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"" ......................

*oiii|>oii«mi(7 K
’* Ml'oi'lioittlej** |, Nur Icoltifi
1 'W " ™ il Onlrlolr.
,,t>' "'id' iiHiiiiiil pt'odiu tlvlty
I 1Opl( 'll I•til) Ioi'i'j.I
h> I loplial (lc< Idlin',
1 rfillpiMiHt? I(»|(*<;|
*1 I einpenilr dnldous
100, ATI* Ik formed Inside niltocliondtiii at
'*• Ii, Oxysomc
M'OHx d, inner membrane
Answer of 2015
1 .U 2,d 3.a 4,a 5,0
6 ,a 7,c 0.c 9.a 10,a
11,(1 12,a 13.1) 14,b 15.d
16.1) 17,c IB.b 19.b 20.1)
2 1 , 1) 22,a 23.1) 24,d 25.3
26-c 27.6 20.c 29.a 30.b
31.c 32.1) 33.b 34.1) 35.a
36.1) 37.c 30, a 39.a 40.1)
41.a 4 2 ,h 43.b 44.b 4 5 .C
46,c 47,c 48,d 49,b 50.b
51.1) 5 2 .C 53. b 54.b 55.c
56.a 57.a 50.c 59,b 60.a
61.a 62,c 63.(1 64.b 65. c
66.c 67.1) 60.a 69.c 70,c
7 .1 .C 72.c 73.1) 74.c 75.d
76.1) 77.C 70.a 79,a OO.b
81.1) 02.d 83,a 04.b 05.d
B6.(J 07.a 00,a 09.d 90,c
91.a 92.d 93.d 94.a 95.b
96,b 97.a 90.a 99.a lOO.b

Solutions with Extra Informations

1. Ans: (;»)<§>
• If the valency of element 'M' is x, then its
chloride Is MCI*.
We have,
Molecular wt. of MCI* = 2 * vapour density of
or, Atomic wl of M + x x Atomic wt, of Cl
= 2 x 60
or, Valency x Eq.wt of M = x x 35,5 = 120
Atomic wt.,

or, X x 4 + 35.5x = 120

ce Solved Questions 11 93 11

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01%N a 3.03 *3.
Kg.wt ol MU>:____■
Alternatively, of element 'M

Mnl.Wt. of MClx
Atomic vvt. of element 'M'

. Eq.wt fo M 35.5
01’ Eq.wt of M
2 * v.D of MClx
“ Valency x cq.wt of M
[v Eq. \vt of MClx =Eq.wt of M + Eq.wt of Cl]

4 + 35.5 2 x 60
or' 4 = 4 xx
or, x = 3.03*3
A t a glance,
.... Mol.wt
'■ k q - w t o t a c l d T ^
(Basicity= No. of replaceable H+or replaced
H+ in chemical rxn)
For eg: Basicity of H 3 P O 4 = 3
But Basicity of H 3 PO3 =2
... H -O -P -O -H

t Replaceable H+
H -0 - P -< © * ^
Molecular wt.
ii. Eq.wt base = Acidity

(Acidity = No. of replaceable OH" - or

replaced OH" in a chemical rxn,]

For eg: NaOH + H2S0<t—> NaHSO^ + H2O

Here, Eq.wt o f NaOH - ^ - 4U

[... No of OH- replaced is 1]

Eq.wt o f H2SO4 = 1 - 98

[vNo. o f H+ replaced is only 1 as 1 'H' is

contained by NallSO-t]

• So, in a chemical reaction we should watch

out for H+ or OH- replaced but while
calculating separately, we should consider

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iv. Eq.wt. of'oxidising/ reducijig agent:
formula weight
" total change in O.N. per molecule

Change in O.N. of single Cr=(+6)-(-t-3) = 3
Since .1 molecule of K2CV2O7 has 2 Cr atoms,
Total change in O.N. per molecule = 2x3 = 6
Eq. wt ofKzCr207 = = 49

v. Eq. wt by H2 displacement/oxide
form ation/ chloride formation method:
Eq. wt of metal
_ w t of metal x fEq.wt of respective element)
~w t of respective element combined or displaced
= wt. of metal x (volume occupied by eq.wt of
H2 or 0 2 or Clz at STP) + (Vol. of lh
displaced by metal or O2 or CI2 combined In
ml at STP)
■ Volume occupied by 2gm of Hz/32 gm of
Oz/71 gm of Cl2 fat STP) =22.4 L
Volume occupied by 1.008 gm of H2
- Volume occupied by Sgm (eq.wt) of O2 -
~ J — = 5600 mb

Volume occupied by 35.5 gm (eq.wt) of Ch ~

vi. Conversion method:

For this,

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n Fg.w t»f w , A t a f*lilllCC
W t of I ompmmd \V» * liq.wt of W;
Strongest acid IICIO^
l ■» Kg wt of .inlon of I W c r ik c s l coriju jt-'itc b a s e ■* C I O *
f vt wt of ^ |.;q. wt of anion of II Slioiif/ebl conjugate base •- Cff*'
Weakest acid •- C l 1*
v ii. llrtuolyuc method:
( Strongest add have weakest conjugate base
Wt of x deposited r Eq. wt of x (Faraday's and vice versaJ
Jnd law of electrolysis]
Wt of x deposited Fqwt ol x
U>’ W t of y deposited “ Hq.wt of y
A ns: (d) ©
* Comparison of relative strength o f acids & bases,
Hydracids(HkAy) Oxyacids Base
I Acid containing H & other
Acid with H & O with other element For base except hydroxides
element except 'O'
1. t in O.S. of central atom, T in 1, Tthe O.S, of central atom, T is
:1. watch for greater t oxidation strength.
state hr greater strength on
HiS ’ >HCI1 +7 +5 +2 +1 -3 -2 -1
HC104 > h c io 3 >HCI02 >HCfO NH3>NHz H2>NH2OH
2. If same O .Sl In size of central
2* If tame oxidation state, T size, 2, If same O.S.,i in size of central atom,
atom, t strength
in acidic strength -3 -3 -3 -3
+7 +7 +7 Tin strength. N H 3 >PH3 > A S H 3 > S b H 3
HCIO4 HBrCH >11104

^member the pattern for easy, 200

1X X 10
For hydracids: T, then T [for both point 1 & 2) = 1 gm.
For OxyacidsM, then T(for point 1) and l, then
A t a glance,
? (for 2)
* N x Eq.wt = M x Mol.wt = gm/L
For base ~ri, then t(for both point 1 & 2)
= 10 x% (w/v)
Note: the trend of acidic and basic order in
Period & group also follows the above rule. = pfdensity in CGS) x lOx %(\v/w)
4, Ans:(a) <2>
For oxides and hydroxides:
S u b - group B NaOH Na* + OH*
Sub-group A 0.0001M 0.0001M 0.0001 M
On Moving left to right in Jn d - block group, left to
(Since It is a strong electrolyte & dissociate
Period, is , strength right strength ts completely]
)Wn the group, strength flown the group, strength So, (0U J = 0,0001 M
Hence, pOH = -log(0H ]
But, pll = 14-pOH
“ 14 + log[0.0001]
Amount taken (w) (in gm} - 10qo
= 14 + 108(104] = 14-4 = 10.
IV: volume In ml, N- Normality, E: Eq.v/tJ
At a glance,
1 mf>bwt * Jf a weak electrolyte as Cu(OH)z was given, then
* 10
1 - basicity concentration of [OH*] = a x given conc; where
1000 a Is degree of dissociation
* pH pOH = 14 only at 25CC as

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[U«|w(Oll \-- 10 Mur neutral solution or water
HjO H I ' + OII So,Kw" |||>()|

Since, lbO feebly Ionises so, Kw K [M\| [OH I

* On Increasing temperature, Kw also 1os, So, pll
rangeies as Kw Increases than 10 H. (I.c. may
become U) 1:1 or 1(1 1:1 so, pl-1 can become 13 or
12] , However, a neutral solution remains
neutral i.e. |ll'] a [Oil ] but may have different
pH value than 7. (may be 6.5 or 6 or others
depending on pH range,]
5. Ans: (a) ©
* SI unit of viscosity Is called polseullc (not poise)
* l Polseullc = 1 pascal sec = IN sn r2 = lGpoise=
1 decapnise. As per Newton's law for fluid
dV F dx

[As = pressure and =sec]

= Pascal sec.
Since, l poiseulle = 1 decapoise = 1 Pascal
second so, option a is the answer and others
are excluded.
At a glance,
* Dimensions of q = [MLr1T*1]
• Viscosity is friction existing in fluid
• CC.S u n it of viscosity is poise
* Viscosity for liquid arises from intermolecular
force of attraction.

So, viscosity o f liquid cc ^ |)e1raturc

But for gases, it arises due to collision of

molecules so, viscosity of gases oc temperature.

A n s:fa )© >
# jn the reaction, water mSlecule is removed
from intramolecular dehydration. In the
reaction, there is no change in oxidation state
j e neither species is oxidised or reduced. So,
options b, c & d is not suitable, as bleaching is
At a glance,
O r d e r o f p m (n) R ate law

Zero K -~
K " dt
2.303 , <
r ~ K= , * lo g (
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also oxidation (permanent type) or reduction
(temporary type). So. HsSO* acts as dehydrating

At a glance,
• Cone. H2SO4 act as both intermolecuiar and
intramolecular dehydrating agent as well as
oxidizing agent.
• Other dehydrating agents are: P2O5, anhydrous
COCh, etc
« Oxidising agent oxidizes other but itself gets
• Generally, compounds with atom in higher O.S,
are oxidising agent Eg: H 2 S O 4
• Reducing agent reduces other but itself gets
oxidized generally, compounds with atom in
lower O.S. eg: H2S-2
• Bleaching agent:
- Permanent: O3, H 2O 2, CI2 water, CaOCte
- Temporary:S02
Dry: O3 [Others are wet i.e. bleach when
contact with water)
0 Na202 + dil water —> Soda bleach/ oxone-> used
______ to bleach delicate fibers.
7. Ans: fc] ©
• Half life i.e. time for the no of molecules left
unreacted be half is reduced to 20 yrs from 40
yrs, for the same am ount o f substance, That
means rate of reaction is quadrupled on
doubling the concentration which ultimately
implies it's a 2nd order reaction. Alternatively,
we have. ti/2oc^7p

[ti/2 = Half - life, a = initial cone. & n -» order of


or, 2" - i = 2 or, n -1 = 1

or, n = 2 order of reaction is 2.

