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Subject : Biology Topic : Reproduction 01
DPP No.__ Class : X

1. Mitochondria of a sperm occur in its

(A) middle piece (B) head (C) acrosome (D) tail

2. Maintenance of body design features is done because of

(A) DNA copying. (B) cell division. (C) nuclear separation. (D) cell budding.

3. Amniocentesis involves in the analysis of

(A) Amnion (B) Body fluid

(C) Amino acids of protein (D) Amniotic fluid

4. Mammary glands are modified

(A) Scent glands (B) Sweat glands (C) Sebacious glands (D) Cutaneous glands

5. Syngamy signifies fusion of

(A) cell wall. (B) nucleus. (C) cytoplasm. (D) gametes.

6. Vasa – efferentia connects the

(A) testes with epididymis (B) kidney with liver

(C) testes with urinogenital duct (D) none of the above

7. Seminiferous tubules are composed of

(A) spermatogonia (B) glandular epithelium

(C) sensory epithelium (D) germinal epithelium

8. The expulsion of completely developed foetus from the uterus is known as

(A) ovulation (B) oviposition (C) gestation (D) parturition

9. One of the metals used widely in a contraceptive device is

(A) gold. (B) silver. (C) copper. (D) iron.

10. The ability to reproduce is lost in a female after

(A) menopause (B) gamete formation (C) fertilization (D) menstruation

Subject : Biology Topic : Reproduction 02
DPP No.__ Class : X

1. Following diagrams depict various stages of binary fission in Amoeba. The correct sequence is –

(A) 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) 4, 3, 1, 2 (C) 4, 3, 2, 1 (D) 3, 2, 1, 4

2. What is micropropagation ?
(A) Germination of seeds with cotyledon above the soil
(B) A technique to obtain new plants by culturing, the cells or tissue in culture medium
(C) The mature stage of endosperm
(D) To manufacture hormones

3. Which of the following is propagated by means of cuttings ?

(A) Sugarcane (B) Coffee (C) Citrus (D) All of these

4. In case of spore formation the presence of cytoplasm is

(A) little (B) more
(C) equal to the concentration of nucleus (D) uncertain

5. Syngamy refers to
(A) fusion of one of the sperms with secondary nucleus
(B) fusion of one mail gamete with egg
(C) fusion of one of the sperm with an egg and the other with secondary nucleus
(D) fusion of one of the sperm with synergids

6. Cleistogamous flowers are

(A) Wind pollinated (B) Self pollinated (C) Cross pollinated (D) Insect pollinated

7. Vegetative reproduction in plants is important for the following reasons.

(A) Flowers are produced. (B) Plants can rapidly colonize new areas.
(C) Reproduction takes less energy. (D) Self-pollination can occur.

Which one of the following alternatives is correct ?

(A) A, B (B) C, D (C) B, C (D) A, D

8. Maize is
(A) self pollinated. (B) cross pollinated by insects.
(C) cross pollinated by wind. (D) cross pollinated by rain.

9. Vegetative reproduction in plants like citrus, jasmine and grapevine is done by the process of
(A) stem cutting (B) stem grafting. (C) stem layering (D) root cutting.

