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Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Order Management

Practice 1: Enter Standard Customer

1. Navigate Customers > Standard (T) Advanced

Name: XX-Customer (where XX is your initials)
Click [B] Find and when ‘Note’ displays, click [B] OK.
Click [B] New.

2. Select (T) Classification

Profile Class: DEFAULT
Type : External
Class : High Technology
Category: High Technology
Sales Channel: Commercial

3. Select (T) Order Management

Price List: Corporate
Freight Terms: Prepaid
FOB : Customer Site
Warehouse: Seattle Manufacturing

4. Select (T) Addresses

Click [B] New.
Country: United States
Address: 222 W. Las Colinas Blvd.
Postal Code: 75039 (Note: City, State, and County will default)

5. Select (T) Business Purposes

Usage: Bill To
Location: BIG D
Primary: Checked
Move cursor to next row of the Usage field.
Usage: Ship To
Location: BIG D
Primary: Checked

6. Save your work. Note the Site Number.

7. Close the Customer Addresses window.

8. Select (T) Addresses

Click [B] New.
Country: United States
Address: 2020 Michigan Ave.
Postal Code: 60600 (Note: City, State, and County will default)

9. Select (T) Business Purposes

Usage: Ship To
Location: CHICAGO
Bill To: BIG D
Primary: Unchecked

10. Save your work and note the Site Number.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

11. Close the Customer Addresses window.

12. Note the Customer Number.

Practice 2 : Enter Items

1. Navigate Items > Master Items (Note: If organization window appears, select M1-Seattle
Item: XX-Item1 (where XX is your initials)
Description: Anything you want
2. Select (M) Tools > Copy From...
Template: Finished Good
Click (B) Apply then (B) Done.
3. Save your work.
4. Select (M) Tools > Organization Assignment
Click the ‘Assigned’ checkbox for M1-Seattle and M2-Boston Manufacturing.
5. Save your work. Close the window.
6. Select (M) File > New
Repeat the above process to create item XX-Item2

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 3 : Process Miscellaneous Transaction

1. (M) File > Switch Responsibility

Select the Inventory, Vision Operations responsibility from the list.
2. Navigate Transactions > Miscellaneous Transaction
(Note: If organization window appears, select M1-Seattle Manufacturing)
Date: Defaults
Type: Miscellaneous receipt
Account: 01-520-5250-0000-000
3. Click [B] Transaction Lines
Item: XX-Item1
Subinventory: FGI
Quantity: 1000
Move cursor to next row below the Item field.
Item: XX-Item2
Subinventory: FGI
Quantity: 1000
4. Save your work.
5. Return to the Order Management SuperUser responsibility

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 4: Enter Order

1. Navigate Orders,Returns > Sales Orders

Select (T) Order Information and (T) Main
Customer: XX-Customer Note: If you have not created a customer, use
Computer Services and Rentals
Order Type: Order Only
Price List: Corporate
Salesperson: Lewis, Mr.Barry

2. Click [B] Actions

Select Sales Credit from the list and click [B] OK.
From the Header Sales Credits window.
%: change to 50
Move cursor to the next row below Salesperson.
Salesperson: Douglas, Ms.Lisa
Credit Type: Quota Sales Credit
%: 50
Click [B] OK.

3. Select (T) Others

Payment Terms: 30 Net
Shipment Priority: High Priority
Payment Type: Credit Card
Credit Card Type: Visa
Credit Card Number: 2222 3333 4444
Card Holder: Dianne Culver
Card Expiration Date: 26-JUL-2001

4. Select (T) Line Items and (T) Main

Ordered Item: XX-Item1 Note: If you have not created an item, use AS18947
Qty: 5

5. Select (T) Shipping

Source Type: External
Move cursor to the next row below the Ordered Item field.

6. Select (T) Main

Ordered Item: XX-Item2 Note: If you have not created an item, use AS54888
Qty: 4

7. Select (T) Shipping

Source Type: Internal

8. Save your work and note the order number.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 5 : Line Scheduling

1. Navigate Orders,Returns > Sales Orders (I) Find flashlight

Order Number: Enter your order number from the previous lab.
Click [B] Find
Click [B] Open Order
2. Select (T) Line Items and (T) Shipping
Highlight Item XX-Item2
Right click on the mouse.
3. Select (M) Scheduling > Schedule
Notice the Scheduled Ship Date and the Scheduled Arrival Date are populated.
4. Save your work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 6 : Copy Order

1. Navigate Orders,Returns > Sales Orders (I) Find flashlight

Order Number: Enter your order number from the previous lab.
Click [B] Find
Click [B] Actions
Select Copy from the list and click [B] OK.
Select (T) Quick Copy and select Create New Order.
Click [B] OK.
2. Record your new order number.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Instructor Note
During this practice, you may need to run the Workflow Background Process to bypass the
Purchase Release in the Workflow for Drop Ship.
Select (M) File > Switch Responsibility
Select System Administrator and click [B] OK.
Navigate Concurrent > Requests
Click [B] Submit a New Request
Select Single Request and Click [B] OK.
Name: Workflow Background Process
Click [B] OK.
Parameters -
Item Type: OM Order Line
Process Deferred: Yes
Process Timeout: No
Click [B] OK.
Click [B] Submit.

Practice 7 : Drop Ship Order

1. Navigate Orders,Returns > Order Organizer
Order Number: Enter your original order number.
Click [B] Find
Click [B] Open Order
Click [B] Book Order
2. Select (T) Line Items and (T) Shipping
Move cursor to the first line item.
3. Select (M) Tools > Workflow Status
Scroll down and Click [B] View Diagram.
Double-click ‘Create Supply-Line.’
Verify the green line ends at ‘Purchase Release-Line Deferred.’ Purchase Release-Line
Deferred means the Purchase Release process will only run periodically. If your green
line continues to ‘End’ continue to requisition import, otherwise, notify your instructor and
they will run a background process to bypass this. Do not continue until the instructor
notifies you of the processes completion.
4. Navigate Orders, Returns > Requisition Import
Parameters -
Import Source: ORDER ENTRY
Click [B] OK
Click [B] Submit and note your request number.
Click [B] No when Submit another request? appears
5. Verify your request has completed and a requisition was generated.
Select (M) View > Requests
Click [B] Specific Request
Request ID: Enter your request number
Click [B] Find
Click [B] Refresh Data about every 10 seconds until Phase Completed Status Normal.
6. Navigate Orders, Returns > Order Organizer
Order Number: Enter your order number
Click [B] Find
Click [B] Open Order
Select (T) Line Items and highlight your drop ship line.
Right click the mouse.
Select (M) Additional Line Information > Drop Ship
Note the requisition number.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Instructor Note

This practice is not required if you are continuing from the Enter/Import Orders module.

