 15.
ly 29-30 in Ma&id. This had been demand- the Soviets had made a point regarding the
cxd5 Rc8 16. Nc4 Ne8 17. Na3 f5 18.
ed by the Soviets, and though not required written regulations on the venue. An ad hoc
by FIDE regulations, it was diplomatic of committee on the world championship cy- Ffs Ffs 19. Nab5 QeZ 20. O-O-O Nf6
cle will review and, if appropriate, propose
21. Rhgl KhB 22. exf5 NhS 23. Qldz
Campo to call the meeting. By standing firm
new regulations for consideration.
Nf4 24. Bxf4 exf4 25. W4 BxfS 26.
on the principal point, but acceding to all Nxd6 Qxe2! 27.Qxfs
reasonable requests made by the Soviets, August 6. In Pasadena, Viktor Korchnoi
Not 27. Nxe2? Nb3, matel
Ca.rpo proved himseH a iery able leader. sat down alone at a chessboard. One hour
27. ... Qe3+ 28. Kbl Rxfs 29. Nxf5
I and Don Schultz, our representative on after playing his sole move of the match, 1.
d4, he was declared the winner. Soon after,
Qxf3 30. NxgT Nd3 31. d6 QfZ32.Na4
the Council, agreed that although we should b5 33. dZ QcZ+ 34.Kal Rd8 35. Ne6
support Campo's position in every way, we Campo officially declared a forfeit in the bxa4, White resigns tD
should at the same time attempt to remain Smyslov-Riblimatchaswell. !D


Revised verdict; new, but not good;
Alekhine's sac; insane attack.

