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TMC 321: Personal Values of

Respect (Regard for Others)

Dr (Mrs) Tayo George
Lecturer, Department of Sociology
Outline of Presentation
The Concept of Personal Values
Examples of personal values
Biblical Examples of Personal Values
3 D’s of Personal Values Development
Concluding remarks
The value we place on a thing be it animate or
inanimate will determine the respect we accord it.
- We Value God that’s why we respect and worship HIM
-We value our parents that’s why we obey, honour and
respect them
-Importantly, we value ourselves that informs why we
respect ourselves, demonstrate good character to earn
the respect and honour of others.
- God valued us most as His Children whom He created
- God put us in charge and gave us dominion

"Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in

our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the
sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all
the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move
along the ground." (Gen. 1:26).
The Concept of Values
Values refer to widely held conception by members of a
given society or group of people as acceptable and

Values are things, objects, activity, animate or in animate

that are cherished and held in high esteem.
Values can influence behaviour either Positively or
Negatively E.g. Value for time, hardwork, Respect etc.
The Concept of Values…
Value is a core component of our culture (way of life).
We must learn to respect and have values for other people.
When we do, we will:
-respect their feelings, emotions, privacy, time, etc.
-We will love God’s creation irrespective of who they are or
where they come from
-We will tolerate and be fair to all no matter the circumstance
and we will define our boundaries and limits. The world will
become a peaceful place for all.
Defining Personal Values
Personal values describes the beliefs, action and
inactions of an individual or group.

It assist individuals or group to set standard,

expectations and rules for behaviour and living.
Examples of Personal Values
Dependability and Reliability
Another name for honesty is integrity, accountability.
*A honest person is truthful
*Not deceitful
*Biblical examples of honest characters include:
Joseph, King David
Humility is sometimes used interchangeably
As Meekness.
This is one personal value that leads to greatness and
a life outstanding accomplishments.
Notable Biblical Characters associated with
Humility/Meekness include : Moses, Abraham Joseph
Doing what is right and not convenient to achieve a
desired result. Discipline has to do with being focused
on your assignment. Being resolute and determined.

“Discipline is the soul of an army, it makes a small

team formidable, it procures esteem and brings
success to all” - Winston Churchill.
Integrity simply connotes being accountable, honest
and truthful at all times. Joseph serves as a good

The value of integrity to outstanding success and

fulfillment of destiny cannot be overlooked.

Are you dependable, reliable and accountable?

It takes the fear of God to demonstrate the virtue of
Respect & Obedience
Respect comes with total obedience and honour.
When we respect God we will obey Him as Abraham
When we respect constituted authority in our schools,
offices, institutions, family, parents etc, obeying laid
down rules and instructions meant for our good and
ultimate success and liftings will become a cheap
Respect & Obedience…
The price for disrespect and disobedience is well
stated in the bible- Deut. 28:15.
- Many destinies are grounded today because of pride,
disobedience and disrespect to God, leadership and
constituted authorities.
- The story of the prodigal son in the bible serves as a
good lesson.
Dependability & Reliability
As future leaders, we are expected to possess a
personal value of dependability and reliability.
God our father is ever dependable and reliable.
His words are yea and Amen
He says it and He does it.
Can same be said of us irrespective of our different
A good leader is dependable and reliable.
Biblical Examples of personal values
The following fruits of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-25 are
biblical examples of personal values we can imbibe:
- Love demonstrated by Jesus. Refer to Icor.13
- goodness
- faithfulness: Joseph in Portiphars House
-Gentleness and self-control.
3 D’s of Personal Values Development
1. Determination 2. Discipline 3.Diligence

Determination- Means to be resolute and focussed. It

means possessing a sense of mission in the delivery
of a given task.
Apostle Paul was determined to obtain the prize for
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus
- Philippians 3: 14
3 D’s of Personal Values Development…
Discipline – This means operating as demanded not
as convenient. - Dr David Oyedepo

The rules and regulations of Covenant University as

stated in the student’s handbook are to guide you
and help maximize your destiny as student here and
later in life.
3 D’s of Personal Values Development
Diligence- implies a committed, creative and tireless
hard worker.

Every high flyer is known as a hardworker.

There is dignity in labour.
Respect is earned and not commanded

Nothing works like hardwork as explicitly stated in

Proverbs 22:29
Concluding Remarks
-Personal value forms the building block for character
-Personal value influence character positively or
-Your personal value will either make people to accept
or reject you
-Positive personal value attracts favour and blessings
but a negative value brings shame and reproach.
Following the Paths of Eagle by David O. Oyedepo.
Holy Bible revised King James Version.
Leadership & Innovation in Africa’s Development
Paradigm – A special publication in honour of Dr. David
Oyedepo @ 60.
Peoples & Cultures of Nigeria edited by A.S. Jegede, O.A.
Olutayo, O.O.Omololu, B.E. Owumi published by
Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan (2012).

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