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I am using this opportunity to express my grat5itude to everyone who supported me

throughout the course of this MBA Project. I am thankful for their aspiring guidance,
invaluably constructive criticism and friendly advi8se during the project work. I am sincerely
grateful to them for sharing their truthful and illuminative views on a number of issues
related to the project.

I express my warm thanks to Mr. Harshit Garg from The Derewala Industries Limited for
their support and guidance, I would also like to thanks all the people who provided me with
the facilities being required and conductive conditions for my Project Report.

Thank you.





4.1 MANAGEMENT 19-21











4.12 IT MANAGEMENT 92-93





5 CONCLUSION 103-107


This report titled “CUSTOMER RELATION MANAGEMENT” Contains all the fields of a
Industry, As we require a management to run any industry or organization.

Management is needed in order to facilitate a coordinated effort toward the accomplishment

of an organization’s goals.

Management is a universal phenomenon. It is a very popular and widely used term. All
organizations - business, political, cultural or social are involved in management because it is
the management which helps and directs the various efforts towards a definite purpose.
According to Harold Koontz, Management is an art of getting things done through and with
the people in formally organized groups.

Management is essential for an organized life and necessary to run all types of management.
Good management is the backbone of successful organizations. Managing life means getting
things done to achieve life’s objectives and managing an organization means getting things
done with and through other people to achieve its objectives.

Whether management is an art or science, will continue to be a subject of debate. However,

most management thinkers agree that some form of formal academic management
background helps in managing successfully. Practically, all CEO’s are university graduates.
Hence, the reason for including business degree programs in all academic institutions

Management is a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organizing, directing

and controlling, and the application of these principles in harnessing physical, financial,
human and informational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational

Many management thinkers have defined management in their own ways. For example, Van
Fleet and Peterson define management, ‘as a set of activities directed at the efficient and
effective utilization of resources in the pursuit of one or more goals.’

Megginson, Mosley and Pietri define management as ‘working with human, financial and
physical resources to achieve organizational objectives by performing the planning,
organizing, leading and controlling functions‘.

Kreitner’s said that ‘Management is a problem-solving process of effectively achieving

organizational objectives through the efficient use of scarce resources in a changing

According to F.W. Taylor, ‘ Management is an art of knowing what to do, when to do and see
that it is done in the best and cheapest way ‘.

According to Harold Koontz, ‘Management is an art of getting things done through and with
the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which
people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards attainment of group goals.‘

A leader has certain inherent qualities and traits which assist him in playing a directing role
and wielding commanding influence which others. Leadership is an integral part of
management and plays a vital role in managerial operations, while management is an integral
component of technical as well as social processes. The practice of management is as old as
human civilization. However, the study of management in a systematic and scientific way as
a distinct body of knowledge is only of recent origin.

Management in some form or another is an integral part of living and is essential wherever
human efforts are to be undertaken to achieve desired objectives. The basic ingredients of
management are always at play, whether we manage our lives or our business.

The concept of management is as old as the human race itself. The concept of ‘family’ itself
required that life be organized and resources of food be apportioned in a manner so as to
maximize the utility of such resources. Taking proper steps to safeguard the family from
attacks by wild animals, planning on where to go fishing and hunting and whom to go with,
organizing these groups into chiefs and hunting and fishing bands where chiefs gave
directions, and so on, are all subtle ingredients of management and organization.

A study of various people around the world shows good examples of organizational
structures and organizational evolution over the years. A village open market in a tribe and a
large department store in a modern city serve the same needs in a similar fashion, which is
putting things together that people need. While the tribal organization was simple in nature,
the modern organization is much more sophisticated and complex with many technological
innovations. However, the basic form of management and organizational structure seem to
have existed since the beginning of the organized human activity.
As we studies a brief of what is management in the above topic and also that it is important to
manage all the tasks in our life or in any organization, This whole study is all about the
management in an Industry “DEREWALA INDUSTRIES”

I have been working in Derewala since 1 year as a CRM (CUSTOMER RELATION

MANAGEMENT), and it the center of all the departments that link all the other departments
with each other. Its been a great experience to learn about the International Market and
working pattern in a manufacturing firm. As you will move further with the report you will
come to know about the :

 How different departments that runs in a manufacturing firm at the same time?

 How every employee works with the guidance of management and their respective

 Why is it important with for any firm to have a proper management system and
appoint a management for each Department to have their smooth working?

 And a detailed study of CRM (Customer Relation Management)?

Customer relationship management CRM is a technology for managing all your company’s
relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple:
Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to
customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

A CRM solution helps you focus on your organization’s relationships with individual people
— including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers — throughout your lifecycle
with them, including finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support
and additional services throughout the relationship.

With visibility and easy access to data, it's easier to collaborate and increase productivity.
Everyone in your company can see how customers have been communicated with, what
they’ve bought, when they last purchased, what they paid, and so much more. CRM can help
companies of all sizes drive business growth, and it can be especially beneficial to a small
business, where teams often need to find ways to do more with less.

CRM ensures your data is in one place and can easily be updated by anyone, anytime.
Details can get lost, meetings are not followed up on promptly, and prioritising customers can
be a matter of guesswork rather than a rigorous exercise based on fact

And going further we will study all the below listed points along with the detailed study of

 What is CRM?
 Roles of CRM?
 Importance of CRM?
 How they work?
 List of all the departments by which CRM is linked internally and how?
 Study of Internal Software by which CRM is linked with other departments and keeps
all the data and information live?

A good introduction starts broad and becomes more focused, funneling down from the
background of the project to the specifics of the research problem. It is here that you will
articulate the aim and objectives of the project.

The aim is your overall intention for the project. It is the reason why we are doing the
research and signals where we hope to be by the end. The objectives are the specific that we
take to get there.
When writing an aim, the convention is to use an infinitive verb – that is a to + action. This
could be to measure, to investigate, to verify, to compare, to calculate…

“The aim of this experiment was to determine how the elastic behavior of a piece of bungee
cord varied with applied load”.

The objectives are the specific steps you will take to achieve your aim. These are usually
formatted as a numbered list to make it easy to see the main steps of the project.

Objectives for the above aim might be:

 To apply increasing load to a piece of bungee cord and measure the deflection.

 To examine the relationship between spring constant and applied load.

 To calculate the natural frequency from spring constant values, at various loads.

 To compare an experimental value of natural frequency with a predicted value.

The objectives should be specific and measurable. Each objective should build on the
previous one and as such guide the reader through the structure of the report. This way the
reader will have a clear idea about how the rest of the report fits together.

Be aware that the objectives are not all of the steps of the project. For example “investigate
the context of the problem” is not an objective; it is a necessary step in all projects.

For most projects, we should intend to have a single aim that covers the overall conclusion
you wish to make from the work. For the objectives, it might be worth breaking the project
down into stages and to write an objective to describe each stage. For example, in a data
driven project, there might be collection, processing and analysis phase.

The aim and objective should be put near the start of the report, within the introduction, as it
will give clear direction to the reader and allow them to understand the context and theory
presented given the overall aim. This is especially relevant to the objectives, in that the theory
will be set out using those objectives

For writing a report on Management topic we should always know that it is very important to
write on Business reports are valuable and essential tools for any enterprise regardless of size
or industry. They provide a means to track and analyze the performance and overall health of
the business while identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

Some management reporting is necessary as part of a regulatory requirement. For example,

financial reports are a legal necessity for all businesses as determined by the Government of
the country in which the business is based. Regular business reporting and monitoring are
also necessary for many organizations to keep senior management, board members and other
stakeholders advised on what is happening within the organization.

The aim of a management report is to provide critical analysis of how the business is tracking
in all areas of the organization. Business reports are important tools to guide decision-making
and to allow business owners and senior managers the opportunity to investigate and solve
any identified issues.

Reporting is done through the process of compiling and reviewing the information within a
specific functional area such as finance, sales, operations, inventory control or any area of the
business where performance is monitored and measured.

Once information is gathered and reviewed, conclusions can then be drawn and
recommendations made. The outcome of the report may explain why an issue has occurred or
may identify performance problems and generally will recommend a course of action.

Management reports provide useful insights for management such as information on

spending, profits and growth. Reports will provide important detail that can be used to help
develop future forecasts, marketing plans, guide budget planning and improve decision-

Managers also use business reports to track progress and growth, identify trends or any
irregularities that may need further investigation. In addition to helping guide important
decisions, business reports help to build an audit trail of business activities including reports
that document annual budgets, sales, meetings and planning initiatives.

Business reporting promotes transparency and for many public companies, an annual report is
a legal requirement to provide shareholders, the government and others with financial data
and ownership information about the business. Additionally, regular reporting throughout the
business year enables businesses within the same sector to measure and compare their
performances against others.

Different reports will provide distinct value for all functional areas of an organization.
Examples of some common reports include market analysis, trend analysis and financial
analysis as well as operational and performance reports.

In general, reporting writing is very helpful for making the record of documentation. With the
help of reports, we can easily recognize our work. For example, reports play a vital role in
schools and colleges for knowing how many students have joined in this year. Report writing
also helps the director of the industry, business or any organization in order to make quick
decisions and planning of anything. The importance of report writing is that it also helps to
communicate within the company that is workers, to discuss the problems of the business and
to give investor details of everyday running.

A report can be good when it can be written in the manner of proper communication and
written communication. There are also verbal reports and informal reports. Many kinds of
report provide many types of profits. Report writing consists of the history and facts of a
project or any kind of event. It is useful for recording a past history and an overall summary
of decisions.

Report writing helps as a path to solve problems. Writing a report guides you in a way to
modernize details about improvements and upcoming plans. For example, the progress of
technology or any policy of government. There are many types of report writing such as
research report writing. While writing the report of a research paper seems hard but don’t
worry as there are many online academic report writing services who can help you in any
way. The significance of report writing can be highlighted below.

Achieving Group Goals: Management encourages collaboration and coordination amongst

workers. A general control must be provided to the organizational and personal objectives in
order to favorably accomplish the aims.
Increases Efficiency: Management improves productivity by managing resources in a reliable
conceivable way in order to decrease cost upscale potency.
Creates Dynamic organization: Management undertakes the conditions by assuring that these
variations are well accepted privately and that objection to change is controlled.
Achieving personal objectives: Management promotes leadership and furnishes motivation to
the employees to operate effectively in order to accomplish their personal aims while
working towards the organizational goals.

Development of Society: Management helps in the enhancement of community by
manufacturing reliable quality commodities, establishing employment chances and fostering
innovative technologies.

Management is a goal-oriented method: An establishment has a predefined set of

fundamental goals which are the primary basis for its being. These must be easy and
explicitly mentioned. Different establishments have various goals. For instance, the aim of a
retail market may be to improve sales, but the purpose of The Spastics Society of India is to
allow education to children with specific requirements. Management strengthens the energies
of different individuals in the company towards accomplishing these goals.
Management is all common: The activities associated with managing a firm are familiar to all
companies whether financial, cultural or civic. A petrol pump must be regulated as much as a
school or a hospital. What managers do in India, Japan, Germany, or the USA is identical.
How they achieve it may be considerably diverse. This variation is due to the distinctions in
tradition, history and culture.
Management is a perpetual process: The method of management is a set of consecutive,
composite, but distinct purposes (organizing, planning, staffing, controlling and directing).
These operations are concurrently executed by all managers. The responsibility of a manager
comprises a continuous series of duties.
Management is intangible energy: It is an intangible strength that can’t be seen but its
proximity can be felt in the form of the business operations. The outcome of management is
remarkable in an industry where targets are reached according to procedures, employees are
comfortable and content and there is arrangements rather than confusion.
Management is a group activity: It implies that it is not a single person who completes all the
actions of the industry but it is always a group of people. Therefore, management is a group


Derewala manufactures
unswerving quality that
jewellery are exquisitely
designed and crafted by
experienced professionals.
Created by a particularly
multicultural team, the
collections are both internationally renowned and nationally esteemed. With a blend of global
vision, local craftsmanship, attention to intricate detailing and value for money, Derewala is
creating a niche for itself as well as for the partners and stakeholders.

Since its humble inception in 1987, Derewala has always been thriving for stringent quality
and delivery schedules. Starting its venture from India’s jewellery hub, Jaipur, today,
Derewala has its presence felt all across the globe. Their highly esteemed clienteles are
spread across 30 different countries and across 6 continents. From passionate jewellery
designers to experienced engineers, from master craftsmen to advanced technology, their
forte lies in catering to retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers worldwide with quality
products. The Quality Management team at Derewala emphasizes on achieving utmost
customer satisfaction through in-depth process of testing and quality checking

Derewala believe extraordinary jewelry designs are born in a creative environment, and
providing a playground where designers can make their vision a reality is our responsibility.

Their Mission is to break the traditional mould of a jewelry manufacturing company by

offering under one roof, a casting unit, hollow tube unit, chain unit , fashion unit, handmade
artisans, a findings department, and so many more finishing processes. We create jewelry to
fit the diverse needs of our global customers to fuel their growth, and create forever
partnerships. And we endeavor to remain true to our core principles, uncompromised
integrity, superior service and exceptional value.

Derewala focused on providing superior quality with a commitment of offering the best
quality products in affordable prices, Derewala has been successful in building long-lasting
relationships with its customers and partners. From finest quality of jewellery to prime metal
and gemstones designs, Derewala has created its position in a distinguished manner.

Derewala have a wide range of products that includes working with diverse metals, which
includes Gold, Silver and Brass and also other base metals like zinc. With its huge
manufacturing unit and different verticals, Derewala is able to cater to wide number of
customers from all across the globe. Their partnership with renowned designers, retailers and
wholesalers helps them in offering quality and innovative jewellery products. From ready to
pick exclusive designs to customized jewellery, Derewala has it all.

Derewala is committed towards their clients and holds the potential and also the resources to
deliver the largest jewellery orders within customer’s due date. Their commitment to quality
also correlates their prompt delivery of orders. This is one of the major services that set
Derewala apart from the rest. Moreover, the Company also strictly adheres to import and
export regulations in different destinations.

The integrated manufacturing facility at Derewala is what makes the company self-sufficient
in designing and manufacturing its own jewellery components. Owing to the Company’s
strategic location in the hub of gemstone industry Jaipur, India, Derewala brings to its
customers the best value for money. Moreover, having suppliers from all across the world,
Derewala has reputable source for the best material at competitive rates. Also, the Company
has an in-house stone manufacturing facility for semi-precious stones.

Along with this Derewala also emphasizes upon strict quality control and
it stresses on:

Purity: Derewala has always believed in offering products that epitomize purity. The
authenticity of the products has won the trust of the clients and has made them committed
towards Derewala.
International Standards: With strict adherence to international quality standards, Derewala
does not leave any stone unturned when it comes to providing superior quality jewellery
E-coating: If desired by our customer, each jewellery piece can be processed by E-coating,
which increases the shelf life of the product.

