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Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 1

1. Carious cavities of a 29-year-old this case we are talking about:

patient contain the parasitic protozoa.
It is established that they relate to the A. Juvenile period
Sarcodina class. Specify these single- B. The first period of adulthood
celled organisms: C. Senium
D. The second period of adulthood
A. Entamoeba gingivalis E. Advanced age
B. Entamoeba coli
C. Entamoeba histolutica 6. Genealogical study of a family
D. Amoeba proteus with hereditary enamel hypoplasia
E. Lamblia intestinalis has revealed that the disease occurs
in every generation. In women, the
2. In some areas of South Africa anomaly occurs more frequently than
many people have sickle cell disease in men. Male patients only pass this
characterized by red blood cells that trait to their daughters. What type of
assume an abnormal sickle shape due inheritance takes place in this case?
to the substitution of glutamic acid
for valine in the hemoglobin molecule. A. X-linked dominant
What is the cause of this disease? B. Autosomal dominant
C. Autosomal recessive
A. Gene mutation D. Y-linked
B. Disturbances of the mechanisms of E. X-linked recessive
genetic information transmission
C. Crossing-over 7. A 58-year-old male patient consulted
D. Genomic mutation an urologist about acute pain duri-
E. Transduction ng urination and decreased amount
of the excreted urine. Urolithiasis was
3. Examination of an 18-year-old girl suspected. The concrements are most
revealed the following features: ovari- likely to be found in the following part
an hypoplasia, broad shoulders, narrow of the urethra:
hips, shortening of the lower extremiti-
es, webbed neck. Mental development A. Pars membranacea
is normal. The patient has been di- B. Pars prostatica
agnosed with Turner’s syndrome. What C. Pars spongiosa
chromosomal abnormality does this D. Pars pelvina
patient have? E. Pars intramuralis

A. Monosomy X 8. When examining the oral caity of

B. Trisomy X a 22-year-old patient, the dentist noti-
C. Trisomy 13 ced a destroyed medial tubercle on the
D. Trisomy 18 cutting edge of the right maxillary first
E. Nullisomy X molar. This tubercle is called:

4. Mother and father are healthy. A. Paracone

Mother underwent amniocentesis for B. Metacone
fetal karyotyping. The fetal karyotype C. Mesocone
turned out to be 45, XO. What D. Hypocone
syndrome can be expected in a E. Protocone
newborn baby?
9. A patient with inflammation of
A. Turner’s tongue mucosa (glossitis) complains
B. Edwards’ of taste sensitivity disorder in the two
C. Patau’s anterior thirds of his tongue. This is
D. Cri du chat caused by the damage of the followi-
E. "Superwoman" ng nerve:
5. A physician collects the patient’s hi-
story of the post-embryonic period of
ontogenesis from birth to puberty. In
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 2

A. Tympanichord A. Motor portion of the mandibular

B. Tympanic nerve
C. Lesser petrosal B. Facial
D. Lingual C. Inferior alveolar
E. Glossopharyngeal D. Maxillary
E. Mandibulohyoid
10. As a result of injury of tongue a
32-year-old male had a heavy bleeding. 14. A 36-year-old patient presents with
The bleeding can be stopped by ligating periodontitis of the mandibular molar.
an artery in the following topographic It was found that inflammation had
anatomic region (triangle): spread to the lymph nodes. What lymph
nodes were the first to be involved in
A. Pirogov’s triangle the inflammatory process?
B. Omoclavicular triangle
C. Carotid triangle A. Submandibular
D. Omotrapezoid triangle B. Lateral cervical
E. Omotracheal triangle C. Aterior cervical
D. Mental
11. The operative dentistry department E. Facial
admitted a newborn girl who choked
during sucking. Examination revealed 15. Examination of a 23-year-old pati-
cleft palate arising from non-union of ent reveals that when his tongue is
the middle frontal process and maxi- protruded, its tip deviates to the side.
llary process of the I-st branchial arch. This is caused by the dysfunction of the
The cleft was located in the palate following tongue muscle:
A. Genioglossus
A. Os incisivum et processus palatinus B. Hyoid
maxillae C. Superior longitudinal
B. Processus palatinus maxillae dextrae D. Inferior longitudinal
et sinistrae E. Styloglossus
C. Lamina horizontalis os palatinum
dextrum et sinistrum 16. A 33-year-old patient complains
D. Processus palatinus maxillae et lami- of an impairment of skin sensitivity
na horizontalis os palatinum in the medial part of the dorsal and
E. In the region of canalis incisivus palmar surface of hand. Which nerve
is damaged?
12. A 39-year-old patient consulted a
dentist about having a dry area of the A. N. ulnaris
oral mucosa beneath the tongue on the B. N. radialis
right. The dentist revealed a compressi- C. N. medianus
on of chorda tympani as it exits to the D. N. musculocutaneus
right infratemporal fossa through the E. N. cutaneus antebrachii medialis
following fissura: 17. A 2-year-old child has congenital
A. Petrotympanica spastic contraction of muscles on one
B. Tympanomastoidea side of neck, that is torticollis. What
C. Petrosguamosa muscle is affected?
D. Sphenopetrosa A. Sternocleidomastoid
E. Petroocipitalis B. Subcutaneous
13. A patient consulted a doctor about C. Sternohyoid
difficult chewing. On examination he D. Sternothyroid
was found to have the atrophy of the E. Omohyoid
right temporal muscle and masticatory 18. The emergency department admi-
muscles. Upon opening the mouth, the tted a 48-year-old male with a blunt
patient’s jaw deviates to the left. What abdominal injury on the right and
nerve is affected? a suspected rupture of liver. Which
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 3

of these peritoneal structures can be blood circulation in the classic lobules.

expected to include blood accumulati- What is the direction of blood flow in
ons? these lobules?
A. Rectovesical pouch A. From the periphery to the center
B. Superior iliocecal recess B. From the center to the periphery
C. Intersigmoidal recess C. Around the lobule
D. Omental sac D. From the top to the base
E. Left paracolic gutter E. From the base to the top
19. A histological specimen represents 23. A 68-year-old female patient with
a structure of the oral cavity, which is a history of glaucoma has increased
formed by bone tissue. It is covered by intraocular pressure with normal
mucous membrane consisting of kerati- secretion of aqueous humor by ciliary
nizing stratified squamous epithelium. body. The inadequate outflow of fluid
The structure has fatty, glandular and from the anterior chamber is associ-
marginal zone. In all parts of the lami- ated with the damage to the following
na propria the collagen fibers form thi- structure of the eyeball wall:
ck bundles that penetrate deep into the
periosteum. What kind of structure is A. Venous sinus
it? B. Ciliary body
C. Choroid
A. Hard palate D. Ciliary muscle
B. Gingiva E. Posterior corneal epithelium
C. Lip
D. Cheek 24. The effect of some harmful factors
E. Tongue caused focal damage to the gastric epi-
thelium. What cells are responsible for
20. Study of the histological specimen its regeneration?
of a baby’s primary tooth revealed
hypoplasia (underdevelopment ) of A. Cervical mucocytes of glands
enamel. This abnormality is caused by B. Parietal exocrinocytes of glands
the disruptions in the activity of the C. Principal exocrinocytes of glands
following cells: D. Endocrinocytes
E. Mucocytes of the gland body
A. Inner enamel epithelium
B. Pulp cells of the enamel organ 25. Microscopic examination of a CNS
C. Outer enamel epithelium body revealed the gray matter wi-
D. Cells of the stratum intermedium of th three layers of neurons, namely
the enamel organ molecular, ganglionic and granular
E. Odontoblasts layer. What are the neurons constituti-
ng the second layer?
21. In the histological specimen of a
tooth germ the outer surface of the A. Piriform
enamel organ is uneven, the cells of the B. Basket
inner layer show the reversal of polari- C. Small stellate
ty (inversion). These changes precede D. Large stellate
the beginning of the following process: E. Granule cells

A. Amelogenesis 26. In a specimen from the ovary stai-

B. Dentinogenesis ned with hematoxylin-eosin a follicle
C. Pulp genesis can be seen. The follicular epithelial
D. Cementogenesis cells are arranged in 1-2 layers and have
E. Periodont development cubic shape, around the oocyte the bri-
ght red membrane can be seen. Specify
22. Proliferation of connective tissue the follicle:
in the parenchyma of liver (fibrosis)
caused by chronic diseases is typi-
cally accompanied by an impairment of
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 4

