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Joebert Duran

Professor Arch. Desquitado

Specialization 3

08 June 2020


What is automation?

Automation is the creation of technology and its application in order to control and

monitor the production and delivery of various goods and services. It performs tasks that were

previously performed by humans. Automation is being used in a number of areas such as

manufacturing, transport, utilities, defense, facilities, operations and lately, information



Though we tend to think of automation as a modern phenomenon, its history is quite extensive.

The word automation, in the manufacturing sense, was coined by Ford Motor Co. Vice
President Delmer S. Harder in 1948. However, automation can trace its roots back much further
than that. 762 B.C. to be exact(ish).

Industrial automation in manufacturing entails the use of machines to carry out

manufacturing processes with levels of speed, consistency, stamina, and precision beyond the
capacity of a human worker. The machines can be powered using a multitude of methods
including electrical, hydraulic, mechanical, pneumatic and computer.
The main benefits of manufacturing automation include reduced production costs, improved
quality and reliability, and decreased waste.

The earliest mention of automation can be found in Homer's “The Iliad”. At the end of
book one, Homer presents the tale of Hephaestus. Hephaestus is the Greek god of blacksmiths,
craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire and volcanoes. He was tasked with
manufacturing all of the weaponry used by the gods of Mount Olympus. To help him in his
workshop he crafted automatons. Automatons were self-operating machines, or robots,
fashioned from metal. They aided Hephaestus in his work and made possible the production of
the magnificent equipment used by gods and mortals alike.

While, of course, the workshop of Hephaestus is unlikely to have actually existed, it's mention
proves that automation is not a modern idea. Not by a long shot.

Manufacturing automation, as we recognize it, begins to take root in the in the 11th
century. This period saw the large scale application of innovations in mining. As a population
boom resulted in an increased market demand for metals, Medieval miners and metallurgists
needed to derive solutions to the problems that limited metal production. Namely, the issue of
draining water out of shafts and tunnels in underground mining. The widely adopted solution
was to apply water power using waterwheels to power draining engines. This can been seen as
a crucial step towards the automated processes we rely on in our factories today.

In 1722 we see the appearance of what is commonly referred to as “the mother of

machine tools”, the lathe. The lathe is credited with being the first machine tool that led to the
invention of all subsequent machine tools. Though it actually dates back to Ancient Egypt circa
1300 BCE, it wasn't until 1722 that the lathe was first mechanized in the form of a horse-
powered horizontal boring machine.

By the 1800's the Industrial Revolution was in full swing. A heavy emphasis was
placed on increasing factory productivity resulting in a transition to new, automated processes.
In the textile industry, cotton spinning became mechanized – powered by steam or water. In the
paper industry a machine for making a continuous sheets of paper on a loop of wire fabric was
introduced. Known as the Fourdriner, the machine is still used in paper production today
(though it has experienced many substantial upgrades over time). Influenced by the Fourdriner,
the method of continuous production lead to the development of continuous rolling of steel and

Factory productivity rapidly increased due to electricity in the 1920s and by the 1930s
the automotive industry was leading the charge in industrial automation. It was during this time
that industry was applying feedback controllers, a highly accurate electrical timer, and protective

During the Second World War there was a great deal of focus placed on advancements in
industrial automation – particularly in the production of tanks, warships, fighter airplanes.

By the 1980s the idea of “lights-out” manufacturing had captured the imaginations of industrial
engineers. The goal became factories automated to such an extent that the manufacturing floor
would be void of humans and robots would manage the entire process.

While this goal has not yet been realized, today's factory floors are home to a great deal of
impressive automation. This includes, integrated manufacturing systems,smart sensors, high-
speed information systems, cooperative robots, and the growing use of programmable
automation controllers (PACs).

Automation linked with building information modelling and construction


WSP’s BIM and VDC services and deliverables include:

 Parametric Modelling
 Building Information Modelling
 Integrated Project Delivery
 2D /3D Modelling for Design Support
 Design Validation/Review
 4D Modelling
 Constructability Analysis and Review
 Multi-Disciplinary Collaborative Work Processes
 Simulation and Performance Analyses
 Energy Modelling and Analysis
 VDC and Risk Analysis Integration
 Construction Automation

Adding Value at Every Project Phase

We use BIM at different phases of the project life cycle, from design through construction and

operation, to sustainable demolition. High level BIM implementation provides enhanced risk

management, substantial productivity gains, shortened construction time scales and significant

cost savings over the project lifecycle.

