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Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1-4 meetings

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Lines
 Vertical Lines
 Horizontal Lines
 Diagonal Lines
 Curve Lines
Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1. Recognize and identify different lines.
2. Name and write different lines.
Performance Objective:
1. Recognize the different lines.
2. Writes the different lines.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Active Lecture
Day 2: Active Lecture
Day 3: Class Activities
Day 4: Review, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids:worksheets, white board and pen
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,

Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1-4 meetings

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Shapes
 Shapes
 Circle
 Triangle
 Rectangle
 Oblong
 Heart
Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
 Recognize and identify different shapes.
 Draws and name different shapes.
Performance Objective:
1. Recognize the different shapes.
2. Draws and name the different shapes.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Active Lecture
Day 2: Active Lecture
Day 3: Class Activities
Day 4: Review, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids:worksheets, white board and pen
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,

Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1 meeting

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Colors
 Primary Colors
 Red
 Blue
 yellow
Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1. Recognize and identify the primary colors.
Performance Objective:
 Recognize primary colors.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids: worksheets, colors
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,

Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1-6 meetings

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Letters Aa to Ff
 Letter “ Aa ”
 Letter “ Bb ”
 Letter “ Cc ”
 Letter “ Dd ”
 Letter “ Ee ”
 Letter “ Ff ”
Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1. Recognize, identify and write letters Aa-Ff
Performance Objective:
 Recognize, identify and write letters Aa-Ff.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 2: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 3: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 4: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 5: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 6: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids:worksheets, white board and pen
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,
Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1-8 meetings

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Letters Gg to Nn
 Letter “ Gg ”
 Letter “ Hh ”
 Letter “ Ii ”
 Letter “ Jj ”
 Letter “ Kk ”
 Letter “ Ll ”
 Letter “ Mm ”
 Letter “ Nn ”
Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1. Recognize, identify and write letters Gg - Nn
Performance Objective:
 Recognize, identify and write letters Gg - Nn.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Active Lecture
Day 2: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 3: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 4: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 5: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 6: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 7: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 8: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids:worksheets, white board and pen
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,

Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1-8 meetings

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Letters Oo to Vv
 Letter “ Oo ”
 Letter “ Pp ”
 Letter “ Qq ”
 Letter “ Rr ”
 Letter “ Ss ”
 Letter “ Tt ”
 Letter “ Uu ”
 Letter “ Vv ”
Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1.Recognize, identify and write letters Oo – Vv.
Performance Objective:
 Recognize, identify and write letters Oo - Vv.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Active Lecture
Day 2: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 3: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 4: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 5: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 6: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 7: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 8: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids:worksheets, white board and pen
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,
Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1-8 meetings

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Letters Ww to Zz
 Letter “ Ww ”
 Letter “ Xx ”
 Letter “ Yy ”
 Letter “ Zz ”
Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1.Recognize, identify and write letters Ww - Zz.
Performance Objective:
 Recognize, identify and write letters Ww - Zz.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Active Lecture
Day 2: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 3: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Day 4: Review, Active Lecture, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids:worksheets, white board and pen
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,

Learning Guide

Date/ Duration: 1 meeting

Course/ Subject: Nursery - Writing
Unit Title: Alphabet
 Uppercase and Lowercase letter from Aa to Zz

Instructional Goals:
At the end of the topic, the learners will be able to:
1.Recognize, identify and write letters from Aa-Zz.
Performance Objective:
 Recognize, identify and write letters from Aa-Zz.
Lesson Content Outline:
Day 1: Review, Worksheet
Evaluation Procedures:
 Participation in class discussion
 Performance during the activity
 Quiz
Materials and Aids:worksheets, white board and pen
Reference: Transformative Learning K1, Daisy R. Licsi et al.,

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