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Basic Statistics from Raw Data Sales Data

Measures of Central tendency

Mean 789.8 Median 755 Mode 620

Measures of Dispersion
If the data is of a
Sample Population
Variance 19577.5102 19185.96 Range 570
St. Dev. 139.919656 138.513393 IQR 197.5

Higher Moments
If the data is of a
Sample Population
Skewness 0.47973507 0.46522138
(Relative) Kurtosis -0.5963218 -0.6559832

Percentile and Percentile Rank Calculations

x-th Percentile
x Percentile y rank of y
50 755 930 79
75 887.5 910 77
25 690 755 50

1st Quartile 690
Median 755 IQR 197.5
3rd Quartile 887.5

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