Being a biggest manufacturing firm of jewellery, there are different departments that runs
under one roof, and all are managed at the same time, all have their particular Managers who
are specific and trained in their respective fields, with the guidance of our Management each
Department’s Manager manages their team and runs the department smoothly with
completion of work on time and providing our best service to our Customers.
Below listed are all the departments that runs in Derewala or in any other manufacturing firm
at the same time :

 Management
 HR Department
 Design Department
 Accounts Department
 Finance Department
 Purchase Department
 Sales Department
 Production Department
 CRM Department
 ERP Management
 EXIM Department
 IT Management
 Transport Department
 Maintenance Department
 Security Department
 Stone Management

These are all the departments of Derewala being a manufacturer, All the work that is done is
processed by their respective departments and all these have their individual experienced and
hard working managers to guide the other employs and shower all their experience amongst
their juniours.


Due to the popularity of women’s jewelries, several jewelers find it a habit to create new
designs to attract more people into buying jewelries. Regardless of the designs available on
jewelries, most jewelry manufacturers aim on focusing on the most common jewelry types
around the world today. Here are some of women’s jewelries being produced on a regular

 Bracelet – one of the most common fashion accessories for ladies. With so many
styles to choose from, bracelets are women’s jewelry that will never go out of style.
Other types of bracelets are:
 Bangles
 Beaded Bracelet
 Slap Bracelet

 Necklace – necklaces vary by length, depending on the materials and purpose of the
necklace, sizes and designs may vary.

 Ring – rings are the most used women’s jewelry today because it is one of the
traditions it bring in the society. Rings have similar styles but come in different
designs, composition and value.

 Earrings – just like rings, earrings are also the most used fashion accessories due to its
thriving tradition and meaning. Here are the different types of earrings:
 Stud Earrings
 Hoop Earrings
 Dangle Earrings
 Huggy Earrings

 Anklet – anklets are fashion accessories that can truly accentuate a women’s leg (or
legs). Anklets come in different styles and materials and they all vary by quality and

Let’s continue with the detailed study of all the departments !!


company management there are various stakeholders like directors, officers, managers and
shareholders who guide a company towards the fulfillment of its business objectives.
Management has been defined as “the process of planning, organizing, leading and
controlling the efforts of company members and of using all company resources to achieve
stated company goals.”
Hence, the occupation of
management is to maintain
control over the company’s
actions and performance, and
simultaneously to lead,
inspire and direct the people
working in the company.
This article studies
organizational hierarchy in
company management, role
of shareholders, director’s
responsibilities and types of
officers in company management.

Role of Directors
In company management the shareholders will select a board of directors to represent the
company’s interests.

Role of Officers
Officers of a company are appointed by the Board to Directors to hold various top level roles
and responsibilities within the company. There is no statutory requirement for appointment
of officers in a company. However, Directors are statutorily required to be appointed for all
company by its shareholders. Some of the most popular types of officers of a company are:

Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking person in a company who is ultimately
responsible for taking managerial decisions for the day to day operation of the company.

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a senior executive who oversees ongoing business
operations within the company. COO reports to the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and is
usually second-in-command within the company.

Chief Financial Officer

Chief financial officer (CFO) is a senior financial executive with responsibility for the
financial affairs of a company. Typical responsibilities of the CFO include planning,
budgeting, bookkeeping, accounting, setting up of internal controls, fund raising and other
accounting/financial matters.

Chief Technology Officer

Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a senior technology executive within a company who
oversees current technology development and maintenance aspects. Typical responsibilities
of a CT include aligning of technology-related decisions with the company’s goals, managing
technology development, maintaining technology assets and create technology policies.

Chief Marketing Officer

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) is a senior marketing executive within a company who is
involved in a wide variety of tasks like increasing revenue, improving brand image and
managing marketing campaigns. CMO works directly with sales, marketing, and
development departments to integrate marketing strategies in all divisions of the company.

Chief Legal Officer

Chief Legal Officer (CLO) is a senior legal executive within a company who helps the
company reduce its legal risks by advising the company and its employees or stakeholders on
major legal and regulatory issues the company confronts and manage litigation risks.

Managers report to the Officers or to Presidents/Vice Presidents/Senior Managers within the


Human resource management is a central pillar of many organizations. Human resource

departments are responsible for activities spanning a wide variety of core functions.
In short, human resource activities fall under the following five core functions: staffing,
development, compensation, safety and health, and employee and labor relations.
Within each of these core functions, HR conducts a wide variety of activities.
These activities are all linked by a concern for employee well-being and ensuring
organizations treat employees in a way that provides mutual benefit for both the employee
and the organization.
Human resources (HR) professionals conduct a wide variety of tasks within an organizational
structure. A brief review of the core functions of human resource departments will be useful
in framing the more common activities a human resource professional will conduct. The core
functions can be summarized as:

 This includes the activities of hiring new full-time or part-time employees, hiring
contractors, and terminating employee contracts
Identifying and fulfilling talent needs (through recruitment, primarily)
 Utilizing various recruitment technologies to acquire a high volume of applicants (and
to filter based on experience)
 On-boarding new employees and providing resources for continued development is a
key investment for organizations, and HR is charged with maintaining a
developmental approach to existing human resources.
 Training and preparing new employees for their role, Providing training opportunities
(internal training, educational programs, conferences, etc.) to keep employees up to
date in their respective fields.
 Salary and benefits are also within the scope of human resource management. This
includes identifying appropriate compensation based on role, performance, and legal

 Ensuring compliance with legal requirements based on job function for safety
measures (i.e. hard hats in construction, available counseling for law enforcement,
appropriate safety equipment for chemists, etc.)
 Setting compensation levels to match the market, using benchmarks such as industry
standards for a given job function
 Negotiating group health insurance rates, retirement plans, and other benefits with
third party providers
 Discussing raises and other compensation increases and/or decreases with employees
in the organization
 Defending employee rights, coordinating with unions, and mediating disagreements
between the organization and its human resources is also a core HR function.


Human resources is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization,
business sector, or an economy.
As a process, human resource development takes place within organizations and includes
both training and development and organization development.
Human resources development (HRD) as a theory is a framework for the expansion of human
capital within an organization through the development of both the organization and the
individual to achieve performance improvement.

 Human capital: Human capital is the stock of competencies, knowledge, and

social and personality attributes, including creativity, embodied in the ability to
perform labor so as to produce economic value.
 Training and development (TD), the development of human expertise for the
purpose of improving performance
 Organization development (OD), empowering the organization to take advantage
of its human resource capital.
 Human Resource: Human resource development combines training and career
development to improve the effectiveness of the individual, group, and

 Human resource management is responsible for the attraction, selection, training,
assessment, and rewarding of employees.
 HR also oversees organizational leadership and culture, and ensures compliance
with employment and labor laws.


A design department manager oversees various creative and design projects for an
organization. They collaborate with other members of a design team, ensure projects are cost-
effective, and maintain an up-to-date understanding of their target market. These
professionals often work in advertising,
marketing, graphic design, and public relations.
A variety of creative fields use design
department managers. Some of these
organizations include graphic design and
advertising agencies, public relations, and
interior design firms and marketing companies.
Most design department managers have a
background in graphic design or fine arts. An
associate's degree program or a Bachelor of Fine Arts program will allow a designer to obtain
entry-level work in a design field. Design department managers typically have a Bachelor of
Fine Arts degree, in addition to significant work experience in a relevant field.
Although many organizations have design managers, the core competencies of design
department managers remain consistent. The design department manager should be fluent in
the most relevant design software. The manager needs to understand the abilities of the
creative staff and must be able to provide advice if technological issues arise. This person
must be both creative and organized.

Once a project is awarded, a design department manager works with the design director and
account director to determine how to best allocate the budget and project hours so that the
project is profitable. The department manager is also responsible for selecting the appropriate

designers for the work. Companies often have multiple design projects at a time. As a result,
the design department manager must be capable of scheduling people's time and also able to
juggle multiple projects at once.

The design department manager is integral to providing clear communication to a variety of

people within the organization. The design department manager must be able to synthesize
feedback and relay it appropriately. The design department manager is involved with
developing strategic organizational policies.

Once the management has established new

policies, the design department manager is required
to relay this to the design staff. The manager also
works with design directors and other staff to
review client feedback and provide suggestions on
how to best relay this information to the design

In addition to understanding design management

and workflow, the design manager must have a
solid understanding of the competitive marketplace.
This can be done through studying online reviews and consumer research or via surveys and
market research. With this knowledge, the design manager can review projects to ensure they
are aligned with the market, but also appropriately differentiated.

The design department manager has many responsibilities. The manager oversees creative
staff, communicates information, helps ensure projects are profitable, and is constantly
learning about design software and marketplace trends.

At Derewala, every product is designed with detail, keeping in mind the customer’s
requirements and expectations. The team of in-house designers is well experienced and
skilled to bring forth designs that make an impression.

As CRM is directly connected with the customers so they have to provide a brief to the
designers as per their customer requirements and have to coordinate with the design team so
that the correct designs are shared with the customer. This briefing is given through the ERP
Software so that it can be recorded and the status can be kept live.

Keeping client satisfaction as the prime focus the experts at Derewala manufacture designs
exclusively for the customers. Customers also enjoy the freedom of having their own designs
manufactured by us and can also select designs from Derewala’s open line collection. The
ultimate objective behind this meticulous exercise is to make sure that every piece of
jewellery is a value for money for the customers.

Every designed piece by Derewala expresses the company’s objective of offering customers
with new and innovative jewellery. From traditional wear to celebration wear, from minimal
to casual, the wonderful blend of modern and culture is reflected through the wide collection
offered by Derewala.

Understanding the requirements of the present day customers, Derewala produces

aesthetically appealing and commercially viable products. The skilled and experienced
craftsmen hold diverse manufacturing capabilities at their fingertips and this enables
Derewala to create hundreds of innovative designs every month.


The functions of the accounting and finance department in any business can get a little
confusing. Entrepreneurs tend think and move quickly, so ensuring the accounting
department is stable is pivotal in the growth of your business.

The accounting department is responsible for a large number of administrative functions

within an organization. The accounting department also keeps detailed records on all
products held for sale by the business and, when the products are sold, records the cost of the
goods sold.


 Accounts Payable (money out) – In order to maintain great relationships with vendors
making sure that everyone gets paid on time is a vital role.
The role of the accounting department includes keeping an eye on opportunities to
save money.

 Accounts Receivable and Revenue Tracking (money in) – Another critical duty of the
accounting department is to account for and track receivables, including outstanding
invoices and any required collection actions. Accounts receivable is responsible for
creating and tracking invoices.

 Payroll – Payroll is a critical function of the accounting department and includes

making sure all employees are paid accurately and timely. In addition, proper tax is
assessed and tax payments are on time with state and federal government agencies.

 Reporting and Financial Statements – The primary reason you collect data properly in
your accounting software is to prepare financial reports that can be used for
budgeting, forecasting and other decision making processes.

 In addition, these and other reports are needed for communication to investors, banks
and other professionals that play a role in the growth of your business.

 Financial Controls – Financial controls include reconciliations, dividing the

responsibilities and following the GAAP standards of accounting principles, all of
which are implemented with view toward compliance, fraud and theft prevention.
The role of the Controller is to ensure procedures are set up properly to manage that
process without errors.



key Treasury
Accounting Accounting
Supervisor Manager



 Chief Financial Officer (or CFO)– CFOs are typically the head financial executive of
large businesses.
 Financial Controller – Financial Controllers are key players within accounting
departments and work alongside CFO’s, COO’s, and Financial Directors.
 Treasury Manager – The treasury manager’s role in the accounting department
revolves around the formulation and development of treasure policies.
 Accounting Manager – An accounting manager is responsible for a company’s
accounting activities that include maintaining and reporting on both the cost and
financial sets of accounts but does not handle or negotiate.
 Chief Accounting – The chief accountant holds the same responsibilities as the
accounting manager, but the role simply differs in terms of the job title.
 Accounting Supervisor – Shares the same responsibilities as an accounting manager
and provides support as a member of his/her team.
 Accountant – Accountants play a key role in finance departments such as the
measurement and interpretation of financial information.

 Bookkeepers – Bookkeepers provide the day-to-day efforts needed to record and
assess basic accounting data. They typically do not take a strategic role.



g and
Corporate ceivables Financial
Reporting and
& Corporate

Risk Tax and
Management FINANCE Compliance
Planning and
Planning &
Treasury &


 Bookkeeping and Payables/Receivables:- Bookkeeping is the most basic financial

activity in a company.

Before a business owner ever considers hiring a CFO, they bring in a bookkeeper,
who tracks all of the transactions in the organization, covering both sales and

 Financial Reporting and Control:- Financial Reporting and Control is the function that
takes raw accounting entries and transforms them into usable and comparable
financial statements.
 Tax and Compliance:- Running a business involves paying tax, and paying tax means
doing a lot of calculations and filling out a lot of forms.

 Strategic Planning and Financial Planning & Analysis:-This function, “FP&A” for
short, is the true bridge between the Past and the Future.

FP&A regularly creates strategic and financial plans that forecast what financial
results (sales and expenses) will look like in future periods.

 Treasury & Working Capital Management:-The key role of Treasury is to make sure
that the company doesn’t run out of cash.

This means, among other things, forecasting the upcoming working capital
(receivables, payables and inventory) needs of the company, investing surplus cash in
short-term instruments to generate modest interest income, and managing currency

 Capital Budgeting:- Capital Budgeting is the function responsible for selecting

between the various uses of capital, or capital projects.

After all, most organizations will have money available to invest in the business, with
the hopes of either growing sales or reducing expenses.

 Risk Management:- Risk Management is a function that is rapidly developing after

the financial scandals of the early 2000s (Enron, WorldCom, the Great Recession and
Lehman/Bear Stearns collapse, etc.).

 Corporate Development & Corporate Strategy:- Corporate Development and

Corporate Strategy can be widely defined, but it is the area of Finance most heavily
populated by former investment bankers and management consultants.


Most major companies and even some government organizations have a purchasing or
procurement department as part of everyday operations. These departments provide a service
that is the backbone of many manufacturing, retail, military and other industrial
organizations. Many individuals, even some who work for these companies, are unaware of
what the purchasing department does, why it exists or what purposes it serves.

 The purchasing department is responsible for procuring raw materials and other
resources at the best possible price.

 One role of the purchasing department is to procure all necessary materials needed for
production or daily operation of the company or government organization.

 The purchasing department makes sure there is always sufficient product on the
shelves or in the warehouses to keep the customers happy and keep the store well-

 A purchasing department also is charged with continuously evaluating whether it is

receiving these materials at the best possible price in order to maximize profitability.
This can be challenging for a small business that may purchase in lesser quantities
than a larger vendor and which thus may not receive the same type of bulk discounts.

 A purchasing department in a small business needs to shop around to find the best
vendors at the most reasonable prices for the company's particular size orders.

 Purchasing department staff may communicate with alternate vendors, negotiate

better pricing for bulk orders or investigate the possibility of procuring cheaper
materials from alternative sources as part of their daily activities.

 Purchasing departments handle all of the paperwork involved with purchasing and
delivery of supplies and materials. Purchasing ensures timely delivery of materials
from vendors, generates and tracks purchase orders and works alongside the receiving

department and the accounts payable department to ensure that promised deliveries
were received in full and are being paid for on time.