V Unit o f K
Rate eqn H alf life __ ^
a molL-^S-J
R = k[A]° ___J
0.693 S'1

Ti/z- K

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A t a g la n c e .
!--?—- .......... ....... -r-............ —- _
:O rd e r o f o t ffi) RateJaw Rate eq« Half life
f inolL^S"1
1 Zero fA dt R = k{A}°
f ________ _
l \ 2.303 . 0 a
0.693 S'1
1 IS ' j t * iD« [ h y R=K[AJt Ti/z = R

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,, 1 \
K - I,mol >
t a ( a •« x ) U p K|A p
T i " * ;,r>
S"< J/Oiol ') *
U a Kf A P
T ,/ 2 C 2 f c
General wav U** find unit of
k c ii . o h - i.i
K t: {Mull: ')l " lime 1 (l°alcohol)
{Cloudiness or turbidity appear latej
iX vn .uly, u > ? * r ^
U>Cl 1011 co! l ^ ^ ^ > Cl2R2CHC,
U T cone, of reactant-becomes twice ami (2°alcohol)
Hate of rxtt twice, order = 1 {Turbidity fast thanJ“J
Rate of rxn 4 t imes, order = 2 RsCOH conc.HCI/anlix;ZnClaR3C_ c|
Rate of rxn 8 times, order = 3 (3°alcohol)
Rate of rxn is Independent of initial cone, is [turbidity immediately]
in zero order rxn.
Note: Reactivity of alcohol cr. + [ - effect
Half - life independent of initial cone, is 1st
Order of + I effect: R3C- >R2CH -> RCH2
order rxn.
a Ans: (c) © - +1 effect of R creates more e° density in oc -
'C' atom which creates repulsion with e ° o f-
* Lucas test is done for detecting or OH. So, C - 0 bond is easily broken in
distinguishing 1°, 2°, &3° alcohol. 3°alcohol.
* In this test, an equimolar mixture (1:1) of anhy. Function of Lucas reagent is to break C - 0
ZnCl: + Cone. HC1 called Lucas reagent is mixed bond
with given sample, where
At a glance,
L Victor Meyer's test:
l°alcohol 2°alcohol 3°alcohol

i R - CH; - OH P^ h-> R - CH2- I r^ ch - o h ^ V i R%CH - OH RU/I2> R ^C - 1

Ry R R r'
-A gliA gN O ’
Agl|AgN02 Agl|AgN02
r - c h 2 - no2
(Nitroalkane) R2CpVN02 R3C - NO;
(N,«r° a,k an e)||^N=o (NUroalkane)j HNQ
-H 2 °l° =N-OH
R2C-NO2 No action
RC - UOz | at}. NaOH
11 N=0
N-OH (Pseudonltrole) colourless
1aq- | aq. NaOH
| NaOHv______
* TNrtroEc) Blue
Red (Blood) (acid J

/R ? C\ (Ctb)»CH0H - S hZ S Z S L h c h ,) ! - c = 0 h. h zT
a- l°/2°/3° = Red Blue colourless (Acetone)
ii. Action with heated Cu/Dehydrogenation (CHaJjCOH —£H/5Z3K_^ ciia-Caaij
(Removal of H:) * © dehydration
(Isobutene] (not dehydrogenation)
CH3CH2OH —Cu /573-^ ->CH3 - CHO + Hz t iii. O xidation:
(Ethanol) (Ethanal)
P ”) R - CHi0H - (HYKM nO.) | R _ C0QH

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(same nu. oxidation) Oh
n > o
/ wimlon W jiC O M ,^
iK j/CrrO V lH SlH) Cl l,(
(21"') (ClbJ? - CHOU (Ketone)

0 0

f3-)rcn ,)1c o i i t ! ! ^ 2 .V[CH1- c = c i i * ) ^ c ib - c - o i , * n coon ~ ® . CH c . c „

(Acetone) (formic acid) (Acetone) '

Test for ester Is fruity smell test At a glance,

• 2° and 3° ethers, however form alkcnes
Test for aldehyde (not for ketone) = Tollen s
test, Folding & Benedict test. CHs
9. Ans: fa) © I Conc.HzSO*
CH3 - C - OCH3---------tt------- >
For basicity of acid = 1 & acidity of base = 1. I
Normality = Molarity
Normality = molarity
_________No. of moles CH3- C = CH2 + CH3OH
~ volume ofsolution in L » This is due to more + 1 effect as a result of more
1 no. of methyl groups, as a result of which C -
36.5 1 OCH3 bond breaks off.
So, normality of HC1 = —j~ = 355
11. Ans: (d) ©
Basicity o f HzSCU = 2
40 1
Normality of NaOH = — s —
Normality x Eq.wt = Molarity x Mol.wt
Since, Normality of HC1> normality of NaOH in Mol.wt
solution so, the resulting solution is acidic or, N x s M x Mol. wt

A t a g la n c e , or, N = 2 x 18 = 36 N
• Normality * Eq.wt = Molarity x Molecular wt. So, No. of gm equivalent = Nx V [V -» in L]

N x Mol.wt. On dilution, according to law of gm equivalent

or, ^ - M x MW
N1V1 = N2V2
or, N = X x M or, 36 x 1 = N2 x 100

Here, X= {Acidity for base or Basicity for acid or or, Nz = 0.36N

Total change in O.N. per molecule for oxidizing
Vi = Initial volume in L
or reducing species or Total change of cation
anion In salt} V2 = Final volume in L

NV 12. Ans: (a) ©

No. of gm equivalent = J q q q , since, here V is as
Actually, calcium chloride exists
same. So, 'N’ matters. Solution for being acidic CaCl2.2H2O.SO, anhydrous calcium
or alkaline or neutral. Otherwise for different have the tendency to absorb water molecul
volume no. of gm, equivalent matters. So, it acts as dehydrating agent
10. Ans: (a) © At a glance,
Concept: • P2OS also acts as, very good dehydrating aS
5 + fwc {yV S— Actually it exists as dim er i.e. P4O 10
R-O-R' + H - OH- R-O-H + R '-O H
r& h gr) (Alcohol}

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riOt» * ilU O -> Hri'tOu u , 4iU’0\ IldftOul.t'.ZIUPiO? HuP40wf-«»4H)P0«
IMewpho.vpiuu ic acid) (Uyiroplmspliorlc add) (Orthophoftphoric acid)
jjou1 hwt >'i’d up total no. of atoms and divide by simplest common number or remember 0 R Milts
from last)
Li.. Ans; |b) Q Intermediate of dehydration of ethyl alcohol Is
At a glance, cthylium (a type of carbonlurn loo).

* Unit of dipole moment is Debye, At aglancc,

* Dehydration of alcohol follows 3, >2'>>1° as
* Dipole moment is a vector quantity and has
stability of intermediate is
direction from 5- to o+ charge as well as
follows vector laws of addition. R R H
,\u= xjpi + lu + 2tupt cosO R - C*> R - C*>R -C+
(d -> angle between dipole moments piSqu] I I I
* It explains the polarity of bond.
due to more + 1effect in 3°>2°>10
* Dipole moment (u)= q * 21 16. Ans: (b) ©
i.e. it depends on polarity of bond and also on
length of bond since, it is vector quantity, it also
depends on orientation of bond. * Saccharization is the process of breaking a
complex carbohydrate like Starch to simple
* Order o f dipole moment of some imp. sugar.
• Saccharization is the process of sweetening of
a. HF>HCI>KBr>HI sugar
u - 1.92>1.03>0,7S>0.38 Debye 17. Ans:(c) ©
ch3 ch 3ch 3 Cl Actually, electrolysis of sodium in the presence

Vc' V X of ethanol doesn't take place, therefore the

question must be.
Electrolysis of aq. Sodium chloride in the
c ix a \' ch3
fo r presence of ethanol gives,
C is - form
a. Chloral b. Ethyl chloride
. (Ll/O) Cn=0)
c. Chloroform d. Acetaldehyde
C*Hs0H d“ < S | CHCMChloroform)

0 Actually,
Cl ^ (Acetaldehyde)
CH3CHO ^lz(ey °lve<y CChCHO(Chloral)
NaOH remaiped ril/,,
j jAnsrfbl® 1 = 5 (Chloroform)
According to law of equivalence. Note: Electrolysis of aq. NaCl results in
evolution of CI2 and \h as Na remains to the left
N:Vt = N:V» of H and Cl to the right of OH in electrochemical
or, 0,5 x 100=02 * (100 + x) series. Hence, in solution Na+ and OH- are
remaining (From ID, OH*, Na+& C1-).
or, SO = 20 + 02x
18. Ans: (b) ©
^___orat = lS0ml
Ans: (d) <8
♦ Vulcanization is the process of heating natural
* Dehydration of alcohol has ^^ku^'snecific ruher with sulphur or sulphur compound so
carbocation as intermediate that sulphur linkage (cross links) is established.
Hence, polymer becomes more elastic.

Samiksha’s M8BS Entrance Solved Questions II 99 ||

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Is rodahUing ° *
Reverse of vulcanlwHott
* Ebonite is a product of vulcanization.

19, Aits: (b) @

* When NaCl is dissolved in water, Produced Na*
ions are surrounded by OH- ions due to electric
force of attraction, which is called as the
process of hydration. Energy is released known

At a glance,
. For dissolution of salt, Hydration energy >
lattice energy
. Some ionic salts like CaFz, BaSO-i , PbS04,etc
have lattice energy> Hydration enet gy.
• Lattice energy is energy released during the
formation of one mole of ionic compound in
crystal lattice.
• Na+& Cl- ions in lattice are bonded by
electrostatic force of attraction, So, solid NaCl
do not conduct electricity.
20. Ans: (b) ©
• If the solubility of constituents of mixture differ
less, then process of crystallization is repeated
& is successive, which is called fractional
Eg: For Glucose [less soluble in water] &
fructose (more soluble]
At a glance,
• Constituents having diff. boiling point: by
• Mixture having volatile constituents by
• Mixture having diff. density by gravimetric
21. Ans: (b] ©
• (C2H.5]4Pb or TEL is used to increase the octane
number of fuel and hence act as fuel additive
(as anti-knocking agent]. It increases the no,
of branched chain isomer in a mixture of
straight chain and branched chain isomer.
• Straight chain paraffin' s>Branched chain
paraffin > oleffin>Aromatic hydrocarbon is the
order of knocking property.
• TEL prevents the knocking of fuel.
.!_____ Knocking of fuel causes i in octane no.
22. Ans: (a) ©

HCN + 2H20 — gontplete___ ^ R _ J! _ QH
hydrolysis (formic acid]

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complete v r _ c - Oil
R - CN + 2HaO-
hydrolysis Carboxylic acid
of same no.