A. Primary brain cortex injury revealed that he had

B. Primordial lost the tactile sensitivity. What part of
C. Secondary the cerebral cortex is damaged?
D. Mature
E. Atresial A. Posterior central gyrus
B. Occipital lobe
27. A histological specimen represents C. Parietal lobe
a blood vessel. Its inner tuni- D. Frontal lobe
ca is composed of endothelium, E. Anterior central gyrus
subendothelium and internal elastic
lamina. The middle tunica is rich in 32. In the experiment, the permeabili-
smooth muscle cells. What vessel is ty of cell membrane for potassium ions
characterized by these morphological has been increased. What changes can
features? be expected in the membrane state?
A. Muscular artery A. Hyperpolarization
B. Elastic artery B. Depolarization
C. Capillary C. Action potential
D. Amuscular vein D. Local response
E. Muscular vein E. There will be no changes
28. Physical activity caused an increase 33. A 36-year-old male patient has
in the cardiac output in a patient wi- malabsorption of sodium ions from
th a transplanted heart. What regulati- the intestinal lumen into blood.
ve mechanism is responsible for these At the same time, absorption of
changes? the following substances REMAINS
A. Catecholamines
B. Sympathetic unconditioned reflexes A. Fats
C. Parasympathetic unconditioned B. Carbohydrates
reflexes C. Proteins
D. Sympathetic conditioned reflexes D. Water
E. Parasympathetic conditioned reflexes E. Chlorides
29. Stimulation of the peripheral 34. A 32-year-old female has gingivitis
segment of chorda tympani in an accompanied by gingival hypoxia. At
experimenal animal resulted in the di- the same time, the level of the following
scharge of the following secretion from metabolite of carbohydrate metaboli-
the parotid salivary fistula: sm is greatly increased in periodontal
A. A lot of liquid saliva
B. A small amount of liquid saliva A. Lactate
C. There is no saliva B. Ribose-5-phosphate
D. A small amount of viscous saliva C. Glycogen
E. A lot of viscous saliva D. Glucose-6-phosphate
30. An animal has been given a
weak solution of hydrochloric acid 35. Examination of a patient revealed
introduced into the duodenum through dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia. What
a tube. Which hormone concentration vitamin deficiency is the cause of this
will increase in the animal? condition ?
A. Secretin A. Nicotinamide
B. Cholecystokinin (pancreozymin) B. Ascorbic acid
C. Gastrin C. Folic acid
D. Glucagon D. Biotin
E. Neurotensin E. Rutin
31. Examination of a patient with a 36. Hormonal form of a certain vitamin
induces genome level synthesis of Ca-
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 5

binding proteins and enterocytes thus A. Chronic myeloid leukemia

regulating the intestinal absorption of B. Acute myeloid leukemia
Ca2+ ions required for dental tissue C. Hypoplastic anemia
development. What vitamin is it? D. Undifferentiated leukemia
E. Hemolytic anemia
A. D3
B. A 40. A 49-year-old patient was found to
C. B1 have a disproportionate enlargement
D. E of hands, feet, nose, ears, supercili-
E. K ary arches and cheek bones. Blood
test revealed hyperglycemia, impai-
37. A 23-year-old patient with acute red glucose tolerance. What is the
pulpitis has elevated body temperature most likely cause of this pathology
and an increase in the WBC count up to development?
14 · 109 /L. The leucogram is as follows:
basophils - 0, eosinophils - 2, monocytes A. Hypersecretion of growth hormone
- 0, immature neutrophils - 4, stab B. Posterior pituitary hormone
neutrophils - 8, segmented neutrophi- hypersecretion
ls - 56, lymphocytes - 26, monocytes - 4. C. Insulin hyposecretion
How can we interpret these changes in D. Vasopressin hyposecretion
the white blood cells? E. Glucocorticoid hypersecretion

A. Neutrophilia with a regenerative left 41. A 46-year-old patient with di-

shift abetes had been admitted to a hospi-
B. Neutrophilia with a degenerative left tal in grave precomatose condition.
shift Study of the acid-base balance revealed
C. Neutrophilia with a hyperregenerati- metabolic acidosis. What is the primary
ve left shift mechanism that underlies the revealed
D. Lymphocytosis changes of the acid-base balance?
E. Neutrophilic leukocytosis with a right A. Incomplete oxidation of metabolism
shift products
38. A female patient with toxemia of B. Disturbance of O2 utilization by cells
pregnancy has hypersalivation resulti- C. Disorder of blood buffer systems
ng in a daily loss of 3-4 liters of saliva. D. Urinary excretion of alkaline
What disorder of water-salt metabolism components
occurs in such cases? E. Reduction of SO2 excretion

A. Hyperosmolar hypohydration 42. A 44-year-old patient with

B. Hypoosmolar hypohydration obstructive jaundice has been admi-
C. Isoosmolar hypohydration tted to a hospital with the symptoms
D. Hypokalemia of cholemic syndrome. On the ECG
E. Hyponatremia arrhythmia shows up. What kind of
arrhythmia is the patient most likely
39. A 39-year-old patient underwent to have?
hematologic tests. The following results
were obtained: RBC- 2, 8 · 1012 /L, Нb- A. Sinus bradycardia
80 g/L, color index - 0,85, reticulocytes B. Sinus tachycardia
C. Atrial premature contraction
- 0,1%, platelets - 160 · 109 /L, WBC D. Ventricular premature contraction
- 60 · 109 /L. Basophils - 2, eosinophi- E. Atrioventricular block
ls - 8, promyelocytes - 5, myelocytes
- 5, immature neutrophils - 16, stab 43. A 28-year-old liquidator of
neutrophils - 20, segmented neutrophi- Chernobyl disaster consulted a
ls - 34, lymphocytes - 5, monocytes - doctor about marked weakness, skin
5. What form of blood pathology are hemorrhages, diarrhea. Blood test
these results indicative of? results: ESR- 25 mm/h, RBC- 2, 4 ·
1012 /L, WBC - 2, 2 · 109 /L, platelets -
70 · 109 /L. What stage of acute radiation
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 6

sickness are these presentations typical boundaries. Histological study of the

for? tumor after its removal revealed the
following peculiarities: the tumor was
A. Manifest illness stage constituted by small cubic cells wi-
B. Prodromal stage th hyperchromatic nucleus forming
C. Latent stage alveoli, trabeculae, solid and cribriform
D. Recovery stage structures. The tumor growth could be
E. Outcome of the disease charactrized as invasive. Specify the
44. In a 52-year-old patient with chronic
glomerulonephritis, the glomerular fi- A. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
ltration rate (GFR) was reduced by B. Malignant pleomorphic adenoma
20% compared to normal. What causes C. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
the decrease in GFR in patients with D. Adenolymphoma
chronic renal failure? E. Monomorphic adenoma
A. Reduced number of active nephrons 48. A 28-year-old patient had been di-
B. Tubulopathy agnosed with multifragmental fracture
C. Obstruction of the urinary tract of the right hip. On the third day after
D. Renal ischemia the injury he began to complain of
E. Renal artery thrombosis pain in the right side of chest, diffi-
cult respiration. A day later the pati-
45. A 10-year-old child cut his leg ent died of progressive heart and respi-
with a piece of glass and was sent ratory failure. Histological study of
to a clinic for an anti-tetanus serum pulmonary and cerebral blood vessels
injection. In order to prevent the revealed orange sudanophilic droplets
development of anaphylactic shock, that completely obstructed the vessels
the Besredka desensitization method of microvasculature. What complicati-
was applied. What mechanism underli- on caused the death of the patient?
es this method?
A. Fat embolism
A. Binding to IgE fixed to mast cells B. Gas embolism
B. Inhibited synthesis of mast cells C. Drug-induced embolism
mediators D. Microbial embolism
C. Stimulation of the immunological E. Thromboembolism
antigen tolerance
D. Stimulation of antigen-specific IgG2 49. A patient undewent radiography
synthesis that revealed numerous smooth-walled
E. Binding of IgE receptors on mast roundish defects in both jaws. Hi-
cells stological study revealed osteolysis
and osteoporosis accompanied by the
46. Histologically, the internal wall of phenomena of poor bone formation.
a maxillary cyst is lined with stratifi- The patient’s urine contained Bence-
ed squamous epithelium with underlyi- Jones protein. What is the most likely
ng granulation tissue with infiltrati- diagnosis?
ng lymphocytes. The outer layer is
represented by loose fibrous connective A. Multiple myeloma
tissue surrounded by cicatrical fibrous B. Chronic myelogenous leukemia
tissue. What diagnosis can be made? C. Chronic erythroleukemia
D. Acute myeloid leukemia
A. Cystic granuloma E. Acute undifferentiated leukemia
B. Simple granuloma
C. Epithelial granuloma 50. A bacteriological laboratory studi-
D. Keratocyst ed the home-made dried fish which
E. Ameloblastoma had caused a severe food poisoni-
ng. Microscopy of the culture grown
47. Examination of a patient revealed on the Kitt-Tarozzi medium revealed
a hard palate tumor in form of a microorganisms resembling a tennis
small dense gray node without clear racket. What is the most likely di-
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 7