Non-masters are invited to submit their best games, my opinion. I wt over the positionfor about an by 27. R-K4!. If at once 24. ... BxP not 25.
with or without annotation. Send them to Iarry Evans hour, continued his analysis and semed to R-Q4 but only 25. R-Ql!. Then after 25. ...
on Chess, c/o Chess Life, 186 Route 9W, New Windsor,
findthatFischerwasvorong- he didn't have a RxPch 26. K-81 PxB, neither 27. RxP nor 27.
NY 12550. Games cannot be retunred, and personal
replies are not pxible. In the following material, notes win! I gave the position as an exerci.s in RxB is gad, but again an 'only' move 27.
in italics are by Grandmaster Evans analysis to the pupils in my chess schal; QxP. SnlI, Blach has a Bishop and two pawrs
thirteen-year-old Gary Kasparov found yet for a Rooh which, consideing the expovd
The Verdict another way to draw it!" position of tMhite's King, gives him good win'
(J ertZeller, Santa Monica, Califor- Botvinnik's drawrng line is 67. Q-B9ch ning chances. Analysts have demonstrated
{ nia: In the only Same ever played K-R7 68: Q-85!. Kasparov found 67. R-QM! that the overall idea of 22. ... ,R-I(R] ttus
between former world champions Mik- R-NOch68. R-B.3! Q-K8ch69. K-Q3 Q-B8ch premature. R-85 was better first. Neverthe-
hail Botvinnik and Bobby Fischer, 70. K-Q2 UPch 71. K-Q3, when Wite's ex less, it will be hard for chess lovers to agree. A
at the 1962 Olym- tra Wwn is insufficient to win. move lihe 22. ... R-KR1 is not eosily
pics in Varna, lMen the game voas drawn, Botvinnik forgotten."
Fischer claimed reryrts, "There were tears inthe youngman's Getting bach to the diagram: Geller probab'
he missed a win eyes." ly abstained from22. B-Q2 Q'Q4 23. Q-Rsch
here in his notes UQ 24. RxQ R-87!, with Blach on top. Dcr-s
to game 39 of My Unsound Noveltv IMite have anything better? On your su7-
60 Memorable (^| f.urrk Cinque, New York City: gested 22. Q-RSch P-N3! 23. Q-R7ch lnot 23.
Games after 66. ... !4J wnut do you think of this new QxP RxBch! 24. RxR Q-K6ch, and Blach
R-N8!!. Fischer defense: L. P-K4 P-K4 2. N-KB3 P-KN3? wirr/ 23. ... N-N2 24. B-R6 R'KNI, White,
then gives "67. White to move with no fruitful continuation of his attach,
Q-B8ch (rot 67. A This defenre is unsound because re- must contend with the threat of . . . R-87 . In ad-
Q-B3ch? R-N6; or 67.
R-R3 K-R7! 68. .tl gaining'the pawn costs Black a groan' dition to being a pawn down, Wite's major
Q-N8ch Q-N6ch wins| 67. ... K-R7 and ing. After 3. NxP Q-K2 4. P-Q4 P-Q3 5. pieces are offside.
.\AIhite's King will be without shelter from N-KB3 UPch 6. B-K3, lMite b far ahead in
Ithe coming avalanche of checks."
development and stands to gain another tempo
ln The Chess of Bobby Fischer, Robert by hichingthe Queen, eitherby N-83 or B-Q3. Alekhine's Defense
Burger spends pages 62-63 attempting to A cn*t"r HaIl, Merritt Island, Flor-
prove Black wins (after 68. Q-B7ch), con- Did Geller Stumble? !4J ia., In the Sorokin-Zhenevsky
cluding: "It is interesting to note that even (JJ"" Friedson, Elmhurst, New system, L P-K4 N-KB3 2. P-Ks N-Q4 3.
grandmasters have such a distrust for cer- }l! York: This is from Geller-Euwe P-QB4 N-N3 4. P-Q4 P-Q3 5. P-B4 PxP 6.
tainty in Queen-and-Rook endings that (Zurich 1953). BPXP N-B3 7. N-KB3(?) B-Ns 8. P-K6 PxP is
Fischer's winning line has never been White lost quick- given invariably. In his monograph on the
wholeheartedly accepted as fact. I'arry Iy by 22. B-R6? subject, Vladimir Bagirov makes no men-
Evans prefaces this game by saying Fischer R-KR1! 23. QxR tion of the shocking piece sacrffice 8. ...
threw away 'the win he maintar'ns was still R-87 24. R-QBI? BxP!? 9. P-Q5 NxQP 10. PxN QxP 11. QxQ
there.' " RxPch 25. K-BL BxQ12. N-B3 N-Ns. Is this idea untested in
After all these years, what is the final Q-N6 26. K-K1 master play, 4nd do you have any im-
verdict on this ending? Q-KB6, White provements for either side?
resigns. What's
fi This controversy has raged for years. wrong with 22. Your piece sac 8. ... BxP!? seems to
.ta,n Achieving the Aim, Botvinnik Q-RSch K-K2 23. be a new idea, probably untested
wntes: "I published a detailed analysis of thb vQzl K-Qrt? 24. B-RSch N-B2 25. Q-QBS, because 8. ... PxP is satisfactory. After your 9.
Rook ending in which I showed that, even if with good chances for White? P-QS NxQP 10. Pxl{ }xP, it looks as if 11.
Fbcher had not fallen into the trap, the game Q-R4! is better than going into a tough ending;
would still have ended in a draw. In 1969, A In his famous notes to this brilliancy' that endingafter 11. UQBxQ 12. N-83lbet'
Fischer quoted my remarhs in full in hb notes ,H, prire game, Bronstein refrains from any ter is 12. B-K2) 12. ... N-N5 lbetter is 12. ...
but continued my analysis and showed in his comment after 22. B-R6 lgame 9 in both the BxN 13. PxB N-85 14. K-82)13. NxB NxN
turn that he ought to have won. In 1976, I Dover and McKay translationsl. After the 14. B-QM P-K3 is aninteresting one inwhich
received a note by the Ameican Grandmaster startlingreply 22. ... R-KRI, he says: "CarefuI the three pawns may compenste for the piece.
L. Evans lhe had collaboratedwith Fischer on analysis, which required no less than a weeh,
the book in question) vrith a request to express provedlMhite could avoidmate by means of a English Opening
few very difficult and'only' moves. Necessary (l nrik. LeBlanc, Northboro, Mas-
Contributing Editor Inrry Evans, an international
grandmaster from Reno, Nev., is afive'time U.S. cham-
is 2s. QxR R-87 24, P-QS!. If %. ... Q-N3ch }gl sachusetts: Korchnoi-Karpov 15th (

25. K-Rl Q-87 26. R-KN 1 BxP V{hite is sved match game 1981) went l. c4.e52. Nc3 Nf6
pion and syndicated ches columnist


BM 5. Nds. In a recent
ent PlaYed 5. ... 0-0 (in-
5. ... Bc5).
Watson's book on the English opines that
Black doesn't get enough for the pawn after
6. NxM NxM 7. Nxe5 Re8 8. d4 d6 9. Nd3
Nc6 10. Nf4. My opponent continued 7. ...
d68. Nf3 Re8 (threatening9. ..' Nd3, mate).
With this in mind, should White accept the
pawn and face7. ... d6?

