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What are mathematics?
When we talk about mathematics we know that it is "the science of structure,
order and relationship that has evolved from the elementary practices of counting,
measuring and describing the shapes of objects. It deals with logical reasoning and
quantitative calculation, and its development has implied an increasing degree of
idealization and abstraction of its subject. Since the 17th century, mathematics has
been an indispensable complement to the physical sciences and technology, and in
more recent times they have assumed a similar role in the quantitative aspects of the
life sciences. "Jeremy John Gray Menso Folkerts John L affirm Berggren Craig G.
Fraser Wilbur R. Knorr, creators and teachers of Mathematics of Britannica is also
understood that "they are fundamental for the intellectual development of children, it
helps them to be logical, to reason neatly and to have a mind prepared for thought ,
criticism and abstraction "affirms Mrs. Adriana de la Sosa who has a degree in
Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid; these also contribute to the
formation of the values of children and of all the people who are beginning with
mathematics but emphasis is placed on children thanks to the fact that it is proven
that they learn more quickly and easily in the learning process.
Taking into account the above, it is implied that Mathematics is an important
component of life because it is "an ability of the individual to identify and
understand the role that mathematics plays in the world, to make sound judgments
and to use and relate to mathematics in a way that can meet the needs of the lives of
individuals as constructive, engaged and reflective citizens. "Affirms The Program
for International Student Assessment (PISA, for its acronym in English) and also
helps thanks that it is not just about understanding or managing mathematical
language and being able to effectively solve problems that are raised academically;
but, in addition, to be able to use these contents in different contexts and social
situations, for example: real-life problems where different mathematical problems
are presented by applying seen or known topics.
Can it also be used in games?
Yes, at the moment I made a game with a group of people in the San Viator
school, the game is known as domino in which the player can learn to calculate the
Maximum common divisor and the less common Multiple.
We rely on the real rules of the game (Domino) and turn them into
mathematical rules in which if a player wants to put a chip he has to answer a
question in order to practice mathematics in a real life context by generating or using
a real-life mathematical problem in which some exercise or mathematical subject is
applied, such as: Maximum common divisor and the least common multiple or
mathematical properties.

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