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Should children do any chores?

It is widely agreed that it is important to give children house chores. That way, you're
helping them grow up and build personal responsibility. Later on, they won't have any problems
coping with dirty laundry or cooking while studying far from home or living on their own. They
learn to do simple things in life and, at the same time, you'll find there are things you don't need
to worry about.
You need to give children appropriate chores, of course. The tasks should take into
consideration the child's age, their abilities and what you really need to be done. Some parents
want kids to give a hand in the kitchen, doing the dishes, setting or clearing the table. Others
prefer them to tidy their bedrooms and put dirty clothes in the laundry basket or help fold and
put away clothes.
One excellent chore for children is to take care of a pet. If they have a dog they should be
responsible for all the chores that are related with the puppy. They should feed the dog, take it
for a walk, give it a bath at least once every few weeks and spend time with the dog. This will
give children more responsibility and a more active role at home. Their own sense of
accomplishment should be their best reward. | ©Escola virtual 1/1

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