agnosis? A. Had hepatitis B

B. Has acute hepatitis B
A. Botulism C. Has acute hepatitis C
B. Salmonellosis D. Has chronic hepatitis B
C. Cholera E. Has chronic hepatitis C
D. Dysentery
E. Typhoid fever 55. A patient had been provisionally
diagnosed with syphilis. A laboratory
51. While studying blood and mucus assistant took the blood serum for
samples from the nasopharynx, a an immunologic test based on the
bacteriologist took certain measures to detection of antibodies preventing the
conserve the pathogens in the materi- movement of treponemes and causing
al. Bacterioscopic study revealed the their death. What reaction was used for
presence of gram-negative cocci looki- the diagnosis?
ng like coffee beans and arranged in
pairs or tetrads. Name the pathogen A. Immobilization
that was isolated by the bacteriologist: B. Complement binding
C. Agglutination
A. Neisseria meningitidis D. Precipitation
B. Staphilococcus aureus E. Neutralization
C. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
D. Moraxella lacunata 56. A 50-year-old patient with a
E. Acinetobacter calcoaceticus hypertensive crisis had been admini-
stered magnesium sulfate, which led to
52. 6 hours after the initial inoculati- an abrupt decrease in blood pressure.
on of water sample into 1% peptone The side effects of magnesium sulfate
water, the growth of a culture in form can be avoided if the following drug is
of a thin pellicle on the medium surface administered:
was registered. Such cultural properti-
es are typical for the causative agent of A. Calcium chloride
the following disease: B. Potassium chloride
C. Trilon B
A. Cholera D. Sodium bromide
B. Plague E. Sodium sulfate
C. Tuberculosis
D. Dysentery 57. A patient with arterial hypertensi-
E. Pseudotuberculosis on has developed a bronchial
asthma attack. Which of the followi-
53. After the sanitary and bacteriologi- ng bronchodilators may provoke a
cal study of tap water the following hypertensive crisis?
results were obtained: the total number
of bacteria in 1,0 ml was 80, coli index A. Ephedrine hydrochloride
was 3. How would you interpret the B. Salbutamol
study results? C. Aminophylline
D. Berotec
A. Water is safe to be consumed E. Isadrine
B. Water is of doubtful quality
C. Water is of highly doubtful quality 58. A patient in a collaptoid state has
D. Water is contaminated been given an injection of mesatonum
E. Water is highly conaminated for the correction of blood pressure.
What is the mechanism of this drug
54. Examination of a 27-year-old donor action?
who had not donated blood for a long
time revealed HBs antibodies detected A. It stimulates α-adrenergic receptors
by ELISA method. In this case, the B. It stimulates β -adrenergic receptors
positive ELISA results indicate that the C. It blocks α-adrenergic receptors
donor: D. It blocks β -adrenergic receptors
E. It stimulates α- and β -adrenergic
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 8

59. A 42-year-old female patient A. Open occlusion

consulted a doctor about pain in the B. Orthognathia
knee joints. Objectively there is swelli- C. Edge-to-edge occlusion
ng, redness, hyperthermia in the regi- D. Closed bite
on of these joints. Laboratory testing E. Prognathism
revealed positive acute phase reactants.
What drugs should be used to treat this 64. A 53-year-old patient with a long
patient? history of nephrolithiasis underwent
nephrectomy. The kidney looks as a
A. Anti-inflammatory drugs thin-walled sac filled with urine. Renal
B. Narcotic analgesics parenchyma is atrophied. Specify this
C. Antidepressants complication of nephrolithiasis:
D. Antibiotics
E. Sulfonamides A. Hydronephrosis
B. Pyelonephritis
60. A paroxysm of tachycardia occurred C. Pyonephrosis
in a patient undergoing a dental D. Multicystic kidney disease
procedure. Which of the following E. Nephrosclerosis
drugs should be used to relieve it?
65. To prevent the seasonal influenza
A. Verapamil epidemics in the city hospitals, sani-
B. Isadrinum tary epidemic station gave orders to
C. Atropine immunize health care workers. Which
D. Dipheninum of the following preparations should be
E. Nitroglycerine used for immunization?
61. To perform a scheduled surgery A. Subunit vaccine
on the upper jaw, a surgeon decided B. Interferon
to apply ataralgesia. What medications C. Gamma-globulin
are used for this manipulation? D. Rimantadine
E. Amantadine
A. Tranquilizers
B. General anesthetics 66. A 36-year-old patient with di-
C. Narcotic analgesics abetes mellitus had seizures with loss of
D. Non-narcotic analgesics consciousness after an insulin injection.
E. Sedatives What was the result of blood glucose
62. A 55-year-old mae patient with
acute heart failure has been admini- A. 2,5 mmol/l
stered a quick-relief cardiac glycoside. B. 3,3 mmol/l
Which of the following drugs has been C. 8,0 mmol/l
given to the patient? D. 10 mmol/l
E. 5,5 mmol/l
A. Strophanthin
B. Adonisidum 67. Following thyroid surgery, a 47-year-
C. Digitoxin old female patient had fibrillary twi-
D. Celanid tching of muscles in the arms, legs and
E. Milrinone face. These disorders can be treated
by the introduction of the following
63. Examination of the oral cavity of hormone:
a 19-year-old patient revealed a small
gap between the maxillary and mandi- A. Parathyroid hormone
bular incisors. There was no contact B. Triiodothyronine
between the front teeth. Specify the C. Thyrotropin
type of occlusion in this patient: D. Thyroxine
E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone
68. A 43-year-old patient is to be admi-
nistered an antibiotic from the peni-
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 9

cillin group which would be resistant A. Disregulatory impairment of alveolar

to penicillinase. What drug can be ventilation
recommended? B. Restrictive impairment of alveolar
A. Oxacillin C. Obstructive impairment of alveolar
B. Amoxicillin ventilation
C. Carbenicillin D. Perfusion impairment
D. Azlocillin E. Diffusion impairment
E. Ampicillin
73. When students pass an exam,
69. A 49-year-old patient has psychotic they often complain of having "dry
manifestations in form of psychomotor mouth". The mechanism underlying
agitation, auditory and visual halluci- the development of this condition is the
nations. What drug is indicated in the activation of the following processes:
described case?
A. Conditioned sympathetic
A. Haloperidol B. Unconditioned parasympathetic
B. Sodium bromide C. Conditioned parasympathetic
C. Diazepam D. Unconditioned sympathetic
D. Valerian tincture E. Unconditioned peripheral
E. Chlordiazepoxide
74. An injury to the occipital region
70. A 58-year-old patient with essential resulted in apnoea. What could be the
hypertension complains about general immediate cause of apnoea?
health deterioration. She has been
administered methyldopa. Specify the A. Medulla oblongata injury
mechanism of this drug action: B. Cerebellum injury
C. Rapture between the mesencephalon
A. Inhibtion of noradrenaline synthesis and medulla oblongata
B. Increase in acetylcholine synthesis D. Spinal cord rapture below the 5th
C. Blockade of β -adrenergic receptors vertebra
D. Blockade of α-adrenergic receptors E. Traumatic shock
E. Inhibition of angiotensin-converting
factor 75. A female with Rh-negative blood
of A (II) type has a child with AB
71. An animal sensitized with (IV) type who has been diagnosed
tuberculin had been administered with hemolytic disease resulting from
tuberculin intraperitoneally. 24 hours Rh-conflict. What blood type may the
later, during laparotomy, the animal baby’s father have?
was found to have venous congesti-
on and peritoneal edema. Impression A. III (B), Rh-positive
smears from the peritoneum contai- B. I (0), Rh-positive
ned a large number of lymphocytes and C. II (A), Rh-positive
monocytes. What pathological process D. IV (AB), Rh-negative
was detected in the animal? E. III (B), Rh-negative
A. Allergic inflammation 76. Calcification of the intercellular
B. Serous inflammation substance of bone tissue is accompani-
C. Purulent inflammation ed by the deposition of hydroxyapatite
D. Fibrinous inflammation crystals along the collagen fibers. This
E. Aseptic inflammation process requires the presence of alkali-
72. A 42-year-old patient with tetanus ne phosphatase in the intercellular
developed an acute respiratory failure. substance. What cell produces this
What type of respiratory failure occurs enzyme?
in this case?
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 10