Yes, of course, White should grab the

fLpawn. On 7. ... d6, then 8. a3 lor B.
Qb3) snuffs out counterplay. Gambits by the
second player are invaiably suspect'

Criminally Insane
Bill Hemrning, Columbus, Ohio: I'd
Iove to see what you have to say about my
win with the Smith-Morra Gambit.
I have heard that this opening is so bad
it's an automatic win for Black and only
professional losers or the criminally insane
use it. I sort of like it, because it winds and
twists into many convolutions and into
every miserable trap that you can set for
the unsuspecting.
My opponent may not be a true believer, .
but I'm just crazy enough to use it agaia. .
P.O. Box 7338 . 4 BA/V1BOO SCREENS
Midwest Open Team Festival 1983
Sicilian Defense GUARANTEED TO PLEASE or return within 30 days for full refund
Hemrning/1670 JimJordan/2o53
1. P-K4 P-QB4 2. P-Q4 PxP 3.
P-QB31? PxP4. NxP N-QB3 5. B-QB4
P-Q3 6. N-B3 P-K3 7. O-O P-QR3 8. Libmry e;ases
P-QR3 Q-82
\How does Blach know so soon that the
This Publication
Queen belongs here? More pertinent is 8. ... is available in
N-83 9. Q-IQ P-R3 (Smith-Meching: SanAn
tonio 1972J. Microform.
9.8-84 N-K410. B-R2B-Kz r1. R-Bl
Q-Nl 12. NxN
This exchange helps Black. More dangerous
is 12. N-Q4, followed by B-KN3 and P-84. Avoid the annoyance of those "can't-find"
12. ... PxN 13. B-K3 N-B3 14. N-R4 copies inevitably they're the ones with
those great games you wanted to study. Turn
A waste of time. Sharper is 14. P'M ight your monthly copies of Chees Llfe into a han-
away. dy, valuable reference file. Choose either the
14. ... N-Q2 t'.P-B4 P-QN4 16. N-B3 handsome, durable library files
or the easy-
o-o to-use binders. Both available in flag blue
Starting to go wrong. After 16. ... PxP 17. stamped in bold. Send orders to: Jesse Joneg
Industrles, since 1843, P.O. Box 5120, Dept.
BxBP Q-N3ch 18. K-Rl 0-0, lMite's compen- CL, Philadelphia, PA 19141.
saion for the pawn is not apparent.
17. P-B5 PxP Check or money order enclosed for
This yields control of d5. Another idea b 17. $ . Please send me, PostPaid:
Llfe Library Cases @$5.95
University Microfilms
... N-83 immediately. Cheee
each, or 3 for $17.00 or 6 for $30.00; and International
r8. N-Qs B-Ql 19. PxP N-B3 Checs Llfe Binders @97.50 each,
Already Blach is feeling the heat. Now 19. or 3 for $21.75 or 6 for $42.00 \cnd rddiuonill rnli)mru(ron

... K-R1is met by 20. Q-RS. For orders outside of the US please add an ad-

20. B-B5 R-Kl21. Q-N3 NxN22. QxN ditional $2.50 per unit ordered.
Q-Nz 23. Q-Qz B-N3 Satisfaction Guaranteed.
This shouldbe met by 24. P'86!. A sturdier Please allow 5-6 weeks for orders sent to a OS
defense is 23. ... Q-Q2. address, longer for orders outside of the OS. SLare Lt

24.8-QS BxBch 25. RxB Q-K2

l(X) Nofrh Zccb Road
Not a good square. Tougher to crack is 25. Depr PR
AnnArbor Mi 481(b
26. R-B6
City State- ZIP