As project design and construction plans take shape, our team can analyze alternatives, identify

issues, and solve potential problems before they occur in real life. This greatly reduces risk,

while saving time and money.

Making Well-Informed Decisions, Faster

BIM enables constant information exchange among architects, engineers, specialists,

developers, contractors and other parties. It helps teams to make well-informed decisions faster,

thereby achieving more effective and efficient design than if BIM had not been used.

Our use of BIM helps owners make decisions earlier in the design phase of the project. This

allows, for example, the MEP engineer to right-size the equipment. In the past, we would add

approximately 25% of equipment to cover any changes that happen late in the design phase. By

making these decisions early, we are able to size the equipment properly and leave more space

for the owner to rent or sell.

BIM can also be used for clash detection and to eliminate spatial conflicts, such as areas where

the electrical and HVAC designs call for equipment to occupy the same space.

Other applications include running scenarios, such as the function of an emergency ventilation

system, and energy analysis and modeling. BIM can even model the movement of the sun to

assist in conducting daylighting studies and optimizing solar panels.

Faster Response to Design Changes

In the construction phase, BIM enables faster responses to design changes or site problems,

and it supports planning and cost management. BIM enables teams to assess constructability;

fine- tune and communicate construction sequencing and contractor scheduling; generate

material lists and quantities; and establish material delivery schedules and logistics.

BIM can also allow owners and operators to manage, plan and track ongoing maintenance,

refurbish, or demolish their facilities more efficiently.

BIM is Green

Through the time-efficiencies achieved with BIM, we can reduce energy use and cost. BIM

helps reduce material waste during construction and building management, and it can

eventually assist in sustainable demolition. Energy modelling using BIM can also minimize

energy consumption over a building’s life.


Automation Software / Testing Tools for 2020

Test automation cannot be realized without good tools; as they determine how automation is

performed and whether the benefits of automation can be delivered. Test automation tools is a

crucial component in the DevOps toolchain. The current test automation trends have increased in

applying artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to offer advanced capabilities for test

optimization, intelligent test generation, execution, and reporting. It will be worthwhile to

understand which tools are best poised to take advantage of these trends.

Here are the top test automation tools that are believed to best address the challenges in

automation over the next few years. The tools included in this list are selected from these criteria:

 Supporting API and services testing


 Offering some AI/ML and analytics capabilities

 Popularity and maturity


For developers and testers who have experience and skills in programming and scripting,

Selenium offers flexibility that is unseen in many other test automation tools and frameworks.

Users can write test scripts in many differents languages (such as Java, Groovy, Python, C#,

PHP, Ruby, and Perl) that run on multiple system environments (Windows, Mac, Linux) and

browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Headless browsers). Selenium has recently released its first

alpha version of Selenium in April 2019. The announcement of Selenium 4 official version is yet

to be determined; but you can expect the release would come with many improved and enriched


To use Selenium effectively, users have to possess advanced programming skills and need to

spend considerable time to build automation frameworks and libraries necessary for automation.

This is a main disadvantage of Selenium, which is addressed in other tools built for codeless test

automation like Katalon Studio.

2. Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a powerful and comprehensive automation solution for testing API, Web,

mobile, and desktop application testing. It also has a rich feature set for these types of testing

and supports multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Leveraging Selenium and Appium engines, Katalon Studio provides a uniquely integrated

environment for testers who find difficulties in integrating and deploying different frameworks and

libraries to use Selenium and Appium, as well as those who are already familiar with these


Katalon Studio was named a 2020 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice for Software Test

Automation with more than 600 positive reviews, which once again, proves the tool is now one of

the biggest players in the market.

Highlights of the tool include:


 A complete feature set for test automation of API/Web services, Web, and mobile


 Supports both SOAP and RESTful for API and services testing

 Hundreds of built-in keywords for creating test cases

 Support BDD Cucumber to express test scenario in natural languages

 Can be used for both automated and exploratory testing

 The testing capability can be extended via plugins on Katalon Store In-depth views of

reports on Katalon TestOps

In April 2020, Katalon has released its newest update — Katalon Studio 7.3 — with major

enhancements that support scalable projects, solving the Wait issue in Selenium, sharing test

artifacts across multiple projects, and more.

