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Guide to: Service Standards

This manual will teach you:

 How the role of service staff fits into the business
 What the role of a server is
 The importance of Service Standards in our business
 How to prepare for Service, How to take care of guests and what to do after guests leave
 What personal skills will be required of you

Before you start

Quickly check with yourself if you can:
1. Handle a tray with glasses on?
2. Hold glasses properly?
3. Carry plates properly?
4. Set up a table?
5. Maintain a table?
6. Clear a table?
7. Talk to guests?
8. Take orders?
9. Communicate with other team members?

These are the essential skills that you need to learn – if, by the end of reading this guide, you
are still unsure, you must talk to your Manager.

What do (good) Waiters actually do?

At its most basic, it is generally to take and deliver the food and beverages ordered by
customers. He or she may also greet and seat guests or prepare initial drinks; later on, they may
clear tables, do cleaning or other duties, such as bartending

Good waiters have to know all about all the food items on the menu:
1. Their preparation and taste
2. The appropriate sidings and condiments
3. Any special notes about items
4. They must be able to make suggestions that make sense
5. Recommend wines to go with foods and above all be able to do this with confidence and
6. They have to be great judges of character – to know how to approach and deal with a
table, whether guests will respond better to a friendly conversational tone, or to cool,
professional efficiency.

Waiters make or break the guest experience – no matter how good the food is, people never
forgive bad service. Great waiters make customers into regulars, which in turn makes a
successful restaurant.

General Roles that Waiters may find themselves doing:

1. Set tables
2. Meet and greet
3. Seat customers and provide them with menus
4. Provide information and suggestions on the food and wine available
5. Take customers’ orders and pass them to kitchen staff or bar attendants
6. Open, pour and top up wines, serve drinks
7. Providing regular checks on the table for additional customer requirements
8. Make up bills and present them to customers
9. Handle money or credit/debit cards
10. Clear tables and return dishes and cutlery to kitchen

Personal Requirements for Waiters:

1. Well presented appearance – smart, clean and neat

2. Good communication skills
3. Good memory
4. Polite and patient
5. Friendly, efficient and speedy
6. Enjoy working with people
7. Able to work as part of the team
8. Prepared to work weekends and evenings
9. Able to handle money

The Order of Service

1. All floor staff must be present at the briefings. The briefing is the time where floor
staff will discuss any issues about service, food, teamwork or any plans of action for the
service ahead.
2. Briefing times are 11:00 and 17:00. You must be present dressed and ready for service.
3. Once reception has seated guests at their table, they are your responsibility – your
primary responsibility. If they are happy, we are successful – and that is the aim of the
game! Don't forget that first impressions are the strongest; we don't get second chances. A
bad first impression will generally ruin guests' entire dining experience.
Make sure you commit to memory the following order of service:


1. Approach a table within 2 minutes of them being seated. Even if you are busy
bears or you are with another table, you need to make your best effort to greet the
new table and communicate you will be right with them in a few moments. It
repeating that you should NEVER forget a table has been seated.

2. Approach each table with a genuine smile, make eye contact, use the relevant
greeting (“Hello, good afternoon/evening”) and give them menus, explaining
which one is which.

3. Ask your guest(s) if they would like to order an aperitif, for example, a
cocktail or glass of champagne. Ask the guests if they would like water (still or

4. Repeat orders back to customers as they order to ensure the order is clear. If
you are unsure what a customer is saying, do not say: “I don't know”, instead say:
“Let check if we have that”

5. Immediately open the table tab on the POS system – select the correct table!
Enter the number of covers then, order all drinks using seat number. This allows
colleagues to deliver your order if you are busy. Double-check your order on the
system before sending it to the bar.

6. Make sure the drinks are served to the table within a timely manner. All
drinks will be made at the bar; all waiters must collect their drinks from the service
area and present to guests using a tray. Always check your order ticket. Trays must
be used at all times, even if it is only for one glass.

7. When serving the pre-meal drink, immediately check to see if guests need any
help with the menu, or have any questions regarding certain dishes. Ensure
guests are told about the spiciness of various dishes, any unusual ingredients, or
about long cooking time. Assist with any dietary requirements – if you are unsure,
let guests know you will check with the kitchen. On returning to the table check
guests need more time or ready to order.

