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Second Preliminary Assessment – January, 2023

Subject – Biology
Answer Key and Marking Scheme
Std: X Time: 2hrs.
Date: 04/01/2023 M. Marks: 80

(Attempt all questions from this Section)

Question 1

Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question.
Write only the correct answer.) [15]

(i) Chromosomes get aligned in one plane at the equator of a cell during:

(a) Metaphase
(b) Telophase
(c) Prophase
(d) Anaphase
Ans: (a) Metaphase

(ii) __________ secretes both hormones and enzymes:

(a) Pituitary gland

(b) Pancreas
(c) Adrenal gland
(d) Thyroid gland
Ans: (b) Pancreas

(iii) A plant is kept in dark for about 48 hours before conducting any experiment on
photosynthesis to:

(a) Remove starch from the plant.

(b) Ensure that starch is not translocated from the leaves.
(c) Remove chlorophyll from the leaves of the plant.
(d) Remove starch from the experimental leaf.
Ans: (d) Remove starch from the experimental leaf.

(iv) The nephrons discharge urine at the:

(a) Urinary bladder

(b) Urethra
(c) Renal Pelvis
(d) Renal Pyramid
Ans: (c) Renal Pelvis

(v) ___________ builds up sufficient force to push the sap in the xylem vessels up to a
certain height.

(a) Root pressure

(b) Osmotic pressure
(c) Turgor pressure
(d) Wall pressure
Ans: (a) Root pressure

(vi) The prime source of CFC is:

(a) Vehicular emission

(b) Refrigeration equipments
(c) Domestic sewage
(d) Industrial effluents
Ans: (b) Refrigeration equipments

(vii) The onset of menstruation in young girls is:

(a) Ovulation
(b) Oogenesis
(c) Menarche
(d) Menopause
Ans: (c) Menarche

(viii) Which one of the following is an acquired reflex action?

(a) Knee-jerk.
(b) Blinking of eyes due to strong light.
(c) Sneezing when any irritant enters the nose.
(d) Salivation at the sight of the food.
Ans: (d) Salivation at the sight of the food.

(ix) The membrane that surrounds heart:

(a) Perikaryon
(b) Pericardium
(c) Perivitelline
(d) Perilymph
Ans: (b) Pericardium

(x) A sudden change in the gene which is heritable from one generation to the other:

(a) Variation.
(b) Cloning.
(c) Evolution.
(d) Mutation.
Ans: (d) Mutation.

(xi) A plant hormone used to promote the growth of internodes by cell elongation:

(a) Gibberellins
(b) Cytokinins
(c) Auxins
(d) Ethylene
Ans: (a) Gibberellins

(xii) The structure that amplifies the sound vibrations in human ear:

(a) Vestibule
(b) Semi-circular canals
(c) Ear ossicles
(d) Tympanum
Ans: (c) Ear ossicles

On which day of the menstrual cycle does ovulation take place?
(a) 5th day
(b) 28th day
(c) 14th day
(d) 1st day
Ans: (c) 14th day

(xiv) An eye defect corrected by concave lens:

(a) Myopia.
(b) Hyperopia.
(c) Presbyopia.
(d) Astigmatism.
Ans: (b) Myopia.

(xv) Process by which root hairs absorb water from soil:

(a) Ascent of sap.

(b) Diffusion.
(c) Exosmosis.
(d) Endosmosis.
Ans: (d) Endosmosis.

Question 2

(i) Name the following: [5]

(a) An antiseptic substance present in tears.
Ans: Lysozyme.
(b) The structural and functional unit of a kidney.
Ans: Nephron.
(c) The type of gene, which in presence of a contrasting allele is not expressed.
Ans: Recessive gene.
(d) Hormone secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas.
Ans: Glucagon.
(e) The structure which connects the placenta with the foetus.
Ans: Umbilical cord.

(ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical
sequence. [5]

(a) Ovulation, Parturition, Fertilisation, Gestation, Implantation.

Ans: Ovulation, Fertilisation, Implantation, Gestation, Parturition.

(b) Heart, Liver, Superior vena cava, Hepatic vein, Aorta.

Ans: Superior vena cava, Heart, Aorta, Liver, Hepatic vein.

(c) Glomerulus, Ureter, Proximal convoluted tubule, Collecting duct, Distal

convoluted tubule.
Ans: Glomerulus, Proximal convoluted tubule, Distal convoluted tubule,
Collecting duct, Ureter.

(d) Dendrite, Axon endings, Axon, Dendron, Cyton.

Ans: Dendrite, Dendron, Cyton, Axon, Axon endings.

(e) Cornea, Retina, Lens, Vitreous humour, Aqueous humour.

Ans: Cornea, Aqueous humour, Lens, Vitreous humour, Retina.