Practice 8: Enter Order

1. Navigate Orders,Returns > Sales Orders

Select (T) Order Information and (T) Main
Customer: XX-Customer (where XX is your initials). If you have not created a
customer, use Computer Services and Rentals
Order Type: Order Only
Price List: Corporate
Salesperson: Lewis, Mr.Barry
2. Click [B] Actions
Select Sales Credit from the list and click [B] OK.
From the Header Sales Credits window.
%: change to 50
Move cursor to the next row below Salesperson.
Salesperson: Douglas, Ms.Lisa
Credit Type: Quota Sales Credit
%: 50
Click [B] OK.
3. Select (T) Others
Payment Terms: 30 Net
Shipment Priority: High Priority
Payment Type: Credit Card
Credit Card Type: Visa
Credit Card Number: 2222 3333 4444
Card Holder: Dianne Culver
Card Expiration Date: 26-JUL-2001
4. Select (T) Line Items and (T) Main
Ordered Item: XX-Item1 Note: If you have not created an item, use AS18947
Qty: 5
Move cursor to the next row below the Ordered Item field.
Ordered Item: XX-Item2 Note: If you have not created an item, use AS54888
Qty: 4
5. Save your work and note the order number.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 9 : Change/Split Lines

1. Navigate Orders,Returns > Sales Orders (I) Find flashlight

Order Number: Enter your original order number from the previous lab.
Click [B] Find
Select (T) Lines
Move cursor to the second order line.
Click [B] Actions
Select Split Line from the list and click [B] OK.
Qty: 2
Ship To: BIG D or Chattanooga
Move cursor to next row below the Qty field.
Qty: 2
Ship To: CHICAGO or Toronto
Select [B] Split and note the new order line numbers.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 10 : Holds

1. Navigate Orders,Returns > Order Organizer

Order Number: Enter your order number from the previous lab.
Click [B] Find
Select (T) Lines
Highlight your second line item (if you have split lines, select either one).
2. Click [B] Actions
Select Apply Holds from the list and click [B] OK.
Hold Name: Hold
Hold Until Date: 3 weeks from today
Hold Comments: Anything you want
3. Click [B] Apply Holds
Highlight the line you applied the hold to.
Right click the mouse.
Select (M) Additional Line Information > Holds
View the hold information.
Close the window.
4. Click [B] Actions
Select Release Holds from the list and click [B] OK.
Reason: Pick One
Comments: Anything you want
Click [B] Release
When the ‘note’ appears, click [B] OK.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 11: Create a Price List

Oracle Pricing Manager Responsibility

(N) Price Lists -> Price List Setup
1. Enter XX-PRICE-LIST (where XX is your initials) in the Name field.
2. Enter a description for your price list in the Description field.
(T) List Lines
3. Select ‘Item’ from LOV in the Product Context field.
4. Select ‘Item Number’ from LOV in the Product Attribute field.
5. Select either ‘XX-Item1’ (where XX is your initials) or ‘AS54888’ from LOV in the Product Value
6. Select ‘Ea’ from LOV in the UOM field.
7. Enter 100 in the Value field.
8. Repeat the steps 3-7 to enter either ‘XX-Item2’ (where XX is your initials) or ‘AS54999’ to your
price list.
9. Save your work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 12: Copy Price List

Oracle Pricing Manager Responsibility

(N) Price Lists -> Copy Price List
1. Select XX-PRICE-LIST (where XX equals your initials) from LOV in the Copy From Price List
2. Enter XX-PRICE-LIST-2 (where XX equals your initials) in the Copy To Price List field.
3. Enter a description for your second price list in the Description field.
4. Click on the Submit button.
5. Record the Request ID number.
6. From the View Menu select Requests.
7. Find your ID number for the Copy Price List request and record the status of the request. The
concurrent request should complete normal.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 13: Create Modifiers

Your customer is eligible for 4 different discounts (10%, 10%, 10% and 5%) and a surcharge of
$13. The three 10% discounts will be applied when the order has been entered and saved and
the $13 surcharge and 5% discount will be applied when the order has been booked. The first
two 10% discounts are to be added together and applied to the defaulting price, followed by the
third 10% discount and $13 surcharge which are to be applied to the resulting price. The 5%
discount will then be deducted from the result.
Oracle Pricing Manager Responsibility
(N) Modifiers -> Modifier Setup
(T) Main
1. Select ‘Discount List’ from LOV in the Type field.
2. Enter XX-DISCOUNT-LIST (where XX is your initials) in the Number field.
3. Enter XX’s Discount List (where XX is your initials) in the Name field.
4. Enter a description for your discount list in the Description field.
5. Tick the Active check box.
6. Tick the Automatic check box.
7. Click on the List Qualifiers button.
8. Tick the ‘XX-QUALIFIER-GROUP’ (where XX is your initials) check box.
9. Click the OK button.
10. You should now see your qualifiers assigned.
11. Click the OK button.
Modifier 1 - 10% Discount
(T) Modifiers Summary
12. Enter 1 in the Modifier No field.
13. Select ‘Line’ from LOV in the Level field.
14. Select ‘Discount’ from LOV in the Modifier Type field.
15. Select ‘List Line Adjustment’ from LOV in the Pricing Phase field.
16. Select 1 from LOV in the Bucket field.
(T) Discounts/Charges
17. Select ‘Percent’ from LOV in the Application Method field.
18. Enter 10 in the Value field.
19. Save your work.
Modifier 2 - 10% Discount
(T) Modifiers Summary
20. Enter 2 in the Modifier No field.
21. Select ‘Line’ from LOV in the Level field.
22. Select ‘Discount’ from LOV in the Modifier Type field.
23. Select ‘List Line Adjustment’ from LOV in the Pricing Phase field.
24. Select 1 from LOV in the Bucket field.
(T) Discounts/Charges
25. Select ‘Percent’ from LOV in the Application Method field.
26. Enter 10 in the Value field.
Modifier 3 - 10% Discount
(T) Modifiers Summary
27. Enter 3 in the Modifier No field.
28. Select ‘Line’ from LOV in the Level field.
29. Select ‘Discount’ from LOV in the Modifier Type field.
30. Select ‘List Line Adjustment’ from LOV in the Pricing Phase field.
31. Select 2 from LOV in the Bucket field.
(T) Discounts/Charges
32. Select ‘Percent’ from LOV in the Application Method field.
33. Enter 10 in the Value field.
Modifier 4 - $13 Surcharge
34. Enter 4 in the Modifier No field.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