A. Osteoblast 81. A 60-year-old patient with a history

B. Osteocyte of bronchial asthma has had several
C. Osteoclast attacks during the day. What is the opti-
D. Chondroblast mal drug to be used for their preventi-
E. Chondrocyte on?
77. A 30-year-old patient with A. Salbutamol
pneumonia has been administered a B. Isadrinum
3-day course of an antibiotic from the C. Adrenaline hydrochloride
group of azalides that has bactericidal D. Dobutamine
effect, prolonged action, the ability to E. Methacinum
bind to phagocytic cells and accumulate
in the infection foci. What drug has 82. A 39-year-old patient with
been administered? pyelonephritis has been found to have
hyposthenuria combined with polyuria.
A. Azithromycin According to this data, what process is
B. Erythromycin most likely to be disrupted?
C. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt
D. Isoniazid A. Tubular reabsorption
E. Ciprofloxacin B. Glomerular filtration
C. Tubular secretion
78. Human X chromosome contains a D. Tubular excretion
dominant gene that is reponsible for E. -
normal blood clotting. An autosomal
dominant gene plays a similar role. 83. A patient with a toxic paralysis
Lack of any of these genes leads to of the respiratory center has been
the coagulation disorder. The form repeatedly administered cordiamine
of interaction between these genes is for the center stimulation. What side
called: effect may occur?
A. Complementarity A. Clonus
B. Epistasis B. Tonic convulsions
C. Polymerism C. Arrhythmia
D. Codominance D. Collapse
E. Pleiotropy E. Bronchospasm
79. A 66-year-old male patient has li- 84. A 12-year-old child is of short
ver carcinoma with syndrome of portal stature, has disproportionate body
hypertension. What kind of portal structure and mental retardation. These
hypertension does the patient have? characteristics might be caused by
the hyposecretion of the following
A. Intrahepatic hormone:
B. Suprahepatic
C. Subhepatic A. Thyroxine
D. Combined B. Insulin
E. - C. Cortisol
D. Somatotropin
80. A 25-year-old patient with a heredi- E. Glucagon
tary enzymopathy (Gilbert’s disease)
has a disorder of bilirubin conjugation 85. A 48-year-old female patient with a
in liver. What enzyme is not synthesi- history of cholelithiasis has recurring
zed in this patient? steatorrhea. What vitamin deficiency
may develop as a complication of the
A. UDP-glucuronyl transferase current disease?
B. UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
C. UDP-glycogen transferase
D. Ornithine carbomoyltransferase
E. Amidophosphoribosyltransferase
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 11

A. K 90. A 43-year-old female complains of

B. B6 weight loss, hyperhidrosis, low-grade
C. C fever, increased irritability. She has
D. P P been found to have hyperfunction of
E. B12 the sympathetic-adrenal system and
basal metabolism. These disorders can
86. Transfusion of Rh-incompatible be caused by hypersecretion of the
blood resulted in hemolytic jaundi- following hormone:
ce development in the patient. What
laboratory blood value confirms this A. Thyroxine
type of jaundice? B. Somatotropin
C. Corticotropin
A. Accumulation of unconjugated bili- D. Insulin
rubin E. Aldosterone
B. Reduction of unconjugated bilirubin
C. Accumulation of urobilinogen 91. Examination of a patient revealed
D. Reduction of stercobilin glycosuria and hyperglycemia. He
E. Reduction of conjugated bilirubin complains of dry mouth, itchy skin,
frequent urination, thirst. He has been
87. A 46-year-old patient consulted an diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. What
oculist about drooping of the upper is the cause of polyuria in this patient?
eyelid. On examination he was di-
agnosed with a brain tumor. The A. Increased urine osmotic pressure
pathological process must have affected B. Decreased plasma oncotic pressure
the nuclei of the following pair of crani- C. Increased filtration pressure
al nerves: D. Decreased cardiac output
E. Increased plasma oncotic pressure
B. II 92. A histological specimen represents
C. IV the parenchyma composed of lymphoid
D. VI tissue which forms the diffusely
E. VII arranged lymph nodules with a central
artery. What anatomic formation has
88. A 36-year-old patient consulted an the given morphological structure?
ophthalmologist about eye ache. The
examination revealed the erosion of A. Spleen
the cornea, that is the lack of superfici- B. Red bone marrow
al and spinous layers of the epithelium. C. Thymus
What cells will provide regeneration of D. Tonsil
the damaged epithelium? E. Lymph node
A. Cells of the stratum basale 93. Ultrasonography of a pregnant
B. Cells of the stratum corneum revealed no abnormalities in the cardi-
C. Cells of the the stratum granulosum ovascular system of the fetus, the
D. Cells of the stratum lucidum ductus arteriosus had a normal functi-
E. Cell of the stratum superficiale on. What vessels does it connect?
89. A 57-year-old patient with coronary A. Pulmonary trunk and aorta
artery disease has been administered B. Pulmonary trunk and superior vena
an anti-anginal agent that activates cava
guanylate cyclase and accumulates C. Pulmonary trunk and inferior vena
myocardial cGMP. What drug is it? cava
D. Umbilical vein and aorta
A. Isosorbide mononitrate E. Umbilical vein and umbilical artery
B. Dipyridamole
C. Panangin 94. As a result of treatment of viral
D. Validol RNA with nitrous acid, UCA triplet
E. Verapamil mutated to UGA triplet. What kind of
mutation occurred?
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 12

A. Phosphorylation-dephosphorylation
A. Transition B. ADP-ribosylation
B. Nucleotide deletion C. Methylation
C. Missense D. Hydrolysis
D. Nucleotide insertion E. Sulfonation
E. Inversion
99. A 23-year-old patient with diabetes
95. A 46-year-old patient consulted a has hyperglycemia at the rate of 19
doctor about pustular rash on the skin mmol/l which is clinically manifested by
of the limbs. What antiseptic should be glucosuria, polyuria, polydipsia. Whi-
administered to the patient? ch of the listed below mechanisms is
responsible for the development of
A. Alcohol solution of iodine glycosuria?
B. Insulin
C. Prednisolone A. Exceedence of glucose renal
D. Sibazon threshold
E. Heparin B. Non-enzymatic glycosylation of
96. A 1-year-old child with the C. Polyuria
symptoms of affection of limb and D. Polydipsia
trunk muscles had been admitted to a E. Tissue dehydration
hospital. Examination revealed muscle
carnitine deficiency. The biochemical 100. A 25-year-old patient got an injury
basis of this pathology is a disruption of as a result of which a portion of the nail
the following process: plate was removed. What structures wi-
ll be responsible for its restoration?
A. Transport of fatty acids to mi-
tochondria A. Nail matrix
B. Regulation of Ca2+ level in mi- B. Nail fold
tochondria C. Eponychium
C. Substrate phosphorylation D. Subungual space
D. Utilization of lactic acid E. Nail sinus
E. Oxidative phosphorylation
101. Experimental stimulation of the
97. For several days a 55-year-old peripheral segment of the vagus nerve
female patient has had pain attacks in of a cat will result in the following
the right upper quadrant after eating changes:
fatty foods. Visually, there is yellowness
of sclera and skin. The patient has A. Decreased heart rate
acholous stool, beer-colored urine. B. Increased heart rate
What substance present in the patient’s C. Dilated pupils
urine causes its dark color? D. Increased respiratory rate
E. Bronchiectasis
A. Conjugated bilirubin
B. Ketone bodies 102. Arterial pH is 7,4; primary urine -
C. Unconjugated bilrubin 7,4; final urine - 5,8. Decrease in the pH
D. Stercobilin of final urine is the result of the secreti-
E. Bilirubin glucuronides on of the following ions in the nephron
98. One of the means of regulating
enzyme activity in a human body is A. Hydrogen ions
the covalent modification. Glycogen B. Potassium ions
phosphorylase and glycogen synthetase C. Hydrogen carbonate ions
activity is regulated by the following D. Urea
type of covalent modification: E. Creatinine
103. A 49-year-old male patient with
myocardial infarction has been admi-
tted to the cardiology department.
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 13