 The purchasing department also must ensure that it is complying with all company

 Purchase departments help keep organizations financially healthy. They procure

goods and services designed to meet operational needs while providing the highest
possible value.

 The role of the purchasing department plays within a company depends on the size of
the organization. Outsourcing and technological advances have affected the job
outlook for the purchasing profession negatively, which is a trend we can expect to

 purchasing department support company operations as the primary buyer of goods

and services in private sector companies, government agencies, educational
institutions, or any other type of organization.

 Purchasing departments handle both competitive and non-competitive bidding


 Purchasing departments often buy certain types of goods and services directly from
the vendor.


Purchase departments help keep organizations financially healthy. They procure goods and
services designed to meet operational needs while providing the highest possible value.

The role of the purchasing department plays within a company depends on the size of the
organization. Outsourcing and technological advances have affected the job outlook for the
purchasing profession negatively, which is a trend we can expect to continue.

The purchasing department support company operations as the primary buyer of goods and
services in private sector companies, government agencies, educational institutions, or any
other type of organization.
Purchasing departments handle both competitive and non-competitive bidding processes.
They have to collect information from company stakeholders regarding the types of goods
and services required then contact vendors who could be interested in bidding and purchase
advertisements to announce the bidding process. When it comes to a non-competitive bidding
process, the procurement department may also have the task of choosing the qualified


All the activities of the Sales department are for selling to earn maximum profit. For this
purpose continuous search is made for profitable markets. Various agencies are opened
through-out the country and if possible in foreign markets also.

Sales promotion is a direct and immediate inducement that adds an extra value to the product
so that it prompts the dealers, distributors or ultimate consumers to buy the product. Sales
promotion activities are complementary to advertising and personal selling efforts.


 For introducing new products

 For unloading accumulated inventory.

 For overcoming a competitive situation.

 For overcoming seasonal slumps/decline.

 As a support to the advertising effort.


 Looking for the Sales Opportunities with the existing and new customers to sell
products and services

 Organization effective presentation to the customers regarding the requested product

and service

 Permanent contacts with the customers to know their needs and requirements

 Identify the target budget for each year with following-up percent of the budget
realization each quarter of year

 Definition Business Opportunities with each customer to be considered in the target

budget or forecast list

 Development the rapports with all existing and new customers to know their future
plan as well as co-ordination with Marketing Department to reach the strategic goals.

 Identifying and Contacting Prospects.

 Delivering Presentations and Closing.

 Managing Customer Relationships.

 Setting up targets and Goals.

 Efforts in achieving the targets and Goals.

 Coordinating its efforts to dovetail with those of the marketing department.

 Put efforts with other departments for recovery of money from customer in
exceptional cases.
 Listening to customer needs.
 Track trends and monitor competition.

 Work and transmit brand values.

 Coordinate efforts with those of the marketing partners of the company.

 Communicate with the rest of the company.

 Help improve sales processes and customer.

 Manage marketing budgets.

 Calculate the ROI (Return Of Investment) of the company’s actions.


The professionals at Derewala are constantly updating themselves with latest technology and
innovative machineries that are introduced in the jewellery manufacturing industry. With
digitalised design and complete in-house manufacturing process, they include 2D Corel and
3D CAD/ Cam Design, Laser Cutting, Soldering and Setting.

The impressive production facility at Derewala spans over an area of 250,000 sq. ft. The
Plant holds the potential of producing approx. 20 million tons per year. The entire Plant has
been planned with Italian and German machineries that make the Plant one of the largest of
its type in entire Asia. With more than 1500 + employees, the Company exports its products
to over 30 different countries, across 6 continents.

The manufacturing unit at Derewala is a class apart, as it is integrated with varied

manufacturing processes that includes casting, milling, stamping, hollow tubing and
handmade jewellery production. The designated chain making factory emphasizes on
enhancing the existing products and introducing new designs.

In Derewala Jewellery manufacturing is done by the listed three methoda, all methods include
different processes, and all are managed by the management of production , The main room
where all the planning for the production takes place, hoe will the pieces move on the floor is
planned by the hard work of PPC TEAM(Production,Planning, Control), and the ERP
Software makes it Easy to maintain the data and keep all the status live on system, so that it
becomes easy to follow up at which stage is the production for each styles is! As we know
that during the manufacturing process the goods go through many stages and by the help of
the software it becomes easy to track. Although almost all the departments uses ERP System
to make their work easy in Derewala, and keep linked with each other internally, But
Production and CRM are the two Departments which mostly uses the ERP.
As CRM and Production are dependent on each other, so this software helps to keep a
transperacy amongst both the departments.
In our report further we will study about the Process of Production and how the ERP System
helps in maintaining mass production?

Also we will study about all the working of CRM and how ERP helps them to work
smoothly, maintain reports, and be live on their customer orders?

Orders are released by the CRM team as per theior customer requirements, once it is checked
by the PPC, They approve the orders ,After the approval CRM Verifies the order and releases
Work Order, Once work order is release the time line given to PPC for completion of order
starts, After the time limit is completed it is the responsibility of Production to complete the
goods with Packaging. After that the CRM processes the documents and ship the
goods.Hence the production and CRM are related to eah other to satisft the customers.

PPC (Production planning and control)

Production planning and control refers to two strategies that work cohesively throughout the
manufacturing process. Production planning involves what to produce, when to produce it,
how much to produce, and more. A long-term view of production planning is necessary to
fully optimize the production flow.
Production control uses different control techniques to reach optimum performance from the
production system to achieve
Throughout targets.

 Improved organization for

regular and timely delivery. ORDERS

 Better supplier
communication for raw
materials procurement. COST
 Reduced investment in
 Reduced production cost by

increasing efficiency.
 Smooth flow of all production processes.
 Reduced waste of resources. FIG:PPC (Production planning and control)

 Production cost savings that improve the bottom line.


 Regulation of inventory management.

 Optimum utilization of production process and resources.
 Organization of the production schedules, typically with the help of dynamic
production scheduling software.
 To make sure the right quality and quantity of equipment, raw materials and more are
available during production times.
 To ensure capacity utilization is aligned with forecast demand.



The role of production planning and control in the manufacturing industry is to ensure that
materials and equipment are available when needed and that everything runs smoothly.
Component traceability and procurement has special challenges in the electronics industry
that require diligent planning. The end goal is the most efficient and profitable production

 Taking orders from marketing division:- Order collect from the buyer with the details
information (Art work, technical sheet) is the first and principle task in textile and
apparel industry. After getting the order from marketing division then other process
 Analyzing the orders:- There are various key points of garment which should be
analyze before confirming order. This section analyzes the orders according to buyers,
Order Quantity, type of orders (i.e. type of fabric, color to be dyed etc.), delivery date
etc. Also analyze the following points.
 Production Planning:- Important role of production planning and control is to smooth
production. Every functions of production are includes in planning. Such as planning
for dyeing the yarn, planning for weaving the fabric, planning for finishing the fabric
etc. The quality objectives are defined at organizational and functional levels in
measurable term. Review is conducted at a suitable time interval with proper
recording system.
 Cost analysis:- Cost analysis is another important role for production planning.
Garments costing is the heart of this business. So cost analysis must be accurate. Cost
Analysis worksheet will help you to determine how to price your products. The cost
of production should be as minimum as we already gave a price to customer while
taking order. In this calculation all major & minor costs are involved. For privacy of
company business policy we here omit the actual costing & price simulation.


 ROUTING: - This part of planning involves the precise route a product or the
materials take on the production line. The whole operation is planned and designed
carefully, and the pat and sequential order is determined and agreed on. At this stage,
what equipment is used, and resources will be considered.
 SCHEDULING: - The scheduling state is used to determine the time needed for the
process, resources and machines to complete a certain step, activity or task.
 LOADING: - This is when the execution of the scheduling and the routing occurs.
The load at each of the routing points and the start-end of an operation or activity are
checked for resources support and help. It’s during this step that the assignment of
individual work will take place. It is also when efficiency will be put to the test.

 DISPATCHING: - This is the stage when the real work starts and the actual
implementation of the plans that were made are put into production. During this stage,
you will have production orders issued to be the operations and to fuel the onward
movement on the production line.
 FOLLOW-UP:- There’s no way to know how effective a particular process is unless
you follow up on it after an evaluation. You need to look for any visible or possible
bottlenecks at this point that may hinder the seamless flow of the production line at
any stage.
 INSPECTION: - Inspection bouts and audits should be conducted to ensure
everything under the productions scanner adhered to the proper quality standards.
 CORRECTION: - Once the steps above are done, the results will be seen, and you
can take action to correct any issues. This is crucial to make the process more efficient
in the future.


 Work with materials department in material planning and analysis to reduce inventory
 Plan, schedule and monitor material movement in production cycle to ensure
continuous operations.
 Track material shortages and provide immediate resolution.
 Assist purchasing unit in coordinating and planning supplier deliveries.
 Identify new suppliers and manage existing suppliers to meet production needs.
 Monitor inventory status and generate inventory reports to Production Manager.
 Perform inventory management according to company policies.
 Assist Sales unit in coordinating and planning customer orders and deliveries.
 Identify delivery exception and provide alternative solutions.
 Generate reports on production shortages and sales impact to Factor Manager for
 Address customer queries and concerns in a timely fashion.
 Develop process improvements for inventory, manufacturing and production control
 Evaluate production control activities to ensure that final product meets customer
 Plan equipment, material and manpower requirements to meet production schedule.



Made manually by hands CAD Making Hollow stripes are made

Polish Master Making Attaching of Findings

Collet making/Stone Setting Cutting of Rubber Mould Textures are given if required

Oxidation Waxing End covers are attached

Plating Casting Polish

Quality check Tree Cutting Plating

Packaging Grinding Quality Check

Filling Packaging

Stone Setting

Magnet Process

Tumble Finish



Quality Check





The world’s finest jewelry is handmade, one piece

at a time. To be considered “Handmade Jewelry” it
item must be fabricated from raw metal by a
jewelry artisan, using only tools that are controlled
by hand. The lost art of jewelry making fine
handmade jewelry requires highly skilled labor to
manually control tools and to transform precious
metals and gemstones into works of art. It is for this
reason that jewelry connoisseurs everywhere know
handmade jewelry is the benchmark for craftsmanship in fine jewelry.

In this process jewellery is made manually .The traditional use handmade ring shankof molds
and casting prefabricated parts are forfeited in the spirit of old world craftsmanship. In our
shop raw gold and platinum are alloyed and barred. The precious metal bars are then wrought
and forged into the desired shapes which are then formed into miniature parts and settings.
These precision pieces are then soldered and welded at extreme temperatures by the steady
hands of master model makers skilled in the art of jewelry fabrication.

Created from a single piece of precious metal that is hand rolled with mills and pulled
through draw plates, the metal is then filed ground and tooled. The completed handmade
model will handmade setting undergo jewelry polishing to prepare it for stone setting. Once
polished expert stone setters hand cut seats into prongs and metal walls to support the gems.
The stones are then seated and meticulously secured by the hands of a master stone setter. In
the end, the resulting handmade jewelry is completed in the same way as it was created for
royalty throughout the ages.

In these days of mass production, master jewelers and

model makers are a rare commodity. We are happy to report
that the lost art of creating handmade jewelry is alive and
well in the workshop at Jewelry Designs. Creating jewelry
by hand from platinum, gold, diamonds and precious gems
is the life ambition of our jewelers. These talented artisans
have been making precious handmade jewelry in our studio
in Danbury, Connecticut since we opened our doors in 1980.

After making the jewellery it undergoes a pre polishing process to remove all the impurities.
Most jewellery and silverware is polished to a shiny, bright finish. Despite the array of
alternative finishes out there, the majority of us, like magpies, are drawn to shiny, bright
objects. And unless you are making very niche, designer items, a fine mirror polish is what
you will be striving to achieve with each piece when jewellery polishing.

As with many jewellery techniques, how to
polish jewellery really is a complete subject
in its own right. There are a number of ways
to produce a nice jewellery polish, and your
technique of choice is really down to the style
of work you produce, but also what your
budget will stretch to.


After this process collets are made and stones are setted in the jewelry as per the
Stone setting is the art of securely setting or attaching
gemstones into jewelry.

Cabochon and facet:- There are two general types of

gemstone cutting: cabochon and facet. Cabochons are
smooth, often domed, with flat backs. Agates and
turquoise are usually cut this way, but precious stones
such as rubies, emeralds and sapphires also may be.
Many stones like star sapphires and moonstones must be
cut this way in order to see the effects the stones have in

A faceted shape resembles that of the modern diamond. It has a flat, polished surface, and it
usually has a transparent surface that refracts light inside the gemstone and reflects light on
the outside. In the case of a cabochon stone, the side of the stone is usually cut at a shallow
angle, so that when the bezel is pushed over the stone that angle permits it to hold the stone in
place and keep it tight. In the case of faceted stones a shallow groove is cut into the side of
the bezel into which the girdle of the stone is placed, and then metal is pushed over, holding
the stone in place. Cabochons can also be set into prong settings of various kinds, but the idea
is the same—it is the prongs going over the angle of the stone that creates the pressure that
holds the stone in place.

Bezel setting:- The earliest known technique of attaching stones to jewelry was bezel setting.
A bezel is a strip of metal bent into the shape and size of the stone and then soldered to the
piece of jewelry. Then the stone is inserted into the bezel and the metal rubbed over the stone,
holding it in place. This method works well for either the cabochon or faceted stones.

Prong setting:- Prong setting is the simplest and most common type of setting, largely
because it uses the least amount of metal to hold the stone, thus showing it off to its best
advantage. Generally it is simply some number of wires, called prongs, which are of a certain
size and shape, arranged in a shape and size to hold the given stone, and fixed at the base.
Then a burr of the proper size, is used to cut what is known as a "bearing", which is a notch
that corresponds to the angles of the stone. The burr most often used is called a "hart bur" that
is angled and sized for the job of setting diamonds. That bearing is cut equally into all of the
prongs and at the same height above the base. Then the stone is inserted so that it goes into all
of the bearings, pliers or a pusher are used to bend the prongs gently over the crown of the
stone, and the tops of the prongs are clipped off with snips, filed to an even height above the
stone, and finished. Usually a "cup burr" is used to give the prong a nice round tip.

Channel setting:- Channel setting is a method whereby stones are suspended between two
bars or strips of metal, called channels. Often when setting small stones and the bars go in a
line with the design it is called channel setting, and when the bars cross the lines of the
design, it is called bar set. The idea is the same, though. The channel is some variation of a
"U" shape, with two sides and a bottom. The sides are made just a bit narrower than the width
of the stone or stones to be set, and then, using the same burs as in prong setting, a small
notch, which is again called a bearing, is cut into each wall. The stone is put in place in those
notches, and the metal on top is pushed down, tightening the stone in place. The proper way
to set a channel is to cut a notch for each stone, but for cheaper production work sometimes a
groove is cut along each channel. Also, since the metal can be very stiff and strong, this is a
situation where a reciprocating hammer, which is like a jackhammer but jewelry sized, might
be used to hammer down the metal, as it can be difficult to do by hand. Then, as always, the
metal is filed down and finished, and the inner edge near the stones cleaned up and
straightened as necessary.