35. Select ‘Line’ from LOV in the Level field.

36. Select ‘Surcharge’ from LOV in the Modifier Type field.
37. Select ‘Modifiers for BOOK Event’ from LOV in the Pricing Phase field.
38. Select 2 from LOV in the Bucket field.
(T) Discounts/Charges
39. Select ‘Amount’ from LOV in the Application Method field.
40. Enter 13 in the Value field.
Modifier 5 - 5% Discount
(T) Modifiers Summary
41. Enter 5 in the Modifier No field.
42. Select ‘Line’ from LOV in the Level field.
43. Select ‘Discount’ from LOV in the Modifier Type field.
44. Select ‘Modifiers for BOOK Event’ from LOV in the Pricing Phase field.
45. Select 3 from LOV in the Bucket field.
(T) Discounts/Charges
46. Select ‘Percent’ from LOV in the Application Method field.
47. Enter 5 in the Value field.
48. Save your work.
Enter an Order
Order Management SuperUser, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility
(N) Orders,Returns -> Sales Orders
(T) Order Information
(T) Main
49. Select ‘XX-Customer’ (where XX is your initials) or ‘Business World’ from LOV in the
Customer field.
50. Select ‘Order Only’ from LOV in the Order Type field.
51. Select ‘XX-PRICE-LIST’ (where XX is your initials) from LOV in the Price List field.
52. Select ‘Lewis, Mr.Barry’ from LOV in the Salesperson field.
(T) Line Items
(T) Main
53. Select ‘XX-Item1’ (where XX is your initials) or ‘AS54888’ from LOV in the Ordered Item field.
54. Enter ‘1’ in the Qty field.
55. Note the default price in the Unit Selling Price field. The value should be $100.
56. Save your order. Record your order number.
57. Note the new price in the Unit Selling Price field. The value should be $72.
58. Click on the Actions button.
59. Select ‘View Adjustments’ from the LOV. You should see that all three 10% discounts have
been applied.
60. Click the Cancel button.
61. Click the Book Order button. A notification is displayed stating that the order has been
booked. Click the OK button.
(T) Line Items
62. Note the new price in the Unit Selling Price field. The value should be $80.75.
63. Click on the Actions button.
64. Select ‘View Adjustments’ from the LOV. You should now see that all five discounts have
been applied.
65. Click the Cancel button.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 14: Group Modifiers

The customer is only eligible for 2 of the 10% discounts. The customer is eligible for both the $13
surcharge and the 5% discount.
Oracle Pricing Manager Responsibility
(N) Modifiers -> Modifier Setup
(T) Main
1. Find your Discount List - XX-DISCOUNT-LIST (where XX is your initials).
(T) Modifiers Summary
2. Place the cursor on Modifier No 1.
3. Select ‘Level 1 Incompatibility’ from LOV in the Incompatibility Group field.
4. Enter 20 in the Precedence field.
5. Save your work.
6. Place the cursor on Modifier No 2.
7. Select ‘Level 2 Incompatibility’ from LOV in the Incompatibility Group field.
8. Enter 30 in the Precedence field.
9. Save your work.
10. Place the cursor on Modifier No 3.
11. Select ‘Level 1 Incompatibility’ from LOV in the Incompatibility Group field.
12. Enter 10 in the Precedence field.
13. Save your work.
14. Place the cursor on Modifier No 4.
15. Select ‘Level 1 Incompatibility’ from LOV in the Incompatibility Group field.
16. Save your work
17. Place the cursor on Modifier No 5.
18. Select ‘Level 2 Incompatibility’ from LOV in the Incompatibility field.
19. Save your work.
Enter an Order
Order Management SuperUser, Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility
(N) Orders,Returns -> Sales Orders
(T) Order Information
(T) Main
20. Select 'XX-Customer' (where XX is your initials) or 'Business World' from LOV in the
Customer field.
21. Select 'Order Only' from LOV in the Order Type field.
22. Select 'XX-PRICE-LIST' (where XX is your initials) from LOV in the Price List field.
23. Select 'Lewis, Mr.Barry' from LOV in the Salesperson field.
(T) Line Items
(T) Main
24. Select 'XX-Item1' (where XX is your initials) or 'AS54888' from LOV in the Ordered Item field.
25. Enter '1' in the Qty field.
26. Note the default price in the Unit Selling Price field. The value should be $100.
27. Save your order. Record your order number.
28. Note the new price in the Unit Selling Price field. The value should be $80.
29. Click on the Actions button.
30. Select 'View Adjustments' from the LOV. You should see that only the first two 10%
discounts have been applied.
31. Click the Cancel button.
32. Click the Book Order button. A notification is displayed stating that the order has been
booked. Click the OK button.
(T) Line Items
33. Note the new price in the Unit Selling Price field. The value should be $88.35.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 15: Create Qualifier Groups

Oracle Pricing Manager Responsibility

(N) Qualifier Setup
1. Enter XX-QUALIFIER-GROUP (where XX is your initials) in the Name field.
2. Enter a description for your qualifier group in the Description field.
(T) Qualifiers
Qualifier 1 - Customer Name
3. Enter 1 in the Grouping No field.
4. Select ‘Customer’ from LOV in the Context field.
5. Select ‘Customer Name’ from LOV in the Attribute field.
6. Select ‘=‘ from LOV in the Operator field.
7. Select either ‘XX-Customer’ (where XX is your initials) or ‘Business World’ from LOV in the
Value From field.
8. Save your work.
Qualifier 2 - Price List
9. Enter 1 in the Grouping No field.
10. Select ‘Modifier List’ from LOV in the Context field.
11. Select ‘Price List’ from LOV in the Attribute field.
12. Select ‘=‘ from LOV in the Operator field.
13. Select either ‘XX-PRICE-LIST’ (where XX is your initials) from LOV in the Value From field.
14. Save your work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Instructor Note Shipping Setup

To ensure that pick confirm happens automatically when the students do a pick release, the
instructor needs to go to the organization parameter form (N) Shipping > Setup > Organization
Parameters for the M1 organization (Seattle Manufacturing) and select any value for the required
field move order timeout action and save.
To demonstrate assigning costs to a delivery or a trip, the instructor must define some cost types.
(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight > Define Freight Cost Types
Name Type (LOV) Currency (LOV)
AGI Insurance USD
Customs duty Duty Fees USD
Admin Admin Fees USD

Practice 16 : Pick Releasing an Order

Dotcom Shipping has an order that needs to be pick released. Your job is to enter the order
creating a move order for that item which can be pick released.
(N) Orders, Returns > Sales Orders > (T) Main
1. Select Customer Business World from LOV.
2. Address defaults.
3. Mixed order defaults as the order type.
4. Corporate defaults as the Price List from LOV.
5. Howard Sprague defaults as the Sales Person from LOV.
(T) Line Items
6. Select AS54888 as the Item from LOV.
7. Enter the Qty: 10
8. Ea defaults as the UOM from LOV if it doesn’t default .
9. Location defaults as the Tax code from LOV if it doesn’t default.
10. Howard Sprague defaults as the Sales Person.
11. Choose the Book Order button (record order number).
12. Choose the Actions button.
13. Select copy as the action from LOV.
14. Select create new order (record 2nd order number).
15. Choose the Flash Light icon from the Menu Bar.
16. Enter the 2nd order number.
17. Choose the Find button.
18. Choose the Actions button and select Book Order.
(N) Shipping > Transactions.
19. Choose the Flash Light icon from the Menu Bar.
20. Select Lines Search.
21. Enter the order number.
22. Choose the Find button.
23. From the Tools Menu select Pick Release Form.
(T) Order
24. Enter the order number.
25. Leave Scheduled Ship Dates and Requested Dates Blank.
(T) Shipping
26. Select Order Number as the Release Sequence Rule from LOV.
(T) Inventory Tab
27. Select M1 as the Warehouse from LOV.
28. Select Departure, Delivery as the Pick Slip Grouping Rule from LOV.
29. Auto Detail: Yes
30. Auto Pick Confirm: Yes
31. Choose the Concurrent button (record concurrent request number and batch number)
32. Close the window.
33. From the View Menu select Requests.
34. Choose the Find button.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

