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University Of Dohuk Year 2019-2020

College Of Engineering 4th year Class/S2

ECE Department Mechatronic Lab

Basic Control Circuit

BY: L. A. Bryan, E. A. Bryan
2- Programmable Logic Controllers By: W. Bolton
3- FBs –Series Programmable Controller User's Manual-1 FATEK

After completion this experiment, you should be able to:
1- Understanding the operating principle of self-holding circuit.
2- Understanding the operating principle of flashing circuit.
3- Control a load with single button.
4- Control multiple loads with single button.


Both conventional and PLC ladder diagrams operate in scanning principle. The main differences
between the two systems is that the appearance of the symbols for conventional ladder diagram are
closer to the real devices, while for PLC system, symbols are simplified for computer display. There are
two types of logic system available for ladder diagram logic, namely combinational logic and sequential

The following exercises will be covered in this experiment to achieve the above objectives.

Exercise 1 Self Holding Circuit
Project 1: Self- Holding Circuit1
Self-Holding Circuit1. The ladder diagram of self-holding circuit is shown in Fig# 1.1

Fig#1.1 Ladder diagram of Project 1

N000: When X0 =OFF, Y0 is de-energized. When X0 = ON, Y0 is energized
Initially place input such X0 OFF position. When X0 is set to ON, the output indicator Y0 will be
ON. When X0 is set to OFF, the output indicator Y0 will be OFFF.

Project 2: Self- Holding Circuit2

Self-Holding Circuit2. The ladder diagram of self-holding circuit is shown in Fig# 1.2

Fig # 1.2 Ladder diagram of Project 2

N000: When X0=ON, Y0 is energized and the N.O contact of Y0 closes.

Initially place input switch X0 in OFF position. When X0 is set to ON, the output indicator Y0
will be ON. When X0 is set to OFF, the output indicator Y0 will hold ON. Obviously this ladder
program is not perfect since the input X0 cannot ge-energized Y0.

Project 3: Self-Holding Circuit 3

The ladder diagram of self-holding circuit3 is shown in Fig#1.3

Fig#1-3 Ladder diagram of project 3

N000: When X0 = ON and X1=OFF, Y0 is energized. Then N.O contact of Y0 closes.

Initially place input switch X0 in OFF and X1 in OFF. When X0 is set to ON, the output indicator
Y0 will be ON. When X0 is set to OFF, the output indicator Y0 will hold ON. To turn OFF, the
indicator Y0 set input switch X1 to ON.

Project 4: Self Holding Circuit 4

The ladder diagram of self-holding circuit 4 is shown in Fig# 1.4

Fig# 1.4 Ladder diagram of project 4

NOOO : When X0=ON, YO is energized

N001: When X1=0N, YO 1s de-energized
Initially place input switches X0 and X1 in OFF position. When X0 is set to ON, the output
indicator Y0 will be ON. When X0 is set to OFF, the output indicator Y0 will hold ON. To turn
OFF the indicator Y0 set input switch X1 to ON. At this time set X0 to ON, the Y0 indicator
holds OFF.

Exercise 2 Flashing Circuit

Project 5: Flashing Circuit 1 Using Clock Pulse Clock

The ladder diagram of flashing circuit 1 is showing in Fig#1.5

Fig # 1.5 Ladder diagram of project 5

The special relay M1922 provides 1 second clock pulses to control the output Y0. The timing
diagram is shown in Fig#1.6. The ON time and OFF time of Y0 are constant and are 0.5 sec.

Fig#1.6 Timing diagram of project1

Project 6: Flashing circuit2 Using Timer and Toggle Instruction
The ladder diagram of flashing circuit2 is shown in Fig# 1.7 and the timing diagram is shown in Fig#2.8

Fig# 1.7 Ladder diagram of Project 6

The PWM instruction is described as follows:

When execution control EN = 1, will send the pulse to output point OT with the ON state for To ms and period as
Tp. OT must be a transistor output point on the main unit. When EN is 0, the output point will be OFF.
The units for Tp and To are ms, resolution is 1 ms. The minimum value for To is 0 (under such case the outpu1
point OT will always be OFF), and its maximum value is the same as Tp (under such case the output point OT will
always be on).
If To > Tp, there will be an error, this instruction will not be carried out, and the error flag "ERR" will set to1.

The PWM instruction can only used once

Fig. 1.8 Ladder diagram of Project 4

N000: T0= 0.5 sec, TP = 0.8 sec, Y0 will be ON for 0.5 sec and OFF for 0

III-Procedure: (Group A implements 8&11. Group B implements 9&11. Group C implements 10&11)
1- S t a r t Win Proloader software.
2- C r e a t e a new project by selecting File>> New project.
3- D o w n l o a d the ladder program as shown in project 1, Self Holding circuit1, into a PLC, then save it
as project1 in file EXERCISE 1. RUN it then observe and record Y0 as X0 is changing.
4- R e p e a t step 2 for Project 2, 3, and 4.
5- C r e a t e a new project by selecting File>> New project.
6- D o w n l o a d the ladder program as shown in project 1, Par 3-2, Flashing Circuit1, into a PLC, then
save it as project 5 in file EXERCISE 2. RUN it then observe and record Y0 as X0 is changing.

7- R e p e a t step 6 for project 6, 7, and 8

8- Design a FATEK PLC 100 ladder program to control a load by 4 Way switches (Latch switch). Pre lab

9- Design a FATEK PLC 100 ladder program to run a load with 5 sec. delay and stop it with 10 sec. delay
Pre lab

10- Modify the program in EXP#1B to run 10 loads Y0-Y9 one by one with 5 second interval between each
load using single push button.

11- The following timing diagram represent a handicap door opener. It has a button that will open two doors.
When the button is pushed(momentarily) the 1st door will start to open, the 2nd door will start to open 2 sec
later. The 1st door will stay open 10 sec, and the 2nd door will stay open 14 sec. Using a FATEK PLC to
perform the above job.

IV- Discussion
1- Design a ladder program that start and stop a motor with ONE pushbutton only.

2- Design a ladder program to generate the following wave Y0 after X0 is pushed. After X0 is pressed
and released any changes in the state of X0 will be ignored

3- Based on a FATEK PLC 100 ladder write program to generate 70% duty cycle signal with frequency
100Hz on Y10 when X10 is pushed using timers only. Pre lab

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