Then the jewelry passes through oxidation process to show roughness that shows that the
jewelry is handmade.
Oxidized sterling silver jewelry is made of sterling silver that has been exposed to oxygen in
a pressurized environment for a long period of time. It is different from traditional silver
because it is a darker color and has very little luster. The effect of oxidizing pieces is for a
slightly tarnished or antique jewelry look. This happens when the sterling silver jewelry is
purposely exposed to air that contains sulfur. This compound, silver sulfide, creates blacked
patches, which gives the silver a dark black finish, resulting in pieces that have more of a
vintage look.
Pure silver must generally be polished and cleaned on a regular basis to keep it from
becoming tarnished. It should not be placed in areas where it will be exposed to large
amounts of oxygen and should be taken care of in special silver storage containers. Oxidized
sterling silver jewelry will not be affected by the tarnish and the tarnish will allow the
oxidized sterling silver jewelry to take on a more oxidized work.
Oxidized sterling silver jewelry does not have to be polished or cleaned and can be left in any
type of environment.
Silver sulfide can be removed from oxidized sterling silver jewelry easily, giving the metal
back its shine. Abrasive polishes remove silver-sulfide buildup, restoring luster; some
dissolve the substance, but also strip away some of the precious metal. Other polishes reverse
the original chemical reaction, turning the silver sulfide back into normal, shiny silver.

The plating process is a manufacturing process in which a thin layer of metal coats a
substrate. Metal plating provides many benefits to products made from metal and other
materials. This can be achieved through electroplating, which requires an electric current, or
through electroless plating, which is in autocatalytic chemical process. In either case, the
technique results in one or several of the following benefits:

 Improved corrosion resistance

 Decorative appeal
 Increased solderability
 Enhanced strength
 Reduced friction
 Altered conductivity
 Enhanced paint adhesion
 Increased magnetism

Chrome Plating:- Chromium plating often serves a merely decorative purpose, but can also
foster heightened corrosion and friction resistance. Chromium most often plates nickel in the
production of furniture and automotive trim products. Iron and steel are other common
substrates of chrome plating, but usually require the use of a copper strike to provide proper

Gold Plating:- Gold is prized for its high resistance to oxidation and electrical conductivity.
Gold plating, which differs from gilding in that the gold is not a foil, is one of the simplest
ways to impart these characteristics on metals such as copper and silver. The process is often
used for jewelry decoration and for improving conductivity of electronics parts such as
electrical connectors.

Silver Plating:- Like gold, silver is used in plating applications that call for decorative appeal
and improved electrical conductivity. In general, silver serves as a more cost-effective plating
solution because it is cheaper than gold and plates copper well.

Nickel Plating:-Nickel plating is a popular plating metal, especially because it’s useful in
electroless plating. Nickel plating often coats household products such as doorknobs, cutlery
and shower fixtures for enhanced decoration and wear resistance. Nickel plates commonly
bond with copper and aluminum, but also work on a wide variety of metals.

Rhodium Plating:- Rhodium is a type of platinum that provides tarnish resistance, scratch-
resistance and a shiny, white lustrous appearance. Rhodium plating is also common in
jewelry production, especially in situations where white gold requires plating. Silver,
platinum and copper are also popular base metals for rhodium plating

After plating the goods are sent to the quality check department, where the quality of the
goods are checked so that they can be packed and shipped. This is the most crucial part of
the entire process. Utmost importance is given to the Quality Check process adhering to strict
measures. The quality control team hold
experience in offering complete check of
the products offering both quality and

Derewala implement quality control at

every stage of production. The process
integration allows for real-time
information collection and feedback,
which ensures that the quality quotient is
measured at every point and does not fall below the benchmark. Derewala is always
dedicated to provide best quality products and services to the customers and also ensures
continual improvement towards environment protection, occupation, health and safety.

After quality check the goods are sent to packaging department , there the packaging is done
as per the customer requirements and the goods are handed over to the CRM department for


CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the designer, improve the quality and
dimensional accuracy of design, and to create a database for manufacturing. Once a design is
conceptualized in the mind of the jewellery designer, it is drawn on paper and then into the
system. This process of constructing a design into the system is facilitated through Computer
Aided Designing technology.

Once the CAD design file is ready, it is transferred on 3D Rapid Prototype system. This
system works on the principle of Direct Light Projection Technology. The resin model is
created using 3D Rapid Prototyping system (RPT) which is fully functional.
Resin output from CAM is then converted into silver model by using casting process. The
silver model is a master design that is copied to make many similar pieces of jewellery. The
silver model is used to create the rubber Mould from which all subsequent pieces are made.


Mould making is an integral part of the production process. It helps in creating multiple
pieces of jewellery of the same design. These designs remain protected and embedded in the
mould forever and it is possible to create replicas of the same in future. There are different
types of materials used for mould making like natural rubber, silicone and metal. The method
used for mould making is called “Vulcanizing”.

Rubber molding is a molding process that produces a usable rubber product. Rubber products
are made from uncured rubber or elastomers. An
elastomer is any material with sufficient resilience
or memory for returning to its original shape in
response to pressure or distortions. Rubber and
elastomers can be derived from natural sources,
although they are mostly synthetic, produced
through highly controlled chemical processes.
Rubber is an excellent material for situations that
require a material to expand and return to its
original shape.

Rubber molding creates molded rubber parts by pressing a block of rubber into a rubber
molding metal cavity. The rubber is then exposed to heat, activating a chemical reaction.
While there are variations in specific methods, all rubber manufacturers use heat and pressure
method to form molded rubber products. The three most common methods in the rubber
molding process are rubber injection molding, compression molding, and transfer molding.

This step involves the production of wax pieces from the rubber moulds made from the silver
master. The rubber mould is placed on the commercial wax injector machine. Molten wax is
pressure injected into the mould cavity to create wax models for casting.

The process of soldering the wax pieces on a wax stem is called “treeing”. A sprue is attached
to each piece which in turn is attached with the stem. The sprue makes an angle of
approximately 45 degree with the stem. The tree is such that the heavier items are at the
bottom of the tree and the lighter ones are at the top.

In this process, the expert craftsmen pour liquid gold into a mould that consists of a hollow
cavity or the required jewellery shape or design. The liquid gold is then allowed to cool down
and solidify, which is called casting. This solidified gold is then taken out for further process.

This process helps in designing intricate gold designs with smooth surface. Moreover,
different alloys can be used as per customer’s requirements

Casting is a very complex process and requires utmost skilled and experienced casters for the
desired final product. The wax tree is placed in steel flask which is then occupied with a
slurry of chemical powder which solidify in an hour. The flask is than heated in an electric
furnace which melts the wax leaving behind a cavity of tree. Molten metal is then poured into
the flasks, allowed to cool, then demolished to reveal the Jewellery in casting form..

Jewelry casting is the process by which a wax pattern is made into a jewelry mold and then
filled with molten metal or silver to create a custom piece of jewelry. It is also called lost
wax casting because the wax is always “lost” during the process of making jewelry. Let’s see

 Most jewelry that is manufactured starts off

as a wax pattern. Jewelry manufacturers will
take the wax pattern and use plaster to create
an “invested” mold.

Ring jewelry wax pattern:- Once the mold is prepared, jewelry
makers will put the mold into oven until the plaster hardens.

 Plastered invested molds in oven:-In the oven,

all of the wax will melt out of hallow cavity
inside of mold of wax pattern. (The cavity for
the mold is set when setting up the wax

 Jewelry plastered mold :-With a wax-free mold,

manufacturers will then pour molten metal or silver into the
hallow cavity that is in the mold with a vacuum machine or a
centrifugal casting machine.

 Pouring hot metal into jewelry mold:- After a few minutes,

jewelry makers will throw the mold into a bucket of cold
water and mold will dissipate. You will then be able to reach
in and pull out a piece of jewelry that is the exact replica as
the initial wax pattern.

After the tree will be taken out from the mould the process of tree cutting is done, all the
pieces are cut out and are separate from the tree for further process.

Filing is a technique that helps in removing excess metal or solder from a piece that is being
worked on. It is a process wherein the casting layer is removed by using different tools like
files and burrs. It gives a smooth finish to the piece. Assembly is the process where two or
more component of the same design are joint with the help of solder or laser technique

Filing is a material removal process in manufacturing. Similar, depending on use, to both
sawing and grinding in effect, it is functionally versatile, but used mostly for finishing
operations, namely in deburring operations. Filing operations can be used on a wide range of
materials as a finishing operation. Filing helps
achieve workpiece function by removing some
excess material and deburring the surface.
Sandpaper may be used as a filing tool for other
materials, such as wood.
Band Filing takes place on a machine similar to a
belt sander, used like a band saw (used to cut
wood). Band files are sectioned so that they can
be made from stiff material, as they need to be to
effectively remove material yet still work in a
constant feed. A band filing operation can be used to remove small amounts of material with
good accuracy. The cutting teeth of the file are arranged closely on the file and are used as
part of a finishing process.

Stone setting is the art of securely setting or attaching gemstone in the jewelry. Different
types of setting are used to create varied designs; sometimes even combination of two setting
is also used to make a piece look more appealing. The different types of setting are prong,
plate prong, pave, pressure, bezel, bead, flush, fishtail, invisible, miracle plate and channel.

This is a relatively new technology and is excellent for burnishing the hard to reach areas as
well as any surface which is not very flat. Flat surfaces tend to get a bit of a "haze" on them
by this means of finishing. If using on flat pieces, a quick buff with a wheel easily removes
the haze. The high G's produced in magnetic tumblers results in a burnishing action that is
just not possible with standard tumblers or vibratory machines. With media as small as .010
in diameter and .250 in length, these stainless steel pins are able to work in areas such as
undercuts, recesses, slots etc. where no previous method has been found suitable. Finishes the
most intricately detailed parts.

Very quiet when compared with most other forms of finishing. Typical finishing time on
gold and similar metals is only about 30 minutes. This is an excellent method of automatic
finishing, producing rapid final finish results with an absolute minimum of labor.

The advantage to tumbling is that it brightens large numbers of pieces will little labor (mass
finishing). Tumbling requires much more time than bombing or stripping but requires slightly
less labor. Tumbling with steel shot removes no metal. In general, tumbling does not get into
the crevices as well as bombing.

Tumbling brightens pieces by hammering the surface with steel "shot". Because this
technique results in a fine "hammered" effect on broad flat surfaces (an effect that must later
be removed from these surfaces to get a quality finish), we recommend that all tumbling be
done prior to tripoli work. The tripoli work will remove the hammered effect from the broad
surfaces, but will not reach the crevices where the brightening will remain.

Most steel shot has relatively few pins in it. Yet the pins are the component of the shot that
brightens the crevices. For this reason we recommend adding pins to your shot mixture. A
good ratio of pins to standard ball shot is 50/50, however, trial and error will tell you what
works best for you. For detailed "how to" instructions on tumbling, see the appropriate Shor

Polishing offers a neat finish and enhances the value of a piece. Polishing involves three
steps, tumbling, pre polishing, and ultra-cleaning. Jewellery pieces with diamonds require pre
polishing before the diamond is set. This is because once the diamonds are set the area below
the diamond portion cannot be polished and may
affect the shine of the diamond
This technique, without question, gives the
greatest luster. It is, however, very labor intensive.
When properly done, most retail customers cannot
tell the difference between a bombed piece and a
brushed piece. For this reason, we do not
recommend the use of brushes for most pieces. To
find out how to choose the right brush for the right
job, see the appropriate Shor instructions.

Plating is the process of covering the surface of a material or workpiece with a different
metal. Plating provides a number of useful benefits, such as inhibiting corrosion, changing
conductibility, improving wear, boosting solderability, reducing friction, heat resistance, and
hardening the material. Plating can change the qualities and the performance of the material,
which changes its uses in precision machining. Here we examine the different types of
plating and how they affect the material, with an inside look at how these processes affect
precision machining.
The effects of immersion plating on the end product include improved corrosion resistance,
altered electrical conductivity, changed appearance, greater hardness, torque tolerance and
modified bonding capabilities.

Metal plating can alter the properties of the material for applications in precision machining
and change the qualities of the end product. Understanding the impact of plating on your
workpieces means evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of plating and how plating impacts
machining. Talk to your precision machining provider about how plating will impact your
workpieces and whether it’s the right choice for your project.

Gold Plating:- Gold is prized for its high resistance to oxidation and electrical conductivity.
Gold plating, which differs from gilding in that the gold is not a foil, is one of the simplest
ways to impart these characteristics on metals such as copper and silver.

Silver Plating:- Like gold, silver is used in plating applications that call for decorative appeal
and improved electrical conductivity. In general, silver serves as a more cost-effective plating
solution because it is cheaper than gold and plates copper well.

Copper Plating:-Copper is another popular plating metal for applications that require high
conductivity and cost efficiency.

Rhodium Plating:- Rhodium is a type of platinum that provides tarnish resistance, scratch-
resistance and a shiny, white lustrous appearance.

Nickel Plating:- Nickel plating is a popular plating metal, especially because it’s useful in
electroless plating. Nickel plating often coats household products such as doorknobs, cutlery
and shower fixtures for enhanced decoration and wear resistance.

Copper Plating:-Copper is another popular plating metal for applications that require high
conductivity and cost efficiency.

Quality control (QC) is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a
manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or
meets the requirements of the client or customer. There are three different methods of quality
control inspection which includes include measurement, visual inspection and mechanical

It can range from simply sliding a single bead onto any thread-like medium (string, silk
thread, leather thong, thin wire, multi-stranded beading wire, or a soft, flexible wire) to
complex creations that have multiple strands or interwoven levels. The choice of stringing
medium can be an important point in the overall design, since string-type mediums might be
subject to unwanted stretching if the weight of the beads is considerable. Similarly, certain
bead types with sharp edges, such as hollow metal beads or some varieties of stone or glass,
might abrade the string and cause the strand to eventually break.

The simplest design is a single bead centered as a focal point on the string medium. The ends
of the string can be simply knotted together or components of a clasp may be attached to each

Derewala believes in creating an impression with its
services and products. Thus, Derewala has its own in-
house packaging set-up that helps in reducing the time
between dispatching the product from the factory to the
client. The packaging unit has been planned keeping in
mind the design aesthetics that are preferred by the
customers of today.