35. Find your ID # for the “Pick Selection List Generation” request. Record the status of the
request. Close the form.
36. Concurrent request should read completed normal.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 17

Pick Releasing an Order From the Shipping Transaction Window

Dotcom Shipping has an order that needs to be pick released. Your job is to pick release that
order from the Shipping Transaction window.
(N) Shipping > Transactions
1. Choose the Flash Light icon from the Menu Bar.
2. Select Lines Search.
3. Enter your 2nd order number.
3. Choose the Find button.
4. Select the line by pressing the Ctrl and the left mouse buttons.
5. Choose the Actions menu.
6. Select Launch Pick Release.
7. Choose the Go button.
8. Choose Details button from the Message window (record request ID).
9. From the View Menu select Requests.
10. Choose on the Find button.
11. Find your ID # for the “Pick Selection List Generation” request. Record the status of the
request. Close the form.
12. Concurrent request should read completed normal.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Instructor Note Shipping Setup

To ensure that pick confirm happens automatically when the students do a pick release, the
instructor needs to go to the organization parameter form (N) Shipping > Setup > Organization
Parameters for the M1 organization (Seattle Manufacturing) and select any value for the required
field move order timeout action and save.
To demonstrate assigning costs to a delivery or a trip, the instructor must define some cost types.
(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight > Define Freight Cost Types
Name Type (LOV) Currency (LOV)
AGI Insurance USD
Customs duty Duty Fees USD
Admin Admin Fees USD

Practice 18 : Enter People

This lab is performed so you may enter yourself as an employee in the system. You will be
leveraging this lab in future exercises.
User = Operations
Password = Welcome
Responsibility = Human Resources

(N) People - Enter and Maintain

Select the New Button
Last name = Yours
First Name = Yours
Gender = Yours
Type =employee
Social Security - Any number in this format (xxx-xx-xxxxx)
Date of Birth = Yours (real or not)
Record your employee number __________

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 19 : Create a user id

This lab is performed so that you can establish a User Id, and password to log into the system for
the remainder of the week. You will be attaching your responsibilities that you will be using this
week to your User Id.

Solution 19
File Switch Responsibility
Responsibility = System Administer
(N) Security-user-define
Name = Any ID you want
Password = password (lower case)
Enter pass word again
Person = your Last name % select
Responsibilities Select the following Responsibilities from a List of Values
Order Management Superuser VISION OPERATIONS (USA)
Move cursor to next row
Purchasing Vision Operations (USA)
Move cursor to next row
Move cursor to next row
Move cursor to next row
Oracle Pricing Manager
Move cursor to next row
System Administrator
File-Log in as a different user
User = Your user name
Password = password (lower case)
You will receive a message informing you that your password has expired, Select the OK button.
Enter in the following data
Old pass word = password
New password= Anything you want, Record it here in case you forget later _______________
Re-enter password = Your new password.

Select Order Management Superuser Responsibility

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 20 : Manage your Top Ten List

The Top Ten List allows a user to establish ten forms they commonly use for any given
Responsibility. A user can then keyboard numbers in order to open any form that is on their Top
Ten List.

Solution 20
Expand all menu trees of the Order Management Responsibility
Move over the Following forms to your Top Ten list.
Order Organizer
Sales Orders
Release Sales Orders
Customers Standard
Customers Quick
Price List
Master Items

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 21 : Create a Salesperson

This lab is performed so that you can establish yourself as a Salesperson to be used throughout
Sales Orders. It leverages the employee you created in Lab 1.

Solution 21
(N) Set-up - Sales - Salesperson
Last name - Yours
Sales Group - Commercial sales
Sales Credit Type = Quota Sales Credit
Revenue Account Select LOV
You now will be seeing a field asking for an Account Alias Select LOV
Choose Miscellaneous from the list.
Repeat for the Freight and Receivables account, or cut and paste the Misc. Account number

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 22 : Enter Standard Customer

This lab has you enter a Customer with 2 addresses with De-centralized Billing. This means
each address will have the goods they order be billed to their address site.

Solution 22
Navigate Customers > Standard
Name: XX-Big City Electronics Wholesale (where XX is your initials)
Click [B] Find and when ‘Note’ displays, click [B] OK.
Click [B] New.
2. Select (T) Classification
Profile Class: DEFAULT
Type: External
Class: High Technology
Category: High Technology
Sales Channel: Commercial
3. Select (T) Order Management
Price List: Corporate
Freight Terms: Prepaid
FOB: Customer Site
Warehouse: Seattle Manufacturing
4. Select (T) Addresses
Click [B] New.
Country: United States
Address: 222 W. Las Colinas Blvd.
Postal Code: 75039 (Note: City, State, and County will default)
5. Select (T) Business Purposes
Usage: Bill To
Location: BIG D
Primary: Checked
Move cursor to next row of the Usage field.
Usage: Ship To
Location: BIG D
Primary: Checked
6. Save your work. Note the Site Number.
7. Close the Customer Addresses window.
8. Select (T) Addresses
Click [B] New.
Country: United States
Address: 2020 Michigan Ave.
Postal Code: 60600 (Note: City, State, and County will default)
9. Select (T) Business Purposes
Usage: Ship To
Location: CHICAGO
Bill To: BIG D
Primary: Unchecked
10. Save your work and note the Site Number.
11. Close the Customer Addresses window.
12. Note the Customer Number.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 23 : Create a Profile Class

The intention of this exercise to allow you to define a new credit profile class an see how this will
interact with OM. The credit profile class also has a number of fields/settings which impact
Receivables (e.g. Auto Cash Rule, Tax Grouping rule, etc). Many of these fields are mandatory
for financial purposes, even though Standard credit checking (e.g., no modifications to the
Workflow) in OM will not use them.

Solution 23
Choose Receivables Vision Operations (USA) Responsibility.
(N) Customers-Profile Classes.
Name: XXX-New (where XXX are your initials).
Description: New Customer.
The following fields also impact OM:
Status: Active, Tolerance: 0, Credit Check :Yes
Payment Terms: use the pick list and choose 30 Net, Override Terms: No

The following fields do not directly interfere with OM:

Collector: use pick list and choose Jamie Jones (or any other if Jamie Jones is not available)
Allow Discount: No, Receipt Grace: 0
Match Receipt by: use the pick list and choose Sales Order.
AutoCash Rule: use the pick list and choose Standard. Remainder by: use the pick list and
choose Invoice Match.
Check the Charge Interest Box. Check the Compound Interest Box.
Days in Period: use the pick list and choose 30, Check the Send Statements Box
Check The Send Credit Balance, Cycle: us the pick list and choose Monthly
Check the Dunning Send Letters Box, Letter Sent: use the pick list and choose Standard.