What changes in the peripheral blood of this age, namely:

cells are induced by the necrotic
changes in the myocardium? A. Candidiasis
B. Favus
A. Neutrophilic leukocytosis C. Epidermophytosis
B. Monocytosis D. Actinomycosis
C. Eosinophilia E. Trichophytia
D. Thrombocytopenia
E. Lymphopenia 108. A boy has been diagnosed with a
hydrocele (fluid collection within the
104. Alterations in protein digesti- scrotum). Which scrotum tunica contai-
on in the small intestine are induced ns this liquid?
by the impairment of trypsin and
chymotrypsin activity. What enzyme A. Tunica vaginalis
deficiency may be the cause of this B. Tunica dartos
impairment? C. Tunica albuginea
D. External spermatic fascia
A. Enterokinase E. Internal spermatic fascia
B. Pepsin
C. Amylase 109. Examination of a 6-year-old pati-
D. Maltase ent gave reasons to suspect the deteri-
E. Lipase oration in airway patency. What is
the most reliable research method to
105. Monoamine oxidase inhibi- identify the pathology?
tors are widely used in clinics as
psychopharmacological drugs. They A. Pneumotachometry
change the level of the following B. Pneumography
neurotransmitter in the synapses: C. Spirometry
D. Spirography
A. Norepinephrine E. Spirometabolography
B. Acetylcholine
C. ATP 110. A 24-year-old patient with
D. Substance P catarrhal tonsillitis has ben admi-
E. L-glutamate nistered a drug from the group of
sulfonamides. Specify the mechanism
106. In the area being the epicenter of of sulfonamide antibacterial action:
the registered rabies cases among wild
animals a 43-year-old man presented to A. Competitive antagonism of PABA
a clinic and claimed to have been bitten B. Disruption of the cell wall protein
by a stray dog. He was given a course synthesis
of anti-rabies vaccine. This preparation C. Reduction of membrane permeabili-
relates to the following type of vacci- ty
nes: D. Inhibition of sulfhydryl groups of
thiol enzymes
A. Attenuated E. Protein coagulation
B. Inactivated
C. Molecular 111. A 39-year-old patient with arthri-
D. Toxoids tis of the temporomandibular joint has
E. Synthetic been administered diclofenac sodium.
It must be kept in mind that the side
107. During examination of a 3-month- effect of prolonged use of this drug is:
old infant a pediatrician revealed that
the baby’s oral mucosa and tongue A. Ulcerogenicity
were covered with a thick white B. Teratogenicity
deposit. In the material taken from the C. Ototoxicity
affected site a bacteriologist revealed D. Carcinogenicity
the presence of yeast fungi giving the E. Drug dependence
reasons for suspecting a fungal infecti-
on which occurs most often in children 112. A 36-year-old injured has an occi-
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 14

pital bone injury causing damage to the A. Pharyngeal

sigmoid sinus. What part of the bone is B. Tubal
damaged? C. Lingual
D. Palatine
A. Pars lateralis E. Palatine and tubal
B. Clivus
C. Pars basilaris 117. A 34-year-old patient has a hi-
D. Squama story of periodontitis. As a result of
E. - increased collagen degradation, there
is a significantly increased urinary
113. A 40-year-old patient presents excretion of one of the amino acids.
with abdominal pain, frequent loose Which one?
stools with mucus and blood. Stool
analysis revealed vegetative forms of A. Hydroxyproline
some protozoa sized 30-40 microns, wi- B. Valine
th short pseudopodia, containing large C. Alanine
amounts of phagocytosed erythrocytes. D. Glycine
What protozoan disease does the pati- E. Serine
ent have?
118. A 34-year-old injured is unable
A. Amebiasis to nod his head (impaired flexion and
B. Leishmaniasis extension of head). This is caused by
C. Trichomoniasis the dysfunction of the following joint:
D. Giardiasis
E. Toxoplasmosis A. Atlanto-occipital
B. Lateral atlanto-axial
114. A 49-year-old mae has mitral C. Median atlanto-axial
stenosis. What is the leading mechani- D. Zygapophysial
sm of heart failure in this case? E. -
A. Pressure overload 119. A 35-year-old patient had
B. Volume overload a cerebral injury that caused a
C. Myocardial tension hemorrhage in the region of the medi-
D. Myocardial injury al surface of the frontal gyrus and ci-
E. Fluid overload ngulate gyrus. What artery supplies
blood to the area of the hemorrhage
115. A 42-year-old patient has an localization?
inflammation of the inner ear. After
the examination, the doctor revealed A. Anterior cerebral
the affection of the first neuron bodi- B. Median cerebral
es of the auditory analyzer. Where are C. Basilar
they localized? D. Posterior cerebral
E. Anterior communicating
A. G. spirale
B. G. vestibulare 120. Osteolaterism is characterized by
C. G. geniculi a decrease in collagen strength caused
D. G. trigeminale by much less intensive formation of
E. G. ciliare cross-links in the collagen fibrils. This
phenomenon is caused by hypoactivity
116. Orthodontic treatment of a chi- of the following enzyme:
ld proved to be ineffective due to the
chronic mouth breathing since the nasal A. Lysyl oxidase
breathing is impaired. This is caused by B. Monoamino-oxidase
the hypertrophy of the following tonsi- C. Prolyl hydroxylase
ls: D. Lysyl hydroxylase
E. Collagenase
121. In some anaerobic bacteria
the pyruvate produced by glycolysis
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 15

is converted to the ethyl alcohol ssues). What type of hypersensitivity

(alcoholic fermentation). What is the reaction occurred in the patient?
biological significance of this process?
A. Type I (anaphylactic)
A. NAD+ replenishment B. Type II (antibody-dependent)
B. Lactate production C. Type III (immune complex)
C. ADP production D. Type IV (cell cytotoxicity)
D. Providing the cells with NADPH E. Type V (granulomatosis)
E. ATP production
126. Patients with erythropoietic
122. A 36-year-old female patient porphyria (Gunther’s disease ) have
who has been limiting the number of teeth that fluoresce red on exposure
foodstuffs in her diet for 3 months to ultraviolet light; photosensitive skin;
presents with a decrease in body wei- red urine. This disease is associated wi-
ght, deterioration of physical and th the lack of the following enzyme:
mental health, face edemata. These
changes may be caused by the defici- A. Uroporphyrinogen-III cosynthase
ency of the following nutrients: B. Uroporphyrinogen-I synthase
C. Delta-aminolevulinate synthase
A. Proteins D. Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
B. Vitamins E. Ferrochelatase
C. Fats
D. Carbohydrates 127. A 36-year-old patient with a
E. Micronutrients several year history of chronic pulpi-
tis had undergone tooth extracti-
123. A 29-year-old patient with bacteri- on. Microscopic examination of the
al pneumonia has been administered pulp revealed some deep-purple
penicillin. What is the mechanism of its structureless areas which can be
antimicrobial action? interpreted as:
A. Inhibition of cell walls synthesis in A. Dystrophic calcification
the microorganisms B. Metabolic calcification
B. Inhibition of intracellular protein C. Metastatic calcification
synthesis D. Lithiasis
C. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity E. Dental tartar
D. Inhibition of SH-groups of mi-
croorganism enzymes 128. A 34-year-old patient underwent
E. Antagonism of PABA a tooth extraction. The tooth crown
was of diamond shape and had four
124. Vitamin-like substance choline tubercles on the masticatory surface,
is contained in phospholipids which the tooth had three roots. What tooth
are the main components of biological was extracted?
membranes. What sulphur-containing
amino acid serves as the donor of A. The first maxillary molar
methyl groups for the synthesis of B. The first mandibular molar
choline? C. Second maxillary molar
D. The third maxillary molar
A. Methionine E. The second mandibular molar
B. Serine
C. Glycine 129. Examination of a 29-year-old pati-
D. Alanine ent revealed a dense, immobile, ill-
E. Threonine defined tumor-like formation in the
lower jaw. The overlying mucosa was
125. During anesthesia of the oral pale. Biopsy of the neoplasm revealed
mucosa a 37-year-old patient has had osteoid structures lined with atypical
anaphylactic reaction (widespread osteoblasts; numerous pathologic mi-
vasodilation, increased vascular totic figures; a great number of thin-
permeability with liquid exiting the walled vessels. What is the most likely
blood vessels and penetrating in the ti- diagnosis?
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 16