3. UFT One

UFT One (formerly known as UFT) is a popular commercial tool to test Web, desktop, mobile,

and RPA application. It has been extended to include a good set of capabilities for API testing.

By supporting multiple platforms for the target application under test (AUT), UFT One provides a

convenient choice to test the AUT that operates on desktop, web, and mobile.

UFT One provides several advanced capabilities for smart object detection, image-based object

detection, and correction. In January 2020, Microfocus released the latest version of UFT

(v15.0). The update offers new features and enhancements that streamline the testing

processes, improve testing efficiencies, and sustain quality while reducing testing time.

Several highlights of the tool that support API testing:

 Intuitive user interface for creating, executing, and reporting API tests

 Support generating API tests from WADL documents

 Tests’ actions, activities, and parameters can be visualized in diagrams

4. TestComplete

TestComplete continues to be in the list this year for its powerful and comprehensive set of

features for Web, mobile, and desktop application testing. Testers can use JavaScript, VBScript,

Python, or C++Script to write test scripts.

Like UFT One, TestComplete has an object recognition engine that can accurately detect

dynamic user interface elements. This engine is especially useful in applications that have

dynamic and frequently changing user interfaces.

The TestComplete version 14.4 was released in April 2020 includes improvement in its

integration with Jira — creating issues of any type on a user’s Jira project. Cross-platform web

testing allows users to record/create manually web tests in the supported browsers and run these

tests in a wide range of other browsers. Self-healing functionality that leverages the improved AI-

based algorithms to find a replacement object by its image. Testers can easily use

TestComplete’s record and playback feature, like Katalon Studio. They can insert checkpoints

into test steps to verify results. As a product of SmartBear, TestComplete can be integrated

easily with other products offered by SmartBear.



SoapUI is not a test automation tool for Web or mobile app testing, but it can be a tool of choice

to test API and services. It is a headless functional testing tool specifically designed for API


SoapUI supports both REST and SOAP services. API automation testers can use either the

open-source or pro version. The pro edition has a user-friendly interface and several advanced

features such as assertion wizard, form editor, and SQL query builder. SoapUI is a tool of the

ReadyAPI suite, offered by SmartBear.

The tool provides a quite comprehensive feature set for API testing with many advanced

capabilities, including:

 Generating tests easily using drag and drop, point-and-click

 Powerful data-driven testing with data from files and databases

 Asynchronous testing

 Scripts can be reused easily

 Creating mock services with RESTful mocking

Moreover, SoapUI has recently brought the API Explorer feature from SoapUI Pro into the open-

source version, allowing developers and testers to instantly debug their API’s responses. The

latest version 5.5 of SoapUI (Open-source) was released in February 2019 which added the

Endpoint Explorer dialog to help users send exploratory requests and analyze responses without

creating a project. Whereas, version 3.1.0 (Pro) allows users to use external data sources to

quickly react if users want to simulate different user behavior without recreating their test case.

 6. IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT)

IBM Rational Functional Tester is a test automation tool designed for testing of applications that

are developed using different languages and technologies such as Web, .Net, Java, Visual

Basic, Siebel, SAP, PowerBuilder, Adobe Flex, and Dojo Toolkit. It is also a data-driven testing

platform for functional and regression testing.

Some highlights of the tool:

 Visual editing through screenshots provides a visual, storyboard format for representing

test actions that allows users to accommodate frequent user interface changes and avoid

increases in maintenance overhead.

 Advanced ScriptAssure technology

 Earlier data detection

 Test scripting allows users to choose between either Java or Visual Basic .NET

 Integration with other software to support collaborative application lifecycle management

RFT provides a feature called ‘storyboard testing’ which helps visualize and edit tests using

natural language and application screenshots. RFT’s ScriptAssure capability allows testers to

generate test scripts resilient to changes in the user interface of the AUT. RFT can also integrate

with other IBM’s application lifecycle management tools, such as IBM Rational Team Concert

and Rational Quality Manager.

7. Tricentis Tosca

There are a few continuous testing platforms that provide comprehensive toolsets to support

most, if not all, testing activities ranging from test design and test automation to test reports and

analytics. Tricentis Tosca is one of them.