Select the “Profile Class Amount” Tab (the credit limit and order credit limit settings will determine
whether an order will be automatically put on hold if credit limits are exceeded).

For the purpose of these exercises limits will be set in US Dollars

Finance Charge Interest Rates : 10%, Min Customer Balance for Finance Charges: $1
Min Invoice Balance for Finance Charges:$5, Min Dunning Amount:$5
Min Dunning Invoice Amount:$5.
Credit Limit:$10,000.00, Order Credit Limit:$1,000.00
Save your information, close the form and return to the main menu.

Switch responsibility to Order Management Super User, Vision Operations.

Create a new customer XX-American Circuit Express in the Standard way (N) Customers ->
Standard, see for further instructions step 1 to 6 in exercise 1). Create one address for bill to and
ship to and choose your XXX-New in the Profile Class (Classification tab) before you save your

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 24 : Enter Quick Customers

The main difference between the Standard Customer Entry and the Quick Customer Entry
is the site id. At Quick Entry the site id is generated for you (number). At Standard Entry
you can specify a meaning full name is site id. Quick Customer entry also does not tag
any selected Business Purposes as Primary, therefore, they will not default in when
selecting this customer in Sales Order. You will be entering a total of 3 quick customers
for future customer labs.

Solution 24
Navigate Customers > Quick
XX-Quick 1
Address = 4501 N. 33rd Street New York New York 10001

XX-Quick 2
Address = 4571 Central Avenue Chicago,IL 60601

XX-Quick 3
Address = 77199 107TH Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85310

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 25 : Create Customer Relationships

Customer Relationships can be one way (parent-child type). An example would be a distributor
which sells your products to end-users, except from spare parts, which you ship and bill directly to
the end user. If your distributor orders for an end user, you enter the distributor name on the
sales order header, pick the end user address as ship to address and the distributor address as
bill to address. If you sell spare parts, you enter the end user name on the sales order header,
and since the relationship is non-reciprocal, you can then only select the end user bill to and ship
to address.
A two-way or reciprocal customer relationship example is a holding company for which the pricing
agreement signed by the holding applies to all companies and pricing agreements signed by one
of the subsidiaries can be used by that subsidiary and the holding.
Customer relationships can be created in the OM and in the Receivables Responsibilities
(customers>standard>query customer>select the Relationship tab and enter details). Updating a
customer relationship is only possible in Receivables. To view a list of related customers, you
can run the “Customer Relationship Listing” report in Receivables.

Solution 25
(N) Customers - Standard - Query XX-Big City Electronics Wholesale as the Customer - Select
the Relationship Tab and enter the following details

Relate XX-Big City Electronics Wholesale to XX-Quick 1 in a Reciprocal manner

Relate XX-Big City Electronics Wholesale to XX-Quick 2 in a Non-Reciprocal manner

Customers - Standard - Query Quick Customer 2 as the Customer - Select the Relationship Tab
and view the Relationship

Do you see the related XX-Big City Electronics Wholesale? Why or why not?

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 26
Business world places several orders with your company to buy two items that are serial number
controlled. After you have entered your orders you will perform on-line pick release from the tools
menu enabling auto-detail and auto pick confirm. You will then submit your request to be

Solution 26
Instructor Note Shipping Setup
To ensure that pick confirm happens automatically when the students do a pick release, the
instructor needs to go to the Organization Parameter window (N) Shipping > Setup >
Organization Parameters for the M1 organization (Seattle Manufacturing) and select any value for
the required field move order timeout action and save.
To demonstrate assigning costs to a delivery or a trip, the instructor must define some cost types.
(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight > Define Freight Cost Types

Name Type (LOV) Currency (LOV) Amount

AGI Insurance USD 100.00
Customs duty Duty Fees USD 100.00
Admin Admin Fees USD USD 100.00

(N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders

1.Select Customer Business World from LOV

Address defaults.
2. Mixed order defaults as the order type
3. Corporate defaults as the price list
4. Howard Sprague defaults as the sales person

(T) Line Items

5. Select AS54888 as the Item from the LOV
6. Enter the Qty: 10
7. UOM = Ea
8. Select AS18947 for your second ordered item
9. Enter the Qty of 5
10. UOM = Ea
11. Howard Sprague defaults as the sales person
12. Choose the Book Order button
13. Record your order number
14. Choose the Actions button
15. Select copy as the action from LOV
16. Select create new order (record 2nd order number)
17. Choose the Flash Light icon from the Menu Bar
18. Enter the 2nd order number
19. Choose the Find button
20. Choose the Actions button and select book order
Record your order number
21. Repeat Steps 14-20 for your third order. (you may have to select the line by pressing the Ctrl
and the left mouse buttons in the Order Organizer window for booking)
22. Record your order number

(N) Shipping > Transactions

23. Choose the Flash Light icon from the Menu Bar
24. Select Lines Search

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

25. Enter your first order number

26. Choose the Find button
27. From the Tools Menu select Pick Release window

(T) Order
28. Enter the order number.
28. Leave scheduled ship dates and requested dates blank

(T) Shipping
29. Select order number as the release sequence rule from LOV

(T) Inventory
30. Select M1 as the warehouse from LOV
31. Select departure, delivery as the pick Slip grouping rule from LOV
32. Auto Detail: Yes
33. Auto Pick Confirm: Yes
34. Choose the Concurrent button (record concurrent request number and batch number)
35. Close the window
36. From the View Menu select requests
37. Choose the Find button
38. Find your ID # for the “Pick Selection List Generation” request. Record the status of the
request and close the window. Concurrent request should read completed normal.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 27

This practice is design to have your company pick release Business World’s second order from
the Actions Menu in Shipping Transaction window. You will then submit your request to be

Solution 27
(N) Shipping > Transactions

1. Choose the Flash Light icon from the Menu Bar

2. Select Lines Search
3. Enter your 2nd order number
4. Choose the Find button
5. Select the lines by pressing the Ctrl and the left mouse buttons
6. Choose the Actions Menu
7. Select launch pick release
8. Choose the Go button
9. Choose Details button from the Message window (record request ID)
10. From the View Menu select requests
11. Choose on the Find button
12. Find your ID # for the “Pick Selection List Generation” request. Record the status of the
request. Close the window. Concurrent request should read completed normal.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 28

This practice is design to have your company pick release Business World’s your third order from
the Release Sales Order window using auto detail and auto pick confirm. You will then submit
your request to be processed..

Solution 28
(N) Shipping > Release Sales Orders > Release Sales Orders

1. Enter the 3rd order number

2. Leave scheduled ship dates and requested dates blank

(T) Shipping
3.Select Order Number as the Release Sequence Rule from LOV.