Jewelers need to bend tubing for various constructions, including neckpieces, earrings,
catches, and cuff links. Normally, precious metal tubes are quite thin (between 0.3 and 0.5
mm) because of material cost. At these thicknesses, tubes are easy to kink or dent, thus
ruining the bend and making tight bends problematic.
Using your fingers and working gently, slowly, and
with frequent annealing can work well. (Note: If you
carefully heat a tube with a torch while you bend it, it
often curves uniformly. No glow should be visible
from the metal. I have had surprising success with this


Bending a long piece of tubing with your hands is much easier than bending a short piece.
For example, a piece of tubing that measures about 8 inches long provides so much leverage
that when the ends of the tube are held and carefully bent, the center will often bend well and
smoothly. However, this involves so much waste that it’s not always an option. Instead, you
can temporarily solder rods or non-precious tubes to the ends of short pieces of precious tube
to bend it, and then remove the extra pieces.
Filling a tube with support material can help you to bend it effectively. You can pour a low-
melting-temperature metal inside the tube before bending it and later melt it out. (I use metals
from Small Parts Inc.,, which melt in hot water.) You can also try using wax
or freezing water inside a tube to make ice, but I find that they do not work as well for
support materials as metal.
For larger sizes of tubing, you can roll red European pitch into “snakes” that harden and can
be fed into a tube and warmed to fill it. In addition, you can pack the tube with a stiff, fine
powder such as sand, sugar, or Plaster of Paris, cork the ends, and bend it.

After the hollow tubes are made then the findings are attached to the tubes as per the design,
for the earrings ear wire is attached, for the necklace jump ring is attached. Below listed are
some findings used for making jewellery.
The term “jewelry findings” refers to jewelry-making components that aren’t beads,
gemstones or stringing materials. Findings are the bits and bobs that help you piece your
jewelry together. Examples of findings include bails, clasps, jump rings, connectors or head
and eye pins.

Bails:-Bails are simply used for attaching a focal bead or component to a chain to make a
pendant. Using a bail provides an easy way to attach a pendant to a chain, without any metal
smith or soldering techniques being required.

Bead caps:- Bead cap findings are very handy for helping to dress up your beads. You can
give your beads a decorative detail or cover imperfections easily by placing bead caps at
either end of a bead when stringing. You can easily turn a plain bead into a focal piece for a
pendant, just by adding bead caps!

Chandeliers:- Chandeliers often used as earring connectors. You can make beautiful dangly
earrings with these by adding beads (on a head pin) or chain to the connecting holes. An
earwire can be attached to the top connecting hole.
Clasps:- Clasps are used when making necklaces or bracelets. A clasp is the component that
allows the two ends to close together. Clasps are extremely functional and because they are
available in many different shapes and styles, they can also add the perfect finishing touch to
your project.

Ear wires:- Ear wires (as you’ll probably have guessed) are used for making earrings. The
earwire itself goes through pierced ears. You can attach beads, beadwork, metal components
and even buttons to the connecting hole to make a variety of different earring styles!

Jump rings:-Jump rings are used as connectors in jewelry-making. The most common shape
of jump ring is round, but you can also find oval jump rings. There are two types of jump
rings: open or closed rings.
Open jump rings have a split in them, so that they can be prised open with jewelry pliers.
Closed jump rings are soldered shut all the way around, so they cannot be opened. Closed
jump rings are handy for when you need a strong connector for a piece of jewelry that is
either precious or heavy.

Links and connectors:- Links and connectors are available in an abundance of different styles
and shapes! You’re bound to find some in just the right finish for whatever you’re making.
As the name suggests, these are used for connecting jewelry components together. You could
use these in earrings, bracelets or necklaces.

Cord and ribbon ends:- If you don’t want to knot your ribbon and cord jewelry together, you
could use cord and ribbon ends which allow you to add a metal fixing to your project. You
can find cord ends in round and barrel shapes and ribbon ends are usually flat, with teeth that
sink into the material to secure it.

Other findings:- Other findings that you’ll come across include crimp beads, crimp covers,
wire protectors and chain tabs. Crimp beads can be squashed down onto jewelry wire to hold
your other beads in place. Crimp covers can then be placed over crimp beads to hide them.

There are so many different effects that can be achieved with metals, whether that's adding a
patina, texturing or shaping... the sky is the limit! All textures and finishes can be created
easily on a budget, so you don't have to spend a lot of money for amazing results!
There are so many metals and tools to work with and results to try, which often makes it
daunting when starting out, so we've put together a few ideas in this post to help get you
started and learn to navigate all the different colours, thicknesses, materials, and pre-textured
metals like mokume gane and crinkle metal.


After adding textures to the jewelry end covers are attached to it.

Polishing and buffing are finishing processes for smoothing a work piece’s surface using an
abrasive and a work wheel or a leather strop. Technically polishing refers to processes that
use an abrasive that is glued to the work wheel, while buffing uses a loose abrasive applied to
the work wheel. Polishing is a more aggressive process while buffing is less harsh, which
leads to a smoother, brighter finish. A
common misconception is that a polished
surface has a mirror bright finish, however
most mirror bright finishes are actually

Polishing is often used to enhance the

appearance of an item, prevent
contamination of instruments, remove
oxidation, create a reflective surface, or
prevent corrosion in pipes. In metallographic and metallurgy, polishing is used to create a
flat, defect-free surface for examination of a metal's microstructure under a microscope.
Silicon-based polishing pads or a diamond solution can be used in the polishing process.
Polishing stainless steel can also increase the sanitary benefits of it.

Considerable technical improvements have been made in plating, especially as used in the
Jewellery trade. Most plating is done by electro-deposition, rhodium, copper, chromium or
other metals being practiced by passing
an electric current through a solution
and then channelizing the plating metal
from the piece of pure metal to the
object set aside in the solution. Sincere
attention must be paid to fabricating
and polishing procedures because it is
vitally significant.

After the plating process is over, the product
is brought to the checking department where
each and every piece is checked with
excessive attention and thoroughly checked
for any defects. This process of quality
checking is done by very experienced
workers and all the
defected pieces send back to the respective

Last but not the least, once all the products pass through all the inspections and checking, it is
then forwarded for final packaging and labeling. Each product is extensively packed into
respective boxes in order to avoid any sort of damages. Thus, each piece of Jewellery,
regardless of its size and weight, passes through a long and complex manufacturing process
forming each piece as valuable, precious and unique.


Customer relationship management (CRM) is a technology for managing all your company’s
relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple:
Improve business relationships. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to
customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

When people talk about CRM, they are usually referring to a CRM system, a tool that helps
with contact management, sales management, productivity, and more.

A CRM solution helps you focus on your organization’s relationships with individual people
— including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers — throughout your lifecycle
with them, including finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support
and additional services throughout the relationship.
A CRM system gives everyone — from sales, customer service, business development,
recruiting, marketing, or any other line of business — a better way to manage the external
interactions and relationships that drive success. A CRM tool lets you store customer and
prospect contact information, identify sales opportunities, record service issues, and manage
marketing campaigns, all in one central location — and make information about every
customer interaction available to anyone at your company who might need it.

With visibility and easy access to data, it's easier to collaborate and increase productivity.
Everyone in your company can see how customers have been communicated with, what
they’ve bought, when they last purchased, what they paid, and so much more. CRM can help
companies of all sizes drive business growth, and it can be especially beneficial to a small
business, where teams often need to find ways to do more with less.

A CRM system can give you a clear overview of your customers. You can see everything in
one place — a simple, customizable dashboard that can tell you a customer’s previous history
with you, the status of their orders, any outstanding customer service issues, and more.
You can even choose to include information from their public social media activity — their
likes and dislikes, what they are saying and sharing about you or your competitors. Marketers
can use a CRM solution to better understand the pipeline of sales or prospects coming in,

making forecasting simpler and more accurate. You’ll have clear visibility of every
opportunity or lead, showing you a clear path from inquiries to sales. Some of the biggest
gains in productivity can come from moving beyond CRM as a sales and marketing tool, and
embedding it in your business – from HR to customer services and supply-chain
Though CRM systems have traditionally been used as sales and marketing tools, customer
service teams are seeing great benefits in using them. Today’s customer might raise an issue
in one channel — say, Twitter — and then switch to email or telephone to resolve it in
private. A CRM platform lets you manage the inquiry across channels without losing track,
and gives sales, service, and marketing a single view of the customer.
Running a business without CRM can cost you real money.
More administration means less time for everything else. An active sales team can generate a
flood of data. Reps are out on the road talking to customers, meeting prospects, and finding
out valuable information – but all too often this information gets stored in handwritten notes,
laptops, or inside the heads of your salespeople.
A CRM ensures all customer data is in one place and easily updated.
Don’t make tracking and managing customer information harder than it needs to be. CRM
ensures your data is in one place and can easily be updated by anyone, anytime.
Details can get lost, meetings are not followed up on promptly, and prioritizing customers can
be a matter of guesswork rather than a rigorous exercise based on fact. And it can all be
compounded if a key salesperson moves on. But it's not just sales that suffers without CRM.
A CRM platform can also connect to other business apps that help you to develop customer
relationships. CRM solutions today are more open and can integrate with your favourite
business tools, such as document signing, accounting and billing, and surveys, so that
information flows both ways to give you a true 360-degree view of your customer.
Most CRMs are enhanced by third-party applications to better customize and integrate your
solution with existing systems.
And a new generation of CRM goes one step further: Built-in intelligence automates
administrative tasks, like data entry and lead or service case routing, so you can free up time
for more valuable activities. Automatically generated insights help you understand your
customers better, even predicting how they will feel and act so that you can prepare the right
Newer systems are smarter with built-in intelligence and automation of tasks.


 IDENTIFY AND CATEGORISE LEADS:- A CRM system can help you identify and
add new leads easily and quickly, and categorise them accurately. By focusing on the
right leads, sales can prioritise the opportunities that will close deals, and marketing
can identify leads that need more nurturing and prime them to become quality leads.


your customers better, cross-selling and upselling opportunities become clear —
giving you the chance to win new business from existing customers.

 OFFER BETTER CUSTOMER SUPPORT:- Today's customers expect fast,

personalised support, at any time of day or night. A CRM system can help you
provide the high-quality service that customers are looking for. Your agents can
quickly see what products customers have ordered, and they can get a record of every
interaction so they can give customers the answers they need, fast.
 IMPROVE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES:- A good CRM system will gather
information from a huge variety of sources across your business and beyond.

CRM can be quick and easy to implement. A cloud-based system doesn’t need special
installation, and there’s no hardware to set up, keeping IT costs low and removing the
headache of version control and update schedules.

Generally, cloud-based CRM systems are priced on the number of users who access the
system and the kinds of features you need. This can be very cost-effective in terms of capital
outlay, and is also extremely flexible — enabling you to scale up and add more people as
your business grows. Salesforce is flexible in terms of functionality, too — you’re not paying
for any features that are not useful to you.
The concept of customer relationship management started in the early 1970s, when customer
satisfaction was evaluated using annual surveys or by front-line asking.citation needed] At
that time, businesses had to rely on standalone mainframe systems to automate sales, but the
extent of technology allowed them to categorize customers in spreadsheets and lists. In 1982,
Kate and Robert D. Kestnbaum introduced the concept of Database marketing, namely
applying statistical methods to analyze and gather customer data.[citation needed] By 1986,
Pat Sullivan and Mike Muhney released a customer evaluation system called ACT! based on
the principle of digital rolodex, which offered a contact management service for the first time.
Customer relationship management was popularized in 1997, due to the work of Siebel,
Gartner, and IBM. Between 1997 and 2000, leading CRM products were enriched with
shipping and marketing capabilities. Siebel introduced the first mobile CRM app called
Siebel Sales Handheld in 1999. The idea of a stand-alone, cloud-hosted and moveable
customer bases was soon adopted by other leading providers at the time, including
PeopleSoft, Oracle, SAP and

The first open-source CRM system was developed by Sugar CRM in 2004. During this
period, CRM was rapidly migrating to cloud, as a result of which it became accessible to sole
entrepreneurs and small teams. This increase in accessibility generated a huge wave of price
reduction. Around 2009, developers began considering the options to profit from social
media's momentum, and designed tools to help companies become accessible on all users'
favorite networks. Many startups at the time benefited from this trend to provide exclusively
social CRM solutions, including Base and Nutshell.[6] The same year, Gartner organized and
held the first Customer Relationship Management Summit, and summarized the features
systems should offer to be classified as CRM solutions. In 2013 and 2014, most of the
popular CRM products were linked to business intelligence systems and communication
software to improve corporate communication and end-users' experience. The leading trend is
to replace standardized CRM solutions with industry-specific ones, or to make them
customizable enough to meet the needs of every business. In November 2016, Forrester
released a report where it "identified the nine most significant CRM suites from eight
prominent vendors".

With Customer relationship management systems, customers are served better on day to day
process. With more reliable information, their demand for self service from companies will
decrease. If there is less need to interact with the company for different problems, customer
satisfaction level increases. These central benefits of CRM will be connected hypothetically
to the three kinds of equity that are relationship, value, and brand, and in the end to customer


 Enhanced ability to target profitable customers.

 Integrated assistance across channels.
 Enhanced sales force efficiency and effectiveness.
 Improved pricing.
 Customized products and services.
 Improved customer service efficiency and effectiveness.
 Individualized marketing messages also called campaigns.
 Connect customers and all channels on a single platform.

CRM systems on a partial or fragmented basis. In a 2007 survey from the UK, four-fifths of
senior executives reported that their biggest challenge is getting their staff to use the systems
they had installed. Forty-three percent of respondents said they use less than half the
functionality of their existing systems. However, market research regarding consumers'
preferences may increase the adoption of CRM among the developing countries' consumers.
Collection of customer data such as personally identifiable information must strictly obey
customer privacy laws, which often requires extra expenditures on legal support.

Part of the paradox with CRM stems from the challenge of determining exactly what CRM is
and what it can do for a company. The CRM paradox, also referred to as the "dark side of
CRM", may entail favoritism and differential treatment of some customers.

CRM technologies can easily become ineffective if there is no proper management, and they
are not implemented correctly. The data sets must also be connected, distributed, and
organized properly, so that the users can access the information that they need quickly and
easily. Research studies also show that customers are increasingly becoming dissatisfied with
contact center experiences due to lags and wait times. They also request and demand multiple
channels of communications with a company, and these channels must transfer information
seamlessly. Therefore, it is increasingly important for companies to deliver a cross-channel
customer experience that can be both consistent as well as reliable.


 Contact Management
 Opportunity/Lead Tracking
 Follow-up Scheduling
 Customer Order History
 Quoting/Invoicing


The manufacturing industry has witnessed a dramatic transformation over the years.
Previously, a manufacturing company responded to whatever a customer required. It has now
evolved and become even more customer-centric by incorporating different manufacturing
software solutions.

Instead of waiting for the customers to tell them what they need, companies are now
forecasting what will be in demand in the coming months using different business software
solutions. Interestingly enough, many small scale companies are also leveraging
manufacturing software for small businesses such as CRM software. This will enable them to
make use of techniques like lean production and automation to meet future demand.

In these dynamic times, the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has never
been more important. Companies are leveraging CRM for Manufacturing Industry to
streamline their business processes and deliver unparalleled customer service. The
Manufacturing CRM system can give you a 360-degree view of your customers, improve
sales management and boost team productivity.


 Accurate Demand Forecasting:- This feature is extremely useful for firms operating in
fast-changing industries such as high-tech, electronics, retail, etc. A Manufacturing
CRM solution can help manufacturers cut the time required to develop a product from
the concept phase to market delivery. Hence, you don’t need to invest in different
manufacturing planning software..