A t a glance

R - C =N + H2O - NH2(Amide)

fv_N + rHl____RCH2NH2
R - C=
Na/C^HsOH (Amine]

HCN + R - M g l ----- — * RCH0,

2H2O/H (Aldehyde]

R-CN + R - Mgl 2H^ 7 F >R ‘ ^ R' (Ketone)

23. Ans: Cb) ©

• If X is compound then,

X NaCN >XCN2Hz0/rH>CH3 - C - OH
Since hydrolysis of alkyl cyanide gives
carboxyllic acid with a carbon no. greater than
alkyl group. So, the alkyl group must be methyl.
Hence, the compound x is methyl chloride is

CH3-C I -> CH3- C N

(Methyl chloride] (Methyl cyanide]

(Acetic acid]
24, Ans:(d) ©
• Oxides of metals like Na & Mg are basic
whereas their chlorides are neutral salts.
Oxides of Na & Mg forms hydroxides of metal,
which are basic whereas chloride of Na & Mg in
water is neutral. So, they do not have same
effect on litmus.
• A I2 O 3 in water gives Al(OH]3 which is
amphoteric whereas A IG 3 in water undergoes
cationic hydrolysis to give an acidic solution.

Aicis—^H2° >QH-1 AP*^—OH- + 3H* + 3Cl*

ie. AICI3 + 3 H2O ->Al(OH]3 + 3H+ +3C1-
So, this is not the answer.
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Ovules pl phosphorous in water gives oxyuclib; III thin, '/.Mil 1 0/ f'/MiiO; Mlid *
pf phosphorous anti chlorides of phosphorous Sill? >Mn‘i|()iffilug)
,n water is also acidic. So, both turn litmus Ciilclmdlon Is lii'idl/ii! of mu hi limbed supply 0/
piper from purple to rod. air below melting point no that volatile
■>; Alis:(-0 © Iflip 11rllles are removed and pioh.tnre I"
removed. IlIs done Ior oxides M cm bo mile:;,
28. Ans: (c) ©
, For a compound to lie ionic AEN between
two atoms must be greater than or equal to Concept:
1.8 i.e AE.N.£ 1.8. • If a carbon In a compound ha» 4
uiisy/mnctrlcnl group, (lien «udi carbon Is
, Since diamond is a 3 - dimensional structure called dilm l carbon and such compounds
of C, its is a covalent solid. rotate the path of light to show optical
, Since, A E.N between C & H < 1.8, it is covalent Isomerism,
compound. • The light may be rotated to right called the
dextrose form (d or +] or to the left called
• H; is a covalent gaseous compound levorotatory (I or-]
• 0.4<A E.N< 1.8, it is non * polar covalent • Optical activity of such compounds may be lost
compound. by mixing equal amount of d or + & I or - forms
called entantiomer. This process Is called
• AE.N. <0.4, it is non - polar covalent compound. external compensation or raccmisatlon&
26. Ans: (c) © JinO.S. mixture is racemic mixture.
• However, a single molecule may also lose
Concept 2K* +i Y +( f -1 0 optical activity due to internal compensation I.e.
->-2K+ +2a +l2
Inaqueous condition, *■ | _________ ____r by Molecular symmetry. Such molecule with
in oxidation no.
loss of optical activity from internal
* Here, iodide ions are oxidized to iodine, as compensation is called mesocompoundh'g.
greater electronegative element/halogen Mesotartaric add.
replace less electronegative halogen.
29. Ans:(a] ©
* On is reduced to chloride ions.
* HC1 cannot be formed as it easily decomposes in
Maleic acid (Cis isomer]
aqueous medium.
* Only iodide ion is oxidized so, better option is C COOH COOH
than d (i.e. C >d). ^ c =c y '
j 7- Ans:(b) ©
H \
Concept: Fumaricacid (Trans]
* Process of heating ore (esp pyrites or sulphide ^ H COOH
ores] in excess of air below melting point is X C -C ^
called roasting. It is done usually for sulphide COOH >1
ores, where chemical changes like oxidation of
They differ in geometrical arrangement of
ore takes place for eg:
atoms & group of atoms around a rigid bond
Oxidation (i.e. double bond here, but may be multiple
bond between atoms or cyclic compound). So,
nK+ 302-
2ZnS 2ZnO + 2SO2 they are geometrical isomers
Here, sulphur is removed as sulphur dioxide Other options are not even isomers to each
ond ZnS is oxidized. other. Isomers must have same molecular
formula i.e. same no, carbon & other atoms.
a glance, b. Lactic acid (2C) & Malic acid (4C)
Bessemerization is a process of refining
conducted in a bessemer container that may be c. Sebacic acid (10C) & Pyruvic add (3C)
lined up with silica (acid bessemerization] or d. Acetic acid (2C) & Sucrinic add (4C)
with CaO or MgO (Basic Bessemerization] Maleic acid shows geometrical isomerism
which pass out impurities as slag and volatile whereas malic acid—^optical isomerism @ e = e
oxides. Eg: Purification of pig iron.

M m i II

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Mremdh of Mihuf P» v/dbvUnd io Um u v ,,
lensuoi lot fall ii A fog
t u n v c .p t
At a ylu nrn.
• lit ty-n-cw. due to pivsemv n( dehualirrd nr S,
• Mlu. toMHlnn » 0 »H lop most (mini in v u t K j
fi«% trophilrt J )1 aH.u k :tV"S
fVv m tution oihcnvenr, « Min tension at ImveM point to rompVu
Nit; VfMtlral t Irtic *■fung.
• Mlu tension at 90" or m idway to coinpi**r
0 -y i f i r 0 vci'tlt’iil clt'de ®d rii|{.
pvNOM Nitrjtintj mlwuw 112. AnhiflQ <S>
Here. • Convection Is method of heal transmi«don ir,
• HrSCU acts .is add and IIN O i» base. llulds,
• Electrophile NO; is generated with substitutes • In natural convection, heat It. perceived by
H of benzene so. nitration oi benzene' Is an vessel then by liquid molecules which then
example of cloctrophillic substitution reaction. become less denser and Is replaced by more
denser and cooler molecules thus, producing
At a glance, movement of molecules. It depends on density
• Electrophilic addition doesnot take place in & takes place In direction of gravity,
benzene because rte s are delocalized which is • In artificial convection, heat transmission H
not suitable for addition, by electrophile against density and doesnot depend on gravity.
(electron deficient species) Kg: blowing of air by fan.
• Nucleophilltc addition/ substitution Is
initiated by nucleophile which arc c° rich In conduction process In solid, molecules are
species. tightly packed so, there is no net movement of
• Carbonyl compound shows nucleophilllc particles.
addition reaction • Radiation process takes place without
• Carboxyl compound shows nuclcophlllic involvement of medium.
substitution reaction
33. Ans:(b)~©~ ±<
• Addition reaction is the characteristics of
uosaturated bonds/ compounds. Solution:
Here, Mg - f = ma
P h y s ic s ________________________
or, 0 .2 5 x 1 0 -C r 0.25 m 9.2
31. A n s ;(c )Q [v a a 9.2 ms-*]
or, f s 0.25 x 8 •-* 0.2N
Note; If g p 9.U ms \ exact ans is not obtained (!
* When a pendulum Is displaced through ■0.15N, or It may be rounded o tt, according to
(fl = 90'-) with vertical, then velocity with which significant IIgure),
pendulum tends to fall down if let to do no Iu, 34. Ans:(l>) £)

V = yj3 gl. f 1 - CosOj s \j3yXi J - cos90j t yjlgi, i l u KAAO

At point B.
K: Thermal conductivity
Strength to withstand minimum tension Is, A: Area of cross section
mv^ All
T - MgCosO = -*]“ ( « Temperature gradle nt across wall.

Note that:
or, T - mgcos90 = * lake Radioactivity means rate of radioactive
process, similarly thermal activity mean5
rate o f thermal conductance.
or. T = 3mg
• In the question, temperature difference (dm
is doubled from 10 to 20r'C and other

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variables are constant ^ 0 gives therm.. real object is placed hehy.nm (inns and upilnd
_________activity is doubled, center,
35. Ans:(a) ©

Self-inductance (L) = —

iio(2N)-A ( uoN-A\
•■L:= 21 =V I j =2U
Hence, inductance becomes doubled acc. to
At a glance,
Self - inductance of a thin wire is 0
Self - inductance (L) = y

Magnetic flux linked in coil • Case of mirror & lens are different
current in coil • Concave mirror form image like convex lens
(except side)
6i • Convex mirror form image like concave (except
Mutual inductance (M) = y
Magnetic flux linked in one coil 30. Ans: (a) ©
current flowing in next coil
Concept: Dimension of q = Nm Js
36. Ans: (b) © K
• As, Nnv- = Pascal p\s P » y so, It Is equivalent
• If torque 1 = 0, angular momentum is constant to Pascal second.
or conserved, so, At a glance
hw i = I2W2 • 1 Pasec = 1 Polseullo = 10 poise => l decopnise
• Lowering of outstretched arm causes less 39. Ans:(a) ©
distribution of mass which decreases moment • According to l.nv of conservation of momentum,
of inertia [1) 3mxV + mx(-2v) « (m + 3m)Vc
• As I I s , angular velocity (w) 1s
• Angularm om entum (L) remains constant.
At a glance,
• In translational motion, it is analogous to
3m m
conservation of linear momentum ( P ) or. Mv = dmVc
force applied (F) = 0 V
or, Vc = y Here Vc is common velocity after
• In planetary motion, angular moment,
Note: Total Initial momentum** Final total
7. Ans: (c] © momentum and momeimim is a vector
quantity, So, the term (-2V) is written with
“ " ' a convex mirror always forms virtu al.erect
dim inished image on other side of tmrro, w.r.i respect to direction of V ,
At a glance,
real object • Conservation of linear momentum applies only
when external force during collision (l:| « 0 ,
A a glance, virtua, erect and
A concave mirror for , n • Above question is the case of inelastic collision.
enlarged image on same side 0 mu In, elastic collision—►momentum Akinetic
energy both conserved.

