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Different napkin folding

Double candle

1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you.

2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally.
3. Roll the napkin from the long side to the point as tightly as you can. A tighter roll will
create a stiffer candle in the end product.
4. Fold the candle roll in half.
5. Stick it in your napkin ring and stand it up on the table. Now sit back and laugh as
everyone knocks them over!

Bishop hat

1. Lay the napkin face down in front of you.

2. Fold the dinner napkin in half so that the open end is towards you.
3. Fold the far-right corner diagonally towards you, resting the point in the center of the
side closest to you.
4. Fold the near-left corner diagonally away from you, resting it so that it lies right next to
the previous fold.
5. Flip the napkin over and orient it so it points to the far-left and to the near-right.
6. Fold the bottom half of the napkin up and away from you, laying it so the far edges run
on top of one other.
7. Reach underneath of the napkin and pull out the flap on the right, making the near-side
come to two points as seen in the picture
8. Gently roll the left half of the left triangle over and tuck it’s end underneath the right
9. Flip the napkin over, points pointing away from you.
10. Fold the right-triangle to the left, tucking it’s end into the other triangle.
11. Open up the hat and press the material inside down to fill it out so that it becomes
circular, this may take a little fidgeting.

Decorative pocket

1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you.

2. Fold the napkin in half and orient the open end toward you
3. Fold the napkin into quarters.
4. Fold inside the first and third quarter inside.
5. Turn the napkin over.
6. Fold the left and right side back about 1/3 of the way and press it down.
7. Flip it over and insert the food poker, slicer, and scooper. So what’s for dinner?
French napkin fold

1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you.

2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally
3. Orient the napkin so the long side is on the left.
4. Fold the far corner of the napkin diagonally towards you and to the right so that the
crease falls an inch or two short of the right-most corner and the newly formed point at
the bottom is a few inches to the right of the left one.
5. Fold the right-most point towards you, pivoting at the same place the last fold pivoted.
Use the finished napkin to drape the dinner place. Very classy and uncomplicated

Water lily

1. Lay the napkin face-down in front of you.

2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally or bring the top left corner towards you to meet the
bottom right corner
3. Turn the napkin so the open end is facing away from you.
4. Take the right end and fold it up to meet the far corner. Make sure the edge of the fold
remains in the center as shown
5. Repeat the folds with the left side, ending with the diamond shape you see here.
6. Turnover and you’ll want the open end facing away from you.
7. Fold in half by bringing the farthest point of the diamond up and back to the nearest
point. Turn over and keep the open end facing you
8. Fold the napkin along the center and here is your pyramid, it’s so easy! Everyone will be

Single candle

1. Lay the napkin face down in front of you.

2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally.
3. Orient the napkin so the open ends point away from you.
4. Fold the long side up just about an inch. Press this fold down well or it will interfere with
the next step.
5. Starting at either end, tightly roll the napkin into a cylinder. Take care to roll it straight
so it will stand solidly.
6. Tuck the end of the roll into the base on the backside and stand it up.

Double diamond

1. Start with folding the napkin on the diagonal

2. Fold the right corner to meet the top corner
3. Repeat with the left corner to form a diamond
4. Carefully turn the diamond around and fold the bottom corner up approximately to the
hallway point
5. Tuck the sides under the napkin and you’re done!


1. Begin with a square napkin or fold a rectangular shaped one into an even square
2. Fold the square on the diagonal
3. With the straight edge facing you, fold the right corner to meet with the top corner
4. Repeat with the left corner to form a diamond
5. Carefully flip while keeping the open end away
6. Fold open-ended corner towards you in half
7. Flip again while keeping the open end towards you
8. Raise and fold the napkin along the middle

Butterfly Folding

Start with the Napkin folded in half. Fold one corner down, then the other, and turn the
napkin over. Fold one edge in to the center and then the other. Turn the napkin over
and spread out the top layer one side and then the other. Tuck the top corner in under
the central flap. Pinch the center to form the butterfly body.


1. Starch and press a napkin. Fold it in half diagonally, letting the bottom edge show about
1/8 of an inch, and press the fold; press all folds as you go. Fold in the two bottom
corners of the triangle so they meet at the center. Then fold the sides over so they meet
in the center.
2. Fold up the bottom half of the napkin to about 1/2 inch below the triangle flap. Fold flap
down, closing envelope, and press to finish. This technique works well with any size
napkin; though etiquette experts agree that dinner napkins should be 20 inches square
or larger (medieval napkins were as large as 1 yard square). Smaller napkins are meant
to be used for lunch or brunch.

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