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Bryan Frank

Edu 220

December 15, 2018

P.E.P.S.I.- Isaac Perez

Biography- Isaac Perez, a 12 years old, youngest of three, in the 7th grade. Isaac is from

Hanford, California he is a student athlete that excels at pretty much everything he does. He

works through his problems or issues pretty easily. Isaac shows some laziness when doing

something he is not too interested in doing. His mother, who is my cousin does a pretty good job

at pushing education first but she also knows that he needs a release from it as well. That is

where sports come into play, Isaac uses sports to get away from the rigors of school work, we all

need a brake from thing’s and he is learning how to manage both thing’s pretty well.

Physical Development- As a 12 year old boy Isaac is learning how to deal with certain things

such as puberty, growth spurts and a change in body type all while trying to fine tune his

physical development. I remember being a 12 year old boy and they were pretty weird times

trying figure yourself out. “Physical development is the process that starts in human

infancy and continues into late adolescent concentrating on gross and fine motor skills

as well as puberty. Physical development involves developing control over the body,

particularly muscles and physical coordination. The peak of physical development

happens in childhood and is therefore a crucial time for neurological brain development

and body coordination to encourage specific activities such as grasping, writing,

crawling, and walking. As a child learns what their bodies can do, they gain self

confidence, promoting social and emotional development.” (Thomas 2017) Isaac is very

self confident in what he can do physically, we took him to the driving range, he had never

golfed before, only played baseball. He was hitting the ball but not doing to good at first then he

started to make some adjustments and started to get the hang of it. When he was struggling he

didn’t get to upset he just kept working at it. “ Physical activities geared toward aiding in

physical development contribute significantly to a person’s health and well-being,

according to the Surgeon General’s report.” (Thomas 2017) Watching Isaac work through

difficulties with such ease using hand eye coordination and getting upset and making

adjustments showed that he is working in the right direction to hone in his physical development

to be a great athlete if he choses.I hope my cousin can contain whats coming for her with Isaac,

she just needs to keep doing what she is doing and I’m sure he will be fine. Keep loving him,

keep pushing him, and be there for him, good and bad. “Your children need your love, time,

and undivided attention. As a parent, you’re likely to be the most significant influence in their

lives — it’s up to you to help them to feel secure and build their confidence. Habits and

rituals that become a regular part of your family life will have the most impact.” (Foley 2018)

Isaac will do great as long as you stay involved in his life and keep him dedicated to his goals

and future plans.

Emotional Development- For the little time I was around Isaac I could tell that he does not hold

back when he has something to say. I do think he fully grasp his identity but he is working

towards one of family school and sports. “Emotional development refers to the

ability to recognize, express, and manage feelings at different stages

of life and to have empathy for the feelings of others.1 The

development of these emotions, which include both positive and

negative emotions, is largely affected by relationships with parents,

siblings, and peers.2” (Hearron P.F. & V. Hildebrand) Isaac has a great relationship with

his mom I would call him a mommas boy. Isaac has dealt with the loss of his grandfather pretty

well but he doesn’t want to talk to me about it much, his mom says he talks to her which is good.

I feel like he is not quite comfortable in himself yet to talk to me about such things.

“Adolescents move into the identity achievement status gradually and in relatively

small numbers.” ( Allison & Schultz 2001) I do not believe that he has a grasp on who he

really is, he is still learning and growing into what he will become and a lot of that has to do with

emotions, being the youngest boy of three is hard but Isaac has two great older brothers who care

for him, as he does them. He told me that they help him deal with certain things that he deals

with at school like kids bullying or making fun of other kids. I would tell his mom and dad to

keep working with him making sure his interactions with other kids and family members stays

consistent. “To limit feelings of inferiority, play down comparisons, and encourage

cooperation and self-competition.” ( Snowman & McCown 2015) I feel that being able

to work with other kids for a common goal helps any kid emotionally being able to compete with

oneself to the best for your group and or team is someone who will be good emotionally.

Philosophical Development- Isaac has a great mind and I do think he actually knows how great

of a mind he has. He can be very engaging in something he wants to do asking questions

focusing on the task at hand. The willingness to learn why he does things or why he should do

something just tells me that he is still trying to figure out what he wants his views to be and what

he stands for as a young teenager. In my eyes he understands the difference from right and wrong

which will help him out. “Interpersonal reasoning is the ability to understand the

relationship between motives and behavior among a group of people.” (Snowman &

McCown 2015 ) I feel like Isaac is still struggling with interpersonal reasoning because

of how young he is. Isaac has not been put in enough situations with bad people, bad

people with ulterior motives that do not coincide with his or the people around him.