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In inelastic cotlisloiw only momentum is
conserved but the not the total kinetic
Note: Total energy is always constant: law of
conservation of energy.
40. Ans; (b) ©
• Lens behaves as converging means act as
convex lens with +ve focal length
• Lens behaves as diverging means act as concave
7 = Shearing stress
lens with - ve focal length.
1 1 1 • Here, a rectangle changes to parallelogram
In air :j= (ap g- 1] ................ CO
when displaced through 0 by shearing stress.
1 1 1
In water: -f=(wFg- 1 ) ( ^ + j£ ).............GO At a glance,

1 1 1 • Bulk stress produces changes in volume(not

or. -f‘= Gvpa x apg - 1)[^7 ) shape change)
[ wp g = w p a X ap g] • Tensile stress is of pull nature and causes
• Com pressive stress causes compression
/. f is -ve in water: apg<apw(1.33)
• Norm al stress = (Tensile + compressive)
f is +ve in a ir : apg> l
l < apg<1.33
• When a normal stress change the length the
So, refractive index must be between 1 to 1.33
body, then it is called longitudinal stress.
A t a glance,
43. Ans:(b) ©
• pforair or vacuum= 1, p for water = 1.33
Concept: we have.
41. Ans: [a] ©
1 _1 1
When a body is released from height h. f “ u +v
Initial velocity (u) = 0
u . 1
or- 7 = 1 + m
So, h ^ u t + ^ a t 2
Since convex mirror is given, so, m = -ve.
or, a = u 1
■■•7 = 1 - s
/. Acceleration is determined by height and
time't'. or, u = ^ x - 45
Note: Viscous medium is not mentioned in the
questions. or, u - -36 cm

A t a glance, Object distance will be 36 cm and object is

• If in viscous medium, acceleration during down virtual.
A t a glance,
course,:, a = g- ( t t ) > g [6jtnrv = viscous force]
• A convex mirror always forms diminish ^
42. Ans:(b) ©*•i virtual & erectimage o f a real object plac
Concept: other side o f m irror
• Shear stress is tangential stress to the surface of • A concave m irror forms virtual erect ^
body that changes the shape o f body. For eg: only when object is placed in between focu
Torsion of a cylinder. Another example through opticalcenter that image is m agnified.

i 1 4 ftir I 4 ■
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• Fe, Co, Ni, and their alloys arc* paramagnetic
Concept'- substances.
, Bismuth (Bi), Antimony [Sb], H20, H2, He, Ne, • Electronic configuration of Cr-*[Ar] As'i3d'j,
Hg. Diamond, etc. are diamagnetic substance. which has 5 unpaired electrons in d-orbital. So,
it is paramagnetic in nature.
At a glance,
Diamagnetic Paramagnetic Ferromagnetic j
s, Relative permeability ur<l [p<po] • |Ur>l(p>po) p r » > l[ p » > p o ]
Magnetic susceptibility xm= pr-i * Xm —|Jr-l • Xm = p-r- 2
i ■l
Xm = - ve Xm = small + ve varies inversely with temp Xm = large, +ve
1 1
• Xm=oC[: [Curie law] * Xzn y J

[Curie weiss law)

45. Ans:(c) ©• Distance covered after successive equal
• Power [P] = Force (F] x velocity (Y) [For interval of time [t] = 1:4:9:16:_____:n2
constant force] Time taken to reach successive point at
or, dP = m x a x v equal separation from starting - l r \/2 r / l
Time taken to cover successive equal
Over a due to course of 10 seconds. distances from starting=lr\/2 - y jl rsjs -
\j2 :%/4 - a/3:-------v/n -y/n - 1
P v
Idp = j Jvdv Velocity after ends of successive equal
0 o interval of time 1:2:3:____ :n.
1000 v2 Note: Please note the bold letters properly.
or, P2V= X — = 100 X £20]!
10 46. Ans: [c] ©
= 20000 = 20 Kw. According to de - Broglie,
Alternatively Ptotal = F x v
X=p P- ' -Broglie wavelength, P—►
= mav = m~ .v Momentum of particle]

mv2 T)2
' = 40 kw For a body with energy E, ^ = E

Ptotal 40 Kw P = y/2mE
r average— £ =20 Kw.
c 1 ll
^ a glance, yj2mE
dw At a glance,
Power (p) = — [W -» workdone)
• Short - cuts: de - Broglie w avelength for,
= d [£ xS I ds
dt f 'dt r a. Electron, a* = £
[Only if F is constant]
* If an object accelerates steadily (i.e. With b. cc-particle (2H e ^ ) = ^ i A
constant acceleration ] from rest then
Distance covered In successive equa c. Deutron [iFP]
interval of time [t] = l*3-5:7:-........~-:C2n -1]

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d. Proton, A.i\^” p~A H — Lllil^—
Vv ,m Imai * Ki'2
Here, V Is the pii. with which particle Is Capacitance Increases with the Introduction of
accelerated. dielectric.
49. Aus:(h) ©
>/2mqv Young's modulus of elasticity (Y)
As. B «* qV normal (tensile nr compressive) stress
longitudinal strain
Energy of photon = h= h^ = (ineV) At a glance,

12-1 ° ° .
• M k modulus o rd astld ly (K )- g g
= X oV' A
Here, X must bo in A. anil energy Is In electron • Shear modulus of elasticity /modulus of rigidity
volt. tangential stress
'•nJ “ shearing strain
47. A n s:(c)©
a. Electron gun: Electrical component In some • All modulus of elasticity have the dimension of
vacuum tubes that produces electron beam In a pressure i.e [ML-'T*2] is, all strain are
precise kinetic energy and used in cathode ray dim ensionless.
tube oscilloscope. 50. Ans:(b) ©
b. P ho toelectric effect: Process In which According to Newton's laws of cooling,
electrons are ejected by the Introduction of
photons (or light) d()
dt ccO - 0s
c. Cathode tube oscilloscope: Process is used
where the highly energetic beam of collimated [0s: Temperature of surrounding]
electrons strik e the tube w all to produce out From 80°C to 60°C
fluorescence at very low pressure of gas in
tube. »0 - 00 „ rrBOHO + 60 „ “x
' • 60 =
" i<[——
,v ^ 2 - 30J ..... (I)
d. T h erm ion ic effect: Effect in which heat
produces electrons donot have appropriate [•■■0must be average]
energy enough to produce fluorescence.
From 60 to 50°C.
48. Ans:(d) ©
60 - 50 .. r o6 o0 + 50
B -(li)
In parallel plate capacitor, t " KM[ — 2 2 ” -30j
Cair —‘ u -to Dividing (i) by (ii)
20 _t_ 7 0 -3 0
KciiA 60 x 10 = 55 - 30
Cnird = j -0 0
t 40
„ Cmed .. or' 30 = 25
S°' Cair = K
or, t = 40s * 50s.
or, K = = 2.20 Time taken to cool down from 60°C to 50° is
50 s.
A t a glan ce,
Dielectric constant (K) or (<=r)
- For vacuum, K = 1 51. Ans: (b) ©
For air, K ^l Pancreatic Juice is an alkaline fluid (pH 7.5
0,5) secreted by the exocrine part of
For metal, K = w
pancreas(acJnl) which consist of enzymes: @
- For perfect insulator, K = 0
Eetcr's Ja il Cat Cats Corn AndLoves
Fair . . . „ qi.02 r
Dinner fancrcatlc juice:
* Fm c/ K- A s' Falr=4 n c u r ^

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M iypsinogen
2. £hymotrypsinogen-> Peptides -> Dipeplidc
3. £lasUise + 1ICI
4. £nrboxypeptidases: Peptides/ Peptones-> Trypslnogen l!llt<’rol""aijS->Tly|Ml,l.
Small peptide + Amino acid (with COOll Steapsin-> Pancreatic lipase.
group) Saliva lias ptyalln (salivary amylase) ami
5. Amylase: converts starch (polysaccharide) lingual lipase (by Elmer's gland).
-> Disaccharides Bile has no digestive enzymes but it emulsifies
6. Lipase: Converts fats -> Diglycerides & fat by bile salts and bile as a whole is alkaline in
monoglycerides nature.
7. Ribonuclease: Converts RNA 52. Ans:(c) ©
ribonucleotides • Proteolytic enzymes and anticoagulant is
secreted by dorsal pharyngeal gland in
8. Deoxyribonuclease:DNA->Deoxyribonucleotidcs
At a glance, At a glance,
• Enzymes: in succus entericus secreted by Anticoagulant inleedi and mosquito is present
intestine. insaliva secretedby salivaryglaiul.
During penetration of host, oesophageal gland
Enzymes Mnemonics Function secretes enzymes that helps in penetration of
Sucrose - glucose + host& pharynx helps in mechanical penetration
1. Sucrose
fructose in hookworm.
Nucleotides -> Hookworm is found in small intestine of human
2. Nucleotidase + Nucleosides & is sanguivorous, it has 4 months its lifecycle.
Nucleosidase Nucleosides -> Sugar + Infective stage of hookworm is Filariform
(a> Su NULa ’N‘ bases larva (3r<l stage juvenile)
maDi Di Lactose—>Glucose + Hookworm Infestation is the most common
3. Lactose Galactose cause of anemia in Nepal.
frit) Maltose-> Glucose + 53. Ans:(b) ©
4. Maltase Glucose) Adrenal medulla secretes two types of
Dipeptides-> Amino hormones.
5- Dipeptidase acids Under the control of sympathetic nervous
& Di & mono di &monoglycerides —> system.
^glycerides fattv acids + glycerol a. Epinephrine (Adrenaline)
b. Nor - epinephrine (Noradrenaline)
Gastric secretion (pH 1.5 -3.0):
Glucagon is secreted by ex-cells of Islets of
i. HCL -> by oxyntic or chief cells
Langerhan s o f pa ncreas
ii. Pepsinogen: By peptic or zymogen cells
iii. Lipase Cortisol is secreted by "Zona fasciculata" of
iv. Castle intrinsic factor: by oxyntic cell adrenal cortex @ cor for cor.
(needed for absorption of vit. Bn in ileum)
Adrenal gland/ suprarenalgiand

i _____________

Adrenal corex Adrenal medulla

(secrete steroid hormones) (secrete hormones
amino acid nature)
i.;v \ Zona fasciculata Zona reticularis
Zona glomerulosa
Secrete glucocorticoid;
f»ll I
Secrete aldosterone » S S S ! liso
S Sle /Sstre^j ■ »**»»
I. Na» reabsorption by principal cells of CT.
l e c t i o n of Aldosterone:

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l-’of (jitter posterior p-irt Hack
Regulations of BP by For sall& sW cct->Hp & 3T
RealmAngiotensin-AUlostci one system (BA
For sour —>-side of tongue
. Cortisol->T glucose in blood though
. Insulin: Secreted by p- cells of Islet of
Langerhans of pancreas.
• Hormones of adrenal medulla prepares
body for fight,flight&fright and thus are
called life safety hormones.
• Adrenaline+Nor - adrenaline +Dopamine = side of tongue)
Catecholamines @ AND Cat
• Addison's disease:
- Decrease in cortisol
• Decrease in aldosterone Salty & sweet [at tip)
• Cushing's disease:Cortisol increase causes it
At a glance,
• Conn's syndrome: Hyperaldosteronism.
• Papillary surface of tongue (Anterior], has 3
54. Ans:(b) ©
types of papillae in man & 4 types in rabbit
• Carcinoma: If a malignant tumor originates whereas posterior pharyngeal surface
from the epithelial tissue, it is carcinoma. haslymphoid tissue called lingual tonsil.
• Sarcoma: If a malignant tumor originates from
• Papillary surface of tongue has
connective tissue, it is called sarcoma.
• Lymphoma: Cancer of the lymphatic system i. Circumvallate papillae: Knob - like in V -
(eg. lymph node, etc.] shape; largest
• Glioma: Cancer (Malignant tumor] of the glial ii. Fungiform papillae: Fungi - like, at side of
cells of brain. tongue
At a glance, iii. Filiform papillae: Thread like, conical
• Lymph is the commonest route metastasis or papillae
spread for malignant tumor.
iv. Foliate papillae: Only in rabbit (not man]
Leukemia: Uncontrolled formation of WBC
. Sulcus
.'■ 'l''te rm in a ls


Fib Form

Representation of Pspillaedistributipntn tongue

56- Ans:(a) ©
• Cancer is treated by surgery, chemo, radio Smooth muscle fibres, or visceral muscle fibres
cryotherapy. are unstriped [not as a single unit o f bundles of
55. Ans:(c) ©• muscles fibre) unbranched, non - striated fj e
actin & myosin protein uniformly &thoroug biv
• Taste buds distribution in tongue distributed uninucleated ^involuntary,


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syndic innervated by ANSfAutonomic iv. Ancyclostnma duodenalc: Small Intestine of
Nerwus s^ tvn O man
v. Enteroblus/ oxyurls vermicularl'::
Ilcocaccum of man
• A endocomm ensal protozoa of human colon is
Entamoebacoll. (E.coli)
But Eschcrichacoli (E.coli (Bacteria) in human
• Giardia: Also called Grand old m ans Intestine,
■ Trypanosoma gambiensae causes African
sleeping sickness.
• Giardia: Causes giardiasis characterized by
steatorrhoea (fatty stool) due to
58. Ans: (c) ©
Representation o f smooth muscle fibre
Lymphatic fluid: Blood - RBC
At a glance,
• Process of form ation o f lymph from blood is
* Skeletal or striated or %'oluntary muscle fibres
called transudation.
and are striped and multi nucleated.
• Blood - cells = plasm a
Innervation: b y CNS & PNS
• plasma - protein = serum
* Cardiac m u scle fib res are involuntary,
unstriated, u n in u cle ate d b u t branched A t a glance,
m uscle fib re th a t is is im m une to fatigue. • Lymph is drained by right lymphatic duct from
* Z - shaped intercalated disc is present in cardiac upper and right half of body, BUT.
a u s d e fibres innervation by ANS.
• Lymph from left part of body drained_by
j~ .Ans:fa] © Thoracic duct to left sub -clavian vein.
Slardia Lambia lives in:
• Lymph from lower body part — ^ -» C is te m a e
- Duodenum: Very common chyli (2nd heart).
- Jejunum: Sometimes • Left lymphatic duct/ thoracic duct to Left
ieum: rare subclavian vein
1 homonas vaginalis: causes vaginitis in • Lymph has no RBC & WBC >WBC in blood after
ale transudation
I oanosoma tenax; lives in oral cavity o f • 2 pairs of lymph heart in frog but no lym ph
tan, dog, etc heart in human.
% ’anosoma gambiensae: Lives in blood &
3b & finaljy invades C5F o f brain & spinal • Exchange of materials between blood and
tissue cells occurs through tissue tluid (lymph
in Interstitial cells) and is drained after
glance, exchange. So, amount of CCh and metabolic
Other parasites living in gut of human are: wastages is much more & that o f nutrients & Oe
h Entamoeba histolytica: Upper part o f colon: is less than blood.
tausesamoebiasis- 59. A ns: (b) ©•
h- Taenia solium/ saginata: Small intestine of • After the lifespan (120 days for human RBC/
man 100 for frog’s), breakdown or disposal of RBC
«i. Asccris iumbricoides: Small intestine o f man takes place mainly in spleen than in bone
marrow & liver as:
{mostly jejunum)

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Iron: reused by bone marrow to form - 1*11
hacmc of blood. - ACTII (Adrenocortlcoiroplc hormone)
- Globin: converted to amtnoacid ■ ISI1 (Thyroid stimulating hormone/
Biliverdin: Converted to bilirubin and thyrotropin)
excreted in stool. - prolactin
• Duringadverse condition like hemorrhagic - Gonadotropin hormone
shock, spleen acts as reserve of blood. ACTH acts on adrenal cortex; which alters
• It helps in recycling of disposed product of secretion of glucocorticoids and other adrenal
RBC destruction, esp. iron for haeme part. cortex hormones
• Spleen also synthesizes antibodies and removes LH stimulates interstitial cells/ cells of Leydig
antibody - coated bacteria to secrete testosterone in male & helps in
• Spleen is also found to contain in it's formation of corpus luteum (for secretion of
reserve, half of body's monocytes within red progesterone) in female.
pulp, as it can be considered as big lymph Stimulates
node. through
Note: T.S. of spleen is seen as red pulp & white releasing hormones
• So, in overall, due to such reason, spleen is Pituitary M other organs & glands,
blood - bank of body through
• Erythropoiesis occurs in embryo by yolk plug
and then by liver. From 3rd to 8th month: by stimulating
_______ spleen & after birth: bone marrow.
60. Ans:(a)©
• Pituitary gland is smallest gland of human
• Adrenal medulla is not under the control of
body yet it controls all other endocrine glands
pituitary gland but is under the control of
& hence called Master of endocrine gland,
Autonomic Nervous system (ANS] and
secretes@(epinephrine/Adrenaline) & nor - 61. Ans:(a) ©
epinephrine (nor - adrenaline). a. Kupffer cell: Phagocyte/ macrophages
• Pituitary gland controls the secretion of thyroid
(monocyte modification in tissue) of liver.
gland (thyroxin hormone), testes (testosterone)
and pancreas (glucagon or insulin) through b. Cells present in organ of Corti
thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH), Follicular
i. Dieter’s cell
stimulating &Luteinizing hormone (FSH & LH)
and growth hormone respectively. ii. Hensen cell
At a glance, c. Acinar cells: Lobe like cells of pancreas /
• Hormones of Anterior pituitary secreted into salivary gland/ liver.
- £SH- Stimulates spermatogenesis &
At a glance,
. Monocyte modifies to macrophages during diapedcsis (coming of WBC into tissue) macrophages - of
different sites are:
Blood Lungs Brain Liver Kidney Skin Bone
Monocyte Alveolar macrophages or dust cells Microglia Kupffer's cell Mesangial cells
Langcrhan's cell Osteoclast
« Vi ui uui* ........... .. “ ungVIl UIIU Ii
@ £lease£allfiehandsomefiutcher gene. IA&lf- expresses co - dominantly, cannot
i. Eillar cells ii. Claudius cells have l(! since if it Is in place of 1°, becomes
iii, £ieter cells iv. Hcnsen's cell
IAIn which shows co - dominance so, is AB
v. goetcher cells blood group. Also, if it Is in place of 1A In IA-
62. Ans:(c) © 1°, it becomes I°I°, which is O*biood group
« A hahy with blood group A has representation hence, his/her father must not have blood
of karyotype as IA1° [IA-» Chromosome for group B. & mother mustn't have 0, as per
antigen A Ifi-+ chromosomes for antigen B, I“-> options.

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At a glance
r~ Blood group Aiyjlutlnlnor antigen Aggi u l in-ogen/a nil body j
0 No Ani - A, Anti B O + Ve: Universal donor
A A Anti - B
L ______ i - - J B Anti - A AB +Vt**: Universal acceptor
r ar A.B No antibody
Note: That antigen and antibody are opposite Note: Antigens A & B are also found on RBCs
(as for eg. Anti B in A blood group) to ensure surface.
prevention of clumping of antigen by antigen by
antibody. 63. Ans:(d) ©
* Anti-A dumps antigen A • Monocytes are the largest type of WBC and
* Rh- factor for being +ve or -ve is on the basis of lymphocytes are the smallest type of WBC
presence or absence of antigen D-on RBC
At a glance,
White Blood Corpuscles (WBC)

O n the b asis o f granules in cytrophsm o f [W B C] |

A g ra n u b cv te s G ranulocytes
1 t
I - Neutrophils M onocytes ly m p h ocy tes
A d cb pails/ en d asin o p h ils — B asoph ils
- Induced in b in d in g w ith _ Stained w ith b a sic dye - M ost com m on — Largest W B C |~ ih n s-E 5 t W 3 C
ig E in allergic co n d itio n - H ighly tabulated nucleus — Highly motile
— M od ifies into m o st cell th at
L - P hagocytosis o f m icrobes — Phagocytosis
involves in secretion o f
In acu te infections (m ostly) In chronic infections (m ostly)

—V asod ilator [H istam ine)

—V a so co n stricto r [Serotonin)
1—A n tico agu lan t [heparin)

* T-Iymphocytes:give cell - mediated immunity • Important character or Nematoda is presence

Si is responsible for transplant rejection : of Pseudocoelom (persistent blastocoel)
mature in thymus • Body wall of Nematodes have only
« lymphocytes: give humoral immunity longitudinal muscle.
through antibody: Mature in bone marrow. • Digestive system in Anelida is complete.
* VVBCs are largest blood cells too. • Alimentary canal in Arthropods have gizzard
* Life span of WBC is 10-13 days and are for grinding, crop like structure for storage
destroyed outside blood vessels. Coming out of and is divisible into stomodaenum or foreget,
WBCs from blood vessels is called diapedesis. mesenteron or midgut & proctodaneuro or
* WBC level: 4000-11000 cells/mm3 of blood.
• Digestive system complete with
64. Ans:(b) ©
hepatopancreas and mouth with transverse
* Alimentary canal of nematode is complete and rows of chitinous teeth for rasping food called
hence consists of both mouth and anus. radulain Mollusca
At a glance, • Digestive tract usually complete in
* All other phylum ahead Nematoda have in Echinodermata except Brittle stars, Aristotle's
complete digestive system or no digestive lantern (masticatory apparatus) in sea urchin)
system. 65. Ans:(c) ©
* Sense organs are present in the form of a. In Cnidaria; Acoelomate
papillae, which are well defined as amphid
b. In Platyhelminthes: Acoelomate
(in mouth) and phasmid (in anus).
c In Nem atoda; Pseudocoelom ate
* Amphids are chemo > olfactoreceptors
d. Annelids: Schizocoelomate
* Excretory system of Nematoda has one or two
protonephridia with renette cells (H -shaped) A t a glance,
• Pseudocoleom is persistent biastocoel.

