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Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the Question Paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].


Question 1

Name the following by choosing the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the questions, write the correct answers only). [15]

(i) Which of the following is not the phase of light reaction?

a) Water splitting
b) Carbon dioxide release.
c) Oxygen release
d) Light absorption

(ii) Cell division by Meiosis of a Parent Cell with 23 pairs of Chromosomes will result in:
a) 2 cells, each with 23 pairs of chromosomes.
b) 2 cells, each with 23 single chromosomes.
c) 4 cells, each with 23 pairs of chromosomes.
d) 4 cells, each with 23 single chromosomes.

(iii) Aqueous humour is present between the:

a) Lens and retina
b) Iris and lens
c) Cornea and iris
d) Cornea and lens.

(iv) The greenhouse gas which has maximum contribution in global warming is:
a) C02
b) CFCs
c) SO2
d) N20

(v) A muscular wall is absent in:
a) Arteriole
b) Venule
c) Vein
d) Capillary

(vi) Assertion (A): Kidneys maintain the osmotic concentration of the blood.
Reason (R): Kidneys eliminate either hypotonic or hypertonic urine according to the need of the
a) Both A and R are True and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are True but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is True but R is False.
d) A is False but R is True.

(vii) Which of the following statement is incorrect for male sterilization?

a) Vasectomy is a sterilization procedure for males.
b) It involves tying of the vas deferens.
c) Incision is made in the urethra
d) Stops sperm getting into a man’s semen.

(viii) Anuja is fond of cherries. So, she bought 2 kgs of cherries from a nearby fruit vendor. Along with
cherries shea also bought few melons, so to keep the cherries fresh she placed the cherries in salt
solution. After few hours, the cherries were shrunken. This was due to:
a) Endosmosis
b) Exosmosis
c) Diffusion
d) Imbibition

(ix) Light dependent phase of photosynthesis occurring in the green leaves of plants.
a) Cytoplasm of palisade cells
b) Nucleus of palisade cells
c) Stroma of the chloroplast
d) Grana of the chloroplast

(x) Assertion (A): A maturing egg contained in a cellular sac is called the follicle.
Reason (R): The egg grows larger, follicle also enlarges, gets filled with a fluid and is now called
Graafian follicle.
a) Both A and R are false.
b) A is True and R is False.
c) Both A and R are True.
d) A is False and R is True

(xi) A sequence of DNA has 50 nitrogenous base pairs, of which 25 are Cytosine-Guanine.
What is the number of Thymine-Adenine pairs on this sequence?
a) 50
b) 30
c) 25
d) 15

(xii) The phytohormone that prevents germination of seeds is:

a) Abscisic acid
b) Gibberellin
c) Cytokinin
d) Auxin

(xiii) Compressed natural gas (CNG) is proposed to be a better alternative to fossil fuel.
Which of the following reasons makes it better alternative?
P. Combustion leaves little or no residue
Q. Absence of Carbon in CNG
R. Easily available
a) Only P
b) Only Q
c) Only P and R
d) Only Q and R

(xiv) Which of the following statement is/are correct about photolysis of water?
P. Splitting of water into Hydrogen ions and oxygen.
Q. It happens in grana.
R. It happens in stroma
S. It happens in the presence of light
a) Only P and Q
b) Only Q and S
c) Only P, Q and S
d) Only P, R and S.

(xv) Aryan wanted to cross the bridge. He looked on either side of the bridge and then walked across to
the other side of the bridge.
Which of the following is/are involved in the process described above?
1. Cerebrum
2. Cerebellum
3. Skeletal muscles
4. Medulla Oblongata
a) Only 3
b) Only 1 and 3
c) Only 1, 3 and 4
d) Only 1, 2 and 3
Question 2
(i) Name the following. [5]
(a) The compound formed when haemoglobin combines with carbon dioxide in blood.


(b) The statistical study of the human population.: __________________________

(c) The type of gene, which in the presence of a contrasting allele is expressed physically.


(d) The duct which carries urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder: _________________

(e) The defect of the human eye caused due to the uneven curvature of the cornea.


(ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical
sequence beginning with the term that is underlined. [5]
(a) Cortex, Pelvis, Pyramids, Ureter.


(b) Oval window, Pinna, Ear ossicles, Cochlea.


(c) Implantation, Ovulation, Parturition, Fertilisation.


(d) Clot, Thrombin, Thrombokinase, Fibrin, Platelets


(e) Rabbit, Lion, Carrot, Fox. : __________________________________________________

(iii) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks to the appropriate words: [5]

The amount of urine output is under the regulation of a hormone called

(a) ____________ _____________secreted by the (b) ____________ lobe of the Pituitary gland.

c) If this hormone secretion is reduced, there is an increased production of urine. This disorder

is called (d) __________.________________.Sometimes excess glucose is passed with urine

due to hyposecretion of another hormone called (e) ________________ leading to the

cause of a disease called (f) _____________.

(iv) Choose the ODD one out from the following terms and name the CATEGORY to which the
others belong: [5]

(a) Bile, Urea, Uric acid, Ammonia

Odd One Out: ________________ Category of Rest: _____________________________

(b) Used bandage, Pesticides, Face masks, Syringes.