(T) Inventory
4. Select M1 as the Warehouse from LOV
5. Select departure, delivery as the pick slip grouping rule from LOV.
6. Auto Detail: Yes
7. Auto Pick Confirm: Yes
8. Choose the Concurrent button (record concurrent request number and batch number)
9. Close the window.
10. From the View Menu select requests
11. Choose the Find button.
12. Find your ID # for the “Pick Selection List Generation” request. Once the request has
completed normally. Close the window. Concurrent request should read completed normal.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 29

This practice is design to have your company pick release Business World’s order and perform a
manual move order for inventory allocation. You will then submit your request to be processed
and it ends by having you ship confirm your created sales order.

Solution 29
(N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders

1. Select Customer Business World from LOV

Address defaults
2. Mixed order defaults as the order type
3. Corporate defaults as the price list
4. Howard Sprague defaults as the sales person

(T) Line Items

5. Select AS54888 as the Item from LOV
6. Enter the Qty: 10
7. UOM = Ea
8. Howard Sprague defaults as the sales person
9. Choose the Book Order button
10. Record your order number

(N) Shipping > Release Sales Orders > Release Sales Orders

1. Enter the order number

2. Leave Scheduled Ship Dates and Requested Dates Blank

(T) Shipping
3. Select Order Number as the Release Sequence Rule from LOV

(T) Inventory Tab

4. Select M1 as the Warehouse from LOV
5. Select departure, delivery as the pick slip grouping rule from LOV
6. Auto Detail: Yes
7. Auto Pick Confirm: NO
8. Choose the Concurrent button (record concurrent request number and batch number)
Close the window.
9. From the View Menu select requests
10. Choose the Find button.
11. Find your ID # for the “Pick Selection List Generation” request. Once the request has
completed normally, close the window. Concurrent request should read completed normal.
12. Switch Responsibilities to Manufacturing Manager

(N) Inventory > Move Orders > Transact Move Orders

1. Select the Seattle Warehouse (M1)

(T) Pick Wave Tab

2. In the sales order field, choose a LOV
3. Select the Combinations button
4. Input your sales order number, then select OK
5. Select the Find button.
6. Select the checkbox in the far left of the move order line.
7. Select the Transact button, close this window

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

You have just performed your move order!

8. Switch Responsibilities to Order Management

(N) Shipping > Transactions

9. Choose the Flash Light icon from the Menu Bar

10. Select lines search.
11. Enter your first order number
12. Choose the Find button
13. Select the Delivery tab (T)
14. Select the Details button
15. Enter a tracking waybill number
16. Select ship confirm from the drop down area - Go
17. Select the Ship All radial button.
18. Select the OK button.
19. Acknowledge the message regarding inventory interface being ran and
close the Shipping Transaction window.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 30

This practice defines your organization inventory parameters, costing information, revision lot and
serial, ATP, pick, Item-Sourcing, inter-org information, and accounts.

Solution 30
These setup steps may have already been defined for the vision database, but you need to
confirm the correct settings. Make any of the required changes, but notify your system
administrator that you have done so.

Note: XX is your initials

Define Organization Parameters

(N) Inventory > Setup > Organizations > Organizations

1. Enter XX as your organization name

2. Select plant as the type
3. Use the default date as the from
4. Select Calgary as the location
5. Use the default address
6. Save your work
7. In the organization classifications enter inventory organization as the name and make sure it is
8. Save your work
9. Choose the Others button
10. Select accounting information for the additional organization information from the LOV
11. Select Vision Operations for set of books, legal entity, and operating unit
12. Choose the Ok button
13. Save your work
14. Choose the Others button
10. Select inventory information for the additional organization information from the LOV

(T) Inventory Parameters

1. Enter XXas the organization code.
2. Select vision operations as the item master organization.
3. Select vision01 as the calendar.
4. Do not enable process.
5. Leave the demand class blank.
6. Enter 60 as the move order tmeout period.
7. Select approve automatically as the move order timeout action.
6. Select determined at subinventory level for locator control..
7. Enable allow negative balances.

(T) Costing Information

10. Cannot change the costing organization (controlled by costing attributes).
11. Verify that standard is the costing method.
12. Select summary as the transfer to GL.
13. Validation accounts region, select cash as the account alias then 01 (company)-000
(department)-1410 (account)-0000 (sub-account) 000 (product) as the material. Follow for 14-18)
14. Select 01-000-1450-0000-000 as the outside processing.
15. Select 01-000-1420-0000-000 as the material overhead.
16. Select 01-000-1430-0000-000 as the overhead.
17. Select 01-000-1440-0000-000 as the resource.
18. Select 01-520-7530-0000-000 as the expense.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

(T) Revision, Lot, Serial

18.. Enter A as the starting revision.
19. Accept rest of the defaults
20. Enter 0001 is the starting serial number.

(T) ATP, Pick, Item-Sourcing

21. Select ATP, No DC as the rule in the ATP Defaults region.
22. Select RevSub as the rule in the picking rules region.
23. Select supplier as the type in the item-sourcing detail region.

(T) Inter-Org Information

24. Enable predefined percent as 10%.
25. Select 01 (company)-520 (department)-5290 (account)-0000 (sub-account) -000 (product) as
the transfer credit. Follow for 35-39)
26. Select 01-520-5210-0000-000 as the purchase price variance.
27. Select 01-000-1810-0000-000 as the receivable.
28. Select 01-000-2370-0000-000 as the payable.
29. Select 01-000-1460-0000-000 as the intransit inventory.

(T) Other Accounts

30. Select 01-520-5210-0000-000 as the purchase price variance.
31. Select 01-520-5220-0000-000 as the invoice price variance.
32. Select 01-000-2220-0000-000 as the inventory AP accrual.
33. Select 01-520-4110-0000-000 as the sales.
34. Select 01-520-5110-0000-000 as the cost of goods sold.
35. Save your work and close the window.
36. Choose the Others button.
37. Select receiving information.
38. Enter 5 as the days early.
39. Enter 5 as the days late.
40. Select warning as the action.
41. Enable all but allow blind receiving in the misc. region.
42. Select standard receipt as the receipt routing.
43. Select warning for both enforce ship to and ASN control action.
44. Enter 5 as the tolerance.
45. Select warning for the action.
46. Use the default action and type in the receipt number options region and enter 1001 as the
next receipt number.
47. Enter 01.000.1410.0000.000 as the receiving inventory account.
48. Use the default account description.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 31
This practice defines your subinventory attributes for your organization, finished goods, stores,
and for your accounts.

Solution 31
Define Subinventory

(N) Inventory > Setup > Organizations > Subinventories

1. Select XXas the organization.

2. Enter XX Finished Goods as the name.
3. Enter XX Finished Goods as the description.
4. Enter XXStores as the name.
5. Enter XXStores as the description.

(T) Main for XX Finished Goods.

6. Make sure the following is enabled: quantity tracked, asset subinventory, depreciable, include
in ATP, allow reservation, and nettable.
7. Select none for locator control.
8. Enter 1 as the picking order.