This tool has many features such as dashboards, analytics, integrations, and distributed

executions to support continuous integration and DevOps practices. Moreover, it offers a friendly

user interface and a rich feature set for designing, implementing, executing, managing,

optimizing API tests.

Some other highlights of the tool:

 Can be easily integrated to be a crucial part of DevOps processes

 API tests can be performed across browsers, mobile devices, and platforms

 Multiple protocols and standards are enabled, including HTTP(s) JMS, AMQP, Rabbit


 A good set of test reporting and analytics capabilities

Tricentis Tosca supports API security configuration in the API Connection Manager. It also allows

users to use the signature security option to sign multiple parts of a message.

Tricentis claims to significantly reduce regression testing (within the magnitude of minutes from

weeks). This claim, however, needs to be carefully verified by testing teams.

8. Ranorex

Having been around for many years, Ranorex provides a comprehensive and professional set of

features for Web, mobile, desktop, and API testing. Leveraging its experience in desktop-based

test automation, Ranorex has advanced capabilities for UI element identification, editing, and


Like Katalon Studio, Ranorex makes automation testing easy for testers with its friendly and

intuitive GUI, record/playback, and script generation.

Testers can integrate Ranorex with Selenium Grid to enable distributed testing along with parallel

test executions.

Ranorex 9.3 introduces enhanced Jira and TestRail reporting. The newest release, Ranorex

Studio 9.3.1 (March, 2020) offers the Ranorex Instrumentation Wizard to resign iOS IPA

packages that were signed with code signing v2.0.

9. Postman

Postman is another automation tool designed for API testing. Users can install this tool as a

browser extension or a desktop application on Mac, Linux, Windows. It is popular not only among

testers for API test automation but also developers who use the tool to develop and test APIs. It

is, in fact, a development environment to develop and test APIs.


Some highlights of the tool:

 Comprehensive feature set for designing, debugging, testing, documenting, and

publishing APIs

 Friendly and easy-to-use user interface

 Supporting both automated and exploratory testing

 Accepting Swagger and RAML API formats

 Requests and respondents can be packaged and shared with team members

In the released version 7.2 in June 2019, Postman extended their support for GraphQL request

and schemas, GraphQL query auto-completion function, and GraphQL variables. The latest

version 7.21.2 for Mac, Windows and Linux App has been released in April 2020 with minor bug


10 Apache JMeter

JMeter is an open-source tool designed for test loading and performance measurement — two

features of which JMeter is known. However, the tool is now also used for API and services

testing, especially for API performance. JMeter is the third most popular tool for test automation,

cited by 25% of respondents in the Test Automation Challenges survey.

Highlights of the tool include:

 Lightweight with a simple and easy-to-use user interface


 Test results can be replayed

 Support CSV files to set values for API parameters

 Support integration with CI tools such as Jenkins. JMeter is often used as a part of CI and

DevOps toolchains

The most release JMeter 5.2 in November 2019 has been stacked with multiple new features,

enhancements, and many bug fixes, such as new protocol, JMESPath extractor, JDBC

improvements, StringtoFile, HTTP Samplers. The latest version 5.2.1 has minor bugs fixed only.

“Building Information Modeling (BIM)”

What Is BIM?

BIM is an acronym for Building Information Modeling. It is a highly collaborative process that

allows multiple stakeholders and AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) professionals to

collaborate on the planning, design, and construction of a building within one 3D model. It can

also span into the operation and management of buildings using data that owners have access

to. This data allows owners and stakeholders to make decisions based on pertinent information

derived from the model— even after the building is constructed.


From Blueprints to CAD to BIM

In the past, blueprints and drawings were used to express information about a particular building

plan. This 2D approach made it very difficult to visualize dimensions and requirements. Next

came CAD (Computer Aided Design), which helped drafters see the benefit of plans in a digital

environment. Later on, CAD turned 3D, which brought more realistic visuals to blueprints. Now,

BIM (Building Information Modeling) is the standard— but it’s more than just a 3D model.

 BIM Objects

BIM objects, the components that make up a BIM model, are intelligent, have geometry, and

store data. If any element is changed, BIM software updates the model to reflect that change.

This allows the model to remain consistent and coordinated throughout the entire process so

that structural engineers, architects, MEP engineers, designers, project managers, and

contractors can work in a more collaborative environment.

