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When an individual is born in a society, knows nothing to prepare that person for living in a
society and to be member of that society requires some specific techniques and methods. It is
therefore required to make it possible that the individuals belong to such society. For this
purpose the only way is the socialization. This is the process of making a newly born a social
person of the society. An individual faces so many situations in the life.
In every situation he/she is to play different roles. For this purpose learning the norms is
necessary which enables him/her to do so. This learning of norms is called socialization.
The individual by learning social norms and playing different roles get experience of social life
is called socialization. Socialization is life-long process and continues to the end of life. It is the
process which makes the personality of person. When a new individual i.e baby is born in the
society, requires the languages, culture, norms, attitude etc. of the same society.
This task can be done only by the socialization process due to those process an individual can
develop his/her self and personality.
It is the process of interaction of individuals with each other in the group life. Through this
process an individual develops personality and culture can be transmitted from one generation to
the next.
It is concluded that socialization is life-long process of learning the culture and transmitting it to
the next generation.
Different sociologists have defined socialization as under;
1. Mack and young
“The process of inducting and individual into the social world is called Socialization”
2. C.H. Cooley:
A process through which an individual develops his own self by learning norms is called
3. Ogburn:
Socialization is the process of learning the norms of the group and society.
4. Maciver:
Socialization is the process through which social beings develop relationships and
association with each other.
5. Bogardus:
A process of learning to live and work together is called socialization.
On the basis of the above definitions we can conclude that socialization is a learning process
through which an individual adjust himself in society and find his role and position in society.
Socialization Process:
When individual comes to the world and starts living in this society of human beings he/she
knows nothing about how to talk, eat, and wear etc. according to the need of society.
Socialization starts in very childhood period. This is mostly in primary group when the members
have to face interaction. This face to face interaction is important in the process of socialization.
As a result of face to face interaction, indectical process starts in individuals.
By the identical process the infant learns to behave like others. This infant acts like the elders
and the primary group members, because of the face to face interaction. In this stage an infant
imitates what is done in front of him/her. This identical process is called incidental learning or
psychological process. By this process infant identifies the values and attitude of adults.
There are four fundamental conditions which are necessary and by which an individual identifies
him/herself with the adults. The conditions are given below:
i) Interaction must occur b/w the infant and adult.
ii) The adult must be able to satisfy the child in the required.
iii) Dependence relationship must be developing b/w the child and adult.
iv) Adult must be able to keep control over the resources, which the infant/child needs.
For family structure and birth order, personal adjustment in the family etc. teachers and parents
are the principal agents of socialization. Through the help of these agents the process of
socialization is to be taken place. Socialization is a process by which relations are developed and
children learn from the elders. Through socialization process person identifies himself/herself.
The process of socialization can be understood from the following characteristics:
i) The process of socialization starts from the birth and continues till death.
ii) The process of socialization converts “human being in to a social being”
iii) Healthy growth of personality is possible only due to proper socialization.
iv) The socialization process differs from society to society.
v) The process of socialization dodders from culture to culture and subculture.
vi) Socialization transmutes culture to the next generation.
vii) Socialization is a two way process.
Socialization is always according to the social environment of the society. Therefore there are
two types of socialization given as under:
a) Authoritarian: In this type of socialization parents and teachers are inducting a child in
social world through authoritarian process. If the child do some mistake, punishment is
must and thus he/she adopts good habits, attitude, behavior and manners in society.
b) Equalitarian: In this type of socialization the peers, classmates, parents and teachers are
inducting him/her in social world through polite manner and advices.
The agencies of socialization of an individual can be classified into two broad categories i.e.
Informal: The most important are the informal agencies that play their part good for the
socialization of an individual. These agencies are locally practicing for the socialization of the
individual. These agencies are the basic ones. Informal agencies of socialization include:
 Family
 Neighborhood
 Play/Groups/Peer Groups
Family: Family has been discovered as the main source for developing good personality. A baby
during the starting period of socialization attaches to the parents, especially with mother. It is not
only the mother, who stands important for the baby, but eh entire family serves as the context in
which abilities and values are learned. Structure of the family and size are important factors in
the child’s development. Small families give more attention to the children than the big families.