(T) Main for XXStores

6. Make sure the following is enabled for both XXStores: quantity tracked, asset subinventory,
include in ATP, allow reservation, and nettable.
7. Select none for locator control.
8. Enter 2 as the picking order.
(T) Account for both XX Finished Goods and XXStores
Material 01.000.1410.0000.000 01.000.1410.0000.000
Outside Processing 01.000.1450.0000.000 01.000.1450.0000.000
Material Overhead 01.000.1420.0000.000 01.000.1420.0000.000
Overhead 01.000.1430.0000.000 01.000.1430.0000.000
Resource 01.000.1440.0000.000 01.000.1440.0000.000
Expense 01.520.7530.0000.000 01.520.7530.0000.000

10. Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 32
This practice defines your inventory picking rules attributes for revision, lot, sub-inventory, and

Solution 32
Define Picking Rules

(N) Inventory > Setup > Rules > Picking

1. Enter a name for your rule XX

2. Enter a description for your rule
3. Select revision for revision
4. Select none for lot
5. Select subinventory for subinventory
6. Select locator for none

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 33
This practice defines your inventory shipping network attributes for your organization.

Solution 33
Define Shipping Networks

(N) Inventory > Setup > Organization > Shipping Networks

1. Select XXas the from organization.

2. Select M1 as the to organization.
3. Use the rest of the defaults.
4. Save your work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 34
This practice defines your shipping parameter attributes such as customer, freight terms, FOB
code, intermediate ship to location, ship method carrier.

Solution 34
(N) Oracle Order Management > Shipping >Set up > Shipping Parameters.
The Delivery Grouping tab sets all the parameters that relate to the criteria for grouping lines into
deliveries. Mandatory grouping criteria consists of Ship from Location and Ship to Location. The
system looks at this parameter when autocreating deliveries and assigning lines to them and
when a user is manually assigning lines to deliveries. Additional criteria consists of:
1) Customer
2) Freight Terms
3) FOB Code
4) Intermediate Ship To Location
5) Ship Method
7) Carrier

Note: These should not be changed if there are any deliveries that are not ship confirmed. This
might cause some problems with the unshipped deliveries. Currently, there is no validation to
prevent this.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 35
This practice defines your freight carrier attributes such as carrier, distribution accounts, and
inactive dates.

Solution 35
Define Freight Carriers

(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight > Define Freight Carriers

1. Enter freight carriers name e.g., UPS, DHL.

2. Enter a description for the carrier.
3. Select 01-000-1460-0000-000 as the distribution account.
4. Leave inactive after date blank.
5. Save your work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 36

This practice defines your carrier ship methods for your organization.

Solution 36
Define Freight Carrier Ship Method

(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight > Define Carrier Ship Methods

1. Select truck as the ship method

2. Select XXas the organization
3. Select UPS as the freight carrier
4. Enable entry
5. Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 37
This practice defines your freight costs types for assigning costs to a delivery or a trip.

Solution 37
Define Freight Costs

(N) Shipping > Setup > Freight > Define Freight Cost Types
(Also referenced in Trip, Delivery, and Container Management courses)

Enter the following data for freight costs

Name Type (LOV) Currency (LOV Amount

AGI Insurance USD 100
Customs duty Duty Fees USD 100
Admin Admin Fees USD 100

Enable map to charge and save you work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 38
This practice sets up document sequences for Oracle Shipping Execution based on rules you

Solution 38
Define Document Sequences

(N) Shipping > Setup > Document > Document Sequences

1. Enter XXas for your document sequence

2. Select Oracle Shipping as the application
3. Use the default effective date
4.Select automatic for the type
5. Save you work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 39
This practice defines the document category attributes such as name, type, and location.

Solution 39
Define Document Categories

(N) Shipping > Setup > Document > Document Categories

1. Choose the New or Open button.

2. Enter XXas a name for your document category.
3. Verify enabled is checked.
4. Optionally enter a description.
5. Select a document either bill of lading or packing slip.
6. In the category includes region verify all is enabled for both the document types and locations.
7.Verify that the prefix, suffix, and delimiter are blank.
8. Save you work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 40
This practice defines the document set attributes such as usage, methods, application, and

Solution 40
Define Document Sets

(N) Shipping > Setup > Document > Document Sets

1. Enter XXfor your document set

2. Enter a description
3. Select pick release for usage
4. In the effective dates region, verify a default from date and leave the to field blank
5. In the printing method region, verify that parallel is enabled
5. In the documents region enter a number that prioritizes the printing order within a document set
for sequence
6. Select Oracle Shipping as the application
7. Select pick slip report as report name.
8. Save you work.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 41
This practice defines the release sequence rules that are enabled in ascending for order
according to numbering priority. They include outstanding, schedule date, departure date, and
shipment priority.

Solution 41
Define Release Sequence Rules

(N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Sequence Rules

1. Enter XXfor a name.

2. Optionally enter a description
3. Enable ascending for order, outstanding, schedule date, departure date, and shipment priority.
Provide a numbering priority.
4. Save you work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 42
This practice defines the pick slip grouping rules that are enabled that are enabled by either
customer or order number.

Solution 42
Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules

(N) Shipping > Transactions > Setup > Picking > Define Pick Slip Grouping Rules

1. Enter XXfor a name.

2. Optionally enter a description
3. Enable customer for group by order number.
4. Save you work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 43
This practice defines the release rules for order, shipping, and inventory.

Solution 43
Define Release Rules

(N) Shipping > Setup > Picking > Define Release Rules

(T) Order
1. Enter a rule name
2. Select mixed order as the order type.
3. Select unreleased as the orders

(T) Shipping
4. Select truck as the carrier.

(T) Inventory
5. Select yes for auto pick confirm.
6. Select XXas the warehouse
7. Save you work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 44
This practice defines a name calendar.

Solution 44
Define Calendars

(N) Inventory > Setup > Calendars > Enter

1. Enter XXas the name for your calendar

2. Enter a description
3. Accept rest of the defaults
4. Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 45
This practice assigns a transportation calendar.

Solution 45
Transportation Calendars

(N) Inventory > Setup > Calendars > Assign

1. Enable carrier as a trading partner

2. Select UPS as a trading partner name
3. Select calendar usage
4. Select XXas the default calendar code
5. Choose the show candidates button
6. Select the enabled box to activate
7. Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 46
This practice demonstrates how to perform an arrival set for an order with two line items.