Odd One Out: _______________ Category of Rest: ____________________________

(c) Vasopressin, Oxytocin, Tropic hormone, Growth hormone.

Odd One Out: ______________ Category of Rest: ___________________________

(d) Menstruation, Corpus luteum, Follicle, Ovum, Graafian follicle.

Odd One Out: _______________ Category of Rest: ___________________________

(e) Membranous labyrinth, Incus, Vestibules, Cochlea.

Odd One Out: _______________ Category of Rest: ___________________________

(v) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and rewrite the
correct matching pairs.
Column I Column II
(a) Insulin 1. Autosomes
(b) Spinal cord 2. Diabetes insipidus
(c) Sex chromosomes 3. Glucagon
(d) Kidney 4. Association Neuron
(e) Vasopressin 5. Allosomes
6. Diabetes mellitus
7. Nephron

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

(Attempt any four questions from this Section)
Question 3
(i) Define crossing over. [1]



(ii) State Mendel’s Law of Segregation.: _________________________________________ [2]


(iii) A haemophillic man marries a carrier woman. Find out the probability of their offsprings being
haemophilic. [2]

(iv) Differentiate between Genes and Genome. [2]

Gene: ____________________________________________________________________


Genome: _________________________________________________________________


(v) Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the Anaphase stage of Mitosis in a Plant Cell having Four
Chromosomes. [3]

Question 4
(i) State the exact location of organ of corti. [1]


(ii) Differentiate between Identical twins and Fraternal twins. [2]

Identical Twins: ___________________________________________________________

Dizygotic Twins: ____________________________________________________________

(iii) Mention two functions of Amniotic fluid. [2]

(a) ________________________________________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________________________________________

(iv) State Composition of Serum. [1]


(v) State the function of Epididymis: _______________________________________[1]

(vi) Draw a neat, labelled diagram a human sperm. [3]

Question 5
(i) Explain the term – Photophosphorylation: ______________________________________[1]

(ii) Expand: [2]

(a) IAA: ______________________________________________________________

(b) DDT: _______________________________________________________

(iii) All life on Earth is supported by photosynthesis. Give suitable biological reason for the following
statement. [2]



(iv) A healthy potted Geranium plant with variegated leaves was watered and left in the sunlight for
several hours. A leaf was then plucked and tested for starch. It was found that a part of the leaf
had starch, but the other had no starch. [2]

(a) What is the aim of the experiment?: __________________________________________

(b) How would you account for the presence of starch in (i) some parts of the plant,

(i). Presence of Starch: _____________________________________________

(ii) Absence in other parts: ________________________________________________

(v). The diagram given below represents the relationship between a mouse and a physiological process that
occurs in green plants. Study the diagrams and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Define the physiological process occurring in the green plant that has kept the mouse alive


(b) Why did the mouse die in bell jar B?____________________________________

(c) Represent the above-mentioned physiological process in the form of a chemical equation.
Question 6
(i) Define Natality. [1]
(ii) State any two effects of acid rain. [2]
(a) ________________________________________________________________

(b) _________________________________________________________________
(iii) Mention any two reasons for the rapid increase in population in the world. [2]
(a) __________________________________________________________________

(b) ____________________________________________________________________

(iv) Mention the difference between myopia and hyperopia based on: [2]

1. Myopia: Cause: (a) Lens: _____________________________________________

(b) __________________________________________________

2. Corrective lens: ______________________________

3, Hyperopia cause (a) Lens: ____________________________________________

(b). Eyeball: __________________________________________

3. Corrective Lens: __________________________________________

(v) Study the diagram given below and answer the questions that follow: [3]

(a) Name the type of tropism.:____________________________________________

(b) Define the above-mentioned tropism.____________________________________


(c) Give reason Why Shoot bends towards Light: ______________________________


Question 7
(i) Define Pulse: ____________________________________________________________[1]


(ii) What is the significance of the human testes being located in scrotal sacs outside the abdomen?



(iii) (a).Name the structural and functional unit of testes. [1]

(b). State Function of Leydig Cells: __________________________________________ [1]

(iv) Differentiate between Cerebrum and Spinal cord (arrangement of neuron) [2]

Cerebrum: ______________________________________________________________

Spinal Cord: ______________________________________________________________

(v) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of a Malpighian capsule. [3]

Question 8
(i) Define Parturition: _________________________________________________________[1]


(ii) Injury to medulla leads to death. Give Reason. [2]



(iii) Name the hormone secreted by the thyroid gland: ______________________________[1]

(iv). Give one important function of this hormone.________________________________ [1]

(iv) State two structural differences between Renal vein and Renal artery [2]

Renal Vein: ___________________________________________________________

Renal Artery: _________________________________________________________

(v) Study the diagram given below carefully and then answer the questions that follow. [3]

(a) Name the cell labelled 1.: _______________________________________________

(b) Identify the phenomenon occurring in A.: __________________________________

(c) Name the processes occurring in B and C and state the importance of this process in the
human body.
Process: ______________________________________________

Significance: ___________________________________________________



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