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. Ampulla: provide nmirbluuem to r,r<inr,j
Schizocod is true coelom formed by lit"
splitting or true mesoderm, found In sperm
prutostomes (where mouth develops 1“ from - Diverticulum: Serve:. lor utor.ig" of sperm
blastopore) in annelids and higher clmrdales). (id Andls; Ampulla nomlsiimmii, dlvriiculom >
* Haemoepel, coelom filled with blood is found in storage.
phylum arthropod;) and mnllusca, @ U nr nm ne • Spcrrnalhccnc Is also called seminal
(ITT^R) 4 receptacles.

• Enterowffel is formed from the pouches of the • Sperms from spermatliecae (earlier storedJ and ,
archenteron or primitive gut it is in female egg from ovary (13th segment) though
fichinoderms. female genital pore (14th) In cocoon from
clitellum (14 • 16th) fuse externally to give
* Phylum Nematoda are acoelomnte.
66. Ans:(c) ©
60. Ans:(a) ©
• Replacement of one community by other in due
• Genunules are internal buds containing
course of time is succession and communities
archaeocyte is concerned with asexual
are called serai communities, process is called
reproduction in Porifera (esp. freshwater
sponges) and process of its formation is
At a glance,
calledgemmulation and gemmules passout
• The process of sere starts with through prosopyle (a part of water canal
pioneercommunity (like lichen in lithosere or system; connecting pole between incurrent
xerosere) until a climax community (trees for and radial canal).
lithosere) is attained for stability. Between At a glance,
these, serai communities occurs.
• A sexual reproduction in Leucosolenia (smallest
* Lithosere / xerosere: sponge) is by external budding not internal
Cructose lichens (Pioneer) budding.
process of replacement fo|iose ||dlM Moss • Archaeocytes are highly totipotent cells of
-> herb-> Shrub-> Tree (Climax) poriferans and are largest amoebocytes, and
form gemmules.
i Pyramids are of 3 kinds in ecosystem these are:
i. Pyramid of biomass: Inverted in pond • In Coelenterata, such totipotent cells are
ecosystem interstitial cells.
ii. Pyramid of number: Jnverted in tree & 69. Ans:(c) ©
parasitic ecosystem Rejection of transplated organs is due to T -cells
iii. Pyramid of energy: Always erect except as it provides cell - mediated immunity, to
unstable ones. foreign proteins antigen
Productivity is a measurement of production of At a glance,
67. Ans:(b) © P * cells produces antibodies that clum
• 4 pairs of spermathecal are found in Pheretima antigens released by pathogen.
in the segments 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, each pair in Eosinophils have binding receptors for IgE;
a single segment. allergic condition.
At a glance,
Neutrophils aie most common phagocy
• But mind it, 4 pairs of spermathecal pores granulocytes
present in 5/6th, 6/7th, 7/8th, 8/9th Cyclosporelne Is use<| as lmmul
intersegmental septum.
suppressive drug during transplantatio
• Spermatheca are meant for the storage & this Infers the suppression of T - cells.
nourishment of sperms; as earthworms are 70. Ans.fc) ©
« Spermathecae has two parts: ampulla & 1,145 post ‘ ganglionic nerves
diverticulum ympathetlc nervous system are adrenerg
(releasing adrenaline & nor - adrenaline but-

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li'x svv gland . post * ganglionic nerves arc • There arc 3 phases:
cholinergic during (right even though i. systole and diastole
s> r.uuvhetu; innervation decrease the secretion
ii. Ventricular systole anti diastole
of other glands.
iii. Joint diastole/ complete diastole-* 0A
At a glance
* All pre &post ganglionicnerve fibres of
• l 5' sound of heart called luhb of low pitch, long
parasympathetic nervous system, release
duration sound is produced on set of
acetylcholine & are cholinergic.
ventricular systole duration closure of nurico
* Atlpre- ganglionic of sympathetic are - ventricular & mitral valves.
• 2nd sound of heart called iiup or diastolic sound
* All post - ganglionic of sympathetic are of sharp pitch is produced during closure of
adrenergic (epinephrine) & nor semi - lunar values (Aortic & pulmonary) on
ephinephrine) the onset of ventricular diastole.
* Dopamine is a neurotransmitter released at
72. Ans:(c) ©
synapse by neurons of substantia nigra (gray
matter deep within white matter in mid brain: • Common among man and earthworm is
ureotelic condition as both are subjected to
i in dopamine —* schizophrenia
Note: | . ,. moderate water supply:
A m dopamine-* parkinsonism
At a glance
71. Ans:(c) ©
• Earthworm and Ascaris both are ammonotelic
* Total duration of cardiac cycle is 0.8 seconds. as well as ureotelic
At a glance,

t— Ventri cul ar

Sj’sieCa.Is} )
E izSSfe (0.7 s Syrrois f03s) Diastofe (0.5s)

I Ammonotelic Ureotelic Uricotelic Aminotelic
Excrete urea Excrete uric acid Excrete amino
Excrete ammonia
Not as toxic as Not as toxic as Eg: Asteria,
Mosttoxic product ammonia ammonia & urea unio
Animals subjected to excess adequate Moderate Very less
water supply
Eg. Sponges, bony fishes, ovarians, Eg. Cartilaginous
Eg. Insects, Birds
Platvheiminth, annelid, roundworm etc fishes, mammals
73, Ans:(b) © • Tranquilizers are anxiolytic (killing anxiety)
• Barbiturates and benzodiazepams are examples and sedative produce drowsiness without
of tranquilizer and sedatives inducing sleep.
• Examples of stimulants: Caffeine, theln, • Stimulant stimulates the CNS, thus increases
Amphetamine (supermandrug), cocaine. confidence and conccntrntio
• Examples of narcotics are morphine, heroine, 74. Ans:(c) ©
codeine, pethidine, etc. • Progesterone is secreted by corpus luteum,
• Examples of Hallucinogens are L.S.D,marijuana, which is further maintained by HCG hormone
ghanza, charas, bang, hashish etc: produce from implanted placenta.
sense of reaction without stimulus in actual. At a glance,
• Primordial follicle-* Primary follicle-*
Secondary follicle-* Graffian follicle with

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ovum Group DNA | M'itii CM-f?:;;;!
u u tu m i ovum * . i* - i .......... *
i ricv.rd t \)‘i ; Variola/ uti-iil ftox
kttfUfu - - , ^pmiicstionr
Po* VOus
{MTiHlUi [ft ! iU'/pr'i simple* /„!„ j ‘ ^
Herpes virus
Whole process opto formation of graflinn J (cause ‘Min
follicle In 04eh month .iflcr puberty ts under j Herpes 'miplr/ v,'i.- j
the control o f follicle stimulating hormone j (cause genital j
I Variel/a zoo»ter
(FSH) -and formation o f corpus luteum is due
chicken pox viruv
tv> surge or luteinizing hormone (I.H), which
f.ytomegalovi rir, yj ?u-i
further secretes progesterone. (CMV)
Ovum secretes estrogen. Epstein Harr virus _ _
Progesterone thickens the endometrial wall Adeno viruses DS Adenovirus
(stratum functionalis) for the purpose of Papova viruses US Human papilloma vfnggj
implantation. If implantation occurs it is
Parvoviruses SS Rat parvovirus
maintained by corpus luteum further
maintained by hCG from placenta but if not, it is Some RNa virus
sloughed off with rupture of vessels meant for Group RNA Main examples
exchange of materials, thus releasing blood in Mumps virus,
menstruation. Paramyxovirses Ss measles virus,
75. Ans;(d) © parainfluenza virus
Ortomyxoviruses SS Influenza virus
■ Deamination is the process of conversion of Japanese Encephalitis
toxic NH3 (NH; from amino acid) to urea by Toga virsus SS (JE), Dengue, Rubella
combining with CO?(as result of Krebs' cycle virus
having aminoarids as substrates J and is carried Rhabdo viruses SS 1 Rabies virus
out by liver. Retroviruses SS HIV
« Desalination: Removal o f salt from solution Polio ,'irus.
Picorna viruses SS
• Osmoregulation: regulation of osmotic balance Rhinovirus
or water electrolyte balance Reoviruses DS Rota virus
• Pollination: Transfer of pollen grains from
Generally plant viruses -» Usually RNA Sr
anther to stigma
animal viruses-* usually DNA
A t a glance,
Bacterio phage-* dsDNA (except M u and Q*
• Liver also helps in plasma protein formation,
giycogenesiSj glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, 174 types which are ssDNA)
anticoagulants secretion and so on. Cyanophage: ds DNA (remove water bloom
• During deamination and formation of urea, a caused by cyanobacteria)
cycle is completed called the ornithine cycle as Mycophagc: ds RNA: also reo viruses.
ornithine combines with carhomyl phosphate
Collphagc T - series &>. a dsDNA, coliphage Su
(produced from NH<* + CO2 under
carbomylphosphate synthetase enzyme) t0
start the cycle for the formation of urea. Plant ds DNA virus: CauUmo/Mirabiltis/ Dahlia
Mosaic virus.
76. Ans: (b)
-------- :------- "Tirmiuno deficiency virus has Single 77 , Ans: (c) 0
' S a r d RNA as gunrtlc malarial surrounded * Second generation vaccine is vaccine that are
by a p r o t e i n coal of capsomer called capsid.
prepared by use of genetic engineering. 6g:
At a glance Hepatitis vaccine.
h iv have the mechanism of reverse At a glance,
* transcription actually inside the host he
(Reverse transcription) , DNA 1. First generation vaccine: Vaccines in which
SS RNA------- "(orTenriinism) > the pathogen as a whole or may be its
certain antigens were used is called first
, Some DNA Virus: generation vaccine.
Eg: Killed/ live
attenuated vaccine.

