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 Autocratic model is the model that depends upon
strength, power and formal authority.
 In an autocratic organisation, the people
(management/owners) who manage the tasks in an
organisation have formal authority for controlling the
employees who work under them.
 These lower-level employees have little control over
the work function.
 Their ideas and innovations are not generally
welcomed, as the key decisions are made at the top
management level.

 The guiding principle behind this model is that
management/owners have enormous business

 The average employee has relatively low levels of skill

and needs to be fully directed and guided.

 This type of autocratic management system was

common in factories in the industrial revolution era.

 Rapid decision

 Quick crisis Management

 Potential decrease employee stress

 One of the more significant problems associated with
the autocratic model is that the management team is
required to micromanage the staff – where they have
to watch all the details and make every single
 Clearly, in a more modern-day organisation, where
highly paid specialists are employed an autocratic
system becomes impractical and highly inefficient.
 The autocratic model is also a detractor to job
satisfaction and employee morale.
 This is because employees do not feel valued and part
of the overall team.
 This leads to a low-level of work performance.
 While the autocratic model might be appropriate for
some very automated factory situations, it has become
outdated for most modern-day organisations.


1. Depends on power
2. Managerial orientation is authority
3. Employee orientation is obedience
4. Employee psychological result depends on boss
5. Employee needs met is subsistence
6. Performance result is minimum


Unlimited Rule
The leader is in charge no matter what. They decide the
procedures, regulations, and policies.

Reliance on Self
At the core of its name, autocratic means “self-rule” in Greek.
Because leaders do not accept input from colleagues, they are
made to rely on their intuitions and beliefs.

Full Accountability
Since autocratic leaders decide on the measures of completion
for projects and what tasks are undertaken, these individuals
are taking most of the responsibility for the success of the
endeavour. If it does not work out, the blame will most likely
be on their head.

Possessing Expertise
It would be foolish to bring in an autocratic leader who was
not prepared to handle the demands of full responsibility and
complete leadership. Therefore, autocratic leaders are expected
to have a good amount of expertise and experience in the area
they are being brought in to address.

Drive and Tenacity

It takes an ambitious person to be in the lead driver’s seat.
Autocratic leaders likely possess determination, and a
tenacious nature to succeed and get things done. They have to
be ready for challenging times, failures, and uncertainty.

Clarity and Consistency

An effective autocratic leader operates with a level of
transparency. Since they are making most of the decisions,
they have to be skilled and adept at clearly telling others what
they need. These leaders also need to express a consistency in
their communications and actions. The environment has to be
secure. Therefore, autocratic leaders will work to keep rules,
procedures, and policies the same.
 Confidence is a primary quality autocratic leaders possess.
 Being in charge entirely requires a belief that they are
capable and ready for any challenge that comes their way.
 These leaders need to give off confident and secure energy
to their workers since they depend on them as the sole
decision maker.
 The leader has to embrace responsibility since they will
shoulder most of it, and be willing to be held accountable
for unsuccessful projects and endeavour’s.
 An effective autocratic leader will be expected to
communicate clearly and effectively to subordinates.
 Autocracy is a society ruled by one individual. One
person, the “autocrat,” has unquestioned power, and
makes all of the decisions.
 The people living under an autocratic government
have no recourse to effect change, no power of
election, no say in their government, and no leverage
to encourage a different course of action.
 There is one advantage to an autocracy, in that
decisions can be made easily, and put into effect
 Without the need to obtain a consensus of multiple
politicians or delegates, the force of government
moves forward without delay.

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