8. Take the first order (starters, main courses and side dishes) with position
written on your pad as you will hand this to pass operators. Always repeat back
each order as you take it: if you are unsure or don’t understand something, ask
again for clarification. It is easier to confirm special requests such as cooking
temperatures at this point rather than later. If there are any special requests, inform
the guests that you will have to check with the kitchen if this is possible.

9. If the table is ready, this is the most convenient time to an order for wine.
Once again, repeat back the order to confirm and avoid mistakes.
10. Order the dishes through the POS system according to seat positing, using kitchen
instructions/free text for any allergies, special requests, or changes.

11. Promptly serve or top up wine/water and any further drinks that are ordered.

12. If guest asks for a second bottle of wine, take a clean glass with you for tasting.

13. Place on table in the appropriate positions any extra cutlery or sharing plates that
may be needed. If guests just have main courses, set the table appropriately.

14. When you place food on tables, name the dish with sauce accompanying it.

15. Wait several minutes, then check back with the table. Ask an open ended question
such as “How is the food?” - avoid saying “Is everything okay” as that usually
results in poor feedback. Do not be too insistent on asking for guests' opinions as
that may seem overbearing.

16. Only when everyone has finished their starters can you begin to clear dirty plates
(except if guests hand them to you if there is not enough space on the table).


1. Make sure all guests have the correct cutlery for next course. Clear any empty glasses
or anything that is not being used e.g. empty glasses and bottles.

2. Regular visual check to see if guests need anything, but try not to be too intrusive.

3. Main courses should take no longer than 20 – 25 minutes, however during the busy
periods they may take longer. Keep your Manager informed of any delays.

4. When serving main courses, check that all items ordered are present and correct;
name every dish and/or sauce accompanying. Do not forget: “Enjoy/Enjoy your meal”

5. After several minutes again, check back with guests. “How is your Sea Bass or Curry
Sir/Madam?”. Take more drink orders if needed.

6. Once everyone has finished eating, before clearing dishes, ask if they enjoyed their
lunch/dinner then remove all dirty dishes from table. Do not try and carry too many
items at one time; two trips are better than accidents. Clean the table with a clean wet
cloth, then dry it with a clean napkin.
7. Always present dessert & coffee menus to guests – this is to tempt guests who may not
have thought about having either into ordering.

8. Take dessert order, always offer tea/coffee, liqueurs and digestif. Ask if they would
like tea or coffee with dessert or after dessert.

9. Place order through the POS system, noting if customers would like coffee/tea with or
after their dessert. Give the hand written order to the pass operator.

10. Place the appropriate tableware for the desserts ordered on the table.

11. Server desserts and coffees, etc. Clear dirty dishes when all guests are completely
finished. Offer more drinks if needed.

12. Wait to be asked for the bill, never offer to bring it. Open the table on the EpoS system
and check it before presenting it. The bill should be presented in a holder. Always place
the bill in front of the person who requested it. Never present a bill to a table that isn’t
yours. Always get the section waiter to check it first.

13. Stay nearby when they have the bill, but do not hover. Be observant.

14. For credit/debit card payments, you will need to fetch the payment terminal and
bring it to the table. Do not take the card with you. When guests are entering their PIN,
do not turn around, stare into the distance, or something similar that makes it look as if
you are ignoring the table – look around the table, or make eye contact with other guests
on the table.

15. For cash payments, always return with change. Never ask, “Do you want your
change?” Inform guests: “I will be right back with your change”.

16. Thank your guest(s) and wish them a pleasant afternoon/evening. Invite them back
with “Hope to see you again soon”

17. Some guests may need guidance to the toilets/exit; be as helpful as possible, as they
haven’t left the restaurant yet.

General Knowledge
1. You need to know the full menu and correct cutlery changes.
2. You must know all house beverages and their prices. Familiarise yourself with the wine list;
taste whenever it is appropriate to do so. Learn some standard recommendations from each
section of the list; if you are unsure, ask a manager.
3. You will need to know how to open a bottle of wine using a waiter's friend, and how to
open champagne.