This certainly looks better than 16. ...
N-N3 17. K-B1! R-B1 18. K-K2, as in
Fischer-Rubinetti. Now White's King
can't get to K2.
17. K-Nz P-R3
Why not 17. ... N-Ns immediately?
18. P-QR4! N-N3 19. PxP RPxP 2O-
ilew 1981 rules ln effed. lf 20. ... N-RSch, then 21. K-N31.
2L. K-Bl BxB 22. NxB K-Ql 23.
class K.Kl!
A 55 entry fee puts you into a tournament Intending K-Q2 followed by R-R8ch.
section with three other players of your 26. ... Q-R2ch? But after 23. R-R8ch K-K2 24. RxR KxR
own class You piay two games Falling apart fast. Blach might still hold 25. N-Q7ch K-K226. NxP K-Q3 27.P-Q4.
simultaneously with each opponent (one as by 26. ... B-N2 27. P-86 PxP lnot 27. ...
White, one as Blacb on one set of postcards
N-K3!, Black is betterl
First-place winners wrll receive a certificate Q-Q2 28. R-Q6! QxR 29. BxPch KxB 30. 23. ... R-83 24. R-R8ch K-K2 25.
suitable for framing (This particular tourna- QxQ wins) 28. R/6rBP Q-B4ch 29. K-R1 R-QB8 K-Q3
ment rs recommended for those new to BxB 30. Q-NSch K-Bl!. More active is 25. ... R-N3.
playing chess by mail )
27. K-RlP-R3 26. P-N4 N-K3
victory Perhaps Blach saw, too late, that 27. ...
Q-QS 28. Q-Ns! QxB 29. P-86 P-Ns 30.
Too late now for 26. ... R-Ns 27. R-Q8ch
K-K2 28. R-Q7ch.
A 57 50 entrv fee puts you into a tourna- Q-R6 forces mate.
ment section with six other players within 27.P-B.4!
your class Each contestant plays six games 28. P-B6
- three as White and three as Black- First Even itronger ii 2s. RXKRP! PxR 29.
prize is S20 credit toward purchases from QxP, intending P-86.
the USCF catalog Second prize is 510 credit 28. ... P-N4?
Entries are restricted to those who have It's always instructive to determine the last
completed at least one uscF Postal chess point where the defense coillapsed. The only
assrgnment with no forfeit losses
hope b 28. ... B-K3.
Blach might then offer some resistance on
The Class and Victory toufnaments are open 29. BxB RxB 30.8xR RR 31. P-B7ch K-81
to USCF members who live in the 50 United 32. Q-Q6chQ-K2 33. QcP/S R-Ql.
States, Puerto Rico. Canada, Mexico, and the 29.Q-QBzP-Ks
U.S Virgin lslands or who have APO or FPO
addresses To stop Q-N6ch. But . . .