 The “I” in BIM

BIM, as a whole, refers to the process of all parties involved in the construction and lifecycle

management of built assets, working collaboratively and sharing data. However, the true power

of BIM lives in the “I” (information). All of the information gathered— from conception to

completion— isn’t just stored, it’s actionable. The data can be used to improve accuracy,

express design intent from the office to the field, improve knowledge transfer from stakeholder

to stakeholder, reduce change orders and field coordination problems, and provide insight into

existing buildings for renovation projects later on.

 How Is BIM Information Shared?

This information in a BIM model is shared through a mutually accessible online space known as

a common data environment (CDE), and the data collected is referred to as an 'information

model'. Information models can be used at all stages of a building’s life; from inception to

operation— and even renovations and renewals.

Now that we’ve covered what BIM is and how it can be used, let’s move on to BIM levels.

What are BIM Levels?

Different levels of BIM can be achieved for various types of projects. Each level represents a

different set of criteria that demonstrates a particular level of ‘maturity.’ BIM levels start with 0

and go to 4D, 5D, and even 6D BIM. The purpose of these levels is to gauge how effectively, or

how much information is being shared and managed throughout the entire process.

So what does each level involve, and how can you identify which at which level you’re working?

Below are brief descriptions of the first three levels and an explanation of what criteria is

involved at each stage.

 Level 0 BIM

Level 0 BIM refers to not operating collaboratively at all. If you’re using 2D CAD and working

with drawings and/or digital prints, you can safely say you’re at level 0. Today, most of the

industry is working above this level, although there is still some unease amongst professionals

who are uneasy about introducing a new process.

Level 1 BIM

Using 3D CAD for concept work, but 2D for drafting production information and other

documentation, probably means you're working Level 1 BIM. At this level, CAD standards are

managed to the standard of BS 1192:2007, and electronic sharing of data carried out from a

common data environment (CDE) usually managed by the contractor. Many firms are at Level 1

BIM, which doesn’t involve much collaboration, and each stakeholder publishes and manages

their own data.

 Level 2 BIM

Level 2 BIM begins to add in a collaborative environment. BIM Level 2 was actually made a

mandatory requirement in April of 2016 on all publicly tendered projects in the UK. At level 2, all

team members use 3D CAD models but sometimes not in the same model. However, the way in

which stakeholders exchange information differentiates it from other levels. Information about

the design of a built environment is shared through a common file format. When firms combine

this with their own data, they save time, reduce costs, and eliminate the need for rework. Since

data is shared this way, the CAD software must be capable of exporting to a common file

format, such as IFC (Industry Foundation Class) or COBie (Construction Operations Building

Information Exchange).

 Level 3 BIM

BIM level 3 is even more collaborative. Instead of each team member working in their own 3D

model, Level 3 means that everyone uses a single, shared project model. The model exists in a

‘central’ environment and can be accessed and modified by everyone. This is called Open BIM,

meaning that another layer of protection is added against clashes, adding value to the project at

every stage. The UK Government is even committed to Level 3 BIM being prerequisite for all

projects in the coming years.

 The Future of BIM

Because of the clear benefits, it’s certain that BIM is here to stay. It has defined goals and

objectives that are clearly beneficial to all those who work their way through the levels.

Undoubtedly, the future of construction will be even more highly collaborative and digital. As

BIM becomes increasingly more sophisticated, 4D, 5D, and even 6D BIM will start to play a part

in the process. Furthermore, around the globe, there is an attempt to reduce waste in

construction. Much of this is attributed to supply chain inefficiencies, clashes, and reworking. By

working collaboratively in a BIM environment, all of this becomes much less likely, setting the

stage for a better tomorrow.

BIM objects and planning

BIM is representing a design as combinations of “objects” — vague and undefined,

generic or product-specific, solid shapes or void-space oriented (like the shape of a room), that
carry their geometry, relations and attributes (Eastman, 2009).
BIM design tools allow the extraction of different views from a model for the production of
drawings among other things. These different views are automatically consistent, as they come
from a single definition of each “object instance” (Eastman, 2009).

Objects are also defined as parameters and relations to other objects, so that if there are
changes in a related object, dependent or adjacent ones will automatically change or adjust, as
well (Eastman, 2009). Each element of a building model can carry attributes to automatically
select and order them where cost estimates and material tracking and ordering can be provided
(Eastman, 2009).