of the third branch of the trigemi-

A. Osteosarcoma nal nerve. This branch exits the skull
B. Osteoblastoclastoma through the following foramen:
C. Exacerbation of chronic osteomyeli-
tis A. Oval
D. Ameloblastoma B. Round
E. Primary jaw carcinoma C. Spinous
D. Jugular
130. Microscopic examination of a E. Sphenotic
skin tumor revealed that it invaded
the underlying tissue, destroyed it and 134. After restoration of maxllary inci-
formed nests and cords of atypical epi- sors with artificial crowns a 44-year-old
thelium which included some pearl-like female was found to have a brownish
formations. Specify the tumor: overgrowth in form of a node of 15 mm
in diameter. Histological study revealed
A. Keratinizing squamous cell carci- that under the stratified squamous epi-
noma thelium of gingiva there was a connecti-
B. Squamous cell non-keratinizing ve tissue mass with numerous sinusoi-
carcinoma dal vessels, oval-shaped mononuclear
C. Solid carcinoma cells forming osteoid substance, and
D. Adenocarcinoma polynuclear giant cells that destroyed
E. Medullary carcinoma the alveolar ridge of the upper jaw.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
131. A 38-year-old female patient
complains of bleeding gums, hali- A. Giant cell epulis
tosis, exposure of tooth necks. Objecti- B. Fibromatous epulis
vely: the patient has gingivitis, plaque C. Angiomatous epulis
and tartar. Inflammation involves the D. Gingival fibromatosis
alveolar part of gingiva with dental E. Eosinophilic granuloma
pockets. The bone tissue exhibits si-
gns of bone resorption. What pathology 135. In patients with glycogenolysis,
does the patient have? that is von Gierke’s disease, the
conversion of glucose-6-phosphate
A. Parodontitis into glucose is inhibited, which
B. Periostitis is accompanied by the improper
C. Periodontitis breakdown of glycogen in the liver. The
D. Gingivitis cause of this condition is the following
E. - enzyme deficiency:
132. A 9-year-old child has multiple A. Glucose-6-phosphatase
lesions of the oral mucosa in form B. Glycogen phosphorylase
of small painful hyperemic sores wi- C. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
th a white deposit in the center; D. Phosphofructokinase
enlarged and painful submandibular E. Phosphoglucomutase
lymph nodes. Microscopic examinati-
on of the affected region revealed a 136. What vitamin is a component of
superficial defect covered by fibrin; glutamic acid decarboxylase, partici-
edematic and hyperemic submucosa pates in the production of GABA, and
with inflammatory infiltration. What is its deficiency is manifested by seizures?
the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pyridoxine
A. Aphthous stomatitis B. Cobalamin
B. Hypertrophic stomatitis C. Tocopherol
C. Herpetic stomatitis D. Folic acid
D. Catarrhal gingivitis E. Ascorbic acid
E. -
137. A patient under examination is in a
133. A 38-year-old female patient has stage of rapid eye movement sleep. This
been diagnosed with inflammation is confirmed by the following waves
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 17

registered by EEG: A. Convection

B. Heat conduction
A. Beta waves C. Conduction
B. Alpha waves D. Radiation
C. Delta waves E. Evaporation
D. Theta waves
E. Alpha spindles 142. After arriving in the polar regi-
on, researchers from Australia have
138. A 48-year-old patient has been complained of nervous disorders, loss
found to have an increase in the of appetite, aggravation of chronic di-
concentration of thyroid hormones in seases for 6 months. What process has
blood. Microscopy of a biopsy sample been disrupted in extreme conditions?
from the thyroid gland is likely to reveal
the following morphological changes A. Adaptation
affecting the following cells: B. Tolerance
C. Tachyphylaxis
A. Increase in the thyrocyte height D. Stress
B. Decrease in the thyrotrope height E. Reparation
C. Decrease in the parathyrocyte size
D. Decrease in the thyrocyte height 143. A female who had been conti-
E. Changes in hormone concentrations nuously taking antibiotics for an intesti-
will have no effect on the morphology nal infection developed a complicati-
of the thyroid gland cells on manifested by inflammation of the
oral mucosa and white deposit. Bacteri-
139. During AB0 blood grouping by ological study of the deposit samples
using coliclons (diagnostic monoclonal revealed yeast fungi Candida albicans.
antibodies), haemagglutination did not Which of the following medications
occur with any of the coliclons. What is indicated for the treatment of this
is the blood group of the patient under complication?
A. Fluconazole
A. 0 (I) B. Biseptol
B. A (II) C. Tetracycline
C. B (III) D. Furazolidone
D. AB (IV) E. Polymyxin
E. - 144. A histological specimen
140. During reproduction of some of submandibular salivary gland
RNA-containing viruses that cause represents basket cells from which
tumors in animals, genetic informati- some processes radiate and embrace
on can be transmitted in the opposite the secretory unit. Contraction of
direction from the RNA to the DNA the processes of these cells helps in
via a specific enzyme. The enzyme of expelling secretions from the lumen of
reverse transcription is called: secretory units and moving them to the
system of excretory ducts. Name these
A. Reverse transcriptase cells:
B. DNA polymerase
C. Ligase A. Myoepithelial cells
D. Primase B. Serous cells
E. Topoisomerase C. Mucocytes
D. Adipocytes
141. In a hot weather, the microcli- E. Epithelial cells
mate in hot rooms is often normalized
by fans. At the same time heat radi- 145. After an infectious disease a 21-
ation from the human body increases year-old patient exhibits the inability to
through: rotate his head in the direction opposi-
te to the affected region. What nerve
has been damaged?
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 18

A. Accessory A. Respiratory alkalosis

B. Vagus B. Carbon dioxide acidosis
C. Infrascapular C. Erythropenia
D. Transverse cervical nerve D. Polycythemia
E. Thoracodorsal E. Reduced oxygen capacity of blood
146. The surgically excised connective 150. A 49-year-old patient has a tumor
tissue of the deformed mitral valve gi- of the ventral surface of the pons. An
ves a basophilic reaction when stained impaired blood flow will be observed in
with hematoxylin and eosin. When stai- the following artery:
ned with toluidine blue, it turns purple
(metachromasia). What changes of the A. A. basilaris
connective tissue can be detected by B. A. carotis interna
these reactions? C. A. cerebri media
D. A. cerebri anterior
A. Mucoid edema E. A. communicans posterior
B. Fibrinoid necrosis of connective
tissue 151. Pyruvic acid as an intermediate
C. Connective tissue edema metabolite of carbohydrate, lipid and
D. Petrification amino acid metabolism can undergo
E. Hyalinosis oxidative decarboxylation. The cause
of this process is the lack of the followi-
147. An animal had been intensively ng nutrient in the diet:
fed with carbohydrates. Histological
examination of its liver revealed a si- A. Thiamin
gnificant number of glycogen granules. B. Pyridoxine
Glycogen relates to the following group C. Ascorbic acid
of cell structures: D. Citrine
E. Pangamic acid
A. Trophic granules
B. Secretory granules 152. In case of some helminthiases, an
C. Excretory granules affected person can detect helminth hi-
D. Pigment granules mself because mature segments of the
E. Special-purpose organelles causative agent are able to crawl out of
the anus. This is typical for the followi-
148. If a trait is determined mostly ng disease:
by genetic factors, the percentage
of concordance between the twins is A. Beef tapeworm infection
much higher in monozygotic twins B. Pork tapeworm infection
than in dizygotic ones. What is the C. Hymenolepiasis
percentage of blood group concordance D. Bothriocephaliasis
in monozygotic twins? E. Echinococcosis

A. 100% 153. A patient has an inflammation in

B. 75% the pterygopalatine fossa. The infecti-
C. 50% on has spread to the nasal cavity. What
D. 25% anatomic structure has the infection
E. 0% penetrated through?

149. During auscultation a 26-year-old A. Foramen sphenopalatinum

patient was asked to breathe deep. B. Foramen rotundum
After 10 breaths the patient lost consci- C. Canalis palatinus major
ousness, which is associated with the D. Canalis palatinus minor
development of the following conditi- E. Canalis ptherygoideus
on: 154. Histological examination of a ti-
ssue sample revealed that the tissue
had no blood vessels, and the cells were
packed tightly together making layers.
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 19

Specify this tissue: embryonal development is it?