Solution 46
(N) Order Management > Orders, Returns > Sales Orders

1.Select Customer Business World from LOV

Address defaults
2. Mixed order defaults as the order type
3. Corporate defaults as the Price List
4. Howard Sprague defaults as the Sales Person

(T) Line Items

5. Select AS54888 as the Item from LOV

6. Enter the Qty: 10
7. UOM = Ea
8. Select AS18947 for your second ordered item
9. Enter the Qty of 5
10. UOM = Ea
11. Howard Sprague defaults as the Sales Person
12. Assign these lines to two arrival sets 1 and 2. To assign a line to an arrival set, navigate to the
ordered item field on that line, right click and choose sets/new/arrival Set.
13. Choose the Book Order button and record the order number.
14. While the cursor is on a line belonging to arrival set 1, click on the Availability’ button to
perform an ATP for the Arrival Set 1.
15. Pick Release all Lines corresponding to arrival set 1 only
16. In the Lines/Containers tab, multi-select the lines corresponding to arrival set 1 and choose
‘launch Pick Release’. Press ‘Go’ and record the concurrent request number.
17. Choose Details button from the Message window (record request ID)
18. From the View menu select requests
19. Choose the Find button
20. Find your ID # for the “Pick Selection List Generation” request. Record the status of the
request and close the window
21. Concurrent request should read completed normal
22. View the Pick Status of the delivery lines.
Click on the Flashlight icon, enter the order number and click the Find button. In the
Lines/Containers tab, use the horizontal scroll bar and scroll to the right to see the pick status of
the delivery lines and record the status.
23. Create the delivery in the Lines/Containers tab, multi-select the ‘Released’ lines and choose
auto-create deliveries and press ‘Go’.
24. Ship confirm the delivery in the Lines/Containers Tab. Using the horizontal scroll bar, scroll
to the right and enter the Shipped Qty for the lines of arrival set 1 choose on the Delivery tab.
Highlight your delivery. Using the horizontal scroll bar, scroll to the right and enter a waybill.
Choose ship confirm. Press ‘Go’. Check the status of the delivery by moving the horizontal scroll
bar to the right in the Delivery tab and record the results.

(N) Receivables Manager Interfaces >AutoInvoice

25. Run AutoInvoice by selecting AutoInvoice Master Program.

Enter the Parameters:
Invoice Source = Order Entry
Default Date = Today’s Date
Sales Order Number (Low) = Order # A
Sales Order Number (High) = Order # A

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

26. Select OK and Submit the Request and Record the request ID #.
27. View your request

(N) Transactions > Transactions

28. View the Invoice. Query the Invoice created by using the sales order as the reference. Verify
that only the lines belonging to Arrival Set 1 have been invoiced by clicking on the Line Items

(N) Order Management > Order Organizer

29. Insert a line having the same attributes as arrival Set 1 into arrival set 1
You should not be able to add a line to a closed arrival set. You should get a message “Set
processing completed with errors”
Process arrival set 2 i.e. repeat steps 12-29 for the line belonging to arrival set 2. Add a line to
the closed arrival set.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 47
This practice defines container item attributes such as organization, type, and physical attributes.

Solution 47
Creating Container Items

(N) Inventory > Items > Master Items

1. Select XX as the organization

2. Enter container as the item name in the item field
3. Enter a description with XX domestic airline container to describe your container

(T) Main
3. Enter a user item type as a container

(T) Physical attributes

Weight region
4. Enter pounds as the UOM
5. Enter 1000 as the unit weight
Volume region
6. Enter cubic feet as the UOM
7. Enter 425 as the unit volume
Container region
8. Enable container checkbox
9. Enter domestic airline container as the container type
10. Enter 393 as the internal volume
11. Enter 13300 as the maximum load weight
12. Enter 75 as the minimum fill percent
13. Select the organization you want the container to be active for
14. Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 48
This practice defines container load relationship attributes for items and containers.

Solution 48
Container Load Relationships

(N) Shipping > Setup > Container Load Details

1. Select XX as the organization

2. Select the container item AS54888 as the item under item and COR-4-CU as the container
with a maximum quantity as 4
3. Select the container item AS54888 as the item under item and COR-4-CU as the container
with a maximum quantity as 3 and enable the preferred flag
4. Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 49
This practice defines shipping exception driven by manual use or custom workflows.

Solution 49
(N) Shipping > Shipping Exceptions

1.Enter XX as the name

2.Enter a description of the exception
3.Select the exception such as delivery exception
4. .Select one of the following default severity settings:
High: The exception must be handled before the task can be completed.
Medium: The exception must be handled before the task can be completed. However, the
manager can override it and the task can be completed.
Low: A warning is given but the task can be completed.
5.Choose one of the following exception handling methods:
Manual: To manually correct the exception and close the exception status.
Workflow: To use a workflow for exception notification and exception handling.
No Action Required: No exception handling method is required.
6.Enter the workflow item type
7.Enter the workflow process
8.Optionally, enable the Workflow Process to enable the exception
9.Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 50
This practice defines manual shipping exception.

Solution 50
(N) Shipping > Setup > Define Exceptions

1. Enter invalid trip as the exception name

2. Enter a description
3. Select trip exception as the exception type
4. Select medium as the default severity
5. Save your work

(N) Shipping > Shipping Exceptions

1. Choose the New button

2. Enter invalid delivery planning as the name
3. Enter shipper as the logging entity
4. Enter Seattle 950 for both the logged at location and exception location
5. Enter delivery was planned poorly, needs to be revised as the message
6. Save your work

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 51: Build your own laptop using a Java applet window

1. Navi gate to the Order Management Sales Orders window

•(N) Orders, Returns > Sales Orders
2. Select a customer by entering %b in the Customer field and choosing Business World 1000.
Confirm that the default value of Order Type is “Mixed” or enter Mixed in the Order Type field.
3. Choose the Line Items tab. If the Availability pop up appears, close it.
4. On a line in the Sales Order Pad, enter the following values for Ordered Item and Qty:
•Ordered Item = CN97444
•Qty = 1
5. Click the Configurator button. The Java applet appears.
6. Click on each option class in the tree at the left side of the screen to view the available
7. From the software option class, select ‘Graphics Software.’
8. Click on the Memory screen and select the option for 16MB of memory. A message informing
you that this option is not valid with the Graphics Software that you chose in the previous step.
Choose Ok to select the option anyway. Note that the system deselects the conflicting selection
(Graphics Software) because it requires more than 16MB of memory.
9. Click Done to save the configuration. The details of line item CN97444 appear in the Sales
Orders window.

Oracle Applications 11i –OM Exercises & Solutions

Practice 52: Build Your Own Desktop using a DHTML window

1. Navigate to the Order Management Sales Orders window

(N) Orders, Returns > Sales Orders
2. Select a customer by entering %b in the Customer field and choosing Business World 1000.
Confirm that the default value of Order Type is “Mixed” or enter Mixed in the Order Type field.
3. Choose the Line Items tab. If the Availability pop up appears, close it.
4. On a line in the Sales Order Pad, enter the following values for Ordered Item and Qty:
Ordered Item = CN92777
Qty = 1
5. Click the Configurator button. Item CN92777 (Build Your Own Desktop) appears in a DHTML
6. Open the Product Advisor screen.
7. Configure a desktop by entering values according to your specific requirements.
This is the guided buying/selling feature mentioned previously in the course. It is available only
when configuring an item in a DHTML window.
Note that some options are selected automatically depending on the options you select.
8. Click the Next button to see the defaulted options for each configuration item. Repeat this step
until you have reviewed each screen.
9. Click Done and then click OK to close the window and return to the Sales Orders window.
Instructor Note
Students should follow the practice’s script as closely as possible. The functionality they
experience in the Configurator window is driven by parts of the configuration model that they will
be implementing in later Practices in this course.


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