30. R-B7, Black resigns.

Class Divisions
Roman numerals in parentheses refer to
over-the-board category strengths These
are offered as approximate guidelines to
Echoes of Fischer
help you select a class Frank Stam: This was played in the sixth 27. ... NxN
round of the 1976 Las Palmas International The pawn is immune. If 27. ... NxP,
1 ClassA = unusually strong players (l and Open in the Canary Islands. then 28. R-Q8ch K'Kz 29. R-Q7ch K-B1
Class B = Strong players (ll) I think it's of special interest because it 30. RXBP threatens N-Q7ch. ArLd27. ---
Class C = lntermediate ptayers (lll and lV) follows Fischer-Rubinetti (Buenos Aires RxP 127. ... PxP 28. P-KSch! l<xP 29.
Class O = Novices (V and Vl) l97Ol f.or the first sixteen moves. Then N-Q7ch, followed by NxR, wins) 28.
Rubinetti made an obviously weak move, NxN KxN 29. RxP gains a pawn.
and Fischer won easily.
My opponent's 16. ... R-B1 is dealt with 28.PxPch KxP 29. PxN K-Q5 3O.
in Encyclopedia of Chess Openings, volume K-K2 KxP 31. RxP P-N4 32. K-K3
C, where Gipslis gives it as a recommenda- K.N3
106 ROUTE 9W . NEW WINDSOR, NY 12550 tion (with "r.?"1 ourpage225, note 90. If 32. ... P-KNS, then 33. R-KN7 is
strong. But more active is 32. ... P-QNS or
I enclose S for entries in 32. ... R-85.
the Class Tournaments at 55 each and
- _ Ruy Lopez
entries in the Victory Tournaments at 57 50 33. R-N7 p:QN5 34. R-N8 P-84
each Stam BlasRodriguez White alsowins against 34. ... K-N2 35.
I am (check one):
r. P-K4 P-K4 2. N-KB3 N-QB3 3. P-R4! P-N6! 36. PxP P-N7 37. PxR
n already a postalite
ENs P-QR3 4. BxN QPXB 5. O-O P-B3 P-N8(QI 38. P-87 Q-K8ch 39' K-B3
D a newcomer to postal chess (if so circle
6. P-Q4FKN5 7. PxPQxQ8. RxQBxN Q-R8ch 40. K-B,4 Q-RSch 41. K-Bs
approximatestrength): Class A B C D
As a result of the aforementioned Fischer Q-R4ch (or 41. ... QxPch 42. K-N6l 42.
K-B6 Q-RSch 43. K-N7 Q-N4ch 44. K-R8
game, theory prefers 8. ... PxP.
Q-B3ch 45. R-N7 K-N3 46. K-N8 Q-K3 47.
But the tert is due for its peiodic medical P-B4 P-R4 48. P-Bs Q-R7 49. P-Ks P-R5
checkup. s0. P-K6.
9. PxB PxP 1O. B-K3
Modern Chess Openings 12 gives 10. 35..P-R4! PxP 36. P-B4 P-R6 37.
P-KB4 N-83 11. P'KB3 B-Q3! without fur' R-N3 K-N4 38. RxP P-N6 39. R-Rr
ther comment. K-Ns 40. P-K5 R-R3 4r. P-Bs P-N7
10.... B-Q3 11. N-Q2 N-K2 12. N-84 42. R-QNI r(-86 43. P-B6 R-R8 44.
o-o-o 13. R-Q3 P-QN4 14. N-Rs B-N5 RxP KxR 45. P'87 R-KB8 46. P-K6,
15. N-N3 RxR 16. PxR R-B1 Black resigns $


I. White to move II. White to move III. Black to move IV. Black to move

(AlN-Q5 (Bl P-Qs lcl PxN (Al Q-83 (Bl Q-K1 (Cl N-Ks (Al R-Kl (Bl R-Q4 (Cl P-N3 (AlBxN (BlN-Ks (clQ-R4

