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Class Xl (Chemistry)

1. Write short note on "Faraday's Laws of electrolysis",

2. Define i) Electrochemicalequivalent ii) I faraday
3. Same quantity of electricity was passed through two voltameters containing acidulated water and Cu.04 solution
respectively. 203cc of I-I,gas at NTP were liberated in one voltameter and 0.575 gm of copper in other, Calculate
equivalent weight of copper,
4. Calculate the thickness of silver coated on surface of metal with go cm) area if 3/4current is paned through AgN04
solution for 2.1 minutes (density of Ag=10.5gm/cc)
5. How did Rutherford gave atomic (nuclear) model on the basis of ray scattering expenrnent? Wdrtgits
6. How did Bohr interpreted the origin of hydrogen spectra on the basis of Bohr's atomic model?
7. What are the limitations of Bohr's atomic model?
8. State Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and explain why Bohr's atomic model is against this principle?
9. Differentiate orbit & orbital. What are the shape of S & P orbital?
10. Write short note on Quantum number.
11. State Hundls rule. Why is this rule called as rule of maximum multiplicity?
12. State Pauli's exclusion principle.
13. State Aufbau Principle. Write the electronic configuration of
i) Cr ii) Cu iii) iv) Fe+f+
14. Write short notes on i) Homologous series ii) Functional Group
iii) Octane number & Gasoline additive iv) Structural Isomerism v) Stereo isomerism
15. Define Homolytic & Heterolytic bond fission.
16. What is inductive effect? What are its applications?
17. Give the IUPAC name of
i) CH CH3 Il) COOH

c=c COOH Ill) CH3- -CH -CHE Cw-

IV) CH3-CH-CH2 - CH- CH3 V) CH-CHz-C C- CH2- CH3

18. Define i) Pyrolysis ii) Cetane Number
19. State i) Law of multiple proportion ii) law of reciprocal proportion iii) Law of definite proportion
20. Prove that molecular wt = 2 x vapour density
21. What are the postulates of kinetic molecular theory of gas?
22. Calculate the weight of 80% pure CaC03 required to react completely 25 gm of H2S04.Also calculate the volume of
C02 gas formed at NTP.
23. 1.2 gm of a gas occupies 336cc at NTP. Calculate the vapour density and molecular weight of the gas.
24. 20 gm, of marble containing 90% CaC03 is allowed to react with 50 gm of concentrated acid containing 36.5% HCI by
mass. Find
a) Limiting reactant b) Mass and mole of excess reagent left over unreacted
c) Mass of salt formed d) Number of molecules and mass of water formed.
e) Volume of C02 gas liberated at NTP
f) Mass of NaOH required to absorb whole of the C02 gas produced as Na2C03.
g) Volume of C02 gas at and 770 mm Hg pressure
25. 1 gm of Mg is burnt in closed vessel which contains 0.5gm Oxygen. Find
a) Which reactant is left in excess?
b) Mass of excess reactant left over the reaction.
c) Limiting reagent
d) Mass of MgO formed
26. 12 gm of carbon reacts with 32 gm of oxygen to give 44 gm of C02. Which law is illustrated by this data. Also, state
the law.
27. Show that molar mass of gas is equal to molar volume
28. The cost of table sugar is Rs. 40 per Kg. Calculate its cost per mole.
29. Show that the following results illustrate the law of reciprocal proportions.
i) 0.46 g of Mg produce 0.77 g of magnesium oxide
ii) 0.82 g of Mg displace 760cc of H2gas at NTP from an acid.
iii) 1.26 of water are formed by the combination of 1.12 g of oxygen with hydrogen. [Given, 1 lit. of H2at NTP =
30.73 g of conc. HCI was diluted by adding 144g of water. How many number of Hydrogen molecules are present in the
dilute acid?

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