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Trrarmem ( 1989).

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Jounml of Drrtno~ok~gicol 0 Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 1989

Azelaic acid: pharmacology, toxicology and mechanism of action in acne

A Mayer-da-Silva
Univrrsily of Lisbon, Porrugal


Azelaic acid (1.7-heptadicarboxylic acid, AA, shorter-time penetration after tape-stripping of the skin.’*
COOH-(CH,),-COOH) is a naturally occurring However, the percutaneous absorption in man seems to
saturated straight chained C,-dicarboxylic acid with a be very low (Schering AG. Berlin, personal communica-
molecular weight of 188.22. Azelaic acid (AA) can be tion).
prepared by disruptive oxidative processes of oleic acid’
and also produced by fermentative actions of different
J Dermatolog Treat Downloaded from by Kainan University on 04/04/15

micro-organisms on unsaturated fatty acids.’ Topical AA Mechanisms of action in acne

has proven therapeutic efficacy in acne,’-’’ and several
reports confirm AA as a potent drug for the treatment of Acne is a disease of the ‘sebaceous’ follicle (Figure 1). The
hyperpigmentary disorders such as chloasma, melasma, disease afflicts a high proportion of the population, at a
post-inflammatory melan~derrna,”-’~and lentigo very sensitive and socially active period of life. The
maligna m e I a n ~ m a . ’ ~However,
-’~ the exact basis for its clinical importance of the disease comes out of its
mode of action is still unknown. potential to produce the social and cosmetic problems.
This article reviews the pharmacology and toxicology While acne is often mild, in some cases it results in
of AA. as well as its mechanism of action in acne. significant scars. The evolution of acne is under hormonal
control, but several additional factors are obviously
For personal use only.

Pharmacology The pathophysiology of acne includes several well-
known processes including an increase in sebum produc-
AA has been administered as a pure compound to tion, follicular hyperkeratosis and perifollicular
humans orally, and as sodium salts by intravenous and inflammation resulting from microbial enzymatic
intralymphatic infusion. It has also been incorporated in activity.
cream preparations for topical use.
After oral administration to healthy individuals,” 60%
of AA is excreted unchanged in the urine during the first
12 hours, independent of the dose administered. At a high
dose (0.5 g) only a few milligrams of AA can be recovered
from urine collected during the subsequent 12 hours. AA
is not excreted in a conjugated form and does not induce
changes in urine pH, glucose or ketone bodies. Peak
serum levels are reached after 2 hours of oral administra-
tion; after 8 hours levels are negligible. AA is not
detectable in faeces.
The fate and distribution of unexcreted AA has been
studied in rats. Radio-labelled AA can be detected in all
body tissues, with highest concentrations found in the
liver, lung and kidneys 12 hours after oral administration.
The level of radioactivity then slowly decreases in all
organs, with the exception of adipose tissue, in which the
levels increase up to 96 hours. In tissue lipids, the
radioactivity was localized mainly in the fatty acid
portion of the triglycerides and phospholipids. These
findings strongly suggest that AA undergoes metabolic
transformation via p-oxidation, producing malonyl CoA
and acetyl CoA (Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle and
malonyl CoA is a precursor in fatty acids and cholesterol
After topical application, the drug penetrates the
human epidermis in a time-dependent fashion, with

Figure 1 Electron micrograph of the acro-infundibular epithelium

Correspondence: Dr A Mayer-da-Silva, Department of Dermatology. (granular and horny layers) in an acne patient. Note the horny cell
University of Lisbon, Hospital de Santa Maria, P 1699 Lisboa Codex, layers, containing abundant lipid droplets. Note also ‘the s i a ,
Portugal number and orientation of the kcratohyaline granules. ( X 9490)