A. Epithelial A. Blastocyst
B. Cartilaginous B. Zygote
C. Osseous C. Mulberry body
D. Nervous D. Neurula
E. Muscular E. Gastrula
155. A 32-year-old patient has 160. A 31-year-old patient has deep
B2 hypovitaminosis. The specific caries of the fifth maxillary tooth on
symptoms such as epithelial, mucosal, the right. Acute purulent inflammati-
skin and corneal lesions are most likely on in the region of the tooth apex has
to be caused by the deficiency of: developed. There is marked edema wi-
th isolated neutrophils in the perifocal
A. Flavin coenzymes tissues and soft tissues of cheek and
B. Cytochrome a1 palate. Diagnose the pathologic process
C. Cytochrome oxidase in the soft tissues of cheek and palate:
D. Cytochrome b
E. Cytochrome c A. Acute serous inflammation
B. Acute suppurative periodontitis
156. A 24-year-old injured has a C. Acute suppurative periostitis
fracture in the middle third of the II D. Phlegmon
rib. The fracture is accompanied by the E. -
dysfunction of the following muscle:
161. Microscopy of a dental plaque
A. M. scalenus posterior revealed a large number of cocci
B. M. sternocleidomastoideus arranged in pairs and strings, as well
C. M. sternohyoideus as Gram-positive bacilli which were li-
D. M. scalenus medius kely to be the cause of cariogenesis.
E. M. subclavius What microorganism associations are
involved in the development of dental
157. Diphtheria exotoxin had been caries?
treated with 0,3-0,4% formalin and
kept in a thermostat for 30 days at a A. S.mutans streptococci and lactobaci-
temperature of 40oC . What preparation lli
was obtained as a result of these mani- B. S.salyvarius streptococci and
pulations? lactobacilli
C. S.mutans streptococci and
A. Anatoxin corynebacteria
B. Antitoxin D. S.aureus and lactobacilli
C. Diagnosticum E. S.salyvarius streptococci and
D. Therapeutic serum enterococci
E. Diagnostic serum
162. Autopsy of a dead man with no fi-
158. Examination of a 28-year-old pati- xed abode revealed the aneurysm of
ent with hepatocerebral degenerati- the ascending aorta. Microscopy of
on revealed an impairment of the middle tunica of aorta revealed
ceruloplasmin synthesis. This defect lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrates,
is associated with the following plasma cells, fibroblast cells with some
organelles: Pirogov-Langhans cells, endovasculitis.
A. Granular endoplasmic reticulum What disease should be suspected?
B. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum A. Syphilis
C. Mitochondria B. Atherosclerosis
D. Lysosomes C. Rheumatism
E. Golgi complex D. Essential hypertension
159. In the uterine cavity an embryo E. Tuberculosis
was found that was not attached 163. A man visited Lebanon. Soon after
to the endometrium. What stage of
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 20

return he felt pain and heaviness in A. Ulcerated cavernous hemangioma

the perineum and suprapubic region. B. Secondary rhabdomyosarcoma
On examination he was diagnosed with C. Squamous cell non-keratinizing
urogenital schistosomiasis. In what way carcinoma
could he become infected? D. Osteoblastoclastoma
E. Ulcerated melanoma
A. By swimming in contaminated
waters 167. For the treatment of periostitis a
B. By eating unwashed fruit and 35-year-old patient should be admini-
vegetables stered an antibiotic with a high ability
C. By eating insufficiently salted fish to penetrate into the bone tissue. Speci-
D. By eating undercooked meat of fy this drug:
E. By eating undercooked meat of A. Doxycycline hydrochloride
crayfish and crabs B. Streptomycin
C. Erythromycin
164. Loose fibrous connective tissue of D. Chloramphenicol
salivary glands contains oval average- E. Kanamycin
sized cells which synthesize antibodies.
The cells have round eccentric nucleus 168. A patient with a severe maxi-
and "spoke-wheel"chromatin pattern llofacial trauma has been delivered to
made by small clumps of chromatin. the emergency department. What drug
What are these cells called? should be given this patient to relieve
pain shock?
A. Plasma cells
B. Adipocytes A. Promedol
C. Neutrophils B. Sydnocarb
D. Fibroblasts C. Ibuprofen
E. Macrophages D. Pantogam
E. Mydocalm
165. A physician performs the anteri-
or transverse cervical skin incision for 169. After using a toothpaste a 27-
urgent tracheotomy. He should keep in year-old patient has developed Qui-
mind the probability of damaging the ncke’s edema. Administer a drug from
following vessel: the group of histamine H1-receptor
antagonists for the treatment of this
A. Arcus venosus juguli condition:
B. V.jugularis externa
C. V.jugularis interna A. Dimedrol
D. V.facialis B. Paracetamol
E. V.thyroidea media C. Digoxin
D. Chlorpromazine
166. A 12-year-old girl has a bleeding E. Analgin
ulcer 5 mm in diameter which is locali-
zed on the mouth floor. The ulcer is 170. A 47-year-old patient with
surrounded by bright-red tissue that symptoms of severe intoxication and
turns white when pressed. Microscopic respiratory failure died. A section of
examination of a biopsy sample reveals lung tissue had a mottled pattern wi-
a tumor constituted by a number of th multiple small focal hemorrhages
large cavities filled with blood. The and foci of emphysema. Histologi-
cavities are lined with endothelial cells. cal examination revealed hemorrhagic
Between the cavities there is stroma bronchopneumonia accompanied by
represented by the loose connective ti- abscess; the cytoplasm of bronchi-
ssue. What is the most likely diagnosis? al epithelial cells had eosinophil and
basophil inclusions. According to the
section analysis, make your diagnosis:
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 21

A. Influenza A. Hemiplegia
B. Adenovirus infection B. Paraplegia
C. Parainfluenza C. Tetraplegia
D. Respiratory syncytial D. Monoplegia
E. Staphylococcal bronchopneumonia E. Flaccid paralysis
171. A 64-year-old male patient died 174. A 36-year-old patient underwent
with symptoms of acute cardiovascular tooth extraction at a dental clinic. After
failure. Autopsy results: the section of two weeks the stratified squamous
the anterior wall of the left ventricle epithelium regenerated at this site.
showed a yellowish flaccid 1,5-2 cm What organelles were involved in the
focus surrounded by a reddish rim. restoration of the mucous membrane?
The convoluted coronary arteries had
lumen irregularly narrowed by 75%. A. Ribosomes
The vessel intima was thickened, dense, B. Centrosomes
covered with whitish plaques, crunched C. Postlysosomes
when cut. What disease can you think D. Smooth EPR
of? E. Mitochondria
A. Acute myocardial infarction 175. A 23-year-old patient consulted
B. Continuously recurrent myocardial an oculist about vision impairment. Vi-
infarction sual activity was corrected by means
C. Postinfarction cardiosclerosis of lenticular lenses. Specify the type of
D. Microfocal cardiosclerosis dysfunction of the visual analyzer in
E. Recurrent myocardial infarction this patient:

172. During an abdominal surgery a A. Hyperopia

46-year-old patient working at a meat B. Myopia
processing plant was found to have C. Daltonism
a very dense roundish formation 11 D. Night-blindness
cm in diameter which was localized E. Astigmatism
in the right lobe of the liver. The
cross-section of the formation has a 176. A 36-year-old patient had had a
porous appearance due to a large traumatic brain injury which caused a
number of small vesicles with layers of swallowing impairment. Which part of
dense connective tissue. The surroundi- brain was affected?
ng tissues have visible necrotic areas A. Medulla oblongata
and proliferation of granulation tissue B. Mesencephalon
including many eosinophils and foreign C. Diencephalon
body giant cells. What disease can be D. Reticular formation
thought of in this case? E. Thalamus
A. Echinococcus multilocularis 177. A 42-year-old patient with gastric
B. Malaria ulcer has a disbalance between the
C. Hepatitis aggressive and defensive factors. Whi-
D. Hepatic rhabdomyosarcoma ch of the following factors contributes
E. Calculous cholecystitis to the development of gastric ulcer?
173. During a hypertensive crisis A. Helicobacter pylori
a patient has had a hemorrhagic B. Mucin
stroke resulting in a lack of voluntary C. Hydrocarbonate
movements, increased tendon reflexes D. Prostaglandin
and muscle tone of the left arm and leg. E. Prostacyclin
What is this motor dysfunction called?
178. A 45-year-old patient with an 8-
year history of tuberculosis died in a
hospital of chronic renal failure. At
autopsy, the kidneys were enlarged,
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 22