10. The technique in which new plants are grown by removing tissues or separating cell from the growing tip
of a plant is termed as
(A) vegetative propagation (B) tissue culture.
(C) regeneration (D) fragmentation
Subject : Biology Topic : Cell & Cell Division 03
DPP No.__ Class : X
1. Centrioles and centrosomes occur in the cell of
(A) green plants (B) animals
(C) bacteria and cyanobacteria (D) both B and C
2. The undefined nuclear region in bacteria is:
(A) Nucleoid (B) Nucleus (C) Chromosome (D) Nucleolus
3. In case of egg, which part is single celled ?
(A) whole egg (B) egg shell (C) yellow yolk (D) albumin
4. Which process is most essential for the survival of a species
(A) Nutrition (B) Respiration (C) Reproduction (D) Excretion
5. Electron microscope differs from ordinary light microscope in having high resolving power due to the use of:-
(A) fast electrons, having a shorter wavelength than that of ordinary light rays, as the source of illumination
(B) gamma rays as the source of illumination
(C) UV as the source of illumination
(D)electrons, having longer wavelength than ordinary light, as the source of illumination
6. Membrane of a vacuole is called
(A) plasma membrane. (B) jacket.
(C) cell membrane. (D) tonoplast
7. True statement is -
(A) Plant cell has cell membrane. (B) Number of Ribosome is constant.
(C) Protein synthesis is done in Plastids. (D) The Shape of animal cells is spherical
8. The first cytologically visible evidence of the fact that a cell is about to divide is
(A) division of its centriole (B) duplication of chromosomes
(C) elongation of chromosomes (D) coiling of chromosome
9. Chromosomes are made of
(A) DNA only. (B) DNA and fats.
(C) DNA and proteins (D) DNA and carbohydrates
10. Meiosis II performs
(A) separation of sex chromosomes (B) synthesis of DNA and centrosomes
(C) Separation of homologous chromosomes (D) separation of chromatids
11. At which stage of meiosis I, the homologous chromosomes separate but are held by chiasmata ?
(A) Diakinesis (B) Diplotene (C) Pachytene (D) Zygotene
12. Colchicine is
(A) mitotic poison (B) prophase poison (C) cytokinesis poison (D) none of the above
13. What will be the shape of a metacentric chromosome during anaphase ?
(A) V-shape (B) L-shape (C) J-shape (D) I-shape
14. The first cytologically visible evidence of the fact that a cell is about to divide is
(A) division of its centriole (B) duplication of chromosomes
(C) elongation of chromosomes (D) coiling of chromosome
15. Which statement best explains evolutionary advantage of meiosis ?
(A) Genetic recombinaions are possible from one to next generation
(B) Meiosis alternates with mitosis through generations
(C) Same genetic system is passed through generations
(D) Meiosis is necessary for sexual reproduction
16. Cell cycle was discovered by
(A) Farmer and Moore (B) Prevost and Dumas
(C) Howard and Pelc (D) Flemming and Daniel
17. Meiosis II performs
(A) separation of sex chromosomes (B) synthesis of DNA and centrosomes
(C) Separation of homologous chromosomes (D) separation of chromatids
18. What will be the shape of a metacentric chromosome during anaphase ?
(A) V-shape (B) L-shape (C) J-shape (D) I-shape
19. Phase of shortest duration is
(A) prophase (B) metaphase (C) anaphase (D) s-phase
20. In prophase and metaphase a chromosome contains two
(A) chromatids (B) chromomeres (C) centromeres (D) centrioles
Subject : Biology Topic : Diversity 04
DPP No.__ Class : X

1. ‘The Origin of Species’ is associated with

(A) Linnaeus. (B) Whittaker. (C) Parasara. (D) Darwin

2. Anabaena is an example of

(A) Protista (B) Fungi (C) Bryophyta (D) Monera

3. The highest taxon in the hierarchy of classification is

(A) Kingdom (B) Order (C) Phylum (D) Division

4. Unicellular eukaryotic organisms belongs to

(A) Monera (B) Fungi (C) Protista (D) Chordates

5. Amphibians of the plant kingdom are

(A) Thallophyta (B) Bryophytes (C) Angiosperms (D) Pteridophytes

6. Naked seeds, perennial, evergreen, woody plants are characteristic features of

(A) Gymnosperms (B) Thallophyta (C) Angiosperms (D) Bryophyta

7. Calcium carbonate act as the building material for the skeleton of

(A) Platyhelminthes. (B) Echinodermata. (C) Protochordata (D) Nematods

8. An example of egg laying mammal is

(A) kangaroo (B) platypus (C) rat (D) whales

9. Cartilaginous skeleton is a characteristic feature of

(A) Tuna. (B) Sharks. (C) Whales (D) Rohu

10. Animal kingdom is divided into

(A) two groups (B) three groups (C) four groups (D) six groups
Subject : Biology Topic : Plant Diversity 05
DPP No.__ Class : X