Great service is all about thinking like a guest. Things to think about:
1. What they need at any particular moment
2. What they no longer need
3. What they may need very soon

Communication with other members of the floor staff team is the key to a successful service.
Things you should share with them:
a) Special guest needs
b) If you need help
c) Location of the host of a table
d) Billing requests

1. Your uniform must include 2 pens, pad, waiter's friend at all times.
2. eye contact, looking at tables is not enough. Never ignore a guest.
3. Only two staff members should be seen talking together at any one time in the restaurant.
If you do have to talk together, make sure you face guests to keep an eye on the dining
4. You must not drink or eat in view of guests.
5. You must not smell of perfume .
6. Allow guests to go ahead of you in the dining room at all times.
7. Try to avoid interrupting conversations, joke or story telling – wait for the right moment.
8. Never challenge or argue, even if you know that the guest is wrong. In the case of food or
drink, simply remove it, apologise and ask whether they want to order something
9. When you ask how things are going (“How is everything? or “How was the meal?”),
listen to the answer and fix whatever needs fixing.
10. Never say “I don’t know” without following with “I’ll find out”
11. Do not lean. Hands must never find their way in to your pockets, or anyone else's!
12. Don’t touch customers!
13. Try not to "crowd" guests by having too many people at one table. Maximum 2 waiters
presenting food to up to a table of six, maximum 3 at all other times.
14. Never leave the floor, even if it is only for 30 seconds, without informing the Captain
where you are going, and how long you will be.
Service Etiquette

1. Never pass menus across the table. Always go around to the side of the table. Try to
approach from the right hand side of the guest.

2. Indicate to other members of staff when you are approaching from behind, either verbally
or by gently tapping them on the back.
3. If a guest wishes to remove a jacket, etc whilst in the restaurant; always offer to take it to
the cloakroom for them.
4. Open all bottled beverages (with the exception of wine) before you get to the table.
5. Pour all beverages for guests (unless otherwise requested by guest not to.)
6. Never mix beverages at the table
7. When dishes are presented, check to make sure nothing has been forgotten like side dishes,
finger bowls, cutlery etc.
8. Place plates down gently, verbally state each dish as you present it to allow guests to
confirm they have the correct dish.
9. Keep plates level, especially watch to make sauces and towered dishes do not spill out.
10. Never carry more than two plates on one arm. If you are extremely busy, ask for help or
make more than one trip to a table, to prevent any accidents.
11. Always warn the guest if the plate is hot for safety reasons.
12. Never stack plates on the table.
13. Never clear more plates than you can carry.
14. Plates are to be taken to the pot wash area. All leftover food is to be scraped into rubbish
bin and all cutleries are placed into dishwasher tray.
15. Be considerate when clearing dirties, your colleagues in back of house have a demanding
16. Never clear plates from a table until you are sure that the entire party has finished eating.
If you are in any doubt, ask first. There are only two exceptions:
a. A plate has been pushed to one side by a guest
b. A guest asks you to clear away their plate.

17. When clearing the tables, stack and scrape away from the guest.
18. Deliver plates straight to the wash-up area. The trays are only for clearing the occasional
19. When a guest leaves the table temporarily, fold their napkin and place it on the table for
20. Trays are the only acceptable means for moving glasses around the restaurant during
service. Never place a tray on any table during service.
21. Always check under tables for dirty linen when resetting, also remember to crumb chairs
and the banquettes.
22. Never leave anything on the table that does not have to be there, but always check when
23. Replace napkins if they drop on the floor. Extremely soiled napkins should be removed and
fresh ones offered.

24. If a guest happens to break something, insist on picking it up. We are responsible for any
injuries sustained, whether it is their fault or not.
25. If a table becomes soiled by a spill, clean it as soon as possible. If it is very bad and it is
possible, move the guests to another table.

1. Feedback is essential and if you hear any negative or positive points raised by a guest, inform
a manager.
2. If you get a complaint about anything, please tell the manager immediately.
3. If you feel that a guest has been waiting too long for their food, inform a manager.
4. Inform a manager if a guest should request anything you are unsure about. Do not assume,
just ask.
5. If you feel that you have done something wrong, even if you think it is a complete disaster,
get your manager. You will never be scolded for communicating.
After reading this guide, you should understand the requirements and traits that all great
waiters must have, the way that we would like service at our restaurant to be carried out and
have picked up on some points that will help you give the most professional and consistent
service you can.

If you are still unsure about any aspect of your knowledge or have need some help with a skill
that you need, please talk to your manager.

Prepared by; Macky Amores

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