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1. A 31-year old female from Southern Mindanao is brought in

for chronic diarrhea of two months duration. Stool
examination reveals larvae with prominent genital
primodium. What is your probable diagnosis?
A. Capillariasis
B. Hookworm infection
C. Strongyloidiasis
D. Ascariasis

2. A 10-year-old girl, with perianal pruritus, was brought by

her mother to her pediatrician. What is your most probable
A. Ascariasis
B. Trichuriasis
C. Enterobiasis
D. Hookworm infection

3. Adult roundworm, measuring 27 cm. in length, was seen in

the colon of a 10-year old boy who died of pneumonia.
Manifestations such as lung infiltration, asthmatic attacks,
and edema of the lips were documented before the patient
died. What is the most probable parasitic infection can you
identify in this case?
A. Trichuriasis.
B. Ascariasis
C. Capillariasis
D. Hookworm infection

4. Which of the following statements is correct about the

cystic duct?
A. It forms the medial boundary of the triangle of Calot.
B. The proximal portion contains the spiral valves of Heister.
C. It lies at the thickened distal portion of the lesser omentum.
D. It is about 8-10 cm in length.

5. The most important pancreatic enzyme needed for protein

digestion is:
A. aminopeptidase
C. chymotrypsin
B. carboxypeptidase D. trypsin

6. The drug of choice for mixed round worm infection:

A. Pyrantel pamoate C.
B. Mebendazole D.

7. Which of the following anthelmintics possesses a potent

inhibitory effect on the feeding behavior of worms by
acting on glutamate-gated channels expressed in the
pharyngeal muscles of these worms?
A. Ivermectin C.
B. Thiabendazole D. Pyrantel pamoate

8. A 15-year old boy from Davao del Norte is noted to have

pallor and malnutrition. Stool examination reveals an ovum
with thin colorless cell wall. What is your diagnosis?
A. Ascariasis
B. Trichuriasis
C. Enterobiasis
D. Hookworm infection

9. All these parasites have a lung phase during their

developmental cycle EXCEPT:
A. Ascaris lumbricoides C. Strongyloides stercoralis
B. Enterobius vermicularis D. Necator

10. Embryonated ovum is the infective stage of this parasite:

A. Trichinella spiralis C. Capillaria
B. Enterobius vermicularis
D. Strongyloides stercoralis

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