 Improved Product Quality:-To stay in business, a manufacturing company has to keep

producing high-quality products consistently and efficiently. Substandard or defective
products will not only tarnish the brand image but also result in unhappy and
unsatisfied customers, leading to a reduction in sales and revenue.

 Intelligent Supply Chain:- Failing to simplify and optimize business operations can
result in overly complex processes. Moreover, costly implementations of production
management software can have a detrimental effect on the company’s desired ROI.

 Enrichment of Customer Relationships:- Customer relationship management in the

manufacturing industry can prove to be a game-changer. Safe delivery of a product
and after-sales services are as important for a manufacturing company as closing a
new deal.

 More Business Won:-Unlike other manufacturing software solutions, CRM software

is a valuable marketing tool as well and helps you gain followers and customers. It
enables the Marketing and Sales departments to make detailed reports, taking into
consideration the customers’ behavior


Maintaining good relationships with customers is the cornerstone of every successful
business, but in decades past, the process of managing and tracking customer relationships
within a business was fragmented and time-consuming at best. Companies would store
physical customer data in filing cabinets, rolodexes, and spreadsheets.
These methods of customer-data storage not only involved a lot of manual work, but they
also meant the information wasn’t properly distributed across the business (between sales and
marketing departments, for example), often leading to missed business opportunities.
With the introduction of the Internet came a wave of new marketing-technology (MarTech)
platforms to help companies create, manage, and track customer relationships in the form of a
customer relationship manager (CRM).

WHAT IS A CRM (customer Relationship Manager)?

A customer relationship management (CRM) platform is a piece of software companies use

to manage interactions with customers, store information about them, and automate a number
of processes connected with a customer’s journey through the marketing and sales funnels. A
CRM system is an incredibly important tool for every company, helping to foster customer
loyalty and forge it into healthy revenue.


At the most basic level, CRM software

allows marketers and salespeople to manage
and analyze relationships with the
company’s actual and potential customers. It
enables tracking every interaction with the
company and collects information about the
customer. This way, when speaking to a
customer, the marketer always knows who
they are and sees their history with the
company. This makes the interaction more
personalized, increases the chances of

conversion, and encourages customer trust and loyalty.
CRMs include functionalities which allow you to track customer/company interactions
through various available touch points, including those from:
 Contact forms
 Search engines
 Emails
 Phone calls
 Social media

The software takes care of certain processes—it can offer automation of marketers’ repetitive
tasks, sets reminders for important events, and displays alerts if things really need attention.
Some CRMs also offer analytics capabilities, allowing you to track the efficiency of various
marketing efforts to generate leads and conversions.

CRM software, in combination with marketing automation, provides sales and marketing
teams with a set of tools to manage the entire sales and marketing funnels, from lead
qualification to opportunity management, forecasting, and deal closure.

End-to-end management of the sales funnel involves a combination of marketing-automation

(top of the funnel) and CRM functionalities (bottom of the funnel) systems. We are
witnessing the trend that many popular CRM platforms either acquire or develop their own
marketing-automation systems to offer the functionality. Hub Spot, for example, offers both,
while other CRMs enable easy integration with other marketing-automation systems.


 Lead management: A CRM tracks the company’s leads, allowing marketing teams to
enter new leads into the system (automatically or manually) and to track and analyze
data about them.
 Marketing automation: Some CRMs like Hub Spot and Sales force offer marketing-
automation functionalities to automate certain tedious tasks in the funnel. For
example, the system can automatically send customers marketing emails at times set
by the marketer, or publish social media posts according to a schedule. The goal of

marketing automation is to keep sales leads engaged and to help turn them into paying
 Sales automation: CRMs can track customer interactions and automate selected
business functions of the sales cycle that are necessary to follow leads and attract and
obtain new customers.
 Workflow automation: CRM systems help businesses optimize processes by
streamlining mundane workloads, which enables employees to focus on creative and
more high-level tasks.
 Analytics: CRM solutions can offer built-in analytics tools that offer insights and help
boost customer satisfaction rates. A marketer can analyze the data and create targeted
campaigns accordingly. CRM analytics help to track attribution and provide insights
into the quality of the customer experience.
 Artificial intelligence: CRM solutions like Sales force offer AI capabilities built into
their systems to help automatically recognize patterns leading to successful sales,
which can help you build more accurate strategies for future marketing efforts.
 Individualized customer experiences: You can also use a CRM to create personalized
and consistent experiences for your potential customers across various marketing
channels, which may help increase conversions and boost brand awareness.

A CRM system is an easy way to quickly start tracking your customers and automate
marketing workflows. The decision to go for a custom solution should be based on the
consideration of certain factors.

The general problem is that ready-made CRMs, albeit functional and reliable, come with a
number of unnecessary or overrated features. While your business may benefit from an off-
the-shelf system is some way, sometimes what you really need is a platform carefully built to
your company’s needs.

The development of a CRM system that seamlessly integrates with your business requires the
participation of the developer and the client to help put together a workable, high-functioning
CRM system that can integrate with existing systems of the company.

CRM platforms are becoming the bread and butter of business today, and building your own
provides some serious business advantages.

 Stripping down excess features: With a custom-built solution, you get exactly what
you want without any of the superfluous functionalities you may never use. The
development can focus on the features you really care about. A lightweight and
effective customized CRM can cost only a fraction of the off-the-shelf price, but be
better integrated with your business at the same time.

 Getting the exact information the way you want it: A custom CRM can be built
around your business and your processes, and not the other way round. You can
generate even the most granular reports, which provide a fuller view of your
customers and your business.

 Better control over the feature roadmap: Control over the technology and
development process of the application gives you the power to control what features
will be implemented next, and to what deadlines.

 Data ownership: As most CRM systems are hosted in the cloud, the data you collect is
stored in the vendor’s databases. While there are ways to easily access your data (e.g.
via APIs), it’s still not 100% owned by your company. This can be a real issue for
large companies that require ownership of their data and have strict data-protection
policies. By building your own CRM, you can fully control your data and store it in
on your own databases.

 Better integration with existing systems and platforms: From sales to customer service
to technical support, your daily operations will be able to run more efficiently when
the system is integrated across multiple departments. By pulling data from various
sections of the company, you can achieve a customer view beyond the singular
perspective of individual departments.

 GDPR compliance: As mentioned above, one company’s interpretation of the GDPR

and other privacy laws can differ from another’s. A recent report from Demand base
found that 80% of marketers were concerned that their MarTech vendors might
expose their company to GDPR legal risks. Taking your marketing technology in-
house allows you to build your CRM platform in accordance to your company’s legal
policies and also assists with complying with the GDPR—for example, being in
control of responding to user-rights requests, such as the right to access or delete their


The process of building a well-integrated custom CRM solution comes at a cost beyond the
price. It requires relentless focus on, and understanding of, the existing business processes of
your company.

Since the CRM-development process involves active participation of the client, it is also a
great opportunity to take a step back and decide which processes in your company are
working and which aren’t. Granted, the development itself may take more time and attention
of the company’s workers, but the resulting product will be one that accurately meets the
requirements of your company and reflects its processes, accurately mapping the customer
journey down the funnel.


 To simplify marketing and sales process

 To make call centers more efficient
 To provide better customer service
 To discover new customers and increase customer revenue
 To cross sell products more effectively
 Turning prospects into advocates
 Minimizing defections
 Having a large proportion of loyal advocates
 Having a profitable relationship of the type the customers would desire and with those
who desire them.

 Turning prospects into advocates: The service marketers should identify and qualify
prospects. Customer forms the basis on which all strategic activities should be built.
The service company should convert prospects into customers. CRM uses the inputs
of customer database of the company extensively. The company has to select
prospective customers and identify the customer groups. Then, it should convert the
customers gradually into advocates. Needless to say, satisfied customers recommend
the use of services to their friends and relatives.

 Minimizing defections: One of the important objectives of CRM is minimizing

customer defections. CRM defines customer defections and determines the exact rate
of customer defection. The following examples illustrate how customer defections
occur. Customers are attracted to competitors due to their lower prices. The cell phone
and airlines industries experience customer defections very frequently due to lower
o A regular internet user may change his or her regular cybercafe for faster
browsing speed.
o When a hotel or a restaurant serves a customer poorly, he may shift to another
o Customers may move from one city to another or one locality to another and
change their banks to the nearest available branch.

 Having a large proportion of loyal advocates: A customer goes through stages in his
relationship with a brand. He may finally reach the advocate stage where he actively
canvasses for a brand. The service firm should try to convert its good customers into
advocates, who in turn, would become the ambassadors of the brand. This follows
from the first objective and should result in a large number of loyal customers. Loyal
customers have an increased level of commitment to a brand. The marketing cost for
loyal customers is minimum. The referrals (advocates) give positive word of mouth
recommendations to other potential customers. Such recommendations reduce the cost
of serving them when they repurchase from the service provider.

 Having profitable relationship: Customers vary in attitude and behavior. In a
competitive market place, customers are exposed to hundreds of selling messages.
Customers have limited ability to process information. A number of constraints
influences their decision making. Every sale is the result of complex interaction with
customers. So, building strong casual relationship with customers is very important.
The CRM strategy maintains an ideal relationship without giving an impression to
customers that their privacy is being invaded.

 Using cross selling opportunities without annoying customers: Customers can be

groomed for purchasing not one product of the company but for a series of products
from the same organization. Credit facility may be provided to customers to buy other
service products of the same service provider.

The point here is one size doesn't fit all . There is no single CRM software or formula which
will give instant success to all companies. For small or medium enterprises, the requirement
is different from that of big firms. Most CRM packages provide excellent sales force
automation, but not equally good integration with computer telephony, or with web. These
are adequate for small and medium firms but not for large firms. A mix of different software
to link the databases, data warehousing software, contact management software, and a CRM
package will go a long way in helping to upgrade the small companies.


 Develop better communication channels

 Collect customer related data
 Create detailed profiles of individual customers
 Increased customer satisfaction
 Access to customer account history, order information, and customer information at
all touch points
 Identify new selling opportunities
 Increased market share and profit margin
 Increased revenues
 More effective reach and marketing
 Improved customer service and support
 Improved response time to customer requests for information
 Enhanced customer loyalty
 Improved ability to meet customer requirements
 Improved quality communication and networking
 Reduced costs of buying and using product and services
 Better stand against global competition




Collaborative Analytical


 Operational:-Operational CRM usually has to do with one of the three types of

operations: marketing, sales and service. Operational CRM is an important tool for
lead generation because it frequently deals with past customer data such as previous
marketing campaigns, purchases and service satisfaction. CRM software also aims to
automate these processes to create a better experience for both the businesses and
their customers. Because of its concentration on efficiency, operational CRM is a
great fit for companies with a shorter sales cycle and high repeat sales like e-
commerce or business to consumer retail verticals.

 Analytical:- The main function of analytical CRM is to analyze customer data so that
management can better understand market trends and customers’ wants and needs.
The goal of analytical CRM is to improve customer satisfaction. Analytical CRM

frequently uses data mining and pattern recognition to accomplish this task — it
works well for companies in higher priced markets with a lot of competition.

 Collaborative:- Collaborative CRM is when companies share customers’ information

with outside companies and businesses. By pooling their data, certain businesses are
able to create an even greater experience for their customers by obtaining data which
they otherwise would not have had access. It’s an excellent fit for markets where
innovation and new product development is paramount to success because the
additional data creates very detailed pictures of what consumers are currently
responding to.


Modern CRM systems are evolving and starting to offer functionalities beyond what they
currently compiling customer data do across different channels. We are seeing social media
integration, AI, holistic profiling, and much more.

By partnering with a company offering custom CRM development, you can expect that the
resulting CRM solution will be scalable and ready to grow along with your company by
closely reflecting its processes and seamlessly integrating with existing systems.

This is also an opportunity to tap into emerging technologies and become the trailblazer with
competitive advantage in the industry—long before the off-the-shelf vendors catch up

The CRM processes should fully support the basic steps of customer life cycle .


 Attracting present and new customers

 Acquiring new customers

 Serving the customers

 Finally, retaining the customers

 Selection of the Right CRM Technology

 The point here is one size doesn't fit all .

There is no single CRM software or formula which will give instant success to all companies.
For small or medium enterprises, the requirement is different from that of big firms. Most
CRM packages provide excellent sales force automation, but not equally good integration
with computer telephony, or with web. These are adequate for small and medium firms but
not for large firms. A mix of different software to link the databases, data warehousing
software, contact management software, and a CRM package will go a long way in helping to
upgrade the small companies.


 Data warehouse technology, used to aggregate transaction information, to merge the

information with CRM products, and to provide key performance indicators.

 Opportunity management which helps the company to manage unpredictable growth

and demand, and implement a good forecasting model to integrate sales history with
sales projections.

 CRM systems that track and measure marketing campaigns over multiple networks,
tracking customer analysis by customer clicks and sales.

 Some CRM software is available as a software as a service (SaaS), delivered via the
internet and accessed via a web browser instead of being installed on a local
computer. Businesses using the software do not purchase it, but typically pay a
recurring subscription fee to the software vendor.

 For small businesses a CRM system may consist of a contact manager system that
integrates emails, documents, jobs, faxes, and scheduling for individual accounts.
CRM systems available for specific markets (legal, finance) frequently focus on event
management and relationship tracking as opposed to financial return on investment

 CRM systems for ecommerce, focused on marketing automation tasks, like: cart
rescue, re-engage users with email, personalization.

 Customer-centric relationship management (CCRM) is a nascent sub-discipline that

focuses on customer preferences instead of customer leverage. CCRM aims to add
value by engaging customers in individual, interactive relationships.

 Systems for non-profit and membership-based organizations help track constituents,

fundraising, sponsors' demographics, membership levels, membership directories,
volunteering and communication with individuals.
 CRM not only indicates to technology and strategy but also indicates to an integrated
approach which includes employees knowledge, organizational culture to em-brass
the CRM philosophy.

 Effect on customer satisfaction

 Customer satisfaction has important implications for the economic performance of

firms because it has the ability to increase customer loyalty and usage behavior and
reduce customer complaints and the likelihood of customer defection. The
implementation of a CRM approach is likely to have an effect on customer
satisfaction and customer knowledge for a variety of different reasons.

Firstly, firms are able to customize their offerings for each customer. By accumulating
information across customer interactions and processing this information to discover hidden
patterns, CRM applications help firms customize their offerings to suit the individual tastes of
their customers. This customization enhances the perceived quality of products and services
from a customer's viewpoint, and because perceived quality is a determinant of customer
satisfaction, it follows that CRM applications indirectly affect customer satisfaction. CRM
applications also enable firms to provide timely, accurate processing of customer orders and
requests and the ongoing management of customer accounts. For example, Piccoli and
Applegate discuss how Wyndham uses IT tools to deliver a consistent service experience
across its various properties to a customer. Both an improved ability to customize and a
reduced variability of the consumption experience enhance perceived quality, which in turn
positively affects customer satisfaction. Furthermore, CRM applications also help firms
manage customer relationships more effectively across the stages of relationship initiation,
maintenance, and termination.