There is evidence that AA creams do produce beneficial autoradiographic labeling indices. This rebound effect
effects in acne,’-’’ although the mechanisms through was due to a temporary augmentation of semi-
which the drug produces its beneficial action on acne are conservative DNA synthesis and was not caused by a
not fully known. However, several mechanisms of drug DNA repair mechanism itself.
action have been investigated with the use of both in vivo AA also decreases protein synthesis of cultured
and in vitro systems. keratinocytes, particularly of the high-salt-soluble frac-
AA does not appear to affect the sebum excretion rate tions, the keratohyaline macro-aggregates and the non-
in patients with acne or seborrhoea or in patients with cross-linked fibrous proteins. In the cyostolic fractions
normal skin.’’-” After 12 weeks of topical treatment, no there was a decrease in the 95 K D and 36 K D proteins.
significant differences in sebum-excretion rates could be Electrophoresis demonstrates that the membrane pro-
detected by Gassmuller et on comparison of drug- teins are not affected.
treated and placebo-treated sides of the face in the same These results clearly showed that AA does not inhibit
individuals. The placebo consisted of the basetream used protein synthesis in general but exerts its action in a
as a vehicle for the drug. The same authors found that AA selective manner which has not yet been completely
did not alter sebum composition, as measured by thin- identified. Electron-microscopic analysis of the cultured
layer gas-chromatography analysis of sebum samples cells revealed mitochondrial damage (with swelling, pro-
extracted before and after treatment. gressive absence of the mitochondrial cristae and rarefac-
AA also does not exert any direct influence on the size tion of the matrix) and enlargement of the rough endo-
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and numbers of the individual lobules of human se- plasmic reticulum in a dose- and time-dependent fashion.
baceous glands. This conclusion is based upon a histo- After discontinuation of treatment, the keratinocytes
planimetric study conducted by Parry,” in which the progressively recovered their normal structure. The body
number and size of sebaceous glands in normal individ- of experiments performed by our group suggests that AA
uals, as well as those with acne and seborrhoea were acts on the keratinocytes by a cytostatic mode of action,
measured before and after treatment with a cream specifically inhibiting the synthesis of cytoplasmic pro-
containing AA and with the cream base alone. teins related to the terminal differentiation process of the
Several studies performed by our groupa-” lead us to epidermis (keratoyaline granules, filaggrin and non-
the conclusion that AA modulates epidermal differ- cross-linked proteins) and targeting mitochondria and
entiation in vivo and has a marked anti-proliferative rough endoplasmic reticulum.
For personal use only.

cytostatic effect on in vitro cultured keratinocytes. The AA possesses bacteriostatic properties against a variety
in vitro system used was a well-established model for of organisms, including Propionibacterium acnes,
screening drugs and drug-related effects.” Rach et a]” Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epider-
also found some modulating effects of AA on keratiniza- midis.”-” Our electron-microscopic studies in acne-
tion, using an animal model. The influence of AA on bearing skin before and after treatment supports the
epidermal keratinization in vivo was evaluated by elect- anti-microbial activity of AA. Comedones obtained
ron microscopy and immunocytochemistry on specimens before AA treatment were always filled with abundant fat
obtained from 24 subjects participating in a clinical droplets with varying electron density, horny material,
double-blind half-side placebo-controlled trial. The drug- multitudes of bacteria and clusters of ovoid yeast spores
treated side was always compared with the placebo- (Figure 2). In comedones obtained after treatment the
treated side. AA induced marked alterations in the follicular channel still contained abundant fat droplets
epidermis of both the follicular and interfollicular epider- and a little horny material, but the numbers of bacteria
mis, affecting particularly the terminal phases of epider- and spores were dramatically decreased (Figure 3).
mal differentiation. The number and size of these One potentially important factor in the pathogenesis of
keratohyaline granules were decreased by AA, which also acne is the stimulation of sebum production by and-
induced enlargement of the rough endoplasmic reticulum,
swelling of the mitochondria, abnormal distribution of
the tonofilaments and intercellular oedema. In the acro-
infundibular areas the thickness of the horny layers was
markedly reduced, and several horny cells showed a wide
and irregular distribution of their cytoplasmic content.
Using immunocytochemistry, we were able to show that
the terminal phases of keratinization were dramatically
affected by AA, in that the filaggrin distribution in acne
and seborrhoeic skin returned to normal.
In vitro, AA inhibited DNA synthesis in cultured
keratinocytes in a concentration-dependent manner.
There was a 50% inhibition of DNA synthesis, as
measured by ’H-thymidine incorporation, with a concen-
tration of AA of 20 mmol/l. AA markedly reduced the
number of DNA-synthesizing cells at a concentration of
20-50 mmol/l, but in a concentration of 10 mmol/l AA
did not have any anti-proliferative action. The onset of
the anti-proliferative effect was very quick, and it reached
a maximum after 4 hours. The drug-induced effects were
reversible within 2 hours after discontinuation of AA Figure 2 Electron micrograph of a follicular channel of an
exposure. Thereafter a rebound effect was observed, with untreated acne patient. Huge numbers of bacteria and P ovrrle (PO)
progressive increase of ’H-thymidine incorporation and arc Ken. ( x 20.500)