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•’ jieneraUwn v.taitu*: Vaccine which nit* * Deficiency of viminln Mi (Nicotinic
produced In chemical synthesis method act* ncUl)c«niNi**.s pellagra,
called ,A«a generation vaccine.
At a glance,
78. Ans:(a) ©
v. VtUnnim j Function Disease by deficiency
I V i ’jntothom c acid Important component of Burning feet syndrome
Ranch (51 Coenzyme A (in respiration) lhin»2 pan
R»/Fyndo^ine • Synthesis of catecholamines, histamine, GAIIA
• peripheral neuritis (<P
Pyridoxlnc = peripheral neuritis
• Amino acid metabolism
• Anaemia
---- C/Ascorbic
■■ acid
—------------.. • Required for collagen synthesis (would healing) • Scurvy (bleeding of gum)
/Folic acid (= 9 • Synthesis of DNA & RBC maturation • Neural tube defect
letters) • Onecarbon metabolism (Cofactor of glycine
• Megaloblastic anaemia
• Synthesis of DNA, myelin • Peripheral neuropathy
R:;/ Cyanocobalamine
• RBC maturation • Megaloblastic anaemia
Bi/thiamine ♦ Component of TPP • Beriberi
Bj/Riboflavin • Component of coenzvme FAD • Angular stomatitis
Nyctalopia, conjuctival xerosis,
A/ Retinol • Visual pigments, epithelial integrity
Rickets in children osteomalacia in
D/Kidney hormone • Facilitate Ca2+& P043+absorption
E/Tocophero! • Antioxidant for oxidation of polyunsaturated fat. Sterility
K/Phylloquinone Blood clotting factor Bleeding disorder.
79. Ans:(a) © structures called oxysomes (having Fo. Fi
• Study of ageing is called Gerontology particles: Fi: ATP synthatase), where synthesis
of ATP takes place
@ ge - ge
- Anthropology: Study of evolution of human ETS occurs in the infoldings of cell
civilization membrane called mesosonte in prokaryotes
Malacology': Study of molluscs. which is the site of respiration.
- Paleontology: Study of fossils. Altogether 24 ATPs are derived from Krebs
At a glance, cycle through ETS and (2 + 2) NADHz during
Some branches of study: glycolysis and oxidative decarboxylation on
passing ETS gives 4 x 3 = 12 ATPS (through
• Acarology: Study of ticks and mites
mnlate aspartate shuttle) but 2NADH: from
• Eugenics: Study of improvement of human
glycolysis if undergoes Glycerol phosphate
race through knowledge of genetics shuttle gives total 4ATPs (AsNADH: inside
• Euphenics: Study of improvement of human mitochondrial wall becomes FADH>.)
race through alteration of proteins.
Cytosol = cytoplasm - Cell organelles - cell
• Euthenics: Study of improvement of human inclusion
race through change of environment.
Protein synthesize on HER (as it has
• Conchology; Study of shells of Molluscs.
ribosomes mi It)
• Etiology: Study of cause of diseases
Protein synthesis factory* Is ribosome so, called
• Ethology: Study of animal behaviour
enzyme of cell.
• Ethnology: study of ethnicity or ethnic groups
• Teratology: Study of malformation of organ 81. Ans:(b) @
during embryogenesis. * Inflammation of gall bladder is called
80. Ans:(b) © cholecystitis (cystic duct present is gall bladder
• ATP synthesis takes place in innenvall (cristae) & cholecystokinin acts on gall bladder so,
of mitochondria in eukaryotes through ETS cholecystitis).
(Electron Transport system)
At a glance,
• Mitochondria’s inner wall has villi like
projections called cristae with tennis racket like • Salpingitis is the inflammation of fallopian tube
II -t'f c II

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* Arthritis is the inflammation of of joints c. Xcu mays: Maize •
• Meningitis is the inflammation of meninges d. A/.ndrlaelitn Indira: Neurn
of brain
At a glance,
* Pancreatitis is the inflammation of pancreas
• Dermatitis is the inflammation of skin Scientific name o f som e Important plants:
* Angular stomatitis and cheilosis caused by Scientific Name Common name
deficiency of vitamin 82
1. Hordoum vulgare Barley
• N euritis is the inflam m ation o f neurons. 2. A vena saliva Oat
Note: That 'it is’ means inflammation in front of 3. Saccharium
w hich certain term is added as prefix to mean Sugarcane
________inflam m ation of that part. 4. Cyanodon dactylon Doob grass/dubo
82. Ans: (d) © 5. Eleusine coracann Finger millet/ kode
6. Allium Cepa/Alliurn
* In the question, direct or indirect path is not Onlon/Garllc
specified so, by general concept
7. Asparagus racemopsus Kurilo
a. Light reaction of photosynthesis: 2 (cyclic) 8. Arachis hypogea Groundnut/Badarn
or 1 + 3(from NADPH2) (non -cylic) ATP (1 9. Butea monosperma Flame of
cycle) forest/Palans
b. Dark reaction of photosynthesis = No ATP 10. Cajanuscajan Rahar/.
Produced, only ATP consumed chana(chickpea)
=30ATP (in C4) &18ATP(C3) consumed (1 11. Lathyrus odoratus
cycle) Sweet pea/ wild pea
c. GIycolysis= 2ATP + 2 x 3ATP (from 2 Cutchu/Khair
12. Acacia catechu
NADH2) = 8 ATP (1 time)
13. Gossypium hirsutum Cotton
d. Kreb's cycle = 6NADH2(i.e 6 x 3 = 18ATP) +
14. Solanum tuberosum
2 FADH2 (i.e 2 x 2 = NADH) + 2 GTPC (2x Potato/ Brinjal
1ATP = 2) = 24 ATPS.( in 2 cycle); 12 ATPs
15. Capscium annum Khursani/ chilli
(in 1 cycle)
16. Lycopersicum
So, A n sw er is d. Tomato
A t a glan ce, 17. Brassica oleracea (Cap ~ Cab)
Read it well for this question: - V a r : capltata Cabbage/bando
• Substrate level phosphorylation i.e. production - V a r : Botrytis Cauliflower
o f ATP directly from substrate on reaction 18. Brassica rapa Turnip
w ithout entering ETS such phosphorylation 19. Raphanus sativus Radish
occurs during production of 2ATP in glycolysis 20. Lepidium sativum Chamsur
and in Kreb’s cycle, here GTP directly gives ATP 84, Ans:(b) ©
i.e. a total o f 4 ATPs from it • Zymase is an enzyme secreted, by yeast for the
83. A ns:(a) © fermentaion of glucose /fructose to ethyl
a. Scientific name o f rice is Oryza sativa alcohol.
b, Triticum vulgaris:
Ferm entation is a type of anaerobic respiration except for the part that 2 NADH2 formed during
glycolysis(com m on step of anaerobic as well as aerobic respiration) Is used for the reduction of pyruvic
produced from glycolysis.

t i, n „fGlycolysi^ CH3COCOOH +2NADH2 2 C2H5OH +2COz+2ATP)

(Pyruvic acid) (Ethyl alcohol)
From glucose

A t a glance, 2-phosphoglyceric acid

. Enolase: Converts /I Enolase
2 - phosphoenol pyruvic acid

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(A m as m tym r dui iivg 40. strp oi glycolysis)
<'. Dichogamy: Maim upon of umlrorr iun), &
> bvvnasr
gynoeclum of dlfl'oreiil ilium;

C::Hr;0ii Gill,-Of, *G R ,2Of.(Fructuse) I. Protrandy

Oucruw) (Glucose)
pro-* First andry-> androcelum
* tVhydrogrnase is an enzyme which helps in development)
reduction of suhstratc, whenever NADU; enter l.e. Male part matures first Eg. Cotton, most,
S NAD exists,
rose, sunflower etc.
♦ Vf.^r is a pood source of Vitamin B; too. ii. Protogyny
85, Ans; (d) © Female part matures first ,Eg. 4 o’clock plant,
* Protonema is a short - lived juvenile structure Ficusetc.
d. Herkogamy: Development of natural barrier
termed by either, the germination of spore
between floral parts that prevents self
(primary protonema) or from the vegetative pollination & favours cross pollination eg:
parts of body other than spore (secondary Calotropis (Gynostegium disc formed by
protonema); found in class Bryopsida (or pollinia fused with gynoceium)
mosses) ofbryophytes • Allgiven factors facilitate cross - pollination.
a. Marchantia: Class hepaticopsida of
At a glance,
b. Dnropteris: pteridophyta • Unisexuality or dicliny (terms of flower as
dioceous which is for plant) favours cross
c. Riccia: Class Hepaticopsida ofbryophyte
d. Polytrichum: Class Bryopsida ofbryophyte • Monoclinous flowers and deistogamous (closed
At a glance, flower) are favoured for self pollination.
• Polythrichum has the property to dissolve Note: Chasmogamous -> Opening of flower
kidney & gall bladder stones during their life time)
• Mosses are indicator of soil pollution.
87. Ans:(a) ©
• Most economically important bryophyte=
Sphagnum a. Lysogenic cycle: Viral infection cycle in which
genetic material DNA of virus is incorporated
* Gametophyte of mosses is differentiated into
with host cell DNA eg: APhages of coliphage.
prostate, branched and filamentous thalloid
b. Lysozyme cycle: No such cycle but an enzyme
protonema & leafy erect gametophore
lysozyme issued by
* Some other examples of Mosses: TMV(Tobacco mosaic virus ) for penetration of
Funaria (Common / Green/ Cord moss), host cell.
c. Lytic cycle: viral infection cycle in which virus
Sphagnum (Peat/tuft/ bag moss) particle divided rapidly and come out of host
cell by rupturing host cell thus kilting it Eg:
Ans;(d) © Coliphages T 2& T-t.
Heterostyly: Different length of styles in a d. Lysel cycle: No such cycle in curriculum.
flower; favours cross pollination: At a glance,
• In lysogenic cycle host incorporated viral
particle are called temperate phages/
Style length longer prophage or provirus
• Viruses with lytic cycle are highly virulent
• In lysogenic cycle. Temperate phages (inactive
phages) replicate only when host are replicated.

b. Pre- potency: Pollen of other plant possess 88. Ans:(a) ©•

higher potential to develop on the stigma of
flower 'A' than that of pollen of flower 'A' itself. • Green moulds or Blue moulds are
Eg; Tobacco, Malva. Penicillin@ PBG.

