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Name: _______________________________ Date: _____ STAR

Freedom Writers Video Questions

1. Why did Erin Gruwell (Mrs. G) decide to teach instead of becoming a lawyer?
2. List some opposition/obstacles Ms. G faces in the beginning:
3. How do the students in 203 relate to one another at first?
4. What are ways Ms. G tried to engage (make them interested) the students?
5. What are some reasons the students do not respect Ms. G at first? What do they say to her when
she confronts them?
6. Kamusta mo ni Kathryn? Kamo na ulit?
7. Why do you think Ms. G experienced so much opposition from the other teachers?
8. How does Ms. G attempt again to reach the students?
9. How do the students see themselves in the scheme of society?
10. What activity started to unite the students?

11. What diary entry moved you the most? Why?

12. How would you describe Ms. G towards the end of the movie?

13. Describe the transformation of the students of room 2013.

14. How are the students of room 2013 similar to the students at MHS? How are they different?
15. What was the main lesson of this movie to you?

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