Isaac knows the difference between right and wrong, he is very self aware and he has

the utmost respect for authority figures in his life. Many kids his age are disrespectful

and do not care about anybody else but themselves. I was looking at Kohlberg's stages of

moral development and found that Isaac fits right into stage four. As Kohlberg states “ it is

important to obey laws, dictums, and social conventions because of their importance in maintaining

a functioning society.” I feel like Isaac has all of these traits, it is something his mother and father

have taught him and it is something they need to continue teaching and making sure he makes

the right choices. Isaac has a pretty good grasp on doing to others as he would want done to him,

or as Matthew 7:12 said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I believe

that Isaac is going to be ok as long as mom and dad keep working with him present him

situations that he has to work through like. If you were hungry and had no money would you

steal so you could eat? See what the answer is and work towards keeping a good moral compass.

Social Development- I have been to a couple of Isaac’s baseball games and one thing stood out

to me, he wanted the acceptance of his teammates so bad, when he was struggling you could see

his disappointment in himself. When Isaac was thriving on the field and doing well his teams

moral went up. I’m not sure if this is a problem he has in the classroom but it could turn into a

problem later on.In Anne Ellsworth's PEPSI chart she states “that in children's social

development they tend to compare themselves to their peers. They try to impress their peers so

that they feel like they are “accepted”. Isaac does not try to run away or escape to much he owns

when he is wrong and he owns when he is not right. Isaac did have a cousin kill himself three

years ago and to me that was a form of running or escaping what was really going on his cousins

life. Isaac has not forgotten his cousin he actually uses his cousin’s death as motivation to do

better and to live his life the right way. Isaac did no show any ill intent towards his parents and

is pretty good with direction but as Ellsworth mentioned “The "pre-adult" child tends to resent

parental limits and frequently rebels.” For Isaac not to show any of this leads me to believe he

might be holding something back or in and that could stunt his social development if it’s not

watched or maintained. The book stated that “ They therefore conclude that ascribing poor

performance to low ability rather than to low effort will result in expressions of

sympathy rather than contempt (“It wasn’t Matthew’s fault that he got a low grade on

the last math exam; he just doesn’t have a head for numbers”). ( Snowman & McCown) I

will say that Isaac’s mom and dad need to take thing’s like this serious, kids should always strive

to be great at everything they do, and not worry about what others have to say. This is such a

fragile age that needs to be watched over closely. I know that Isaac’s parents will not let him fail

at this and I encourage them to tell him to stay the course and use everything he has been taught.

As the book mentioned in ch.9 “ In other words, self-control involves behaving in ways

that lead to the accomplishment of desirable goals and suppressing behaviors that are

detrimental when no one is looking.” I feel like this is the what we all should strive for

being the best person we can even when it doesn’t do anything for us in regards to rewards or


Intellectual Development-“Intellectual development is all about learning. It is about how

individuals organise their minds, ideas and thoughts to make sense of the world they live in.”

( Human Growth and Development 2012-13) Isaac is on his journey of intellectual development.

He seems like a very personable kid he engages in conversations, sometimes reluctantly and I

think that has to do with confidence in the subject being discussed. When Isaac is doing, talking,

figuring out a subject that he knows the confidence is exuberated through his words and actions.

“self-efficacy, epistemological beliefs, and self-regulation processes should be

positively related to each other and that both should be positively related to

achievement. A number of studies, including the following, support these


relationships.” (Snowman & McCown) Isaac is old enough to right from wrong but he is also

learning how to regulate certain aspects of his life, like separating sports from school and home

life. Isaac parents do a good job at helping him work through issues of wanting one more than

the other. Isaac’s parents use strict guidelines to help him achieve his goals of going to college

and being a student athlete. Isaac’s beliefs in his talents and family life also need to be regulated.

I would tell his parents to encourage greatness but respect the fact the others sacrifice for you to

have the opportunity to be successful at everything he does.The whole thought of making thing’s

mean something to Isaac. How can his parents get that across? As Snowman and McCown stated

“meaningful learning occurs when people actively try to make sense of the world—

when they construct an interpretation of how and why things are—by filtering new

ideas and experiences through existing knowledge structures. (Snowman & McCown)

Isaac is still in the adolescent stages of life so his experiences are school, home, and family. He

is building his meaningful learning experiences and trying to keep building on his intellectual

development. I would inform Isaac’s parents to keep pushing his intellectual development by

challenging him with situations in school, life and decision making.

P.E.P.S.I.- Development Chart For Isaac


Work Cited Page

1. Thomas, K (2017, June,13) Define Physical Development

2. Foley, M (2018, October,10) Child Development Institute


3. Hearron, P. F. and Hildebrand V. (18 Nov. 2010) “Social-Emotional Development.”




6. Ellsworth, J. Being aware of being “real”

7. Health Social Care & Children’s Services


8.Psychology Applied to Teaching/ Jack Snowman, Rick McCown Published 2015


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