(iii) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and
rewrite the correct matching pairs. [5]
Column I Column II
(a) Cytokinesis 1. Nuclear membrane disappear
(b) Abscisic acid 2. Surface attraction
(c) Nucleotide 3. Evaporation of water
(d) Imbibition 4. Division of cytoplasm
(e) Transpiration 5. Growth inhibitor
6. Unit of DNA
7. Loss of cell sap
8. Free movement of molecules

Ans: (a) Cytokinesis 4. Division of cytoplasm
(b) Abscisic acid 5. Growth inhibitor
(c) Nucleotide 6. Unit of DNA
(d) Imbibition 2. Surface attraction
(e) Transpiration 3. Evaporation of water

(iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which the
others belong: [5]

(a) Auxin, Insulin, Adrenaline, Thyroxine.

Ans: Odd term: Auxin
Category of the rest: Hormones produced in human body.

(b) Detergents, X-rays, Sewage, Oil spills.

Ans: Odd term: X-rays
Category of the rest: Types of water pollutants

(c) Hepatic artery, Hepatic vein, Renal vein, Pulmonary artery.

Ans: Odd term: Hepatic artery
Category of the rest: Carry deoxygenated blood

(d) Urethra, Uterus, Ureter, Urinary bladder.

Ans: Odd term: Uterus
Category of the rest: Parts of human excretory system.

(e) Neurolemma, Myelin sheath, Spinal cord, Axon terminals.

Ans: Odd term: Spinal cord
Category of the rest: Parts of a neuron.

(v) State the exact location of each of the following structures: [5]

(a) Adrenal gland

Ans: Like a cap just above the kidney.

(b) Corpus callosum

Ans: Between the two cerebral hemispheres.

(c) Chloroplast
Ans: In the cytoplasm of a plant cell for example mesophyll cell etc.

(d) Incus
Ans: Between malleus and stapes in the middle ear.

(e) Prostate gland

Ans: Surrounds the urethra close to its origin from the urinary bladder.


(Attempt any four questions from this Section.)

Question 3

(i) Define ‘Demography’. [1]

Ans: Demography is the statistical study of human population.

(ii) State the main function of each of the following: [2]

(a) Hydathode
Ans: Guttation

(b) Eustachian tube
Ans: To equalize the air pressure on either side of the ear drum

(iii) In a homozygous pea plant, axial flowers (A) are dominant over terminal flowers (a). [2]
Draw a Punnett square board to show the gametes and offsprings when both the
parent plants are heterozygous for axial flowers. State the phenotypic ratio of the

A a


a Aa aa

Phenotypic ratio: 3:1
3- Plants with axial flowers
1- Plant with terminal flowers [1M]

(iv) Which part of the human ear gives ‘Dynamic balance’ and ‘Static balance’ to [2]
the body?
Ans: Dynamic balance – Semi-circular canals
Static balance – Vestibule (Sacculus and Utriculus) [2M]

(v) The diagram shown below is the longitudinal section of a human testis. [3]
Study the same and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Name the following structures with respect to the above diagram.
(1) Part of the testis where sperms are produced.
Ans: 1-Seminiferous Tubules [1M]

(2) Part of the male reproductive system that stores sperms for their
Ans: 3-Epididymis [1M]

(b) What is the significance of the testes being located in the scrotal sac outside the
Ans: Sperms are produced in the testis at a temperature 2 to 30 C lower than
that of the body. A slightly high temperature inside the body does not permit
maturation of sperms. So, in order to escape the body heat, testes are located
outside the body in the scrotum. [1M]

Question 4

(i) Why is the wall of left ventricle thicker than the right ventricle? [1]
Ans: The right ventricle pumps blood only up to the lungs for oxygenation but the left
ventricle pumps it up to the farthest points in the body such as up to the toes in the
feet or up to the brain against the gravity, and so its walls are thicker.

(ii) Name the site of occurrence of each of the following processes: [2]
(a) Implantation of the human foetus.
Ans: Uterus

(b) Ultrafiltration.
Ans: Glomerulus

(iii) State any two measures to control noise pollution. [2]

Ans: 1. Prohibiting blowing of horns on the road. / Restriction on loud speakers.
2. Planting trees on the road side and keeping doors closed in the houses.

(iv) Expand the following abbreviations: [2]

(a) TSH
Ans: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

(b) IAA
Ans: Indole3-Acetic Acid

(v) State the main function of a coronary artery. Draw a well labeled diagram to [3]
show the internal structure of an artery.
Ans: Main function of Coronary artery : To supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscles.

Question 5

(i) State Mendel’s ‘Law of dominance’. [1]

Ans: Out of a pair of contrasting characters present together, only one is able to express
itself while the other remains suppressed.

(ii) Carbon monoxide is highly dangerous when inhaled. Explain by giving two suitable
reasons. [2]
Ans: Haemoglobin has very strong affinity for carbon monoxide forming a stable
compound carboxyhaemoglobin. This cuts down the capacity of the blood of
transporting oxygen to the tissues, which may result in death.

