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February 10, 2022

Every Child is Special

1. What is the predicament delineated in the movie?

- There was a nine year old boy named Ishaan who have reading and writing
disorder which is called dyslexia but no one notice it including his family. Since
he has this condition, he can’t write and read properly. They call him as a
disobedient, shameless, lazy and stupid kid because they do not understand how
hard for him to be like that.
2. In the Social Development context, what kind of Parental Characteristics style
could be used in order to help Ishaan grow and why? (Indicate the reference you
have used to support your claim)
- I believe that authoritative parenting is the best parenting style for Ishaan since
studies have shown that authoritative parents are more likely to create confident
children who achieve academic success, have superior social skills, and are
capable of problem-solving. When it comes to coping with conflict, authoritative
parenting is especially beneficial since how we learn to cope with conflict as
children has a huge impact on how we endure losses or how resilient we are as
- While authoritative parents do set boundaries and expect their children to
behave appropriately, they do not require complete obedience. They interact with
the child and reason with him or her, which might encourage collaboration and
educate children the reasons for the regulations. In Ishaan’s case, this type of
parenting, the authoritative style, will help his parents to mold him in becoming a
confident young man. He’s also going to be great achiever, exceptional in social
skills, and capable of solving problems.
3. If you will be talking to Erik Erikson (A psychologist who developed the influential
theories of development) to guide Ishaan properly, what would you think he
would say to you and why? (Indicate the reference you have used to support
your claim)
- I think what he’s just going to say is to break down Ishaan’s school instructions
and activities into smaller steps he can keep up with the pace because if not,
then he’s done for. Ishaan’s going to have a hard coping with it if Erikson’s
advice is not followed properly or just went out to other side of my ear. I’m not
going to let that happen, I will take Erikson’s advice into action, start guiding, and
helping Ishaan to learn and do activities properly so that he will become more
confident and competitive in school.

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