I have been working as a CRM Member in Derewala, In our Industry each CRM team has
been assigned with the different Clients, It is the responsibility of the Team members to look
after and fulfill all the requirements of their client. The responsibilities that we have to
perform are:

 CRM coordinates with the clients through Emails, Calls or Meetings.

 It is the responsibility of the CRM to make their clients comfortable and convinces
them to make business relationship with Derewala.

 CRM offers their client different quotations and designs ,so that they can order also
we allow them to provide their designs so that we can get them samples for the

 CRM get the samples made of their clients and sends it to their clients.

 When CRM receives the orders they have to process it on the production floor and
keep a regular check that all the goods are on time and also that they meet the
requirements and specifications of their clients,

 The packaging material also comes under duties of CRM, They provide packaging
material along with the packaging instructions to the packaging team,

 Once the goods are ready CRM dispatches the shipment.

So it is the responsibility that CRM has to look after all the work that is related to their client.
CRM works as the representative of any Industry.


Jewellery and Gem industry in India is one of the largest in India contributing to nearly 6 – 7
% of the country’s GDP. In addition, the GOI has made Jewellery and Gen stones, the export
area since the world’s 95% diamonds. Today, there are close to 5 hundred thousand players
in the Indian market, most of them being small players.


 Inventory Management
 Maintenance of Data
 Stock Management
 Production & Manufacturing
 Retail
 Ornaments Price’s Fluctuation
 Tracking of the resources
 Supply Chain Management
 Process Management

ERP can be the best solution for Jewellery industries for managing the small as well as large
business transactions of the industry. An ERP software provides solution for the small
business and increase profit because of the better Operational Efficiency and feasibility.


Sometime promoting your business in all levels such as Sales, Customer relationship
management, Customer engagement, Accounting, Inventory, Payroll, Assets, Manufacturing
process, etc. can be a tedious task. To manage everything smoothly and at the same time,

with efficiency, you require an ERP software to be the backbone for your small as well as
large scale businesses.
 User friendly software.
 Easy to use.
 Useful for user to retrieve information easily.
 It Gives Correct Output With Transaction Entries.
 Saves your Valuable Time.
 Better billing processes and receipt formats for the client.
 Better Inventory Management.
 Better Strategical Management for tracking data.
 Better Operational Performance.
 Well Maintained Stock Transactional Data.
 Improved Reporting
 Provides Separate and Different Transactional modules for transactions as per Client’s
 Customized and Developed UI’s for the modules as per the Client’s Requirements.

ERP is a software that is used in the industries for smooth working and keeping a transperacy
between the production floor andCRM.
Under this heading we will study how ERP helps Production and CRM, Though it is used by
almost all the departments but the two main departments uses the software are production and
CRM, Goinf further we will have a detailed study of the software.
Jewellery Manufacturing ERP is a multi-module application software that helps retailers who
need an efficient solution to automate Jewellery retailing and manufacturing operation. It
provides an affordable, simple and effective solution that allows you to automate the routine
tasks of your jewellery making and also accommodates special requirements like reports
generation or images attachments feature. It has inbuilt modules which can manage all
aspects of your jewellery Retail and manufacturing like selecting style, sales, production,
purchase, inventory management, refining process of jewellery, digital design and
presentation of jewellery.

STYLE (Create Master style of jewellery item)
 Define a master style of jewellery by providing unique Number, Image, Handle Size
i.e For rings we need size, Jewellery type, Metal, Style type which is Special,
Production or Sample.
 Define a master style of jewellery by providing unique Number, Image, Handle Size
i.e For rings we need size, Jewellery type, Metal, Style type which is Special,
Production or Sample.
 Cost price is calculated inclusive of labor price and duty or taxes, depending on metal
and diamonds used.
 It contains other sub modules like Metal Setup, Stone Setup, Rhodium Setup, Finding
Setup and Configuration from where idea about metals, diamond, finding and more
can be known.

 Generate new Sales Order for a customer with order and delivery date, order type and
also define terms and conditions.
 Create order lines for product with different details like images,name, production
quantity and also get the total amount of metal and diamonds used.
 Split the sales order by defining quantity .
 Set the sales order for starting production.
 Track the status-draft, production, waxing and more for created order line.
 Upload files or import CSV file.

 Generate new Work Order with unique no and new or created sales order for different
products manually or automatically when Sales Order is acknowledged by Production
Manager leads to a Production order or Work order Request.
 View summary of stone, metals and finding used for production.
 Issue diamond and gem stone lot to which is wax setting or setting department. Stone
or diamond return is also possible.
 Automatic Work bag generation for specified lot quantity. Once bag is generated
export,return or split bag.
 Issue diamond and gem stone lot to wax setting or setting department. Stone or
diamond return is also possible.

 Create the Request for Quotation (RFQ) with Vendor details, payment terms, po
invoice no, deliver to other department and Product details. Send RFQ by email or
print it.
 Currency Conversion at different rates.
 Validation of RFQ will confirm Purchase Order.
 Set the sales order for starting production.
 Once order is delivered return facility with automatic stock updating.
 If there are multiple Purchase order or Request for Quotation (RFQ) with same
vendor merge them in single Purchase order or Request for Quotation (RFQ).
 Add products, assign price and pieces which will be used to obtain bill amount
generating detailed RFQ.

 Define Concepts, Sub Concepts, Category and Subcategory to create a sketch with its
unique sketch and design number.
 Track the stages for sketch-starting from creation and moving through CAD, CAM,
Liquid Die, Casting, Model and so on which can be useful at time of master style
 Attach multiple sketches or image photos in Digital Design.
 Get an idea about diamonds, costing, metal, rhodium or finding details used for
created design.

 Issue diamond and gem stone lot which will be later used in wax setting or setting
department. Stone or diamond return is also possible.
 Separate report generation: Analysis report or simple excel or pdf reports for issued
 Get details about refining loss.
 Employee can maintain equipments for their usage with equipment menu.

 Issue metals from this department for its use in other departments.
 Separate report generation: Analysis report or simple excel or pdf reports for metals
issued for casting.
 Validation for reuse of metal for employee.
 Get details about refining loss .

 Issue findings for product from this department for its use in other departments.
 Separate report generation: Analysis report or simple excel or pdf reports for finding
 Define finding details such as metal that will be used, amount and description for
jewellery parts in finding setup menu.

 In this department, bags generated from production is labeled as empty bags which
are validated.
 After validating bags, if there is any diamond or gem stone attach from the Wax
setting department then bag goes to wax setting department otherwise it remains
under the ready pieces bag in waxing department.
 Track the bags for different stages as it is moved through- wax setting, waxing,
casting, filing, setting, polishing, inventory or reject department.
 Create tree for employee with details like bag number, product name, image, wax
weight, metal and stone details in it so that it is issued for casting and employee can
start with their work.
 Separate report generation: Analysis report or simple excel or pdf reports for casting
issue details, loose bag report, tree created details report.

 In this department, bags validated comes for diamond and gemstone attachment in
wax setting department.
 Bag can be splitted, returned or made ready on clicking done so it goes to other
 Get details about issued diamond or gemstone from diamond department for a bag.
 Return broken or lost diamond.

 Issued tree from waxing department comes in casting department for batch creation
and metal is requested from metal department for employee to start work.
 Track progress of issued tree with status like-draft, created, casting and casted.
 View details for casted tree like metal used, loss grams, stem weight, employee, status
and more.
 View casting loss details .
 View dust details which are submitted by employee.

 Handles filing on batch created in earlier department.
 View dust details which are submitted by employee or submit new details.
 View filing loss details.
 View finding and metal issue details.
 Report generation for filing loss details, filing diamond stock or more.

 View diamonds and bags issued for setting which comes from filing department.
 View setting loss obtained in setting department.
 View dust details which are submitted by department.
 Separate report generation: Analysis report or simple excel or pdf reports for casting
issue details, loose bag report, tree created details report.

 View metals and bags issued.
 View polishing loss details .
 View dust details which are submitted by other department or submit new for other

 View the finished product detail and send it for packing.
 View dust details which are submitted by department or submit new dust details.
 View floor bag-all bags in system details.
 Reject or return bag.
 Report generation in pdf or excel for final inventory details, work order status report
and final inventory diamond or stone stock report .

 View all products with details like product number, image, bag number, weight,
sales order and work order number etc.
 View finding issue details for products with findings so that it can be issued from
finding department.
 Request for equipment which can be issued or rejected.

 Define refining type-bag, product or dust which are rejected.
 View reject bag details and reject product details.
 View metal or stone loss details.
 Report generation: simple excel or pdf reports for refine metal loss report, diamond
loss report or gemstone loss report.

 Maintain local store of products.
 Issue or reject products requested in different departments.
 Create RFQs or Purchase orders.
 View all RFQs or Purchase Orders.

 Maintain stock moves with different details like product, price, priority, reference,
UOM, department and more.
 Track the status of stock-new, cancelled, waiting another move, waiting availability,
available and final state i.e done.
 Define details for purchasing stock
 Create new warehouses specifying city, create new location and stock picking type



 To enhance the level of exports.

 To improve the balance of
 To improve the balance of trade.
 To enhance the reverse of foreign
 To allow import of technology and
equipment’s which may help in
establishing new industrial
enterprises, produce new products and adopt a new process for higher production
 To ensure the availability of goods for the domestic consumption and to allow exports
so that the producers get a fair price.
 To allow import of certain goods as listed in the Open General License.
 To allow for hassle free exports and imports.
 Reducing the interface between the exporters and Director General of Foreign Trade
by reducing the number export documents.
 Establishing Advance Licensing System for imports of goods needed for
manufacturing various goods for export.
 Removal of the provisions to proceed realization.
 Establishing of Export oriented units and Export Processing Zones specifically for
goods meant to be produced for exports only.
 To accelerate the country’s transition to a globally oriented vibrant economy to
deriving maximum benefits from expanding global market opportunities
 It enhance the technological strength and efficiency of Indian agriculture, industry,
and services there by improving their competitive strength while generating new
employment opportunities. It encourages the attainment of internationally accepted
standards of quality of Indian exports.

 It provide consumers with good quality products at reasonable prices through
regulated imports of such products.


Export means supplying goods or products outside the country to other countries and import
deals with the purchase of or bringing in goods and products from other countries to one own
country. With rapid growth in global market, new trends in trading have come up. Trading in
various countries is very easy and convenient due to today’s smart a, fast intelligent
 The import export market has also gone through drastic change over the years. It
provides a wide range of rewarding opportunities for the candidates who want to
associate themselves with the import export business.
 There is wide spread scope in import export management in Trading Houses, Export
Department of Companies, Development Authorities & Commodity Boards, Marine
Insurance Companies, Export Processing Zones, Export Promotion Councils and
Export Oriented Units among other such fields and organizations.
 People who facilitate this business are the importer, the exporter and the freight
forwarders as they are the intermediaries in the business.

By now you know that importing is acquiring goods from a different country and exporting is
selling or distributing goods to a different country that is across borders trade.
Unlike like small local transaction international trade includes huge business, lots of goods
exported and imported through various transportation mediums such as ships, HGV’s, trains
and airplanes.

Three things are very important in international trade and they are the availability of the
goods, the price of the goods and finally the status of the goods for example –

 1st of all goods are imported from a different country because certain goods are not at
all available in a particular country.

 2nd a few products are much cheaper in a different country than in your own country
this involves high-profit margins in the business.
 3rd and the last reason for importing products from a different country are simply
because a few products maintain a very high status of international goods or imported

EXIM can play an important role in the supply chain this role includes arranging for over
sees distributors, marketing and advertising of products internationally, shipping of these
goods and also arranging the budgets and invoices of the goods.



As a leader in the IT department, and an employee responsible for organization-wide systems

and information, an IT Manager job description should include the following duties and

 Running regular checks on network and data security.

 Identifying and acting on opportunities to improve and update software and systems.

 Developing and implementing IT policy and best practice guides for the organization.

 Designing training programs and workshops for staff.

 Conducting regular system audits.

 Running and sharing regular operation system reports with senior staff.

 Overseeing and determining timeframes for major IT projects including system

updates, upgrades, migrations and outages.

 Managing and reporting on allocation of IT budget.

 Providing direction for IT team members.

 Identifying opportunities for team training and skills advancement.



Gathering and
Quick Response Evaluating
Cost of
information reportgeneration
sharing and decision

Integrating and
processes of
supply chain



Transportation is the means to carry people and goods from one place to another. This has
become very important in each stage of human civilization. If the present means of
transportation were not developed, situation of the world would be totally different.

Transportation has contributed much to the development of economic, social, political and
cultural fields and uplifting their condition. Speedy industrialization is impossible without
development of transportation. It is unavoidably necessary to promote transport system for
the proper development of agricultural sector and rural areas. Without development of
transportation neither mass production nor distribution is possible.

Transportation helps in mass production. Whether it is to purchase and bring raw materials or
it is to distribute finished goods, one or the other means of transport is necessary. This
expands old markets and creates new ones. As a result, demands for goods increases and
production should also be increased.

The contribution of transportation is very important to transport commodities to nooks and

crannies of the world in a little time. If the development of transportation was not made,
market would be limited in local areas and production would be limited to meet local needs
only. As a result, economy of each country would remain in undeveloped condition.

Transportation helps much to the development of different industries, which produce

perishable goods, such as fisheries, poultry firms, horticulture, dairy etc. Transport carries the
perishable goods produced by such industries to the consumers living in different distant
places in time. Otherwise such products would not be possible to supply to the consumers.

The role and contribution of transportation is very important in marketing. The functions of
transport in marketing can be discussed as follows:

 Physical Supply of Products :-Transportation carries necessary raw materials to

factory for production of goods and supplies finished goods to consumers. It creates
place and time utility of goods by transporting from one place to another. It easily
carries finished to the hands of those who need and use them. This significantly
increases aggregate sales of goods. In fact, transport is such a key of marketing, which
helps in carrying goods to the scattered consumers in different places, narrows the gap
between producers and consumers and facilitates to distribute goods to the consumers
at minimum cost and time.

 Specialization:-Transportation facility encourages division of labor and specialization
on geographical or regional basis. Transportation cost highly affects localization of
industries. Production of goods may center at such place where the environment is the
best and production cost is minimum. This makes maximum utilization of local
resources possible, which is both economically and socially necessary.

 Mobility Of Labor And Capital:-Transportation facility provides mobility to labor and

capital. If more labor force is available at any place, transport helps to carry it
economically to necessary place. The means of transport carry labors from one place
to another. This encourages labor and capital to use and invest in more productive

 Stabilization In Price:-Transportation helps to bring stability in price of different

products. It transports goods from more supplied places to scarcely supplied areas.
This establishes coordination between demand and supply, and brings stability in
prices. It helps to supply necessary goods regularly to the consumers. Besides this,
consumers get necessary goods at lower prices, because it encourages competition
among producers and makes mass production at lower cost possible.