In that sense, it easily becomes evident that BIM objects and BIM, in general, have
multiple benefits for the planning aspect of a construction project, as well. In short, here are
three of the main areas where BIM can really make a difference:

Visual representation and communication

BIM objects have a big impact on the effort to virtually represent the entire lifecycle of a
built structure. This realistic model of the building can help the project team to stay on the same
page and communicate crucial updates on a timely and straightforward manner when

Furthermore, a well-constructed BIM model can allow construction managers to run a

number of alternative scenarios in order to visualize the entire planned sequence of the project.
This visual representation can subsequently be shared with the client and the other
stakeholders and function as a basis for further action.

Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that data should always come before 3D. After all, a
visual representation is only as good as the data used for its creation. That being said, whether
plans and blueprints are 2D or 3D isn’t the most important thing to focus on at this point. Digital
adoption on the field is the issue that construction needs to address before the sector decides to
invest more attention on the opportunities that the 3D representation of the built structure has to

Simulation and development

Back to the benefits of BIM objects, their use makes it easier for project managers to
apply real-life events/conditions on the model. In that way, those in charge can effortlessly see
whether the building they are putting together is complying with the initial standards and

For example, with the help of BIM objects the project agents can examine the energy-
efficiency levels of the built structure and determine if there are any areas that require
optimization in order to prevent energy loss in the future.
Like that, the project team can simulate the use of different materials and find the right options
for their project.

Clash detection (and resolution)


Clash detection and resolution is another area where BIM objects can have a very
positive influence. By being able to visualize the different project details in a realistic model,
subcontractors can much easily detect and resolve any sources of pain for the project.

For instance, locations where plumbing fittings are clashing with electrical fittings can
easily be detected and lead to functional design changes before it is too late and costly for the

Furthermore, as the use of BIM objects is expanding in a construction project, the quality
of the data collected is increasing, as well. In the long run, that can be extremely valuable for
both the planning and the reporting process of a project.

Fig 3. Image courtesy of Warren and Mahoney

5D model and various dimensions

The various subsets of BIM are described in terms of dimensions — 3D (object model),
4D (time), 5D (cost), 6D (operation), 7D (sustainability), and even 8D (safety) (Smith, 2014).
This multidimensional capacity of BIM has been defined as “nD” modeling as an almost infinite
number of dimensions can be added to the building model (Smith, 2014).

Fig 4. Image courtesy of Synchro Software

The 4D model links construction activities to time schedules and 3D images that result in
a real-time graphical simulation of the construction progress. The “time” dimension enables the
evaluation of the buildability and workflow planning of a project. Everyone involved in the project
can easily and effectively visualize, analyze, and communicate problems in the sequential,
spatial, and temporal aspects of the construction progress.

This results in better schedules, site layout and logistic plans that generate improvement
in productivity. The 5D model adds the dimension of “Cost” to the BIM model and allows instant
generation of cost budgets and financial representations of the model against time. This
improves the accuracy of estimates, minimizes dispute incidents that CAD data usually cause,
and allows cost consultants to spend more time on improving value.

Fig 5. From McKinsey and Company

The 6D model enables facilities management to be added to the BIM. Adding rich
description of building elements and engineering services with elaborate descriptions to the
geometry, relationships, and property capabilities make the BIM a perfect facilities management

The 7D model incorporated sustainability components to the BIM — it allows for

professionals/designers to meet carbon targets for a specific element of a project and validate
decisions or test and compare options. The 8D incorporates safety aspects in both the design
and the construction process.

BIM and allied quantities technologies provide opportunities for the project but also
challenges for the project manager. As automation is increasingly used in quantification in the
construction industry, BIM models will need to adapt accordingly to allow for more sophisticated
management components that incorporate 4D time and 5D cost modelling and sharing this
information with the project team in an integrated project delivery approach.

However, BIM is just not about new software and technology. It requires an alternative
way of thinking and a different approach to project procurement and delivery. It is imperative to
move from the traditional approach of project participation with separate information pools and
incompatible software technologies to one that is totally integrated with a common platform

where participants can share and work on the same information. The BIM is the ultimate tool for
this (Smith, 2014).