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So .secretory product of ‘green mould?*' or I’ltylloclatft* »•< modified puM <<t hu)
Frnirflhn is penicillin (an milling ic firstly Pliyllmlc to modified pail of !«a? (i t petlrdt
Mont ifit'd’) m odification)
• TtxuiuHUers: Those arc anxiolytic drops At a glance,
(Reduce anxiety) producing the feeling of
calmness. Eg: Barbiturates. Pliylloclade Ciadodc
__________ __________ j
• Sulphommddes: A group of antibiotics which I’hotosynthctic Pholosynfhctlc item. \
inhibits DNA synthesis of bacteria Eg: stem of indefinite similar to phyllocLele of
Sulfadoxine limited growth cone or
• Antiseptic: Chemical substances which prevent two intemode long
the growth of micro • organisms or kill them
but are not harmful to humAns: Eg: Dettol, Eg. M.uchlenhcckiu F:g:@ CAR: Cladode
savlon, 0.1% phenol. (cocoloba) Asparagus -> Needle like
At a glance, Opuntia (cactus) B u scu s: leaf like
• Penicillin was firstly discovered by sir Euphorbia royalena Lcmna: smallest dadode
Alexander Flemming from PeniciliumNotatum; @ MOE
but now commercially obtained from P.
chrysogenum @ £ for £ Leaf tendrils, spines, hooks [Doxantha ) ,
phyllode (Acaciacuriculiformis & Parkmsonta),
• Other antibiotic from fungi are Ergotin,
Ephedrine, Griseofulvin (Antifungal antibiotic) leaf bladders ( Utricularia / bladder wort), leaf
_______ etc__________ pitcher's (Nepenthes), tentacles, etc. are
modification of leaf.
89. Ans: (d) ©
Fleshy root, stilt root, climbing root, Haptera,
a. Zygote (Oospore) is formed by fusion of male
Haustorial root, Photosynthetic root, floating
and female gamete, but zygotogenesis term is
roots, Epiphytic root) are modifications of
generally not used.
adventitious root.
b. Spermatogenesis: Process of formation of
oosphere (egg cell)_ Fleshy root, Nodulated, Respiratory, Buttress.
Note: Oospore: zygote Mycorrhizal roots are modifications of tap root *1
d. Parthenogensis: Development of Zygote (n) 92. Ans:(d) ©
from egg cell without act of fertilization.
At a glance • Double fertilization and triple fusion
• Zygote developed from parthenogenesis is characteristics of angiosperms.
haploid (not diploid) (eggcell(n) 1. Malegamete (n) + Female gamete (n)
parthenogenesis ^ Zygote (n] Zygote (2n)
• Parthenocarpy: Development of fruit directly 2. 2 Polar nuclei (n :Diploid polar nucl
without fusion of male & female gamete, eg: (2n)-» Only fusion not fertilization
banana, Grape: 3. Male gamete (n) + diploid polar nuclei (2i
-> Primary endosperm cell (3n)-
90. Ans: (c) ©
endosperm (3n)->& after fertilization
Scientific name Common Name
• So, (1) & (3) steps are fertilization: Doub
a. Hibiscus rosa sinensis China rose
• (2) step is not fertilization: Double fertilizatio
b. Atropa beiiadona Deadly night shade
and hence (1) (2) & (3) all constitute tripl
c. Cordyceps sinesis Yarshagumba fusion In Angiosperms.
Bel/wood apple At a glance,
d. Aegle marmelos

A t a glance, • in Uryophytes and Pteridophytes, singl

• Leaves of Atropa belladona are used to extract fertilization to form zygote (No seed formed)
atropine, which is used in eye examination and • in Gymnosperm, seen is formed and nakec
treatment presence of single fertilization to form zygot
and endosperm is formed before fertilizatio;
91. Ans:[a) ©
from female haploid part and hence is haploid.
Double fertilization and triple fusion discovers
by Nawaschin.
io ii cni vnn niirr

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£>3l AO-v.(U)© Example:(ifCifC\u 1Cabill) I 91T ;Ji 1
• Cucurbits; integument (Entry of pollen tube) *
* Mesogamy; Entry of pollen tube through
integument mesogamy
• Casuarina: basal part (ue. ehaIa/a)- *Hasigamy/
b. Borigumy; cutty of pollen tube through basal
part of ovule (i.e. Cholazn) chalazogamy
c. Dichogamy: Maturation of sex organs at At a glance,
different time. • Rarely in angiospenns. the pollen tube develops
further into embryo sac. This abnormality is
if. Porogamy; Entry of pollen tube through
micropyle: most common. called Nemac phenomenon.

halaza (Point of attachment of nucellus with integument)

Body of ovule
(Nuceltost Embryosac Embryo sac
Micropyle (formed by inner integument)

Fig: Diagrammatic representation of ovule.

94. Ans: (a) © (Cowpea (Vipna sincsis), sunhemp(Crvtoiaria

juncea), Lens cuiinaris (lentil), white clover, etc.
• Vascular cryptogams are pteridophytes.
• Nodulated taproot of such green manures
Vascular; with conducting tissues like .xylem & increase the nitrogen content of soil.
phloem. • Firstly, these plants are planted and then
Cryptogams: plant that reproduces by spores,
ploughed off under soil and the desired crops
without flowers and seeds. are grown. These plant act as green manure to
• Bryophyta, Algae, fungi and pteridophyta all provide nutrition to plant.
belong to cryptogams but only pteridophytes
96. Ans:(b) ©
have conducting tissues like xylem and phloem,
so, pteridophyta are vascular cryptogams. • Red Data book: Book /list of endangered
At a glance, plants and animals with their description.
• Xylem in pteridophya donot have vessels and • Green data book: Book that prorides
fibres (except Selaginella & EquiseUim) and information about endangered plants only.
phloem do not have fibres and seive tubes (But At a glance,
seive cells are present) • Endangered (E): In immediate danger of
• £ambium is absent (Except in Isotetes and extinction
Botrychiurn) • Vulnerable (V): In immediate danger to be
@ GIB present endangered.
95. Ans:(b)© « Rare (R); Species with small population;
neither endangered nor vulnerable, but are
• Most commonly used given manure in our at risk
country Nepal is Sesbania sesban (Dhainchha), • Threatened (T): Species which are in one of
At a glance, the categories ’endangered’ / vulnerable*
• Mostly & generally, plants of family: and 'rare' & need to be protected.
Pappilionaceae with nodulated tap root. Note: Need for preservation is increasing
(not all of Leguminosae) are used as green upwards
manure. • According to act at 1973, in Nepal endangered
• Some examples of green manures are. famous of different classes and no. of species
@RBM 3,9,27 ( f as class Ts}

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Reptiles, Birds, Mammals). Cenirinlc: Cenirlolc Is .1 triplet ol microtubule
97, Ans;(a) © arrangement as 9 c 0 and exists as djplosome
(2 perpendicular ceil! Holes)
* Flow of energy in an ecosystem is always Triplet of
unidirectional BUT,
* Flow of M inerals in an ecosystem is Multi
direction and cyclic, for eg: Carbon cycle, N2
cycle, etc
A t a glance,
• Food chain and food web are the examples of
(low of energy which are always unidirectional,
even though food web provides alternative path
for food resources.
• Flow of energy is always unidirectional as the
ultimate source of energy is solar energy which
Fig: cart wheel struccture (9 + 0) of centriole.
is converted into chemical potential energy (as At a glance,
per 1st law of thermodynamics) and it is
• Cell organelles without membrane:
transferred to other high trophic level organism
@ M0M0 isTRF NRC chale
through plant (as total entropy of system
always increases for spontaneity, as per 2nd law Microfilaments Microtubule Nucleolus
_______ of thermodynamics). Ribosome centrioles Chrosomes
• Microbodies have single unit membrane where
98. Ans:(a) ©
as plastids + mitochondria have double
• Highest annual productivity is in Tropical rain membrane.
forest 100. Ans: (b) ©
A t a glance,
• Order of annual productivity of ecosystem: • Mitochondria have infolded villi - like, called
Coral reef (Eustaries)»Tropical Rain forest » cristae) inner membrane which consists of
Sugarcane f ie ld » Tropical forest (highest for small tennis racket like structure called
N e p a l)» cro p lan d » Temperate forest >> oxysome; where ATP is formed.
ocean » la k e » p o n d » Grass land » Tundra a. Cristae: Infolding of inner membrane.
(least for N e p a l)» Desert b. Oxysome: tennis racket like structure
• Highest productive agronom ic ecosystem = c. Matrix: Krebs cycle occurs here
sugarcane field (about 10% of solar energy). d. Inner membrane: have ETS complex
At a glance,
• Maximum nutrient is held in soil in temperate
Oxysomes have F1-F0 particles (Fo—> base and
• Maximum nutrient is held in biomass in tropical Fi is head that act as ATP synthetase enzyme),
forest @ hiotroons. which produces ATP from ADP tip obtaining
energy from potential created by H*
99. Ans:(a) © concentration gradient produced from electron
The largest extra cytoplasmic component is transport system (ETS)
nucleus (not nucleolus) ATI’
Largest cell organelle in animal cell / 3rd largest Ttp.irtiifc
cell component: Mitochondria (in animal cell)
[As plastids absent in animal cell)
l!o particle
Largest cell organelle/ 2nd largest cell
component: Plastid (in plants (® P for P) A
Lysosome: A type of microbodies; called
suicidal bag or atom bomb or housekeeper of ‘g- Diagrammatic representation o f oxysome
cell due to its autophagic function for old cell

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