 Other Importance:-Beside economic importance, transportation has also social,

political and cultural importance. It establishes social and utility by narrowing
geographical distance. It consolidates social and cultural utility and strengthens
national integration. It helps to establish relationship with foreign countries.
Transportation also helps widen knowledge and skill in different sectors. In this way,
it helps establish social utility, uniformity and integrity and strengthens national

So, transportation plays an important role in physical distribution system. It has also an
important role in marketing function. In the lack of transportation, neither mass production
nor distribution is possible. Transportation is important in social, economic, political and
cultural aspects.


Maintenance have their own customized definition of maintenance. If the question is asked,
words like fix, restore, replace, recondition, patch, rebuild, and rejuvenate will be repeated.
And to some extent there is a place for these words or functions in defining maintenance.
However, to key the definition of maintenance to these words or functions is to miss the mark
in understanding maintenance, especially if you wish to explore the philosophical nature of
the subject. Maintenance is the act of maintaining. The basis for maintaining is to keep,
preserve, and protect. That is to keep in an existing state or preserve from failure or decline.
There is a lot of difference between the thoughts contained in this definition and the words
and functions normally recalled by most people who are "knowledgeable" of the maintenance
function; i.e., fix restore, replace, recondition, etc.

The maintenance department is responsible and accountable for maintenance. It is responsible

for the way equipment runs and looks and for the costs to achieve the required level of
performance. This is not to say that the operator has no responsibility for the use of
equipment when in his hands - he does. The point is that responsibility and accountability
must be assigned to a single function or person whether it be a mechanic or operator. To split
responsibility between maintenance or any other department where overlapping responsibility
occurs is to establish an operation where no one is accountable. Alumax of SC considers this
a fundamental principle for effective operation of maintenance.

The maintenance function is responsible for the frequency and level of maintenance. They are
responsible for the costs to maintain, which requires development of detailed budgets and
control of costs to these budgets.

Where the maintenance department or group is held responsible and accountable for
maintenance, the relationship with other departments takes on new meaning. The
maintenance department can't afford to have adversary relationships with others. They must
have credibility and trust as the basis of interdepartmental relationships. This is an essential
element for the successful operation of a maintenance management system.

Main function of Maintenance Department is to maintain, Keep in existing condition,
Preserve, protect, Keep from failure or decline.
The ultimate goal of maintenance is to provide optimal reliability which meets the business
needs of the company. Many people do not know the definition of reliability and it is:
"The probability or duration of failure-free performance under stated conditions"

A common reason for this finding is that there is no time available to investigate the true
requirements to ensure the reliability of equipment. Yet, there is a growing awareness among
these reactive maintenance organizations of the consequences of poor equipment
performance. These consequences include:

 Higher maintenance costs

 Increasing equipment failures
 Asset availability problems, and
 Safety and environmental impacts


 Most maintenance departments and production only understand that a failure means
the equipment is broken. A true failure of an asset is when it is no one longer meets
the function required of it at some known rate of standard.

 2. Maintenance does not get involved when quality or production rate issues arise in
the plant. In most cases when an asset has functionally failed in a plant no one in
maintenance seems to understand the equipment has failed.

 3. Most maintenance departments do not know the performance targets of the plant
equipment and do not understand why it is important that they understand them. This
not a failure of the maintenance department but a breakdown of how a total is not
aligned to meet the goals of it.



A company security officer (CSO), play a vital role in your organization's ability to meet the
security requirements of federal government contracts.

with contract
security North Atlantic
Secure Treaty
information Organization
and assets personnel

Screen your
Maintain your
organization OFFICER Subcontract
security security

Accessing and
Complying safeguarding
with contract information
security Training, and assets
requirements support and



 Security Issue Prevention:- Preventing security issues is one of the most important
goals of security officers because they play a defensive rather than offensive role
when it comes to securing the property and maintaining safety for the public. Unlike
police officers, security officers' duties do not include offensive tactics, such as
detaining assailants or apprehending criminals. Instead, security officers can take
preventative measures to deter crime, including trespassing and burglaries.

That's why it's critical for private security company managers to prioritize
preventative measures and to teach security prevention best practices to their
personnel. Your security officers must also be visible and observant to help prevent
intrusion and crime from occurring on the property.

 Observation and Reporting:- Security officers are also expected to observe the
environment they are protecting. This can be accomplished by setting and monitoring
equipment and building controls. It's also important for security officers to report
incidents by completing detailed reports.

These reports may include any surveillance activity, occurrences, observations,

witness statements and signatures, and interviews that took place during an incident.
To enhance these measures, a guard tour solution that includes software that provides
accurate data regarding security officers' whereabouts can be instrumental for
reporting and observation purposes.

 Incident Response:- Responding to an incident quickly and in the right way is an

important responsibility that your security personnel must achieve. It's crucial to
control a situation in progress and prevent matters from escalating when possible.
That's why it's key for security officers to be alert and know when to call for help
when the situation gets out of control.

 Communication:- To maintain the safety of the public and to keep everyone and the
property secure, it's vital for security officers to communicate as effectively and
efficiently as possible. Communication can take form in a variety of ways, including
verbally expressing and enforcing the rules and procedures for guests to enter on the
premises of a gated apartment complex, explaining procedures for checking
hazardous material prior to entrance in a lobby or administering first aid in the case of
an emergency. Communication also calls for alerting the appropriate government
officials or authorities when a crime occurs and directing traffic when necessary.

 Collaboration and Cooperation:- Working as a team is a crucial responsibility that

your security guards should accomplish. This is especially important so that all of
your security guards are practicing the same safety protocols no matter who is on
duty. Cooperation among security team members can also call for relying on
technology, such as guard patrol control systems, to ensure everyone is where they
belong when securing the perimeter and other areas of the property.


Stone management is Fabricate, finish, or evaluate the quality of gems and diamonds used in
jewelry or industrial tools.


 Examine gems during processing to ensure accuracy of angles and positions of cuts or
bores, using magnifying glasses, loupes, or shadowgraphs.
 Examine physical characteristics of gemstones or precious metals.
 Assign polish, symmetry, and clarity grades to stones, according to established
grading systems.
 Evaluate quality of materials or products.
 Examine diamonds or gems to ascertain the shape, cut, and width of cut stones, or to
select the cuts that will result in the biggest, best quality stones.
 Examine physical characteristics of gemstones or precious metals.
 Estimate wholesale and retail value of gems, following pricing guides, market
fluctuations, and other relevant economic factors.
 Immerse stones in prescribed chemical solutions to determine specific gravities and
key properties of gemstones or substitutes.
 Examine physical characteristics of gemstones or precious metals.
 Hold stones, gems, dies, or styluses against rotating plates, wheels, saws, or slitters to
cut, shape, slit, grind, or polish them.
 Maneuver workpieces in equipment during production.
 Operate grinding equipment.
 Sort rough diamonds into categories based on shape, size, color, and quality.
 Sort materials or products for processing, storing, shipping, or grading.

 Examine gem surfaces and internal structures, using polariscopes, refractometers,
microscopes, and other optical instruments, to differentiate between stones, to identify
rare specimens, or to detect flaws, defects, or peculiarities affecting gem values.
 Examine physical characteristics of gemstones or precious metals.
 Identify and document stones' clarity characteristics, using plot diagrams.
 Examine physical characteristics of gemstones or precious metals.
 Record operational or production data.
 Secure gems or diamonds in holders, chucks, dops, lapidary sticks, or blocks for
cutting, polishing, grinding, drilling, or shaping.
 Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
 Advise customers and others on the best use of gems to create attractive jewelry
 Advise others on ways to improve processes or products.
 Locate and mark drilling or cutting positions on stones or dies, using diamond chips
and power hand tools.
 Draw guide lines or markings on materials or workpieces using patterns or other
 Place stones in clamps on polishing machines and polish facets of stones, using felt-
covered or canvas-covered polishing wheels and polishing compounds such as tripoli
and rouge.
 Mount materials or workpieces onto production equipment.
 Polish materials, workpieces, or finished products.
 Lap girdles on rough diamonds, using diamond girdling lathes.
 Operate cutting equipment.
 Measure sizes of stones' bore holes and cuts to ensure adherence to specifications,
using precision measuring instruments.
 Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify conformance to
 Select shaping wheels for tasks, and mix and apply abrasives, bort, or polishing
 Select production equipment according to product specifications.
 Mix substances to create chemical solutions.
 Apply solutions to production equipment.

 Split gems along pre-marked lines to remove imperfections, using blades and
jewelers' hammers.
 Cut industrial materials in preparation for fabrication or processing.
 Regulate the speed of revolutions and reciprocating actions of drilling mechanisms.
 Drill holes in parts, equipment, or materials.
 Replace, true, and sharpen blades, drills, and plates.
 Sharpen cutting or grinding tools.
 Replace worn equipment components.
 Secure stones in metal mountings, using solder.
 Solder parts or workpieces.
 Dismantle lapping, boring, cutting, polishing, and shaping equipment and machinery
to clean and lubricate it.
 Disassemble equipment for maintenance or repair.
 Regrind drill points, and advance drill cutting points according to specifications for
channel depths and shapes.
 Drill holes in parts, equipment, or materials.
 Operate grinding equipment.
 Sharpen cutting or grinding tools.

At the end I would like to conclude that Success in business happens because of successful
employees. That being said, strong managers are one of the most critical components of
Employee Success — after all, employees leave managers, not companies.

The front-line manager faces incredible stress. Between managing a team, driving results, and
answering to leadership’s expectations, managers juggle competing goals and often work
more or less in the dark. So how do we give managers the training and the best practices we
need to make managers successful?

It is easy enough to observe an employee’s usual hours and deadlines made or missed, but a
thorough understanding of team attitudes, willingness and ability to help out, and
performance under pressure requires more effort. But still, it’s important. Actionable insight
can make or break teams and ensure your company is performing at its best.

We know that knowledge is power. That insight is the key to holding managers accountable
and instilling personal responsibility in a manager’s team. That’s why we added Achievers
Analytics and Manager’s Corner to our latest product release.
Setting clear goals and expectations is crucial, but needs to be paired with consistent support
and measurements of success to be effective. By giving our managers access to metrics on
engagement, recognition and influence, we paint a more vivid picture than just looking at
sales numbers and hours worked.
By helping our managers do their jobs better, we build companies that work better overall.
Managers need actionable insight to make better human capital decisions and move business

To start, we need to promote the right people. From the beginning, we often set up our
managers for failure. We take our top performers and make them managers, but management
is a completely different job.
Bringing in the highest sales numbers does not automatically equate to building and leading
teams. Often you look back and realize you took a top performer and made them poor

When looking at a potential manager, performance is an important part of the puzzle, but it’s
not the whole picture. Great future-managers connect with teammates and influence



Management skills are something that you hear a lot about in the abstract; yet you may find
you're at a loss to define what the term really means. In the broadest sense, management
skills can be nearly anything that enables you to manage others effectively. While some skills
will vary based on your industry, there are several that are universal across nearly every work


 Motivation:-Managers who can motivate their employees are true assets to their
company. This type of interaction not only increases productivity and employee
satisfaction, but it sets a good example as well. Hiring managers look for leaders who
can spot employees' strengths and encourage them to develop their skill sets. The best
managers have a keen eye for areas that could be improved and know how to
approach these issues diplomatically so workers feel encouraged to make productive
changes, rather than discouraged by their shortcomings.

 Professionalism:- Good managers hold themselves to the highest standards so that

their employees will have a clear example of what they should strive for. Integrity,
honesty, and professionalism are crucial skills for strong managers. As a leader, it's
better to show rather than tell when it comes to work ethic and demeanor. Hiring
managers look for job applicants who adhere to a strict moral code and set the right
example for others.

 Communication:-One of the most important responsibilities that managers have is

communicating effectively, both with the employees who work under them and with
other managers throughout the company. They're part of an intricate web and must act
as a strong connection point that bridges the gaps between lower level employees and
top brass or between sales, marketing, and production departments.

 Technical Skills:-Technical skills are more important for low-level managers than for
those at the top of the chain. If you're angling for your first managerial spot, it's
crucial that you demonstrate a keen understanding of the business as a whole. Many
companies promote their managers from within for this very purpose.

 Innovation:-Innovation is a keyword for nearly every company. Your competitors are

always striving to develop the best new products and services ahead of you.
Businesses that innovate well stay at the top of the pack, netting new customers with
their fresh offerings and keeping existing clients happy with a continuous selection of
upgrades. Hiring managers have a keen eye for new hires who will bring different
perspectives and new ideas to the company.
As the management and managers are important to each industry the same way CRM is also
an important department in each industry.


CRM a part of their strategy before the number of clients makes a CRM platform absolutely
necessary. Small businesses and even freelancers can benefit from CRM processes as well.
After all, who doesn’t want to increase their customer retention and, as a result, their profits?
Some of the major ways in which CRM accomplishes this goal are listed below.

 Learning:- CRM helps businesses learn about their customers, including who they are
and why they purchase your products, as well as trends in customers’ purchasing
histories. This allows businesses to better anticipate their customers’ needs and, as a
result, fulfill them. Effectively using customer relationship management can also
provide a strategic advantage. Well organized customer data helps companies select
the correct recipients for promotions and new products.

 Organization:- CRM allows businesses to become more efficient by organizing and

automating certain aspects of the business. From sales processes to marketing
campaigns and business analytics as well as customer data, CRM automates and
streamlines these processes for businesses. This allows the businesses to organize
these processes into simpler, easier to understand data.

 Optimization:-Finally, CRM software allows businesses to optimize their customer

interactions. By simplifying and streamlining many of the more complex customer
interaction processes, CRM increases customer satisfaction.

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. Though the term is self-explanatory,
nobody would know how to do it right without some guidance. Of course you can learn from
your experience, but that will come at the cost of some major mistakes in your business. So,
why fail yourself when you can learn from the mistakes of others?
CRM not helps in making your task but also does supportive tasks such as assigning of tasks,
taking some actions when the leads become inactive.
Maintaining healthy and productive customer relationship is the best way to ensure a bright
future for the business.


 Data is collected.
 Data is segmented and stored.
 The data is available to access by authorized people.
 The data helps analyze customer behavior.
 The system offers solutions for efficient Digital Marketing according to the trends as
understood from the data.
 The system offers suggestions to enhance the customer experience to let your business
go that extra mile to impress.


There are no qualms admitting that a CRM system has its own drawbacks. However, most of
them are due to the wrong implementation.


 Have a team that is not committed to maintaining originality and uniqueness.
 Have a team that does not know how to use analytics.
 Have implemented a cheap solution and not customized it to fit you exact needs. So
this answers the frequently asked question, “which CRM system should I use?”
 Have left everything to the system alone and did not take out time to personalize it to
fit the brand image.
 Have not teamed with the marketing team to sync the brand image with the CRM
system analytics.
 Have never taken out time to read the analyzed data and make the necessary changes,
as indicated by the system, in your business system, the website, and the CRM system


Once you start If you can avoid the above mistakes your CRM system will pay off. Once you
start properly using a CRM software you will see the importance of CRM in the profits of
your business and the running of your office. Once you see the results of using a CRM
system, you will recommend friends to use it for their startups too and will have all the
answers when they ask “why use a CRM system?”





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