1. Algae differ from bryophyta in possessing

(A) naked sex organs (B) sex organs covered with sterile covering
(C) chlorophyll a and b (D) aerobic respiration
2. Pteridophytes are also called as
(A) phanerogams (B) cryptogams (C) vascular cryptogams (D) spermatophytes
3. The bryophytes lack true
(A) roots (B) stems (C) leaves (D) all of these
4. What differentiates leaf of dicot from monocots ?
(A) Parallel venation (B) Reticulate venation
(C) Stomata only on upper side (D) Stomata both on upper and lower sides
5. Give one example each of Hemichordata, Urochordata.
6. Name the division which is known as “amphibians of plant kingdom”.
7. What is the function of canal system in sponges?
8. (a) Define thallus.
(b) Which division among plants has simplest organisms?
9. Define advantage of using scientific name instead of common name?
10. Answer the questions related to given Fig.
(i) Identify the plant.
(ii) Name the group to which the plant belongs.
(iii) Give the most important characteristic feature of the sub-division to which the plant belongs.
(iv) Name the plant parts marked (a) and (b).

11. Largest acellular, green, marine alga, popularily called umbrella plant is
(A) Ulva (B) Acetabularia (C) Spirogyra (D) Volvox
12. Which is the naturally occuring gymnosperm in Rajasthan
(A) Cycas (B) Cupressus (C) Ephedra (D) Pinus
13. A structure absent in Angiosperms is
(A) Archegonium (B) Pistil (C) Microgametophyte (D) Male gametophyte
14. Whose xylem has vessels
(A) Gnetum (B) Ephedra (C) Welwitschia (D) All the above
15. Iodine can be obtained from
(A) Laminaria (B) Porphyra (C) Chlorella (D) Polysiphonia
Subject : Biology Topic : Animal Diversity (Chordates) DPP No.__
06 Class : X

1. Flame cells are associated with

(A) respiration (B) excretion (C) nutrition (D) digestion

2. The segmental placement of nerves in the earthworm shows the phenomenon of

(A) metamerism. (B) differentiation. (C) adaptation. (D) specialisation

3. Choanocytes are characteristics of -

(A) protozoa (B) porifera (C) mollusca (D) echinodermata

4. Calcium carbonate structures form the skeleton of

(A) platyhelminthes (B) echinodermata (C) protochordata (D) porifera

5. Elephantiasis is caused by
(A) ascaris. (B) tapeworm. (C) liverfluke. (D) wuchereria

6. The major characteristic of phylum annelida is

(A) flame cells (B) metameric segmentation
(C) false cavity (D) all of the above

7. Coelenterates shows
(A) water canal system. (B) porous body.
(C) two body forms. (D) radial symmetry.

8. Haplontic pattern is found in

(A) Chlamydomonas (B) Mangifera. (C) Funaria. (D) Pteris

9. Ectothermy is the characteristic of

(A) cold blooded animals. (B) warm blooded animals.
(C) aquatic animals. (D) terrestrial animals

10. Define the main characteristics of Vertebrates.


11. Hypnotoxin is produced by

(A) sponges (B) Nematocysts (C) Euspongia (D) Leucosolenia

12. Secondary host of Taenia solium is

(A) Man (B) Cow (C) Sheep (D) Pig

13. Sponges seem to have evolved from -

(A) Flagellates (B) Ciliates (C) Choanoflagellates (D) Amoeba

14. Ascaris and anopheles aresimilar in

(A) Sexual dimorphism (B) Aquatic nature (C) Anaerobic resp (D) All the above

15. Gorilla , Chimpanzee , monkey and man belong to the same

(A) Species (B) Genus (C) Family (D) Order

16. Lizards deliberately breats their tail to protect themselves from predation. The phenomenon is called
(A) Morpholaxis (B) Autotomy (C) Regeneration (D) None of these animal

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