A. In the game, White walked into a RP, and White won since 4. ... QxP is
lost ending after the plausible 1. Q-B3? refuted by 5. QxPch.
Decide which move You would PlaY in
RxN! 2. P-KR4 (virtually forced, since
Black loses after either 2. PxR BxN, snar-
B. Black must not give up the Queen-
file in his attempt to get the pawn back.
that position, and then consult the ing two pieces for a Rook, or 2. RxN PxR Correct is 1. ... R-Q4! 2. B-B4 RxRch 3.
discussion below to see ifyou found the 3. NxR Q-B8ch) 2. ... N-K4! (the cool2. ... QxR QxP 4. R-KB? QxP, when Black
best move. N-Q7 has the same effect) 3. PxQNxQch holds (neither 5. BxPch K-R1 nor5. Q-Q7
These positions are taken from games 4. PxN RxRch 5. NxR BxP, with an extra Q-K5 are of help to White). Seek active
submitted by USCF members. pawn and two Bishops. choices rather than passive ones.
B. White has the worst of it, but 1. C. The plausible 1. ... P-N3 2. QxP
Q-K1 offers stiff resistance and averts QxP (if 2. ... Q-N5, then 3. BJ1-Q2 over-
l. A. Motel2lL6-Cooperl2102 (South- material loss. The Queen is needed on protects the second rank) 3. Nz-Qz
east Michigan Open 1982): the first rank to guard the Rook. keeps the extra pawn with initiative (4.
A. White exploited his central control C. Tricky but bad is 1. N-K5?!, in- BxP is threatened).
neatly with 1. N-Qsl PxN 2. PxP! B-K5 3. viting 1. ... BxN 2. N-B3!, with a tenable
PxN B-R7ch (3. ... PxP offers a better defense. But Black gets an advantage IV. C. K. Runkel-A. Suhobek (postal
fight) a. K-Rl RxP 5. QxR! BxQ 6. PxP with either the simple 1. ... NxN 2. PxN te57l:
Q-N1 7. RxB B-B5 8. BxB QxB 9. R/5-QB5 B-K5 or the sharp 1. ... N-K6! 2. BxN (2. A. Black throws away his winning
K-B1 10. P-N7, Black resigns. Q-B3 NxPI 3. QxN QxRchwins) 2. ...Qx' chances with 1. ... BxN 2. BxBch NxB 3.
aB. Too tame is 1. P-Qs, which con-
Bch 3. K-R1 BxN 4. RxB RxR 5. PxR QxN, QxNch Q-B2, with a draw in the offing.
tdins no real threat (not 2. PxP B-R7ch, gaining a piece. White's position is not B. On 1. ... N-Ks, simply 2. N-B4 (but
winning While's Queen). After the desperate enough for desperate not 2. BxN PxB 3. QxP Q-R7ch) holds the
simplifying reply 1. ... N-Ks 2. NxN BxN, measures. balance.
it is hard for White to prove any advan- C. The quietus is 1. ... Q-R4!, setting
tage. III. B. Ed Ross/1394-Sheldon Gel- up a deadly pin. The game concluded
C. White loses the Queen under un- bartlZ22l (Chicago Lawn Chess Associa- with 2. N-K7ch K-82! 3. Q-N2 BxB 4.
favorable conditions after 1. PxN B-R7ch tion YI, 1982): QxN R-QNI! (not 4. ... KxN?? 5. R-N7ch
2. K-Rl RxQ 3. RxR (3. PxP RxRch) 3. ... A. "To my surprise, I found myself BxR 6. QxQ 5. QxB RxR 6. NxP Q-R7ch
PxP. paired with a master in the first round, " 7. K-R3 Q-K3 8. P-Qs Q-KB3 e. P-Q6
writes Ross, who dubs this "Close En- Q-K3! 10. Q-Q3 (no better is 10. P-N4
counters of the Master Kind." A pawn R-N6 11. N-K3ch K-N3 12. P-RSch K-N4)
II. B. R. FalcolIT2S-8. Ross/1804 down, Black tried to regain it with 1. ... 10. ... R-N6 tt. Q-82 P-N3 12. P-Q7
(Exit Open: New Haven 1982|: R-K12. R-KB2 R-B2 3. B-B4 P-N3 4. Qx- R-Nl, White resigns. tD

RxN! KxR 3. R-86, and the Queen mates 4. BxN Q-Q3ch and 5. ... QxB leaves Black
CHESS TO ENJOY with Q-Rz-R3ch, or (B) 1. ... K-Nz 2. R-R3 way ahead materially.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 (threatening 3. QR-QB3) 2. ... P-Ns 4. R-R4 VII. 1. ... R-R4ch! 2. NxR N-N4ch 3.

and 5. RxPch, winning the Ifuight. K-R4 N-B6ch 4. K-R3 QxP, mate. But 1. ...
I. 1. Q-B3ch K-K2lor 1. ... K-N3 2.PxQ1 IV. 1. RxPch QxR 2. Q-B4chl K-B1 3. N-B7ch 2.K-R4 R-NSch 3. K-Rs is unclear.
t. ...P-K4 2. R-Q6ch K-K23. Q-B7ch K-B1 RxQ Black resigns (3. ... KxR 4. Q-B3ch V[I. 1. N-K6l (threatenhg to capture
4. QxNch and 5. QxRch!) 2. R-Q4, Black and 5. QxR). onNT) 1. ... R-KN1(or 1. ... QxN2.RxPch!
resigns. The Queen is trapped. V. 1. ... &K6ch 2. K-R1 12.K'Bt Q'87, RxR3. QxPch md4.QxR17, mate) 2. N/5x-
II. 1.... Q-B8ch (faster than 1.... matel 2.... R-R4, White resigns because of NP!, Black resigns (because of 2. ... R/1xN
Q-NSch), and now lful 2. K-K3 R-Q6ch 3. thethreatof 3. ... RxBch4. PxRQxP, mate; 3. RxRch RxR 3. N-B8ch and 4. NxQ).
K-K4 Q-B6ch 4. I<xP Q-K6ch 5. Q-K4 for example, 3. Q-B1 B-B5 4. K-N1 RxB and IX. BxP! PxB (1. ... RxN 2. PxRch QxP 3.
P-B3ch, with mate next, or (B) 2. K-N3 5. ... R-R8ch 6. KxR Q-R7, mate. B-Q4ch and 4. BxB is easy.) 2. RxPch! KxR
R-Q69h 3. K-R4 Q-R6, mate. VI. 1. ... BxP 2.PzB R-Q6, and now (A) 12. ... K-KZ 3. QXNP mates soon) 3.
[L 1. P-RSch, and now (A) 1. ... NxP 2. 3. BxRQxPchmates, while {B) 3. QxRNxQ Q-QB3ch, andWhitematesonNT. tD


