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Live Quiz- 3rd month Birthday Unacademy profile-
20 Questions

1. A 3-day-old male infant has a small area of the right iris

missing, and a diagnosis of coloboma of the iris is made.
Which of the following is the most likely embryologic cause
of the coloboma?

a) A. Failure of the retinal/choroid ssure to b) B. Abnormal neural crest formation

c) C. Abnormal interactions between the d) D. Posterior chamber cavitation
optic vesicle and ectoderm

e) E. Weak adhesion between the inner and

outer layers of the optic vesicle

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

2. A 2-month-old male infant presents with a small pit at the
anterior border of his left sternocleidomastoid muscle, with
mucus dripping intermittently from the opening. The pit
extended to the tonsillar fossa as a branchial stula. Which
of the following embryologic structure(s) is (are) involved in
this anomaly?

a) A. Second pharyngeal arch b) B. Second pharyngeal pouch and groove

c) C. Third pharyngeal pouch d) D. Thyroglossal duct

e) E. Second pharyngeal pouch and cervical

3. The arterial circle (of Willis) contributes greatly to cerebral

arterial circulation when one primary artery becomes
occluded by atherosclerotic disease. Which of the following
vessels does not contribute to the circle?

a) A. Anterior communicating artery b) B. Posterior communicating artery

c) C. Middle cerebral artery d) D. Internal carotid artery

e) E. Posterior cerebral artery

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

4. A 30-year-old man su ered a superior gluteal nerve injury
in a motorcycle crash in which his right lower limb was
caught beneath the bike. He is stabilized in the emergency
department. Later he is examined and he exhibits a
waddling gait and a positive Trendelenburg sign. Which of
the following would be the most likely physical nding in
this patient?

a) A. Di culty in standing from a sitting b) B. The left side of the pelvis droops or sags
position when he attempts to stand with his weight
supported just by the right lower limb

c) . c The right side of the pelvis droops or d) D. Weakened exion of the right hip
sags when he attempts to stand with his
weight supported just by the left lower
e) E. Di culty in sitting from a standing

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

5. A 52-year-old female band director su ered problems in
her right arm several days after strenuous eld exercises
for a major athletic tournament. Examination in the
orthopedic clinic reveals wrist drop and weakness of grasp
but normal extension of the elbow joint. There is no loss of
sensation in the a ected limb. Which nerve was most likely
a ected?

a) A. Ulnar b) B. Anterior interosseous

c) C. Posterior interosseous d) D. Median
e) E. Super cial radial

6. In a 35-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on day

a) (a) 12 b) (B) 14
c) (C) 17 d) (d) 21

e) (e) 28

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

7. Which of the following substances acts on its target cells via
an inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3)–Ca2+ mechanism?

a) (a) Somatomedins acting on chondrocytes b) (B) Oxytocin acting on myoepithelial cells

of the breast
c) (C) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) acting on d) (d) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
the renal collecting duct acting on the adrenal cortex
e) (e) Thyroid hormone acting on skeletal

8. Which of the following would cause an increase in

glomerular ltration rate (GFR)?

a) (a) Constriction of the a erent arteriole b) (B) Constriction of the e erent arteriole
c) (C) Constriction of the ureter d) (d) Increased plasma protein concentration
e) (e) Infusion of inulin

9. Compared with the base of the lung, in a person who is

standing, the apex of the lung has

a) (a) a higher ventilation rate b) (B) a higher perfusion rate

c) (C) a higher ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) d) (d) the same V/Q ratio
e) (e) a lower pulmonary capillary PO2

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

10. A 28-year-old man who is receiving lithium treatment for
bipolar disorder becomes polyuric. His urine osmolarity is
90 mOsm/L; it remains at that level when he is given a nasal
spray of dDAVP. Which diagnosis is correct?

a) (a) Primary polydipsia b) (B) Central diabetes insipidus

c) (C) Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus d) (d) Water deprivation
e) (e) Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone (SIADH

11. A 48-year-old man presents with a velvety red plaque on his

glans penis. Histologic examination of a biopsy specimen
from this area reveals dysplastic changes involving almost
the entire epithelial thickness. No invasion into the
underlying tissue is seen. What is the correct diagnosis for
this lesion?

a) a. Condyloma acuminatum b) b. Bowen disease

c) c. Erythroplasia of Queyrat d) d. Verrucous carcinoma
e) e. Squamous cell carcinoma