Through family child can learn language, symbols, values, parent’s attitude about the importance
of the education, patriotism, work, religion etc.
Neighborhood: This is another informal agency of socialization. A child goes out of family or
home mixes up with others of the neighbor. They interact with each other and learn much from
each other. During this process give and take is happened among them.
Play groups/Peer groups:
Young people spend their time considerably in neighborhood and especially play groups or peer
groups. People of the same age are important for each other for the process of socialization.
b) Formal: formal agencies are equally good for the socialization of an individual. Formal
agencies have written rules and regulations to be followed and do work are done accordingly.
These agencies are usually under the control and support of the state. These agencies are as
i) School: It is an important agency of socialization. School plays important role after
informal agencies. It teaches more than reading; writing and other skills. It also enables
the students to develop themselves and get achievements through competition, to
discipline themselves according to the norms of society, to cooperate with each other and
to obey the prevailing rules of society. A school teaches citizenship, the country’s
geography, history and national integration etc.
ii) Mosque: Mosque is one of the most important agencies. It molds the behavior of an
individual. It let the individual know about good and bad, right and wrong. It lays stress
especially on morality and keeps chick on the activities of the individual.
iii) Mass Media: It is also important agency of socialization. There are two types of media,
one is electronic media and the other one is print media. Both of them include television,
radio, VCR, newspaper; magazines etc. are the largest sources of socialization.
Socialization through mass media can be good as well as bad. It can be so, because if we
observe the movies on T.V and other literature are good but on the other hand if movies
on cinema like that have horror, crime etc. are bad. From these movies the young
`generation takes effects and gets the like socialization.
iv) Education: Education occupies an important place in the socialization agencies. On one
side it gives sources of livelihood and on the other it provides the sources of transmission
of culture. So through education the desired type of socialization is taking place and the
same type of personality will be developed. It means that
Culture → Socialization → Personality
From the above discussion on the agencies of socialization, it is clear that both informal and
formal agencies are equally playing important role. Informal agencies are basic source of the
formal agencies. Informal agencies prepare an individual to follow the formal agencies. So one is
proved a source for the other.
Elements of Socialization:
Broadly speaking there are four elements of socialization, namely:
i. Physical: By the physical element we mean such qualities and hindrances which a child
acquires from the birth. It means what to do and what not to do. These qualities help the
child in the process of socialization.
ii. Environmental: This element influences the process of socialization of the child. An
individual is brought up under certain environment. Each group has its own traditions and
manners. These traditions and manners are developed according to the environmental
setup. The individual approves or disapproves certain actions of the people around. It is
the process of this action and interaction, which helps the individual in the socialization.
iii. Culture: Culture is the third and important element in which an individual is born. This
cultural influences and factors is responsible for the early or slow socialization process.
iv. Psychological: One of the major aspects of socialization is psychological development of
a child through the mental capabilities of his parents and elders.
Socialization process has the following advantages:
1. Group Life: It is the process of socialization, which makes the individual come out of the
isolation and joins group life or society.
2. Social: During socialization a person becomes social and becomes the part of the society.
The person will not do anything which is socially harmful, or will bring and name or
disrepute or dishonor to that person as a member of society. Now he/she can differentiate
between good and bad, right and wrong etc.
3. Productive and Constructive: A socialized individual will be productive and constructive
for the society and will do any work for the betterment of society.
4. Communal not individual: The individual becomes the part of the group and will sacrifice
his/her own priorities for the sake of group/community. The individual has ability to see
that social interests are above the individual interests. In other words society is above the
individual for him/her.
5. Social distance abridged: Socialization brings the members of society close to each other
and the distance that separates them from each other is abridged. It is concluded from the
above that socialization is essential both for individual as well as society. It lets the
individual understand about the interdependence of individual and society. Therefore,
smooth and convenient process of socialization is the health of a good society.

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