A brief BIM history

The idea of BIM was conceptualized in the 70s and was initially called the Building
Description System (BDS) (Eastman et al., 1974). The term “building model” was first used in
1985 in an architectural design paper on computer-aided drawing and computer-aided
design (Ruffle, 1985). And in 1992, the term “building information model” was first used in a
paper discussing automation in construction (van Nederveen et. al, 1992).

It wasn’t until 10 years later, though, when the terms building information modeling and
building information model (including the acronym BIM) became popularly used. It was in 2002
when Autodesk published a paper entitled “Building Information Modelling” and various software
developers and vendors got involved in the field and the term was standardized to mean as
the common name for digital representation of the building process (Laiserin, 2008).

Other terminologies of the similar format have been used by different makers — they
were “Virtual Building” by Graphisoft and “Integrated Project Models” by Bentley Systems.

Fig 6. Image courtesy of ConAppGuru

Graphisoft developed early system solutions longer than the competitors in the market
and was responsible for ArchiCAD, which was then “one of the most mature BIM solutions in the
market” (Laiserin, 2003). It was regarded as the first BIM implementation in 1987 and was the
“first computer-aided design (CAD) product on a personal computer able to create 2D and 3D
geometry, and the first commercial BIM product for personal computers” (Forbes, 2010).

BIM impact in the industry

In a McKinsey report, one study found that 75% of companies that have adopted BIM
reported positive returns on their investment with shorter project life cycles and savings on
paperwork and material costs. Because of these benefits, various governments like Britain,
Finland, and Singapore, mandate the use of BIM for public infrastructure projects (Agarwal,


Fig 7. Image courtesy of BluEnt.

In small specialty studies, BIM appears to be increasing productivity in labor. In

a study involving a small contracting enterprise, the impact of BIM on labor productivity was
quantified and findings demonstrated a 75% to 240% increase in labor productivity for modeled
and prefabricated areas (Poirier, 2015).

For the professionals (architects, surveyors, engineers) involved in an infrastructure

project, BIM allows for a virtual information model to be communicated from the design team to
the main contractor and subcontractors and then to the owner/operator with each specific
professional adding specific data to the single-shared model.

The whole system is designed to reduce information losses that traditionally occur
especially when a new team takes over a project. It also provides extensive information of
complex structures (Eastman, 2009).

Figures courtesy of UK Government Cabinet Office BIM Strategy

Utilizing building information modelling modeling solutions in the construction sector

resulted to higher quality work, greater speed and productivity, and lower costs for building
professionals in terms of design, construction, and operation of buildings (Laiserin, 2002).

Higher Quality. BIM allows for flexibility in the exploration and changes to the project
design or documentation process at any time without any hassle to the design team. This
results in minimized coordination time and manual checking that enables the design team to
have more time solving real architectural problems. This results in less time spent on
coordination or manual checking allowing the design team to focus more on solving real
architectural problems. Common modelling modeling tools provide close control over technical
and detailed decisions regarding design execution. The digital record of building renovations
improves planning and management.

Greater Speed. BIM enables for concurrent design and documentation instead of serial
to be done concurrently instead of serially. Schedules, diagrams, drawings, estimating, value
engineering, planning, and other forms of work communication are created dynamically while
work is progressing. BIM allows for adaptation of the original model to changes like site
conditions, etc.

Lower Cost. Using BIM allows for more work to be done by a smaller team. This means
lower costs and lesser fewer miscommunications. Less time and money are spent in process
and administration because of due to higher document quality and better construction planning.

Future Potential

BIM is a relatively new technology especially in the construction sector, an industry

typically slow to adapt to change. BIM proponents claim that in the near future, it will offer a lot
of value in terms of (Rahmani Asl et. al, 2013):

 Improving visualization.
 Improving productivity via easy information retrieval.
 Increasing coordination of construction documents.
 Linking of vital information such as vendors for specific materials, the location of details
and quantities required for tendering.
 Increasing speed of delivery.
 Reducing overall costs.

Building information modeling and automated quantities technologies can provide the
industry with consequential opportunities to raise the quality of the industry to a much higher
and sophisticated level. Having the capability to simulate a range of data options with real-time
cost advice and carry on throughout the detailed design, construction, and operational stages,
BIM will surely place construction practices at a higher value.[ CITATION Hou16 \l 1033 ]

Automation will dramatically change society

Robots and other technologies are not only replacing workers in manufacturing, but also
in teaching. The number of online courses that run automatically has exploded over the past

The way we move around will soon change dramatically. It will not be long before private
cars, buses, and trains have no drivers. In fact, even commercial airliners will probably have no
pilots by the middle of this century.