the cross-section surface looked greasy, A. Gamma-carbon glutamine

histological study revealed profuse B. Alanine
deposits of structureless homogeneous C. Gamma-aminobutyric
eosinophilic masses exhibiting marked D. Carboxy aspargine
metachromasia when stained with E. Delta-aminopropionic
Congo red. What pathological process
developed in the kidneys? 182. A 47-year-old male patient
consulted a dentist about difficult
A. Secondary amyloidosis mouth opening (lockjaw). The patient
B. Hematogenous renal tuberculosis has a history of a stab wound of the
C. Acute glomerulonephritis lower extremity. What infection can be
D. Toxic nephritis against the manifested by these symptoms?
background of antibiotic therapy
E. Nephrosclerosis A. Tetanus
B. Brucellosis
179. Autopsy of a dead 6-year-old chi- C. Whooping cough
ld revealed a marked edema of the D. Anaerobic wound infection
soft tissues of neck and enlarged tonsi- E. Tularemia
ls. Pharyngeal mucosa was covered
with numerous dense whitish-yellow 183. In the solution being used for
pellicles exposing deep ulcers after perfusing the isolated heart of rat, the
their removal. Histological exami- K + concentration has been increased
nation of the pharyngeal mucosa to 8 mmol/L. What changes in the heart
revealed necrosis of the upper epitheli- are to be expected?
al layers, impregnation of the mucous
memrane with the fibrinous exudate A. Diastolic arrest
and moderate leukocyte infiltration. B. Systolic arrest
What infectious disease caused the C. Heart force increase
death of the child? D. Heart rate increase
E. There will be no changes
A. Diphtheria
B. Parainfluenza 184. After a patient had taken a blocki-
C. Scarlet fever ng agent, his heart rate (HR) increased.
D. Whooping cough Pressing on the eyeballs didn’t result
E. Measles in the expected reflectory decrease in
heart rate. What exactly was blocked
180. A severe injury in a 36-year-old by the drug in the pacemaker cells?
patient resulted in a significant blood
loss which was accompanied by a blood A. M-cholinergic receptors
pressure drop. What hormones provide B. α1 -adrenergic receptors
rapid recovery of blood pressure after C. β -adrenergic receptors
the blood loss? D. Ca2+ -L-type channels
E. Fast Na+ channels
A. Adrenalin, vasopressin
B. Cortisol 185. A 36-year-old male patient
C. Sex hormones frequently has herpes sores on the lips
D. Oxytocin and oral mucosa. Infection recurrences
E. Aldosterone are associated with the persistence of
the virus in the body. The herpes si-
181. Calcification of dental tissues is mplex virus is most likely to reside in:
significantly influenced by osteocalcin
protein which has an ability to bind A. Nerve ganglia
calcium ions due to the presence of the B. Salivary glands
following modified amino acid residues C. Lymph nodes
in the polypeptide chain: D. Airway epithelium
E. Gonads
186. A 32-year-old patient undergoi-
ng dental examination was found to
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 23

have some rash-like lesions resembli- notch in the cutting edge. Lymph nodes
ng secondary syphilis in the oral cavi- are not changed. What is the provisi-
ty. The patient was referred for the onal diagnosis?
serological study with the purpose of
diagnosis confirmation. In order to A. Late congenital syphilis
detect antibodies in the serum, living B. Early congenital syphilis
Treponema were used as diagnosticum. C. Tertiary syphilis
What serological test was performed? D. Fluorosis
E. Rickets
A. Immobilization
B. Neutralization 190. A 36-year-old injured with a knife
C. Complement binding wound of neck has bleeding. The blood
D. Precipitation is dark. During the wound management
E. Passive hemagglutination it was revealed that a vessel in the
anterior part of the neck below the
187. A 69-year-old male patient hyoid bone was damaged. Identify this
got a small plaque with subsequent vessel:
ulceration on the skin of the lower
eyelid. The formation was removed. A. V. jugularis anterior
Microscopic examination of dermis B. V. jugularis interna
revealed complexes of atypical epitheli- C. A. carotis externa
al cells arranged perpendicularly to the D. A. carotis communis
basal membrane on the periphery. The E. V. jugularis externa
cells were dark, of polygonal prismatic
shape with hyperchromic nuclei with a 191. ECG of a 46-year-old patient
high mitotic rate. What is the histologi- shows an increase in the QRS durati-
cal form of carcinoma in this patient? on. This might be caused by:

A. Basal cell carcinoma A. Increased ventricular activation time

B. Keratinizing squamous cell carci- B. Conduction disturbances in the AV
noma node
C. Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carci- C. Increased atrial excitability
noma D. Increased atrial and ventricular
D. Adenocarcinoma excitability
E. Undifferentiated E. Increased atrial activation time

188. A 35-year-old female patient has 192. A 36- year-old patient has gastric
HIV at the AIDS stage. On the skin ulcer (with increased acidity). Which of
of the lower extremities and palatine the listed below drugs will reduce the
mucosa there appeared rusty red spots, secretion of hydrochloric acid with a
bright red nodules of various sizes. One minimum of side effects?
of the nodules was taken for histologi- A. Famotidine
cal study. It revealed a lot of randomly B. Atropine
distributed thin-walled vessels lined wi- C. Pirenzepine
th endothelium, the bundles of spindle D. Almagel
cells containing hemosiderin. What ki- E. -
nd of tumor developed in the patient?
193. A histological specimen represents
A. Kaposi’s sarcoma an organ whose wall consists of the
B. Hemangioma mucosa, submucosa, fibrocartilage and
C. Burkitt’s lymphoma adventitious cartilage. The organ is li-
D. Lymphangioma ned by pseudostratified ciliary epitheli-
E. Fibrosarcoma um, the muscular layer of the mucosa
189. A dentist examined a 5-year-old is absent, the submucosa contains
boy and found him to have a saddle seromucous glands. Hyaline cartilage
nose, high-arched palate, natiform C-rings are present. What organ has the
skull. Both front maxillary incisors are described morphological characteristi-
peg-shaped and have a crescent-shaped cs?
Кrok 1 Stomatology (англомовнi студенти) 2014 рiк 24

this process should be administered

A. Trachea as a part of therapeutic interventions
B. Bronchiole intended for the treatment of generali-
C. Secondary bronchus zed periodontitis?
D. Terminal bronchiole
E. Larynx A. Tocopherol, ascorbate
B. Riboflavin, pyridoxine
194. A 28-year-old patient complains of C. Calciferol, naphthoquinone
frequent gingival haemorrhages. Blood D. Thiamin, folate
test revealed the clotting factor II E. Cobalamin, pantothenic acid
(prothrombin) deficiency. What phase
of blood coagulation is impaired in this 198. Microscopic examination of the
patient? biopsy sample taken from a deformed
upper jaw bone revealed areas of bone
A. Thrombin generation resorption and replacement of bone
B. Vascular-platelet haemostasis tissue by randomly arranged bundles
C. Fibrinolysis of mature collagen fibers with spindle
D. Clot retraction and stellate cells; primitive structure of
E. - trabeculae; myxomatous foci. What is
the most likely diagnosis?
195. A patient with alcohol-induced
liver injury has an impairment of bi- A. Fibrous osteodysplasia
otransformation of xenobiotics and B. Osteoma
endogenous toxic compounds. These C. Osteoblastosarcoma
changes are likely to be caused D. Osteoporosis
by hypoactivity of the following E. Osteosarcoma
199. A 35-year-old patient complains of
A. Cytochrome P-450 pain in the upper jaw, bleeding, a sli-
B. Hemoglobin ght loosening of teeth. He has been
C. Cytochrome oxidase diagnosed with periodontitis. What is
D. Cytochrome b a typical pathological process in this
E. Cytochrome c1 case?
196. A 4-year-old child has purulent A. Inflammation
inflammation of the middle ear. The B. Bleeding
pathological process has spread to the C. Caries
artery that borders the anterior wall D. Pain
of the tympanic cavity. What vessel is E. Redness
involved in the pathological process?
200. With the purpose of analgesia, a
A. A. carotis interna narcotic analgesic has been used with
B. A. carotis externa a benzodiazepine drug. What drug has
C. A. meningea media been used to potentiate analgesia?
D. A. auricularis posterior
E. A. temporalis superfacialis A. Diazepam
B. Chlorprothixene
197. Activation of free radical processes C. Triftazin
is a universal mechanism that tri- D. Carbamazepine
ggers cell death. What inhibitors of E. Imizinum

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