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I’m going to try and put what i’ve found through researching different clothing styles here and

use that information to synthesize what tf people are wearing in the setting.

General Worldbuilding Clothing Guide

● Climates: (more on site)
○ Hot Climates: Loose, light clothing, light colors, hats/head coverings for shade,
less clothing
○ Dry Climates: Masks or veils against dust
● Lifestyle:
○ Fishing/Seafaring: shorter pants, or gathered pants to prevent them being wet,
fabrics that dry quickly, durable and easily repaired clothing for long voyages.
Trousers are necessary for larger ships where climbing is involved, skirts would
flash everyone.
○ Fighting: Protection and mobility must be balanced to the style of combat and
other factors. Consider ways to identify rank and affiliation to avoid friendly fire
● Materials:
○ Linen comes from flax. Flax grew on the nile. Flax can make:
■ Fine sheets
■ Damask (repels water)
■ Paper
○ Leather
■ Anything with skin can make leather
■ Easily waterproofed. Leather footwear for those on ships
● Ideal of Beauty:
○ Clothes often meant to accentuate desirable features. Choose some features as
a base for fashion.
● Concealment:
○ Clothing used to hide parts deemed unclean or taboo
● Parts of Fashion/Dress
○ Underwear:
■ comfort is most important here.
■ Consider here clothing that shapes the body:
● Corsets
● Braziers
● Padding
○ Outerwear:
■ Outside regular clothing.
■ Usually for warmth or protection.
■ Can be highly decorated
■ Cloaks, tailored jackets
○ Footwear:
■ Sandals, Shoes, Boots
○ Hairstyle
■ Influenced by practicality and available materials
■ Soldiers fight with short hair
● Allows for helmets
● Hair can’t be pulled by enemy
■ Laborers have short hair or tie it back in a braid or tail
■ Bleaching hair
■ Darkening hair
■ Left to hang
■ Braided
■ Tied back
● With band, ribbon, or string
■ Dreads
■ Slicked with oil/grease
■ Held up with
● Combs, clips or hairpins
■ Shaven completely
■ Wigs
○ Accessories
■ Bags, belts, hats, scarves, glasses, stockings, garters, and gloves.
■ Fans for heat
■ Carrying Things:
● Belts
● Pouches
● Purses
● Scabbards
■ Warmth
● Scarves, shawls, hats, gloves
■ Decorative knives, swords and scabbards
■ When weapons are restricted by class, commoners often use other things
to defend themselves
● Walking canes in france
● Pipe in feudal japan
○ Jewelry
■ Great way to display status and wealth
■ Materials:
● Precious metal
● Gemstones
● Shells
● Carved wood/bone
● Glass
● Ceramic beads
● Others like amber, ivory and coral
■ Types
● Rings
● Bracelets
● Necklaces
● Anklets
● Brooches
● Hairpins
● Earrings and other pierced jewellery

Egyptian Clothing: Pharoahs to Commoners

● Wore light clothes from made from flax: Linen
○ Flax soaked in water until soft
○ Then separate into fibers
○ Spin into thread
○ Woven into cloth
● Clothing For Men
○ Wrap-around skirt tied with belt at waist.
■ Length varies with fashion
○ Best quality linen is very fine and almost see-through
○ Jewellery was important
○ Headdresses for special occasions
● Clothing for Women
○ Full length straight Dresses
■ One ro two shoulder straps
■ Could be pleated or draped
■ Rich women used high quality linen that was very light and fine, almost
see through
■ Jewellery
■ Headdresses
● Children
○ Didnt wear clothes until they were 6
● Footwear
○ Barefoot
○ Sandals
■ Woven papyrus or palm
■ Leather for rich
● Jewelry
○ Rings, ear-rings, bracelets, decorated buttons, necklaces, neck collars and
○ Rich: gold and precious stones
○ Poor: colored pottery beads, ceramic
● Make Up
○ Black kohl eyeliner
■ Line eyes
■ Darken lashes and brows
○ Eyelids colored blue or green with powdered minerals
○ Henna dye(orange to deep red-brown) colored lips and nails

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