No Second Chance
Solitaire Chess lets you test your ches sltill against the smallest of mistakes can become magri- if you picked this move; if you didn't, score
world's top players. It's easy and fun to play anil, best of fied. And, if you make several inaccuracies zero. Make the correct move on your board
all, you have an unseen ally - another reter helping
yau out in tight situations. AII you need is a chess set, a
in succession, it can even prove fatal. and the opponent's reply, and then rqlea
sllp of paper and. a pencil. With the aid of the scoing In e 1983 Cana- the procedure for all the remaini-ng moves
table below, you can see how your choices stach up dian after making
against the masters.
seve finds himself English Opening
in a lost position. White finishes him off RichardDelaune V. Nikolous&i
quickly with a couple of nice strokes. 1. P-QB4 N-KB3 2. N-QB3 P-K3 3.

How to Play
Cover the scoring table with the slip of
paper. Make all the opening moves given
to accurate\ measure just how much this below, and then move the paper down un-
advantage amounts to. In practical terms, til Black's fourth move is e49osed. Make
the net effect is that, as White, you can get that move on your board, and then study
away with one small error and still have the position. After you've decided on your
equal chances in the game. rriove for White, write down your choice.
The opposite is true when you play Expose the next line in the table for the
Black. With the Black pieces, even the move actua-lly made in the game. Score par

White Par Black Your Move Your 'Position after 15. ... N-N3
Pla Score Pla for White Score

4. Notes to the Game

I. A popular alternative is 5. PxP PxP 6.
6. 3 ...P-QB4 P-Q4. Take 3 points if that was your choice.

II. Also possible is 5. ... P-QB4.
III. This just helps White develop. Bet-
8. ter is 7. ... N-N3.
IV. Take 3 points for 10: Q-K4.
9. Q-PA (Ivl.......4 ...8-K2 (v) .... V. White would have too much
10. o-o. . . 5 ...P-QR3? (vll development after 9. ... Q-R4 10. 0-0!
N/QXP 11. B-Ns, followed soon by R-Q1.
11. Q-N3!. 7
VI. Black prepares ...Q-BZ by stopping
12. P-KR4 (VIrl ..... 5 N-QNS, but this is far too slow. Castling
was indicated here, come what may.
13. B-B/. . 4
VII. Take equal points for 72. B-84 or
14. QR-Br 5 12. R-ql.
N.K4 . 6 . . .N-N3 * VIII. Not only does this move threaten
the Kingside, but it also stops... N-Q4. The
16. N-B6!! (VIII) .... 10 Knight is obviously immune.
IX. White threatened 18. N-R7ch
L7. B.Q3 . 6
followed by either QxP or BXKRP.
18. KR-Qr! 6 X. The Knight must be removed,
because rvVhite threatened 21. BxPch RxB
19. BXNP! 9
22. Q-N8, mate. Black is helpless against
20. Q*P. ' 4 ...BxN (Xl .... the onslaught of the entire White army.
..... XI. White eliminates the defender of
21. RxN/6! (xll 8
K7, prodircing a pretty finish. But just as
22. PxB.. 3 nice was 21. PxB QvS 22. RxN/71! QxRch
23.K-Rz BxR (23. ... Q-BSch 24.P-N3124.
23. B-Q6ch ...4 -..Resigns
Q-N7ch K-Kt 25. QxRch K-8226. Q-N7ch
Your Score K-Kl 27. P-B7ch, as pointed out by
Delaune. Take 10 points if you saw that.
Scale: 75-100, excellent; 55-74, superior; 4A-54, good;25-39, fatr'
XII. If the Rook is captured either way,
21.... PxBwinsatonce. €


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