Even professions that are super-secure today will eventually give way to robots. Robot
surgeons, doctors, and veterinarians will probably run all aspects of medicine by the end of this
century. In other words, by the year 2100, there might not be any human medical professionals.

By 2030, up to 861,000 UK public sector jobs may be automated, says a Deloitte and
Reform report. Not only would this cut the wage bill by £17 billion, but it would also reduce the
workforce by 16%.[ CITATION Mar \l 1033 ]

Construction Project Management Software

Construction project management (CPM) is a specific application of PM discipline for

construction project types that include agricultural, residential, commercial, institutional,
industrial, heavy civil and environmental. The construction project manager specifies objectives
and plans, maximizes resource efficiency, implements various operations, and develops
communication and mechanisms, among others. Although the technology, institutions, and/or
processes are different, CPM has many similarities in the management of projects in other
domains and industries such as aerospace, pharmaceutical and software sectors. For instance,
construction projects are required to reach an objective at a given schedule, budget and quality.
[ CITATION Jos20 \l 1033 ]

In the same way, CPM also benefits in utilizing applications and tools that automate
administration tasks, simplify estimating and billing, facilitate planning and scheduling, manage
workload assignments, centralize document management, and promote real-time
communication and issues resolution. Below are five PM software that are valuable in
completing construction projects.[ CITATION Jos20 \l 1033 ]

1. Buildertrend

Buildertrend is a web-based construction management platform that manages

communication, project schedule, budget, tasks, documents and more. It is for custom builders
and remodelers, especially built for managing custom projects. It is accessible to any web-
connected device. Scheduling conflicts are automatically brought to the builders’ attention.

BuildTools is offered at a flat monthly rate and includes for unlimited use, projects, users and
document storage. It is built by a privately held company based in Minneapolis, USA.

2. Procore

Procore is a cloud-based CPM software designed specifically for the construction

industry by Procore Technologies. It is designed to use the latest web technologies to provide a
simple but secure cloud-based application. It can manage multiple projects, invite unlimited
collaborators, and lets users monitor progress across devices. It is full of features including a
change order system and a drawing management tool. It offers a simple flat-rate annual pricing
depending on how the software will be used.

3. WorkflowMax

WorkflowMax is a cloud-based worklow and job management software delivered as

Software-as-a-Service. It is an end-to-end PM solution that has tools for leads, quotes,
timesheets, job management, and invoicing. Pricing is at a convenient user per month basis, so
it is easy to scale depending on the company’s business load. It is ideal for architects, building
and construction professionals, surveyors and engineers, among others. It is an integrated
workflow and PM toolkit that works well with Xero accounting software.

4. BuildTools

BuildTools is a web-based, fully integrated construction project management software. It

is a modular construction management platform designed to manage the back-office processes
of custom builders and remodelers, as well as connect everyone involved. Users are able to
better manage their budgets, schedule subcontractors, issue purchase orders, and other
behind-the-scenes work processes. They are able to keep their projects in sync and up-to-date.
In a single platform, it has bid management, document management, budgeting,
communications, purchase orders, accounting integration, and more.

If you are managing a construction project, you are faced with a huge task of making
sure everything goes as planned. The tasks involved with construction management need
expertise, the right tools and experience. As a construction project manager, your duties will

cover a plethora of areas, as you will constantly need to be in touch with numerous agents
involved in your project. [ CITATION Jos20 \l 1033 ]

Automation is a Labor-saving technology by which a process or procedure is performed

with minimal human assistance. From Egyptian to now our modern world it is clear than
automation make lives easy. Even though there are negative sides; one of those is the
displacement of workers job with machine, we still need automation and in terms of
construction, it is a lot helpful and we need it. One example of these is the BIM (Building
Information Modeling)

Works Cited

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Medium. Oct.2017,


PHC. September 2016.


Top Software Test Automation Software of 2020 — Gartner Peer Insights

100+ Best Software Testing Tools — QASymphony’s research

Top 10 API Testing Tools (Details & Updates )

Sarah Lorek, July 2018, Constructible:


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