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

12. A 49-year-old woman presents with increasing problems
swallowing food (progressive dysphagia). X-ray studies with
contrast reveal that she has a markedly dilated esophagus
above the level of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). No
lesions are seen within the lumen of the esophagus. Which
of the following is the most likely cause of this disorder?

a) a. Decreased LES resting pressure b) b. Absence of myenteric plexus in the body

of esophagus
c) c. Absence of myenteric plexus at the LES d) d. Absence of submucosal plexus in the
body of esophagus
e) e. Absence of submucosal plexus at the

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

13. A 49-year-old woman presents with signs of anemia and
states that every morning her urine is a dark red color.
Laboratory studies nd anemia, leukopenia, and
thrombocytopenia. A bone marrow biopsy is unremarkable,
and no morphologic abnormalities of blood cells are seen
on the peripheral smear. A Coombs test is negative, but a
Ham test and sucrose lysis test on erythrocytes is positive.
Which one of the following is most likely to be decreased or
absent on the red blood cells from this woman?

a) a. AIRE-1 b) b. CD22
c) c. CD59 d) d. Kell antigen
e) e. P antigen

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

14. A 20-year-old woman presents with excess menstrual
bleeding. She has a history of easy bruising and recurrent
nosebleeds. Physical examination is essentially
unremarkable. No abnormalities involving her joints are
found. Laboratory examination reveals a prolonged
bleeding time and a slightly prolonged partial
thromboplastin time. Quantitative levels of factor VIII and
von Willebrand factor are both decreased. Her platelet
count is normal and her platelets are normal in
appearance. Which of the following laboratory ndings is
most likely to be present in this individual?

a) a. Decreased platelet response to b) b. Decreased brin precipitation with

ristocetin protamine sulfate
c) c. Increased d-dimer amounts in the serum d) d. Increased brin incorporation into
ethanol gelatin
e) e. Increased platelet aggregation with

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

15. A 17-year-old man presents with nocturnal pain in the bone
of his left leg. He relates that the pain is quickly relieved by
taking aspirin. X-rays reveal a round, radiolucent area with
central mineralization that is surrounded by thickened
bone. The lesion measures approximately 1.2 cm in
diameter. Which of the following is the most likely

a) a. Chondroma b) b. Chondrosarcoma
c) c. Osteoblastoma d) d. Osteoma
e) e. Osteoid osteoma

16. A 5-year-old child was vomiting and was brought to the

emergency department with sinus arrest and a ventricular
rate of 35 bpm. An empty bottle of his uncle’s digoxin was
found where he was playing. Which of the following is the
drug of choice in treating a severe overdose of digoxin?

a) (A) Digoxin antibodies b) (B) Lidocaine infusion

c) (C) Magnesium infusion d) (D) Phenytoin by mouth
e) (E) Potassium by mouth

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

17. A newborn infant is diagnosed with transposition of the
great vessels, wherein the aorta exits from the right
ventricle and the pulmonary artery from the left ventricle.
Which of the following drugs is likely to be used in
preparation for surgical correction of this anomaly?

a) (A) Aspirin b) (B) Leukotriene LTC4

c) (C) Prednisone d) (D) Prostaglandin PGE1
e) (E) Prostaglandin PGF2α

18. Which of the following drugs is established to be both

e ective and safe to use in a pregnant patient su ering
from bipolar disorder?

a) (A) Carbamazepine b) (B) Fluphenazine (

c) C) Lithium d) (D) Olanzapine
e) (E) Valproic acid

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

19. Your 23-year-old female patient is pregnant and has
gonorrhea. The medical history includes anaphylaxis
following exposure to amoxicillin. The most appropriate
drug to use is

a) (A) Azithromycin b) (B) Ce xime

c) (C) Ceftriaxone d) (D) Cipro oxacin
e) (E) Doxycycline

20. A 30-year-old man is brought to the emergency department

in a deep coma. Respiration is severely depressed and he
has pinpoint pupils. His friends state that he self-
administered a large dose of morphine 6 h earlier. An
immediate blood analysis shows a morphine blood level of
0.25 mg/L. Assuming that the Vd of morphine in this patient
is 200 L and the half-life is 3 h, how much morphine did the
patient inject 6 h earlier?

a) (A) 25 mg b) (B) 50 mg
c) (C) 100 mg d) (D) 200 mg

e) (E) Not enough data to predic

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

Answer Key
1. a 6. d 11. c 16. a
2. e 7. b 12. b 17. d
3. c 8. b 13. c 18. d
4. b 9. c 14. a 19. a
5. c 10. c 15. e 20. d

Dr. Nikita Nanwani

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