(iii) Mention the surgical methods of contraception in: [2]

(a) Human male
Ans: Vasectomy

(b) Human female

Ans: Tubectomy

(iv) Write any two major reasons for the population explosion in India. [2]
Ans: 1) Illiteracy / Traditional beliefs / Mortality rate.
2) Economic reasons / Religious and social customs / Desire for a male child / Lack
of recreation. [Explain each point in brief.]

(v) Given below is a representation of a type of pollution. Study the picture and [3]
answer the questions:

(a) State the type of pollution shown in the above picture.

Ans: Air pollution.

(b) How does this pollution affect human health?

Ans: Lung disorder / Respiratory problems / Asthma / Poor visibility.

(c) Name one chemical compound that leads to global warming.

Ans: Methane / Carbon dioxide etc.

Question 6

(i) State the significance of amniotic fluid. [1]

Ans: Protects the embryo from physical damage by mechanical shocks. / Keeps an even
pressure all around the embryo. / Allows foetus some restricted movements. /
Prevents sticking of the foetus to the amnion.

(ii) What is the fluid that accumulates in human urinary bladder? Which is the main [2]
nitrogenous waste present in it?

Ans: Urine is the fluid that accumulates in human urinary bladder.

Urea is the main nitrogenous waste present in it.

(iii) Give one point of difference between each of the following: [2]
(a) Spinal nerve and Cranial nerve. (Number of nerves)
(b) Turgor pressure and Wall pressure. (Explain)
Spinal nerve Cranial nerve
12 pairs 31pairs
Turgor pressure Wall pressure
The pressure of the cell content on the cell The pressure exerted by the cell wall on
wall is called Turgor pressure. the cell content is called wall pressure.

(iv) Draw a well labeled diagram of a human sperm. [2]


(v) Given below is the diagram of median section of a human brain. Study the same [3]
and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Identify the endocrine gland marked ‘X’ in the above diagram.
Ans: Pituitary gland. [1M]

(b) Why is the above gland referred to as the ‘Master gland of the human body’?
Ans: Pituitary gland controls and regulates the activities of the other endocrine
glands (to secret their specific hormones). [1M]

(c) Name the hormone secreted by this gland which affects the secretion of hormone
from the gonads.
Ans: Gonad Stimulating Hormone / Gonadotropic hormones. [1M]

Question 7

(i) Explain the term ‘Pollutant’. [1]

Ans: Pollutant is any constituent or substancewhich when added to air, water or land
deteriorates its natural quality and harms the environment.

(ii) We cannot distinguish colours in moonlight. Justify the statement by giving [2]
two suitable scientific reasons.
Ans: We cannot distinguish colours in moonlight, as only rods cells are functional and not
the cones cells. Colour vision is possible only through iodopsin secreted by the cones
of retina which are stimulated only in bright light.

(iii)Name the cell division stage that follows Metaphase in an animal cell. Write any [2]
one special feature of this stage.
Ans: Anaphase.
Special feature: Centromere attaching the two chromatids divides. / The two sister
chromatids separate and are drawn apart towards opposite poles. / A furrow starts
in the cell membrane at the middle in animal cell.

(iv) Give any two adaptations in leaves to control the process of transpiration. [2]
Ans: Sunken stomata / Fewer stomata / Narrow leaves / Reduced exposed surfaces / Loss
of leaves / Thick cuticle. [2X1M=2M]

(v) Given below is an experimental set up A and B to demonstrate a particular [3]

tropic movements in germinating seeds. Study the picture carefully and answer the
questions that follow:


(a) Name the tropic movement shown by part 1.

Ans: Positive Hydrotropism. [1M]

(b) Part 1 is affected by two stimuli. Name them.
Ans: Gravity
Water [2x1M=2M]

Question 8

(i) What is a ‘Synapse’? [1]

Ans: Synapse is the point of contact between the terminal branches of the axon of a
neuron with the dendrites of another neuron separated by a fine gap.

(ii) Give one example of each of the following: [2]

(a) An aquatic plant used to demonstrate experiments on photosynthesis.
Ans: Hydrilla / Elodea.

(b) A nitrogenous base in DNA.

Ans: Adenine/Guanine/Thymine/Cytosine.

(iii) Write any two important functions of placenta. [2]

Ans: 1) Placenta allows diffusion of oxygen / glucose / amino acid / Vitamins-Minerals /
Antibodies /Certain drugs / Alcohol / Viruses form the mother to the foetus.

2) Placenta allows diffusion of carbon dioxide / Urea / other waste products from
foetus to mother.

(iv) Give suitable biological/technical term for each of the following: [2]
(a) Structure that alters the shape of the eye lens.
Ans: Ciliary body.

(b) The accessory gland in human males whose secretion activates the sperm.
Ans: Seminal vesicle.

(v) The pictures given below shows the internal structure of a spinal cord depicting a
phenomenon. Study the diagram carefully and answer the following questions. [3]

(a) Identify the phenomenon that is depicted in the diagram.

Ans: Reflex action.

(b) Name the parts numbered 1 and 2 in the above diagram.

Ans: 1-Sensory neuron

2-Dorsal root ganglion

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