ing and/or pruritic sensations.2' Oral, intravenous or

intralymphatic infusion of AA are also free of any
deleterious effects.
Mingrone et ale carried out a series of experiments in
Wistar rats and New Zealand rabbits to study the acute
toxicity of AA after oral and intraperitoneal administra-
tion; the sub-acute and chronic toxicity of AA given by
oral administration, the fetal and neonatal toxicity, and
the potential teratogenicity of the drug. They have
concluded that AA is not a toxic drug. They were unable
to determine any LD, for the drug; despite the high single
dose given to animals, no mortality attributable to the
action of AA could be found. Furthermore, AA was well
tolerated following, and had no toxic effects during,
continuous oral administration. Young rats and rabbits
maintained normal body weight curves during prolonged
daily oral and intraperitoneal treatment with AA. AA
produced no harmful effect on fetuses and new-born
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Figure 3 Electron micrograph of a follicular channel of an acne animals, even when administered in high dosages during
patient after 3 months of AA topical treatment. After the treatment pregnancy and suckling periods.
the follicular channel is filled with fatty droplets and desquamative Pathak et a14' reported no selective cytotoxic or
horny cells, but bacteria and yeasts are rarely found. ( x 9430)
inhibitory effect of topically applied AA on melanin
formation in uniformly pigmented black guinea pig skin.
The influence of AA on blood glucose, renal excretion
rogens, particularly by dihydrotestosterone. This hor- and on the cardiovascular system of rats or guinea pigs
mone represents the last step in the metabolic chain of the was also studied (Dr M Topert, Schering AG, Berlin,
androgens; it is produced in the skin by the enzymatic personal communication). AA induced no changes in
degradation of testosterone by 5-a reductase. blood-glucose concentration or renal excretion in rats,
For personal use only.

Stamadiadis et aY9showed that AA is a potent inhibitor of and had no effect on arterial blood pressure and the heart
5-a reductase. However, as sebum production is not rate of guinea pigs or on the rate and force of contraction
affected by AA, the true role of any reductase inhibition is of isolated guinea pig atrium and isolated papillary
in doubt. muscle.
In contrast to the lack of activity of AA on normal
human or animal tissues, the drug exerts marked
Toxicology cytotoxic effects on hyperactive, transformed and malig-
nant melanocytes both in vivo and in v i t r ~ . ' ~ . ' ~ . ' ~ - ~
Toxicology studies indicate that AA is a remarkably safe Identical cytotoxic effects were seen on cultured
drug in both humans and animals. No hypo- or hyper- lymphoma- and leukemia-derived cell lines, while, at the
pigmentation, allergic reactions or major skin alterations same concentrations, AA had no toxicity on normal
have been reported after short- or long-term applications cultured lymphocyte^.^' The exact mechanism of this
of AA-containing creams on normal human skin. How- cytotoxic action is under investigation, but it has been
ever, transitory irritative effects have occurred in a few suggested that the mode of action is related to the
individuals. They consist of discrete erythema and/or fine interference by AA with the mitochondria1 oxido-
pityriasiform scales sometimes associated with mild burn- reductase enzyme^.'^-^.


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